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鱼类体色发育在生物进化、生理生态等方面具有重要的意义,豹纹鳃棘鲈是一种体色变异丰富的珊瑚礁鱼类,在不同环境中呈现出显著差异的体色。本文选取了豹纹鳃棘鲈体色差异个体,并对不同部位的皮肤颜色、色素分布和相关色素酶含量进行了检测和分析。结果显示,鱼体表皮分布着大量黑色素细胞和红色素细胞。黑色个体的黑色素细胞密度较大、黑色素含量较高,黑色素酶含量较低;而红色个体的红色素细胞密度更大、胡萝卜素与类胡萝卜素含量更高,黑色素酶的含量也更高。实验结果表明,豹纹鳃棘鲈的体色差异与黑色素颗粒的聚集、分散程度以及黑色素代谢酶的含量相关,体色鲜艳程度与红色素细胞数量以及胡萝卜素和类胡萝卜素含量相关。本文解释了红黑豹纹鳃棘鲈体色在色素和酶含量方面的差异,为进一步研究其体色变异机制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

鱼类的体色由基本色素细胞相互配合而成,色素细胞主要有4种类型:黑色素细胞、红色素细胞、黄色素细胞和虹彩细胞。AG1478是针对酪氨酸激酶(Tyr)的一种新型抑制剂。Tyr是黑色素生成过程中的关键酶,在黑色素细胞中呈特异性表达。本文主要阐述了白鲫四种色素细胞以及两种不同形态黑色素细胞的超微结构观察,探讨了AG1478抑制剂对白鲫早期体色发育的影响,实验结果表明抑制剂对白鲫早期体色发育没有明显影响。  相似文献   

鱼鳍和鳞片色素组成的比较观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鱼类体色观察常以鳞片为材料,鱼鳍和鳞片都是皮肤的衍生物,采用Nikon光学显微镜系统,对白鲫和红鲫鱼鳍及相邻体位鳞片的色素细胞组成、分布及形态结构等进行了比较观察。鱼鳍薄而透明,显微镜下观察发现鱼鳍从近体端到远体端在色素细胞总体分布上呈现出由密集逐渐稀疏的变化特征。白鲫背、胸、腹、臀、尾鳍五种鱼鳍中都分布有黑色素细胞、黄色素细胞和红色素细胞三种色素细胞类型。红鲫鱼鳍中则仅观察到黄色素细胞和红色素细胞两种色素细胞类型。同时不同部位鱼鳍与其基部相邻鱼鳞上层在色素细胞的组成上是一致的。在白鲫和红鲫的鳞片中均存在着丰富的虹彩细胞,但在鱼鳍中未观察到典型的虹彩细胞的分布,提示在鱼类体色发育中,虹彩母细胞可能具有与其它几种色素母细胞不同的迁移途径。  相似文献   

斑马鱼(Danio rerio)是一种常见的模式生物,红斑马鱼为小型观赏性鱼类之一.鱼类体色主要是由皮肤或鳞片上的色素细胞的种类和分布决定的.黑色素细胞诱导转录因子(MITF)主要调控动物黑色素细胞发育和分化.本文观察了红斑马鱼成鱼的背鳍、臀鳍、腹鳍、胸鳍色素细胞的组成和分布,跟踪观察了红斑马鱼早期体色发育过程.通过C...  相似文献   

色素细胞是皮肤图案形成的基础,为了解鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)皮肤图案区域色素细胞的种类、分布及排列特征,采用光学显微镜与电子显微镜对鳜皮肤中图案区域、非图案区域及交界处皮肤的色素细胞进行显微及超显微结构观察。结果显示,鳜皮肤中含有黑色素细胞、黄色素细胞、红色素细胞及虹彩细胞,主要分布于表皮层和色素层。头部过眼条纹、躯干纵带、躯干斑块等图案区域皮肤表皮层与色素层均含有黑色素细胞,非图案区域仅表皮层含有少量黑色素细胞。躯干图案区域(纵带、斑块)皮肤色素层色素细胞分布层次明显,由外到内依次为黄色素细胞、红色素细胞、黑色素细胞和虹彩细胞,其中,虹彩细胞内反射小板较长,整齐水平排列;躯干非图案区域皮肤色素层由外到内依次为黄色素细胞、红色素细胞和虹彩细胞,其中,虹彩细胞内反射小板较短,无规则排列。头部过眼条纹色素层含有4种色素细胞,色素细胞数量较少,且无规则排列,其中,黑色素细胞内黑色素颗粒较大。交界处皮肤色素层黑色素细胞数量向非图案区域一侧逐渐减少,虹彩细胞数量逐渐增加。结果表明,鳜图案区域与非图案区域、不同图案区域的色素细胞分布与排列各不相同,本研究结果为鳜色素细胞图案化形成机制提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

色彩图案作为最显著的外部形态特征之一,在动物生存与交流中起着重要的作用。为了解鳜(Siniperca chautsi)早期发育过程中这一形态特征变化,采用CCD-Adapter解剖镜对鳜早期(胚胎期至出膜40日龄)体表色素细胞种类与分布、主要图案(条、带、斑)的形成过程进行了观察,同时对不同部位皮肤进行组织切片观察。结果显示,胚胎期,最早观察到黑色素细胞,位于卵黄囊和油球,出膜前,头部出现黄色素细胞;出膜后,黑色素细胞发育最为显著,红色素细胞出现在眼球后部和躯干前部;5日龄后,黄色素细胞发育增加,鱼体各部位均有分布,黑色素细胞继续发育,图案形成开始。鳜早期色彩图案形成过程:(1)躯干纵带:5日龄,背部出现少量黑色素,14日龄,背鳍基部黑色素与腹部黑色素相连;(2)头部过眼条带:10日龄,鳃盖后上方黑色素明显增多,12日龄,眼球后部经鳃盖后上缘至背部前端的条带形成,17日龄,上颌至眼球前部的条带形成;(3)头顶条带:6日龄,头顶正上方黑色斑点增多,18日龄,头部上方黑色斑块分别向前、后延伸,23日龄,头顶正上方黑色条带基本形成;(4)躯干斑块:8日龄,尾部底端出现一个较小的黑色斑块,15日龄,尾柄前部出现3个不规则黑色斑块,25日龄,躯干中后部5个近圆形黑色斑块形成。结果表明,鳜胚胎期至出膜40日龄,体表出现黑色素细胞、黄色素细胞和红色素细胞,体色以黑色为主,主要条带或斑块在仔鱼5日龄后按不同方式逐渐形成,不同皮肤部位的色素层组成与分布方式不同。  相似文献   

为了探索光色对鱼类的生长和血清生化指标的影响,利用一个小型循环水养殖系统中的不同养殖水槽,设置了白光、红光、黄光、绿光和黑暗5种光照环境,对豹纹鳃棘鲈(Plectropomus leopardus)幼鱼(体长19.67±1.26 cm,体质量92.92±4.05 g)进行了120 d的养殖实验。结果表明:光色对豹纹鳃棘鲈的生长和存活的影响存在显著性差异,绿光组幼鱼的存活率和体质量均最大,白光组幼鱼的肝胰脏指数(HSI)最高;白光组幼鱼的血糖、血脂和蛋白质的含量均低于其他4组;白光组幼鱼的谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、谷草转氨酶(AST)和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)的含量最高,白光组幼鱼的LDH显著高于红光组和绿光组;白光组幼鱼的肌酐(CREA)和尿素氮(BUN)含量高于其他4组(P0.05);5种光色下的幼鱼血液中的无机离子含量除Mg~(2+)外,Ca~(2+)、P~(3+)、Na~+和K~+均无显著性差异。综合生长、存活及血清生化指标分析,5种光色中,绿光最适宜豹纹鳃棘鲈幼鱼生长和存活。  相似文献   

几种鲤鲫鳞片色素细胞和体色发生的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过普通鲫、红鲫、水晶彩鲫、普通鲤、蓝鲤、荷包红鲤和锦鲤的不同色彩鳞片色素细胞和体色发生过程观察,确定组成鳞片的色素细胞有4种:红色素、黄色素、黑色素和鸟粪素细胞,分布在鳞片的上层和下层,由于组合不同、大小不同和形状不同,就形成了多种多样的不同体色。本研究描述了不同品种鲤、鲫鱼从出苗到体色形成的发生过程,总结和归纳了不同时期体色变化的异同点,以期为鱼类的体色研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

目的了解鲫成体透明的原因,探讨该性状的应用特性,为透明鲫作为水生实验动物材料系统开发提供基础。方法对透明鲫进行繁殖,并观察其后代性状,了解透明性状的遗传规律;体视镜观察透明鲫色素细胞的种类与分布,并与鲫比较;组织切片和压片确认微孢子虫对透明鲫的感染,并观察感染症状的变化。结果鲫的透明性状可以遗传,大部分后代表现为通体透明,心、肝、肾、肠、鳔、鳃、脊椎等组织器官肉眼清晰可见。与正常鲫比较,透明鲫的主要色素细胞为黄色素细胞,并未发现虹彩色素细胞,黑色素细胞的数量也大为减少。微孢子虫对鱼体的感染过程可直观观察,病原的扩散和空间分布能实时获得,具普通鱼类无法比拟的应用优势。结论虹彩色素细胞的缺失是鲫透明突变的结构基础。由于透明鲫内部器官可直接观测,无需依靠解剖或复杂仪器系统,在同一动物身上可能获得一系列的动态试验数据,或可作为模型材料广泛应用于生命科学不同领域。  相似文献   

曼龙鱼色素细胞的显微观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李小兵  郑曙明  吴青 《四川动物》2012,31(4):538-540,690
在显微镜下分别观察并用CCD摄像系统记录曼龙鱼色素细胞的显微结构特点。组成曼龙鱼的色素细胞为黑色素细胞、黄色素细胞、红色素细胞和虹彩细胞4种。黑色素细胞核较大,含黑色和棕色的色素颗粒,色彩呈黑色或褐色,在鱼体表层皆有分布,有两种形态:一种树突状分枝不明显,个体相对较小;另一种树突状分支多且较为粗大,延伸成放射状,颜色较深。黄色素细胞和红色素细胞核较小,分别含黄色素颗粒和红色素颗粒,色彩分别呈黄色或桔黄色、浅红色或紫红色。虹彩细胞核最小,含鸟粪素颗粒,呈白色或银白色,仅分布在鳞片表层。  相似文献   

The melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) receptor has a major function in the regulation of black (eumelanin) versus red (phaeomelanin) pigment synthesis within melanocytes. We report three alleles of the MSH-receptor gene found in cattle. A point mutation in the dominant allele E D gives black coat color, whereas a frameshift mutation, producing a prematurely terminated receptor, in homozygous e/e animals, produces red coat color. The wild-type allele E + produces a variety of colors, reflecting the possibilities for regulating the normal receptor. Microsatellite analysis, RFLP studies, and coat color information were used to localize the MSH-receptor to bovine Chromosome (Chr) 18.  相似文献   

Many teleost fish can adapt their body color to a background color by changing the morphology and density of their skin pigment cells. Melanophore density in fish skin decreases during long-term adaptation to a white background. Although cell death, especially apoptosis, is thought to be involved in these morphological changes, there are no data clearly supporting this mechanism. Using medaka fish, Oryzias latipes, we observed that, on a white background, melanophore size was reduced first and this was followed by a decrease in melanophore density caused by gradual cell death. The process of cell death included loss of cell activity, cell fragmentation, phagocytosis of the fragments, and clearance via the epidermis. Apoptosis was assessed by the appearance of phosphatidylserine on the cell surface of melanophores that had lost motile activity, and DNA fragments involved in cell fragmentation were detected by the TUNEL (TDT-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling) assay. However, when chemically denervated fish were used, although melanophore size was reduced as expected, cell death was suppressed even on a white background. In skin tissue culture, apoptosis in melanophores was stimulated significantly by norepinephrine, but not by melanin-concentrating hormone. These results indicate that melanophore density decreases by apoptosis, and suggest that sympathetic innervation has an important role in the regulation of apoptosis in melanophores. In analogous fashion, leucophores showed a significant decrease in density with an increase of cell death on a black background. We suggest that apoptosis regulates the balance of pigment cells in the skin of medaka fish to adapt their body color to a particular background.  相似文献   

Auditory and olfactory abilities of settlement-stage larvae of the coral trout Plectropomus leopardus (Pisces: Serranidae) were tested electrophysiologically to determine if these senses are sufficiently developed to aid larvae in detection of settlement habitats on coral reefs. Plectropomus leopardus larvae detected sounds from 100 to 2000 Hz with hearing most sensitive at the frequencies of 100, 200 and 600 Hz. The olfactory response of P. leopardus was similar for the two amino acids tested and for the water conditioned by conspecifics. Auditory and olfactory abilities of P. leopardus are well developed at settlement-stage, and apparently sufficient to detect auditory and olfactory cues from reefs.  相似文献   

Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss , were exposed to water from the Rhine for 24 days and their skin examined by light and electron microscopy. Relative to control fish mitotic figures were common and seen throughout the epidermis. Pavement cells in fish exposed to Rhine water contained significantly more secretory vesicles than control fish. Necrotic pavement cells were apparent after 24 h, and apoptotic cells from day 4 on. Mucous secretion was intense and the differentiation of mucous cells was stimulated. Some of these cells synthesized mucus of high electron density, probably of a serous composition. Leucocytes invaded the dermis and epidermis, and towards the end of the experiment many apoptotic and necrotic lymphocytes were found. In the dermis fibroblasts were abundant and actively producing collagen. Pigment containing cytoplasmic extensions of melanocytes penetrated into the epidermis. After 14 and 24 days of exposure many pigment cells, melanocytes, iridocytes and xanthocytes became apoptotic. Most of these changes are known from fish exposed to heavy metals, acid water or other stressful treatments, indicating that exposure to Rhine water is a stressful experience for trout.  相似文献   

The gonadal ontogeny through sex differentiation and transition of three protogynous coral trout species, Plectropomus leopardus , P. maculatus and P. laevis was described, based on anatomical and germinal differences along the length of the reproductive tract. Gonads of immature and mature females, sex changing individuals (transitionals) and males were examined. Specific anatomical features that were compared between sexual phases included the presence and structure of sperm sinuses, gonadal musculature and germinal cell types. All three coral trout species first differentiated as an immature female. The sexual pattern of P. leopardus and P. maculatus was concluded to be diandric protogynous hermaphroditism (males were derived from the juvenile phase as well as through sex change of mature females). Plectropomus laevis was found to be monandric as males were only derived through sex change in mature females. Structural changes did not occur concomitantly with the germinal changes associated with sex change in these Plectropomus species, which is atypical for protogynous species described to date. Precursory sperm sinuses in the dorso-medial region of the gonad were present, although non-functional, in a proportion of immature and mature females of all three species. These proportions, however, varied between species depending on the sexual pattern. The structural and germinal changes observed were hypothesized as anatomical adaptations that aid in minimizing time spent in the (non-reproductive) sexual transition phase and maximizing flexibility in male development in the diandric species.  相似文献   

The usual pigmentation pattern in mammalian skin consists of fixed melanocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis, supplying keratinocytes with melanosomes. We observed that the glabrous skin (rhinaria and footpads) of dogs deviates from this pattern. In dogs, melanocytes are found in both the dermis and epidermis. The epidermal melanocytes are situated in the intercellular spaces of the basal and spinous layers. They are characterized by a quantity of cytoplasm containing a centriole, also developing melanosomes, and in some cases annulate lamellae. There is a high frequency of closely apposed melanocytes in the epidermis. Melanosomes in different stages of formation are also abundant. The morphology of the glabrous skin of dogs suggests transport of melanocytes from the dermis into the epidermis and formation of melanosomes in the epidermis. A distributed and intense pigment formation may be necessary to achieve the black noses of many dog breeds and wild canids, as well as dark footpads despite heavy abrasion and rapid skin renewal.  相似文献   

By light microscopic investigation of skin and wool specimens of newborn lambs, we discovered a previously unknown mechanism for melanosomes transport in the process of dermal papilla melanocytes regular mitosis and migration into the hair shaft. This mechanism plays a great role in hair pigmentation especially in dominant (ED/ED) and recessive (Aa/Aa) black lambs of all investigated breeds. The rate of pigment cell mitosis, proliferation, and migration differs greatly in lambs of investigated color genotypes. In black genotypes the rate of melanocyte mitosis is very high and is approximately the same as in the hair bulb matrix cells, whereas in brown and red genotypes this rate is much lower. Melanocyte mitosis in the light red and tan groups was not found.  相似文献   

Sepal color of hydrangea varies with the environmental conditions. Although chemical and biological studies on this color variation have a long history, little correct knowledge has been generated about color development. All colored sepals contain the same anthocyanin, delphinidin 3-glucoside. Thus, there must be some other system for developing the wide variety of colors. In hydrangea sepals the cells of the epidermis are colorless and only the second layer of cells contain pigment. We prepared protoplasts without any color change during enzyme treatment of sepals and measured the vacuolar pH of each of the colored cells. We could correlate the color of a single hydrangea cell with its vacuolar pH using a combination of micro-spectrophotometry and a proton-selective microelectrode. Values for the vacuolar pH of blue (lambda vismax: 589 nm) and red cells (lambda vismax: 537 nm) were 4.1 and 3.3, respectively, the vacuolar pH of blue cells being significantly higher.  相似文献   

A stock of hairless pigmented guinea pigs was developed to facilitate studies of mammalian pigmentation. This stock combines the convenience of a hairless animal with a pigmentary system that is similar to human skin. In both human and guinea pig skin, active melanocytes are located in the basal layer of the interfollicular epidermis. Hairless albino guinea pigs on an outbred Hartley background (CrI:IAF/HA(hr/hr)BR; designated hr/hr) were mated with red-haired guinea pigs (designated Hr/Hr). Red-haired heterozygotes from the F1 generation (Hr/hr) were then mated with each other or with hairless albino guinea pigs. The F2 generation included hairless pigmented guinea pigs that retained their interfollicular epidermal melanocytes and whose skin was red-brown in color. Following UV irradiation, there was an increase in cutaneous pigmentation as well as an increase in the number of active epidermal melanocytes. An additional strain of black hairless guinea pigs was developed using black Hr/Hr animals and a similar breeding scheme. These two strains should serve as useful models for studies of the mammalian pigment system.  相似文献   

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