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朱芸  盛尚  郑进凤  伍素  张凯  徐雨 《动物学杂志》2022,57(2):205-212
小岛屿效应打破了传统的种-面积关系认知,是当前岛屿生物地理学与生境破碎化领域的研究热点之一。然而,目前的研究缺乏以人类干扰度较高的城市破碎化生境为载体来探究小岛屿效应问题。本研究以贵州花溪大学城30个面积0.25 ~ 290.40 hm2的残存自然林地为研究区,在2017至2021年的鸟类繁殖季对林地中的鸟类进行调查。共记录到鸟类98种,隶属于11目41科。剔除高空飞行、非森林鸟类及偶然出现的物种后,不同斑块中的鸟类物种数介于12至49种之间,平均每个斑块24种。在R软件中利用“sars”包构建4种关键种-面积回归模型发现,先平后升的两段式回归模型是预测种-面积关系的最佳模型。该模型显示,在面积阈值1.16 hm2之上,物种丰富度随着面积的增加逐渐增多,符合传统岛屿生物地理学提出的面积效应;但是,在面积阈值1.16 hm2之下,物种丰富度不随面积发生显著变化,表现出小岛屿效应的特征。小岛屿效应的形成可能与喀斯特特殊地貌环境、食物资源或“中转站”、“垫脚石”等生态功能相关,其具体发生机制尚有待进一步研究。根据本研究结果,建议在城市规划建设时尽可能保护自然林地并设计绿色过渡带,在优先保护大林地斑块的同时不应忽视对具有重要生态价值的小林地斑块的保护。  相似文献   

为应对城市生态斑块光污染、噪声污染范围快速扩张和强度增加对鸟类带来的生态风险,探讨了将微观鸟类风险阈值与宏观光污染、噪声污染分布数据结合进行生态风险评价的全链条研究方法,具体包括:探究微观层面光、声污染胁迫下鸟类生态风险阈值,分别获得光污染对黄雀和栗鹀寤寐节律及声污染对画眉鸟退避行为的生态风险阈值,并提出由实验室环境中获得的鸟类光污染强度风险阈值推算室外夜间混合光环境中鸟类光污染强度风险阈值的方法;同时获取宏观光、声环境分布数据,其中光环境分布数据基于Luojia 1-01和Jilin 1-7B夜光遥感影像获得,声环境分布数据通过软件模拟、实测校核、ArcGIS属性赋予等系列操作获得;结合微观鸟类风险阈值和宏观光、声环境分布数据开展生态风险评价,以典型城市生态斑块为实例分析光污染和噪声污染胁迫下鸟类生态风险分布特征;搭建生态风险评价平台并进行鸟类生态风险可视化展现。该生态风险评价方法可为城市宏观区域光、声污染生态风险的快速评价提供科学规范的研究和技术范例。  相似文献   

生态阈值概念是20世纪70年代提出的,主要指生态系统的几个稳态之间突然改变的点或区域。在阐明生态系统结构与功能的关系、构建区域可持续发展范式以及服务于生态系统管理和生态红线的划定中,生态阈值的检测和量化有着重要的理论和实践意义。该文首先梳理了前人关于生态阈值的概念、类型的一些提法,从预警研究角度提出可以从两个层次理解生态阈值概念:生态阈值点是系统从量变到质变的转折点,类似于红色界限;而生态阈值带可以理解为量变过程中不同稳态之间的转换区域,类似于黄色与橙色预警边界带。黄色生态阈值表示生态系统可通过自身的调节能力重新达到稳定状态;橙色生态阈值表示需要排除干扰因子使得生态系统重新达到平衡;而红色生态阈值为关键阈值点,超过此阈值,生态系统将发生不可逆的退化甚至崩溃。该文还总结了目前确定生态阈值的主要方法,主要是基于野外观测数据的统计分析与模型模拟方法。最后,基于生态系统服务、生物多样性保护与生态系统管理等几个当今生态学热点研究领域,简单总结归纳了生态阈值的研究现状,并提出生态阈值未来的3个研究难点和方向:1)开展针对生态阈值检测和量化的研究;2)关注生态阈值的尺度效应并加强野外观测;3)发挥生态阈值的预警作用,指导"生态红线"的划定和生态系统管理。  相似文献   

陈珊珊  温兆飞  马茂华  廖桃  周旭  吴胜军 《生态学报》2022,42(15):6439-6449
植被动态变化受气候和人类活动双重作用力的驱动。在气候变化的背景下,如何定量剖析人类活动在植被动态变化中的作用力,对增加植被生态系统碳储量和缓解气候变化具有重要意义。随着生态文明建设和环境保护意识的加强,就植被生态系统而言,生态工程作为一项巨大的人类活动,对植被影响的广度和深度日益加强。系统分析气候变化背景下生态工程对植被的生态效应影响,对后期生态恢复措施的制定和实施具有十分重要的理论指导意义。虽已有一些生态工程对植被影响的定量化研究方法,但不同方法之间的结果难以进行比较研究。比较探讨各定量研究方法的优缺点有利于推动植被驱动机制的研究,有助于恢复生态学和人类生态学的应用和发展。系统梳理了定量研究生态工程对植被动态的影响主要研究方法:回归分析、残差趋势分析、基于生物物理过程模型方法和阈值分割方法。对比发现,基于生物物理过程模型方法具有较高的应用潜力,趋势分析方法和阈值分割方法仍需进一步完善。目前,定量剖析生态工程对植被变化的影响研究主要侧重于模型模拟,野外实证研究和模型验证较为缺乏,是恢复生态学未来研究的重点和难点之一。  相似文献   

物种生境模型预测结果通常是概率性的,然而在具体的保护管理等实践应用过程中通常需要基于二元值(存在/不存在)的分布图,此时就需要把概率性的预测结果转化为二元值,在此转化过程中就涉及阈值选择问题。此外,在评估模型预测准确度的时候,多数评估指标也需要选择一个阈值用于转化概率预测结果,这个阈值选择对于模型预测准确度也会有极大的影响。然而阈值选择却是物种生境模拟不确定性研究中较少涉及的领域。"随机森林"既可以生成物种生境概率分布图(回归算法)也可以生成二元分布图(分类算法),然而还未见对两种预测方式的比较研究。该文以珙桐(Davidia involucrata)和杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)为例,分别采用"随机森林"的分类算法和回归算法预测其生境二元分布图和概率分布图,通过4个不同阈值选择方法(默认值0.5、MaxKappa、MaxTSS和MaxACC)把概率预测图转换为二元分布图,进而比较分析转换结果对模型预估的影响。珙桐不同阈值选择方法所确立的阈值之间存在显著差异,而杉木没有显著差异;两物种模型准确度之间没有显著差异;在预测两物种未来气候条件下的生境面积变化、生境分布区迁移方向和距离以及最适宜海拔分布高度变化时,二元值转换后的回归算法与分类算法之间存在显著差异,但回归算法中各阈值选择方法之间没有显著差异。空间生境分布图的相似性分析表明MaxKappa和MaxTSS法具有最大相似性,分类算法与4种阈值选择方法之间具有最大差异。  相似文献   

水盐环境梯度下翅碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)的生态阈值   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
崔保山  贺强  赵欣胜 《生态学报》2008,28(4):1408-1418
在对翅碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)生物量、密度、株高、盖度、多度相关性分析的基础上选取了生物量作为翅碱蓬生物指标,利用高斯模型分析了黄河三角洲翅碱蓬种群沿水深、土壤盐分的生态阈值,翅碱蓬最适水深为-0.42m,水深生态阈值区间为[-0 92,0.08](m),水深最适生态阈值区间为[-0.67,-0.17](m);最适土壤盐分为12.71 g/kg左右,其盐分生态阈值区间为[5 17,20.25](g/kg),盐分最适生态阈值区间为[8.94,16.48](g/kg).通过分析不同实验区的水盐关系及其交互作用,探讨了水盐交互作用对翅碱蓬生长的影响.最后,通过离差平方和聚类分析,将3个实验区69个样地划分为7类.随着水深和盐分的梯度变化,7类样地的翅碱蓬群落呈现明显的演替.  相似文献   

生态系统中广泛存在非线性变化,表现为系统状态随着压力的逐渐增加而发生骤然转变。为解释这种变化,国外生态学家提出了生态阈值和稳态转换的概念,不断完善理论和方法体系,开展机理和案例研究,深化对复杂系统演化机制的理解,并开始应用于环境管理。在我国,近几十年来在各类生态系统中开展了大量关于压力-响应的定量化研究,取得了丰富成果。这些研究在本质上与生态阈值和稳态转换理论范式紧密关联。本文以“中国生态阈值和稳态转换案例数据库”为基础,按照河流、湖泊、湿地、森林、草地、河口与海洋、农田、荒漠、城市、冻原10种生态系统类型,筛选归纳了相关生态阈值,并阐释了稳态转换机理。将研究案例与生态阈值、稳态转换理论范式进行衔接,目的是整合多领域研究成果,作为生态系统复杂性研究的基础,推动其在生态环境监测、生态安全预警以及生态标准创新发展领域中的应用。  相似文献   

基于生态-产业共生关系的林业生态安全测度方法构想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张智光 《生态学报》2013,33(4):1326-1336
通过对林业生态安全内涵构成的研究和对现有测度方法的比较分析,发现国内外林业生态安全测度研究中存在“就生态论生态”的预警滞后性、评价指标体系及权重设定的主观性、指标体系和特征指数难以优势互补、生态安全性判据缺乏客观依据等问题.为解决这些问题,需要基于生态与产业系统的共生关系研究林业生态安全测度的新方法.首先,研究林业生态安全的压力-状态-影响-响应结构模型和结构方程模型(SEM)的构建方法,从而为评价指标体系的构建和权重的确定提供了理论依据和结构化、定量化方法.然后,通过寻求指标体系和特征指数的有机结合,得出描述林业生态安全演变趋势的性质和程度的特征指数——生态-产业共生度和成熟度.由此提出确定林业生态安全阈值和底线的定量化方法,并建立林业生态安全双特征判断矩阵,从而将林业生态安全度分为3个安全区间、6个安全等级和4个预警级别.最后,综合以上成果,构建了基于生态-产业共生关系的林业生态安全测度方法的整体框架:目标-手段树和技术路线.根据新方法的构建机理,所得出的林业生态安全测度和预警信息具有主观性弱、预测性强、特征指数值的生态经济意义明确、便于追溯问题的原因等技术优势,有利于林业生态安全的监控和管理.  相似文献   

生态阈值研究进展   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
生态阈值是指生态系统从一种状态快速转变为另一种状态的某个点或一段区间,推动这种转变的动力来自某个或多个关键生态因子微弱的附加改变。生态阈值现象普遍存在于自然生态系统中。主要有两种类型:生态阈值点(ecological threshold point)和生态阈值带(ecological threshold zone)。在生态阈值点前后,生态系统的特性、功能或过程发生迅速的改变。生态阈值带暗含了生态系统从一种稳定状态到另一稳定状态逐渐转换的过程,而不像点型阈值那样发生突然的转变。后者在自然界中可能更为普遍。在自然资源保护和生态系统可持续管理中,生态阈值研究有着重要的理论和实践意义,受到生态学和相关学科的密切关注。其研究已经在森林、草原、湖泊、海洋等生态系统,从不同角度,针对不同生态因子广泛开展。由于生态因子相互作用的复杂性,有关生态阈值的性质及其在不同空间尺度上的联系仍然存在很大的不确定性。在未来的研究中必须加强综合和定量化研究,进一步提高应用生态阈值的能力。在全球变化和生态响应研究领域,生态阈值研究将会有更大的发展空间。  相似文献   

宁夏生态足迹影响因子的偏最小二乘回归分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
生态足迹分析方法是一种度量区域生态可持续程度的有效方法,偏最小二乘回归法(PLS)能有效解决多元回归分析中变量的多重相关性问题,具有容易操作,相关分析精度高等特点。以宁夏为研究区域,在计算了宁夏2001—2010年人均生态足迹的基础上,应用偏最小二乘回归分析法,对影响宁夏生态足迹的各因子的重要程度进行了分析。通过变量投影重要性分析、特异点分析和预测分析,证明所得偏最小二乘回归模型具有较好的精度。研究结果为:2001—2010年,宁夏人均生态足迹由1.818103793 hm2上升至2.894958909 hm2,生态赤字由1.28352051 hm2上升至2.42316627 hm2,生态承载力由0.53458328 hm2下降至0.47179264 hm2;全区GDP、城镇居民人均生活消费支出、第二产业产值和第一产业产值是影响宁夏生态足迹的显著因子。  相似文献   

The concept of ecological thresholds was raised in the 1970s. However, it was subsequently given different definitions and interpretations depending on research fields or disciplines. For most scientists, ecological thresholds refer to the points or zones that link abrupt changes between alternative stable states of an ecosystem. The measurement and quantification of ecological thresholds have great theoretical and practical significance in ecological research for clarifying the structure and function of ecosystems, for planning sustainable development modes, and for delimiting ecological red lines in managing the ecosystems of a region. By reviewing the existing concepts and classifications of ecological thresholds, we propose a new concept and definition at two different levels: the ecological threshold points, i.e. the turning points of quantitative changes to qualitative changes, which can be considered as ecological red lines; the ecological threshold zones, i.e. the regime shifts of the quantitative changes among different stable states, which can be considered as the yellow and/or orange warning boundaries of the gradual ecological changes. The yellow thresholds mean that an ecosystem can return to a stable state by its self-adjustment, the orange thresholds indicate that the ecosystem will stay in the equilibrium state after interference factors being removed, whereas the red thresholds, as the critical threshold points, indicate that the ecosystem will undergo irreversible degradation or even collapse beyond those points. We also summarizes two types of popular Methods in determining ecological thresholds: statistical analysis and modeling based on data of field observations. The applications of ecological thresholds in ecosystem service, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management research are also reviewed. Future research on ecological thresholds should focus on the following aspects: (1) methodological development for measurement and quantification of ecological thresholds; (2) emphasizing the scaling effect of ecological thresholds and establishment of national-scale observation system and network; and (3) implementation of ecological thresholds as early warning tools in ecosystem management and delimiting ecological red lines.  相似文献   

An ecological threshold is the point at which there is an abrupt change in an ecosystem quality, property or phenomenon, or where small changes in an environmental driver produce large responses in the ecosystem. Analysis of thresholds is complicated by nonlinear dynamics and by multiple factor controls that operate at diverse spatial and temporal scales. These complexities have challenged the use and utility of threshold concepts in environmental management despite great concern about preventing dramatic state changes in valued ecosystems, the need for determining critical pollutant loads and the ubiquity of other threshold-based environmental problems. In this paper we define the scope of the thresholds concept in ecological science and discuss methods for identifying and investigating thresholds using a variety of examples from terrestrial and aquatic environments, at ecosystem, landscape and regional scales. We end with a discussion of key research needs in this area.  相似文献   

Massive changes to ecosystems sometimes cross thresholds from which recovery can be difficult, expensive and slow. These thresholds are usually discovered in post hoc analyses long after the event occurred. Anticipating these changes prior to their occurrence could give managers a chance to intervene. Here we present a novel approach for anticipating ecosystem thresholds that combines resilience indicators with Quickest detection of change points. Unlike existing methods, the Quickest detection method is updated every time a data point arrives, and minimizes the time to detect an approaching threshold given the users’ tolerance for false alarms. The procedure accurately detected an impending regime shift in an experimentally manipulated ecosystem. An ecosystem model was used to determine if the method can detect an approaching threshold soon enough to prevent a regime shift. When the monitored variable was directly involved in the interaction that caused the regime shift, detection was quick enough to avert collapse. When the monitored variable was only indirectly linked to the critical transition, detection came too late. The procedure is useful for assessing changes in resilience as ecosystems approach thresholds. However some thresholds cannot be detected in time to prevent regime shifts, and surprises will be inevitable in ecosystem management.  相似文献   

A major conservation concern is whether population size and other ecological variables change linearly with habitat loss, or whether they suddenly decline more rapidly below a “critical threshold” level of habitat. The most commonly discussed explanation for critical threshold responses to habitat loss focus on habitat configuration. As habitat loss progresses, the remaining habitat is increasingly fragmented or the fragments are increasingly isolated, which may compound the effects of habitat loss. In this review we also explore other possible explanations for apparently nonlinear relationships between habitat loss and ecological responses, including Allee effects and time lags, and point out that some ecological variables will inherently respond nonlinearly to habitat loss even in the absence of compounding factors. In the literature, both linear and nonlinear ecological responses to habitat loss are evident among simulation and empirical studies, although the presence and value of critical thresholds is influenced by characteristics of the species (e.g. dispersal, reproduction, area/edge sensitivity) and landscape (e.g. fragmentation, matrix quality, rate of change). With enough empirical support, such trends could be useful for making important predictions about species' responses to habitat loss, to guide future research on the underlying causes of critical thresholds, and to make better informed management decisions. Some have seen critical thresholds as a means of identifying conservation targets for habitat retention. We argue that in many cases this may be misguided, and that the meaning (and utility) of a critical threshold must be interpreted carefully and in relation to the response variable and management goal. Despite recent interest in critical threshold responses to habitat loss, most studies have not used any formal statistical methods to identify their presence or value. Methods that have been used include model comparisons using Akaike information criterion (AIC) or t‐tests, and significance testing for changes in slope or for polynomial effects. The judicious use of statistics to help determine the shape of ecological relationships would permit greater objectivity and more comparability among studies.  相似文献   

黑河中游生态用地景观连接性动态变化及距离阈值   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
景观连接度描述了景观组分在景观格局、过程和功能上的有机联系.本文利用1986、2000和2011年土地覆被数据,基于图论方法,研究了黑河中游生态用地(林地、草地、湿地)景观连接性动态变化,并通过分析不同阈值下景观连接度值的变化揭示了研究区景观的适宜阈值.结果表明: 黑河中游1986—2011年对景观连接度产生重要作用的生态斑块面积呈减少趋势.湿地斑块面积2000—2011年减少幅度较大;草地斑块数量先减少后增加,面积变化不大,但是有斑块破碎化的趋势.不同阈值下景观连接度值的变化验证了距离阈值的正向作用.400~800 m是研究黑河中游物种扩散和生态流运行的适宜距离阈值.选择600 m作为距离阈值时,大型斑块对区域总体景观连接水平影响最为显著,是区域生态系统稳定和健康的关键组成;小型生态斑块虽然占生态斑块总面积的比例不大,但对区域的生态安全格局的维持和改善有较大影响,亦需加强保护与管理.研究结果对干旱区生态系统管理具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

We focused on responses to grazing by individual species and functional groups in relation to ecological thresholds in Mongolian rangelands, with repeated measures from the same ecological sites to account for rainfall variability. At all sites, even under rainfall fluctuations, there were robust combinations of indicator species that could be used to forewarn managers to take action to minimize the probability of crossing ecological thresholds. Depending on the landscape condition of each site, the cover of functional groups, which shared traits of perennial life history, grass or forb growth form, linear leaf shape, and alternate leaf attachment, or the cover of functional groups of woody shrubs dramatically decreased before an ecological threshold was crossed. Thus, across all sites, the responses of certain functional groups to grazing appeared to predict the crossing of an ecological threshold. The ecological indicators derived in this study should help to improve land managers’ ability to prevent adverse changes in states before ecological thresholds are reached.  相似文献   

Ecological thresholds describe abrupt changes in ecological properties in time or space. In rangeland management, thresholds reflect changes in vegetation and soils that are expensive or impossible to reverse. The threshold concept has catalyzed important advances in rangeland management thinking, but it has also introduced two classes of drawbacks. First, the ambiguity of the term "threshold" and the desire for simplicity in its application has led to an overemphasis on classification thresholds, such as vegetation cover values. Uncritical use of classification thresholds may lead to the abandonment of management efforts in land areas that would otherwise benefit from intervention. Second, it is possible that the invocation of thresholds and irreversible degradation may eventually result in the wholesale conversion of land areas that would have been recoverable or served important societal functions, such as biodiversity maintenance, that are not reflected in threshold definitions. I conclude with a recommendation to clarify the nature of thresholds by defining the relationships among pattern, process, and degradation and distinguishing preventive thresholds from restoration thresholds. We must also broaden the attributes used to define states and thresholds.  相似文献   

Three decades of study have revealed dozens of examples in which natural systems have crossed biophysical thresholds (‘tipping points’)—nonlinear changes in ecosystem structure and function—as a result of human-induced stressors, dramatically altering ecosystem function and services. Environmental management that avoids such thresholds could prevent severe social, economic and environmental impacts. Here, we review management measures implemented in ecological systems that have thresholds. Using Ostrom''s social–ecological systems framework, we analysed key biophysical and institutional factors associated with 51 social–ecological systems and associated management regimes, and related these to management success defined by ecological outcomes. We categorized cases as instances of prospective or retrospective management, based upon whether management aimed to avoid a threshold or to restore systems that have crossed a threshold. We find that smaller systems are more amenable to threshold-based management, that routine monitoring is associated with successful avoidance of thresholds and recovery after thresholds have been crossed, and that success is associated with the explicit threshold-based management. These findings are powerful evidence for the policy relevance of information on ecological thresholds across a wide range of ecosystems.  相似文献   

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