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采用原位杂交和RNA点杂交方法,观察了一种新的端粒相关锌指基因TASL30在早期人胚与50种器官组织中的mRNA表达。结果表明,TASL30基因在早期人胚神经管中有明显表达,其中在神经管的头端表达最强,而在人的50种器官组织中均未检测到该基因的明显表达。另外通过G-显带和染色体原位杂交,将TASL30基因定位于人染色体12q24~qter。 Abstract:By means of in situ hybridization and RNA dot blot,mRNA expression of a telomereic-associated zinc finger gene(TASL30 )was observed.The results showed that TASL30 gene was expressed in significant amount in neural tube of early human embryo and the cephalic expression level was the highest,but none of recognizable positive signal was detected in 50 human tissues.By G-banding and chromosome in situ hybridization,TASL30 gene was located in chromosome 12q24~qter.  相似文献   

本文用非放射性DIG标记组织凝集素基因探针研究其在人染色体上的基因定 位,首先对基因原位杂交条件进行了一系列研究。结果表明采用染色体温和变性、基因 片段探针等为较好的基因原位杂交条件,通过135个细胞中期相的分析结果显示, 杂交阳 性率为20%,本底为2.81,杂交点分布峰位于3q12-13。 Abstract:The localization of sarcolectin gene on human chromosome is studied.A modified system of in situ hybridization was developed.A specific signal was generated by employing a nonradioactive DIG-labelled gene fragment as a probe in combination with the hybridization buffer containing no dextran sulphate and softly denatured chromosomes.Using this system,unique sequence for sarcolectin as small as 0.65kb was detectable and observed at 3q12-13.Of 135 metaphases examined,27(20%) had at least one grain deposited on 3q12-13,and the backgrand was 2.81.  相似文献   

应用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术研究 黑叶猴染色体易位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文应用染色体荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,利用人9号和14号染色体特异探针,对深低温冻存和长期传代的黑叶猴细胞株染色体畸变进行了分析。确定在长期冻存和传代过程中,一些黑叶猴细胞在No.12和No.17染色体之间发生了易位,一条 No.17染色体发生断裂,断裂点在17q13,断裂片段17q13-17qter易位到一条 No.12染色体长臂末端,形成一条小的中着丝粒的和一条具较长长臂的衍生染色体即 der(17) 和 der(12)。结果表明,荧光原位杂交技术用人染色体特异探针不仅能检测出人类染色体畸变,也能有效地检测灵长类动物染色体畸变。 Abstract In this paper,the chromosome aberration of long-term cryopreserved and subcultured Francois' monkey (Semnopithecus francoisi) cell line(KCB 92008) was analyzed by fluoresence in situ hybridizaton (FISH) using human 9 and 14 chromosome DNA probes. After compared the hybridization pattern with the G-banding pattern on the same metaphase,a translocation between Nos.12 and 17 chromosomes was identified. In some Francois'monkey cells,one of chromosome No.17 was broken into two at the breakpoint 17q13,the segment(17q13-17qter) without centromere transfered to the long arm terminal of one chromosome No.12. Thus,two derivant chromosomes der(12) and der(17) were formed,the long arm of der(12) was longer than the normal partner,while the long arm of der(17) was shorter than the normal one. The result indicated that the technique of FISH using human whole chromosome probes was not only a powerful tool to detect human chromosome rearrangements,but also a usefulmethod to study the primate chromosome aberration.  相似文献   

玉米cyclinⅢ基因的染色体原位杂交物理定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首次报道了玉米低拷贝基因 cyclinⅢ(B-类)生物素标记的染色体原位杂交定位结果。供试探针为该基因的cDNA克隆,其长度仅为1.6kb。结果表明, 探针的信号分布在第6染色体短臂和第9染色体长臂,与着丝粒的百分距离分别为70.05±3.31和86.86±1.64,检出率分别为8.29%和6.83%。文中对基因的物理位置与功能间的关系等作了讨论。 Abstract:A biotin-labelled in situ hybridization technique was used to physically map a low copy gene cyclinIII in maize.The cDNA clone was 1.7kb in size.The probe was hybridized onto the short arm of chromosome 6 and the long arm of chromosome 9.The percent distances from centromere to detection site were 70.05±3.31 and 86.86±1.64 respetively.The detection rates of in situ hybridization were 8.29 and 6.83 respectively,The relationship between the position and function of the genes is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Transthyretin(TTR) gene was highly expressed in normal liver and it has been found to be deleted in part of DNA samples from human hepatic cancer.Its mRNA expression was suppressed in most hepatoma samples.In order to study the biological effect of TTR gene on the growth of hepatoma cells,a recombinant vector containing TTR cDNA was constructed by pCMV,then it was transfected into hepatoma cell lines SMMC-7721 and Q3.It has been demonstrated that the inhibition of growth rate of TTR cDNA transfected hepatoma cells was about 50% in strength compared with that of the control.This inhibition was further enhanced when the transfected hepatoma cells were treated with all-trans retinoic acid.Hepatoma cells of cell lines PLC/PRF/5,SMMC-7721 and Q3 as well as hepatoma cells SMMC-7721 transfected with pCMV or pCMV-TTR were analyzed for TTR expression by Northern hybridization.The low level of TTR expression was found in both hepatoma cell lines and in SMMC-7721 cells transfected with pCMV alone.However,a remarkable TTR mRNA expression was observed in hepatoma SMMV-7721 cells transfected with pCMV-TTR.It seems possible that TTR gene might be a candidate of cancer suppressor gene for human hepatic cancer.  相似文献   

利用RNA原位杂交技术, 对水稻受精前后雌蕊组织切片进行磷酸化酶基因表达的定位。结果显示, 磷酸化酶mRNA在柱头、花柱、子房壁以及维管束中大量表达, 而胚珠中除合点部位外表达很弱。受精前后的胚囊中各细胞磷酸化酶mRNA表达也很弱, 并且没有明显的时空变化。在积累淀粉的胚乳细胞中磷酸化酶mRNA大量分布。原胚中的磷酸化酶mRNA表达较弱, 到分化胚积累过渡性淀粉时才显著增加。本文首次对磷酸化酶mRNA在植物雌性器官发育过程中的时空分布动态作了初步研究。 Abstract:Phosphorylase gene expression was localized in tissue sections of rice pistils before and after fertilization byin situRNA hybridization. Phosphorylase mRNA was substantially expressed in the stigma, style, ovary wall and vascular bundle, but weakly in ovular tissues except chalazal portion. It was weakly expressed and did not show temporal and spatial changes in embryo sacs before and after fertilization. A great quantity of phosphorylase mRNA was distributed in endosperm cells accumulating starch grains. Phosphorylase mRNA was less in proembryos, but significantly increased in differentiation embryos accumulating transition starch. This report is, for the first time, a tentative investigation on the temporal and spatial expression patterns of phosphorylase mRNA in plant female organ development.  相似文献   

Using single primer pairs Y3 and Y4, in siru polymerase chain reaction (in situ PCR) was successfully performed on the specimen slides of peripheral leukocytes. By both of the direct digpxiginin-11-dUTP incorporation into PCR products with in situ PCR (direct in situ PCR) and in situ PCR followed by detection of in situ hybridization (indirect in siru PCR), DNA fragments specific for human Y chromosome were obviously amplified in cellular nuclei of specimens on the slides. The results were verified by Southern analysis. The methodology of in situ PCR and its application were discussed.  相似文献   

A permanent lymphocyte cell line of a heterozygote with Yunnanese (Aγδβ)0-thalassemia deletion, associated with an increased production of Cry globin in adult, was founded using Epstein-Barr virus transformation. The hybrids of the lymphocyte cell and mouse erythroleukemia cell (MEL) were achieved and the hybrids containing human chromosome 11 were selected with the monoclonal antibody 53/6. The subclones containing only either the normal or the abnormal human chromosome 11 were separated and the expression of the human globin genes was studied. Expression of the β-globin gene, but not the Cγ and Aγ, was observed in the hybrids containing only the normal human chromosome 11, while active expression of the Cγ globin gene was observed in the hybrids containing only the abnormal human chromosome 11. These results have confirmed that the DNA deletion in the β-globin gene cluster is the cause of persistent active expression of the Cγ globin gene in the Yunnanese mutant.  相似文献   

A novel mouse gene, mTSARG7 (GenBank accession No. AY489184), with a full cDNA length of 2279 bp and containing 12 exons and.ll introns, was cloned from a mouse expressed sequence tag (GenBank accession No. BE644543) that was significantly up-regulated in cryptorchidism. The gene was located in mouse chromosome 8A1.3 and encoded a protein containing 403 amino acid residues that was a new member of the acyltransferase family because the sequence contained the highly conserved phosphate acyltransferase (PlsC) domain existing in all acyltransferase-like proteins. The mTSARG7 protein and AU041707 protein shared 83.9% identity in 402 amino acid residues. Expression of the mTSARG7 gene was restricted to the mouse testis. The results of the in situ hybridization analysis revealed that the mTSARG7 mRNA was expressed in mouse spermatogonia and spermatocytes. Subcellular localization studies showed that the EGFPtagged mTSARG7 protein was localized in the cytoplasm of GC-1 spg cells. The mTSARG7 mRNA expression was initiated in the mouse testis in the second week after birth, and the expression level increased steadily with spermatogenesis and sexual maturation of the mouse. The results of the heat stress experiment showed that the mTSARG7 mRNA expression gradually decreased as the heating duration increased. The pcDNA3.1 Hygro(-)/mTSARG7 plasmid was constructed and introduced into GC- 1 spg cells by liposome transfection. The mTSARG7 can accelerate GC-1 spg cells, causing them to traverse the S-phase and enter the G2-phase, compared with the control group where this did not occur as there was no transfection of mTSARG7. In conclusion, our results suggest that this gene may play an important role in spermatogenesis and the development of cryptorchid testes, and is a testis-specific apoptosis candidate oncogene.  相似文献   

Although the importance of the endosperm as a food store inmany angiosperm seeds is well known, its significance duringearly embryogenesis has been neglected. In many interspecifichybrids, and in some other situations, embryos do not developfully and abort. It has often been stated that this is causedby the endosperm failing to conduct sufficient nutrients tothe embryo, but seldom has it been suggested that the endospermactively controls most of the early stages of morphogenesisof the embryo. Information gleaned from a broad survey of theliterature, combined with additional evidence presented here,obtained fromSolanum incanumand interspecific hybrids, indicatethat the endosperm is dynamic and very active in regulatingearly embryo development. This requires highly integrated geneticcontrol of rapidly changing metabolism in the endosperm. Ininterspecific hybrids, lack of coordination may cause unbalancedproduction of growth regulating substances by the endospermand hence abortion of the embryo, or even unregulated productionof nucleases and proteases resulting firstly in autolysis ofthe endosperm and then digestion of the embryo. The endospermmay thus serve to detect inappropriate hybridization of speciesor ploidy levels and so prevent waste of resources by producingseeds that would result in sterile hybrids or unthrifty subsequentgenerations. This discriminatory function of the endosperm hasdiminished during evolution and domestication of the crop plantSolanummelongenaL.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Solanum, embryo morphogenesis, endosperm, hybrid, seed development.  相似文献   

环腺苷酸应答元件结合蛋白与学习记忆   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环腺苷酸(cAMP)应答元件结合蛋白(cAMP response element binding protein,CREB)是一种核转录因子,可与cAMP反应元件结合,调节基因转录,具有调节精子生成,昼夜节律,学习记忆等功能.近年来关于其在学习记忆中的作用成为医学研究热点.CREB是神经元内多条信息传递途径的汇聚点,参与长时记忆形成和突触可塑性.长时记忆(long-term memory)形成需依赖CREB介导的基因转录,干扰或抑制CREB活性可破坏长时记忆.长时程增强(long-term potentiation,LTP)是研究学习记忆的理想模型,在LTP诱导和维持过程中均可观察到CREB活性持续升高.但增龄过程中,海马CREB活性下降,影响学习记忆功能,与许多神经退行性疾病发生有关.  相似文献   

Aegidius 《CMAJ》1972,107(3):185

For most organisms oxygen is essential fo life. When oxygen levels drop below those required to maintain the minimum physiological oxygen requirement of an organism or tissue it is termed hypoxia. To counter act possible deleterious effects of such a state, an immediate molecular response is initiated causing adaptation responses aimed at cell survival. This response is mediated by the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), which is a heterodimer consisting of an alpha- and a beta-subunit. HIF-1 alpha protein is stabilized under hypoxic conditions and therefore confers selectivity to this response. Hypoxia is characteristic of tumors, mainly because of impaired blood supply resulting from abnormal growth. Over the past few years enormous progress has been made in the attempt to understand how the activation of the physiological response to hypoxia influences neoplastic growth. In this review some aspects of HIF-1 pathway activation in tumors and the consequences for pathophysiology and treatment of neoplasia are discussed.  相似文献   

Pragmatic Women and Body Politics. Margaret Lock and Patricia A. Kaufert. eds. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1998. xii +364 pp.
Maternities and Modernities: Colonial and Postcolonial Experiences in Asia and the Pacific. Kalpana Ram and Margaret Jolly. eds. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1998. xiv. 305 pp.  相似文献   

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