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通过盆栽试验 ,研究在红壤中施用不同浓度的硒肥对豆科牧草圆叶决明植株生长、叶片硝酸还原酶活性、根瘤固氮酶活性及其叶肉细胞超显微结构的影响。试验结果表明 ,施 0 .5~ 2 mg Se/ kg土不同用量的硒肥处理的圆叶决明植株株高、分枝数和植株干重 ,比不施硒肥的对照处理分别提高 11.71%~ 18.97%、0 .5 5 %~ 2 2 .6 1%和 5 2 .9%~ 14 4 .9% ;植株的硒含量随施硒浓度的提高而明显增加 ,不施硒 (CK)处理的植株含硒量仅为 0 .0 2 5 mg/ kg,当施硒肥量为 2 mg Se/ kg土 (S2 )时 ,植株的硒含量达到0 .2 2 2 mg/ kg,比对照增加了 7.88倍 ;施硒量为 1mg Se/ kg土 (S1)处理圆叶决明的叶片硝酸还原酶活性最大 ,比对照提高2 81.5 % ,比施 2 m g Se/ kg土的增加了 2 0 6 .1% ;根瘤固氮酶活性以施用 2 mg Se/ kg土的处理为最大 ,比对照增加了 4 9.4 1%。植株叶肉细胞超显微结构变化的观察结果表明 :施不同用量硒肥处理均能比对照处理增加植株叶绿体的数量 ,其中以1.5 mg Se/ kg土的施用量处理效果最好 ,而 1.5 m g Se/ kg土和 2 mg Se/ kg土处理对提高叶绿体的基粒数量和片层密度效果较佳 ,但对稳定叶绿体的双层膜结构效果则不明显 ;而施用 1.5 m g Se/ kg土和 1mg Se/ kg土处理则显示了减少线粒体的数量 ,降低线  相似文献   

Man JG  Zhou J  Wang D  Yu ZW  Zhang M  Hu ZY  Hou XT 《应用生态学报》2011,22(5):1175-1182
在田间高产条件下,设置硫加树脂包膜尿素控释肥(SRCU)、树脂包膜尿素控释肥(RCU)、普通尿素加硫磺粉(SU)、普通尿素(U)处理,研究硫和SRCU对冬小麦干物质积累与分配及产量的影响.结果表明:施用RCU处理的植株干物质积累量和籽粒产量与分期施氮不施硫处理相比无显著差异.在土壤有效硫含量为43.2 mg·kg-1的条件下,施硫量为91.4 kg·hm-2的SRCU处理与相同施硫量分期施氮处理相比,花后干物质积累与分配及产量无显著差异;与无硫的RCU处理相比,花后同化物输入籽粒量、籽粒灌浆中期的灌浆速率、千粒重和产量均显著提高.在土壤有效硫含量为105.1 mg·kg-1的条件下,施硫量为120kg·hm-2的SRCU处理籽粒产量显著高于相同施硫量分期施氮处理,与不施硫分期施氮处理和RCU处理无显著差异.说明SRCU释放的氮素对冬小麦干物质积累、分配和产量的调节作用与速效氮素分期施用的效果一致.SRCU释放的硫素对冬小麦的调节作用受土壤有效硫含量高低的影响,在有效硫含量为43.2 mg·kg-1的条件下,能促进花后干物质积累和籽粒灌浆,显著提高籽粒产量;在有效硫含量为105.1 mg·kg-1的条件下,则无显著增产作用,过多施用硫磺粉还可导致产量显著降低.  相似文献   

赵欢  李会合  吕慧峰  王正银 《生态学报》2013,33(23):7364-7372
在涪陵区选取30个茎瘤芥种植农户,采用大田调查和室内化学分析方法,研究了茎瘤芥不同生长期(苗期、快速膨大期、采收期)叶片和茎瘤10种必需营养元素含量的变化特征及其与产量的关系。结果表明:茎瘤芥在整个生育期内,除K、S含量较高外,其余大、微量元素均在大多植物含量范围内;不同生育期茎瘤芥叶片、茎瘤中各养分含量变化具有明显的规律性,苗期叶片大量元素含量次序为N>K>Ca>P>S>Mg,快速膨大期和采收期叶片大量元素含量次序均为N>K>Ca>S>P>Mg,茎瘤中大量元素含量次序均为K>N>P>S>Ca>Mg,3个生长期叶片和茎瘤的微量元素含量,除快速膨大期茎瘤中略有不同(Fe>Zn>Mn>Cu)外,其余均为Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu;从苗期到快速膨大期再到采收期养分变化规律看,叶片中N、P、K、Fe、Cu和Zn含量呈降低趋势,而Ca、Mg、S和Mn则呈现先降低后升高的趋势,从快速膨大期到采收期茎瘤中除N、S、Fe和Cu元素呈降低趋势外,其余养分元素均呈上升趋势。从茎瘤芥不同器官养分含量高低看,快速膨大期和采收期叶片中N、P、K、Cu和Zn含量较茎瘤中低,而Ca、Fe和Mn含量的变化特点则相反,S和Mg差异较小,表明茎瘤芥不同部位对不同养分的敏感程度各异。相关分析表明,各生育期不同器官的Mg、Fe、Mn和Zn与产量呈显著或极显著的负相关关系,K、Cu与产量呈正的相关关系。通过逐步回归分析建立茎瘤芥各生育期植株营养元素与产量的回归预测模型,其中苗期叶片营养元素与产量的最优回归方程为Y= 36768 3583XK-6.328XFe-76.09XMn;快速膨大期叶片和茎瘤营养元素与产量的最优回归方程分别为Y=50458 21557XP 7925XCa-88092XMg-1145XCu和Y=32487 7294XK-116122XMg;采收期叶片和茎瘤营养元素与产量的最优回归方程分别为Y=36064 3413XK-30.15XFe和Y= 11791 7334XK-385XZn。因此,在茎瘤芥各生长期均应注意钾肥的合理施用,快速膨大期应重视磷肥的施用。而几种微量元素和镁素对茎瘤芥产量的负效应,则可通过增施充分腐熟的有机肥料加以调控。  相似文献   

施硫对‘豫麦50’籽粒灌浆特性及产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选用弱筋小麦品种‘豫麦50’为材料,通过大田试验研究了较高供氮水平下(施纯氮330 kg/hm2)施用低量(S 20 kg/hm2)、中量(S 60 kg/hm2)和高量(S 100 kg/hm2)硫肥对小麦籽粒灌浆特性和产量的影响.结果显示,不同施硫处理的小麦籽粒灌浆进程均“呈慢—快—慢”的S型曲线,拟合的Logistic方程决定系数均大于0.993 2,并达到极显著水平;灌浆持续期(T)、渐增期平均灌浆速率(V1),快增期和缓增期持续期(T2、T3)、灌浆期各阶段干物质积累量(m1、m2、m3)和理论最大千粒重(K)均随施硫量增加而提高,并以中硫处理的各项灌浆参数表现较优;中硫处理的千粒重(46.47 g)和籽粒产量(7 416.0 kg/hm2)显著高于低硫处理,极显著高于对照(不施硫)和高硫处理.表明在当前较高施氮水平下,每公顷施纯硫60 kg可有效改善小麦灌浆特性,显著提高籽粒产量.  相似文献   

采用混合培养料试验和电子显微技术,观察了不同硒镧配施水平对巴西蘑菇子实体盖皮和菌褶表面形态及孢子和囊状体数量特征的影响.结果表明,低浓度硒镧配施(Na2SeO3 21.905mg/kg LaCl317.667mg/kg)处理时,孢子数极显著增加,随着硒镧配施浓度升高,孢子数极显著增加,达到峰值后极显著减少;低浓度(Na2SeO 21.905mg/kg LaCl17.667mg/kg)和高浓度(Na2SeO 109.524mg/kg LaCl88.340mg/kg)处理后囊状体数极显著减少,中浓度(Na2SeO365.714mg/kg LaCl353.002mg/kg)处理囊状体数显著增加.研究还发现硒镧配施对巴西蘑菇孢子长、宽、囊状体最大直径和最小直径以及菌盖皮菌丝最大宽度具有促进或抑制作用.扫描电镜观察结果表明,与对照相比,中浓度硒镧配施(Na2SeO365.714mg/kg LaCl3 53.002mg/kg)时,孢子由正常椭圆形变成全部萎缩,菌丝粗壮;囊状体在较低硒镧配施浓度(Na2SeO343.810mg/kg LaCl3 35.335mg/kg)处理时表面纹饰模糊、消失,个别囊状体破裂,表面带有藤蔓状的组织.  相似文献   

施硫对''''豫麦50''''籽粒灌浆特性及产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
选用弱筋小麦品种‘豫麦50’为材料,通过大田试验研究了较高供氮水平下(施纯氮330kg/hm^2)施用低量(S20kg/hm^2)、中量(S60kg/hm^2)和高量(S100kg/hm^2)硫肥对小麦籽粒灌浆特性和产量的影响。结果显示,不同施硫处理的小麦籽粒灌浆进程均呈“慢-快-慢”的S型曲线,拟合的Logistic方程决定系数均大于0.9932,并达到极显著水平;灌浆持续期(T)、渐增期平均灌浆速率(V1),快增期和缓增期持续期(T2、T3)、灌浆期各阶段干物质积累量(m1、m2、m3)和理论最大千粒重(K)均随施硫量增加而提高,并以中硫处理的各项灌浆参数表现较优;中硫处理的千粒重(46.47g)和籽粒产量(7416.0kg/hm^2)显著高于低硫处理,极显著高于对照(不施硫)和高硫处理。表明在当前较高施氮水平下,每公顷施纯硫60kg可有效改善小麦灌浆特性,显著提高籽粒产量。  相似文献   

氮肥运筹对晚播冬小麦氮素和干物质积累与转运的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
氮素平衡对干物质积累与分配的影响是农业生态系统研究的重要内容,在保障产量前提下减少氮肥施用量可减少环境污染与温室气体排放。以晚播冬小麦为研究对象,设置4个施氮量水平:0 kg/hm2(N0)、168.75 kg/hm2(N1)、225 kg/hm2(N2)、281.25 kg/hm2(N3),每个施氮量水平下设置2个追氮时期处理:拔节期(S1)、拔节期+开花期(S2),研究了氮肥运筹对晚播冬小麦氮素和干物质积累与转运及氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明:拔节期追施氮肥(S1)条件下,在225 kg/hm2(N2)基础上增施25%氮肥(N3)对开花期氮素积累总量和营养器官氮素转运量无显著影响;拔节期+开花期追施氮肥(S2)条件下,随施氮量增加,开花期氮素积累总量和花后营养器官氮素转运量升高;S2较S1显著提高成熟期籽粒及营养器官氮素积累量、花后籽粒氮素积累量及其对籽粒氮素积累的贡献率。同一施氮量条件下,S2较S1提高了成熟期的干物质积累量、开花至成熟阶段干物质积累强度和花后籽粒干物质积累量。同一追氮时期条件下,籽粒产量N2与N3无显著差异,氮肥偏生产力随施氮量增加而降低;同一施氮量条件下,S2较S1提高了晚播冬小麦的籽粒产量和氮肥吸收利用率。拔节期+开花期追施氮肥,总施氮量225kg/hm2为有利于实现晚播冬小麦高产和高效的最优氮肥运筹模式。  相似文献   

秸秆还田配施不同比例化肥对晚稻产量及土壤养分的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
杨滨娟  黄国勤  徐宁  钱海燕 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3779-3787
在不同秸秆还田方式对早稻的效应研究确定的最佳还田方式和还田量(粉碎还田3000 kg/hm2)基础上,以单施秸秆为对照,研究了秸秆还田配施不同比例化肥对晚稻产量、干物质积累与分配及土壤养分的影响。结果表明:(1)与对照相比,秸秆3000 kg/hm2+N 150 kg/hm2+P2O575 kg/hm2+K2O 37.5 kg/hm2增产效果最为显著,在水稻的每穗粒数、千粒重、结实率、充实度和产量等方面增加幅度最大,分别为9.32%、4.28%、13.70%、2.74%和26.38%。(2)各处理的干物质茎鞘比例随着生育进程不断降低,从孕穗期的66.68%—77.00%降低至成熟期的25.97%—34.79%,除SNPK1外,叶片比例从孕穗期的23.00%—33.32%降低至成熟期的7.41%—21.03%;秸秆还田配施不同比例化肥处理的茎鞘比例在孕穗期、抽穗期和成熟期高于对照,而叶片比例与茎鞘比例呈相反趋势。(3)与对照相比,秸秆还田配施不同比例化肥处理提高了土壤pH值、有机碳、全氮、碱解氮、全磷、有效磷、全钾、速效钾,降低了土壤C/N比。研究结果说明,秸秆还田配施不同比例化肥可以提高植株干物质积累速率、群体生物量,合理改善土壤养分,保证较高的水稻增产潜力,其中秸秆3000 kg/hm2+N 150 kg/hm2+P2O575 kg/hm2+K2O 37.5 kg/hm2效果最为显著。  相似文献   

Fe、Zn、Se等矿物元素在动植物以及人体的生长和发育过程中具有重要作用,为了提高玉米籽粒中Fe、Zn、Se的含量,对叶面喷施Fe、Zn、Se肥及其不同组合,探讨其对玉米成熟籽粒中的Fe、Zn、Se以及其它矿物元素含量的影响。使用不同浓度的硫酸亚铁(Fe肥)、硫酸锌(Zn肥)和亚硒酸钠(Se肥)及其不同组合对京科糯2010(JK2010)进行了叶面喷施处理。叶面喷施不同浓度的Fe肥、Zn肥和Se肥均能显著提高JK2010籽粒中Fe、Zn、Se元素的含量;Fe与Zn能够相互促进吸收,Se能够促进Zn的吸收,Fe与Zn对Se的积累有抑制作用;叶面喷施Fe、Zn、Se肥及其组合对玉米籽粒中Ca元素的积累有促进作用;不同的Fe、Zn、Se肥组合方式对籽粒中Cu的积累有不同的影响;总体上看叶面喷施Fe、Zn、Se肥及其组合对玉米籽粒中Mn、Mg、P等元素的积累影响不大。不同的叶面喷施组合处理中,Fe肥、Zn肥和Se肥三者配合使用能极显著的提高籽粒中Fe、Zn、Se元素的含量,为Fe、Zn、Se肥的生产应用提供新的策略,同时也发现Fe、Zn、Se肥的使用对籽粒中几种不同的矿物元素有不同的影响。  相似文献   

不同氮素水平下施硫对高产小麦碳氮运转和产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在大田栽培条件下,以2个不同穗型的高产冬小麦品种为试验材料,在施240 kg·hm-2(N240)和330 kg·hm-2(N330)纯氮水平下,分别施纯硫60 kg·hm-2(S60)和0 kg·hm-2(S0),研究了施硫对小麦不同器官碳氮运转及其对籽粒产量和蛋白质产量的影响.结果显示:(1)2个供氮水平下,施硫(S60)均比对照(S0)增加了2个小麦品种的叶片、茎、鞘、颖壳和穗轴等营养器官花前贮藏干物质、氮素的运转量和运转率以及总运转量和总运转率,提高了转运干物质、氮素对籽粒重和籽粒氮素的贡献率,极显著提高了籽粒和蛋白质产量.(2)施硫对豫农949品种籽粒和蛋白质产量提高幅度显著高于兰考矮早八;与对照(S0)相比,豫农949的N240S60和N330S60处理使籽粒产量分别增加12.74%和16.41%,蛋白质产量分别增加16.84%和16.14%.结果表明,中氮和高氮水平下施硫均可明显促进高产小麦植株的C-N运转,提高植株对氮的吸收利用和碳物质的积累,从而增加籽粒产量,但不同品种间的施硫效应存在差异.  相似文献   

Shoot morphology at the emergence ofDioscorea japonica Thumb. could be classed into the following three types: (1) a seedling emergence with only one leaf (Se type), (2) a plant consisting of one stem and one leaf, which has emerged from a small tuber (rhizophore) or bulbil less than 50 mg in dry weight (S type) and (3) a twiner with many leaves, which has emerged from a tuber or a bulbil of more than 50 mg in dry weight (L type). The Se type failed to develop beyond the second leaf stage in 1.5% sunlight exposure. The effects of initial plant (seeds, bulbils and tubers) size and light intensity on plant growth were analyzed. The larger the initial plant size was, the greater the growth in height and leaf area was. The distribution ratio of assimilated substances in leaves was high in smaller plants at the early growth stage. The distribution ratio in the tubers of larger plants became high at the early stage of growth. In all three types at over 3% sunlight exposure, the switch-over from the vegetative to reproductive growth phase occurred simultaneously at a later growth stage, but the Se type at 1.5% sunlight exposure showed a very early switch-over in its development; this switch-over may be related to shade tolerance capacity. The L type showed shade avoidance by forming a large productive structure as a twiner  相似文献   

硒肥对马铃薯硒素吸收、转化及产量、品质的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
通过设对照(CK)、保水缓释硒肥(W)、生物炭基硒肥(C)、硒酸钠硒肥(S)4个处理来研究不同硒肥对马铃薯(品种为早大白)硒素吸收、转化及产量、品质的影响。结果表明:各处理马铃薯各器官硒含量在生育期内总体上呈下降趋势,马铃薯各器官的硒含量呈现:苗期根茎叶片;成熟期叶片茎块茎的特点;随着硒肥用量的增加,W处理下的总硒、无机硒、有机硒含量呈增大趋势,产量、有机硒转化率、粗蛋白、还原糖和Vc呈先升高后降低的趋势;C处理和S处理下,马铃薯以上各指标均呈先升高后降低的趋势,在低施硒量(0.126 kg/hm2)时,3种硒肥显著降低了马铃薯块茎淀粉含量,之后随着施硒量的增加淀粉含量变化不显著;与对照相比,3种硒肥在适宜施硒量(0.379 kg/hm2)时,马铃薯产量提高了4.87%—5.44%,粗蛋白含量增加了12.18%—20.03%,还原糖提高了6.45%—12.90%,Vc含量提高-0.54%—3.11%,有机硒转化率增加13.00%—15.10%,淀粉含量增加了-0.73%—1.12%;综合考虑3种硒肥对马铃薯含硒量、产量、品质的影响,W处理最佳,C处理次之,S处理最差。  相似文献   

BIEMOND  H.; VOS  J. 《Annals of botany》1992,70(1):37-45
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) were planted in pots in a temperature-controlledglasshouse The treatments consisted of three levels of nitrogensupply, ie 25, 8 and 16 g N per pot (treatments called N1, N2and N3) The accumulation rates of dry matter and nitrogen showedan upper limit of response to nitrogen supply, N3 plants continuedto accumulate dry matter and N at a constant rate for a longerperiod of time than N2 and N1 plants The uptake of nitrogenslowed earlier in time than the rate of dry matter accumulationin all treatments. The proportion of the dry matter in tubersof mature plants was not affected by nitrogen treatment, butthe start of tuber bulking was delayed in the N3 plants Thefinal proportion of total plant nitrogen in the tubers was similarfor all treatments The concentration of nitrogen in the drymatter of mature plants increased with the level of N supplyMaximum haulm weight increased with the level of N supply Apicallateral branches of the first and second order made up largerproportions of the total haulm dry weight and total leaf areaas more nitrogen was supplied. Yet, the distribution of drymatter over stems and leaves was not different between nitrogentreatments Stems were the most responsive to N treatment interms of N concentrations In each of the component organs (stems, leaves, tubers) theconcentration of nitrogen declined with time Fairly strong associationswere observed between the concentrations of N in component organs.The concentration of nitrate in leaves usually increased initiallywith leaf age, peaked and declined. A substantial part of thedifferences between treatments in the concentrations of N inleaf dry matter were attributable to differences in nitrateconcentration Nitrate in stems and tubers fell virtually belowthe limit of detection at total nitrogen concentrations of lessthan 1%, but increased in proportion to total N above that threshold,especially in stems Potato, Solanum tuberosum L, dry matter production, dry matter distribution, nitrogen nutrition, nitrogen distribution, nitrogen concentration  相似文献   

The possible effects of selenium (Se) foliar spraying and drought were studied for 3 months in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivar Desiree in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Four combinations of treatments were conducted: well-watered plants with and without Se foliar spraying, and drought exposed plants with and without Se foliar spraying. The following parameters were monitored 2 and 4 weeks after treatments: net photosynthesis, transpiration rate, quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII), and respiratory potential measured by electron transport system activity. After 3 months of treatments, leaf water potential and tuber yield were determined. The content of Se in tubers was measured after harvesting time. Several effects of drought and Se foliar spraying and their combinations were found. Net photosynthesis and respiratory potential were lower in drought exposed plants 4 weeks after treatments. Se induced higher respiratory potential in the leaves 4 weeks after treatments. Higher efficiency of energy conversion in PSII, expressed by a higher effective quantum yield, was observed in Se treated plants 2 weeks after treatments. Foliarly applied Se was efficiently absorbed by plant leaves and transported to the tubers.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted in Plectranthus forskholii by giving it different concentrations (10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 mg L(-1)) of hexaconazole, a fungicide cum plant-growth regulator, in order to find out its effects on growth, pigment composition, and antioxidant potential. The treatments were given as soil drenching on different growth stages. All the concentrations of hexaconazole used significantly decreased the stem length and leaf area, whereas side branches, fresh and dry matter content, photosynthetic pigments, and antioxidant potential were increased. The number of tubers, length and girth of tubers, fresh and dry weight of tubers and tuber pigments were found to be the highest at a 25 mg L(-1) concentration of hexaconazole. Hexaconazole application at 25 mg L(-1) concentration was found to be more effective than 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 mg L(-1) in promoting fresh and dry weight of root tuber over 165 days after planting. The pigments like chlorophyll, carotenoid; anthocyanins, xanthophylls and antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, reduced glutathione and total phenol were significantly increased under hexaconazole treatment when compared to untreated control plants.  相似文献   

1. Experiments were carried out in Hangchow on the increase of dry matter in the tops of sweet potato plants. The increase can be divided into three periods: (1) slow accumulation of dry matter; (2) rapid increase of accumulation of dry matter, reaching a maximum; (3) decline of accumulation of dry matter, later on account of senility and the dropping of leaves, there was a marked reduction in the dry matter of the tops. The increase in dry matter is in proportion to the leaf area. The amount of fertilizer used is closely related to the increase of dry matter and leaf area. 2. The yield of sweet potato is related to the increase in dry matter of the tops of the plant. To a certain extent, the greater the amount of dry matter, the more rapidly will the tubers enlarge, finally results in a higher yield. Excessive use of fertilizer leads to an abnormal elongation of the plant. During this period an increase in dry matter of the tops not only fails to induce the enlargement of the tubers, but also leads to the consumption of the dry matter, and consequently causes a reduction in yield of sweet potato. From the curve of T/R ratio, the sooner the downward translocation of the tops nutrients occurs, the faster the tubers will form and enlarge. 3. Experiments with p32 show that the various growth conditions of the tops are closely correlated with the translocation of the tubers. With well growing and high yielding plants the nutrients move from the tops to the tubers as soon as the root enlarges. This translocation is even accelerated during the later stage. During the earlier stage of development, much of the plant nutrition is translocated to the stems and leaves, particularly to the latter; then gradually it is diverted to the leaves and the root system, and finally concentrates in the roots. The increase of the area of green leaves and the number of branches during the period of early growth, and the promoting of favourable conditions for the formation and enlargement of the roots, as well as the facilitating of the translocation of nutrients to the roots during the later stage are the determinative factors necessary for obtaining high yield of sweet potato.  相似文献   

Ten Solanum potato genotypes, including four primitive species and six hybrids, were grown to maturity near 230 and 3273 meters in elevation at two sites, Coast and Sierra, in Peru. Growth data, with emphasis upon tubers and leaves, were collected periodically to analyze the plant components which differed in these contrasting environments. Nine of the Solanum species/cultivars effectively partitioned dry matter into tubers with values reaching 73 to 85% of the total plant at mature harvest in the Sierra but dropping to 33 to 75% on the Coast. These harvest index differences were, however, accompanied by no consistent changes in total leaf area, specific leaf area, nor number of tuber initiated. Consistent differences did occur in having shorter plants in the Sierra and an increased tuber dry matter percentage, 20 to 28%, in the Sierra compared to 14 to 21% on the Coast. Linear relationships exist between plant tuber harvest index versus tuber yield and versus total plant dry matter on both the Coast and in the Sierra.  相似文献   

Potato plants (King Edward) were grown in soil in buckets underglass. Sampling young leaves showed that giving potassium initiallyincreased the magnesium concentration in leaf dry matter butdecreased it after the tubers started to form. Removing tubershad little effect on this change and did not prevent changesthat occurred in leaf potassium, phosphorus and calcium concentrations,suggesting that the partitioning of nutrients between shootgrowth and tuber growth was not regulated simply by competition. Removing the tubers or giving potassium increased the totallife of the haulm, by 50 and 27 d respectively. Tuber removallessened water use but giving potassium increased it, probablybecause it resulted in larger plants. Removing the tubers causedabnormal growths from axillary buds and thickened starchy stembases; the latter were augmented by giving potassium.  相似文献   

Isolated rooted sweet potato leaves were used to study the effectof carbohydrate use and storage on photosynthesis. Tuberingof the roots was controlled (1) by varying the moisture aroundthe roots, (2) by varying the root temperature, or (3) by treatingthe leaves with growth regulators. When tubering was greatestthe total dry matter formed per unit area of leaf was also greatest.Benzyl adenine applied to the lamina increased the proportionof total dry matter in the tubers. The experiments show that increasing tuber growth increasesnet assimilation rate, supporting the view that rate of photosynthesisdepends on the capacity of sinks to accept photosynthate.  相似文献   

以紫色马铃薯品种‘黑美人’为试材,采用水培法,分别用不同浓度(0、0.38、0.19和0.095 mmol/L)纳米硒溶液对紫色马铃薯进行叶面喷施处理,研究纳米硒对紫色马铃薯生长、矿质元素含量及品质特性的影响。结果表明:(1)与对照相比,各硒处理马铃薯的生物量与单株结薯数均显著增加,其中喷施0.095 mmol/L硒处理的生物量最高且增幅达1.5倍,喷施0.19 mmol/L硒处理的单株结薯数显著增加2.2倍。(2)纳米硒能够显著提高紫色马铃薯叶片、根系、块茎硒含量,各器官硒含量大小呈现:根系>叶片>块茎的特点,且喷施0.095 mmol/L硒处理块茎总硒含量达0.106 mg/kg,较对照显著提高0.65倍,达到了马铃薯块茎的富硒标准;同时纳米硒可在不同程度上调控K、Ca、Mg、Mn、Zn在马铃薯各器官中的分配。(3)随施硒浓度的增加,紫色马铃薯块茎中淀粉、可溶性蛋白及游离氨基酸含量呈先增加后降低的变化趋势,均在喷施0.19 mmol/L硒处理下达到最大值,且较对照分别显著增加56.33%、26.91%和27.89%;块茎中花青素、可溶性糖含量呈下降趋势,均在喷施0.095 mmol/L硒处理下达到最大值,且较对照分别显著提高24.73%、25.33%;而块茎中硝态氮含量呈上升趋势,在喷施0.095 mmol/L硒处理下最低并较对照显著降低34.82%。研究表明,叶面喷施0.095~0.19 mmol/L纳米硒溶液能够显著促进紫色马铃薯生长和单株结薯数,提高硒元素含量,调控矿质元素含量在器官中分配,有效改善其块茎品质特性。  相似文献   

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