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采用常规石蜡切片法,观察油茶插穗不定根发育的解剖学特征。结果表明:油茶当年生插穗茎内无潜伏根原基, 插条的皮部存在连续排列成环状的厚壁细胞,这些结构特征可能与油茶插条生根时间较长有关。不定根由诱生根原基发育形成, 诱生根源于形成层、韧皮部及愈伤组织等部位,不定根属于诱导根原始体型、混合生根型。只有极少数插条的不定根由愈伤组织长出,不定根的发生与愈伤组织没有直接关系。  相似文献   

该研究以侧柏一年生硬枝插穗为实验材料,利用连续组织切片技术观察插穗不定根发生发育过程中的组织结构变化,分析插穗外部形态变化、不定根原基起源和不定根的形成过程,探讨侧柏插穗不定根发生模式和不定根的组织学起源。结果显示:侧柏扦插后可由愈伤组织、皮部诱导产生不定根,出现皮部生根、愈伤组织生根、愈伤组织兼具皮部生根3种类型;侧柏插穗中存在少量潜伏根原基,但插穗生根类型以诱导生根为主;不定根原基诱导产生于愈伤组织、木质部、形成层及次生韧皮部等部位。研究认为侧柏扦插生根属于多位点发生模式,不定根原基的组织学起源是愈伤组织、髓射线、射线原始细胞、尚未分化成熟的木质部细胞,通过人工诱导同时激活这些不定根起源位点能够显著提高生根率和生根质量。  相似文献   

芡个体发育早期的研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
刘玫  王臣  刘鸣远 《植物研究》2001,21(1):97-99
本文研究了芡个体发育的早期, 即心形胚至种苗。心形胚至成熟胚表现为:苗端先发育, 根端弱育;胚芽叶节上的节生根原基先发育, 根端无明显分化。种子胚至种苗表现为:种子萌发时, 下胚轴末端产生多细胞分枝下胚轴毛;种苗形成中, 节生根先发育, 胚根后发育, 且长达1mm左右即停止生长。这些器官发育顺序上的特点在被子植物中是很特殊的, 应该是系统发生上的原始性状。下胚轴毛是水生或湿生被子植物比较普遍的性状, 是区分下胚轴与胚根的指示性状。  相似文献   

欧美杂种山杨微扦插不定根发生过程的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用石蜡切片技术,以欧美杂种山杨插穗基部茎段为实验材料,连续解剖观察插穗不定根发生发育过程,分析根原基发生部位与扦插生根的关系。结果显示:欧美杂种山杨插穗不定根的发生过程分为4个时期,为根原基诱导期,不定根起始期、表达期和伸长生长期。根原基诱导期维管形成层产生具有分生组织特点的薄壁细胞;不定根起始期,维管形成层及附近的薄壁细胞脱分化,形成不定根原基发端细胞;不定根表达期,根原基发端细胞不断分裂成具有方向性的根原基,根原基穿过韧皮射线和皮层,向皮孔方向发展;不定根伸长生长期,根原基从皮孔伸出,其内部的维管系统开始发育,形成不定根。研究认为,欧美杂种山杨为皮部诱导生根类型,不定根原基起源于维管形成层区,起源部位单一,扦插难生根。  相似文献   

刘玫  王臣 《木本植物研究》2001,21(1):97-99,T018
本文研究了芡个体发育的早期,即心形胚至种苗。心形胚至成熟胚表现为:苗端先发育,根端弱育;胚芽叶节上的节生根原基先发育,端无明显分化。种子胚至种苗表现为:种子萌发时,下胚轴末端产生多细胞分枝下胚轴毛;种苗形成中,节生根先发育,胚后发育,且长达1mm左右即停止生长这些器官发育顺序上的特点在被子植物中是很特殊的,应该是系统发生上的原始性状,下胚轴毛是水生或显生被子植物比较普遍的性状,是区分下胚轴与胚奶的指示性状。  相似文献   

采用形态观察和GMA切片相结合的方法,对龙舌草果实、种子及种苗发育的形态结构进行解剖学观察研究,探讨龙舌草个体发育中表现出的与水生环境相适应的结构特征.结果显示:(1)龙舌草由佛焰苞包被的果实通常由6心皮构成,心皮边缘不完全愈合,层片状胎座,水面形成的幼嫩果实被果柄拉入水中发育成熟;种子具毛,萌发时苗端先于根端发育,在胚根分化之前先出现单细胞的下胚轴毛,随后胚根发育为初生根,并在真叶的节处发育出不定根;果皮和叶肉内的维管束仅由少数细胞构成,且细胞分化不明显,有发达的通气道;叶表皮无角质层,细胞外凸,叶肉细胞数量少;表明龙舌草的结构特征与水生环境相适应.(2)研究还发现,龙舌草的种子无胚乳,下胚轴贮存种苗发育需要的大量淀粉粒,以及初生根和不定根均有根毛的结构,且与泽泻科的慈菇和泽泻的结构一致,证明水鳖科与泽泻科具有较近的亲缘关系.  相似文献   

核桃试管不定根的组织学研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
以核桃品种‘新早丰’试管嫩茎为试材,采用二步生根法诱导生根,对其试管苗不定根发生发育过程进行了解剖学研究。结果表明:核桃试管嫩茎内未发现潜伏根原基;诱导生根后,不定根原基起源于形成层,特别是髓射线正对的形成层部分,属于诱生根原基型;不定根上的侧根起源于中柱鞘细胞。核桃试管嫩茎不定根的发育过程可分为4个阶段:(1)形成层细胞分裂;(2)转变为分生组织细胞群(即根原始细胞);(3)细胞群发育成可见的根原基; (4)根原基内细胞继续分裂分化形成根尖的外形,其内发育出维管束,并向外生长,穿过皮层,突破茎表皮。在组织培养条件下长出的不定根内部解剖构造为典型的初生构造,移栽后68 d出现次生构造。另外,试管苗根毛出现与否及其发育状况受基质理化性质的影响,即生态条件可以改变组织发生及其形状。  相似文献   

杂种鹅掌楸插穗不定根发生与发育的解剖学观察   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
从解剖学角度着手,对杂种鹅掌楸〔Liriodendronchinense(Hemsl.)Sarg.×L.tulipiferaL.〕扦插过程中不定根的发生发育进行了研究。结果表明:杂种鹅掌楸插穗内未发现潜伏根原基。扦插后,不定根原基起源于维管形成层区,属于诱导生根类型。维管形成层恢复活动后,在不定根发生的部位附近形成1个明显的多薄壁细胞区域,在此区域不定根较容易发生。愈伤组织内没有发现根原基,愈伤组织在发育的过程中,内部细胞部分分化,并形成不规则的输导组织。大量的愈伤组织对不定根的发生有较强的抑制作用。杂种鹅掌楸插穗上不定根的发生可分为4个阶段:(1)维管形成层恢复活动,分裂出多层薄壁细胞;(2)维管形成层及附近的薄壁细胞脱分化,形成不定根原基发端细胞;(3)根原基发端细胞不断分裂成具有方向性的根原基,根原基穿过韧皮射线和皮层,向皮孔或下切口方向发展;(4)不定根从皮孔或下切口伸出,其内部的维管系统开始发育。  相似文献   

为了探索睡莲目与泽泻目个体发育早期的共性,追踪观察了大花睡莲种子至种苗的发育过程。结果发现:种子胚苗端发育先于根端;萌发时首先出现下胚轴,继而末端膨大产生下胚轴毛,最后胚根分化;初生根短命;节生根后发生但较粗壮,浮水叶开始产生时根茎第一节以下部分随即烂掉;种苗的各器官中均有发达的通气组织等基本上与芡、泽泻和黑藻相似。  相似文献   

研究了一氧化氮(NO)供体普钠(SNP)、一氧化氮清除剂C-PTIO和一氧化氮合酶(NOS)抑制L-NAME对绿豆(Vigna radiataL.)下胚轴插条生根的影响.并对不定根生期间手条基部NO 和NADPH-黄递酶的时空变化进行了检测.所试浓度SNP均明显促进下胚轴不根发生.分别插条切取后24h和36h于其基部维管束之间检测到NADPH-黄递酶(NOS标记酶)阳性反应和NO荧光,根原基也于48h在相同位置出现,并于60h进一步伸长.48~60h期间,NADPH、黄递的阳性反应及NO荧光有增强趋势,并主要分布在不定根分生组织中.L-NAME既减弱NADPH-黄递酶的阳性反应和NO荧光,也延缓不不定根发生;而c-PTIO对NO荧光及不定根生均有抑制作用.上述结果证明:NO在不定根发生及发育过程中有重要作用,而且此过程中的NO很可能由类似的NOS催化产生.  相似文献   

Wheat embryo usually gives rise to five seminal roots in matured caryopsls, although, the sixth root might develop in some cases. The first one is known as the primary root. Primary root emerged early, and its primodium was distinctly originated from the proembryo and could be gradually identified as three layers of initials. Lateral seminal roots emerged later from the embryonic axis in pairs, and originated from the surrouding cells of the procambium. Differentiation of lateral roots was much more vigorous than that of the first seminal root (primary root), and, its mother cells of metaxylem vessel appeared soon, Lateral seminal roots usually had more metaxylem vessels. In short, only the first root is the primary root, the lateral seminal roots are adventitious in nature, since their structures are similar to those of other adventitious roots.  相似文献   

灰叶胡杨根蘖繁殖的形态解剖学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规石蜡切片法对灰叶胡杨(Populus pruinosa)根蘖繁殖特性进行形态解剖学研究。结果表明: 灰叶胡杨横走侧根由周皮、次生维管组织和四原型的初生木质部构成, 具有次生维管组织中维管射线、次生韧皮薄壁组织发达的结构特征。灰叶胡杨的根蘖繁殖源于横走侧根上不定芽的发生及生长发育。不定芽起源于横走侧根的木栓形成层, 木栓形成层经细胞分裂活动形成不定芽原基, 不定芽原基细胞分裂和生长分化形成在横走侧根表面可观察到的不定芽, 进而生长发育为根蘖苗。不定芽的发生具有同步或非同步的时间特征和单点或多点聚集的空间分布特点, 在生长发育过程中其基部可以产生新的不定芽。不定芽发生、分布和生长特点是根蘖苗大小不一、密集丛生的内在原因, 表明灰叶胡杨具有较强的根蘖繁殖能力。  相似文献   

The effects of diclofop-methyl on root growth of wild oat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diclofop-methyl severely reduced the growth of seminal roots of wild oat ( Avena fatua L.) when applied in hydroponics at 0.01 and 0.05 μ M . Lateral roots emerged closer to the seminal root apex than in the controls, but coronal root number and length were unaffected at 0.01 μ M . However, doses of 0.05 to 0.1 μ M induced more but shorter coronal roots to emerge than for controls. At 1 μ M the number and length of coronal roots were less than for controls. Root-applied diclofop-methyl at 1 μ M inhibited emerging second leaf growth to the same extent as a foliar dip in 1 μ M diclofop-methyl without causing chlorosis as foliar treatment does. Because of limited basipetal transport of foliarly-applied diclofop-methyl, shoot treatment was ineffective in inducing abnormal root morphogenesis of the seminal and lateral root systems, although it caused abnormalities of the coronal root system. Time course studies were initiated to examine the effect of root-applied diclofop-methyl at 0.05 μ M . Seminal root growth was inhibited (by diclofop-methyl) soon after treatment, while controls continued elongating. The distance between the seminal root apex and the first lateral primordia increased in the controls within one day after treatment, but decreased in the herbicide-treated roots. The distance between the seminal root apex and the first emerged lateral root was reduced by three days after treatment. The number of lateral primordia and emerged roots was unaffected three days after treatment. These dose-response and kinetic results suggested that diclofop-methyl caused a loss of apical dominance in the seminal root.  相似文献   

Effects of soil drought or waterlogging on the morphological traits of the root system and internal root anatomy were studied in maize hybrids of different drought tolerance. The investigations comprised quantitative and qualitative analyses of a developed plant root system through determining the number, length and dry matter of the particular components of the root system and some traits of the anatomical structure of the seminal root. Obtained results have demonstrated a relatively broad variation in the habit of the root system. This mainly refers, to the number, length and dry matter of lateral roots, developed by seminal root, seminal adventitious and nodal roots as well as to some anatomical properties of the stele, cortex and metaxylem elements. Plants grown under waterlogging or drought conditions showed a smaller number and less dry matter of lateral branching than plants grown in control conditions. The harmful effect of waterlogging conditions on the growth of roots was greater when compared with that of plants exposed to drought. In the measurements of the root morphological traits, the effect of soil drought on the internal root anatomical characteristic was weaker than the effect of soil waterlogging. The observed effects of both treatments were more distinct in a drought sensitive hybrid Pioneer D than in drought resistant Pioneer C one. The drought resistant hybrid Pioneer C distinguished by a more extensive rooting and by smaller alterations in the root morphology caused by the stress conditions than drought sensitive hybrid Pioneer D one. Also the differences between the resistant and the sensitive maize hybrids were apparent for examined root anatomical traits. Results confirm that the hybrid Pioneer D of a high drought susceptibility was found to be also more sensitive to periodieal soil water excess. A more efficient water use and a lower shoot to root (S:R) ratio were found to be major reasons for a higher stress resistance of the hybrid Pioneer C. The reasons for a different response of the examined hybrids to the conditions of drought or waterlogging may be a more economical water balance and more favourable relations between the shoot and root dimensions in the drought resistant genotype. The observed modifications of the internal root structure caused by water deficit in plant tissues may partly influence on water conductivity and transport within roots. The results suggest that the morphological and anatomical traits of the maize root system may be used in practice as direct or indirect selection criteria in maize breeding.  相似文献   

Summary In onion adventitious roots cellular events have been identified that indicate that lateral root initiation occurs earlier and nearer the apex than previously documented. Lateral roots are not initiated when a pericycle cell divides periclinally but earlier, when a pair of neighbouring pericycle cells in the same column divide transversely and asymmetrically, with both mitoses close to the end towards the neighbouring pericycle cell. Each cell therefore produces two cells of unequal length. The shorter cells produced by the mother pericycle cells are adjacent, while the longer cells are located above and below the shorter cells. This objective morphological criterion allows clear identification of the site of lateral root initiation. Subsequent to these asymmetric divisions, both the longer pericycle cells again divide transversely and asymmetrically producing more short cells adjacent to the previous ones. The first periclinal division occurs in one of these short pericycle cells.  相似文献   

冰凉花根系发育形态学的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冰凉花属于宿根植物,其根几乎终生为初生结构。一年生苗直根系的主根和侧根的初生木质部均为二原型。二至多年生植株的不定根分为二原型、三原型、四原型和五原型,其分枝均为二原型。根在一年中有两个生长期。展叶结果营养期产生新的不定根,旧根顶端恢复延长生长或产生新的分枝。夏季枯萎休眠期新生根变成黄褐色,停止生长。秋季地下生长期根系又开始生长。冬季严寒迫使生长趋于停止。研究冰凉花根系发育形态学不仅具有理论意义而且有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Aerenchyma formation in maize adventitious roots is induced in nutrient solution by the deprivation of sulfate (S) under well-oxygenated conditions. The aim of this research was to examine the extent of aerenchyma formation in the cortex of sulfate-deprived adventitious roots along the root axis, in correlation with the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS), calcium levels and pH of cortex cells and root lignification. METHODS: The morphometry of the second whorl of adventitious (W2) roots, subject to S-deprivation conditions throughout development, was recorded in terms of root length and lateral root length and distribution. W2 roots divided into sectors according to the mean length of lateral roots, and cross-sections of each were examined for aerenchyma. In-situ detection of alterations in ROS presence, calcium levels and pH were performed by means of fluorescence microscopy using H(2)DCF-DA, fluo-3AM and BCECF, respectively. Lignification was detected using the Wiesner test. KEY RESULTS: S-deprivation reduced shoot growth and enhanced root proliferation. Aerenchyma was found in the cortex of 77 % of the root length, particularly in the region of emerging or developing lateral roots. The basal and apical sectors had no aerenchyma and no aerenchyma connection was found with the shoot. S-deprivation resulted in alterations of ROS, calcium levels and pH in aerenchymatous sectors compared with the basal non-aerenchymatous region. Lignified epidermal layers were located at the basal and the proximal sectors. S-deprivation resulted in shorter lateral roots in the upper sectors and in a limited extension of the lignified layers towards the next lateral root carrying sector. CONCLUSIONS: Lateral root proliferation is accompanied by spatially localized induced cell death in the cortex of developing young maize adventitious roots during S-deprivation.  相似文献   

Lateral root development in onion is accompanied by a variety of anatomical and permeability changes in some cells of the adventitious root. The endodermal Casparian band of the parent root is disrupted early in the development of the lateral but later extends so as to be continuous with the developing Casparian band of the new root. The lateral root emerges through a longitudinal split in the adventitious root exodermis and epidermis. Following this, the cell walls and intercellular air spaces adjacent to the lateral become incrusted with suberin and a small amount of lignin, forming a collar of modified tissue around the lateral. Subsequent radial expansion of the lateral distorts the adjacent cells of the adventitious root and forces a tight association between it and the lateral. The apoplastic permeability of lateral/parent root junctions was tested using Cellufluor, an apoplastic fluorescent dye which binds to cellulose. Prior to lateral root emergence, no dye enters the parent root cortex due to the Casparian band of the exodermis. Immediately after emergence, dye often penetrates through the break in the exodermal Casparian band and diffuses into the first cortical cell layer. However, when the collar of suberized cells develops (two days after lateral root emergence), movement of the dye into an undisturbed adventitious root is usually prevented (i.e., in 77% of the cases examined). In contrast, only 17% of the root systems which were transplanted just prior to treatment excluded the dye. This indicates that the apoplastic seals around the laterals are sensitive to movement and we recommend that only undisturbed root systems be used for permeability studies.  相似文献   

Lateral roots of Typha glauca arose from the pericycle of the parent adventitious root. Periclinal divisions of the pericycle gave rise to two layers; the outermost initially produced the ground meristem and protoderm, and the innermost produced the procambium. The immature endodermis of the parent root contributed to the early stages of the root tip as an endodermal covering. Prior to emergence, the ground meristem/protoderm produced cells into the endodermal covering. After emergence, the endodermal covering was replaced by a calyptrogen, which was derived from the ground meristem/protoderm and which, in turn, formed the rootcap. A typical monocotyledonous three-tiered meristem was then produced. An outer ground meristem also arose before emergence to form a hypodermis in many lateral roots; in these, crystalliferous cell production began in midcortex cells before emergence, and a small aerenchyma developed in their cortices. The rootcap columella stored small amounts of starch shortly after emergence. Lateral roots of T. glauca were smaller than their parental adventitious roots; they normally had only two to six poles of xylem and phloem, and the cortex was less than six cells across. During 1–3-cm elongation, the lateral root apical meristem and mature regions narrowed, stored starch disappeared, fewer crystals formed, aerenchyma production ceased, and the roots stopped elongation.  相似文献   

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