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固定化脂肪酶性质及其应用研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用以四甲氧基硅烷(TMOS)和甲基三甲氧基硅烷(MTMS)为前驱体的溶胶-凝胶法(sol-gel)固定洋葱假单胞菌属脂肪酶,考查了固定化酶和游离酶的酶学性质及催化不同油脂酯交换合成生物柴油的情况。结果表明,80℃以下固定化酶能保持80%以上的酶活,而游离酶在50℃以后活力急剧下降,到80℃残余酶活约为10%;固定化酶在体积分数50%的甲醇中处理48 h能保持85%的酶活,在体积分数90%的乙醇中处理48h能保持31%的酶活,而游离酶残余酶活只有69%和0;在酯交换反应中固定化酶的催化效率比游离酶高10%~20%,且固定化酶重复使用11次后仍能保持60%的酶活。结果显示,酶经过固定化后稳定性和催化活性显著提高。  相似文献   

陈爽  宋娜  廖学品  石碧 《生物工程学报》2011,27(7):1076-1081
将胶原纤维用三价铁改性后作为载体,通过戊二醛的交联作用将过氧化氢酶固定在该载体上。制备的固定化过氧化氢酶蛋白固载量为16.7 mg/g,酶活收率为35%。研究了固定化酶与自由酶的最适pH、最适温度、热稳定性、贮存稳定性及操作稳定性。结果表明:过氧化氢酶经此法固定化后,最适pH及最适温度与自由酶相同,分别为pH 7.0和25 ℃;但固定化酶的热稳定性显著提高,在75 ℃保存5 h后,仍能保留30%的活力,而自由酶则完全失活;固定化酶在室温下保存12 d后,酶活力仍保持在88%以上,而自由酶在此条件下则完全失  相似文献   

壳聚糖固定化真菌漆酶及其用于处理酚类污染物的研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Trametessp. AH282在液体培养条件下经邻甲苯胺诱导能有效合成漆酶同工酶A。以壳聚糖为载体,戊二醛为交联剂进行了漆酶A的固定化研究,确定酶固定化适宜条件为:0.1g壳聚糖与15 mL 5%戊二醛交联8 h后,加入30.0U酶固定12h。在此条件下获得的固定化漆酶催化能力为176.4U/g载体,酶活回收率58.5%。与游离酶相比,固定化漆酶与作用底物愈创木酚的亲和力降低,但固定化酶的稳定性有明显改善。固定化漆酶的最适温度为55℃,比游离酶提高5℃;70℃条件下保温8 h,固定化酶保留酶活56.5%,而在相同条件下游离酶酶活明显下降。使用固定化漆酶反应装置进行酚类化合物转化实验,连续进行12批次操作,固定化酶酶活仍保持60%以上,漆酶使用效率明显提高。  相似文献   

真菌漆酶的酶活测定方法评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前真菌漆酶酶活的测定方法多样,没有统一的标准,致使不同研究之间的漆酶酶活无法进行比较分析,也造成漆酶产品在酶活质量意义上的混乱。因此,对测定真菌漆酶酶活的各种不同的分光光度法进行了综述和比较分析,认为采用ABTS法作为测定漆酶酶活的方法较具合理性和科学性,建议作为漆酶酶活测定的统一方法。  相似文献   

C-N裂解酶(E.C.4.3)是能催化释放氨、脒和胺基等并形成双键或环的一类酶.胺基裂解酶(E.C.4.3.3)就是其中能够催化释放胺基的一类酶,该类酶在医药中间体生产中起关键酶的作用.本文概述了4种胺基裂解酶的来源,酶学特性以及它们在医药中间体生产中的应用.  相似文献   

纳米酶是具有酶催化活性的纳米材料,对比天然酶,纳米酶具有价格便宜、制备工艺简单、稳定性好、循环利用率高等优势.早期的纳米酶研究主要集中在检测方面,包括检测离子、小分子、核酸、蛋白、癌细胞等,随着对纳米酶的深入了解,研究人员发现纳米酶在疾病治疗领域也具有巨大的应用前景.本论文将介绍纳米酶在杀菌、抗氧化研究领域的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

多酶催化是利用多种生物酶构建反应体系或网络,在生物体外实现化学品的合成.在生物制造过程中,多酶的共固定化有利于提高酶的稳定性和重复使用率,更利于多酶间的协同催化.在精准调控下,多酶固定化载体的微囊材料有望实现多酶协同催化性能的最大化.本文中,笔者分析了微囊体系的特点,综述了微囊材料及其固定化多酶的优缺点,总结了微囊多酶...  相似文献   

溶葡萄球菌酶(Lysostaphin)是一种能高效裂解葡萄球菌细胞壁的肽链内切酶,已有研究表明其能够有效预防和去除奶牛乳腺中葡萄球菌的感染,但该酶在牛奶中的性质研究还缺少详细的研究数据.现对重组溶葡萄球菌酶在牛奶中的一些性质进行研究.检测了加入溶葡萄球茵酶后牛奶性状的变化和重组溶葡萄球菌酶在牛奶中的酶活的稳定性以及溶葡萄球菌酶在牛奶中的抑、杀菌活性.结果显示,重组溶葡萄球菌酶未改变牛奶的外观性状;并且重组溶葡萄球菌酶在39℃牛奶中可以稳定存放至少20 h以上,酶活性保持稳定;同时重组溶葡萄球菌酶在牛奶中对金黄色葡萄球菌等革兰氏阳性菌仍然保持了良好的抑杀菌效果.该研究为今后溶葡萄球菌酶用于奶牛乳腺炎的治疗提供参考依据.  相似文献   

将胶原纤维用三价铁改性后作为载体,通过戊二醛的交联作用将过氧化氢酶固定在该载体上.制备的固定化过氧化氢酶蛋白固载量为16.7 mg/g,酶活收率为35%.研究了固定化酶与自由酶的最适pH、最适温度、热稳定性、贮存稳定性及操作稳定性.结果表明:过氧化氢酶经此法固定化后,最适pH及最适温度与自由酶相同,分别为pH 7.0和25℃;但固定化酶的热稳定性显著提高,在75℃保存5 h后,仍能保留30%的活力,而自由酶则完全失活;固定化酶在室温下保存12 d后,酶活力仍保持在88%以上,而自由酶在此条件下则完全失活;此外,固定化过氧化氢酶还表现出了良好的操作稳定性,在室温下连续反应26次后,相对活力为57%.该研究表明胶原纤维可作为固定化过氧化  相似文献   

本文对聚乙二醇修饰脂肪酶、多孔玻璃载体吸附酶、多孔玻璃载体丙酮沉积酶、硅藻土吸附酶、氧化铝吸附酶和琼脂珠疏水载体吸附酶在有机相中酯合成和酯交换反应的催化作用进行了研究。实验表明,不同形式的酶需要不同的最适加水量。而且,在各自最适条件下,对各种形式酶进行了比较,得出硅藻土和琼脂珠疏水载体是很好的固定化载体,疏水性琼脂珠固定化酶在有机相中的活力比酶粉高46.5%。  相似文献   

It has been observed that water, which is absolutely essential for enzyme activity, can induce the agglomeration of enzyme particles in organic media. Although enzyme agglomeration is significant in that it usually reduces enzyme activity and stability, little attention has been paid to the quantitative analysis of enzyme agglomeration behavior in nonaqueous bioactalytic systems. In this study, the effects of water and silica gel on enzyme agglomeration were investigated usingCandida rugosa lipase and cyclohexane as a model enzyme and an organic medium. The extent of enzyme agglomeration was quantified by sieve analysis of freeze-dried agglomerates. Increasing the water content of the medium increased the size of the enzyme agglomerates, and it was found that water produced during the esterification reaction could also promote the agglomeration of enzyme particles suspended in organic media. On the other hand, the size of the enzyme agglomerates was remarkably reduced in the presence of silica gel at the same water content. We also show that this increase in the size of enzyme agglomerates results in lower reaction rates in organic solvents.  相似文献   

宫川蜜柑根际土壤酶活性与土壤养分含量相关性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了不同肥力水平的宫川蜜柑根际土壤酶的活性及其与土壤农化特性的关系。结果表明 :高产园的土壤酶活性显著高于低产园的土壤酶活性。经统计分析 ,土壤酶活性与养分含量均呈极显著相关。而且酶的活性在土壤中的分布有一定的规律性。其水平分布是在树冠内半径的 4 /5处至树冠滴水线范围内 ,酶的活性最高 ,由此处向内向外酶的活性逐渐降低 ;其垂直分布是 0~ 2 0 cm土层酶的活性最高 ,随土层的加深而逐渐降低  相似文献   

吴晓华  严明忠  曾波  周敏 《蛇志》2006,18(2):111-112
目的探讨创伤创面对心肌酶谱的影响。方法对伴有心肌酶谱升高者,及早修复创伤创面以促进伤口愈合,手术前后观察心肌酶谱的变化。结果手术后心肌酶谱显著降低(P<0.01),创伤创面修复后,一般经3~8天心肌酶谱恢复正常。结论导致创伤病人心肌酶谱升高的主要原因是由于创面的存在,创面修复后,心肌酶谱随之恢复。  相似文献   

A dual mechanism regulates the insulin stimulation of hepatic malic enzyme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The activity of malic enzyme, an important hepatic lipogenic enzyme, is stimulated in diabetic rats by insulin administration. This process was shown to involve increases in both enzyme quantity and the specific activity (units activity/nmol enzyme) of the enzyme. Therefore, the coupling of these two regulatory mechanisms was responsible for the insulin-mediated increase in malic enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Enzyme synthesis in the regulation of hepatic `malic'' enzyme activity   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A homogeneous preparation of ;malic' enzyme (EC from livers of thyroxine-treated rats was used to prepare in rabbits an antiserum to the enzyme that reacts monospecifically with the ;malic' enzyme in livers of rats in several physiological states. Changes in enzyme activity resulting from modification of the state of the animal are hence due to an altered amount of enzyme protein. The antiserum has been used to precipitate out ;malic' enzyme from heat-treated supernatant preparations of livers from both adult and neonatal rats, in a number of physiological conditions, that had been injected 30min earlier with l-[4,5-(3)H]leucine. The low incorporations of radioactivity into the immunoprecipitable enzyme have permitted the qualitative conclusion that changed enzyme activity in adult rats arises mainly from alterations in the rate of enzyme synthesis. The marked increase in ;malic' enzyme activity that occurs naturally or as a result of thyroxine treatment of the weanling rat is likewise due to a marked increase in the rate of enzyme synthesis possibly associated with a concurrent diminished rate of enzyme degradation.  相似文献   

Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase was purified from rat plasma and the properties of this enzyme during the purification procedures and those of the purified enzyme were investigated in comparison with the human enzyme. The rat enzyme was not adsorbed on hydroxyapatite, which was employed for the purification of the human enzyme. When purified human enzyme was incubated at 37 degrees C in 0.1 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4; ionic strength, 0.00025), no alteration of enzyme activity was observed for up to 6 h. In the case of the rat enzyme, however, approximately 40% of the enzyme activity was lost under the same conditions. The human enzyme and rat enzyme were both retained on a Sepharose 4B column to which HDL3 was covalently linked, in 39 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Although the human enzyme was eluted from the column in 1 mM phosphate buffer, the rat enzyme was dissociated from the column at a lower buffer concentration (0.1 mM phosphate buffer). These findings indicate that the rat enzyme effectively associated with HDL3 in 39 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, but the association was more sensitive to increase of ionic strength compared with that of the human enzyme.  相似文献   

Immunological characterization of maize starch branching enzymes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Highly purified fractions of three starch branching enzymes from developing maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm were used to prepare antisera in rabbits. In double diffusion experiments, no immunoprecipitate was observed when branching enzyme IIa or IIb was tested against branching enzyme I antiserum. No immunoprecipitate was formed when branching enzyme I was tested against branching enzyme IIa or IIb antiserum. Increasing amounts of antisera in the above combinations also failed to inhibit enzyme activity. Branching enzyme IIa antiserum cross-reacted and formed spurs with branching enzyme IIb when compared with branching enzyme IIa antigen. Comparison of branching enzyme IIb antiserum with branching enzyme IIa also resulted in an immunoprecipitate. Increasing levels of branching enzyme IIa antiserum inhibited branching enzyme IIb as did the reciprocal combination. The data indicated that branching enzymes IIa and IIb are immunologically similar while branching enzyme I is distinct. The data supports the classification of starch branching enzymes based on genetic, kinetic, and chromatographic properties.  相似文献   

B H Kim  T L Rosenberry 《Biochemistry》1985,24(14):3586-3592
A small hydrophobic domain in isolated human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase is responsible for the interaction of this enzyme with detergent micelles and the aggregation of the enzyme on removal of detergent. Papain has been shown to cleave this hydrophobic domain and to generate a fully active hydrophilic enzyme that shows no tendency to interact with detergents or to aggregate [Dutta-Choudhury, T.A., & Rosenberry, T.L. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 5653-5660]. We report here that the intact enzyme could be reconstituted into phospholipid liposomes while the papain-disaggregated enzyme showed no capacity for reconstitution. More than 80% of the enzyme reconstituted into small liposomes could be released by papain digestion as the hydrophilic form. Papain was less effective in releasing the enzyme from large liposomes that were probably multilamellar. In a novel application of affinity chromatography on acridinium resin, enzyme reconstituted into small liposomes in the presence of excess phospholipid was purified to a level of 1 enzyme molecule per 4000 phospholipid molecules, a ratio expected if each enzyme molecule was associated with a small, unilamellar liposome. Subunits in the hydrophilic enzyme form released from reconstituted liposomes by papain digestion showed a mass decrease of about 2 kilodaltons relative to the intact subunits according to acrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate, a difference similar to that observed previously following papain digestion of the soluble enzyme aggregates. The data were consistent with the hypothesis that the same hydrophobic domain in the enzyme is responsible for the interaction of the enzyme with detergent micelles, the aggregation of the enzyme in the absence of detergent, and the incorporation of the enzyme into reconstituted phospholipid membranes.  相似文献   

The genome of Thermus thermophilus contains two genes encoding putative glutamate dehydrogenases. One of these genes (TTC1211) was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The purified enzyme was a trimer that catalyzed the oxidation of glutamate to alpha-ketoglutarate and ammonia with either NAD+ or NADP+ as cofactors. The enzyme was also able to catalyze the inverse reductive reaction. The thermostability of the enzyme at neutral pH was very high even at 70 degrees C, but at acidic pH values, the dissociation of enzyme subunits produced the rapid enzyme inactivation even at 25 degrees C. The immobilization of the enzyme on glyoxyl agarose permitted to greatly increase the enzyme stability under all conditions studied. It was found that the multimeric structure of the enzyme was stabilized by the immobilization (enzyme subunits could be not desorbed from the support by boiling it in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate). This makes the enzyme very stable at pH 4 (e.g., the enzyme activity did not decrease after 12 h at 45 degrees C) and even improved the enzyme stability at neutral pH values. This immobilized enzyme can be of great interest as a biosensor or as a biocatalyst to regenerate both reduced and oxidized cofactors.  相似文献   

Penicillium duponti enzyme was immobilized on reconstituted collagen by macromolecular complication, impregnation, and covalent crosslinking techniques. The immobilization of the enzyme on collagen has a twofold purpose: (1) providing a protein microenvironment for the proteolytic enzyme; and (2) extending the useful life the enzyme once immobilized on the collagen matrix. Two types of collagen were used, one produced by the United States Department of Agriculture and the other produced by FMC. The USDA collagen contained unhydrolyzed telepeptide linkages and required pretreatment to reduce collagenaselike activity of the enzyme. Activity analysis of the immobilized enzyme complex showed that membranes with enzyme loading less than 10 mg enzyme/g of wet membrane in the reactor were dimensionally stable. The degree of crosslinking was an important parameter. Membranes with structural opening up to three times the initial dry thickness were found to be the maximum limit for controlled release of enzyme from the collagen membrane during enzymatic reaction. Higher activities and better stability of the enzyme in collagen membrane were found for covalent crosslinking of the enzyme to treated collagen films. The hydrolysis of soybean vegetable protein with the immobilized enzyme in a recycle reactor at enzyme loading of mg/g of wet membrane at 40°C, pH 3.4, produced 56.5% of soluble protein in 10h. The production is equivalent to 1.84 h total contact time between the substrate and the immobilized enzyme. The average productivity based on a stable enzyme activity and 20g of dry membrane was 329 mg of protein/g/mg of active enzyme immobilized. The productivity of the free enzyme in a batch reactor was 62.5 mg protein/h/mg enzyme.  相似文献   

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