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将含有硫霉素环化酶基因的重组质粒p6BCl2转化变铅青链霉菌(Streptomyceslividans)TK24,含有p6BCl2的转化子细胞抽提液分别与琉霉素生物合成阻断变株Y,发酵液以及纯化的Y。中间产物经过体外共培养可产生活性物质.化学分析表明与Y,发酵液混合后产生的是硫霉素,与纯化的Y。中间产物混合产生的是一种不稳定的活性物质。说明硫霉素环化酶基因在S.lividans TK24中得到了表达,其产物以Y。中间产物为底物并弥补了Y,中的缺陷。对p6Bcl2中4.5kb外源片段进行了限制酶酶切分析,建立了酶切图谱.利用含硫霉素环化酶基因的S.Lividans TK24转化子体外转化Y,的应用体系,将硫霉素环化酶基因定位在0.9kb Hinc I—Pst I片段上,并证明了硫霉紊环化酶的活性与IPNS同源片段无关。以上实验为进一步研究琉霉素环化酶基因的结构打下了基础。  相似文献   

ΦHAU3R是变铅青链霉菌66中对噬菌体ΦHAU3显示抗性的基因,已从基因组中获得分离。将基因组中邻近于该基因两侧的一个3.5kb和另一个3.8kb的DNA片段分别以其在染色体上的天然取向插入到一个由pIJ101衍生的质粒pIJ653上,构建成pHZ806。然后在pHZ806上对应于pIJ101复制子的区域中插入一个spc/str抗性基因,同时在3.5kb和3.8kb片段之间插入一个潮霉素抗性基因(hyg),衍生出一个新质粒pHZ808。由于pHZ808中不具有完整的pIJ101复制功能区,所以它不能在链霉菌中复制。然而,在该质粒3.5kb和3.8kb片段之间插入的任何DNA片段,在导入到变铅青链霉菌中后都可借助于3.5kb和3.8kb两个片段与内源染色体的同源区域所发生的双交换而稳定地整入到内源染色体的特定区域(3.5kb和3.8kb片段之间),同时置换出染色体上的ΦHAU3-R基因。发生了这种基因置换的重组子菌株会对噬菌体ΦHAU3变得敏感,这种反选择方法可用来浓缩和初选携带定域插入片段的重组子。已利用潮霉素抗性基因(hyg)作为一个模式基因片段阐明了这种载体和这种在染色体上定域克隆外源基因片段的方法学和适用性。同时,用pHZ808作载体克隆另外的基因片段时还有另一个优越性:hyg可作为报告基因一同参与外源基因片段的定域整合,携带插入片段的重组子除了对噬菌体ΦHAU3显示敏感性以外,还对潮霉素显示抗性。  相似文献   

通过反向遗传学方法克隆到圈卷产色链霉菌尼可霉素生物合成基因簇中约7.0kb的DNA片段。该片段除含有尼可霉素生物合成基因sanF外,对sanF上游约22kb的BglⅡDNA片段进行序列测定及分析表明,还含有两个完整的开放阅读框(ORF)。ORF1由1233个核苷酸组成,ORF2由195个核苷酸组成,它们分别编码由410个氨基酸残基和64个氨基酸残基组成的蛋白质,依次命名为sanH和sanI。蛋白序列数据库比较结果表明,SanH和SanI与浅灰链霉菌(\%Streptomyces griseolus)\%中共转录的细胞色素P450(cytochrome P450)和铁氧还蛋白(ferredoxin)有较高的同源性,一致性分别为46%和56%,相似性分别为62%和70%。基因功能研究表明,sanH基因的破坏虽不影响圈卷产色链霉菌产生的尼可霉素的生物活性,但该基因可能参与了尼可霉素羟基化反应的生物合成。  相似文献   

苏云金芽胞杆菌cryⅡ基因的克隆和表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分离的苏云金芽胞杆菌(Bacillus-thuringiensis)YBT-791对鳞翅目小菜蛾(Plutellaxylostella)有毒力,将其质粒DNA提纯,经HindⅢ酶切后与杀虫晶体蛋白cryⅡ基因探针杂交,显示出分子量分别为5kb和9.4kb两条DNA阳性片段。把5kb的DNA阳性片段克隆到pUCl8的HindⅢ位点上并转化大肠杆菌TGl,经酶切和杂交检测,证明斑点杂交阳性克隆子中含有5kb的cryI片段。把这个含cryⅡ基因的5kbHindⅢ片段进行亚克隆,将4kb的BamHI-Pstl酶切片段插入穿梭载体pXl61中,并用电脉冲法克隆于苏云金杆菌不产伴胞晶体的突变株中,得到产生单一cry Ⅱ基因编码的杀虫晶体蛋白的克隆菌株M一5。经电镜观察,该克隆菌株能形成出发菌YBT-791多种形态伴胞晶体中的一种方形伴胞晶体;经免疫双扩试验,它只能与Cry Ⅱ晶体蛋白抗血清形成沉淀线;经SDS—PAGE电泳,克隆菌的伴胞晶体只含有一种65kDa的晶体蛋白。生物测定结果表明它既对鳞翅目小菜蛾(Piutella xylostella)有毒性,又对双翅目致倦库蚊(Culex quinquefasciatus)有毒性。  相似文献   

链霉菌M1033染色体DNA经BamH Ⅰ酶解后电泳,Southern转移。根据自测的链霉菌M1033 D-木糖异构酶氨基酸序列设计合成寡聚核苷酸探针x-2、x-3,以x-2、x-3及Am-pullariella sp3876 D-木糖异构酶基因(1.17kb)为探针进行杂交,确定与上述探针杂交最强处在15kb左右。从胶上分离出g-20kb大小的片段,克隆到EMBL 3载体中,经杂交筛选后,得到0.6%的阳性噬斑,其插人大小为13kh。将插入DNA的saIⅠ酶解片段(2.5kb)进一步亚克隆于pucl8,得到重组质粒puB l,经酶解图谱、部分序列分析和互补实验确定puBl含有完整的M1033 D-木糖异构酶基因  相似文献   

以穿梭质粒pCN60为载体,大肠杆菌C600为受体构建了扣囊拟内孢霉(Endomycopsis fibuligera)G45 Sau 3A基因文库。从基因文库中提取重组质粒DNA并转化酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)BJ1991,选出四个具有o-淀粉酶活性的转化子,琼脂糖凝胶电泳结果证实插入的DNA片段为9.0kb。对插入DNA片段亚克隆,确定。-淀粉酶基因位于PstI-Sall 3.9kb片段上,启动子位于PstI-EcoRI 的1.3kb片段上。用亚克隆PGK11.9kb片段置换。-淀粉酶启动子区,其转化子的e-淀粉酶活性有明显提高。  相似文献   

林可链霉菌中的同源重组   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究链霉菌中的同源整合频率和机制 ,采用不能在链霉菌中复制的大肠杆菌质粒转化链霉菌StreptomyceslincolnensisB48。质粒pYYE0 4a1上携带的被硫链丝菌素抗性基因灭活的林可霉素生物合成基因与染色体DNA上的同源基因发生重组 ,经过低抗筛选 ,得到两个突变子S .lincolnensisYY1和S .lincolnensisYY2。进一步以硫链丝菌素抗性基因为探针杂交染色体DNASmaⅠ片段 ,S .lincolnensisYY1和S .lincolnensisYY2都得到 1 5kb的阳性条带 ;而以缺失的lacZ基因为探针杂交染色体DNAHindⅢ和SmaⅠ联合酶切片段 ,只有S .lincolnensisYY2得到 4 4kb的阳性条带。Southern杂交结果表明S .lincolnensisYY1是由同源交换或二次重组产生的 ,而S .lincolnensisYY2为同源整合的结果。为验证同源整合子上大肠杆菌复制子和氨苄抗性基因的存在 ,用SphⅠ酶切染色体DNA后连接 ,连接液转化E .coliJM83感受态细胞 ,在氨苄抗性板上得到 2个转化子 ,命名为pSLE1。对…  相似文献   

将枯草杆菌β-1,3—1,4-葡聚糖酶基因(bgls)2.7kbEcoRl片段和酵母染色体Rdna片段克隆到整合型不含酵母自主复制序列(Autonomusly replicating sequence)的大肠杆菌/酵母菌穿梭质粒YIP5上,构建成YIP5-bgls—Rdna的杂种质粒PCZH,转化S.Cerevisiae并得到表达。稳定性测定表明.Y 33(PCZH101)和Y 33(PCZH104)在无选择压力的YEPD培养基中繁殖70代以上,两个转化子90%以上的酵母细胞仍含有质粒并且遗传特征与染色体行为相似。以bgls基因作探针;与酵母染色体DNA的Southern bloot分子杂交证实bgls基因已整合到酵母菌染色体上。  相似文献   

麦迪霉素生物合成基因克隆研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
利用穿梭粘粒载体pNJ1组建了麦迪霉素产生菌Streptomyces mycarolaciens 1748的基因文库,用与麦迪霉素生物台成有类似途径的放线紫红素聚酮合成酶基因Act I,Act Ⅱ为探针,从麦迪霉素产生菌的基因文库中,获得了与ActI,Act Ⅱ基因有同源性的阳性克隆,对其中PCNSBl2、6C5及11E11克隆DNA进行了酶切分析,其分子量分别为36kb,48.5kb及41.6kb。PCN6C5 DNA中包含有PCN 8B32的全部DNA片段,PCN ⅡEⅡ与PCN 8B12及PCN 6C5有6.75kb的重叠区。通过分子杂交实验,初步将麦迪霉素聚酮台成酶基因定位在PCN 8812 DNA的EcoR I—BamH I 4.02kb片段上(与Act Ⅱ基因有同源性)及PCN 8B12(6C5),PCNIIEIIDNA BgⅡ—BgⅡ 2.42kb与PCNllE11 Bgl I—B g1 I 1Okb片段上(与Act I基因有同源性)。PCN 8B12及PCN 6C5克隆DNA在麦迪霉素聚酮合成酶基因缺陷型变株Streptomyces mycarofaciens var.68及不产抗生索的变铅青链霉菌Streptomyces lividans TK24受体菌的表达产物,经TLC及HPLC等分析表明与麦迪霉素标准品相似。  相似文献   

以穿梭质粒pCN60为载体,大肠杆菌C600为受体构建了扣囊拟内孢霉(Endomycopsis fibuligera)G45 Sau 3A基因文库。从基因文库中提取重组质粒DNA并转化酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)BJ1991,选出四个具有o-淀粉酶活性的转化子,琼脂糖凝胶电泳结果证实插入的DNA片段为9.0kb。对插入DNA片段亚克隆,确定。-淀粉酶基因位于PstI-Sall 3.9kb片段上,启动子位于PstI-EcoRI 的1.3kb片段上。用亚克隆PGK11.9kb片段置换。-淀粉酶启动子区,其转化子的e-淀粉酶活性有明显提高。  相似文献   

费氏中华根瘤菌与耐盐有关的DNA片段的亚克隆和测序   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
卞学琳  葛世超  杨苏声 《遗传学报》2000,27(10):925-931
将费氏中华根瘤菌(Sinorhizobium fredii)KT19与耐盐有关的23kb DNA片段用BamHⅠ酶切成大小不同的长度,分别与质粒pML122连接,然后转化大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)S17-1,筛选出3个转化子。以这些转化子为供体,RT19的盐敏感突变株RC3-3为受体,分别进行二亲本杂交,筛选到接合子BR2,得到4.4kb与耐盐有关的DNA片段。根据其物理图谱,酶  相似文献   

嗜麦芽假单胞菌酪氨酸酶基因在大肠杆菌中的克隆与表达   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王戈林  沈萍 《遗传学报》1999,26(3):274-279
酪氨酸酶基因(mel)编码的酪氨酸酶是合成黑色素的关键酶。用鸟枪法分离嗜麦芽假单胞菌的mel基因:以pUC18为载体,E.coli HB101为受体菌,在加有一定量的Amp和L-tyr的酪素平板上筛选到分泌可溶性黑色素的转化子,所含重组质粒pWSY约700bp的外源DNA片段上携有mel基因,该片段无BamHI、HindIII、EcoRI、BclI等酶的识别位点。Southern杂交证实此片段确实  相似文献   

A recombinant plasmid pool of the Saccharomyces diastaticus genome was constructed in plasmid YEp13 and used to transform a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Six transformants were obtained which expressed amylolytic activity. The plasmids each contained a 3.9-kilobase (kb) BamHI fragment, and all of these fragments were cloned in the same orientations and had identical restriction maps, which differed from the map of the STA1 gene (I. Yamashita and S. Fukui, Agric. Biol. Chem. 47:2689-2692, 1983). The glucoamylase activity exhibited by all S. cerevisiae transformants was approximately 100 times less than that of the donor strain. An even lower level of activity was obtained when the recombinant plasmid was introduced into Schizosaccharomyces pombe. No expression was observed in Escherichia coli. The 3.9-kb BamHI fragment hybridized to two sequences (4.4 and 3.9 kb) in BamHI-digested S. diastaticus DNA, regardless of which DEX (STA) gene S. diastaticus contained, and one sequence (3.9 kb) in BamHI-digested S. cerevisiae DNA. Tetrad analysis of crosses involving untransformed S. cerevisiae and S. diastaticus indicated that the 4.4-kb homologous sequence cosegregated with the glucoamylase activity, whereas the 3.9-kb fragment was present in each of the meiotic products. Poly(A)+ RNA fractions from vegetative and sporulating diploid cultures of S. cerevisiae and S. diastaticus were probed with the 3.9-kb BamHI fragment. Two RNA species, measuring 2.1 and 1.5 kb, were found in both the vegetative and sporulating cultures of S. diastaticus, whereas one 1.5-kb species was present only in the RNA from sporulating cultures of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Genes encoding extracellular beta-lactamases (EC of Gram-positive Streptomyces badius, Streptomyces cacaoi and Streptomyces fradiae have been cloned into Streptomyces lividans. The beta-lactamase gene of S. badius was initially isolated on a 7 kb BamHI fragment and further located on a 1300 bp DNA segment. An 11 kb BamHI fragment was isolated encompassing the S. cacaoi beta-lactamase gene, which was subcloned to a 1250 bp DNA fragment. The beta-lactamase gene of S. fradiae was cloned on an 8 kb BamHI fragment and mapped to a 4 kb DNA segment. Each of the three BamHI fragments encompassing the beta-lactamase genes hybridized to a BamHI fragment of the corresponding size in chromosomal DNA from the respective strain used for cloning. The activities of the three beta-lactamases were predominantly found to be extracellular in the S. lividans recombinants. The S. badius and S. cacaoi beta-lactamases exhibited a 10-100-times lower activity in S. lividans, whereas the S. fradiae beta-lactamase showed an approximately 10-fold higher activity in the cloned state, compared with the activities found in the original strains.  相似文献   

In order to develop plasmids adequate for non-integrative genetic transformation of Candida albicans, a DNA fragment of 15.3 kb was cloned from this organism on the basis of its capacity to convert the integrative Saccharomyces cerevisiae vector YIp5 into a non-integrative one. Southern hybridization analysis, carried out with a labelled DNA probe of 3.6 kb derived from the cloned fragment, showed that it consisted of C. albicans DNA, the hybridization pattern indicating that the corresponding sequences were homologous to several chromosomal regions. The size of the C. albicans DNA promoting autonomous replication in S. cerevisiae was substantially reduced by subcloning. A 5.1 kb subfragment, defined by BamHI and SalI restriction sites, retained autonomous replication sequences (ARS) functional in the heterologous S. cerevisiae system and in C. albicans, when inserted in plasmid constructions that carried a S. cerevisiae trichodermin-resistance gene (tcm1) as selection marker. C. albicans transformants were both of the integrative and the non-integrative type and the plasmids recovered from the latter very often carried a reorganized ARS, indicating that recombination of the inserted ARS DNA had occurred in the homologous host. Successive reorganizations of the ARS insert in C. albicans eventually led to a more stable and much smaller fragment of 687 bp that was subsequently recovered unchanged from transformants. Sequence analysis of the 687 bp fragment revealed four 11-base blocks, rich in A+T, that carried the essential consensus sequence considered relevant for yeast ARS elements in addition to other features also described as characteristic of yeast replication origins.  相似文献   

A lignin peroxidase gene was cloned from Streptomyces viridosporus T7A into Streptomyces lividans TK64 in plasmid pIJ702. BglII-digested genomic DNA (4-10 kb) of S. viridosporus was shotgun-cloned into S. lividans after insertion into the melanin (mel+) gene of pIJ702. Transformants expressing pIJ702 with insert DNA were selected based upon the appearance of thiostrepton resistant (tsrr)/mel-colonies on regeneration medium. Lignin peroxidase-expressing clones were isolated from this population by screening of transformants on a tsr-poly B-411 dye agar medium. In the presence of H2O2 excreted by S. lividans, colonies of lignin peroxidase-expressing clones decolorized the dye. Among 1000 transformants screened, 2 dye-decolorizing clones were found. One, pIJ702/TK64.1 (TK64.1), was further characterized. TK64.1 expressed significant extracellular 2,4-dichlorophenol (2.4-DCP) peroxidase activity (= assay for S. viridosporus lignin peroxidase). Under the cultural conditions employed, plasmidless S. lividans TK64 had a low background level of 2.4-DCP oxidizing activity. TK64.1 excreted an extracellular peroxidase not observed in S. lividans TK64, but similar to S. viridosporus lignin peroxidase ALip-P3, as shown by activity stain assays on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. The gene was located on a 4 kb fragment of S. viridosporus genomic DNA. When peroxidase-encoding plasmid, pIJ702.LP, was purified and used to transform three different S. lividans strains (TK64, TK23, TK24), all transformants tested decolorized poly B-411. When grown on lignocellulose in solid state processes, genetically engineered S. lividans TK64.1 degraded the lignocellulose slightly better than did S. lividans TK64. This is the first report of the cloning of a bacterial gene coding for a lignin-degrading enzyme.  相似文献   

A genomic library from Streptomyces tendae raised in shuttle cosmid vector pKC505 was screened with a previously isolated 8-kb DNA fragment containing the orfP1 gene, which is involved in nikkomycin biosynthesis. The entire set of structural genes for nikkomycin synthesis was heterologously expressed in S. lividans TK23 by introducing recombinant cosmids p24/32 and p9/43-2, carrying inserts of about 31 and 27 kb, respectively, overlapping by 15 kb. S. lividans transformants synthesized nikkomycins X, Z, I, and J, which were identified by high-pressure liquid chromatography analyses of culture filtrates.  相似文献   

The erythromycin resistance gene (ermE) and part of erythromycin biosynthesis genes located in the same cluster with the ermE gene were cloned from S. erythraeus 3 subjected to improvement with respect to erythromycin production. For isolating the erythromycin biosynthesis genes, the plasmid vector pUC18 and the phage vector lambda EMBL3 were used. The ermE gene DNA was used as a labeled probe for analysis of the recombinant plasmids and phages. The recombinant phages lambda ermE1 and ermE4 containing fragments of the chromosomal DNA collinear to the genome DNA of S. erythraeus 3 were analyzed. The size of the cloned fragment of the chromosomal DNA of S. erythraeus 3 was about 20 kb. Subcloning with the vector pUS18 resulted in isolation of plasmids pSU235-pSU244 containing BamHI fragments of chromosomal DNA from S. erythraeus 3. The restriction map of the chromosomal region of S. erythraeus 3 containing the ermE gene was constructed. The cloned genes of erythromycin biosynthesis are useful in the study of their structure and functions, construction of integrative vectors, improvement of cultures producing macrolide antibiotics and isolation of genes responsible for biosynthesis of other polyketide antibiotics.  相似文献   

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