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矮秆基因对小麦部分农艺性状的效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以中国主要麦区的124份小麦品种为材料,利用分子标记和系谱分析相结合,对其按照所含的矮秆基因Rht-B1b、Rht-D1b和Rht8进行分类,结合田间株高、旗叶长、小穗数和穗粒数以及室内苗期根系长度等农艺形状的调查,分析不同矮秆基因对小麦农艺性状的效应.结果显示:(1)参试的124份小麦品种(系)中23份含有Rht-B1b,7份含有Rht-D1b,22份含有Rht8基因,34份同时含有Rht-B1b和Rht8,16份同时含有Rht-D1b和Rht8,可分为6组.(2)Rht-B1b和Rht-D1b在降低株高的同时也缩短了旗叶的长度和苗期叶长,Rht8对株高的影响较弱,对旗叶和苗期叶长的影响也较小;3个矮秆基因对苗期根系长度、小穗数没有显著影响;Rht-D1b和Rht8显著增加穗粒数.研究表明,矮秆基因Rht8对小麦株高以及其他农艺性状的影响均较小,但能够显著增加穗粒数,是小麦矮化育种中比较理想的矮秆基因.  相似文献   

从普通小麦Fukuho与冰草(Agropyron cristatum,2n=4x=28,PPPP)Z559的衍生系中发现3558-2具有小穗数、小穗粒数和穗粒数多的优异性状.为了揭示衍生系3558-2优异性状的遗传特征,本研究对其与小麦品种京4841间的282个F2单株的穗长、小穗数、小穗粒数、穗粒数等穗部相关性状进行了遗传分析和QTL定位.主基因+多基因混合遗传模型分析结果显示小麦穗部相关性状都符合数量性状特征.利用单标记分析将穗部相关性状的QTL主要定位于小麦1 A染色体上,同时发现在小麦的2A、5B和5D染色体上也有QTL分布.通过加密标记重点构建了1 A染色体短臂的遗传连锁图,利用复合区间作图法解析了小麦1AS染色体上的穗部相关性状的QTL效应,发现在1A染色体上存在与穗长、小穗数、小穗粒数和穗粒数相关的重要QTL各1个,解释变异度分别为14.41%、5.15%、14.84%和10.87%.本研究发现在3558-2的1 AS染色体上成簇分布着涉及穗长、小穗教、小穗粒数和穗粒数重要性状的QTL,这一结果对指导进一步研究与利用3558-2具有重要意义.  相似文献   

用60Co-γ射线诱变小麦连麦2号,对M3代292个穗行进行了主要农艺性状的变异及多元分析.结果表明:各性状的变异幅度是不同的,变异系数从大到小依次为:穗数>千粒重>穗长>小穗数>株高>行粒重>退化小穗数>穗粒数>穗粒重;变异率从大到小依次为:穗数>千粒重>株高=行粒重>穗粒数>穗长>穗粒重>小穗数>退化小穗数.穗数、...  相似文献   

朱孝达  唐璋林 《激光生物学报》1993,2(2):252-256,251
研究小麦品种“绵阳21号”和“汉源小麦”及其~(60)Co—γ一代(γ_1)等四个材料,经N_2和He—Ne激光辐照的20种处理(包括对照)的辐射生物学效应。试验结果表明,激光一代(L_1)植株高度,单株分蘖数,单株有效分蘖数,穗长,小穗数,不实小穗数,退化小穗数,小穗密度,主穗粒数,主穗粒重,分蘖穗粒重,单株粒重,抽穗期,叶面积,穗下轴长,倒一节间长,倒一节间粗等17种性状,都表现出不同处理所引起的生物效应差异。同株高,单株分蘖数、单株有效穗数、主穗长度、不实小穗数,主穗粒数、主穗粒重,单株粒重等8个性关变异系数的比较看出:He—Ne激光(照射10分钟)辐照干种子,“汉源小麦—γ_1”比“汉源小麦”产生的变异大,比对照(未照射)的变异更大。同时,发现不同品种所引起的抽穗期、株高、穗长等14种性状的变异分别达显著或极显著,由剂量不同引起抽穗期、主穗粒重和不实小穗数等三种性状的变异显著。  相似文献   

西藏小麦资源在都江堰试种的表现及评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对125份来源于西藏的小麦地方品种进行农艺性状分析和评价。结果显示,西藏小麦植株高度总体偏高,少数适中。分蘖数多数在10个以下,少数偏多。穗长、小穗数的单位长度着生的小穗数存在明显差异,存在一些密穗类型和多小穗类型。多数小麦品种穗粒数不少,但千粒重明显偏低。性状相关分析表明,随着分集数增多、穗长增长、小穗数增多,株高有增加的趋势,而株高的增加又导致了千粒重的降低。小穗数多其穗长通常比较长。中时西藏小麦资源进行了评价、利用方式进行了探讨、在都江堰与西藏表现差异的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

小麦成熟胚无性系后代的性状表现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
观察了来源于小麦成熟胚培养再生植株中R_2代无性系农艺性状的变异。结果表明;R_2无性系的株高、穗粒数、千粒重、抽穗期和穗长都发生了不同变异,每个农艺性状的变异频代率较高,并且穗系间也有变异,还对无性系的变异和利用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

观察了来源于小麦成熟胚培养再生植株中R2代无性系农艺性状的变异。结果表明,R2无性系的株高、穗粒数、千粒重、抽穗期和穗长都发生了不同变异,每个农艺性状的变异频代率较高,并且穗系间也有变异,还对无性系的变异和利用进行了讨沦。  相似文献   

利用3类试验材料,即由不同生态类型的推广品种与小麦-簇毛麦6VS/6AL易位系经过杂交回交选育的高代品系(种),3份涉及6VS/6AL的高代分离品系以及5个以小麦-簇毛麦6VS/6AL易位系作杂交亲本的F2群体,对含有与不含有6VS/6AL易位染色体材料的产量、株高、穗长、德粒数、穗粒重和千粒重等农艺性状进行方差分析.结果表明,6VS/6AL易位染色体对后代的小穗数、穗粒数、穗粒重和产量等农艺性状没有表现出明显的影响,对穗长和千粒重表现出一定的正向效应.多数6VS/6AL衍生品系的株高与亲本相比有所增加,但在同一组合的不同品系之间表现出一定的差异,在育种过程中通过选择可改变增高趋势.6VS/6AL易位系对白粉病免疫,并且遗传稳定,对小麦的抗病育种是很有潜力的抗源亲本.  相似文献   

突变体对增加小麦资源的遗传多样性,克隆和解析重要农艺、产量和抗性相关基因具有重要的意义。本研究以高抗赤霉病小麦品种黄方柱(HFZ)及其11个甲磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱导的纯合突变体(F2~F12,Mu4),以及海盐种(HYZ)及其12个EMS纯合突变体(Y2~Y13,Mu4)为材料,在扬花期利用单花滴注鉴定赤霉病扩展抗性,灌浆期测定了分蘖数、株高、旗叶长、旗叶宽、叶绿素含量,收获后测定千粒重、粒长、粒宽、每穗小穗数和每穗粒数共计11个性状。每一个突变体至少在一个性状上与野生型存在显著差异。黄方柱突变系F6、F9和F12以及海盐种突变系Y6、Y7和Y9病小穗率均显著高于相应野生型,达中感或高感水平,因此,这6个突变体是研究赤霉病扩展抗性的理想材料。此外,海盐种突变体株高、千粒重、每穗粒数和粒宽均低于或显著低于野生型。对野生型和突变体采用了基于最小组内平方和距离的动态聚类分析方法,综合评价了野生型与突变体以及突变体相互之间的相似情况。株高等农艺性状显著优于野生型但赤霉病抗性与野生型类似的突变体(如F2、F7、Y2、Y3、Y4、Y8、Y10和Y12)可为农艺性状的遗传研究和抗赤育种亲本选配提供重要的资源。  相似文献   

小麦的子粒形态性状和株高与小麦的产量密切相关,是育种的重要选择目标性状。本研究通过对小麦品种偃展1号(YZ1)EMS突变体W98的农艺性状的调查与分析,发现W98的株高只有24 cm,而野生型YZ1的株高是73 cm。突变体株高的变异是由每个节间长度变短造成的,而非节间数目减少所致。相关分析表明矮秆与圆粒性状呈显著相关。利用高秆长粒的墨西哥品种10th12与突变体W98配制杂交组合,获得1544个F2∶3单株(株系),通过对分离群体的遗传分析,发现圆粒性状是由1对不完全显性基因控制的。赤霉素(GA)与油菜素内酯(BR)激素敏感性试验表明:野生型和突变体都对GA处理不敏感;不同浓度BR的展叶试验表明野生型对BR不敏感,而突变体W98对BR敏感。  相似文献   

Wheat grain yield consists of three components: spikes per plant, grains per spike (i.e. head or ear), and grain weight; and the grains per spike can be dissected into two subcomponents: spikelets per spike and grains per spikelet. An increase in any of these components will directly contribute to grain yield. Wheat morphology biology tells that a wheat plant has no lateral meristem that forms any branching shoot or spike. In this study, we report two novel shoot and spike traits that were produced from lateral meristems in bread wheat. One is supernumerary shoot that was developed from an axillary bud at the axil of leaves on the elongated internodes of the main stem. The other is supernumerary spike that was generated from a spikelet meristem on a spike. In addition, supernumerary spikelets were generated on the same rachis node of the spike in the plant that had supernumerary shoot and spikes. All of these supernumerary shoots/spikes/spikelets found in the super wheat plants produced normal fertility and seeds, displaying huge yield potential in bread wheat.  相似文献   

小麦-簇毛麦6VS/6AL易位染色体对小麦农艺性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南京农业大学细胞遗传研究所选育的小麦-簇毛麦6VS/6AL易位系在6VS上携有Pm21基因,用它作抗源已选育出一批高抗白粉病的新品系和新品种。为了研究6VS/6AL易位染色体对普通小麦农艺性状的影响,本研究选用由不同生态类型的推广品种与6VS/6AL易位系经过杂交回交选育的11个高代品系(种)及其轮回亲本和3份涉及6VS/6AL的高代分离品系以及5个F2群体,对产量、株高、穗长、穗粒数、穗粒重和千粒重等农艺性状进行比较分析。结果表明,6VS/6AL易位染色体对后代的小穗数、穗粒数、穗粒重和产量等农艺性状没有表现出明显的影响,对穗长和千粒重表现出一定的正向效应。多数6VS/6AL衍生品系的株高与亲本相比有所增加,但在同一组合的不同品系之间表现出一定的差异,在育种过程中通过选择能够改变增高趋势。6VS/6AL易位系对白粉病免疫,并且遗传稳定,对小麦的抗病育种是很有潜力的抗源亲本。  相似文献   

Plant height is an important agronomic trait in cereal crops, and can affect both plant architecture and grain yield. New dwarfing genes are required for improving the genetic diversity of wheat. In this study, a novel dwarf mutant, NM9, was created by treating seeds of the wheat variety NAU9918 with ethyl methanesulfonate(EMS). NM9 showed obvious phenotypic changes, which were distinct from those caused by other dwarfing genes, especially the reduced plant height, increased effective tiller number, and elongated spike and grain length. The reduced plant height in NM9 was attributable to a semi-dominant dwarfing gene Rht_NM9, which was flanked by two closely linked SNP markers, SNP34 and SNP41, covering an 8.86-Mb region on the chromosome arm 2AS. The results of gibberellic acid(GA) sensitivity evaluation, comparative genomics analysis and allelism test indicated that Rht_NM9 was neither allelic to Rht7 and Rht21 nor homoeoallelic to Rht8, so Rht_NM9 was proposed to be a new dwarfing locus on the homoeologous group 2 chromosomes of wheat. Rht_NM9has a negative effect on plant height and positive effects on effective tiller number and grain size, thus, Rht_NM9 could be used for elucidating the mechanisms underlying plant architecture and grain development.  相似文献   

Dwarfing genes and cell dimensions in different organs of wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A field experiment was conducted under non-limiting water and nutritional conditions with three near-isogenic lines of spring wheat (dwarf, DD; semi-dwarf, SD and standard height, SH) to study the impact of the GA-insensitive alleles Rht1 and Rht2, at the cellular level, on the growth of different vegetative organs and of the pericarp of grains. Cell length and width of blades of different leaves (3, 7 and flag leaf), the flag-leaf sheath and the penultimate internode as well as the pericarp of basal grains from central spikelets of the spike were evaluated. With the exception of the flag leaf, dwarfing genes produced a significant reduction in cell length in all the different vegetative organs analysed. There was no effect on the number of cells nor their width. Therefore, in vegetative organs, the effects of these alleles appeared to be exclusively due to a reduction in cell length. It would appear that dwarfing genes act on cell elongation without affecting cell division.The Rht alleles did not modify cell length nor width in the pericarp. Grain weight was different between the lines and these differences were associated with grain volume at the beginning of linear grain growth. Thus, they reduced the size of individual grains by reducing the total number of cells in the pericarp.It appears that Rht alleles reduced the final sizes of vegetative organs (such as internodes and leaves) and of tissues (pericarp) associated with reproductive structures (grains), but the modes of action in these different organs were different.Keywords: Cell dimensions, plant height, Rht alleles, Triticum aestivum/wheat.   相似文献   

咸阳大穗麦84(加)79-3-1的引种研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在福建不同生态区对陕西咸阳大穗麦84(加)7931进行了3年引种研究。结果表明,该品种为春性,其幼穗分化发育进程及生育期与福建品种类似,可以正常抽穗成熟;矮秆大穗,株高80~88cm,穗长18~20cm,每穗22~23个小穗46~48粒,千粒重50~60g,小穗排列稀疏,顶部小穗较易退化,分蘖力较弱,单株成穗数少;较耐肥,在高肥条件下产量可达6000kg·hm-2,比对照增产20%左右;耐旱性和耐湿性较差,抗锈病,中抗白粉病,重感赤霉病;在福建沿海高产区可搭配种植,并可作为大穗亲本在育种上应用.  相似文献   

小麦高代新品系鉴定的聚类分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用系统聚类分析方法对小麦育种高代出圃品系进行了鉴定,依据小区产量、抽穗期、株高、穗长、公顷穗数、穗粒数、单穗重、千粒重、籽粒饱满度和角质率10个性状,将38个参试品系以离差平方和法在D2=2.083聚类水平下划分为5个类群,通过聚类分析了解各类群、类内品系之间以及与对照种的关系.初步评选出9个综合性状优良的新品系,描述了各个类群中品系的特性,为小麦高代品系鉴定提供了较为精确的定量鉴定方法.  相似文献   

Association mapping is a method to test the association between molecular markers and quantitative trait loci (QTL) based on linkage disequilibrium (LD). In this study, the collection of 108 wheat germplasm accessions form China were evaluated for their plant heights, spike length, spikelets per spike, grains per spike, thousand kernel weight and spikelets density in 3 years at three locations. And they were genotyped with 85 SSR markers and 40 EST-SSR markers. The population structure was inferred on the basis of unlinked 48 SSR markers and 40 EST-SSR markers. The extent of LD on chromosome 2A was 2.3 cM. Association of 37 SSR loci on chromosomes 2A with six agronomic traits was analysed with a mixed linear model. A total of 14 SSR loci were significantly associated with agronomic traits. Some of the associated markers were located in the QTL region detected in previous linkage mapping analysis. Our results demonstrated that association mapping can enhance QTL information and achieves higher resolution with short LD extent.  相似文献   

Somaclones regenerated from three wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, Glennson, Pavon and PAK-16171 were evaluated for variation in agronomic and morphological characters. Calli were initiated from germinating seeds on Linsmaier and Skoog (LS) medium plus 2 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2% sucrose and 1% agar. Calli were isolated and regenerated into whole plants on LS medium containing 0.1 mg/l indole - 3-acetic acid and 0.5 mg/l benzyladenine. Comparisons among the somaclones and their parents were made for plant height, spike length, number of grains per spike, and 100 grain weight. Significant variation was observed in these characters between the somaclones and parents. Genotypic differences were observed among the somaclones for many of these agronomic and morphological characters.  相似文献   

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