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循环肿瘤细胞(CTC)是肿瘤转移过程中在血液循环系统中存活的肿瘤细胞,该细胞的生成被认为是肿瘤发生转移的必要前提.CTC的存在与否及数量多少是肿瘤预后判断、疗效监控和肿瘤转移评估的一个重要检测指标.近年来,纳米材料、纳米结构表面以及可操控微量液体的微流控技术广泛应用于CTC的富集和检测,本文对CTC富集、检测纳米技术的最新进展进行综述,希望能够为肿瘤的诊断和治疗提供帮助.  相似文献   

生物分子的纳米粒子标记和检测技术   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
生物分子的标记和检测一直是生物分析领域的重要内容 .近年来 ,纳米材料与生物检测技术的结合 ,使得生物分子的检测有了重要的发展 ,这一交叉学科现已成为生物分析领域最具活力的研究方向 .对近期出现的新型纳米粒子标记物的性质、检测原理、特点和应用进行了评述 ,并分析了用该标记物进行分析的可能发展方向  相似文献   

纳米生物催化领域包括:(ⅰ)利用纳米技术或纳米材料调控生物催化剂的效率;(ⅱ)直接利用纳米材料或技术实现生物催化功能,并拓展生物催化在非友好环境及疾病诊疗中的应用.纳米生物催化已成为纳米生物学重要的研究领域,主要涉及纳米载体固定化酶和纳米材料人工模拟酶(纳米酶).一方面,可以借助纳米技术或材料所具有的特殊纳米效应来增强生物催化剂的效率和稳定性.另一方面,从模拟酶的理念出发,借助纳米材料自身所具有的催化能力,直接实现对生化反应的催化,这类具有酶学特性的纳米酶被视为新一代人工模拟酶.近年来,基于纳米载体固定化酶和纳米酶技术的纳米生物催化已在疾病诊断和治疗、化工制药、环境处理等领域得到了广泛研究,并展示了其具有重要的应用价值.本文简要综述了纳米载体固定化酶和纳米酶的发展历程及应用进展.  相似文献   

目的:探寻一种有效地从骨肉瘤患者外周血中富集并鉴定循环肿瘤细胞的方法。方法:利用基于物理过滤与原位杂交结合的技术对骨肉瘤患者外周血循环肿瘤细胞分离并鉴定。采用直径8μm纳米滤膜截留外周血中体积较大的白细胞及肿瘤细胞,利用多重RNA原位杂交技术检测CD45、EpCAM、CK8、CK18、CK19、vimentin及twist基因表达,并根据结果对滤膜截留下的细胞进行鉴定并分型。结果:本研究所使用的基于物理过滤与原位杂交技术的循环肿瘤细胞检测方法可以高效地从骨肉瘤患者外周血中富集骨肉瘤循环肿瘤细胞,该方法富集细胞的效率超过90%。15例健康志愿者中1例志愿者检测结果阳性。20例纳入研究的骨肉瘤患者中19例患者外周血中检测出CTC,CTC计数范围为0-20。肿瘤转移患者外周血CTC计数为11.33±5.88,肿瘤未转移患者外周血CTC计数为4.36±2.98,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.0022)。肿瘤转移患者外周血间质型CTC比例高于肿瘤未转移患者(P=0.0031)。结论:利用基于物理过滤与原位杂交结合的技术可以有效地检测骨肉瘤患者外周血循环肿瘤细胞。CTC检测结果可以作为辅助判断肿瘤转移情况的辅助指标。  相似文献   

新型功能性纳米材料在设计和制备技术方面的进步为纳米医学的发展提供了很大的机遇。在过去十年中,介孔碳纳米材料在制备和应用方面获得了巨大的进步。作为一种新型无机材料体系,介孔碳纳米材料结合了介孔的结构以及碳质组成的特点,显示出不同于传统介孔二氧化硅以及其它一些碳基材料体系(碳纳米管、石墨烯、富勒烯等)的优越特性。介孔碳纳米材料在药物的吸附与控释、光热治疗、协同治疗、肿瘤细胞的荧光标记、催化、生物传感、生物大分子的分离等诸多领域表现出其他多孔材料难以达到的优越性和应用潜力。本文对介孔碳纳米材料的制备和修饰技术进行介绍,重点关注介孔碳纳米颗粒在药物负载和光热控释方面的应用,最后对介孔碳纳米材料在生物医学领域的应用前景和所面临的关键问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

随着纳米科技的迅速发展和应用,纳米技术对人类和环境的影响引起了广泛的关注.针对纳米从业人员的职业健康、环境保护和消费者安全,需要在不断深入研究纳米毒理学的基础上,开展纳米材料生物效应检测与评价、职业暴露剂量数据采集及控制等方面的标准化工作.本文简要回顾了纳米生物技术相关标准化工作的发展历史和演变,介绍了中国及国际标准化组织在纳米生物医学技术相关方面标准制定工作的现状,并探讨了生物医学领域纳米技术标准化工作的发展趋势.  相似文献   

纳米技术的兴起,对生物医学领域的变革产生了深远的影响。纳米材料是纳米技术发展的重要基础,它具有许多传统材料所不具备的独特的理化性质,因此在生物医学、传感器等重要技术领域有着广泛的应用前景。对几类常见的纳米材料包括纳米金、量子点、磁性纳米粒子、碳纳米管和硅纳米线在蛋白质、DNA、金属离子以及生物相关分子检测方面的应用进行综述。  相似文献   

纳米酶是指具有类酶催化活性的纳米材料.近年来,纳米酶研究引起了人们的极大兴趣.纳米酶已被广泛应用于诸如生物传感、生物成像、疾病治疗和环境保护等众多领域.在本综述中,我们将着重讨论纳米酶在分析化学领域的研究进展.首先将讨论纳米酶在体外检测的应用,将包括生物活性小分子、核酸、蛋白质类生物标志物、细胞等的检测.其后将讨论纳米酶在活体分析的应用,将包括监测活脑、肿瘤组织等的生物活性小分子、药物的药效、药物与纳米酶的代谢等.最后,我们将讨论纳米酶应用于分析化学时面临的挑战和未来研究前景.  相似文献   

重金属污染对生态环境和人类健康具有极大的危害,建立灵敏、快捷、高效的重金属检测方法具有非常重要的意义.现有的检测技术依赖大型仪器设备,在检测条件、时间以及成本上都有较高的要求,难以满足当前检测工作的需要.随着纳米技术的飞速发展,各种纳米材料不同于块体材料的优异特性被广泛开发,在化学和生物检测领域已有广泛的应用.本文主要综述了近几年来常用的几种纳米探针在重金属检测应用中的研究进展,并对各种纳米探针的特点及检测原理进行了阐述和总结.这些纳米探针包括半导体荧光量子点,荧光纳米粒子、金纳米颗粒等材料,由于他们独特的荧光特性、吸收特性、表面等离子共振(SPR)效应、表面能量转移(SET)效应等,在重金属离子检测领域有很大的应用前景.并且根据目前实际环境监测工作的需要,对基于纳米探针的检测手段进行了讨论和展望,旨在为重金属污染物检测研究的发展和进步提供参考.  相似文献   

近年来,纳米技术为酶固定化提供了多种纳米级材料,纳米材料固定化酶不仅具有高的酶负载量,而且具有良好的酶稳定性。本文基于纳米材料固定化酶,对纳米材料的种类进行了总结,分析了纳米材料对固定化酶性能的影响,并介绍了纳米级固定化方法及纳米材料固定化酶在生物转化、生物传感器、生物燃料电池等领域的应用。  相似文献   

Circulating tumor cells (CTC) are cells that disseminate from a primary tumor throughout the circulatory system and that can ultimately form secondary tumors at distant sites. CTC count can be used to follow disease progression based on the correlation between CTC concentration in blood and disease severity. As a treatment tool, CTC could be studied in the laboratory to develop personalized therapies. To this end, CTC isolation must cause no cellular damage, and contamination by other cell types, particularly leukocytes, must be avoided as much as possible. Many of the current techniques, including the sole FDA-approved device for CTC enumeration, destroy CTC as part of the isolation process (for more information see Ref. 2). A microfluidic device to capture viable CTC is described, consisting of a surface functionalized with E-selectin glycoprotein in addition to antibodies against epithelial markers. To enhance device performance a nanoparticle coating was applied consisting of halloysite nanotubes, an aluminosilicate nanoparticle harvested from clay. The E-selectin molecules provide a means to capture fast moving CTC that are pumped through the device, lending an advantage over alternative microfluidic devices wherein longer processing times are necessary to provide target cells with sufficient time to interact with a surface. The antibodies to epithelial targets provide CTC-specificity to the device, as well as provide a readily adjustable parameter to tune isolation. Finally, the halloysite nanotube coating allows significantly enhanced isolation compared to other techniques by helping to capture fast moving cells, providing increased surface area for protein adsorption, and repelling contaminating leukocytes. This device is produced by a straightforward technique using off-the-shelf materials, and has been successfully used to capture cancer cells from the blood of metastatic cancer patients. Captured cells are maintained for up to 15 days in culture following isolation, and these samples typically consist of >50% viable primary cancer cells from each patient. This device has been used to capture viable CTC from both diluted whole blood and buffy coat samples. Ultimately, we present a technique with functionality in a clinical setting to develop personalized cancer therapies.  相似文献   

Circulating Tumor Cells(CTC)have the potential to be used clinically as a diagnostic tool and a treatment tool in the fieldof oncology.As a diagnostic tool,CTC may be used to indicate the presence of a tumor before it is large enough to cause noticeablesymptoms.As a treatment tool,CTC isolated from patients may be used to test the efficacy of chemotherapy options topersonalize patient treatment.One way for tumors to spread is through metastasis via the circulatory system.CTC are able toexploit the natural leukocyte recruitment process that is initially mediated by rolling on transient selectin bonds.Our capturedevices take advantage of this naturally occurring recruitment step to isolate CTC from whole blood by flowing samples throughselectin and antibody-coated microtubes.Whole blood was spiked with a known concentration of labeled cancer cells and thenperfused through pre-coated microtubes.Microtubes were then rinsed to remove unbound cells and the number of labeled cellscaptured on the lumen was assessed.CTC were successfully captured from whole blood at a clinically relevant level on the orderof 10 cells per mL.Combination tubes with selectin and antibody coated surface exhibited higher capture rate than tubes coatedwith selectin alone or antibody alone.Additionally,CTC capture was demonstrated with the KG 1 a hematopoietic cell line andthe DU 145 epithelial cell line.Thus,the in vivo process of selectin-mediated CTC recruitment to distant vessel walls can be usedin vitro to target CTC to a tube lumen.The biomolecular coatings can also be used to capture CTC of hematopoietic andepithelial tumor origin and is demonstrated to sensitivities down to the order of 10 CTC per mL.In a related study aimed at reducing the blood borne metastatic cancer load,we have shown that cells captured to a surfacecan be neutralized by a receptor-mediated biochemical signal.In the proposed method we have shown that using a combinedselectin and TRAIL(TNF Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand or Apo 2L)functionalized surface we are abl  相似文献   

循环肿瘤细胞(circulating tumor cells,CTCs)是指从原发肿瘤或转移灶脱落、发生上皮-间质转化进入患者外周血血液循环的恶性肿瘤细胞.CTCs在肿瘤研究和临床诊断上的作用逐渐得到认可,外周血中CTCs存在与否以及数量多少不但可以用于肿瘤的早期诊断,还可以用于评估肿瘤预后、监测肿瘤的转移和复发.微流控芯片作为一个高通量、小型化的细胞实验平台,已被应用于CTCs的分选当中.本文综述了用于CTCs捕获的微流控芯片系统的最新研究进展,着重介绍各类芯片的捕获原理、芯片结构和捕获效率,最后对微流控芯片技术在CTCs分选中的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

In cancer, epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is associated with metastasis. Characterizing EMT phenotypes in circulating tumor cells (CTCs) has been challenging because epithelial marker-based methods have typically been used for the isolation and detection of CTCs from blood samples. The aim of this study was to use the optimized CanPatrol CTC enrichment technique to classify CTCs using EMT markers in different types of cancers. The first step of this technique was to isolate CTCs via a filter-based method; then, an RNA in situ hybridization (RNA-ISH) method based on the branched DNA signal amplification technology was used to classify the CTCs according to EMT markers. Our results indicated that the efficiency of tumor cell recovery with this technique was at least 80%. When compared with the non-optimized method, the new method was more sensitive and more CTCs were detected in the 5-ml blood samples. To further validate the new method, 164 blood samples from patients with liver, nasopharyngeal, breast, colon, gastric cancer, or non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were collected for CTC isolation and characterization. CTCs were detected in 107(65%) of 164 blood samples, and three CTC subpopulations were identified using EMT markers, including epithelial CTCs, biophenotypic epithelial/mesenchymal CTCs, and mesenchymal CTCs. Compared with the earlier stages of cancer, mesenchymal CTCs were more commonly found in patients in the metastatic stages of the disease in different types of cancers. Circulating tumor microemboli (CTM) with a mesenchymal phenotype were also detected in the metastatic stages of cancer. Classifying CTCs by EMT markers helps to identify the more aggressive CTC subpopulation and provides useful evidence for determining an appropriate clinical approach. This method is suitable for a broad range of carcinomas.  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)是一种最常见的神经退行性疾病.AD的精准诊断技术,特别是早期诊断技术是临床亟需的.近年来,以生物标志物为基础的非侵入性体外诊断技术发展迅速,特别是利用纳米材料和纳米技术的高表面活性、独特的光电特性、生物相容性好、易于表面修饰、小型化、集成化等特点,发展了新型的...  相似文献   

Disseminated malignancy is responsible for the vast majority of cancer-related deaths. During this process, circulating tumor cells (CTC) are generated, spread from the primary tumor, colonize distant organs and lead to overt metastatic disease. CTC are essential for establishing metastasis; however, they are not sufficient as this process is highly inefficient and most will fail to grow in target sites. Several CTC die during migration while others remain dormant for several years and very few grow into macrometastases. CTC have been well documented in the bloodstream of cancer patients; however, the clinical relevance of this detection is still the subject of controversies and their biology is poorly understood. Indeed, available markers fail to distinguish between subgroups of CTC, and several current methods lack sensitivity, specificity or reproducibility in CTC characterization and detection. The advent of more precise technologies is renewing the interest in CTC biology. We will review herein recent findings on CTC biology, on the role of host–tumor interactions in CTC shedding and implantation, available methods of CTC detection and future perspectives for the molecular characterization of the CTC subset(s) responsible for the development of metastasis. Ultimately, understanding CTC biology and host–tumor ‘complementarities’ will help define metastasis-related biomarkers providing formidable and tailored novel therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Detecting the cancer cells in the peripheral blood, i.e. circulating tumor cell (CTC), have been considered as the “liquid biopsy” and become a particular area of focus. A deep insight into CTC provides a potential alternative method for early diagnosis of solid tumor. Previous studies showed that CTC counts could be regarded as an indicator in tumor diagnosis, predicting clinical outcomes and monitoring treatment responses. In this report, we utilize our facile and efficient CTC detection device made of hydroxyapatite/chitosan (HA/CTS) for rare cancer cells isolation and enumeration in clinical use. A biocompatible and surface roughness controllable nanofilm was deposited onto a glass slide to achieve enhanced topographic interactions with nanoscale cellular surface components, anti-EpCAM (epithelial cell adhesion molecule, EpCAM) were then coated onto the surface of nanosubstrate for specific capture of CTCs. This device performed a considerable and stable capture yields. We evaluated the relationship performance between serial CTC changes and the changes of tumor volume/serum tumor marker in gastrointestinal cancer patients undergoing anti-cancer treatments. The present study results showed that changes in the number of CTC were associated with tumor burden and progression. Enumeration of CTCs in cancer patients may predict clinical response. Longitudinal monitoring of individual patients during the therapeutic process showed a close correlation between CTC quantity and clinical response to anti-cancer therapy. Effectively capture of this device is capable of CTCs isolation and quantification for monitoring of cancer and predicting treatment response.  相似文献   

Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) has been hypothesized as a mechanism by which cells change phenotype during carcinogenesis, as well as tumor metastasis. Whether EMT is involved in cancer metastasis has a specific, practical impact on the field of circulating tumor cells (CTCs). Since the generally accepted definition of a CTC includes the expression of epithelial surface markers, such as EpCAM, if a cancer cell loses its epithelial surface markers (which is suggested in EMT), it will not be separated and/or identified as a CTC. We have developed, and previously reported on the use of, a purely negative enrichment technology enriching for CTCs in the blood of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). This methodology does not depend on the expression of surface epithelial markers. Using this technology, our initial data on SCCHN patient blood indicates that the presence of CTCs correlates with worse disease-free survival. Since our enrichment is not dependent on epithelial markers, we have initiated investigation of the presence of mesenchymal markers in these CTC cells to include analysis of: vimentin, epidermal growth factor receptor, N-cadherin, and CD44. With the aid of confocal microscopy, we have demonstrated not only presumed CTCs that express and/or contain: a nucleus, cytokeratins, vimentin, and either EGFR, CD44, or N-cadherin, but also cells that contain all of the aforementioned proteins except cytokeratins, suggesting that the cells have undergone the EMT process. We suggest that our negative depletion enrichment methodology provides a more objective approach in identifying and evaluating CTCs, as opposed to positive selection approaches, as it is not subjective to a selection bias and can be tailored to accommodate a variety of cytoplasmic and surface markers which can be evaluated to identify a multitude of phenotypic patterns within CTCs from individual patients, including so-called EMT as presented here.  相似文献   

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