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野生稻不同外植体的离体培养   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
野生稻不同外植体离体培养时的幼穗愈伤组织诱导率差异在8.7% ̄94.7%之间,成熟种胚愈伤组织诱导率普遍高于幼穗,但很少能再生绿苗。野生稻幼穗直接分化培养再生绿苗率普遍高于通过愈伤组织培养分化的再生绿苗率。  相似文献   

从普通小麦×天兰冰草杂种F_1的叶、茎、节、幼穗诱导出愈伤组织,建立了体细胞无性系,获得了大量试管苗并移栽成活。 愈伤组织诱导率及分化率以幼穗最高,茎、节、叶较低。完全展开的叶片不能形成愈伤组织,未伸展的幼叶能诱导出愈伤组织,分化程度越低的幼叶部位越容易脱分化。幼叶基部切段的愈伤组织诱导率可达90%以上。改良MS附加4mg/l 2,4-D、0.1mg/l KT、0.5mg/l NAA为最佳愈伤组织诱导培养基。最适宜的分化培养基为改良MS附加0.25mg/l KT、0.5 mg/l NAA、150 mg/l腺嘌呤核苷。杂种的愈伤组织诱导率及分化率高于两个亲本。杂种的愈伤组织长势旺盛,适应性强等都表现了小冰麦杂种在组织培养中的杂种优势,而且这种再生能力杂种优势可以通过无性系得到保持。  相似文献   

野牛草幼穗愈伤组织的诱导及植株再生   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以野牛草[Buchloe dactyloides(Nutt.)Engelm.]幼穗为外植体,建立了愈伤组织诱导、继代培养和植株再生体系。结果表明,雌穗比雄穗难以脱分化形成愈伤组织;小于8mm雄幼穗在2mg/L2,4-D培养基上的愈伤组织诱导率为80.0%~86.8%;添加10mg/L AgNO3对愈伤组织诱导率影响不明显,但可改善愈伤组织质量。2mg/L 2,4-D结合0.1mg/L 6-BA的培养基有利于愈伤组织的继代培养;继代超过3次、继代间隔超过3周,愈伤组织分化能力明显下降。雄穗愈伤组织在含1.0mg/L 6-BA培养基上,弱光条件下分化出芽的频率较高,达31.8%~35.0%;附加3%麦芽糖既可减轻褐化程度,又利于丛生芽的分化。分化苗在1/2MS 0.3mg/L IBA培养基上的生根率为62.5%。  相似文献   

表油菜素内酯和水杨酸对小麦花药培养的影响(简报)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在W14培养基中添加0.02mg·L-1表油菜素内酯或2.0mg·L-1水杨酸后,愈伤组织的分化率分别提高30%和24%,前者还能降低白苗分化率18%。水杨酸对绿苗分化率无影响,但可增加白苗分化率50%。  相似文献   

不同类型水稻的组织培养和细胞悬浮培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们(1980)曾报道过晚粳稻台中育39和杂交水稻汕优6号幼穗、茎、叶鞘等外植体愈伤组织的诱导率、分化率及其试管苗得率的情况及其在温室、大田的性状表现(赵成章等1980),并指出水稻幼穗外植体具有很强的分化能力。因此,本实验以水稻的幼穗为材料,比较研究不同类型水稻品种幼  相似文献   

本文报道激素对调节单倍体幼穗组织去分化与分化的方向以及器官形成的影响。发现在试验浓度内(2毫克/升),2,4-D诱导组织去分化,NAA诱导根的大量形成,KT抑制愈伤组织形成和器官分化。KT2毫克/升 NAA2毫克/升使外植体不经过愈伤组织阶段就直接分化大量的苗。当KT/NAA=2:2时,直接分化苗的频率较高,达76%,不同浓度的2,4-D试验表明,2,4-D2毫克/升或4毫克/升时,愈伤组织诱导率高达94%以上。固体和液体继代培养中,低浓度的2,4-D(0.5—0.1毫克/升)加0.1毫克/升的KT,对愈伤组织保持旺盛的生长和后来的分化有良好的作用。发现单倍体体细胞组织再生的植株,白苗很少。讨论了单倍体体细胞愈伤组织无性系用于诱发突变和体细胞遗传研究的可能性。对于愈伤组织的再分化,不仅需要细胞分裂素,而且诱导培养基中生长素浓度的影响也是显著的。  相似文献   

通过在诱导培养基中添加不同浓度的蔗糖和激素,研究了蔗糖与激素对小麦幼穗体细胞无性系形成及生长特性的影响。结果表明;较高浓度的2,4-D有利于小麦幼穗愈伤组织的形成与生长,但低浓度的2,4-D更有利于胚性愈伤组织的形成,低浓度的KT能显著促进小麦幼穗愈伤组织的生长和胚性愈伤组织的形成,而高浓度的KT不利于小麦幼穗体细胞无性系的形成和生长;蔗糖有利于小麦幼穗胚性愈伤组织的形成,在2.5%-5.5%浓度范围内,随蔗糖浓度的提高,胚性愈伤组织的形成率也随之提高。  相似文献   

川草2号老芒麦(Elymus sibiricus)是青藏高原地区治理荒漠化和建设高产人工草地的主要栽培草种。用川草2号老芒麦5种外植体诱导愈伤组织, 经分化测试, 仅幼穗愈伤组织能分化再生。以当代培养25天和35天的结构致密坚硬的幼穗愈伤组织为受体, 分别进行农杆菌侵染和基因枪转化, 结果只有基因枪能转化成功。在基因枪转化过程中, 采用高渗培养和滤纸干燥2种方式预处理愈伤组织, 结果表明滤纸干燥处理比高渗处理转化效率高。当代诱导25天的幼穗愈伤组织, 滤纸干燥处理2小时转化效率最高, 达40%。该研究成功获得了基因枪转化的以川草2号老芒麦幼穗愈伤为受体的阳性愈伤组织。  相似文献   

用植物组织培养的方法,研究了冬小麦品种鄂恩1号和品系鄂55072不同生理状态的幼穗和幼胚盾片与诱导分化的关系。结果表明,长度在0.4-2.0cm间的幼穗和直径在0.4-1.5mm间的盾片随生理状态不同,其诱导和分化频率有明显的差异,幼嫩的材料再生频率较高。经SAS统计分析,发现0.5-1.0cm长的幼穗和直径为0.4-1.1mm的盾片是处于诱导分化的最佳生理时期的实验材料,平均每个胚性愈伤组织的植株再生分别达到3.17和5.63株。通过比较幼穗和幼胚盾片的植物组织培养结果,发现幼胚盾片比幼穗愈伤组织出现早,生长快,植株再生绿苗率高,这表明小麦幼胚盾片是较好的植物组织培养的材料。  相似文献   

提高春小麦花粉植株诱导率的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了影响春小麦花粉植株诱导率的几种主要因素。供试材料为1990年温室种植的杂种F_1代,试验结果表明,诱导培养基中附加细胞分裂素BA或BA与KT相结合能显著提高愈伤组织分化率;0.17M的葡萄糖加0.17M的蔗糖比用0.26M的蔗糖愈伤组织诱导率高60%以上;愈伤组织在18~25℃比在23~25℃下培养绿苗率显著提高;接种前2~3℃预处理幼穗72小时对提高出愈率和绿苗分化率有明显效果。  相似文献   

The phrenic nerve of albino rats was studied for age changes in number of fibres, myelin sheath thickness and axon calibre. There is no significant morphological differences between nerves from young and aged rats and no difference with age was found in the number of fibres, myelin sheath thickness and axon calibre.  相似文献   

The alkaline phosphatase and DNA-RNA activities in the retinas of young and old albino mice were determined histochemically after photic exposure. Different patterns between the two age groups were obtained for the alkaline phosphatase reaction before and after photic exposure. In the young animals, more retinal layers showed increased activity after exposure whereas in the old animals, the converse was true. DNA-RNA reaction revealed decreased DNA activities in the old animals 30 h after exposure. The results were also correlated with biochemical studies on the uptake of 2-deoxyglucose, dopamine and leucine.  相似文献   

D T Yew  D S Tsang  Y W Chan 《Acta anatomica》1985,121(3):184-188
The alkaline phosphatase and DNA-RNA activities in the retinas of young and old albino mice were determined histochemically after photic exposure. Different patterns between the two age groups were obtained for the alkaline phosphatase reaction before and after photic exposure. In the young animals, more retinal layers showed increased activity after exposure whereas in the old animals, the converse was true. DNA-RNA reaction also revealed decreased DNA activities in the old animals 30 h after exposure. The results were also correlated with biochemical studies on 2-deoxyglucose, dopamine and leucine uptakes.  相似文献   

Total tRNA was purified from skeletal muscle of young, adult and old female albino rats. Age-dependent variation of total tRNA was the same with respect to tRNA content and biological activity as measured by amino acid acceptor capacity. The tRNA content was more in young rats and showed a gradual decrease in the adult and old rats. The relative abundancy of eleven aminoacyl-tRNAs were checked at each age and during aging. Arginyl, glutamyl and tyrosyl-tRNAs do not show any quantitative or qualitative change with age.  相似文献   

A study was made of the pattern of changes in histochemical indices of key enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (succinate dehydrogenase) and glycolysis (lactate dehydrogenase) as well as of catecholamines (monoamine oxidase) in cells of the adrenal medulla of young and adult albino rats subjected to external whole-body gamma-irradiation with doses of 0.5 and 1.0 Gy (dose-rate of 2.7 X 10(-4) Gy/s). Radiosensitivity of the enzyme systems under study in the adrenal gland cells of young animals was higher than in that of adults. Changes of their levels in different periods of observation were mainly of phase nature and indicated the development of adaptation syndrome in the animal organism.  相似文献   

Asymmetric hybridization was conducted between wheat and Brorrats inermis keyss which is a distanfiy related intergeneric plant (belonging to different tribe) of wheat and possesses some favorable traits, such as resistant to cold, drought and disease. Protoplasts isolated from young embryo-derived calli of common wheat ( Triticura aestivum L., tv. 99P, (AABBDD), 2n = 42) were fused with UV-treated protoplasts isolated from young embryo-derived calli of Bromus inermis by PEG method. Three clones (No. 1 ~ No. 3) were regenerated from the fusion products and differentiated into albino seedlings. The clones and the seedlings were all verified as hybrids by chromosome counting, isozyme and RAPD analysis. Their isozyme and RAPD pattern contained the characteristic bands of both parents as well as new band(s). The chromosome numbers of albino were in the range of 42~54 with small chromosomes of Bromus inerm/s and chromosome fragments. The above results confirmed that hybrid albinos were obtained.  相似文献   

Effects of metrazol (pentylenetetrazole and ethosuximide were studied in male albino rats aged 7, 12, 18 and 90 days. The 18-day-old rats exhibited the highest sensitivity to metrazol. CD50s in the remaining three age groups were nearly the same. Ethosuximide was reliably effective against metrazol only in adult rats; in young animals it did not significantly change CD50s. Metrazol induced in ethosuximide-pretreated young rats either modified (long-lasting minimal seizures in 18-day-old animals) or new seizure patterns (minimal seizures in 7- and 12-day-old rats).  相似文献   

Rubidium shifts between the extracellular fluid and cells were studied in the isolated atria of guinea-pig and albino rat hearts. In the young of both species, rubidium transport from the incubation medium to the cells was much slower than in preparations from adult animals. That implies that the efficiency of membrane mechanisms for the transport of Na+ and K+ ions in the atrial tissue increases during postnatal life. This conclusion is further confirmed by the finding that the intracellular potassium concentration in the atrial tissue of the young of both species is lower, and the intracellular sodium concentration higher, than in adult animals. Conversely, the serum potassium concentration in the young is higher, and the serum sodium concentration lower, than in adult individuals.  相似文献   

Atrophy of the L4 dorsal and ventral spinal roots was experimentally induced by unilateral sciatic neurectomy in groups of young (2 and 4 months) and older (12 months) albino rats. During the 4 months following neurectomy, the occurrence of infolded myelin loops (IMLs) was quantitatively examined in transverse sections prepared using perfusion fixation with glutaraldehyde and embedding in epoxy resin. The number of IMLs was higher on the operated side and increased with the time of survival and the age of the animals. The formation of IMLs is a characteristic early response of a large-caliber myelin sheath to axonal atrophy, probably reflecting the presence of redundant myelin.  相似文献   

Functional morphology of different zones of submandibular glands of albino rats was studied quantitatively with due regard for the stages of neuroendocrine system involution. It is shown that function of salivary glands during ageing is not altered; cyclic fluctuations with estral cycle phases are maintained similarly to those in young animals. But the basal level of proteins and mucopolysaccharides is reduced, their mean levels being equal to the minimal level in young animals. On the other hand, activation of enzymes responsible for energy and transport processes takes place and their relationships change. The data obtained prove the relationship between salivary and endocrine glands and confirm the viewpoint that in early age involution disintegration occurs between different parameters of the functional activity of salivary glands rather than there take place changes in their function.  相似文献   

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