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目的探讨改良硬膜外导管固定法应用于构建硬膜外阻滞动物模型的可行性及效果。方法采用随机数字法将24只雄性Wistar大鼠分为实验组和对照组,每组12只,用于构建硬膜外阻滞大鼠模型。实验组在切开置管后导管固定使用创新性关卡,采用不透气无菌医用胶带封闭导管;对照组则采用单纯缝线环绕法固定,并保留导管接头固定于后颈部。术后每天硬膜外腔注射0.1%罗哌卡因30 uL,共28 d。对比观察两组术后发生感染率,硬膜外阻滞模型有效时间及硬膜外导管深度变化等情况。结果术后感染发生率:两组间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);模型有效时间:实验组长于对照组(26.2±1.7d&18.5±3.0d,P〈0.05);硬膜外腔内导管深度:实验组与对照组比,其均值和离散程度的差异均具有显著性(1.81±0.07&1.44±0.55,P〈0.05)。结论应用改良导管固定法构建大鼠硬膜外阻滞模型,有助于提高其稳定性和成功率。  相似文献   

目的设计一种大鼠长期腰蛛网膜下腔置管模型中微导管体外端的保护装置,并证明其有效性。方法 24只清洁级SD大鼠分为对照组(n=12)和应用装置组(n=12),术前1 d和术后第1、3、7天行转棒和热水甩尾试验,检查置入装置对大鼠运动及感觉神经功能影响情况。计数术后大鼠导管保留情况,利多卡因试验证实导管性能。结果本次试验两组大鼠术后均无死亡及明显瘫痪情况;术前及术后1,3,7 d转棒实验及热水甩尾实验均未见两组明显差异(P〉0.05,独立样本T检验,);对照组体外导管末端在术后几天内被损毁或拔出无法进行进一步实验,术后第7天应用装置组所有导管末端仍保持完整,利多卡因实验显示导管功能良好(P〉0.05,χ2检验)。结论该装置可有效保护置入大鼠腰蛛网膜下腔导管的体外端,非常适用于需要长期反复腰蛛网膜下腔注射的研究。  相似文献   

本实验通过检测电针对大鼠脊髓损伤后c-fosmRNA表达的影响,探讨电针对脊髓损伤后细胞保护作用的机制。将27只SD雄性大鼠随机分为3组,电针组(9只),模型对照组(9只),假手术组(9只)。所有动物均在麻醉后实施手术。电针组和模型对照组采用改良的Allen’s撞击法造成第10胸髓平面损伤,假手术组仅切除椎板,不损伤脊髓。  相似文献   

方伟  李敏  朱俊玲  高立  李星呈  李楠  高国栋 《生物磁学》2009,(16):3065-3067
目的:建立稳定的可卡因固定比率自身给药大鼠模型,并提高其成功率。方法:16只大鼠随机分为对照组和模型组,每组8只。2组大鼠全部行右侧颈静脉长期置管术,术后第6天起进行每天2小时的自身给药训练,训练程序为固定比率的FR1程序(即大鼠触碰鼻触一次可获得药物注射一次),模型组注射药物为浓度为5mg/ml的可卡因溶液(50μl/次),对照组为生理盐水(50μl/次),每次注射后20秒内为不应期,当大鼠连续3天触鼻频率最高值与最低值的差值小于均数标准差的1/4后,FR1模式下的大鼠自身给药训练成功。结果:通过8-11天训练,模型组8只SD大鼠全部形成稳定的自身给药行为,且与对照组相比,触鼻次数明显增加,P〈0.01。结论:通过静脉自身给药训练,盐酸可卡因可使大鼠建立稳定的自身给药模型:通过改善手术质量、加强术后维护,可明显提高模型成功率。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:分析自血疗法对慢阻肺稳定期大鼠治疗效果及对MMP-9和TIMP-1水平的影响。方法:将30只大鼠随机分成正常对照组、慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)模型组和自血疗法组,每组10只。除正常对照组,其余大鼠采用熏香烟联合气道内灌注大肠杆菌内毒素建立慢阻肺稳定期大鼠模型。正常对照组和COPD模型组大鼠给予生理盐水治疗,自血疗法组给予穴位注射自体血液治疗。比较各组大鼠一般症状、肺功能、血清炎性因子、血清基质金属蛋白酶-9(MMP-9)和金属蛋白酶抑制剂-1(TIMP-1)水平以及肺组织中MMP-9和TIMP-1水平。结果:与正常对照组相比,COPD模型组大鼠的肺功能受损,体重、低0.3s用力呼气量(FEV0.3s)、用力肺活量(FVC)、FEV0.3s/ FVC(%)和呼气峰流速(PEF)均明显降低(P<0.05),血清白介素-2(IL-2)、白介素-6(IL-6)、C反应蛋白(CRP)、降钙素原(PCT)、MMP-9和TIMP-1表达水平,呼吸频率以及肺组织中MMP-9和TIMP-1表达水平均明显升高(P<0.05)。与COPD组相比,自血疗法组大鼠体重、FEV0.3s、FVC、FEV0.3s/ FVC(%)和PEV均明显升高(P<0.05),血清IL-2、IL-6、CRP、PCT、MMP-9和TIMP-1表达水平,呼吸频率以及肺组织中MMP-9和TIMP-1表达水平均明显降低(P<0.05)。结论:自血疗法可通过改善大鼠炎性反应程度,降低血清及肺组织中MMP-9和TIMP-1表达水平,达到改善或缓解大鼠肺慢阻症状的作用。  相似文献   

目的比较国内常用的不同类型导管用于大鼠Yaksh法鞘内置管的差异,探讨理想的鞘内置管材料。方法80只SD雄性大鼠,随机分为A、B、C、D四组,测热痛缩腿反应潜伏期(TWL)基础值后分别按改良Yaksh法置入Microspinal、PE-0402,PE-0503和改良硬膜外导管。术后第1、2、3天评估运动功能,记录置管并发症情况。术后第3天取运动正常大鼠测TWL,行利多卡因试验验证导管是否在鞘内。显微镜下解剖所有大鼠观察脊髓。结果(1)A、B组脊髓损伤及并发症较C、D组少(P〈0.05)A与B、C与D组间差异不显著(P〉0.05)。四组动物利多卡因试验结果差异不显著(P〉0.05)。(2)运动协调能力A、B组恢复较C、D组理想(P〈0.05),A与B、C与D之间差异不显著(P〉0.05)(3)四组动物TWL变化差异不显著(P〉0.05)。结论导管的外径、材料和形状可能对改良Yaksh法鞘内置管结果产生影响。Microspinal管及PE-0402管置管成功率高、并发症少,是大鼠鞘内置管较理想的材料。  相似文献   

目的研究D-氨基半乳糖/内毒素所致大鼠急性肝衰竭模型中血清内TNF-α的来源及不同时间点的水平变化。方法取30只Wistar大鼠腹腔内注射D-氨基半乳糖/内毒素诱导大鼠急性肝衰竭模型(AHF组,n=30),于建模3h、6h、12h、24h、48h、72h各取5只动物检测其血清丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)与肝组织的病理形态学变化;采用ELISA检测不同时间点动物血清中TNF-α水平的变化;通过免疫组化法检测不同时间点动物肝、肺组织内TNF-α的表达。另取30只Wistar大鼠腹腔内注射等量生理盐水为正常对照(N组,n=30)。结果AHF组各时间点血清ALT的增高与N组相比有统计学差异(P〈0.05),肝脏内炎细胞浸润、坏死明显;AHF组与N组相比血清内TNF-α的增高在3h(P〈0.01)、6h(P〈0.05)有统计学差异;AHF组肺组织与N组相比TNF-α的表达在3h、6h、12h(均为P〈0.01)有统计学差异。结论本实验成功建立了大鼠AHF模型;TNF-α在此模型的早期阶段起重要作用;肺脏可能是血清内TNF-α的主要来源之一。  相似文献   

本实验观察蒺藜总皂苷(GSTT)对三氯化铝(A1C13)诱导的AD模型大鼠学习记忆能力的影响,为GSTT防治AD提供实验依摧。SD雄性大鼠60只,随机分为对照组、AD模型组、脑复康组、GSTT大剂量组、GSTT中剂量组和GSTT小剂量组,每组10只。AD模型组、脑复康组、GSTT各剂量组每日上午给予A1C13灌胃,每日1次,连续9周。脑复康组、  相似文献   

摘要目的:大鼠肝部分切除模型被广泛的应用于肝脏疾病的研究,随着干细胞治疗肝损伤及护肝药物研究的发展,对大鼠肝损伤 模型也提出了很多新的要求。本实验拟在大鼠肝部分切除术的基础上改进以建立大鼠肝断面门静脉分支残端的静脉置管模型,并 进行细胞移植实验,对比分析新模型的优劣。方法:60 只F344 大鼠分为三组。A、B 组行行85 %肝切除术;C组行85 %肝切除术+ 肝断面门静脉分支残端置管术。术中B 组经门静脉注入4× 105个表达GFP(green fluorescence protein, GFP)的胎肝干细胞(fetal liver stem/progenitor cells, FLSPCs)。C组经留置导管注射入同等量的FLSPCs,A组注射同等剂量的培养液。72小时取血清,测定 肝功能ALT、AST,统计死亡率;取肝脏组织切片观察其修复情况。统计学采用方差分析和LSD-t 检验。结果:B、C组F344 大鼠 72 小时肝功指标(ALT、AST)均明显优于A 组;B 组、C 组肝脏组织学的病理损伤的恢复分别较A 组快。B、C组间肝功指标无统 计学意义。结论:经门静脉分支残端置管途径移植FLSPCs 效果等同于经门静脉穿刺途径,且该模型具有可反复、可选时、减少创 伤等优点。  相似文献   

目的了解上海及周边地区实验小鼠、大鼠螺杆菌携带情况,为我国实验动物等级及监测标准的制定提供参考和依据。方法PCR法共检测了352只小鼠(清洁级101只,SPF级251只),101只大鼠(清洁级69只,SPF级32只);ELISA法共检测了88只小鼠(清洁级26只,SPF级62只),165只大鼠(清洁级84只,SPF级81只);并对其中88只小鼠、101只大鼠的PCR和ELISA法阳性检测率进行比较。结果PCR法检测小鼠平均阳性率为35.8%(126/352),清洁级阳性率为51.5%(52/101),SPF级阳性率为29.5%(74/251);大鼠平均阳性率为70.3%(71/101),清洁级阳性率为69.6%(48/69),SPF级阳性率为71.9%(23/32);ELISA法检测小鼠平均阳性率为15.9%(14/88),清洁级阳性率为19.2%(5/26),SPF级阳性率为14.5%(9/62);大鼠平均阳性率为52.7%(87/165),清洁级53.6%(45/84),SPF级51.9%(42/81);88只小鼠PCR法阳性检测率为72.7%(64/88),ELISA法阳性检测率为15.9%(14/88);101只大鼠PCR法阳性检测率为70.3%(71/101),ELISA法阳性检测率为49.5%(50/101)。结论上海及周边地区实验大鼠、小鼠中皆存在着不同程度的螺杆菌感染,两种方法阳性检出率比较结果表明回盲部内容物PCR法较检测血清中抗螺杆菌抗体ELISA法更为敏感。  相似文献   

A rapid, simplified technique of intravenous catheterization of the unanesthetized rat was developed for continuous infusion. A 19-gauge thin-walled needle was inserted percutaneously into the dilated tail vein, and polyethylene tubing was advanced through the needle into the vein. The catheter was protected by wire mesh electrical sheathing taped securely to the tail. This approach eliminated the need for anesthesia and surgery which were traumatic to the animal and time consuming for the investigator. This method was used successfully in 32 rats given continous infusion for up to 5 days.  相似文献   

A rapid and non-surgical method for jugular catheterization in pigs was set up in 30 piglets of 6.2 kg, 23 pigs of 46 kg and 84 kg and two lactating multiparous sows. The animal was restrained on a V-shaped table (piglets) or with a rope around the mandible (slaughter pigs and sows). The vein was located with the Vacutainer system and a wire guide was inserted into the Vacutainer needle up to the vein lumen. When the needle was removed, the catheter was inserted over the wire guide and advanced until it penetrated the skin and thereafter, the vein wall. The catheter was fixed outside by a large tape and coiled inside a patch just behind the ears. The technique utilizes readily available material and is no more risky for the animal than a single blood sampling. Moreover, it can be performed within 15 to 20 min (including animal restraint) within pens. This new approach might have important implications not only for research purposes by facilitating repeated blood samplings but also for projects which require a rapid and easy method for testing of any kind of pharmaceutical or other type of products under husbandry conditions.  相似文献   

目的应用胆总管内注射无水乙醇建立SD大鼠胆道闭锁模型。方法将SD雄性大鼠随机分为实验组和对照组,在实验组中经静脉留置针插入胆总管注入无水乙醇,对照组注入生理盐水。观察SD大鼠的生化及病理结果。结果在实验组中SD大鼠根据病理及生化检测分为肝功能持续恶化组和肝功能修复组,肝功能持续恶化组在8周以后生化明显高于对照组及肝功能修复组。常规HE染色及SMA、Masson染色也出现明显变化。结论胆总管无水乙醇注射诱导胆道闭锁模型是一种可靠的动物模型,此动物模型会帮助人们进一步研究胆道闭锁提供更多的研究手段。  相似文献   

目的探讨大鼠经颈外静脉插管方法及测肺动脉压的最佳方法。方法将80只雄性SD大鼠按随机分组原则分成2组:经导丝引导插管测肺动脉压组(G组),传统方法插管测肺动脉压组(T组),每组均40只。记录插管操作一次成功率、多次调整成功率(n≤4次)、总成功率、一次插管时间、总插管时间、及一次测压时间、总测压时间及肺动脉高压大鼠肺动脉压力数值。结果 G组比T组插管操作一次成功率、多次调整成功率(n≤4次)、总成功率更高(P〈0.05),G组比T组的一次插管时间、总插管时间以及一次测压时间、总测压时间要短(P〈0.01),G组所测的肺动脉高压大鼠的肺动脉压力比T组所测的高(P〈0.01)。结论经导丝引导插管测肺动脉压法插管和测压具有成功率高、准确到达肺动脉、数据更准确、操作省时的优点。与用传统方法插管测肺动脉压组相比较,是一种更好的对大鼠进行颈外静脉插管和测肺动脉压的方法。  相似文献   

Although superselective continuous intra-arterial infusion has advantages for cancer therapy, intra-arterial chemotherapy is often interrupted by arterial damage due to arteritis. Therefore, an animal model must be developed to elucidate the mechanism of arteritis associated with continuous anti-cancer drug infusion. We developed a new rat model with which to investigate the causal mechanism(s) of vascular damage associated with continuous catheterization chemotherapy. Chemotherapeutic agents (fluorouracil (5-FU) or peplomycin (PEP)) were continuously administered for 7 days into the abdominal aorta of male Sprague-Dawley rats through a catheter fixed in situ. We found that the incidence of apoptotic endothelial cells of the aorta was higher nearer the tip of the catheter. The incidence of apoptosis was higher in the group treated with 5-FU than with PEP. This animal model will be useful to improve arterial damage among patients undergoing chemotherapy using continuous catheterization.  相似文献   

H. E. Aldridge  J. Lee 《CMAJ》1977,116(11):1300-1304
Embolization of catheter fragments or fractured spring guidewires used during cardiac catheterization or fractured central venous pressure (CVP) lines is not uncommon. Although CVP lines are usually used in seriously ill patients, often with complications secondary to prior surgical intervention, if the catheter fragments are not removed they can give rise to serious illness or death in about 50% of patients. Experience with the removal of nine such catheter fragments is reported. In eight patients a helical basket was available for removal through a Dotter retrieval catheter. With prolonged hyperalimentation therapy polyethylene catherters become very brittle. They are relatively easy to grip with the wire basket. Silicone elastomer catheters remain pliable but are so bouncy that they are difficult to grip. For removal of catheter fragments from vessels of small diameter, such as the subclavian vein, or vessels in which the catheter has to take an acute bend to enter, such as the right or left pulmonary artery, a smaller, more pliable Bean-Smith-Mahorner biliary stone helical basket was adapted by extending the length of wire to 100 cm. For removal of catheter fragments from the right pulmonary artery it is probably better to use a softer, 100-cm-long no. 8 French right heart catheter. A Dotter retriever catheter set with both large and small helical wire baskets should be available in any cardiac catheterization laboratory.  相似文献   

We have developed and validated catheterization protocols in mice that allow for simultaneous infusion and sampling. A sampling catheter was inserted in the lateral vein of the tail, while the animals were infused either intravenously or intragastrically through a second catheter placed in the contralateral lateral vein or via an intragastric catheter, respectively. The applicability of these methods of infusion and blood sampling were validated by conducting urea kinetics utilizing stable isotopes. These non-surgical procedures are non-invasive, inexpensive, fast to perform and animals do not require a recovery period before their use.  相似文献   

Cell delivery via the retrograde coronary route boasts less vessel embolism, myocardial injury, and arrhythmogenicity when compared with those via antegrade coronary administration or myocardial injection. However, conventional insertion into the coronary sinus and consequent bleeding complication prevent its application in small animals. To overcome the complication of bleeding, we described a modified coronary retroinfusion technique via the jugular vein route in rats with myocardial infarction (MI). A flexible wire with a bent end was inserted into the left internal jugular vein and advanced slowly along the left superior vena cava. Under direct vision, the wire was run into the left cardiac vein by rotating the wire and changing the position of its tip. A fine tube was then advanced along the wire to the left cardiac vein. This modified technique showed less lethal hemorrhage than the conventional technique. Retroinfusion via transjugular catheter enabled efficient fluid or cell dissemination to the majority areas of the free wall of the left ventricle, covering the infarcted anterior wall. In conclusion, transjugular cardiac vein catheterization may make retrocoronary infusion a more safe and practical route for delivering cell, drug, and gene therapy into the infarcted myocardium of rats.  相似文献   

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