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菊科植物牛蒡营养成分分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对野生植物牛蒡的营养成分进行了分析,结果表明,牛蒡中含有多种营养成分,丰富的矿质元素和维生素及其β-胡萝卜素。牛蒡中至少含有17种氨基酸。旨在为开发利用植物资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   

在充分踏察的基础上,选择具有代表性的样地,接线路调查法和样地调查法得出野生毛牛蒡和牛蒡种群的分布格局在伊犁地区总体上呈随机分布,占86.7%的调查样地;小范围内也有群聚分布的,占13.3%的调查样地;分布于喜光、低海拔、对土壤适应性高、生活力强等是牛蒡和毛牛蒡的生态习性;常与各类草本为伍,与菊科、禾本科、唇形科、藜科、蓼科、蒺藜科等常见科的植物均能共生于同一环境,是牛蒡和毛牛蒡的群落学特性;植被类型和人为因素是影响它们分布的环境因素。  相似文献   

牛蒡是具有抗氧化,抗炎,抗肿瘤,补肾壮阳等作用的药食两用滋补佳品,近年来对其种子、根、叶等不同部位所含化学成分及药理作用已有部分研究,其种子的主要化学成分有木脂素类、黄酮类、挥发油类、脂肪酸类、生物碱类、酚羟基化合物等,其根的主要化学成分有蛋白质、低聚糖、牛蒡酸、醛类、多炔类及挥发油等,其叶子的主要学学成分有挥发油、鞣质、粘液质、咖啡酸、绿原酸、异绿原酸等.目前对牛蒡的化学成分研究尚不够深入,其物效机制尚不明确,限制了牛蒡的综合开发利用.因此运用现代分离分析技术对其化学成分进行系统深入的研究,阐明其药理作用机制将是今后研究的重点.  相似文献   

不同地域牛蒡叶绿原酸的含量比较及其抑菌实验   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
用80%的酸化乙醇(pH2-3)提取不同地域的牛蒡叶,提取液经减压浓缩和石油醚脱色后,分别用polyamide柱层析法和硅胶薄层层析法分离纯化绿原酸,测定并比较产自不同地域牛蒡叶中的绿原酸含量差异,并对纯化的绿原酸进行抑菌实验。结果表明,采自不同地域牛蒡叶中的绿原酸含量存在着差异,野生牛蒡叶的绿原酸含量最低,种植和盐碱地种植牛蒡叶绿原酸的含量差别不大。纯化的绿原酸对4种实验菌株大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草杆菌、藤黄微球菌均存在着一定的抑制作用。  相似文献   

目的:建立一种同时测定牛蒡子液体制剂中牛蒡子苷和牛蒡子苷元含量的HPLC梯度洗脱法。方法:采用Dionex Summit高效液相色谱系统,ODS C18柱(4.6mm×250 mm,5μm),乙腈-水为流动相梯度洗脱,流速1.0ml/min,测定波长280nm,柱温30℃下对牛蒡子液体制剂中牛蒡子苷和牛蒡子苷元进行含量测定。结果:牛蒡子苷进样浓度在0.098~0.98mg/ml、牛蒡子苷元进样浓度在0.0304~0.304mg/ml范围内线性关系良好(r=0.9997、r=0.9995),平均回收率分别为100.80%,RSD为1.9%(n=6)和98.6%,RSD为2.3%(n=6)。结论:该方法准确可靠、重现性好,可用于牛蒡子液体制剂的含量测定。  相似文献   

牛蒡籽油中脂肪酸成分的气相色谱-质谱联用分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
牛蒡 (ArctiumlappaL .)是菊科 (Compositae)牛蒡属(ArctiumL .)植物 ,二年生草本 ,普遍分布于全国各地 ,野生或栽培。其根、叶、瘦果和籽均入药 ;茎皮纤维可造纸 ;根部含大量菊糖 ,可酿酒及作蔬菜食用 ;另外 ,还可以作为蜜源和饲料[1~ 4 ] 。据记载 ,其种子含油 2 5 %~ 30 % ;另据文献报道 ,其脂肪酸的主要成分为软脂酸、硬脂酸及油酸的甘油酯[2 ] 。牛蒡是耐盐植物 ,前人虽对其进行了较多的研究 ,但未见其籽油脂肪酸组成的准确报道 ,本文用气相色谱 质谱联用进行分析 ,以期为耐盐植物的开发利用积累部分…  相似文献   

牛蒡挥发油化学成分分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用乙醚抽提牛蒡挥发油,运用GC-MS技术,结合计算机检索对其化学成分进行分析鉴定,用色谱峰面积归一化法计算各组分的相对含量。分离出68个组分,鉴定了其中63个组分,占总挥发油量的87.67%。牛蒡挥发油的主要成分为亚麻酸甲酯、亚油酸、三甲基-8-亚甲基-十氢化-2-萘甲醇、苯甲醛等。  相似文献   

为进一步开发牛蒡在生物抗虫农药方面的应用价值,对牛蒡提取物进行了抗卤虫活性测试,并对抗虫活性较强的组分进行GC-MS分析.将健康新鲜的牛蒡的乙醇粗提取物经水分散,分别用石油醚、乙酸乙酯和正丁醇萃取,对石油醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇和水四相提取物分别进行活性检测,结果表明它们对卤虫的半致死浓度IC50分别为0.13、0.17、1.25、0.19 mg·mL-1,其中石油醚相杀虫效果最好.对石油醚相的化学成分进行分析,共检测出51种成分,鉴定了其中39个化合物并测定了其相对含量,其中主要成分为棕榈酸乙酯(27.791%)、萜类化合物(21.311%)、饱和烃类(19.637%),这三类物质相对含量之和占总提取物的68.739%.  相似文献   

牛蒡在降血压、降血脂、提高免疫力、抗肿瘤、减肥等方面有良好的作用,但对牛蒡系列保健食品研究相对较少,本文就牛蒡的保健作用和产品进行综述,为牛蒡保健食品的开发利用提供一定依据。  相似文献   

牛蒡栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛蒡 ( Arctium lappa L.) ,属菊科 2~ 3年生草本植物 ,其根圆柱形 ,肉质 ,直径 3~ 4 cm,长 70~ 10 0 cm,外皮暗黑色 ,内质灰白色 ;种子灰黑色 ,长形 ,千粒重 12~14g。肉质根中含大量的蛋白质、糖、矿物质及维生素 ,营养丰富 ;此外 ,牛蒡的种子入药 ,治咳嗽、咽喉肿痛、风疹等症。因此 ,牛蒡是一种菜、药两用的特种蔬菜。牛蒡喜温暖湿润的气候 ,喜光 ,耐寒、耐热性均较强 ;植株生长适温为 2 0~ 2 5℃ ;种子发芽温度为 10~30℃ ,最适温度 2 5~ 30℃。直根生长最适于排水良好、土层深厚、疏松肥沃、p H值为 6.5~ 7.5的沙壤土。1 整…  相似文献   

Evaluation of extracts and oils of tick-repellent plants from Sweden   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Leaves of Myrica gale Linnaeus (Myricaceae), Rhododendron tomentosum (Stokes) H. Harmaja (formerly Ledum palustre Linnaeus: Ericaceae) and Artemisia absinthium Linnaeus (Asteraceae) were extracted with organic solvents of different polarities and the essential oils of leaves were obtained by steam distillation. The extracts or oils were tested in the laboratory for repellency against host-seeking nymphs of Ixodes ricinus Linnaeus (Acari: Ixodidae). Rhododendron tomentosum oil, 10%, diluted in acetone, exhibited 95% repellency; R. tomentosum and A. absinthium extracts in ethyl acetate, > 70% repellency; A. absinthium extract in hexane, approximately 62% repellency; and M. gale oil, 10%, approximately 50% repellency on I. ricinus nymphs. Compounds in the leaf extracts or in the oils were collected by solid phase microextraction (SPME) and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and/or MS. Characteristic volatiles detected from oil or extract of M. gale were the monoterpenes 1,8-cineole, alpha-terpineol, 4-terpineol and thujenol; and of R. tomentosum myrcene and palustrol. Characteristic volatiles from leaf extracts of A. absinthium were sabinene, oxygenated monoterpenes, e.g. thujenol and linalool, and geranyl acetate. Each plant species synthesized numerous volatiles known to exhibit acaricidal, insecticidal, 'pesticidal' and/or arthropod repellent properties. These plants may be useful sources of chemicals for the control of arthropods of medical, veterinary or agricultural importance.  相似文献   

Cold water extracts of marine green algae Codium dwarkense and C. tomentosum were precipitated with different molar concentrations of KCl and were subjected to anion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. Both the species yielded sulphated arabinan through bioassay-guided purification and both were chemically identified as a polymer of alpha-L-arabinofuranose. Products were assayed for their blood anticoagulant activity using PT, APFT and TT tests and found that they differed in the potency of activity though they are chemically identical. Bioassay-guided purification of cold water extract of C. tomentosum yielded sulphated arabinan and sulphated arabinogalactan.  相似文献   

蝴蝶树和黑壳楠的抗热和抗旱性能及有关栽培技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据西安夏季高温和干旱的气候特点,采用田间栽培法和测定叶片水分状态、抗热性、胞膜透性、保水力及忍耐脱水性等抗逆性生理指标的方法,对新引种观赏植物的抗热、抗旱性能及有关栽培技术进行了探讨。结果表明:黑壳楠(Lindera megaphylla)的田间表现和各个抗逆性生理指标均一致反映了它具有明显的耐高温和耐干旱的生理特点,所以仅采用一般栽培管理就可顺利越夏。而蝴蝶树(Viburnum plicatum f.tomentosum)的田间表现和上述抗逆性生理指标均不如黑壳楠,它只能忍耐轻度高温,而不能忍受干旱。因此,只有保证及时灌水,它才能在西安地区顺利越夏。  相似文献   

我国东北地区拥有丰富的杜香植物资源。该植物带有独特香气,带叶嫩枝含油量较高。然而,杜香精油挥发性强,稳定性差,香气不持久和携带不便等缺点限制了杜香精油及其相关产品的开发和利用。本文将主要探究了多孔淀粉固化杜香精油的制备工艺及其缓释性能。利用精油粉末化技术,采用研磨吸附的方法,制备了固化杜香精油粉末。利用DSC和TG探究了固化精油粉末的热学稳定性能并探究了其在不同温度下的缓释持香效果结果表明:多孔淀粉的最大吸油量为1.42 g·g^-1。多孔淀粉与杜香精油的质量比为1∶0.75(g·g^-1)时,固化精油粉末的气味较好,呈现出淡黄色粉末状态;固化精油粉末的保留率为杜香精油的3.57倍体现出其良好的热学稳定性;在同一温度下,相同时间内固化精油粉末比未固化精油的缓释持香效果更显著。多孔淀粉固化杜香精油的制备工艺简单,样品缓释持香效果明显,具有一定的应用推广价值。  相似文献   

Pseudobombax tomentosum and P. longiflorum are common trees in the Cerrado region, but the former species is more common in forest edges while the later is present in open cerrado areas. This work aimed to investigate differences in seed germination and seedling growth in these species, from seed collected from Cerrado areas in Central Brazil. For this, a seed germination experiment was designed and included four replicates with 25 seeds per species; seeds were randomly distributed in the germination chamber. To evaluate initial seedling growth, seedlings height was measured up to 67 days after seedling emergence; besides, some of these seedlings were grown for biomass evaluation during nine months. Results showed that seeds of the two species had the same germinability (near 100%) and mean germination time (ca. 12 days). However, P. longiflorum showed a more spread seed germination through time, with higher values of coefficient of variation in germination time and uncertainty index; and lower values of synchronization than P. tomentosum. The two species showed basically the same growth pattern, but lower values for height of apical meristem, diameter of underground structures (mostly roots), dry mass of shoots, underground structure and total mass of seedlings in P. tomentosum were obtained, compared to P. longiflorum. Both species allocated more dry mass to underground structures in detriment of shoot. This probably allows resprouting behavior which prevents hydric stress and detrimental fire action typical of the open Cerrado areas.  相似文献   

Antifeedant neo-clerodanes from Teucrium tomentosum Heyne. (Labiatae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From the acetone extract of Teucrium tomentosum, a new antifeedant neo-clerodane diterpenoid teuctosin (1) was isolated along with teuflin (2), teucrin-H(2) (3), 6beta-hydroxyteuscordin (4), 6beta-acetylteuscordin (5) and montanin-D (6). The structure of the new compound was elucidated comprehensively using 1D and 2D NMR methods and confirmed by X-ray crystallography. All the compounds showed effective antifeedancy against Plutella xylostella and Spodoptera litura at 10 mug/cm(2) of leaf area.  相似文献   

The fruit fly Tephritis bardanae infests flower heads of two burdock hosts, Arctium tomentosum and A. minus. Observations suggest host-associated mating and behavioural differences at oviposition indicating host-race status. Previously, flies from each host plant were found to differ slightly in allozyme allele frequencies, but these differences could as well be explained by geographical separation of host plants. In the present study, we explicitly test whether genetic and morphological variance among T. bardanae are explained best by host-plant association or by geographical location, and if this pattern is stable over a 10-year period. Populations of A. tomentosum flies differed significantly from those of A. minus flies in (i) allozyme allele frequencies at the loci Pep-A and Pgd, (ii) mtDNA haplotype frequencies and (iii) wing size. In contrast, geographical location had no significant influence on the variance estimates. While it remains uncertain whether morphometric differentiation reflects genotypic variability or phenotypic plasticity, allozyme and mtDNA differentiation is genetically determined. This provides strong evidence for host-race formation in T. bardanae. However, the levels of differentiation are relatively low indicating that the system is in an early stage of divergence. This might be due to a lack of time (i.e. the host shift occurred recently) or due to relatively high gene flow preventing much differentiation at loci not experiencing selection.  相似文献   

Sirirugsa, P. & Larsen K. 1995. The genus Hedychium (Zingiberaceae) in Thailand. -Nord. J. Bot. 15: 301–304. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–05513.
Three new species of Hedychium from Thailand are described and illustrated, H. samuiense, H. tomentosum , and H. biflorum . A key to the species occurring in Thailand is provided.  相似文献   

本文报道广东省粉褶蕈属Entoloma(Fr.)Kummer的23种,其中新种4个,国内新记录种17个。新种为肉色粉褶蕈Entoloma carneum Bi sp.nov.,拟灰白粉褶蕈Entoloma pseudo-griseoalbum Bi sp.nov.,绒毛粉褶蕈 Entoloma tomentosum Bi sp.nov.以及橙黄粉褶蕈Entoloma aurantiacum Bi sp.nov.。17个国内新纪录是:白粉褶蕈E.albidum(Murr.)Hesler,小白粉褶蕈E.albinellum(Pk.)Hesler,变灰褐粉褶蕈E.canobrunnescens Horak,卡罗琳尼粉褶蕈E.carolinianum Hesler,角柄粉褶蕈E.ceratopus Horak,黄肉色粉褶蕈E.flavocerinum Horak,脆柄粉褶蕈E.fragilipes Corner et Horak,烟色粉褶蕈E.fumeum Hesler,灰色粉褶蕈E.grayanum(Pk.)Sacc.,贺斯同美粉褶蕈E.hallstromii Horak,类洁粉褶蕈E.purddes Horak,方形粉褶蕈E.quadratum(Berk.et Curt.)Horak,圆孢粉褶蕈E.rotundisporum Horak,近白粉褶蕈E.subalbidum Murr.,亚亮粉褶蕈E.sublucidum Murr.,近方形粉褶蕈E.subquadratum Hesler及紫褐粉褶蕈E.violaceobrunneum Hesler。文中有分种检索表  相似文献   

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