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革胡子鲇触须味蕾及其味觉反应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
革胡子鲇(Clariasgariepinus)上颌须有体表味蕾存在,约为12个/mm ̄2,由通过眼眶后下缘的面神经分枝联系。用电生理学方法记录传入神经冲动,测定上颌须味蕾对多种动物组织浸提液和氨基酸的味觉敏感性。除甘氨酸、L-脯氨酸、L-色氨酸和L-酪氨酸外,多数刺激物能引起有效的昧觉反应。氨基酸中,L-精氨酸刺激最有效,阈值低达10 ̄(-7)mol/L左右。氨基酸引起的味觉反应与浸提液的反应特性相似:快适应;位相性反应;高浓度刺激下出现饱和。各种刺激物的味觉反应的阈值、反应速率和相对反应强度有不同,由电生理记录得到的敏感性结果可在行为学实验中得到验证,并发现体表昧蕾的味觉反应与鱼类的摄饵行为有关。饵料中的游离氨基酸可能是这种行为的引诱剂。  相似文献   

我国引进鲇形目鱼类的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国先后从国外引进钻形目的鱼类在国内饲养。据我们研究鉴定有:革胡子鲇,斑点胡子鲇,蟾胡子鲇,欧洲六须鲇,苏氏芒鲇,巨无齿芒,斑点叉尾Hui,长鳍叉尾Hui等9种,其中革胡子鲇和斑点叉尾Hui在我国已成为有发展前途的养殖对象。本文对引进我国饲养 鲇目撸类的种类,形态,养殖等方面进行了总结。  相似文献   

革胡子鲇原始生殖细胞的起源、迁移及性腺分化   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
革胡子鲇又称埃及胡子鲇,是一种多次产卵类型的硬骨鱼。作者用组织学、组织化学、电子显微镜等方法对革胡子鲇的原始生殖细胞(Primordial germ cells,PGCs)的起源、特征、迁移方式和性腺分化进行了研究。实验结果:PGCs来源于内胚层;PGCs的细胞质中存在着一种与生殖细胞有关的电子致密物--生殖质(Germ plasm);PGCs在迁移过程中有主动迁移的能力;PGCs到达生殖嵴的部位后,与生殖上皮细胞(Epithelisl cells)一起共同形成原始性腺;原始性腺分别逐步向精巢和卵巢分化;生殖质与性腺的分化有密切关系;卵巢的分化比精巢早。    相似文献   

采用组织切片、电生理和束路追踪等方法对南方鲇口外皮肤受外界化学物质刺激时面神经主要感觉支(上颌须神经和下颌须神经)及其味觉初级中枢(面叶)的诱发放电进行研究.结果表明:(1)南方鲇面叶分成大小2叶,所占体积分别为(73±3)%和(58±4)%.上颌须皮肤的味觉传入神经(上颌须神经)投射到大叶的背中位置,下颌须皮肤的味觉传入神经(下颌须神经)投射到小叶的腹中和背中位置;(2)判断上下颌神经放电反应可知最有效的刺激物是L-ala和L-arg,且二者存在交叉反应和脱敏现象.上颌须神经反应更敏感;(3)面叶中上颌须神经投射区域,L-arg和L-ala引起的反应较强;下颌须神经投射区域中,L-his和Qhcl引起的反应较强.这些结果显示出南方鲇面神经的感觉支对不同化学物质具有不同感受性且在其面叶上的投射也具有躯体分布特异性.  相似文献   

多马胺能药物对鲇鱼促性腺激素(GtH)分泌活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以珠江流域鲇鱼(silurus asotus)为实验材料,研究了多巴胺(DA)能药物(DA及其D-2型受体拮抗物 ,DOM)对鲇鱼促性腺激素(GtH)释放的影响,结果表明,在性腺发育的各个时期,单独注射DOM(5ug/g)均不能显著提高鲇鱼血液基础GtH水平,当DOM与LHRH-A联合注射时能显著增强LHRH-A刺激GtH释放的作用;DA只能抑制GnRH诱导的GtH释放,对基础GtH释放无抑制作用,这种生殖内分泌调节方式与鲇形目的革胡子鲇(Clarias gariepinus)和大鳍Hu(Mystus macropterus)相似,而与鲤形目的鲁科(Cyrpindiae)鱼类不同。  相似文献   

利用18S和ITS序列揭示8种鲇形目鱼类的系统发育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了探讨鲇形目(Siluriformes)鱼类系统发育关系,本研究克隆了黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)、长吻(Leiocassis longirostris)、斑鳠(Mystus guttatus)、革胡子鲇(Clarias gariepinus)、鲇鱼(Silurus asotus)和斑点叉尾(Ictalurus punctatus)6种鱼类的18S和两个内转录间隔区(包括全长ITS1-5.8S-ITS2)基因,结合GenBank中双须缺鳍鲇(Kryptopterus bicirrhis)和脂鳍胡鲇(Dinotopterus cunningtoni)的同源序列进行比较分析,结果表明,(1)8种鱼18S的长度为1814~1842bp,同源性达97%以上,5.8S均为157bp,同源性也高达99.36%~100%;(2)8种鱼ITS1长度为335~620bp,其中,黄颡鱼的最长,为618~620bp,斑点叉尾的最短,为335~336bp;ITS2长度为265~459bp,其中,脂鳍胡鲇最长,为459bp,斑点叉尾的最短,约为270bp。ITS1序列的同源性为29.45%~88.21%,其中,革胡子鲇和脂鳍胡鲇同源性最高,鲇鱼和革胡子鲇同源性最低。ITS2序列的同源性为41.59%~94.07%,其中,革胡子鲇和脂鳍胡鲇同源性最高,鲇鱼和革胡子鲇同源性最低;(3)分别以鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio)18S和ITS为外群,采用NJ法构建18S、ITS系统发育树,结果显示,鲇科与胡鲇科的关系最近,鲿科与这两科关系较远,科与另外3科关系最远。鲿科中属和黄颡鱼属的关系较鳠属更近;胡鲇科的胡鲇属和脂鳍胡鲇属是关系很近的两个属;鲇科的鲇属和缺鳍鲇属是关系较远的两属。  相似文献   

花生四烯酸代谢物对呼吸道感受器的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lin SX  Yu J 《生理学报》2007,59(2):141-149
迷走神经与神经.免疫交互作用密切相关。在呼吸道中,迷走神经传入纤维末梢上的伤害性感受器能被多种细胞因子、炎性介质和免疫调质激活。在炎症过程中,细胞膜磷脂在磷脂酶A2作用下释放花生四烯酸(arachidonic acid,AA),后者再经不同的酶促反应产生多种脂类代谢物。与其它的炎性介质一样,这些代谢物在炎症反应中可以激活呼吸道感受器并发挥重要作用。有些AA代谢物直接与感觉神经末梢上的受体结合,产生神经冲动并传向中枢,引起反射性效应;有些作用于感觉末梢周围的组织,改变肺的机械特性,从而刺激感觉传入神经;有些提高感觉神经末梢对机械或化学刺激的敏感性,从而增强其反应;还有些可以产生其它介质或调质而触发反射效应,或者引起炎症细胞的聚集而产生局部效应。总之,AA代谢产物有多种来源,并通过多种途径刺激呼吸道中的伤害性感受器。本综述对此进行了探讨,希望有助于阐明呼吸道炎症反应的机理。  相似文献   

胡子鲇mtDNA多态性及限制性酶切图谱   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
用8种限制性内切酶对胡子鲇(ClariasfuscusLacepede)肝脏线粒体DNA(MitochondrialDNA,mtDNA)进行了分析。XhoⅠ、EcoRⅠ、PstⅠ、BamHⅠ、XbaⅠ、HindⅢ在mtDNA分子上分别有2、3、1、1、3和5个切点。胡子鲇种内存在mtDNA酶切片段长度多态性(Restrictionfragmentlengthpolymorphisms,RFLP)。经BglⅠ、BglⅡ酶解,mtDNA都出现两种酶切类型,Ⅰ型各具2个片段,Ⅱ型各具1个片段。mtDNA分子量为10.242×106u,长度约为16.68kb。用双酶解法建立了胡子鲇mtDNA的限制性酶切图谱,并对RFLP现象进行了分析。  相似文献   

胡子鲇×革胡子鲇的绝大多数形态学性状兼具双亲的特点。其中可数性状较多偏近母本,体型性状则大约有一半偏近父本,一半偏近母本,其中有些性状表现为超亲偏离。核型也具有双亲的特点,染色体组可分为父本组和母本组。减数分裂前期出现数目不等的单价体、二价体以及三联以上的多价体环或链。形态和核型特点表明杂交种为真杂种胡子鲇。本文还对亲本核型的演化途径和杂种的育性以及在育种上的意义作了讨论。  相似文献   

与高等脊椎动物相比,鱼类的性别决定和生殖方式纷繁多样。环境因子、遗传等多种因素均可调控鱼类的性腺发生和分化[1,2],并对其生长、繁殖等重要生命活动产生影响。胡子鲇(Clarias fuscus)又称塘虱鱼,属鲇形目(Siluriformes)、胡子鲇科(Clariidae)、胡子鲇属(Clarias),  相似文献   

An Analysis of Hamster Afferent Taste Nerve Response Functions   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Sensitivities to moderately intense stimuli representing four taste qualities to man were determined for 79 hamster chorda tympani fibers. Some fibers were very sensitive to sucrose, sodium chloride, or hydrochloric acid, but none were very sensitive to quinine. These sensitivities were not randomly distributed among fibers: the sucrose sensitivity was separated from and negatively correlated with the other sensitivities which were associated and positively correlated with each other. Moreover, there were a limited number of sensitivity patterns: (a) fibers responding best to sucrose responded second-best to salt, less to acid, not to quinine; (b) fibers responding best to salt either responded second-best to sucrose and not to acid or quinine; or second-best to acid, less to quinine, and not to sucrose; and (c) fibers responding best to acid responded second-best to salt, more to quinine, and less to sucrose than other fibers. Therefore, if four stimuli of different taste qualities are ordered from acceptable to unacceptable, neural response functions of most hamster chorda tympani taste fibers peak at one point. Sensitivities to nine other moderately intense stimuli which vary in quality to man were also determined for 46–49 of the fibers. Sensitivities to sweet stimuli were always associated with each other and separated from sensitivities to nonsweet stimuli. Sensitivities to nonsweet stimuli were all associated with each other; however, the strongest correlations were between sensitivities to stimuli of like quality, e.g., the three acids or the two sodium salts.  相似文献   

The integument of the hagfish Myxine glutinosa is described with respect to the topography and the fine structural organization of the dermal and hypodermal nerve fiber plexus. Both nerve fiber plexuses contain small ganglion cells with axodendritic and axosomatic synapscs. The six barbels of the head (4 nasal and 2 oral barbels) are supplied with about 5600 afferent trigeminal nerve fibers via the right and left ophthalmic nerve. With respect to the topography of the sensory nerve terminals in the barbels different types of receptors are termed the external cuff receptor, internal cuff receptor, and perichondrial receptor. Free nerve terminals occur within the epidermal layer, especially at the tip region of the barbels and in the glassy membrane of the dermis. The hypodermal edge receptor organ extends from the ventral nasal barbel to the oral barbel. A mechanoreceptive function of the different receptor types is discussed. The innervation pattern of the barbel is similar to the innervation of the mammalian sinus hair. In this context, the barbel is a highly differentiated receptor organ able to explore the nearest surroundings with high stereognostic perception. The ganglion cells of the skin seem to represent a part of the peripheral autonomic nervous system, which is involved in the control of secretion mechanisms.  相似文献   

Whole nerve, as well as single fiber, responses in the chorda tympani proper (CT) and glossopharyngeal (NG) nerves of 1- to 7-week-old pigs were recorded during taste stimulation. In the CT acids and in the NG bitter compounds gave the largest responses. Both nerves exhibited large responses to monosodium glutamate (MSG), MSG with guanosine 5'-monophosphate (GMP) and MSG with inositine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) as well as to glycine, xylitol, sucrose, fructose and glucose. Alitame, aspartame, betaine, neohesperedin dihydrochalcone (NHDHC), super-aspartame, saccharin and thaumatin elicited no or little response. Hierarchical cluster analysis of 49 CT fibers separated four major clusters. The M cluster, comprising 28.5% of all fibers, is characterized by strong responses to MSG, KCl, LiCl and NaCl. The responses to NaCl and LiCl were unaffected by amiloride. The H cluster (24.5%) includes units responding principally to acids. The Q cluster (18.5%) responds to quinine hydrochloride (QHCl), sucrose octaacetate (SOA) and salts with amiloride. The S cluster (28.5%) exhibits strong responses to xylitol, glycine and the carbohydrates as well as to MSG alone and to MSG with GMP or IMP. In 31 NG fibers, hierarchical cluster analysis revealed four clusters: the M cluster (10%), responding to MSG and MSG with GMP or IMP; the H cluster (13%), responding to acids; the Q cluster (29%), responding strongly to QHCl, SOA and tilmicosinR; and the S cluster (48%), responding best to xylitol, carbohydrates and glycine but also to the umami compounds. Multidimensional scaling analysis across fiber responses to all stimuli showed the best separation between compounds with different taste qualities when information from both nerves was utilized.  相似文献   

Recordings were made from single fibers of the rat chorda tympani nerve while the peripheral receptor fields were mapped using a stimulator developed to stimulate single fungiform papillae which in the rat contain a solitary taste bud. The results indicate that several fungiform papillae may supply input to a single fiber, and the most sensitive papilla of these provided, on the average, about one-half of the response of that fiber to stimulation of the entire tongue. The magnitude of the response to each concentration of stimulus and the shape of the concentration-response curves differ among papillae innervated by the same fiber. If one of the papillae supplying input to the fiber was stimulated individually with NaCl solution, application of this stimulus to the tongue surface surrounding the isolated papilla resulted in enhancement of the fiber response. If the papilla was stimulated with NaCl and potassium benzoate solution was applied to the surround, a depression of the response occurred. The excitatory input of the cationic stimuli and the depressing influence of the anionic stimuli interacted to determine the resultant steady-state impulse frequency of the single afferent fiber. A hypothetical model involving the summation of generator currents along the unmyelinated terminals of the single afferent neuron is presented as a speculative explanation of the integration of inputs from several receptors innervated by the same single fiber.  相似文献   

Quantitative characteristics of the afferent impulse flow in a cat cutaneous nerve during stimulation of the skin with acid, needles, and pins were studied by a cross-correlation method. The appearance of a nociceptive response served as the test of noxious stimulation. Mechanical and chemical noxious stimuli, acting directly on the nerve fiber, activate the same peripheral channels as weak tactile stimuli exciting receptors. Spike trains under these circumstances differed in the absolute and relative numbers of active A and C fibers and the duration of activity in them. The nociceptive response is brought about through marked predominance of activity in C fibers compared with A fibers and through its long duration in both types of fibers but, in particular, in C fibers. An optical correlometer can be used to investigate activity of a whole nerve.Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, N. I. Lobachevskii Gor'kii State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 168–176, March–April, 1976.  相似文献   

Receptive fields and responsiveness of single fibers of the glossopharyngeal (IXth) nerve were investigated using electrical, gustatory (NaCl, quinine HCl, acetic acid, water, sucrose, and CaCl2), thermal, and mechanical stimulation of the single fungiform papillae distributed on the dorsal tongue surface in frogs. 172 single fibers were isolated. 58% of these fibers (99/172) were responsive to at least one of the gustatory stimuli (taste fibers), and the remaining 42% (73/172) were responsive only to touch (touch fibers). The number of papillae innervated by a single fiber (receptive field) was between 1 and 17 for taste fibers and between 1 and 10 for touch fibers. The mean receptive field of taste fibers (X = 6.6, n = 99) was significantly larger than that of touch fibers (X = 3.6, n = 73) (two-tailed t test, P less than 0.001). In experiments with natural stimulation of single fungiform papillae, it was found that every branch of a single fiber has a similar responsiveness. Taste fibers were classified into 14 types (Type N, Q, A, NA, NCa, NCaA, NCaW, NCaAW, NCaWS, NQ, NQA, NQAS, NQWarm, Multiple) on the basis of their responses to gustatory and thermal stimuli. The time course of the response in taste fibers was found to be characteristic of their types. For example, the fibers belonging to Type NQA showed phasic responses, those in Type NCa showed tonic responses, etc. These results indicate that there are several groups of fibers in the frog IXth nerve and that every branch of an individual fiber has a similar responsiveness to the parent fiber.  相似文献   

Pedersen, Karen E., Sonya N. Meeker, Margerita M. Riccio,and Bradley J. Undem. Selective stimulation ofjugular ganglion afferent neurons in guinea pig airways by hypertonicsaline. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(2):499-506, 1998.We evaluated the ability of hyperosmolar stimulito activate afferent nerves in the guinea pig trachea and main bronchiand investigated the neural pathways involved. By usingelectrophysiological techniques, studies in vitro examined the effectof hyperosmolar solutions of sodium chloride (hypertonic saline) onguinea pig airway afferent nerve endings arising from either vagalnodose or jugular ganglia. The data reveal a differential sensitivityof airway afferent neurons to activation with hypertonic saline.Afferent fibers (both A and C fibers) with cell bodies located injugular ganglia were much more sensitive to stimulation with hypertonicsaline, compared with afferent neurons with cell bodies located innodose ganglia. Additional studies in vivo demonstrated that inhalationof aerosols of hypertonic saline induced plasma extravasation in guineapig trachea that was mediated via tachykininNK1 receptors. Identification of adifferential sensitivity of guinea pig airway afferent nerves tohypertonic saline leads to the speculation that airway responses tohyperosmolar stimuli may result from activation of afferent neuronsoriginating predominantly from the jugular ganglion.


Mechanical and chemical sensitivity of the palatine nerve, ramus palatinus facialis, innervating the anterior palate of the puffer, Fugu pardalis, and their central projection to the primary taste center were investigated. Application of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to the central cut end of the palatine nerve resulted in retrogradely labeled neurons in the geniculate ganglion but no such neurons in the trigeminal ganglion, suggesting that the palatine nerve is represented only by the facial component. Tracing of the facial sensory root in serial histological sections of the brain stem suggested that the facial sensory nerve fibers project only to the visceral sensory column of the medulla. Peripheral recordings from the palatine nerve bundle showed that both mechanical and chemical stimuli caused marked responses. Mechanosensitive fibers were rather uniformly distributed in the nerve bundle. Intra-cranial recordings from the trigeminal and facial nerves at their respective roots revealed that tactile information produced in the anterior palate was carried by the facial nerve fibers. Elimination of the sea water current over the receptive field also caused a marked response in the palatine nerve bundle or facial nerve root while this did not cause any detectable responses in the trigeminal nerve root. Single fiber analyses of the mechanical responsiveness of the palatine nerve were performed by recording unit responses of 106 single fibers to mechanical stimuli (water flow), HCl (0.005 M), uridine-5'-monophosphate (UMP, 0.001 M), proline (0.01 M), CaCl2 (0.5 M), and NaSCN (0.5 M). All these fibers responded well to one of the above stimuli; however, most taste fibers did not respond well to the inorganic salts. The palatine fibers (n = 36), identified as mechanosensitive, never responded to any of the chemical stimuli, whereas chemosensitive fibers (n = 70) did not respond to mechanical stimuli at all. The chemosensitive units showed a high specificity to the above stimuli: they tended to respond selectively to hydrochloric acid, UMP, or proline. The responses of the mechanosensitive units consisted of phasic and tonic impulse trains and the sensitivity of the units varied considerably. The results reveal that the facial nerve fibers innervating the anterior palate of the puffer contain two kinds of afferent fibers, chemosensory and mechanosensory respectively, and suggest that the convergence of the tactile and gustatory information first occurs in the neurons of the primary gustatory center in the medulla.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the physiological properties of mediastinal pleural primary afferent units by recording single nerve fibre activity from the phrenic nerve in an in vitro preparation of rabbit tissue. A total of 41 units with conduction velocities in the group III and IV range were examined for their responsiveness to mechanical, thermal and chemical stimuli. Most receptive fields were adjacent to the phrenic nerve-pericardiacophrenic artery complex. The thresholds to punctate mechanical stimulation (von Frey hairs) were widely scattered around a median of 5.4 mN; all fibres showed slowly adapting responses to mechanical stimulation. Heat sensitivity was observed in 7/41 units (17%), while 17/41 (41%) of the fibres exhibited a spurious transient excitation to strong and rapid cooling. Chemosensitivity was scarce with respect to capsaicin (7/33 (21%) of the units responding) but more common to CO2-saturated synthetic interstitial fluid (pH 6.1, 5/16 (31%) responding). The most effective stimulus was a mixture of bradykinin, serotonin, histamine and prostaglandin E2 ('inflammmatory soup') which evoked stimulus responses in 27/33 (82%) of the afferent fibres challenged. Sensitization to mechanical stimuli occurred in 5/41 (12%) of the units, following the application of heat or inflammatory mediators. The rabbit pleura appears as a tissue mainly innervated by multimodal mechano- and chemosensitive afferent units.  相似文献   

A model of the peripheral auditory system responding to low-frequency tone stimulation is given. The model is of the type previously introduced by Weiss (1966). It includes three interconnected parts: a linear model of the ear's mechanical system, a model of the cochlear transducer, and a stochastic model of an auditory nerve fiber. The output of the model accurately mimics many characteristics of the output of some auditory nerve neurons responding to sinusoidal stimuli but is unable to successfully match all reported aspects of data obtained from other of these neurons. Characteristics of the model neurons are discussed.  相似文献   

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