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玉米重要自交系的肿囊腐霉茎腐病抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由肿囊腐霉菌(Pythium inflatum Matthews)引起的玉米茎腐病是影响玉米产量的一种重要病害。为进一步拓展可利用的抗源,于2010-2011年在田间采用人工接种方法对287份重要的玉米自交系种质进行了玉米茎腐病的抗性鉴定评价。结果表明,287份鉴定材料中有171份自交系对茎腐病的抗性达到中抗以上水平,占鉴定材料的59.58%,其中高抗自交系共43份,占鉴定材料总数的14.98%;感病类型自交系共116份,占鉴定材料的40.42%,其中高感自交系共95份,占鉴定材料总数的33.10%。Lancaster、Reid及P群种质中具有丰富的茎腐病抗源,而塘四平头种质群中茎腐病抗源相对缺乏,多为感病类型。该研究结果可为今后我国玉米茎腐病抗性种质的引进和改良提供重要参考。  相似文献   

腐霉茎腐病(Pythium stalk rot)是玉米生产上的重要病害。本研究利用14个与8个抗玉米茎腐病基因连锁的分子标记对196份抗腐霉茎腐病玉米种质进行抗病标记基因型鉴定,并采用42对多态性SSR标记对54份抗病自交系进行遗传多样性分析,以期阐明玉米抗腐霉茎腐病种质的标记基因型和遗传背景,并为资源的有效利用、新基因的挖掘和杂种优势模式确定提供参考信息。14个与抗病基因连锁的分子标记将196份抗性种质鉴定为128种标记基因型,表明存在多样的抗性基因组合方式。191份种质获得与齐319、X178或1145中一个或多个的相同的扩增,表明97.45%种质可能含有与3个抗玉米茎腐病材料相同的抗病基因;粤61、郑653、赤L136、白53和18--14共5份种质均未扩增出与齐319、X178和1145相同的标记基因型,可能携带其他抗茎腐病基因;遗传背景相近的抗性种质分属不同的标记基因型,表明抗病种质携带的抗病基因可能在育种选择中发生了分离。42对多态性SSR引物在54份抗病材料中共检测出119个等位基因(Na),多态位点百分率(PPB)为99.17%,平均有效等位基因数(Ne)为1.7070,平均Nei′s基因多样性(H)为0.3999,平均Shannon′s信息指数(I)为0.5844,平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.5527,变幅为0.2061~0.7844;通过UPGMA聚类分析,54份抗病材料被划分为2个类群,共6个亚群中,分别是旅大红骨亚群、BSSS亚群、塘四平头亚群、PA亚群、PB亚群、Lan亚群,表现出较高的遗传多样性。结果表明,我国6个杂种优势群中均含有较为丰富的抗腐霉茎腐病种质资源,其中PA亚群包含的抗病种质最多。  相似文献   

玉米种质和新品种对腐霉茎腐病和镰孢穗腐病的抗性分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
玉米是我国最重要的农作物之一,腐霉茎腐病和镰孢穗腐病是玉米生产上的重要病害。2006-2012年期间,对1647份玉米种质进行了抗肿囊腐霉茎腐病和拟轮枝镰孢穗腐病鉴定,筛选出高抗茎腐病和穗腐病的种质分别为564份和27份,占鉴定总材料的34.2%和1.6%,抗性材料分别为209份和352份,占比为12.7%和21.4%,表明高抗肿囊腐霉茎腐病的资源较为丰富,高抗镰孢穗腐病的种质相对匮乏。其中,13份种质对2种病害均表现高抗,207份种质对2种病害均表现抗性或对其中一种表现高抗而另一种表现抗性。自交系中对肿囊腐霉茎腐病和拟轮枝镰孢穗腐病表现抗性以上(含HR和R)的种质分别占总鉴定种质的56.5%和23.6%,在农家种中分别为21.2%和21.4%,表明玉米自交系中的抗性资源较农家种丰富。2009-2013年期间参加国家玉米区试的品种中,对腐霉茎腐病表现高抗、抗性、中抗、感病和高感的品种分别占11.5%、11.9%、40.1%、17.6%和18.9%。2009-2011年间,中抗以上的育成品种所占比例呈现明显上升趋势,但2012-2013年间,中抗以上的品种所占比例呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

玉米种质资源对六种重要病虫害的抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在2003-2005年间,对604份玉米种质进行了抗弯孢菌叶斑病和玉米螟鉴定,筛选出抗弯孢菌叶斑病的材料93份,抗玉米螟材料22份。2006-2009年间,对836份玉米种质进行了抗大斑病、茎腐病、穗腐病和瘤黑粉病的鉴定与评价,筛选出一批高抗和多抗的资源。在836份资源中,对大斑病1、2和N号3个生理小种具有抗性的材料均为50%左右;抗茎腐病材料为41.3%,高抗和抗性种质分别为264和81份;穗腐病高抗和抗性种质分别为5和171份,占比为21.1%;瘤黑粉病高抗和抗性种质各261和14份,占总鉴定材料的32.9%。上述结果表明抗大斑病、茎腐病和瘤黑粉病的种质资源较为丰富。通过对抗性结果进行对比分析,发现不同生态区玉米种质的抗性强弱以及抗性多样性存在明显差异,黑龙江和内蒙古的种质对病虫害的抗性强弱及多样性程度明显高于四川种质。此外,玉米自交系对病虫害的抗性强弱以及多抗性程度高于农家种。  相似文献   

在2003-2005年间,对604份玉米种质进行了抗弯孢菌叶斑病和玉米螟鉴定,筛选出抗弯孢菌叶斑病的材料93份,抗玉米螟材料22份。2006-2009年间,对836份玉米种质进行了抗大斑病、茎腐病、穗腐病和瘤黑粉病的鉴定与评价,筛选出一批高抗和多抗的资源。在836份资源中,对大斑病1、2和N号3个生理小种具有抗性的材料均为50%左右;抗茎腐病材料为41.3%,高抗和抗性种质分别为264和81份;穗腐病高抗和抗性种质分别为5和171份,占比为21.1%;瘤黑粉病高抗和抗性种质各261和14份,占总鉴定材料的32.9%。上述结果表明抗大斑病、茎腐病和瘤黑粉病的种质资源较为丰富。通过对抗性结果进行对比分析,发现不同生态区玉米种质的抗性强弱以及抗性多样性存在明显差异,黑龙江和内蒙的种质对病虫害的抗性强弱及多样性程度明显高于四川种质。此外,玉米自交系对病虫害的抗性强弱以及多抗性程度高于农家种。  相似文献   

由甘蔗花叶病毒引起的玉米矮花叶病是我国黄淮海地区玉米生产的重要病害,开发抗矮花叶病基因分子标记是开展抗病分子标记辅助育种的基础。本文基于玉米6.00-6.01区域的“一致性抗甘蔗花叶病毒QTL区间”寻找抗病基因的功能保守域,依据序列多态性开发出抗病分子标记InDel-130和InDel-110,在已知抗性的102份玉米自交系中进行验证。通过分析标记抗病带型和感病带型中的抗病和感病自交系数目,卡平方测验表明标记InDel-130在供试自交系中与抗病性的表现独立无关.而标记InDel-110与甘蔗花叶病毒抗性高度相关,为共显性标记,可用于玉米抗甘蔗花叶病毒种质筛选和分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   

由甘蔗花叶病毒引起的玉米矮花叶病是我国黄淮海地区玉米生产的重要病害,开发抗矮花叶病基因分子标记是开展抗病分子标记辅助育种的基础。本文基于玉米6.00-6.01区域的“一致性抗甘蔗花叶病毒QTL区间”寻找抗病基因的功能保守域,依据序列多态性开发出抗病分子标记InDel-130和InDel-110,在已知抗性的102份玉米自交系中进行验证。通过分析标记抗病带型和感病带型中的抗病和感病自交系数目,卡平方测验表明标记InDel-130在供试自交系中与抗病性的表现独立无关,而标记InDel-110与甘蔗花叶病毒抗性高度相关,为共显性标记,可用于玉米抗甘蔗花叶病毒种质筛选和分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   

玉米矮花叶病是玉米重要的病毒病害,培育抗病品种是防治该病最经济有效的方法,将常规育种方法与分子育种技术相结合可以大大提高抗病育种的效率。本研究利用前期研究开发的2个分子标记Indel186-9和SCAR112,检测100份常用玉米自交系的标记基因型,结合100份玉米自交系抗性表型鉴定结果进行2个分子标记辅助选择的有效性分析。结果表明,目前种质资源中高抗病材料较少,亟待进行抗病改良。本试验所用的自交系包括不同血缘,抗源主要来源于PB和四平头种质。Indel186-9标记和SCAR112标记的选择符合率均达到80%,同时使用两者选择符合率达到91.67%,其中抗病选择符合率达到100%。Indel186-9和SCAR112标记分别可以使抗病级别从平均7.26级提高到平均2.4级,平均7.63级提高到平均4.27级。试验证明2个标记均可用于对玉米抗矮花叶病材料的选择,正确组合使用可提高对玉米抗矮花叶病材料的选择效率。  相似文献   

玉米抗南方锈病基因的QTL定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为发掘新的抗南方锈病基因资源,本研究以感病自交系黄早四为母本、抗病自交系W456为父本,构建F2群体并开展抗病基因定位研究。采用人工接种鉴定的方法对两个亲本、F1、F2群体及对照材料进行表型鉴定和遗传分析。利用均匀覆盖10条染色体的200个SSR标记,分析240个F2单株的基因型并构建含有200个SSR位点的遗传连锁图,连锁图总长度3331 cM,标记间平均距离16.6 cM。使用QTL IciMapping V4.1软件中的完备区间作图法对抗病QTL进行分析,共检测到6个控制南方锈病的QTL:qSCR3、qSCR7、qSCR8-1、qSCR8-2、qSCR9和qSCR10,邻近标记分别为umc2105和umc1729、umc1066和bnlg2271、umc1904和umc1984、umc1984和bnlg1651、umc1957和bnlg1401、umc2034和umc1291,分别位于3、7、8、9和10号染色体上,其中8号染色体上有两个位点,标记区间长度在5~19 cM之间。单个QTL的表型贡献率在2.61%~24.19%之间,可以解释表型总变异的62.3%,其中3个QTL贡献率大于10%,位于10号染色体上的qSCR10贡献率最大,可解释表型变异的24.19%。通过对目标区间标记加密,将该位点的定位区间进一步缩小到2.51 cM内,与两侧标记的距离分别是2.15 cM和0.36 cM。初步定位得到10号染色体上存在抗南方锈病的主效QTL,可为抗病品种的培育提供参考。  相似文献   

对外引玉米种质进行抗病鉴定是对其充分利用并选育抗病品种的基础和前提。本研究于2017-2018年连续2年采用人工接种技术评价了149个美国自交系对分别由禾谷镰孢(Fusarium graminearum)、拟轮枝镰孢(Fusarium verticillioides)、层出镰孢(Fusarium proliferatum)和芒孢腐霉(Pythium aristosporum)4种病原菌引起的茎腐病的抗性表现,并选择30个抗性较好的与6个骨干自交系进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,149个美国自交系中,对禾谷镰孢、拟轮枝镰孢、层出镰孢和芒孢腐霉表现中抗及以上抗性的自交系分别有62个、44个、41个和54个,其中对4种茎腐病全部表现高抗的自交系有23个,全部表现中抗及以上抗性的自交系有32个,对3种镰孢菌茎腐病全部表现高抗的自交系有27个;所有供试材料中,88个自交系对4种茎腐病的抗性表现一致,61个自交系对4种茎腐病的抗性存在差异;共筛选出20条多态性引物,每个引物可检测出5~11个等位基因,平均等位变异数为7.7个,聚类分析将36个材料划分为6个类群,其中2FACC、J8608、黄早四分别被单独聚为一类,剩余自交系被划分为3个类群,分别包含自交系个数为26、5和2,第Ⅰ类群又分为3个亚群。本研究结果明确了外引美国自交系对不同病原菌引起的玉米茎腐病的抗性差异,为抗病育种中抗源的选择提供参考。  相似文献   

Stalk rot is one of the most devastating diseases in maize worldwide. In our previous study, two QTLs, a major qRfg1 and a minor qRfg2, were identified in the resistant inbred line ‘1145’ to confer resistance to Gibberella stalk rot. In the present study, we report on fine-mapping of the minor qRfg2 that is located on chromosome 1 and account for ~8.9% of the total phenotypic variation. A total of 22 markers were developed in the qRfg2 region to resolve recombinants. The progeny-test mapping strategy was developed to accurately determine the phenotypes of all recombinants for fine-mapping of the qRfg2 locus. This fine-mapping process was performed from BC4F1 to BC8F1 generations to narrow down the qRfg2 locus into ~300 kb, flanked by the markers SSRZ319 and CAPSZ459. A predicted gene in the mapped region, coding for an auxin-regulated protein, is believed to be a candidate for qRfg2. The qRfg2 locus could steadily increase the resistance percentage by ~12% across different backcross generations, suggesting its usefulness in enhancing maize resistance against Gibberella stalk rot.  相似文献   


Key message

A quantitative trait locus  qRfg3 imparts recessive resistance to maize Gibberella stalk rot. qRfg3 has been mapped into a 350-kb interval and could reduce the disease severity index by ~26.6%.


Gibberella stalk rot, caused by the fungal pathogen Fusarium graminearum, severely affects maize yield and grain quality worldwide. To identify more resistance quantitative trait loci (QTLs) against this disease, we analyzed a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between resistant H127R and susceptible C7-2 inbred lines. Within this population, maize resistance to Gibberella stalk rot had high broad-sense heritability. A major QTL, qRfg3, on chromosome 3 was consistently detected across three field trials, accounting for 10.7–19.4% of the total phenotypic variation. Using a progeny-based sequential fine-mapping strategy, we narrowed qRfg3 down to an interval of ~350 kb. We further demonstrated that qRfg3 is a recessive resistance locus to Gibberella stalk rot that reduced the disease severity index by ~26.6%. Both the gene location and recessive genetic mode distinguish qRfg3 from other stalk rot resistance loci. Hence, qRfg3 is valuable as a complement to existing resistance QTLs to improve maize resistance to Gibberella stalk rot.

选用抗玉米丝黑穗病自交系Mo17和SH15为供体,与受体感病自交系黄早四和昌7-2构建回交群体(BC3F1\BC4F2),通过田间人工接种玉米丝黑穗病原菌鉴定抗病性表现,评价群体抗病性。研究结果显示黄早四×(黄早四×Mo17)BC4F2群体发病率明显高于BC3F1群体;两个BC4F2黄早四×(黄早四×Mo17)和昌7-2×(昌7-2×SH15)群体的发病率差异较大。采用SSR标记分析抗病株的供体染色体导入片段,发现随着回交次数的增多,导入片段数量减少,但不同回交群体中供体导入片段数目明显不同。通过连锁不平衡分析,在染色体2.09和3.04区段发掘和验证2个抗玉米丝黑穗病主效QTL,连锁标记分别为umc2077和phio53或bnlg1965。本文研究结果为抗丝黑穗病基因精细定位和分子聚合育种提供了信息和材料。  相似文献   

A major QTL for resistance to Gibberella stalk rot in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fusarium graminearum Schwabe, the conidial form of Gibberella zeae, is the causal fungal pathogen responsible for Gibberella stalk rot of maize. Using a BC1F1 backcross mapping population derived from a cross between ‘1145’ (donor parent, completely resistant) and ‘Y331’ (recurrent parent, highly susceptible), two quantitative trait loci (QTLs), qRfg1 and qRfg2, conferring resistance to Gibberella stalk rot have been detected. The major QTL qRfg1 was further confirmed in the double haploid, F2, BC2F1, and BC3F1 populations. Within a qRfg1 confidence interval, single/low-copy bacterial artificial chromosome sequences, anchored expressed sequence tags, and insertion/deletion polymorphisms, were exploited to develop 59 markers to saturate the qRfg1 region. A step by step narrowing-down strategy was adopted to pursue fine mapping of the qRfg1 locus. Recombinants within the qRfg1 region, screened from each backcross generation, were backcrossed to ‘Y331’ to produce the next backcross progenies. These progenies were individually genotyped and evaluated for resistance to Gibberella stalk rot. Significant (or no significant) difference in resistance reactions between homozygous and heterozygous genotypes in backcross progeny suggested presence (or absence) of qRfg1 in ‘1145’ donor fragments. The phenotypes were compared to sizes of donor fragments among recombinants to delimit the qRfg1 region. Sequential fine mapping of BC4F1 to BC6F1 generations enabled us to progressively refine the qRfg1 locus to a ~500-kb interval flanked by the markers SSR334 and SSR58. Meanwhile, resistance of qRfg1 to Gibberella stalk rot was also investigated in BC3F1 to BC6F1 generations. Once introgressed into the ‘Y331’ genome, the qRfg1 locus could steadily enhance the frequency of resistant plants by 32–43%. Hence, the qRfg1 locus was capable of improving maize resistance to Gibberella stalk rot.  相似文献   

Identification of the diverse sources of resistance is an important issue among the breeders for developing pest and disease free hybrids, to reduce the inoculum load, to prolong the life of inbred lines/hybrids and to reduce the cost of cultivation. Molecular diversity analysis was carried out among 23 maize inbred lines with respect to post flowering stalk rot and pink borer. Forty six SSR markers were employed among eight post flowering stalk rot (PFSR) and seven pink borer resistant lines along with eight other inbred lines to identify diverse resistant sources for developing resistant heterotic combinations to above pests and diseases. Number of alleles per SSR marker ranged from 2 to 9 averaging 4.11. The polymorphism information content (PIC) ranged from 0.272 to 0.839 with an average of 0.568. Discrimination rate (DR) of the markers ranged from 0.095 to 0.861 with a mean of 0.618. Number of alleles was highly correlated with PIC and DR. The pair-wise genetic dissimilarity values ranged from 0.05 to 0.84 with an overall mean of 0.64. Un-weighted neighbour joining clustering put 23 genotypes in two main clusters, which were further subdivided into 5 and 6 sub-clusters, respectively. We obtained 56 rare and 26 unique alleles in specific inbred lines, which can be used for identification of these lines. The present study has revealed considerable diversity among inbred lines differing for resistance against PFSR and pink borer; and provided ample scope for selection of parents for utilization in heterosis breeding  相似文献   

The toxic metabolic product aflatoxin produced by the opportunistic fungus Aspergillus flavus (Link:Fr) in maize (Zea mays L.) can cause disease and economic harm when levels exceed very minute quantities. The selection of resistant germplasm has great potential to reduce the problem, but the highly quantitative nature of the trait makes this a difficult endeavor. The identification of aflatoxin accumulation resistance quantitative trait loci (QTL) from resistant donor lines and the discovery of linked markers could speed this task. To identify marker–trait associations for marker-assisted breeding, a genetic mapping population of F2:3 families was developed from Mp715, a maize inbred line resistant to aflatoxin accumulation, and T173, a susceptible, southern-adapted maize inbred line. QTL, some with large phenotypic effects, were identified in multiple years on chromosomes 1, 3, 5, and 10, and smaller QTL identified in only 1 year were found on chromosomes 4 and 9. The phenotypic effect of each QTL ranged from 2.7 to 18.5%, and models created with multiple QTL could explain up to 45.7% of the phenotypic variation across years, indicating that the variation associated with the trait can be manipulated using molecular markers.  相似文献   

Fusarium ear rot caused by Fusarium verticillioides is a prevalent disease in maize which can severely reduce grain yields and quality. Identification of stable quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to Fusarium ear rot is a basic prerequisite for understanding the genetic mechanism of resistance and for the use of marker-assisted selection. In this study, two hundred and ten F 2:3 families were developed from a cross between resistant inbred line BT-1 and susceptible inbred line Xi502, and were genotyped with 178 simple sequence repeat markers. The resistance of each line was evaluated in two environments by artificial inoculation using the nail-punch method. The resistance QTL were detected using the composite interval mapping method. Three QTL were detected on chromosomes 4, 5 and 10. Of them, the QTL on chromosome 4 (bin 4.05/06) had the largest resistance to Fusarium ear rot, and could explain 17.95?% of the phenotypic variation. For further verification of the QTL effect, we developed near-isogenic lines (NILs) carrying the QTL region on chromosome 4 using parental line Xi502 as the recurrent parent. In the NIL background, this QTL can increase the resistance by 33.7?C35.2?% if the resistance region is homozygous, and by 17.8?C26.5?% if the resistance region contains the heterozygous allele. The stable and significant resistance effect of the QTL on chromosome 4 lays the foundation for further marker-assisted selection and map-based cloning in maize.  相似文献   

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