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拟南芥幼苗超低温保存后DNA甲基化的遗传变异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
何艳霞  王子成 《植物学报》2009,44(3):317-322
运用MSAP技术分析了拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)幼苗超低温保存后DNA甲基化的遗传变异情况。结果表明, 在扩增的662条带中, 对照和2个处理及其第2代间完全一致的带型有598条; 发生变化的带型有64条, 其中能遗传给第2代的有48条, 占变异条带的75%。与对照相比, 经超低温保存的样品新产生的甲基化位点有14个, 而去甲基化的位点有22个。经过处理但未冷冻的与冷冻处理组之间带型一致的有624条, 差异条带有38条, 占5.7%, 而对照与未冷冻处理组的差异率是7.45%, 对照与冷冻处理组之间的差异率是6.63%。可见, 拟南芥在超低温保存中, 无论是经液氮冷冻还是未经冷冻处理, 对材料的甲基化状态均有影响, 而这种甲基化变化大部分是可以遗传的。  相似文献   

研究马铃薯茎尖超低温保存技术的结果表明,4℃低温下锻炼6d,在添加二甲基亚砜(DMSO)和乙酰胺的培养基中预培养5d,60%PVS2于室温下装载30min,0℃下PVS2脱水40min时,茎尖成活率最高(71.6%),再生植株生长分化正常。进一步对再生植株进行AFLP分析,6对引物组合共扩增出385条带,超低温保存前后的材料之间未见到明显差的异带,但用MSAP技术分析超低温保存前后植株甲基化的结果显示:超低温保存后的材料均有不同程度的甲基化。在扩增的624条带中,处理与否之间完全一致的带型为584条;有变化的带型为40条,处理2(茎尖经过完整的超低温保存过程,区别于处理1,增加了冷冻、解冻和洗涤后恢复培养)有13个位点的甲基化增加,21个位点去甲基化。  相似文献   

用甲基敏感扩增多态性(MSAP)技术分析光暗条件下生长的大蒜DNA甲基化水平差异。结果表明,用8对引物组合扩增出343条带,完全一致的带型240条,不一致的103条。在不一致的条带中,光照条件下相同的47条带与黑暗条件下相同的带型有差异,与黑暗相比光照下出现的去甲基化带28条,有56条差异带在2个处理内个体间也有差异。总的趋势是光照引起大蒜DNA去甲基化。  相似文献   

应用甲基化敏感扩增多态性(Methylation sensitive amplified polymorphism, MSAP) 技术分析了大花蕙兰( Cymbidium hybridium) 授粉前后子房DNA 甲基化状态的变化(甲基化水平和甲基化差异模式) 。采用72 对引物进行选择性扩增, 共得到5892 条带, 其中748 条带为甲基化多态性带。结果显示DNA 甲基化在大花蕙兰子房发育过程中发生频繁, 从授粉前后子房的总扩增位点甲基化水平(14%和11. 4%) 和全甲基化率(9.5%和7.8% ) 来看, 授粉后都略低于未授粉子房, 表明子房在授粉后的发育过程中在某些位点发生了去甲基化。除甲基化水平有变化外, 大花蕙兰子房授粉前后的DNA 甲基化模式也存在较大差异, 共检测到14 种带型, 分为两大类( Ⅰ 和Ⅱ 型)。其中, 授粉前后DNA 甲基化状态保持不变的位点少, 只占25.6% , 归为Ⅰ型; 大部分检测位点( 占74.4% , 归为Ⅱ型) 的DNA 甲基化模式在授粉前后存在显著差异。上述结果表明, 大花蕙兰子房发育过程中以DNA 甲基化为代表的表观遗传调控起重要作用。本研究的开展将促进对与大花蕙兰子房发育相关的甲基化差异片段及受DNA 甲基化调控的关键基因的克隆, 进而为从表观遗传学这一新角度揭示大花蕙兰子房发育的分子机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

应用甲基化敏感扩增多态性(Metyhfion sensitive amplified polymorphism,MSAP)技术分析了大花蕙兰(Cymbidium hybridium)授粉前后子房DNA甲基化状态的变化(甲基化水平和甲基化差异模式).采用72对引物进行选择性扩增,共得到5892条带,其中748条带为甲基化多态性带.结果显示DNA甲基化在大花蕙兰子房发育过程中发牛频繁,从授粉前后子房的总扩增位点甲基化水平(14%和11.4%)和全甲基化率(9.5%和7.8%)来看,授粉后都略低于未授粉子房,表明子房在授粉后的发育过程中在某些位点发生了去甲基化.除甲基化水平有变化外,大花蕙兰子房授粉前后的DNA甲幕化模式也存在较大差异,共榆测到14种带型,分为两大类(Ⅰ和Ⅱ型).其中,授粉前后DNA甲基化状态保持不变的位点较少,只占25.6%,归为Ⅰ型;大部分榆测位点(占74.4%,归为Ⅱ型)的DNA甲基化模式在授粉前后存在显著差异.上述结果表明,大化蕙兰子房发育过程中以DNA甲基化为代表的表观遗传调控起重要作用.本研究的开展将促进对与大花蕙兰子房发育相关的甲基化差异片段及受DNA甲基化调控的关键基因的克隆,进而为从表观遗传学这一新角度揭示大花蕙兰子房发育的分子机制奠定基础.  相似文献   

该研究利用MSAP技术,对25株矮化马哈利樱桃和25株半矮化马哈利樱桃进行甲基化水平和模式分析,以探讨其矮化的表观性状与其基因组甲基化修饰的关系。结果表明:(1)从64对引物中筛选出15对引物,在半矮化组中共扩增4 577个条带,其中半甲基化336个,全甲基化1 274个;在矮化组中共扩增4 444个条带,其中半甲基化349个,全甲基化1 383个;t检验和方差分析表明,矮化组与半矮化组在总甲基化水平和全甲基化水平上差异极显著,在半甲基化水平上差异显著,矮化组甲基化水平高于半矮化组。(2)半矮化组单态性位点23个,多态性位点136个;矮化组单态性位点17个,多态性位点142个,表明矮化组多态性高于半矮化组。(3)多态性类型分析表明,矮化组出现A4类型的频率较半矮化组高,A2类型的频率较半矮化组低,即矮化组中发生超甲基化的位点多于半矮化组,且‘马哈利’基因组甲基化多态性位点主要发生在双链内侧甲基化位点以及超甲基化位点上。研究认为,马哈利樱桃矮化和半矮化的基因组甲基化水平及模式存在差异,马哈利砧木的矮化性状与其基因组甲基化修饰有关。  相似文献   

铜胁迫对拟南芥幼苗生长和基因组DNA甲基化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过Murashige and Skoog(MS)培养实验,利用甲基化敏感扩增多态性(methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism,MSAP)技术研究Cu2+胁迫对拟南芥幼苗基因组DNA甲基化水平与甲基化模式的变化,同时比较其与幼苗鲜重、根系生长对Cu2+胁迫的敏感性。结果表明:0、0.25、1.0 mg獉L-1Cu2+处理15 d后,幼苗根长及鲜重变化差异不显著,而幼苗基因组MSAP率随Cu2+浓度的增加呈先增高后降低的趋势,分别为15.93%、16.28%和15.83%;高浓度Cu2+胁迫下(3.0 mg獉L-1),根长显著变短,鲜重显著降低,MSAP率为14.26%;Cu2+胁迫(0.25~3.0 mg獉L-1)下,拟南芥幼苗基因组超甲基化(M型)位点及去甲基化(D型)位点数均呈显著增加趋势,Msp I酶较Hpa II酶对胁迫反应更敏感。因此,拟南芥幼苗MSAP变化对低浓度Cu2+胁迫响应敏感,可作为Cu污染的早期诊断和生态风险评价。  相似文献   

周丽  胡春根 《广西植物》2016,36(8):949-955
该文使用简单重复序列间( ISSR)分子标记,对送春与多花兰种间杂交后代进行了研究。结果表明:从80个ISSR引物中筛选出14个扩增效果稳定的ISSR引物,对两亲本和59个F1代个体进行了ISSR扩增,得到107个扩增位点,扩增的片段大小位于90~2100 bp之间,平均每个引物扩增7.64条条带,得到11种类型的带。 ISSR标记在送春×多花兰的F1代中表现出一定的多态性,分离频率为44.86%,分离位点有83.33%符合孟德尔1︰1或3︰1的分离规律,产生偏孟德尔分离的位点占12.50%,余下的4.17%属于特殊分离带型。可能导致后代变异的位点为偏孟德尔分离的6条带、缺失的8条带或新生成的2条带。聚类图中父本和母本与F1代个体间的遗传距离较远,59个杂交后代先聚集成一组,再同母本相聚为一组,最后才同父本聚在一起,59个杂种均偏母本型。送春与多花兰的杂交后代在植株形态、染色体、遗传物质方面都具备双亲特点,61个个体间的ISSR分子量标记结果和植株形态学特征都说明,59个F1代杂种包含送春和多花兰的遗传特性是真杂种;F1代杂种既有双亲的互补特征带,又有双亲的重组片断即产生新的特异带,这说明送春与多花兰的杂交后代具有遗传变异的特点。该研究结果可以有效地对杂交后代进行定向选择,为兰花的杂交育种提供了分子依据。  相似文献   

利用甲基化敏感扩增多态性(MSAP)方法,对欧石楠大田苗、胚性愈伤组织和再生苗的DNA甲基化进行了研究。从64对选扩增引物中筛选出19对,共扩增得到506条带,统计显示,大田苗、胚性愈伤组织和再生苗的全基因组DNA甲基化水平分别为31.42%、27.86%和29.05%,3种试材发生甲基化变异的有175条带,变异率为34.58%。体细胞胚诱导形成胚性愈伤组织过程中,甲基化水平降低,而在再生苗中有所恢复,与大田苗接近。在外侧胞嘧啶甲基化水平上,胚性愈伤组织的甲基化水平有所增加,且在再生苗中可部分维持。另外,在175条变异带中,再生苗恢复到大田苗DNA甲基化模式的有62条,占总变异条带的35.43%,而与胚性愈伤组织维持相同DNA甲基化模式的有59条,占33.71%。回收部分甲基化变异条带,最终得到8条有效的基因组DNA序列。BLASTnI:对分析表明,在欧石楠基因组中,包括抗性基因、蛋白激酶、质体基因等在内的多种DNA序列均存在DNA基化修饰现象。  相似文献   

核糖 2′ O 甲基化修饰是真核生物核糖体RNA上的一种极为普遍的修饰方式。为了测定水稻 2 5S核糖体RNA上发生甲基化修饰的具体位点 ,设计并纯化了一系列与水稻 2 5S和酵母 2 8S核糖体RNA均配对的引物 ,在测定水稻核糖体RNA甲基化位点的同时 ,将酵母核糖体RNA甲基化位点的测定作为对照 ,在同一条件下 ,分别以水稻及酵母总RNA为模板进行dNTP浓度依赖的引物延伸反应。在测得的水稻甲基化位点中 ,有 3 1个位点是与酵母共有的 ,占酵母 2 8S核糖体RNA的甲基化位点总数的 80 %以上。另外 ,通过与已经测定的拟南芥 2 5S核糖体RNA上的甲基化位点进行比较 ,在水稻中又确定了与拟南芥相同的 5 4个甲基化位点。最终在水稻 2 5S核糖体RNA中 ,初步确定了 85个甲基化位点 ,并绘制了水稻 2 5S核糖体RNA的甲基化位点分布图。这些结果表明在不同的真核生物中 ,核糖体RNA上大部分位点核糖的甲基化修饰是保守的 ,而且亲缘关系越近 ,其保守性越强。结果还表明 ,高等植物核糖体RNA上有大量的核糖甲基化修饰位点 ,并且其中相邻的位点均被甲基化修饰的数量明显高于其他生物。所测得的甲基化位点将为进一步寻找植物中新的C/D框小分子核仁RNA(sonRNA)提供重要的依据  相似文献   

An indica pyramiding line, DK151, and its recurrent parent, IR64, were evaluated under drought stress and non-stress conditions for three consecutive seasons. DK151 showed significantly improved tolerance to drought. The DNA methylation changes in DK151 and IR64 under drought stress and subsequent recovery were assessed using methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism analysis. Our results indicate that drought-induced genome-wide DNA methylation changes accounted for ~12.1% of the total site-specific methylation differences in the rice genome. This drought-induced DNA methylation pattern showed three interesting properties. The most important one was its genotypic specificity reflected by large differences in the detected DNA methylation/demethylation sites between DK151 and IR64, which result from introgressed genomic fragments in DK151. Second, most drought-induced methylation/demethylation sites were of two major types distinguished by their reversibility, including 70% of the sites at which drought-induced epigenetic changes were reversed to their original status after recovery, and 29% of sites at which the drought-induced DNA demethylation/methylation changes remain even after recovery. Third, the drought-induced DNA methylation alteration showed a significant level of developmental and tissue specificity. Together, these properties are expected to have contributed greatly to rice response and adaptation to drought stress. Thus, induced epigenetic changes in rice genome can be considered as a very important regulatory mechanism for rice plants to adapt to drought and possibly other environmental stresses.  相似文献   



Although aberrant DNA methylation has been observed previously in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the patterns of differential methylation have not been comprehensively determined in all subtypes of ALL on a genome-wide scale. The relationship between DNA methylation, cytogenetic background, drug resistance and relapse in ALL is poorly understood.


We surveyed the DNA methylation levels of 435,941 CpG sites in samples from 764 children at diagnosis of ALL and from 27 children at relapse. This survey uncovered four characteristic methylation signatures. First, compared with control blood cells, the methylomes of ALL cells shared 9,406 predominantly hypermethylated CpG sites, independent of cytogenetic background. Second, each cytogenetic subtype of ALL displayed a unique set of hyper- and hypomethylated CpG sites. The CpG sites that constituted these two signatures differed in their functional genomic enrichment to regions with marks of active or repressed chromatin. Third, we identified subtype-specific differential methylation in promoter and enhancer regions that were strongly correlated with gene expression. Fourth, a set of 6,612 CpG sites was predominantly hypermethylated in ALL cells at relapse, compared with matched samples at diagnosis. Analysis of relapse-free survival identified CpG sites with subtype-specific differential methylation that divided the patients into different risk groups, depending on their methylation status.


Our results suggest an important biological role for DNA methylation in the differences between ALL subtypes and in their clinical outcome after treatment.  相似文献   

This paper is the first report of field performance and evaluation of morphological traits following cryopreservation in four genotypes of Carica papaya (Z6, 97, TS2 and 35). It also describes the successful establishment of in vitro plantlets following vitrification-based cryopreservation of shoot tips and their acclimatisation through to field establishment. Cloned plants resulting from untreated controls, as well as controls taken at three other stages of the cryopreservation process (dissection, pre-treatment, plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2) treatment) and cryopreserved plants were established to ensure a rigorous appraisal of any variation. Results indicate no differences between any of the control plants or cryopreserved plants for either growth performance or morphology. In addition, both randomly amplified DNA fingerprinting and amplified DNA methylation polymorphism markers were used to assess any genomic or methylation changes in genotype 97 at four different developmental stages post cryopreservation (in vitro, acclimatisation and field). Only small genomic DNA modifications (0–8.3%) were detected in field stage plants and methylation modifications (0–4.3%) were detected at both the in vitro and field stages for samples treated with PVS2 or cryopreservation.  相似文献   

Highly differentiated mature spermatozoa carry not only genetic but also epigenetic information that is to be transmitted to the embryo. DNA methylation is one epigenetic actor associated with sperm nucleus compaction, gene silencing, and prepatterning of embryonic gene expression. Therefore, the stability of this mark toward reproductive biotechnologies is a major issue in animal production. The present work explored the impact of hormonal induction of spermiation and sperm cryopreservation in two cyprinids, the goldfish (Carassius auratus) and the zebrafish (Danio rerio), using LUminometric Methylation Assay (LUMA). We showed that while goldfish hormonal treatment did increase sperm production, it did not alter global DNA methylation of spermatozoa. Different sperm samples repeatedly collected from the same males for 2 months also showed the same global DNA methylation level. Similarly, global DNA methylation was not affected after cryopreservation of goldfish spermatozoa with methanol, whereas less efficient cryoprotectants (dimethylsulfoxide and 1,2‐propanediol) decreased DNA methylation. In contrast, cryopreservation of zebrafish spermatozoa with methanol induced a slight, but significant, increase in global DNA methylation. In the less compact nuclei, that is, goldfish fin somatic cells, cryopreservation did not change global DNA methylation regardless of the choice of cryoprotectant. To conclude, global DNA methylation is a robust parameter with respect to biotechnologies such as hormonal induction of spermiation and sperm cryopreservation, but it can be altered when the best sperm manipulation conditions are not met.  相似文献   

Y J Hao  Q L Liu  X X Deng 《Cryobiology》2001,43(1):46-53
Shoot tips of three apple genotypes, namely, Malus pumila cv. M26, Gala, and Hokkaido No. 9, were successfully cryopreserved using a modified encapsulation-dehydration method. As a result, in addition to a high survival rate and regeneration rate, the capacity of shoots regenerated from cryopreserved samples to root was enhanced. Eight M26 single-bud sibling lines were used to assess genetic stability. Although cytological examination revealed a ploidy difference in the noncryopreserved control, the ploidy constitution remained relatively stable during the period of cryopreservation. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) assay was performed to detect DNA-level variation. No change in DNA fragment pattern and number was observed between the control and the cryopreserved samples. In addition, methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) assay was carried out to investigate the DNA methylation status during the period of cryopreservation. It was found that cryopreservation induced a decrease in DNA methylation level.  相似文献   

Yu H  Zhao J  Xu J  Li X  Zhang F  Wang Y  Carr C  Zhang J  Zhang G 《Radiation research》2011,175(5):599-609
This study evaluated changes in DNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana plants grown from seeds implanted with low-energy N(+) and Ar(+) ions. Methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) testing revealed altered DNA methylation patterns after ion implantation at doses of 1 × 10(14) to 1 × 10(16) ions/cm(2). Comparison of the MSAP electrophoretic profiles revealed nine types of polymorphisms in ion-implanted seedlings relative to control seedlings, among which four represented methylation events, three represented demethylation events, and the methylation status of two was uncertain. The diversity of plant DNA methylation was increased by low-energy ion implantation. At the same time, total genomic DNA methylation levels at CCGG sites were unchanged by ion implantation. Moreover, a comparison of polymorphisms seen in N(+) ion-implanted, Ar(+) ion-implanted, and control DNA demonstrated that the species of incident ion influenced the resulting DNA methylation pattern. Sequencing of eight isolated fragments that showed different changing patterns in implanted plants allowed their mapping onto variable regions on one or more of the five Arabidopsis chromosomes; these segments included protein-coding genes, transposon and repeat DNA sequence. A further sodium bisulfite sequencing of three fragments also displayed alterations in methylation among either different types or doses of incident ions. Possible causes for the changes in methylation are discussed.  相似文献   

Regrowth capacity and genetic stability of plants recovered following cryopreservation are associated with changes in DNA epigenetics, particularly in DNA methylation levels. In this study, global DNA methylation profiles associated with frequency of regrowth of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) somatic embryos following cryopreservation using droplet-vitrification were investigated. Somatic embryo clusters (SEC) subjected to plant vitrification solution 3 (PVS3) for different durations (0, 60, 120, 180, and 240 min) were evaluated for regrowth capacity. The highest frequency of regrowth (52.4 %) was obtained when SEC were incubated in PVS3 for 120 min prior to droplet-vitrification cryopreservation. Global DNA methylation profiles were influenced by both cryoprotectants and droplet-vitrification cryopreservation. Incubation of SEC in PVS3 for limited durations not only reduced frequency of regrowth, but also increased DNA methylations levels when compared with proliferating SEC grown in a temporary immersion system. Although SEC subjected to cryopreservation exhibited the highest DNA methylation variation, 120 min SEC incubation in a PVS3 solution resulted in the recovery of initial global methylation profiles after 24 weeks of regrowth.  相似文献   

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