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以来自Polima胞质甘蓝型油菜雄性不育源转育获得的不育白菜'Bpol97-05A'和其回交亲本即保持系'Bajh97-01B'为材料,利用cDNA扩增片段长度多态性(cDNA-AFLP)技术获得一条长约330bp的特异片段P1708,RT-PCR验证确认该序列为不育白菜材料所特有,经测序和BLAST比对,发现该片段除54bp的插入序列外,其余部分与大白菜和甘蓝叶绿体ndhJ-trnF基因之间的一段序列完全一致.根据基因区域两端的保守部位设计引物,以Polima不育白菜DNA和可育甘蓝型油菜的DNA为模板,分别获得了长约1900bp的序列,比较序列发现:不育白菜与可育白菜、甘蓝型油菜的DNA序列存在一定差异,'Bpol97-05A'中除多个位点发生变异外,另有108bp的插入序列,该插入由2个长度为54bp的重复序列组成,重复序列中除5′端3个碱基CTT外,其余部分均与trnF基因3′端51bp完全相同.  相似文献   

2个油菜CMS系统的酯酶和过氧化物酶同工酶分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育系(CMS)Polima A及其保持系Polima B、陕2A及其保持系陕2B 4个材料初花期的叶片、叶柄以及花蕾组织为材料,采用聚丙烯酰胺垂直板凝胶电泳比较它们在酯酶(EST)和过氧化物酶(POD)同工酶酶谱的差异.结果表明,甘蓝型油菜不育系与其对应保持系的叶片、叶柄的EST同工酶谱均无明显差异,但两系花蕾的EST同工酶谱有一定的差异;Polima A与陕2A对应器官的EST同工酶谱均表现出明显差异.不育系与其对应保持系的叶片、叶柄的POD同工酶谱差异不明显,而两系花蕾的POD同工酶谱有明显的差异;两个不育系之间的POD同工酶谱明显不同.花蕾的EST和POD同工酶的条带数目明显多于相应材料的叶片和叶柄,且EST同工酶的条带数目明显多于相应的POD同工酶.因此,甘蓝型油菜CMS系统Polima A和陕2A有着不同的遗传背景.  相似文献   

根据GenBank中orf224和atp6基因的保守序列设计特异引物,对不结球白菜Pol胞质雄性不育系的基因组DNA进行特异扩增,获得了Pol胞质雄性不育的特异基因orf224和atp6的DNA序列.用Blastn在GenBank中进行同源性比对分析,发现不结球白菜orf224c和atp6c基因与已报道的orf224和atp6基因的同源性高达100%,在GenBank中的登录号依次为DQ400846、DQ412559.运用半定量RT-PCR对orf224c基因在不同器官中的表达水平进行分析,结果表明:不育系花期叶片中该基因的表达量比长度小于0.5 mm蕾和雄蕊中的明显低,在后2个器官中的表达量无明显差异;而在保持系的上述3个器官中的表达量无明显差异.该结果显示orf224基因表达上调与孢原细胞分化受阻相关.  相似文献   

以来自Polima胞质甘蓝型油菜雄性不育源转育获得的不育白菜‘Bpol97-05A’和其回交亲本即保持系‘Bajh97-01B’为材料,利用cDNA扩增片段长度多态性(cDNA-AFLP)技术获得一条长约330 bp的特异片段P1708,RT-PCR验证确认该序列为不育白菜材料所特有,经测序和BLAST比对,发现该片段除54 bp的插入序列外,其余部分与大白菜和甘蓝叶绿体ndhJ-trnF基因之间的一段序列完全一致. 根据基因区域两端的保守部位设计引物,以Polima不育白菜DNA和可育甘蓝型油菜的DNA为模板,分别获得了长约1 900 bp的序列,比较序列发现:不育白菜与可育白菜、甘蓝型油菜的DNA序列存在一定差异,‘Bpol97-05A’中除多个位点发生变异外,另有108 bp的插入序列,该插入由2个长度为54 bp的重复序列组成,重复序列中除5′端3个碱基CTT外,其余部分均与trnF基因3′端51 bp完全相同.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育材料1575A的分子鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据已报道的油菜育性相关基因orf224、orf138和orf222设计引物对1575A、陕3A、Ogura和nap等4份甘蓝型油菜的mtDNA进行PCR扩增.结果显示:引物对Syworf1382/ Xyworf1382在1575A和Ogura的mtDNA中均有1000 bp左右的扩增片段;测序结果表明,在1575A中的该扩增片段包含已报道基因orf138(登录号为AB055435)的全部编码序列;该引物对在陕3A和nap中都没有相应扩增片段.引物对Syworf222/Xyworf222在除Ogura外的其他3个材料的mtDNA中都有196 bp左右的扩增片段;测序结果显示,扩增产物与已报道基因orf222(登录号为DQ872162)同源性为100%.初步推测1575A属于Ogu CMS的改良类型.  相似文献   

雄性不育是农作物利用杂种优势、进行轮回选择和群体改良的重要手段,在农作物生产中具有巨大的利用价值。该研究为了鉴定青花菜细胞质雄性不育材料的不育胞质类型,以期今后为青花菜种质资源的收集、利用及分子标记辅助育种提供新的不育标记。根据Gen Bank中orf138基因保守序列设计特异引物,对20个青花菜种质资源基因组DNA进行PCR扩增。结果表明:特异引物P1/P2在12个青花菜雄性不育基因型中均扩增出392 bp的片段,在8个可育基因型中未扩增出条带,与田间育性鉴定结果相符。获得青花菜Ogu胞质雄性不育的特异基因orf138序列,Gen Bank中的登录号为HQ149728;用Blastn在Gen Bank中进行同源性比对分析,发现12个不育材料的特异片段与已报道的萝卜Ogu CMS所具有的Ogu orf138基因(Genbank登录号:Z18896.1)同源度高达100%。序列同源比对发现orf138基因存在变异位点。研究结果可为青花菜雄性不育细胞质的分子鉴定、进一步阐明胞质雄性不育败育机理,以及指导青花菜新型不育系的创建和杂种优势高效利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

以不结球白菜Pol胞质雄性不育系及其保持系为材料,利用cDNA-AFLP技术分析它们蕾期基因的差异表达,以获得与胞质不育相关的差异表达基因.结果共得到7条在GenBank中有同源性的差异表达片段,5条存在于不育系中,2条存在于保持系中.序列分析发现,在不育系花蕾克隆到的5条差异片段,分别与芥菜胞质雄性不育系线粒体orf108和atpA、拟南芥焦磷酸酶基因、拟南芥的锚定蛋白家族基因、甘蓝型油菜中的水胁迫蛋白、大白菜叶绿体基因片段有较高同源性;在保持系花蕾克隆到的2条差异片段分别与拟南芥未知蛋白基因有较高同源性.采用实时定量PCR验证其中5条差异片段在不育系和保持系花蕾中的表达水平,结果表明bcA19T15、bcA7T9在不育系中特异表达,bcA6T9、bcA19T8、bcA12T19在不育中表达比保持系中略强.  相似文献   

以辣椒核质互作雄性不育系9704A、保持系9704B和恢复系9701(简称"三系")为材料,根据GenBank报道的茄科作物线粒体CoxⅡ和atp6基因编码序列分别设计引物, PCR扩增辣椒"三系"线粒体DNA目的基因片段,研究辣椒"三系"线粒体DNA CoxⅡ和atp6基因的差异及与雄性不育的关系.结果表明:从辣椒核质互作雄性不育系中扩增到两个基因的部分序列atp6-706和CoxⅡ-708,GenBank登录号分别为FJ986191和FJ986190,生物信息学分析发现分离的atp6-706和CoxⅡ-708片段与GenBank报道的茄科作物线粒体CoxⅡ和atp6基因的相似性高达95%以上;在保持系和恢复系中均未能扩增到任何序列,说明辣椒雄性不育系的CoxⅡ和atp6基因与保持系和恢复系在线粒体DNA水平上存在差异,这种结构上的变化暗示可能与辣椒雄性不育相关.  相似文献   

芥菜型油菜细胞质雄性不育(CMS)系WJS01A是一种稳定不育系,其败育彻底,不受环境条件的影响。该研究从形态、细胞特征、遗传和分子生物学等方面对WJS01A进行鉴定,以揭示其败育机制,为该不育系在油菜育种中的应用提供理论基础。结果表明:(1)不育系WJS01A的花序结构与正常芥菜型油菜差异不大,但在花蕾饱满度、花朵张开度及花瓣长度和宽度方面略低于正常的芥菜型油菜;它的雌蕊发育正常,但花药、花丝缩短,致使雄蕊高度显著低于柱头,花药白化无花粉产生。(2)将WJS01A衍生的甘蓝型油菜背景不育系WNJ01A以及Polima(Pol)、Ogura(Ogu)和Kosena(Kos)不育系分别与其恢复系或保持系测交,结果显示来源于WJS01A的不育类型与Pol、Ogu和Kos等材料的恢保关系明显不同,仅Hui01可以恢复WNJ01A的育性。(3)不育系WJS01A属于无花粉囊型不育,败育时期为花药原基到孢原细胞时期。(4)线粒体不育基因多重PCR可以明显区分WJS01A、WNJ01A与Pol、Ogu、Kos,但是目前的引物组合不能区分WJS01A与正常的芥菜型油菜。(5)线粒体基因组的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析表明,在所检测的8个探针/酶组合中均可以将不育系WJS01A与其他4种细胞质雄性不育系区分开,说明WJS01A是一种显著不同于Pol、Ogu和Kos等的细胞质雄性不育类型。WJS01A的利用可以丰富和拓宽当前油菜杂种优势利用的遗传基础,为缓解当前油菜杂种优势利用中不育胞质单一性问题提供新的种质。  相似文献   

水稻线粒体DNA中与雄性不育有关特异片段的克隆及序列分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
该项研究利用RAPD技术,对野败型,矮败型和BT型细胞质雄性不育系,保持系,基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,分离到6条不育系特有的扩增片段,并对野败型,矮败型不育系共有的片段进行了Southern分析,DNA序列分析和SCAR验证,该片段全长1879bp,包含6个开放阅读框架和8对重复序列,BLAST分析表明,该片段部分区域与Elytrigia elongata,小麦线粒体tRNA-Asp基因上游一段序列同源,并对该片段在线粒体DNA中的可能位置等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A method has been developed using the SMART system for the purification of single stranded DNA from a mixture containing single- and double-stranded DNA amplified using asymmetric PCR. The asymmetric PCR product was separated into single- and double-stranded DNA using an anion exchange column which took 15 min. Compared to another method in which biotinylated symmetric PCR products were applied to an immobilized streptavidin column, this method was simple and could purify single- and double-stranded DNA. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Applications of reliable DNA extraction and amplification techniques to postmortem samples are critical to ancient DNA research. Commonly used methods for isolating DNA from ancient material were tested and compared using both soft tissue and bones from fossil and contemporary museum proboscideans. DNAs isolated using three principal methods served as templates in subsequent PCR amplifications, and the PCR products were directly sequenced. Authentication of the ancient origin of obtained nucleotide sequences was established by demonstrating reproducibility under a blind testing system and by phylogenetic analysis. Our results indicate that ancient samples may respond differently to extraction buffers or purification procedures, and no single method was universally successful. A CTAB buffer method, modified from plant DNA extraction protocols, was found to have the highest success rate. Nested PCR was shown to be a reliable approach to amplify ancient DNA templates that failed in primary amplification.  相似文献   

利用小麦微卫星引物建立簇毛麦染色体组特异性标记   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
刘成  杨足君  冯娟  周建平  迟世华  任正隆 《遗传》2006,28(12):1573-1579
选位于普通小麦1A-7A、1B-7B、1D-7D染色体上的102对微卫星引物对多年生簇毛麦、二倍体簇毛麦、小麦-簇毛麦双二倍体与后代和普通小麦中国春、R25、R111、MY11进行了PCR扩增, 发现引物对Xgwm301可以在含簇毛麦染色体的材料中扩出一条长415 bp的特异片段(命名为Xgwm301/415), 而所有供试小麦均未扩出此片段。进而用一套中国春-二倍体簇毛麦附加系来进行扩增, 发现1V-7V染色体均可以扩出该片段, 说明该片段为簇毛麦1V-7V染色体所共有。因此, Xgwm301/415是簇毛麦染色体组上的一个特异片段, 可以用来快速跟踪检测导入到普通小麦背景中的簇毛麦染色体。  相似文献   

A quantitative PCR method was used to map a functional origin of DNA replication in the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) gene in normal human fibroblasts. This PCR method measures the abundance of specific sequences in short fragments of newly replicated DNA from logarithmically growing cells. Quantitative measurements rely on synthetic molecules (competitors) that amplify with the same primer sets as the target molecules, but generate products of different sizes. This method was first utilized to determine the position of the replication origin near the lamin B2 gene (Giacca et al. [1994] Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 91:7119-7123). In the present study, primer sets were tested along a 16-kb region near exon 1 of the HPRT gene. The most abundant fragment was found to be located in the first intron of HPRT, just downstream of the promoter and exon 1 of the gene, and approximately 3.5 kb upstream of a previously reported autonomously replicating sequence (Sykes et al. [1988] Mol. Gen. Genet. 212:301-309).  相似文献   

The arsenic resistance (ars) operon from plasmid pKW301 of Acidiphilium multivorum AIU 301 was cloned and sequenced. This DNA sequence contains five genes in the following order: arsR, arsD, arsA, arsB, arsC. The predicted amino acid sequences of all of the gene products are homologous to the amino acid sequences of the ars gene products of Escherichia coli plasmid R773 and IncN plasmid R46. The ars operon cloned from A. multivorum conferred resistance to arsenate and arsenite on E. coli. Expression of the ars genes with the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase-promoter system allowed E. coli to overexpress ArsD, ArsA, and ArsC but not ArsR or ArsB. The apparent molecular weights of ArsD, ArsA, and ArsC were 13,000, 64,000, and 16,000, respectively. A primer extension analysis showed that the ars mRNA started at a position 19 nucleotides upstream from the arsR ATG in E. coli. Although the arsR gene of A. multivorum AIU 301 encodes a polypeptide of 84 amino acids that is smaller and less homologous than any of the other ArsR proteins, inactivation of the arsR gene resulted in constitutive expression of the ars genes, suggesting that ArsR of pKW301 controls the expression of this operon.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cell-free protein synthesis is a highly productive system that can be applied to high throughput expression from polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products in 96-well plates for proteomic studies as well as protein evolution. However, linear DNA instability appears to be a major limitation of the system. We modified the genome of the E. coli strain A19 by removing the endA gene encoding the endonuclease I and replacing the recCBD operon (in which recD encodes the exonuclease V) by the lambda phage recombination system. Using the cell extract from this new strain increased the stability of PCR products amplified from a plasmid containing the cat gene. This resulted in CAT (chloramphenicol acetyltransferase) production from PCR products comparable to that from plasmids (500-600 microg/ml) in a batch reaction. We show that cell-free protein synthesis reactions using PCR products amplified from genomic DNA and extended with the T7 promoter and the T7 terminator give the same high yields of proteins (550 microg/ml) in 96-well plates. With this system, it was possible to rapidly express a range of cytoplasmic and periplasmic proteins.  相似文献   

DNA covalently bound to an uncharged nylon membrane was used for consecutive amplifications of several different genes by PCR. Successful PCR amplifications were obtained for membrane-bound genomic and plasmid DNA. Membrane-bound genomic DNA templates were re-used at least 15 times for PCR with specific amplification of the desired gene each time. PCR amplifications of specific sequences of p53, p16, CYP1A1, CYP2D6, GSTM1 and GSTM3 were performed independently on the same strips of uncharged nylon membrane containing genomic DNA. PCR products were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis and/or dideoxy sequencing to confirm PCR-amplified gene sequences. We found that PCR fragments obtained by amplification from bound genomic DNA as template were identical in sequence to those of PCR products obtained from free genomic DNA in solution. PCR was performed using as little as 5 ng genomic or 4 fg plasmid DNA bound to membrane. These results suggest that DNA covalently bound to membrane can be re-used for sample-specific PCR amplifications, providing a potentially unlimited source of DNA for PCR.  相似文献   

一种单核苷酸多态性的单倍型分析技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用多步PCR和测序技术,完成基因组中相距较远的单核苷酸多态位点的单倍型构建。通过设计2条等位基因特异性引物,扩增大片段DNA(10kb左右),以此大片段DNA作为下一轮PCR反应的模板,再在该片段中设计待检测区域的PCR引物,进行第2轮PCR。对PCR产物进行测序分析,确定其多态位点处的等位基因。结合第1轮PCR中的等位基因特异性引物,即可确定该大片段DNA中不同单核苷酸多态性构成的单倍型。以脂蛋白脂酶基因为例,应用其启动子区以及第4外显子区的等位基因特异性引物扩增约16kb的DNA片段,然后检测位于该片段中第2、3外显子的多态性。在£-尸£-基因第2内含子中发现了 13557G→A多态性。经分析确定出-421G/ 13557G/ 15222A、-421A/ 13557G/ 15222A、-421G/ 13557G/ 15222G、-421G/ 13557A/ 15222A等4种单倍型。等位基因特异性PCR结合小片段测序是一种快捷高效的对相距较远的多个SNP进行单倍型构建的新策略。  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive protocol for extracting DNA from egg membranes and other internal debris recovered from the interior of blown museum bird eggs. A variety of commercially available DNA extraction methods were found to be applicable. DNA sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products for a 176‐bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA was successful for most egg samples (> 78%) even though the amount of DNA extracted (mean = 14.71 ± 4.55 ng/µL) was significantly less than that obtained for bird skin samples (mean = 67.88 ± 4.77 ng/µL). For PCR and sequencing of snipe (Gallinago) DNA, we provide eight new primers for the ‘DNA barcode’ region of COI mtDNA. In various combinations, the primers target a range of PCR products sized from 72 bp to the full ‘barcode’ of 751 bp. Not all possible combinations were tested with archive snipe DNA, but we found a significantly better success rate of PCR amplification for a shorter 176‐bp target compared with a larger 288‐bp fragment (67% vs. 39%). Finally, we explored the feasibility of whole genome amplification (WGA) for extending the use of archive DNA in PCR and sequencing applications. Of two WGA approaches, a PCR‐based method was found to be able to amplify whole genomic DNA from archive skins and eggs from museum bird collections. After WGA, significantly more archive egg samples produced visible PCR products on agarose (56.9% before WGA vs. 79.0% after WGA). However, overall sequencing success did not improve significantly (78.8% compared with 83.0%).  相似文献   

Construction of single chromosomal DNA libraries by chromosome micromanipulation is a useful tool for pursuing genomic studies. Thus far, micromanipulation in cotton has not been reported yet, which may be due to difficulty in preparing chromosomes of similar sizes. In this study, single chromosome micromanipulation was successfully achieved in cotton. A single chromosome 5 of Gossypium arboreum (cultivar Shixiya-1) carrying a large satellite at mitotic metaphase was isolated by microdissection using the Cell Cut Plus Laser micromanipulation system. The chromosomal DNA was digested by Sau 3A and ligated to Sau 3A linker adaptors. After two rounds of linker adaptor PCR (LA-PCR) amplification, DNA fragments ranging from 300 to 2,500?bp were acquired. Southern hybridization revealed that the PCR products had homology with genomic DNA of the cultivar Shixiya-1, indicating that DNA of chromosome 5 has been successfully amplified. The second round LA-PCR products and 45S rDNA and chromosome-specific BAC clones were used as probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis on metaphase chromosome. The results confirmed that the LA-PCR products were derived from the isolated target chromosome. Hybridization signals of the second round LA-PCR products were mainly detected along the entire chromosome 5; in addition, weak signals were also observed on other chromosomes, indicating that there were some homologous nucleotide sequences in other chromosomes. The second round LA-PCR products were cloned to generate a chromosome-specific DNA library which contains approximately 173,000 clones. Evaluation based on 136 randomly selected clones showed that the size of the inserts varied from 500 to 1,800?bp with an average of 750?bp. The no-load rate was less than 1?%, the titer of the library was 1.2?×?106 pfu mL?1, and the rate of the single and low copy sequences was over 47?%. This library will facilitate specific probe screening, molecular mapping, gene cloning, and DNA sequencing for this chromosome.  相似文献   

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