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陆地生态系统碳源与碳汇及其影响机制研究进展   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
全球碳循环研究中发现,目前已知碳源与碳汇不能达到平衡。存在一个很大的碳失汇。大气、海洋和陆地生态系统是人工源CO2的3个可能的容纳汇,其中陆地生态系统最复杂、最具不确定性,因此陆地生态系统碳源与碳汇研究是全球碳循环研究的核心问题之一。大气成分监测、CO2通量测定、森林资源清查以及模型模拟等方面的研究都表明,CO2施肥效应、氮沉降增加、污染、全球气候变化以及土地利用变化,是影响陆地生态系统碳储量的主要生态机制,但不确定在过去的10~100年以及未来哪一种机制起最主要的作用。  相似文献   

刘坤  张慧  孔令辉  乔亚军  胡梦甜 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4294-4307
“碳中和”是我国作出的一项重大的国家战略决策,陆地生态系统碳汇作为碳增汇的重要组成部分,在碳中和目标实现的过程中发挥着重要的作用。但当前基于不同观测数据和方法的陆地碳汇计算仍有很大的不确定性,为了全面了解陆地生态系统碳汇分布特征,提高陆地生态系统碳汇评估的准确性,梳理了近年来关于陆地生态系统碳汇评估的国内外研究进展,从“自下而上”和“自上而下”两类途径阐述了陆地生态系统碳汇评估的主要方法(样地清查法、涡度相关法、模型模拟法和碳同化反演法)的主要原理和特征,优势和缺陷,及在不同尺度碳汇研究中的应用,并从土地利用/覆盖变化、气候因素(大气CO2浓度、氮沉降)、环境因素(太阳辐射、温度、降水)等因素阐述了陆地系统碳汇主要驱动因子;分析了我国陆地生态系统碳汇的主要特征及时空变化趋势,并从人类活动(生态工程)和环境因素阐述了中国陆地生态系统碳汇的驱动因素;最后,展望了新的监测手段和评估方法在提升陆地生态系统碳汇评估精度中的作用,从而更好的服务于我国“碳中和”的长远目标。  相似文献   

放牧对新疆草地生态系统碳源/汇的影响模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩其飞  罗格平  李超凡  黄晓东 《生态学报》2017,37(13):4392-4399
<正>确评估新疆草地生态系统碳源/汇效应,对区域尺度碳循环研究具有重要意义。放牧是新疆草地生态系统中主要的人类活动,但放牧对草地碳平衡与碳动态的影响还具有很大的不确定性。利用生态系统放牧模型Biome-BGC grazing,通过情景模拟综合评价新疆草地生态系统碳源/汇的动态。结果表明:1)1979—2007年新疆草地生态系统的碳源总量为0.38Pg C,其中由放牧导致的碳释放为0.37Pg C;2)当平均放牧率小于0.24头标准羊/hm~2时,放牧能够促进草地碳固定。研究实现了BiomeBGC grazing模型在区域尺度的应用,研究结果将有助于理解气候变化及放牧对干旱区草地生态系统碳动态变化的驱动机理,对探明干旱区草原生态系统的源/汇特征具有重要意义。  相似文献   

森林碳计量方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
赵苗苗  赵娜  刘羽  杨吉林  刘熠  岳天祥 《生态学报》2019,39(11):3797-3807
森林是陆地生态系统的主体,不仅是巨大的碳库而且对减缓气候变暖具有积极作用。科学有效的森林碳计量方法,有助于加深对全球碳循环过程的理解。然而,由于森林生态系统结构复杂,对森林碳计量的估算结果普遍存在精度低、不确定性高的问题。近年来,国内外发展了大量对森林碳计量进行估算的方法,主要有基于样地清查的森林植被和土壤碳估算、基于生长收获的经验模型估算、基于定量遥感雷达观测的遥感估测、基于多尺度森林生态系统网络的通量观测和陆地生态系统过程模型模拟等方法。在实际的森林碳计量中,根据不同的森林类型特征和数据获取情况,往往采取不同的碳计量方法,甚至不止一种。以生态过程模型模拟、遥感反演和数据同化技术为主要手段,基于碳通量观测数据、控制实验数据和遥感影像数据,发展多学科、多过程、多尺度的综合联网观测,充分认识森林碳循环过程中碳源/汇的时空分布特征,开展区域、洲际乃至全球尺度碳循环及其对全球变化和人类活动响应的系统性、集成性研究,以便建立高效、可靠的碳计量体系是未来林业碳计量的发展趋势。随着世界各国温室气体排放清单的编制,中国迫切需要科学的方法体系计量森林碳源/汇,提升我国在生态环境问题上的国际发言权和主导权,同时对我国森林可持续经营、生态环境保护以及美丽中国建设提供建议与支持。分析了各类森林碳计量方法的主要特征、优缺点,同时探讨了目前的森林碳计量方法存在的问题和未来的发展趋势,为不同时空尺度下森林碳计量提供参考。  相似文献   

中国陆地生态系统土壤有机碳变化研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
通过文献资料, 对中国陆地生态系统土壤有机碳变化研究进行评述. 20世纪80年代初至21世纪初, 中国森林、草地、灌丛和农田土壤有机碳库合计年均增加(71±19) Tg/a, 三江平原沼泽湿地垦殖导致土壤有机碳损失(6±2) Tg/a. 该结果存在极大的不确定性, 尤其是对森林、灌丛和草地碳库变化的估计. 未来研究需重点关注土地利用变化及其碳源、碳汇效应, 放牧管理对草地土壤有机碳库的影响, 灌丛和非森林树木(经济林、防护林及四旁绿化造林)土壤有机碳变化估算, 深层土壤有机碳变化的测定和估算, 中国土壤的固碳潜力及陆地生态系统碳收支模型开发.  相似文献   

中国森林具有林龄小、平均碳密度低、人工林面积大的特点, 因而具有很高的固碳潜力. 本文根据1994~1998和1999~2003年两期森林资源清查资料中各主要森林类型的林龄组、以及各林龄组的面积和蓄积数据, 分别为36种森林类型建立生物量密度与林龄之间的关系. 在此基础上, 结合中国林业发展规划, 预测到2050年中国森林(不包括经济林和竹林)的生物量碳汇潜力. 结果显示, 在自然生长状况下, 到2050年, 中国现有森林生物量碳库将由1999~2003年的5.86 Pg C增加到10.23 Pg C, 碳汇量为4.37 Pg C; 新造森林将增加碳汇2.86 Pg C; 2000~2050年中国现有森林与新造森林的生物量碳汇合计为7.23 Pg C, 平均年碳汇量为0.14 Pg C/a, 表明中国森林具有较大的碳汇潜力.  相似文献   

利用从1983年以来, 2块固定样地清查数据(P8302, P9201)对尖峰岭热带山地雨林生物量和碳源汇大小进行估算, 并探讨该森林碳源汇大小与环境因子的关系. 结果表明, 基于林分生物量、主要树种各组分碳含量而估算的碳密度, P8302样地在(223.95±45.92)~ (254.85±48.86) Mg C/ha间变动, 平均为(243.35±47.64) Mg C/ha; 而P9201样地在(201.43± 29.38)~(229.16±39.2) Mg C/ha间变动, 平均为(214.17±32.42) Mg C/ha. 林分碳源汇的年际变化较大, 多年平均碳汇为(0.56±0.22) Mg C·ha−1·a−1, 与非洲和美洲热带森林的碳汇量((0.62± 0.23) Mg C·ha−1·a−1)相近, 表明尖峰岭热带雨林具有一定的碳汇能力. 碳源汇的大小与暴雨次数和干旱月份次数呈现二次曲线的变化趋势, 暴雨次数和干旱月份次数是尖峰岭热带山地雨林碳源汇大小的两个关键影响因子.  相似文献   

2000年以来,中国陆地生态系统经历了剧烈变化并显著改变了生态系统服务。深入理解近20年中国陆地生态系统服务的时空演变格局及其权衡与协同关系对生态系统管理和可持续发展具有重要的理论和实践意义。基于最新发展的遥感驱动的生态系统服务评估过程模型(CEVSA-ES),研究定量评估了2000—2018年中国4种生态系统服务(即净初级生产力、固碳、蓄水及土壤保持)的时空格局及其权衡与协同关系。结果发现:(1)净初级生产力、固碳、蓄水及土壤保持等服务在2018的全国总量分别为3.68 Pg C/a、0.43 Pg C/a、1015.71 km3/a 208.18 Gt/a;东部季风区的生态系统服务显著高于西北内陆地区及青藏高原地区,特别是热带-亚热带地区主导了中国生态系统服务供给,其对全国尺度不同生态系统服务总量的贡献率均高于50%;(2)2000—2018年,全国净初级生产力、固碳、蓄水及土壤保持均呈增加趋势,年际变化速率分别为42.80 Tg C/a、13.42 Tg C/a、11.90 km3/a、1.11 Gt/a,其中净初级生产力、固碳、蓄水呈...  相似文献   

林晓雪  黄佳芳  李慧  仝川 《生态学报》2022,42(22):9186-9198
河口感潮沼泽是全球重要的蓝碳生态系统,具有很强的固碳能力。碳收支研究是量化生态系统碳源/汇过程及固碳规模的基础。本研究运用透明箱和不同遮光率布遮盖+红外气体分析仪/气相色谱相结合的方法,模拟不同光照条件,测定闽江河口鳝鱼滩半咸水芦苇沼泽和短叶茳芏沼泽的瞬时净生态系统二氧化碳(CO2)交换量(net ecosystem exchange,NEE)、生态系统呼吸(ecosystem respiration,ER)以及甲烷(CH4)排放通量,并通过对总光合吸收量(gross ecosystem exchange,GEE)与光合有效辐射的拟合以及ER与气温的拟合,外推2个沼泽生态系统CO2气体在月、年尺度上的NEE和ER,评估其年固碳量。2个沼泽生态系统的NEE和ER均具有明显的季节变化,春夏秋季为大气中CO2的汇,而冬季则转化为大气中CO2的源,芦苇沼泽年尺度固碳能力显著高于短叶茳芏沼泽。芦苇沼泽与短叶茳芏沼泽CH4排放通量差异不显著。综合考虑CH4排放,闽江河口鳝鱼滩半咸水芦苇沼泽、短叶茳芏沼泽生态系统年固碳量分别为(5371.52±336.97) g CO2-eq/m2和(2730.32±503.67) g CO2-eq/m2。研究表明:闽江河口半咸水沼泽湿地在年尺度上是一个较强的碳汇,在缓解全球变暖方面发挥着重要的角色。  相似文献   

湿地碳循环过程与计算机模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湿地是地球4大陆地生态系统之一,全球湿地碳储量(450Pg C)约占陆地生态圈总碳量的20%。湿地系统因兼有“碳源”与“碳汇”的双重角色,其碳循环对大气全球碳收支以及与之有关的全球气候变化可能有重要影响。本文概述了湿地生态系统变化与碳排放的关系、湿地碳循环基本过程及其主要影响因子和湿地碳循环计算机模拟研究进展,提出了拟进一步研究的重要问题。  相似文献   

Yang  Yuanhe  Shi  Yue  Sun  Wenjuan  Chang  Jinfeng  Zhu  Jianxiao  Chen  Leiyi  Wang  Xin  Guo  Yanpei  Zhang  Hongtu  Yu  Lingfei  Zhao  Shuqing  Xu  Kang  Zhu  Jiangling  Shen  Haihua  Wang  Yuanyuan  Peng  Yunfeng  Zhao  Xia  Wang  Xiangping  Hu  Huifeng  Chen  Shiping  Huang  Mei  Wen  Xuefa  Wang  Shaopeng  Zhu  Biao  Niu  Shuli  Tang  Zhiyao  Liu  Lingli  Fang  Jingyun 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2022,65(5):861-895

Enhancing the terrestrial ecosystem carbon sink (referred to as terrestrial C sink) is an important way to slow down the continuous increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration and to achieve carbon neutrality target. To better understand the characteristics of terrestrial C sinks and their contribution to carbon neutrality, this review summarizes major progress in terrestrial C budget researches during the past decades, clarifies spatial patterns and drivers of terrestrial C sources and sinks in China and around the world, and examines the role of terrestrial C sinks in achieving carbon neutrality target. According to recent studies, the global terrestrial C sink has been increasing from a source of (?0.2±0.9) Pg C yr?1 (1 Pg=1015 g) in the 1960s to a sink of (1.9±1.1) Pg C yr?1 in the 2010s. By synthesizing the published data, we estimate terrestrial C sink of 0.20–0.25 Pg C yr?1 in China during the past decades, and predict it to be 0.15–0.52 Pg C yr?1 by 2060. The terrestrial C sinks are mainly located in the mid- and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, while tropical regions act as a weak C sink or source. The C balance differs much among ecosystem types: forest is the major C sink; shrubland, wetland and farmland soil act as C sinks; and whether the grassland functions as C sink or source remains unclear. Desert might be a C sink, but the magnitude and the associated mechanisms are still controversial. Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration, nitrogen deposition, climate change, and land cover change are the main drivers of terrestrial C sinks, while other factors such as fires and aerosols would also affect ecosystem C balance. The driving factors of terrestrial C sink differ among regions. Elevated CO2 concentration and climate change are major drivers of the C sinks in North America and Europe, while afforestation and ecological restoration are additionally important forcing factors of terrestrial C sinks in China. For future studies, we recommend the necessity for intensive and long term ecosystem C monitoring over broad geographic scale to improve terrestrial biosphere models for accurately evaluating terrestrial C budget and its dynamics under various climate change and policy scenarios.


巩固和提升森林碳汇,是实现中国“碳中和”目标的重要路径之一。研究总结梳理了近10年来有关中国森林碳储量及其变化的研究文献,一方面在于探明中国森林碳汇现状和潜力以及对实现“碳中和”的贡献,同时分析当前森林碳汇计量与模拟预测研究的差距与不足,更好地支撑国家碳中和实施路径与行动方案。通过整合分析,1999—2018年间中国森林生态系统碳储量年均增长量约(208.0±44.5)TgC/a或(762.0±163.2)TgCO2-eq/a,其中生物质、死有机质和土壤有机碳库的年均增长量分别约为(168.8±42.4)TgC/a、(12.5±8.1)TgC/a和(26.7±10.9)TgC/a。此外,木质林产品和森林之外的其它林木碳储量分别增长(49.0±15.1)TgC/a和(12.0±11.1)TgC/a。预计中国乔木林生物质碳储量年变化量将从1999—2018年间的(145.9±38.3)TgC/a增长至2030—2039年间的(171.9±60.5)TgC/a,到2050—2059年间逐渐下降至(146.9±57.7)TgC/a。2050—2059年间中国森林生态系统碳...  相似文献   

Accurately assessing the carbon sink and spatial distribution pattern of China's terrestrial ecosystems is of great significance to the implementation of climate change and carbon neutrality strategy. However, the views of various studies are still very controversial due to the differences in carbon sink estimation methods and data sources. In this study, vegetation net primary productivity (NPP) and ecosystem heterotrophic respiration (Rh) estimation models were constructed based on machine learning methods by fusing multisource data, such as remote sensing and ground observation data. The magnitude and spatial pattern of carbon sink in China from 2000 to 2018 were then revealed, and the carbon sink capacity of various ecosystems was quantitatively assessed. The main conclusions include the following: (1) The use of scale-matched carbon input and output data can help reduce the system error in carbon sink estimation. (2) China's terrestrial ecosystem carbon sink since the twenty-first century is approximately 0.458 Pg C/yr, which is equivalent to 22.72% of China's anthropogenic carbon emissions. (3) Deciduous forest has a higher carbon sink capacity than evergreen forest, while coniferous forest has a more stable carbon sink capacity than broad-leaved forest. The magnitude and spatial distribution of carbon sink in China reported in this study provides a scientific reference for achieving carbon neutrality and sustainable development.  相似文献   

陆地生态系统承载的温室气体对全球碳循环及气候调节服务意义重大,森林生态系统是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,量化森林对温室气体的储量有利于从生物地球化学角度研究全球变化问题。针对中国森林生态系统承载的温室气体在大尺度上无法有效量化的问题,基于2000与2010年两期土地利用数据和前人的相关研究,通过一个生态系统温室气体值模型,模拟得到中国森林生态系统承载的三大主要温室气体(CO_2,CH_4,N_2O)的量。结果表明:(1)中国森林生态系统的面积从2000年的224.3×10~6 hm~2略增到2010的224.6×10~6 hm~2;其中落叶阔叶林、常绿阔叶林和针叶林的面积减少,而混交林与灌木林的面积增加;(2)对应地,2000和2010年中国森林的温室气体储量分别为154.03和154.37 Pg CO_2当量,10年间增加了0.34 Pg CO_2当量。其中,常绿针叶林、常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林在研究时段内的GHG储量减少,而混交林和灌木林增加。分区来看,温室气体储量增长较多的区域有华北、西北与西南地区,分别增长了0.13 Pg CO_2、0.12 Pg CO_2与0.15 Pg CO_2当量。温室气体储量减少较明显的是东北地区,减少了约0.1 Pg CO_2当量。本研究分别用本地化参数和模型自带参数,首次尝试对中国森林生态系统的GHG储量进行了模拟研究,并与他人的研究做了对比分析。研究同时发现,当前的相关研究存在很多不确定性,未来需要多源数据和方法提升精度,而模型模拟是一个重要的手段。  相似文献   

Aim We investigated how ozone pollution and climate change/variability have interactively affected net primary productivity (NPP) and net carbon exchange (NCE) across China's forest ecosystem in the past half century. Location Continental China. Methods Using the dynamic land ecosystem model (DLEM) in conjunction with 10‐km‐resolution gridded historical data sets (tropospheric O3 concentrations, climate variability/change, and other environmental factors such as land‐cover/land‐use change (LCLUC), increasing CO2 and nitrogen deposition), we conducted nine simulation experiments to: (1) investigate the temporo‐spatial patterns of NPP and NCE in China's forest ecosystems from 1961–2005; and (2) quantify the effects of tropospheric O3 pollution alone or in combination with climate variability and other environmental stresses on forests' NPP and NCE. Results China's forests acted as a carbon sink during 1961–2005 as a result of the combined effects of O3, climate, CO2, nitrogen deposition and LCLUC. However, simulated results indicated that elevated O3 caused a 7.7% decrease in national carbon storage, with O3‐induced reductions in NCE (Pg C year?1) ranging from 0.4–43.1% among different forest types. Sensitivity experiments showed that climate change was the dominant factor in controlling changes in temporo‐spatial patterns of annual NPP. The combined negative effects of O3 pollution and climate change on NPP and NCE could be largely offset by the positive fertilization effects of nitrogen deposition and CO2. Main conclusions In the future, tropospheric O3 should be taken into account in order to fully understand the variations of carbon sequestration capacity of forests and assess the vulnerability of forest ecosystems to climate change and air pollution. Reducing air pollution in China is likely to increase the resilience of forests to climate change. This paper offers the first estimate of how prevention of air pollution can help to increase forest productivity and carbon sequestration in China's forested ecosystems.  相似文献   

区域尺度陆地生态系统碳收支及其循环过程研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
于贵瑞  方华军  伏玉玲  王秋凤 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5449-5459
地球系统的碳库和碳循环过程变化是影响气候系统的重要因素,而陆地生态系统的碳收支及其循环过程机制研究一直是全球气候变化成因分析、变化趋势预测、减缓和适应对策分析领域的科学研究热点。回顾了过去几十年区域尺度陆地生态系统碳循环和碳收支研究领域的国际前沿及其关键科学问题,并分析了我国在该研究领域的科技需求和发展方向。当前国际科学研究的热点和前沿领域主要包括:生态系统和区域碳储量和碳收支的清查、综合计量与碳汇认证,陆地生态系统碳通量的联网观测及其循环过程机制,陆地生态系统碳循环过程对气候变化响应野外控制试验,陆地生态系统水、碳、氮循环及其耦合关系机制和模拟模型研究等,同时指出在这些研究领域依然存在且急需解决的关键科学问题。我国近期的科技工作重点工作应该是努力构建天-地-空一体化的碳储量和碳收支动态监测体系、开展生态系统碳-氮-水耦合循环及其区域调控管理的前瞻性研究,定量评价中国生态系统的碳收支状况和增汇潜力,评估各种典型生态系统增汇技术的经济效益,为国家尺度的温室气体管理和碳交易机制与政策体系的建立提供可报告、可度量和可核查的科学数据和技术支持。  相似文献   

中国森林生态系统中植物固定大气碳的潜力   总被引:84,自引:2,他引:82  
1 前 言在引起全球温室效应的痕量气体中 ,尤以含C气体的作用最为显著。CO2 和CH4两种含碳气体的贡献将达到 75 %[1] 。而且 ,在大气中这两种气体的浓度正在不断增加[2 ] 。为了弄清大气中这些含碳痕量气体的来源和归宿 ,首先应该搞清楚全球主要碳库的现有贮量及其潜力。森林是全球陆地生态系统中的最大有机碳库 ,它贮有1 1 4 6PgC ,占整个陆地碳库的 5 6%[3] 。而且更重要的是森林生态系统具有较高的碳贮存密度(carbondensity ,即与别的土地利用方式相比 ,单位面积内可以贮存更多量的有机碳 )。据研究 ,森林生态系…  相似文献   

Past abrupt ‘regime shifts’ have been observed in a range of ecosystems due to various forcing factors. Large‐scale abrupt shifts are projected for some terrestrial ecosystems under climate change, particularly in tropical and high‐latitude regions. However, there is very little high‐resolution modelling of smaller‐scale future projected abrupt shifts in ecosystems, and relatively less focus on the potential for abrupt shifts in temperate terrestrial ecosystems. Here, we show that numerous climate‐driven abrupt shifts in vegetation carbon are projected in a high‐resolution model of Great Britain's land surface driven by two different climate change scenarios. In each scenario, the effects of climate and CO2 combined are isolated from the effects of climate change alone. We use a new algorithm to detect and classify abrupt shifts in model time series, assessing the sign and strength of the non‐linear responses. The abrupt ecosystem changes projected are non‐linear responses to climate change, not simply driven by abrupt shifts in climate. Depending on the scenario, 374–1,144 grid cells of 1.5 km × 1.5 km each, comprising 0.5%–1.5% of Great Britain's land area show abrupt shifts in vegetation carbon. We find that abrupt ecosystem shifts associated with increases (rather than decreases) in vegetation carbon, show the greatest potential for early warning signals (rising autocorrelation and variance beforehand). In one scenario, 89% of abrupt increases in vegetation carbon show increasing autocorrelation and variance beforehand. Across the scenarios, 81% of abrupt increases in vegetation carbon have increasing autocorrelation and 74% increasing variance beforehand, whereas for decreases in vegetation carbon these figures are 56% and 47% respectively. Our results should not be taken as specific spatial or temporal predictions of abrupt ecosystem change. However, they serve to illustrate that numerous abrupt shifts in temperate terrestrial ecosystems could occur in a changing climate, with some early warning signals detectable beforehand.  相似文献   

The interest in national terrestrial ecosystem carbon budgets has been increasing because the Kyoto Protocol has included some terrestrial carbon sinks in a legally binding framework for controlling greenhouse gases emissions. Accurate quantification of the terrestrial carbon sink must account the interannual variations associated with climate variability and change. This study used a process‐based biogeochemical model and a remote sensing‐based production efficiency model to estimate the variations in net primary production (NPP), soil heterotrophic respiration (HR), and net ecosystem production (NEP) caused by climate variability and atmospheric CO2 increases in China during the period 1981–2000. The results show that China's terrestrial NPP varied between 2.86 and 3.37 Gt C yr?1 with a growth rate of 0.32% year?1 and HR varied between 2.89 and 3.21 Gt C yr?1 with a growth rate of 0.40% year?1 in the period 1981–1998. Whereas the increases in HR were related mainly to warming, the increases in NPP were attributed to increases in precipitation and atmospheric CO2. Net ecosystem production (NEP) varied between ?0.32 and 0.25 Gt C yr?1 with a mean value of 0.07 Gt C yr?1, leading to carbon accumulation of 0.79 Gt in vegetation and 0.43 Gt in soils during the period. To the interannual variations in NEP changes in NPP contributed more than HR in arid northern China but less in moist southern China. NEP had no a statistically significant trend, but the mean annual NEP for the 1990s was lower than for the 1980s as the increases in NEP in southern China were offset by the decreases in northern China. These estimates indicate that China's terrestrial ecosystems were taking up carbon but the capacity was undermined by the ongoing climate change. The estimated NEP related to climate variation and atmospheric CO2 increases may account for from 40 to 80% to the total terrestrial carbon sink in China.  相似文献   

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