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利用70个朱顶红品种对12个数量性状进行了筛选及分级研究,并对5个数量性状的测量部位进行了研究。结果表明:所有性状均满足DUS测试要求,性状2由于区分能力弱不适于作为DUS测试性状。12个数量性状可进行3~9个连续分布的分级。花茎从下往上逐渐变细,但不同品种变细程度略有差异,在测量花茎中部的最大宽度时要求严格测量花茎的1/2处;不同茎上各数量性状测量值略有差异,除花茎长度和花梗长度外的性状差异不显著;同一花茎不同花间数量性状差异较小;同品种的花外花被片长度、宽度不存在显著差异;种球大小对数量性状有显著影响。  相似文献   

【背景】子实体是食用菌的主要商品部位,也是真菌生殖生长的重要结构,其发育受到多种信号途径的调控。【目的】以金针菇(Flammulina filiformis)为材料,对转录组和基因组数据的信息素信号通路基因进行分析获得差异表达的基因,并对其在菌丝生长和子实体发育过程中的表达情况进行分析,以期为研究食用菌子实体发育提供参考。【方法】基于已有的金针菇基因组数据,注释了金针菇信息素信号通路。进一步通过转录组测序鉴定了该通路中参与金针菇子实体发育的关键基因,并对关键基因进行荧光定量PCR验证。【结果】cdc24和ste12基因在子实体发育不同时期的5个样品(原基、伸长期菌柄、伸长期菌盖、成熟期菌柄和成熟期菌盖)中的表达具有显著差异,使用荧光定量PCR技术进行验证与上述结果一致。【结论】cdc24和ste12这2个关键基因可能参与了金针菇子实体发育过程中的组织分化调控机制。  相似文献   

以39份六出花品种为试材,对51个候选性状进行观测,比对不同测量方式对花相关数量性状的影响,并同时研究了同品种中外花被片与侧外花被片长度的相关性。结果表明:"花序:花序梗长度"和"花:花梗长度"不满足DUS测试性状要求,最后筛选出43个性状作为DUS测试性状。12个数量性状可分别划分为3~7级;不同观测方式对花相关数量性状具有影响,推荐DUS测试时采用随机观测方式;不同批次的同一品种观测结果部分性状上存在差异;多数品种的中外花被片长度与侧外花被片长度之间呈线性正相关;形态性状的聚类分析结果支持将"花:主色"作为分组性状。  相似文献   

王翔  边银丙  肖扬  戴耀红 《菌物研究》2012,10(3):190-194
以香菇(Lentinula edodes)4个菌株为亲本组成3个杂交组合,采用单孢菌株配对获得杂交子,观察锁状联合鉴别出真正的杂交子,测定杂交子及其亲本的农艺性状。在每个杂交组合中分别各选取3个杂交子,研究杂交子和亲本在子实体发育阶段差异基因表达情况。结果表明:杂交子共有4种基因表达类型:双亲沉默型(W1型),单亲沉默型(W2型),杂交子特异表达型(W3型),单亲表达型(W4型)。香菇杂交子农艺性状与基因差异表达类型的相关性分析表明:菌盖厚与双亲沉默型(W1型)呈极显著负相关,而菌柄长与单亲沉默型(W2型)呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

金针菇具有很高的营养与保健价值,菌柄长短决定金针菇的产量与品质,而菌柄伸长的相关作用酶及分子机理尚不清楚。前期草菇中发现外切-β-1,3-葡聚糖酶基因(exg2)可能与菌柄伸长相关,但在金针菇中尚没有exg基因的相关报道。本研究首先在金针菇全基因组中鉴定到3个外切-β-1,3-葡聚糖酶家族基因(分别命名为:Ffexg1Ffexg2Ffexg3),并进行了克隆验证。进一步采用定量PCR对3个基因在金针菇不同发育时期及组织部位的差异性表达进行了分析。结果显示:Ffexg1只在菌柄中高表达,Ffexg2Ffexg3在菌柄中表达量先上升后下降,在菌盖中呈逐渐上升趋势。3个Ffexg基因均在菌柄发生伸长的部位表达量较高,且在菇体水平放置后菌柄弯曲程度较大的部位表达量较高。结果显示金针菇exg家族3个基因存在时空差异性表达,在菌柄中伸长较快的时期及部位伴随着Ffexg基因的高表达。结合其功能预测,Ffexg家族基因可能作用于细胞壁成分β-1,3-葡聚糖链,从而在金针菇菌柄及菌盖发育中起作用。  相似文献   

刘朋虎  陈华  李波  王义祥  翁伯琦 《生态学报》2022,42(3):1015-1021
利用外源镉添加的袋栽试验,系统研究了镉对姬松茸J37和J1两菌株农艺性状、子实体产量、氨基酸和镉含量的影响,以求为低富集镉的姬松茸品种选育和安全栽培提供科学依据。结果表明外源镉添加对姬松茸J37和J1品种子实体的农艺性状的影响各异,两菌株单个子实体重量、子实体高度、菌盖直径、菌盖厚度和菌柄直径等均与外源镉浓度具有显著的负相关性,其中子实体重量与外源镉浓度间的相关性最大;15 mg/kg镉水平是两菌株农艺性状发生显著变化的敏感点。不同镉水平下J37菌株单个子实体重量比J1菌株高10.9%—36.6%,表现为较强镉耐受性。姬松茸J37与J1菌株子实体产量、氨基酸和镉含量均随着潮次的增加而降低,子实体产量和氨基酸含量随着外源镉水平增加而降低,而镉含量随外源镉水平增加而增加。与外源镉0mg/kg处理相比,当外源镉水平达15 mg/kg时,J1和J37子实体总产量分别下降23.4%和13.4%以上,J1和J37子实体镉含量分别提高51.5%、13.7%以上,且J1子实体镉含量已达到食品卫生标准的临界值。当外源镉水平达到35 mg/kg时,J1和J37子实体产量分别下降45%、32%以上,J1和J...  相似文献   

非洲菊新品种DUS测试数量性状分级及形态性状多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对非洲菊品种11个数量性状进行了分级研究,利用54个形态性状对22个非洲菊品种进行了多样性分析。结果表明:11个数量性状可进行5个或者7个连续分布的分级,分别建立3~7或者2~8的不完整尺度;54个形态性状在22个非洲菊品种中检测到162个等位变异,平均每个性状检测到3.0个,平均有效等位变异数目为2.0209(1.0000~3.9672);Shannon's多样性指数平均为0.7578(0~1.4650)。22个非洲菊品种相似系数分布在0.67~0.86,当相似系数为0.70时,22个非洲菊品种可分为3类。花序类型为单瓣的品种和外轮舌状小花上表面颜色数量为2种的品种能和其他品种有效的区分。  相似文献   

松乳菇中氨基酸及其它营养素含量的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以秦巴山区野生松乳菇子实体为材料 ,分别对其菌盖和菌柄样品中氨基酸、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、总糖、灰分及微量元素的含量进行了测定。结果表明 :在所测定的 1 7种氨基酸中 ,菌盖含有 1 7种 ,菌柄含 1 6种 ,氨基酸总含量分别为 1 9.89%和 1 3 .79% ;必需氨基酸分别占氨基酸总量的 3 6.75 %和 3 5 .95 %。菌盖和菌柄中粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维、总糖、灰分含量分别为 2 4 .2 7% ,1 9.0 3 % ;6.84 % ,5 .0 2 % ;1 1 .5 2 % ,1 5 .2 6% ;3 7.4 1 % ,2 3 .89%和 7.4 2 % ,5 .2 8%。钙、铁、锌、铜、锰 5种微量元素中 ,铁含量最高 ,在菌盖和菌柄样品中分别为 0 .1 68% ,0 .1 2 %  相似文献   

利用74份玉簪品种对19个数量性状进行筛选和分级研究,并对不同性状的测量时期和部位进行了探讨。结果表明:叶柄宽度的测试方式采取自然状态下直接测量,花序梗长度测量从基部到第1花苞片着生处的长度,苞片性状全部观测第1花苞片,花相关性状以1~3花中的完全开放花为观测对象;所有候选性状均符合DUS测试指南性状选用的条件,可分为3~9个连续的分级;植株、叶片的观测可改在开花期观测,花序相关性状则在末花期观测。  相似文献   

<正> 1.灰花纹鹅膏菌 图1 Amanita fuliginea Hongo,Jour.Jap.Bot.28P 28:69,f.1,1953. 菌盖宽2.5—7.5cm,初钟形,后至平展,表面烟灰色,中部渐深至黑褐色,表面纤维状,盖缘有辐射状条纹。菌肉白色。菌褶白色,与柄离生,周边每厘米12—16片,幅宽0.2—0.4cm,褶缘稍程波状,有少数短褶。菌柄圆柱形,8—15×0.5—1.0cm,从上至下稍有变粗,基部膨大呈球状,表面密被浅灰色细绒毛,中空。菌环膜质,薄,灰白色,完整,长1—1.5cm,从菌柄顶部下垂。菌托袋状,  相似文献   

We show that fruit bodies of Flammulina velutipes can be induced in complete darkness after a sharp temperature reduction (23° to 16°C). However, the fruit bodies that form in complete darkness have a long stipe with an undeveloped pileus on the top (pinhead fruit bodies) and are thinner and whiter than the normal fruit bodies which are formed in the light. This finding suggests that F. velutipes fruit bodies cannot mature in complete darkness. However, when we irradiated the fruit bodies that had formed in complete darkness, a pileus developed immediately, and 4 days later the separation between the stipe and the pileus could be observed. Immediately after light exposure, the stipe also thickened and became increasingly pigmented. The stipe elongation was inhibited until 8 days after light exposure, although stipe elongation progressed very quickly thereafter. Basidospores were also visible in the gills 8 days after light exposure. We consider that the basidiospore development is involved in this rapid stipe elongation, which aids the effective dispersal of basidiospores.  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片法对不同发育时期橘黄裸伞的原基或幼子实体进行个体发育研究。结果表明:橘黄裸伞原基的第一个形态分化是下部边缘菌丝平行排列进行垂直生长,形成菌柄;然后边缘菌丝迅速向外生长,外菌幕形成,菌盖原基生长,在菌盖原基下部观察到菌褶腔,菌褶腔上部连续排列着栅栏细胞;在菌褶形成过程中,囊状体在尖端上聚集,说明菌褶的生长点在与菌盖组织相连的基部而不是尖端;内菌幕由内菌幕原基、菌盖边缘平行向下生长的菌丝和菌柄上部边缘平行向外生长的菌丝共同发育形成,由于内菌幕与菌柄组织的同源性,菌环不易脱落。橘黄裸伞属于半被果型中的双菌幕发育型,发育顺序表明其为菌柄发育型。  相似文献   

The authors examined 137Cs accumulation and distribution in different structures and tissues of Pleurotus ostreatus cultivated under laboratory conditions. The fungi were shown to concentrate 137Cs. A higher concentrations of the radionuclides in the fungi compared to their substrate is manifested at the first stages of the fruit body formation, the maximum content of 137Cs is accumulated by fungi in the middle of bearing stage. The fungus tissues are different by their accumulative capacity as follows (ascending range): central, more dense part of the stipe < stipe < mycelium < cap < generative tissues. 137Cs accumulation in the fruit bodies depends also on the fungus size and age.  相似文献   

刺芹侧耳自交S1代若干性状的遗传分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文选用刺芹侧耳Pleurotus eryngii24号(广杏)为自交材料,对其自交S1代群体的质量性状(颜色、畸形、生长特性)和数量性状(形状、产量、大小、数目)进行了综合分析。分析结果表明:自交后代的出菇率为70%,自交导致后代群体菌丝平均生长速度和平均产量都低于亲本,16%的后代菌株单产高于亲本,最高单产达204.0g,高出亲本45.7%。木屑培养基上菌丝日均生长速度与产量无显著相关性(R=-0.028)。均菇数目与单产成显著正相关性(R=0.543)。大部分菌株(52%)菌盖颜色为亲本颜色(灰色),自交后代出现20%非亲本形状(棒状)菌株,畸形菇占19%。后代群体盖径、柄径、柄长的变异程度相当,差异性不显著。可根据育种目标对自交子代的较优菌株进行定向选择利用。  相似文献   

《Fungal Biology Reviews》2018,32(4):236-248
Mushroom-forming fungi (restricted to basidiomycetous fungi in this review) differentiate by sensing several environmental factors for fruiting body formation. For fruiting body induction, nutrient, temperature and light conditions are critical environmental factors. Higher nitrogen and carbon sources in the media will suppress fruiting body induction in many mushroom-forming fungi, with induction being triggered by lower nitrogen and carbon concentrations. Low temperature or temperature downshift is another critical influencing factor for fruiting body induction in many cultivated mushrooms, such as Flammulina velutipes, Lentinula edodes, and Volvariella volvacea. Fungal response toward starvation and cold involves the production of sexual spores as the next generation. Species like F. velutipes and Coprinopsis cinerea can form fruiting bodies in the dark; however, light accelerates fruiting body induction in some mushroom-forming fungi. Remarkably, fruiting bodies formed in the dark have tiny or no pileus on heads (called dark stipe, pinhead fruiting body, or etiolated stipe). Light is essential for pileus differentiation in many, but not all mushroom species; one exception is Agaricus bisporus. Mushrooms have positive phototropism and negative gravitropism for effective dispersal of spores. Carbon dioxide concentrations also affect fruiting body development; pileus differentiation is suppressed at a high concentration of carbon dioxide. Thus, the pileus differentiation system of mushrooms may allow the most effective diffusion of spores. Full expansion of the pileus is followed by pileus autolysis or senescence. In C. cinerea, pileus autolysis occurs during spore diffusion. Fruiting body senescence, browning of gill, and softening occur after harvesting in several mushroom species. Fruiting body induction, development, and maturation in mushroom-forming fungi are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

姜宁  余昌霞  董浩然  周峰  李正鹏  李玉 《菌物学报》2021,40(12):3169-3181
香菇Lentinula edodes是世界第一大食药用真菌,随着香菇工厂化生产逐渐规模化、周年化、标准化,香菇工厂对环境集约化及智能化控制的要求也越来越高。光照是香菇生长发育过程中重要的环境因素,本研究将转色后的香菇菌棒分别置于红光(R)、绿光(G)、蓝光(B)、红绿光(RG)、红蓝光(RB)、绿蓝光(GB)、红绿蓝光(RGB)7种光线下照射培养,以黑暗处理(CK)的香菇菌棒作为对照,探究不同光质光照对香菇子实体农艺性状与质构品质的影响。结果表明:红绿蓝光照射下单个菌棒蕾数最多,为24.33个,黑暗处理下蕾数最少,16.17个;蓝光和红绿蓝光照射下子实体产量较高,达到228.12g/棒和220.82g/棒;红光条件下子实体产量最低,为173.53g/棒。不同光质光照对香菇子实体的形态特征有影响,红光和黑暗环境会影响子实体菌盖和菌柄的颜色,使其颜色偏淡,色彩饱和度增加,并且促使菌柄的生长。绿光和蓝光照射下子实体农艺性状和质构品质好。本研究表明蓝光可以作为香菇工厂化生产出菇阶段的首选光质。  相似文献   

Formation of the Flammulina velutipes fruiting body can be induced by lowering the ambient temperature (first treatment) in complete darkness. Fruiting bodies formed under these conditions elongate without pileus formation (pinhead fruiting body), suggesting that they cannot mature in complete darkness. However, after light treatment of the pinhead fruiting body (second treatment), a pileus develops immediately, and the stipe also thickens and becomes increasingly pigmented. The apical region swells as a result of cell division starting 2 days after light treatment, the pileus–stipe junction fracture and hymenium primordia form on day 4, and gills appear at day 6. Pf1 and Pf3 are specifically expressed after exposure to low temperature without light. The cell wall-associated protein [pileus-specific hydrophobin-like protein (PSH)] is specifically induced in the pileus, but not in the stipe, following the second light treatment to the pinhead fruiting body. These results suggest that Pf1 and Pf3 would be involved in fruiting body induction and that PSH would be involved in pileus formation. These phenomena will aid further histological and molecular biological investigations into the mechanisms behind fruiting body development in F. velutipes.  相似文献   

The ectomycorrhyzal fungusBoletus reticulatus formed young fruit bodies in pure culture on liquid and solid media. Primordia formation started 31–32 d after inoculation on liquid medium. The primordia developed into the young fruit bodies with convex pileus and clavate stipe 44 d after inoculation on liquid medium. The ability of this fungus to form fruit bodies declined at one and half years after isolation. Sufficient nutrient in medium is required for the fungus to form mature fruit bodies in pure culture.  相似文献   

Immunoblot analysis of Le.CDC5 (842 amino acid residues), the expressed product of the cDNA of Le.cdc5 gene that has been previously reported to be most actively transcribed in primordia and small immature fruiting bodies of the basidiomycete Lentinula edodes, showed that the primordia, immature fruiting bodies and mature fruiting bodies contain similar amounts of Le.CDC5 protein. This indicates that the Le.CDC5 protein molecules synthesized in the beginning and early stage of fruiting-body formation remains in mycelial tissues even after small immature fruiting bodies developed and matured. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that Le.CDC5 is present everywhere in the mycelial tissues of immature fruiting body, but prehymenophore, the border between pileus and stipe, and the bottom of stipe seem likely to contain larger amounts of Le.CDC5. Within the hymenophore of mature fruiting body, the hymenium (in/on which a large number of basidia and basidiospores are formed) contains the Le.CDC5 most exclusively.  相似文献   

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