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花生重组近交系(RIL)根部性状的遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用花生R IL群体,分析了主根长、侧根数、根基粗(1 cm和3 cm处)、根体积、主根鲜重、干重、侧根鲜重和干重、主侧根瘤数等11个花生根部性状的遗传力,估算基因对数及性状间的相互关系,根据偏度系数(g1)和峰度系数(g2)的估算控制性状基因互作情况。结果表明:在11个研究性状中,有6个性状在2个亲本间差异显著或极显著。但不论性状在亲本间的差异显著与否,在R IL群体中基因型间的性状差异均表现为连续变异和明显的超亲分离。同时主根粗(1 cm)和主根长的变异系数较小,分别为11.27%和11.218%。11个花生根部性状都是受多基因控制的数量性状,如影响侧根根瘤数、侧根鲜重和侧根干重的基因均在10对左右;而其它性状的基因估计在5~7对左右,尤其是控制侧根数的基因最少为5对左右。而在R IL群体中,除侧根干重的遗传力最高,达0.569,其次是侧根根瘤和侧根数分别达0.545和0.542外,其它性状的遗传力均较低。同时控制主根长和主根粗(1 cm)的基因间存在重叠作用;而控制侧根根瘤、侧根鲜重和侧根干重基因间存在互作,表现为互补作用;控制其它性状的基因间互补或重叠作用不明显或者不存在。主根干重和侧根干重与根体积、主根粗(1 cm)和主根粗(3 cm)显著相关,根体积与主根粗(3 cm)极显著相关,主根鲜重和侧根鲜重与根体积的相关表现不一致。  相似文献   

对23个雷公藤(Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.f.)优良无性系扦插苗的干物质积累量(全株及根干质量)及生长性状(平均枝数、地径、主藤长、平均藤径、平均藤长、平均根径和平均根长)进行了测定;在此基础上,采用典范相关分析法分析了其干物质积累量与生长性状间的相关性.结果表明:各无性系幼苗的根干质量占全株干质量的63%,其变异系数在所有指标中最大(54.67%),主藤长的变异系数次之,而平均根长的变异系数最小,表明各无性系间根干质量和主藤长的差异较大,可作为雷公藤优良无性系选优的基本指标.各无性系幼苗的干物质积累量与生长性状的第1对典范相关系数(0.964 9)达显著水平,且包含总相关信息的69.84%;在该对典型变量中,干物质积累量第1典型变量U1的X2变量(全株干质量)系数的绝对值最大(0.786 2),U1为主要描述优良无性系幼苗全株干质量的综合性状,随全株干质量升高U1明显下降;生长性状第1典型变量V1的Y4变量(平均藤径)和Y5变量(平均藤长)系数的绝对值最大(0.388 3),V1为描述优良无性系幼苗平均藤径和平均藤长的综合性状,随平均藤径的增加V1明显减小、而随平均藤长的增加V1明显增大.通过第1对典型变量的二维排序可将供试的23个无性系划分为3类,最优无性系为2、4、7、8、9、13和15.研究结果表明:平均藤径和平均藤长可以作为雷公藤生物量模型构建的评价指标.  相似文献   

楸树无性系离体培养特性差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对选育的5个楸树无性系(004-1、1-3、2-6、015-1、1-4)进行组织培养比较研究,以明确楸树无性系再生芽增殖和生根培养中遗传因素及外界条件的影响。结果表明:楸树不同无性系是影响瓶苗生长的主要因素,继代培养无性系间的方差分量在93.89%~98.16%,芽增殖系数、增殖芽数、芽长、叶数、茎段基部愈伤组织横向膨大、茎段基部愈伤组织纵向膨大在不同无性系间达到极显著水平;生根率、生根数和根长无性系间差异极显著,方差分量分别为92.97%、88.75%、96.25%。5个无性系生长性状以004-1表现最好,增殖系数为10.74,生根率为61.11%,移栽成活率为74.44%,无性系1-4最弱。  相似文献   

欧美杂种山杨微扦插不定根发生过程的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用石蜡切片技术,以欧美杂种山杨插穗基部茎段为实验材料,连续解剖观察插穗不定根发生发育过程,分析根原基发生部位与扦插生根的关系。结果显示:欧美杂种山杨插穗不定根的发生过程分为4个时期,为根原基诱导期,不定根起始期、表达期和伸长生长期。根原基诱导期维管形成层产生具有分生组织特点的薄壁细胞;不定根起始期,维管形成层及附近的薄壁细胞脱分化,形成不定根原基发端细胞;不定根表达期,根原基发端细胞不断分裂成具有方向性的根原基,根原基穿过韧皮射线和皮层,向皮孔方向发展;不定根伸长生长期,根原基从皮孔伸出,其内部的维管系统开始发育,形成不定根。研究认为,欧美杂种山杨为皮部诱导生根类型,不定根原基起源于维管形成层区,起源部位单一,扦插难生根。  相似文献   

该研究以侧柏一年生硬枝插穗为实验材料,利用连续组织切片技术观察插穗不定根发生发育过程中的组织结构变化,分析插穗外部形态变化、不定根原基起源和不定根的形成过程,探讨侧柏插穗不定根发生模式和不定根的组织学起源。结果显示:侧柏扦插后可由愈伤组织、皮部诱导产生不定根,出现皮部生根、愈伤组织生根、愈伤组织兼具皮部生根3种类型;侧柏插穗中存在少量潜伏根原基,但插穗生根类型以诱导生根为主;不定根原基诱导产生于愈伤组织、木质部、形成层及次生韧皮部等部位。研究认为侧柏扦插生根属于多位点发生模式,不定根原基的组织学起源是愈伤组织、髓射线、射线原始细胞、尚未分化成熟的木质部细胞,通过人工诱导同时激活这些不定根起源位点能够显著提高生根率和生根质量。  相似文献   

不同瓣型茉莉水培生根能力及根尖解剖结构比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对水培条件下单瓣、双瓣和重瓣茉莉(Jasminum sambac Aiton)插穗的生根能力及根尖解剖结构差异进行了观察和比较;在此基础上,分析了茉莉各生根性状及根尖解剖结构特征间的相关性。结果表明:3种瓣型茉莉插穗的生根率均达到100%,但单株生根数和平均根长均有显著差异(P<0.05);其中,双瓣茉莉的单株生根数和平均根长均最大,重瓣茉莉的这2个生根指标均最小。解剖结构观察结果表明:3种瓣型茉莉插穗水培根尖具有细胞质染色较浅、根冠细胞壁较薄和细胞内含物较少等特征;根尖成熟区和伸长区都出现不规则的气腔,类似于水生植物根系通气组织的结构;但不同瓣型茉莉根冠和气腔性状有一定差异。单瓣、双瓣和重瓣茉莉根冠长度分别为550、503和480μm,根冠长/宽比分别为1.52、1.34和1.21,三者间均有显著差异(P<0.05);重瓣茉莉的根冠宽度最大(395μm)且与双瓣和单瓣茉莉差异显著(P<0.05)。单瓣茉莉每根尖气腔数及气腔长度和宽度均最小,与双瓣和重瓣茉莉差异显著(P<0.05);而重瓣茉莉气腔宽度最大、双瓣茉莉气腔长度最大。相关性分析结果表明:水培条件下茉莉插穗的生根能力与根冠和气腔各性状指标的相关性均不显著(P>0.05)。总体上看,水培条件下双瓣茉莉插穗生根能力最强,根尖内气腔数量多且通气组织状结构最为发达,其抗逆性较强与此有关。研究结果揭示:不同瓣型茉莉水培生根能力及根尖解剖结构变化与其对水生环境的适应性有一定关系。  相似文献   

采用5种激素4个浓度的两因素完全随机区组设计,研究各因素及其组合对鹿角杜鹃扦插繁殖的7个插穗生根性状和5个扦插苗地上生长性状的影响,并运用主成分分析法对各处理组合的育苗效果进行了综合评价。结果表明:2个主因素对鹿角杜鹃扦插繁殖的大部分性状有显著影响,且表现为激素种类的影响大于浓度水平;5种激素中,GA3处理在愈伤率、腐烂率、生根率、老叶留存率与留存数、新梢率等性状上表现最佳,而 IBA 处理则在不定根数、最长不定根长、总根数、根系直径及新梢数、新梢长等性状上表现最优,两者为其扦插育苗的理想生根剂,其次为 IAA 处理,NAA 和6-BA 处理效果较差、不宜用于其扦插育苗;4个浓度中,愈伤率、腐烂率及老叶留存率以低浓度(B1)最佳,随着浓度升高效果下降;其它9个性状则以中浓度(B3)最优,高浓度(B4)处理各育苗性状下降;激素种类×浓度交互效应对总根数有极显著影响,对愈伤率、根系直径有显著影响,最佳浓度因激素种类而异。主成分综合评价表明,50 mg??L-1 GA3处理为最佳组合,其次为200、100 mg??L-1 IBA 处理,可用于鹿角杜鹃产业化育苗。  相似文献   

山东大豆种质资源形态多样性分析   总被引:27,自引:6,他引:21  
通过对山东省205份大豆种质资源的形态多样性分析,结果表明主茎节数的形态多样性指数最高,为1.96;花色的遗传多样性指数最低,为0.63。总体上是数量性状形态多样性指数大于质量性状。通过主成分分析,第一主成分的方差贡献率为36.49%,第二主成分的方差贡献率为13,24%;基于形态性状的聚类分析把205份材料聚为3类,其中第1类149份材料,品种生育日数较短,株高低,主茎节数和分枝数均少于其他2类。第2类54份材料,品种生育日数稍长,单株荚数、单株粒数较多,株高较高,百粒重较小。第3类仅2份材料,分别来自第Ⅳ生态区和第Ⅴ生态区。这2个品种生育期较长,株高较高。百粒重较大。  相似文献   

以生根能力差异较大的4个日本落叶松无性系为材料,对插穗生根过程中插穗内源激素含量和比值,以及总酚酸和营养物质含量的变化进行分析,以明确插穗不定根形成的主要内源性影响因素,为日本落叶松扦插繁殖技术提供理论依据.结果表明:(1)4个日本落叶松无性系扦插生根能力存在显著差异,‘日宽17-3-1'和‘日抚273 1,较易生根,其生根率达90%,而‘日草103-3-1’和‘日草82 4-3’难生根,其生根率低于20%.(2)在扦插生根过程中,插穗内源脱落酸(ABA)含量随扦插时间的延长而不断升高,并且较易生根和难生根无性系差异明显,与插穗的生根能力有较强的相关性;玉米素(Z)和总酚酸含量随扦插时间的延长而不断降低,并且对插穗生根具有明显的抑制作用;总氮含量表现出不断降低至逐渐稳定的趋势,但与插穗生根能力大小并无较强的相关性.(3)(IAA+Z)/ABA随扦插时间的延长而不断降低,且较易生根型小于难生根型.因此,在生产中以(IAA+ Z)/ABA的比值和总酚酸含量大小可判断日本落叶松插穗的生根能力.  相似文献   

研究了日本落叶松母株年龄、插穗内源激素含量与生根之间的关系,以及外源IBA对插穗内源激素含量的影响及其对插穗生根的促进作用。结果表明:不同株龄插穗生根性状及插穗茎和叶中激素含量差异均达极显著水平,叶中激素含量对插穗生根力没有直接影响;插穗茎中生根抑制激素(ABA)含量随株龄增长而增加,生根促进激素与抑制激素的比值(IAA+GA+ZR)/ABA却随株龄的增长而递减,与生根力随株龄的变化趋势一致,且该比值与生根性状紧密相关,因此可作为评价母株(无性系)生根力的指标;插后13~32d是插穗愈伤组织形成和不定根诱导的关键期,此期生根促进激素消耗量大,茎中含量大幅度降低,进入根伸长生长阶段,含量上升;外源IBA促进插穗生根的机制在于通过外源激素的刺激,在不定根诱导期,插穗茎中ABA含量大幅度降低,从而有利于不定根的发生和发育。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the changes in root length, mass, and diameter after air drying and rehydration of corn (Zea mays L.) root samples. For corn roots washed from soil, rehydrated root length was not reduced when compared with fresh root length, but rehydrated root mass was reduced to about half of fresh root mass, and rehydrated root diameter was approximately 75% of fresh diameter. Three storage methods (air dried, 70% ethanol, and 5% formaldehyde solution) were also compared for corn roots grown in moist paper towels. Although root mass and diameter were significantly reduced by air drying, root length was not altered by any of the treatments.  相似文献   

The morphology of fine root branching of woody plants is highly variable in their forms and functions. In the past two decades, researchers have increasingly recognized that the root-diameter-based method, using an arbitrary size of root diameter, failed to precisely characterize the physiological and ecological processes involved in finest roots. The number of publications using root-order-based approaches has increased regardless the fact that root trait-measurements based on root order are time-consuming and labor-intensive. A new approach—root functional classification method—was proposed and had been applied in the literature. The functional classification of fine roots separates roots of < 2 mm to absorptive and transport pools, making it more feasible for studies on root biomass and turnover. This new concept redefines fine root guild and has great potentials for future studies. Our literature review of the topic indicates that less is known about the inter-specific differences in estimates of biomass of absorptive and/or transport roots, with a large variation of absorptive roots on global scale. In addition, our review emphasizes the importance in: a) precision estimating of the absorptive biomass of fine roots, and b) proper definition of the range of the transport roots within and among forest ecosystems. Finally, after compare the strengths and weaknesses of the functional classification method, we propose several specific suggestions to improve the applications of this approach.  相似文献   

The study of fine roots growing under field conditions is limited by the techniques currently available for separating these roots from soil. This study had two objectives: to measure the total root length of field grown corn (Zea mays L.) by root diameter class, and to develop an inexpensive and efficient root washing device that would effectively capture all of the roots in a field soil sample. An inexpensive Fine Root Extraction Device (FRED) was constructed from readily available materials and was successful at extracting all roots, including very fine diameter roots (0.025 mm), from field soil samples. Greater than 99.7% of marked roots introduced to the FRED were recaptured by the device. Soil samples from three depths, and on three dates, from field grown corn were placed in the FRED. We found that more than 56% of total root length occurred in roots whose diameters were smaller than 0.175 mm, and more than 35% of root length occurred in roots smaller than 0.125 mm in diameter. Corn roots of the diameters described here have not been reported in field soils prior to this study. Root researchers who fail to measure these very fine roots will significantly underestimate root length density. Widespread use of the FRED should improve our understanding of root distribution in field soils.  相似文献   

Watson  Alex  Phillips  Chris  Marden  Michael 《Plant and Soil》1999,217(1-2):39-47
Information on live root-wood strength, rates of root decay and root growth of both radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) and kanuka (Kunzea ericoides (A. Rich.) Joy Thomps. var. ericoides) are combined to form a generalized conceptual model of changes in nett root reinforcement. The model provides an initial opportunity to rank the plant species having specific below-ground rooting habits that can be used to control erosion, and when linked with extreme flood probability can be used to indicate the risk of a storm likely to cause slope instability in the period between clear-felling and regrowth. Erosion-susceptible slopes planted 1 year after clearfelling in radiata pine at 1250 stems ha-1 regain root site-occupancy in 4.7 years, an interval during which there is an 80% chance of experiencing an extreme flood. Similarly for radiata planted at 800 and 400 stems ha-1, root site-occupancy is regained in 5.6 and 7.5 years, and the probability of occurrence of an extreme event within these periods is 85 and 90%, respectively. For erosion-susceptible slopes on which kanuka has become established, the probability of a significant event within the 2.8 years prior to root site-occupancy is 60%. Slopes felled of radiata pine are potentially more vulnerable to the stresses promoting slope instability, at least in the earlier years. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

小麦种子根的发育解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦胚胎发育过程中通常形成5条幼根(少数可形成6条),这些根统称为种子根,中间最先发生的为初生根.初生根的原基在胚胎发育的早期就在胚轴的一侧发生,原基细胞由不规则到规则排列。侧生种子根的原基在胚胎发育后期才出现,通常成对发生,并且是由胚轴上的节(盾片节和胚芽鞘节)维管束外方的细胞形成。侧生种子根的发育明显较初生根的快,分化能力也较强,后生木质部导管母细胞出现早,数目较多.因此,小麦胚胎发育过程中从胚轴上形成的这些侧生的种子根,形态上,仍应看作是一些不定根,其结构特征与后来形成须根系的不定根的比较近似。  相似文献   

Wheat embryo usually gives rise to five seminal roots in matured caryopsls, although, the sixth root might develop in some cases. The first one is known as the primary root. Primary root emerged early, and its primodium was distinctly originated from the proembryo and could be gradually identified as three layers of initials. Lateral seminal roots emerged later from the embryonic axis in pairs, and originated from the surrouding cells of the procambium. Differentiation of lateral roots was much more vigorous than that of the first seminal root (primary root), and, its mother cells of metaxylem vessel appeared soon, Lateral seminal roots usually had more metaxylem vessels. In short, only the first root is the primary root, the lateral seminal roots are adventitious in nature, since their structures are similar to those of other adventitious roots.  相似文献   

Chopart  J. L.  Siband  P. 《Plant and Soil》1999,214(1-2):61-74
Root length density (RLD) is an important determinant of crop water and nutrient acquisition, but is difficult to measure in the field. On a soil profile, in-situ counts of root impacts per unit surface on soil profiles (NI) can be used to calculate RLD if crop-specific parameters for preferential root orientation (anisotropy) are known. An improved method for field determinations of RLD was developed and validated for maize at sites in Côte d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso. Root anisotropy was measured with cubes of undisturbed soil with 0.1 m sidelength, based on NI observed on three planes oriented perpendicularly to each other. RLD was also measured for the enclosed volume. Repetition of such measurements enabled estimation of the robustness across sites of empirical and geometric models for the relationship between RLD and NI:RLD = NI CO, with CO being the coefficient of root orientation, theoretically equals 2 for an isotropic distribution. Root systems were found to be nearly isotropic, except near the root front (0.3 to 0.5 m), where roots had a preferentially orthotropic orientation. Measured RLD was generally about 50% larger than RLD calculated from observed NI and CO, indicating that at least one of the measurement techniques had a systematic error. The ratio between measured and calculated RLD (CE), which ranged from 0.8 to 2, increased with the age of the plants and decreased with soil depth. CE was therefore introduced as an additional coefficient, resulting in RLD = NI CO CE. The empirical value for CO CE was between 2 and 5. The empirical coefficients CO and CE were the same for the sites in Cote d'Ivoire (oxisol with an iron pan at 0.6 to 0.9 m) and Burkina Faso (alfisol with an iron pan at 0.4 to 0.8 m). The model was validated with independent data sets at both sites, and gave satisfactory predictions of RLD on the basis of NI obtained from single soil planes, which can be easily measured in the field.  相似文献   

相同条件下相同生长期的植物根系生长与适应策略及其差异性还不清楚。因此,采集岷江干旱河谷地区25种乡土植物(木本15/草本10种)的种子于2009年3月播种在同一干旱环境中,9月测定了1年生植株的最大根深(RDmax)、根幅(RW)与根生物量(RB),计算了总根长(TRL)、比根长(SRL)及细/粗根生物量比(RBf/c),分析了它们之间的关系,进行了根系功能组划分。结果表明:1)25种植物1年生植株RDmax与RW变异较小,总变异率为14.9%和20.7%;TRL和SRL变异相对较大,分别为28.5%和34.7%,草本植物SRL明显大于木本植物;RB和RBf/c种间变异较大,总变异率分别为50.1%和70.5%;2)25种植物的RDmax、RW、RB和TRL间呈显著正相关关系,表明根系较深的物种RW较大,TRL和RB也较高;SRL与RDmax呈极显著负相关关系,与RBf/c呈极显著正相关关系,表明根系垂直分布较浅的物种细根发达,SRL较大;3)主成分分析显示,25种植物可分为3个功能组:第1组具有较大RDmax、RW和RB,资源利用持续时间较长;第2组具有较大TRL、SRL和RBf/c,资源利用效率较高;第3组根系功能性状没有一致的突出特点,可能通过降低自身生理机能适应生存条件。综合分析表明,岷江干旱河谷区25种植物1年生植株根系的功能性状变异明显,可塑性大,历经长期自然选择压力而形成了不同的环境适应策略,但生长型并不必然表达出1年生植株根系功能性状的差异性。  相似文献   

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