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真核翻译延伸因子1A(eEF1A)是真核生物蛋白质翻译过程中能将氨酰tRNA运送到核糖体A位点参与多肽延伸反应的多功能蛋白质. 本文主要利用多种生物信息学分析工具进行地中海涡虫翻译延伸因子1A(SmEF1A)蛋白序列的查找与eEF1A直系同源蛋白的搜索, 并基于90条直系同源蛋白进行eEF1A蛋白家族的进化踪迹分析和SmEF1A蛋白功能位点的比较研究. 结果表明,在eEF1A蛋白家族中共识别到338个踪迹残基位点和20个踪迹残基富集区域,SmEF1A蛋白的功能位点与踪迹残基位点密切相关,与GTP/Mg2+结合相关的S21、T72、D91、G94等重要位点均为全家族保守的踪迹残基,N 糖基化、磷酸化等蛋白修饰位点中踪迹残基位点往往是被修饰的部位或修饰功能发挥的关键辅助位点,而位于分子表面的配基结合口袋则与20个踪迹残基富集区域在分子表面形成的踪迹残基簇关系密切. eEF1A蛋白家族的进化踪迹分析为eEF1A蛋白重要功能区域关键残基的确定和未知功能位点的预测提供了重要信息.  相似文献   

家蚕是卵滞育性鳞翅目模式昆虫,其滞育卵的活化与生物钟蛋白TIME-EA4密切相关。TIME-EA4具备稳定的Cu/Zn SOD活性和瞬时的ATP酶活性。目前,国内外关于家蚕TIME-EA4的研究主要集中在结构和功能上,其分子进化机制研究尚未开展。本文利用生物信息学方法对TIME-EA4进行了进化踪迹分析,结果显示TIME-EA4的重要氨基酸残基(coverage25%)的91.2%都用来维持与Cu/Zn SOD的序列一致性,但TIME-EA4与Cu/Zn SOD的Cu/Zn离子结合位点在氨基酸残基组成、极性、绑定原子方面都存在差异。  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾核多角体病毒sod基因的克隆及原核表达   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
甜菜夜蛾核型多角体病毒中国株(Spotoptera exigua MNPV-Z)超氧化物歧化酶基因(sod)业已被克隆及在大肠杆菌中进行了表达,证明了SeMNPV-Z的sod基因产物确有SOD活性,其活力单位约为291.19U/ mL培养液.DNA测序结果表明SeMNPV-Z的sod基因编码151个氨基酸,与人的sod1基因的核苷酸的同源性为50%,与LdNPV、HaSNPV、HcNPV、AcNPV和BmNPV的sod基因的同源性分别为64%、63%、63%、65%、63%.  相似文献   

拓扑异构酶Ⅰ(Topoisomerase Ⅰ, Topo Ⅰ) 抑制剂已成为新型抗肿瘤药物研究的热点. 识别靶酶上全新的药物结合位点对于设计、优化Topo Ⅰ抑制剂具有重要意义, 据此设计的化合物不仅可以创新结构类型, 克服现有的喜树碱类药物的毒性, 而且有望很好地解决与现有的喜树碱类药物的交叉耐药性问题. 通过对真核DNA拓扑异构酶Ⅰ蛋白超家族多元序列联配研究, 构建了蛋白质系统进化树, 并在此基础上采用进化踪迹分析识别得到了人拓扑异构酶Ⅰ上重要功能残基. 研究发现, 喜树碱分子7, 9位周围存在亚家族特异性的疏水性残基Ala351, Met428, Pro431, 表明在喜树碱分子对应区域引入疏水性基团取代, 会提高抗肿瘤活性. 尤其值得注意的是, 超家族保守的蛋白残基Lys436, 有望成为新型喜树碱类药物改造的重要靶点, 据此设计的新型化合物将有望解决喜树碱类药物水溶性差的问题. 此外, 突变将导致喜树碱耐药性的蛋白残基Asn352, Arg364为真核Topo Ⅰ蛋白超家族保守残基, 由于对接研究已表明它们均不与喜树碱直接相互作用, 因此它们将是发现新型非喜树碱类Topo Ⅰ抑制剂的重要药物结合位点.  相似文献   

Furin/kexin蛋白质前体加工酶抑制剂的理性再设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许多重的生物过程,如酶原激活、肽激素合成、病毒蛋白加工和受体成熟,均须蛋白质前体加工酶的剪切处理。因此,蛋白质前体加工酶可能是一种新药开发的对象,综合利用同源模建技术和序列的进化踪迹分析手段,研究了蛋白质前体加工酶furin/kexin与水蛭抑制剂(eglinC)突变体的相互作用模式,阐释furin/kexin各个亚类的底物/抑制剂特异性的共性和差异性的序列结构基础。在此基础上,利用界面再设计策略(核心算法为异型自洽系综最优化)进行了furin/kexin抑制剂的理性再设计,分别以模建的水蛭抑制剂-furin,水蛭 素-kex2复合物结构为模板,对水蛭 抑制剂P1,P2和P4位置进行设计,计算结果显示这三个位置均是偏好碱性残基,与已有的实验结论一致,另外针对furin/kexin各亚类在S′端有较多的特异性残基位置这一特点,对抑制剂P′端的残基位置实施改造,设计furin和kex2的特异性更高的抑制剂,对于furin,设计得到的最好突变体是P2′Glu-P3′Asp-P4′Arg;而对于kex2,最好的突变体是P2′Arg-P3′Arg-P4′Glu。结构分析显示furin和kex2与相应的水蛭 抑制剂突变体形成石油同的相互作用模式,这里我们给出了综合利用同源模建技术,序列的进化踪迹分析和理性再设计进行酶-抑制剂相互作用研究及抑制剂改造的方案;同时提供了合理的理论设计方案。为进一步的实验设计提供理性的指导。  相似文献   

甾体激素受体功能特异性的结构基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甾体激素受体家族包括雌激素受体、雄激素受体等五个亚家族,在机体组织细胞的生长分化、发育生殖、内环境稳定等几乎所有生理过程中都起着重要的作用。研究甾体激素受体亚家族的特异性可以加深对该家族功能的理解,并且具有潜在的临床应用价值。采用进化踪迹方法对该家族的配体结合域(LBD)进行分析,探讨了决定亚家族功能特异性的结构基础。结果表明,甾体激素受体的各亚家族可能同相应的内源性配体存在着共进化关系;配体结合处的踪迹残基决定了受体-配体间的氢键作用和疏水相互作用模式并导致了亚家族的配体结合特异性。上述结论可用于甾体激素受体的配体结合特异性的改造以及新型组织选择性配体(如选择性雌激素受体调节剂,SERM)的设计。  相似文献   

SOD1基因编码的铜锌超氧化物歧化酶是酵母细胞中最重要的抗氧化酶. 前期研究发现,SOD1基因缺失(sod1Δ)导致酵母细胞对真菌细胞壁抑制剂刚果红(Congo red, CR)的敏感性增加,提示细胞抗氧化能力与细胞壁稳定性相关. 本研究采用酵母全基因组表达谱芯片,比较了CR胁迫条件下,野生型酵母细胞和sod1Δ酵母细胞的转录表达谱. 结果表明,与野生型酵母细胞相比,sod1Δ酵母细胞中260个基因发生了显著差异表达(140个基因表达上调、120个基因表达下调). 随机选取12个差异表达基因采用定量PCR验证,结果与芯片分析结果一致. 差异表达基因功能主要涉及细胞壁(几丁质合成)、细胞代谢、细胞防御(抗氧化和热冲击蛋白)、蛋白质合成以及大量功能未知基因. 进一步研究发现,CR处理后,细胞壁几丁质含量和细胞内氧化应激指标丙二醛(MDA)含量在sod1Δ酵母细胞中显著升高,而在野生型酵母细胞中无明显变化,与芯片筛选差异表达基因的生物学功能分析结果一致. 本研究提供了在全基因组水平上对SOD1基因与细胞壁应激反应之间关联的新认识.  相似文献   

利用RT-PCR技术从黑曲霉菌株NRRL3135中扩增了β-葡萄糖苷酶(BGL)基因的全长cDNA序列,被命名为bgl3135(GenBank登录号:FN430671)。对该基因编码的BGL进行了同源性分析并预测了其三维构象。试验结果表明,bgl3135的全长cDNA为2598bp,含有一个2583bp的开放阅读框(ORF),编码一个长度为860个氨基酸残基的蛋白质。同源性分析表明,该基因编码的蛋白与来自黑曲霉As3.350和CBS513.88的BGL(GenBank登录号分别为DQ655704和XM_001398779)的相似性最高,其氨基酸序列同源性分别达99%。参照已发表的β-葡萄糖苷酶(BGL)的氨基酸保守序列,判断本研究所克隆的bgl基因属于糖苷水解酶基因家族3的成员。三维结构预测表明,该BGL的立体构象中存在20个α-螺旋和15个β-折叠,对构成和维持酶的底物识别和催化活性位点可能起着重要作用。  相似文献   

【目的】揭示嗜卷书虱Liposcelis bostrychophila超氧化物歧化酶基因在响应高低温胁迫中的作用。【方法】通过RT-PCR克隆嗜卷书虱3个超氧化物歧化酶基因Cu/Zn-SOD1,Cu/Zn-SOD2和Fe/Mn-SOD cDNA,利用生物信息学方法分析其序列特征;采用RT-qPCR技术检测Cu/Zn-SOD1,Cu/Zn-SOD2和Fe/Mn-SOD在高温(42℃)和低温(4℃)胁迫下0, 1和2 h时成虫中的相对表达量。【结果】克隆获得嗜卷书虱LbCu/Zn-SOD1,LbCu/Zn-SOD2和LbFe/Mn-SOD(GenBank登录号分别为OQ938782, OQ938783和OQ938784),开放阅读框(ORF)分别长465, 630和636 bp,分别编码154, 209和211个氨基酸,编码蛋白质相对分子量分别为15.85, 22.33和23.72 kD,等电点分别为6.17, 7.68和6.79;LbCu/Zn-SOD1和LbCu/Zn-SOD2分别具有1个和2个Cu/Zn超氧化物歧化酶特征,LbFe/Mn-SOD具有1个Fe/Mn超氧化物歧化酶特征。系...  相似文献   

采用 PCR技术 ,从我国广泛栽培甘薯品种南薯 88基因组中扩增和克隆到甘薯贮藏蛋白 A基因编码区段 ,并测定了其全部核苷酸序列 .该编码区长 65 7bp,编码一个长 2 1 9个氨基酸残基的蛋白质 ,其中信号肽长 37个氨基酸残基 ,成熟蛋白质长 1 82个氨基酸残基 ,其分子量为 2 0 k D.将该片段的核苷酸序列与已登录在 Gen Bank中的另外 6个甘薯贮藏蛋白 A基因编码区序列进行比较 ,发现其同源性高达 90 % ,说明甘薯贮藏蛋白 A基因编码区序列具有高度保守性 .虽然 7个基因编码区的核苷酸总变异为 1 0 % ,但在每两个基因之间的比较则表明其核苷酸的变异范围小于 7% .  相似文献   

We have previously reported the isolation of the gene coding for a 25-kDa polypeptide present in a purified yeast QH2:cytochrome c oxidoreductase preparation, which was thus identified as the gene for the Rieske iron-sulphur protein [Van Loon et al. (1983) Gene 26, 261-272]. Subsequent DNA sequence analysis reported here reveals, however, that the encoded protein is in fact manganese superoxide dismutase, a mitochondrial matrix protein. Comparison with the known amino acid sequence of the mature protein indicates that it is synthesized with an N-terminal extension of 27 amino acids. In common with the N-terminal extensions of other imported mitochondrial proteins, the presequence has several basic residues but lacks negatively charged residues. The function of these positive charges and other possible topogenic sequences are discussed. Sequences 5' of the gene contain two elements that may be homologous to the suggested regulatory sites, UAS 1 and UAS 2 in the yeast CYC1 gene [Guarente et al. (1984) Cell 36, 503-511]. The predicted secondary structures in manganese superoxide dismutase appear to be very similar to those reported for iron superoxide dismutase, suggesting similar three-dimensional structures. Making use of the known three-dimensional structure of the Fe enzyme, the Mn ligands are predicted.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the iron superoxide dismutase gene from Escherichia coli K12 has been determined. Analysis of the DNA sequence and mapping of the mRNA start reveal a unique promoter and a putative rho-independent terminator, and suggest that the Fe dismutase gene constitutes a monocistronic operon. The gene encodes a polypeptide product consisting of 192 amino acid residues with a calculated Mr of 21,111. The published N-terminal amino acid sequence of E. coli B Fe dismutase (Steinman, H. M., and Hill, R. L. (1973) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 70, 3725-3729), along with the sequences of seven other peptides reported here, was located in the primary structure deduced from the K12 E. coli gene sequence. A new molecular model for iron dismutase from E. coli, based on the DNA sequence and x-ray data for the E. coli B enzyme at 3.1 A resolution, allows detailed comparison of the structure of the iron enzyme with manganese superoxide dismutase from Thermus thermophilus HB8. The structural similarities are more extensive than indicated by earlier studies and are particularly striking in the vicinity of the metal-ligand cluster, which is surrounded by conserved aromatic residues. The combined structural and sequence information now available for a series of Mn and Fe superoxide dismutases identifies variable regions in these otherwise very similar molecules; the principal variable site occurs in a surface region between the two long helices which dominate the N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

Tyrosine 34 and glutamine 146 are highly conserved outer sphere residues in the mononuclear manganese active site of Escherichia coli manganese superoxide dismutase. Biochemical and spectroscopic characterization of site-directed mutants has allowed functional characterization of these residues in the wild-type (wt) enzyme. X-ray crystallographic analysis of three mutants (Y34F, Q146L, and Q146H) reveal subtle changes in the protein structures. The Y34A mutant, as well as the previously reported Y34F mutant, retained essentially the full superoxide dismutase activity of the wild-type enzyme, and the X-ray crystal structure of Y34F manganese superoxide dismutase shows that mutation of this strictly conserved residue has only minor effects on the positions of active site residues and the organized water in the substrate access funnel. Mutation of the outer sphere solvent pocket residue Q146 has more dramatic effects. The Q146E mutant is isolated as an apoprotein lacking dismutase activity. Q146L and Q146H mutants retain only 5-10% of the dismutase activity of the wild-type enzyme. The absorption and circular dichroism spectra of the Q146H mutant resemble corresponding data for the superoxide dismutase from a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Pyrobaculum aerophilum, which is active in both Mn and Fe forms. Interestingly, the iron-substituted Q146H protein also exhibits low dismutase activity, which increases at lower pH. Mutation of glutamine 146 disrupts the hydrogen-bonding network in the active site and has a greater effect on protein structure than does the Y34F mutant, with rearrangement of the tyrosine 34 and tryptophan 128 side chains.  相似文献   

Highly purified iron superoxide dismutase was obtained from Escherichia coli B using a modification of the procedure of Yost and Jridovich (Yost, F. J., Jr., and Fridovich, I. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 4905-4908). The protein contained 1.8 +/- 0.2 atoms of iron per 38,700 g of protein. We have found that cyanide does not bind to the Fe3+ ion of iron dismutase but fluoride and azide have moderately large binding constants. Optical and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements suggested that 2 fluoride ions could associate with each iron atom with the first having an association constant of approximately 520 M-1 and the second with an estimated value of 24 M-1. Activity measurements yielded an inhibition constant for fluoride of 30 M-1. At room temperature only one azide binds to the Fe3+ (K = 760 M-1) and this does not interfere with superoxide dismutase activity. Upon freezing solutions of iron superoxide dismutase in the presence of excess azide their color changes from yellow to pink. Combined EPR and optical titrations with azide suggest the presence of two binding sites on Fe3+ with only the first being occupied at room temperature and the second binding azide only upon freezing the solution. The results suggest that each Fe3+ ion of this superoxide dismutase has two coordination positions available for interaction with solute molecules but only one is necessary for catalysis of the superoxide dismutation reaction. The EPR, optical, and circular dichroism spectra of the native protein and the various fluoride and azide complexes are presented.  相似文献   

杨力明  杨谦  刘丕钢  王菁华  李森 《生物信息学》2007,5(4):148-150,154
构建了哈茨木霉菌丝的cDNA文库,并获得了3298条ESTs序列,对哈茨木霉(Trichoderma harzianum)ESTs序列本地数据库进行tBlastn检索,获得了哈茨木霉超氧化物歧化酶cDNA序列。cDNA序列全长751 bp,开放阅读框465bp,编码154个氨基酸组成的多肽,蛋白分子量为15.7kD。BlastP同源性分析表明该基因与麦角真菌(Claviceps purpurea)相似性最高为86%;与解脂耶氏酵母菌(Yarrowia lipolytica)相似性最低为72%。三级结构预测表明,其活性中心可能与His47,His49,His64,His72,His81,His121,D84位点有关,并构成其活性中心骨架。  相似文献   

A superoxide dismutase (SOD) gene of Thermoascus aurantiacus var. levisporus, a thermophilic fungus, was cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Pichia pastoris and its gene product was characterized. The coding sequence predicted a 231 residues protein with a unique 35 amino acids extension at the N-terminus indicating a mitochondrial-targeting sequence. The content of Mn was 2.46 μg/mg of protein and Fe was not detected in the purified enzyme. The enzyme was found to be inhibited by NaN3, but not by KCN or H2O2. These results suggested that the SOD in Thermoascus aurantiacus var. levisporus was the manganese superoxide dismutase type. In comparison with other MnSODs, all manganese-binding sites were also conserved in the sequence (H88, H136, D222, H226). The molecular mass of a single band of the enzyme was estimated to be 21.7 kDa. The protein was expressed in tetramer form with molecular weight of 68.0 kDa. The activity of purified protein was 2,324 U/mg. The optimum temperature of the enzyme was 55°C and it exhibited maximal activity at pH 7.5. The enzyme was thermostable at 50 and 60°C and the half-life at 80°C was approximately 40 min.  相似文献   

The iron-containing superoxide dismutase (Fe-SOD) of Ralstonia metallidurans CH34 was purified and characterised as a homodimer of 2 x 21500 Da containing one iron atom per monomer and exhibiting all the characteristics of the prokaryotic Fe-SODs except for a higher isoelectric point. The protein was 2-fold overexpressed in the presence of selenite, zinc or paraquat. R. metallidurans CH34 was suggested to contain a gene encoding for a manganese-containing SOD located in the inducible chromate resistance operon. Whatever the culture conditions used in this study, including the presence of chromate, only a Fe-SOD, genetically distinct from the putative Mn-SOD, was detected. This Fe-SOD seems to be the only active superoxide dismutase expressed in R. metallidurans CH34.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of the CuZn superoxide dismutase (SOD) structure provides new results concerning the significance and molecular basis for sequence conservation, intron-exon boundary locations, gene duplication, and Greek key beta-barrel evolution. Using 15 aligned sequences, including a new mouse sequence, specific roles have been assigned to all 23 invariant residues and additional residues exhibiting functional equivalence. Sequence invariance is dominated by 15 residues that form the active site stereochemistry, supporting a primary biological function of superoxide dismutation. The beta-strands have no sequence insertions and deletions, whereas insertions occur within the loops connecting the beta-strands and at both termini. Thus, the beta-barrel with only four invariant residues is apparently over-determined, but dependent on multiple cooperative side chain interactions. The regions encoded by exon I, a proposed nucleation site for protein folding, and exon III, the Zn loop involved in stability and catalysis, are the major structural subdomains not included in the internal twofold axis of symmetry passing near the catalytic Cu ion. This provides strong confirmatory evidence for gene evolution by duplication and fusion followed by the addition of these two exons. The proposed evolutionary pathway explains the structural versatility of the Greek key beta-barrel through functional specialization and subdomain insertions in new loop connections, and provides a rationale for the size of the present day enzyme.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1):349-361
Copper/zinc superoxide dismutase is typically an enzyme of eukaryotes. The presence of the enzyme in the ponyfish symbiont Photobocterium leiognothi and some free living bacteria does not have an immediate explanation. Amino acid sequence alignment of 19 Cu/Zn superoxide disrnutases shows 21 invariant residues in key positions related to maintenance of the β-barrel fold, the active site structure including the electrostatic channel loop, and dimer contacts. Nineteen other residues are invariant in 18 of the 19 sequences. Thirteen of these nearly invariant residues show substitutions in Photobocterium Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase. Copper/zinc superoxide disrnutase from the trematode Schisiosoma mansoni shows an N-terminal sub-domain with a hydrophobic leader peptide. as in human extracellular superoxide dismutase which is a Cu/Zn enzyme. The latter also has a C-terminal sub-domain with preponderance of hydrophilic and positively charged residues. The amino acid sequence of this superoxide dismutase between the N-terminal and C-terminal regions shares many features of cytosolic Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase. including 20 of the 21 invariant residues found in 19 Cu/Zn enzymes, suggesting a similar type of β-barrel fold and active site structure for the extracellular enzyme.  相似文献   

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