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冈崎姬小蜂是我国多种潜叶蝇的优势寄生蜂。鉴于蔬菜潜叶蝇尤其是入侵斑潜蝇在我国的肆意扩散和危害,本文总结了冈崎姬小蜂的分类地位、分布和田间发生、寄主种类、取食和繁殖、性比等生物生态学特性和田间应用进展。冈崎姬小蜂是一种抑性、卵育型的幼虫内寄生蜂,通过产卵寄生和取食2种方式致死寄主;雌蜂对寄主的偏好具有“寄主大小依赖型性别分配”现象;寄生蜂具有广泛的温度适应性和极强的控害潜力,尤其适用于控制入侵我国的相对耐高温的美洲斑潜蝇和三叶草斑潜蝇。未来将以更高效利用该寄生蜂为目标,主要集中于:(1)生物生态学和环境适应性的全面深入研究;(2)雌蜂寄主取食行为特性及生理机制的研究;(3)因地制宜的规模化饲养技术和释放应用技术研究;(4)与其他潜叶蝇寄生蜂的协同控害及竞争共存机制研究。  相似文献   

本文报道蔬菜地潜叶蝇寄生蜂的姬小蜂科 Eulophidae的羽角姬小蜂亚科 Eulophinae和狭面姬小蜂亚科 Elachetinae5属 8种寄生蜂。其中豌豆潜蝇姬小蜂 Diglyphus isaea是蔬菜潜叶蝇寄生蜂优势种。寄主主要是豌豆彩潜蝇、美洲斑潜蝇和葱斑潜蝇等的幼虫和蛹。植物寄主涉及各种蔬菜作物。兰克瑟姬小蜂 Cirrospiluslyncus Walker为中国新记录种 ,另有 5个寄主新记录  相似文献   

芙新姬小蜂和潜蝇姬小蜂均为强卵育型(synovigenic)寄生蜂,成虫具有产卵寄生致死、寄主取食致死和寄主叮蛰直接致死3种寄主致死行为。为了明确成虫补充非寄主食物营养对2种姬小蜂控害潜力/控害行为的影响,本文比较研究了分别提供寄主食物和寄主食物+非寄主食物(10%葡萄糖)条件下的2种姬小蜂在初羽化前期(前6 d)内对美洲斑潜蝇幼虫的致死行为的影响。结果显示:在仅提供寄主食物时,芙新姬小蜂的寄生、取食和总体致死量均显著的高于潜蝇姬小蜂,但是直接致死能力却弱于后者;补充非寄主食物和仅提供寄主食物处理相比,两种寄生蜂的寄生量,取食量和总致死量均呈下降趋势。该研究显示:在初羽化前期,取食寄主食物的雌蜂比取食寄主食物+葡萄糖的雌蜂具有更强的致死能力。  相似文献   

本文报道蔬菜地潜叶绳寄生蜂的姬小蜂科Eulophidae的羽角姬小蜂亚科Eulophinae和猜面姬小蜂亚科Elachetinae5属8种寄生蜂。其中豌豆潜绳姬小蜂Diglyphus isaea是蔬菜潜叶蝇寄生蜂优势种。寄主主要是豌豆彩潜绳、美洲斑潜蝇和葱斑潜蝇等的幼虫和蛹。植物寄主涉及各种蔬菜作物。兰克瑟姬小蜂Cirrospilus lyncus Walker为中国新记录种,另有5个寄主新记录。  相似文献   

【目的】明确严重危害甘肃省白银地区作物的潜叶蝇及天敌寄生蜂的多样性和种群组成。【方法】采用五点取样法田间调查潜叶蝇危害的蔬菜、花卉、杂草并采样,室内对潜叶蝇及其寄生蜂进行形态鉴定和分子鉴定。【结果】在2016-2020年在甘肃白银地区采集的样本中发现6种常见潜叶蝇,包括本地种豌豆彩潜蝇Chromatomyia horticola和葱斑潜蝇Liriomyza chinensis,入侵种南美斑潜蝇L. huidobrensis、三叶草斑潜蝇L. trifolii、番茄斑潜蝇L. bryoniae和美洲斑潜蝇L. sativae。其中,豌豆彩潜蝇为优势种,可危害多科寄主植物;葱斑潜蝇仅在大葱上发现危害;南美斑潜蝇在温室内的蔬菜上发生严重;三叶草斑潜蝇首次在白银市发现;番茄斑潜蝇与美洲斑潜蝇的危害相对较轻。此外,调查的潜叶蝇寄生蜂包括3科12属24种,优势种包括豌豆潜蝇姬小蜂Diglyphus isaea、芙新姬小蜂Neochrysocharis formosa、万氏潜蝇姬小蜂D. wani和西伯利亚离颚茧蜂Dacnusa sibirica。【结论】一方面白银市应加强监测和预警入侵性潜叶蝇的发生,另一方面白银市潜叶蝇的天敌寄生蜂种类丰富,对田间主要危害的潜叶蝇可能发挥着重要的自然防控作用,建议保护利用本地寄生蜂天敌。  相似文献   

营养改变对潜蝇姬小蜂寄生行为和寄主取食行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究营养状态对卵育型寄生蜂潜蝇姬小蜂Diglyphus isaea (Walker)雌蜂的寄主取食行为和产卵寄生行为及其二者行为权衡的影响, 在培养皿条件下, 比较了饥饿、加蜂蜜水和不加蜂蜜水3种营养状态的潜蝇姬小蜂雌蜂对美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyza sativae Blanchard各龄幼虫(低、中、高)的寄生、取食及致死能力。结果表明: 非选择条件下, 3种营养状态寄生蜂对高龄幼虫均具有较高的寄生率, 对中龄幼虫具有较高的取食率, 致死率和致死量之间存在显著性差异。3种状态的寄生蜂对低龄幼虫均没有表现出致死能力。有选择条件下, 饥饿状态的寄生蜂对寄主的寄生率最低(5.0%±1.6%), 取食率最高(16.0%±2.9%), 特别是对高龄幼虫的取食率占到了整个寄主食物取食率的91.9%; 加蜂蜜水状态下, 寄生蜂对寄主有最低的取食率(8.3%±0.9%)和致死率(17.7%±1.1%); 不加蜂蜜水状态下, 寄生蜂对寄主有最高的寄生率(13.3%±1.1%)和致死率(28.4%±1.8%)。综合分析发现, 取食寄主的雌蜂比取食蜂蜜水的雌蜂具有更强的致死能力和活动能力。  相似文献   

本报道姬小蜂科Eulophidae的凹面姬小蜂亚科Entedontinae和啮小蜂亚科Tetrastichinae的6属10种蔬菜地潜叶蝇寄生蜂。底比斯釉姬小蜂Chrysocharis pentheus Wallker、美丽新姬小蜂Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood)和潜蝇纹翅姬小蜂Teleopterus erxias(Walker)是蔬菜地潜叶蝇寄生性小蜂的3个优势种。曼丹啮小蜂Tetrastichus mandanis(Walker)和卡拉啮小蜂Tetrastichus chara Kostjukov为中国新记录种。另有寄生蜂的2个寄主新记录。  相似文献   

本文报道姬小蜂科 Eulophidae的凹面姬小蜂亚科 Entedontinae和啮小蜂亚科 Tetrastichinae的 6属 10种蔬菜地潜叶蝇寄生蜂。底比斯釉姬小蜂 Chrysocharis p entheus Walker、美丽新姬小蜂 N eochrysocharisformosa(Westwood)和潜蝇纹翅姬小蜂 Teleopterus erxias(Walker)是蔬菜地潜叶蝇寄生性小蜂的 3个优势种。曼丹啮小蜂 Tetrastichus mandanis(Walker)和卡拉啮小蜂 Tetrastichuschara Kostjukov为中国新记录种。另有寄生蜂的 2个寄主新记录。  相似文献   

[目的]万氏潜蝇姬小蜂Diglyphus wani是潜叶蝇类害虫的重要寄生蜂,可以孤雌产雌生殖,仅产生雌性后代,具有潜在的生防应用价值.该寄生蜂为寄主取食型寄生蜂,自然条件下不仅可取食非寄主源食物,也可直接取食寄主幼虫.本研究旨在探究补充非寄主源食物对其生防效果的影响,从而有效指导其大规模饲养和田间应用.[方法]以万氏...  相似文献   

取食糖类物质有利于延长具寄主取食特性的卵育型寄生蜂的寿命。为了明确自然界常见糖分对卵育型寄生蜂的营养功能差异, 本研究比较了取食葡萄糖、 果糖、 蔗糖、 海藻糖和松三糖5种常见糖分对斑潜蝇类害虫的优势寄生蜂潜蝇姬小蜂Diglyphus isaea雌蜂寿命和卵子发生的影响。结果显示: 取食5种糖均能显著延长雌蜂寿命(P<0.0001); 取食果糖的雌蜂寿命显著长于取食葡萄糖、 蔗糖、 海藻糖和松三糖的雌蜂寿命(P<0.0001), 取食葡萄糖、 蔗糖和海藻糖3个处理间差异不显著(P>0.4234), 但均显著长于取食松三糖(P<0.0001); 同时, 各个处理的雌蜂寿命与其个体大小均分别呈显著正相关关系。初羽化雌蜂卵巢中没有Ⅲ级卵子(即成熟卵子); 清水处理的雌蜂, 24 h后卵巢中Ⅲ级卵子达到高峰, 48 h时则全部重吸收; 而取食5种糖的雌蜂, 卵巢中的Ⅲ级卵子和总卵子数量整体上均呈现先显著上升而后逐步下降的趋势, 取食不同糖分的雌蜂卵子形成高峰期的时间不同, 而且取食不同糖分的雌蜂间Ⅲ级卵子高峰日数量和总卵子高峰日数量均无显著差异(P>0.05)。该研究结果为潜蝇姬小蜂的大量室内饲养和田间释放提供了依据。  相似文献   

Abstract  Mined leaves were sampled from unsprayed sites in Victoria to record the range of leafminers and their parasitoids. Three agromyzid leafminers, Liriomyza brassicae (Riley), Liriomyza chenopodii (Watt) and Chromatomyia syngenesiae Hardy, and one drosophilid leafminer, Scaptomyza flava (Fallén), were collected, along with 15 parasitoids, mainly Eulophidae. The most common parasitoids were Hemiptarsenus varicornis (Girault) (42.5%), Diglyphus isaea (Walker), 14.6%, Closterocerus mirabilis Edwards & La Salle (10.5%), and Opius cinerariae Fisher (8.5%). Most parasitoids were collected from two or more leafminer hosts. Weekly collections from Chinese cabbage ( Brassica rapa var. pekinensis ) infested with L. brassicae and S. flava , and beetroot ( Beta vulgaris var. crassa ) infested with L. chenopodii were made over two seasons at Knoxfield, Victoria to assess the relative impact of these parasitoids on agromyzid fly populations in crops. A further two parasitoid species were identified at low densities. Hemiptarsenus varicornis and D. isaea were the most numerous parasitoids collected in both crops. A different sampling method in the second year showed that O. cinerariae made up 25% of the sample from Chinese cabbage and was probably more common than estimated in the first season. Control exerted by local parasitoids was high, with 100% control of L. chenopodii reached in beets within 1–3 weeks of mines appearing and 100% control of L. brassicae within 6 weeks.  相似文献   

The leafminer Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) is a worldwide pest of ornamental and vegetable crops. The most promising nonchemical approach for controlling Liriomyza leafminers in greenhouses is regular releases of the parasitoid Diglyphus isaea (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). In the current study, we examine the hypothesis that the use of D. isaea for biological control of leafminers in greenhouse crops may be more practical and efficient when supplemented with additional control strategies, such as the sterile insect technique (SIT). In small cages, our SIT experiments suggest that release of sterile L. trifolii males in three sterile-to-fertile male ratios (3:1, 5:1, and 10:1) can significantly reduce the numbers of the pest offspring. In large cage experiments, when both parasitoids and sterile males were released weekly, the combined methods significantly reduced mine production and the adult leafminer population size. Moreover, a synergistic interaction effect between these two methods was found, and a model based on our observed data predicts that because of this effect, only the use of both methods can eradicate the pest population. Our study indicates that an integrated pest management approach that combines the augmentative release of the parasitoid D. isaea together with sterile leafminer males is more efficient than the use of either method alone. In addition, our results validate previous theoretical models and demonstrate synergistic control with releases of parasitoids and sterile insects.  相似文献   

Neochrysocharis formosa (Westwood), an important biocontrol agent of agromyzid leafminers worldwide, is a host-feeding, idiobiont parasitoid. Female wasps have three types of host-killing behaviors: reproductive (parasitism), non-reproductive host feeding (host feeding), and host stinging without oviposition or feeding (host stinging). In this study, we compared the life history and host-killing behaviors of female parasitoids under four adult diets: starvation, hosts only, hosts plus honey (10% w/v honey solution), and honey only. Furthermore, we analyzed the host-feeding and oviposition preferences of adult females in the hosts-only and hosts-plus-honey treatments. Female parasitoids feeding on hosts had significantly increased longevity, higher fecundity, more host-stinging events, and caused a higher total host mortality than parasitoids in the starvation treatment. The honey supplement significantly increased longevity, fecundity, host-stinging events, and total host mortality, as well as average daily fecundity, but did not alter host-feeding events, host-stinging events, or daily total host mortality. However, the honey supplement did reduce the number of daily host-feeding events and induced a shift toward oviposition. Finally, we found that the non-reproductive host killing caused by host feeding and host stinging enhanced the control potential of N. formosa. These results should contribute to a better understanding of the biocontrol efficiency of destructive host feeders.  相似文献   

The pest leafminers Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard), Liriomyza sativae (Blanchard), and Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) have spread into South East Asia and Oceania, and they are likely to reach Australia in the near future. Two translaminar pesticides, cyromazine and abamectin, currently provide effective chemical control of these pests, but because parasitoids can play an important role in controlling and preventing leafminer outbreaks, understanding the impact of pesticides on leafminer parasitoids is vital. Here, we tested larval and pupal mortality and sublethal effects of abamectin, cyromazine, and the widely used fungicide mancozeb on two common Australian leafminer parasitoids, Hemiptarsenus varicornis (Girault) and Diglyphus isaea (Walker). Abamectin caused significant mortality to larvae and pupae of both parasitoid species but cyromazine and mancozeb did not. Progeny production and longevity of H. varicornis were not affected by adult exposure to cyromazine and mancozeb, nor did direct pupal exposure decrease number of progeny produced by either parasitoid. Mortality of H. varicornis females emerging from leaves treated with abamectin was high for up to 72 h after eclosion but those surviving beyond 72 h did not differ from control females in the number of progeny produced. Mancozeb did not influence leaf residence time or parasitism by H. varicornis females. Cyromazine and the fungicide mancozeb were concluded to be compatible with the parasitoids tested and suitable for integrated pest management of leafminers should outbreaks of pest species occur in Australia. Abamectin should be used with caution because it caused significant mortality in both parasitoids tested here.  相似文献   

Leafminers (Diptera: Agromyzidae) are pests of various crops, mainly in greenhouses, and have Diglyphus spp. as important leafminer larval parasitoids. Until recently, only Diglyphus insularis (Gahan) had been reported in Brazil. In here we report the first records of Diglyphus begini (Ashmead), D. intermedius (Girault) and D. isaea (Walker) in Brazil. These parasitoids were found parasitizing leafminer larvae on cultivated and spontaneous plants in some areas of Minas Gerais state, Brazil.  相似文献   

Diglyphus isaea ( Walker 1838 ) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is a primary parasitoid of agromyzid leaf miners (Diptera: Agromyzidae) and has been commercialized as a biological control agent. Diglyphus isaea occurs throughout much of the world and different populations are morphologically identical. Using nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) sequences, we examined variation among Chinese populations of D. isaea . Phylogenetic analyses combined with an analysis of sympatry indicated that D. isaea consists of at least four species in mainland China. The results imply that ITS1 is an efficient marker for identifying congeneric species of parasitic waSPS, and that cryptic species could be common in temperate and subtropical regions.  相似文献   

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