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用PCR合成的瑞氏木霉(T.reesei)β-内切葡聚糖酶Ⅰ(EGⅠ)的cDNA, 构建了由酵母醇脱氢酶 (ADH1)启动子和终止子引导表达、β-内切葡聚糖酶自身信号肽序列引导分泌、由酵母rDNA序列引导同源整合的酵母YIP型β-内切葡聚糖酶表达分泌质粒pA15PET。采用pA15PET与酵母YEP型G418抗性表达质粒的共转化,将EGⅠ表达单元整合到已整合有α-乙酰乳酸脱羧酶(α-ALDC)表达单元的啤酒酵母工程菌BE9711的染色体rDNA序列中,获得同时表达胞内α-ALDC和胞外β-内切葡聚糖酶的啤酒酵母工程菌。  相似文献   

采用自克隆技术,破坏啤酒酵母工业菌株YSF31的ADH2基因,在ADH2基因位点插入来源于YSF31的编码γ-谷氨酰半胱氨酸合成酶的GSH1基因和铜抗性筛选标记CUP1基因.通过铜抗性筛选转化子,经PCR和乙醇脱氢酶Ⅱ(ADH Ⅱ)活性测定验证,获得了1株啤酒酵母工程菌.10°P麦芽汁发酵实验显示,自克隆菌株的乙醇脱氢酶Ⅱ活性是受体菌的65%,谷胱甘肽含量比受体菌YSF31的高34%.其他发酵指标并没有发生明显改变.由于DNA操作过程中没有外源基因介入,因此啤酒酵母工程菌为生物安全的自克隆菌株,具有重要的应用价值.  相似文献   

林可链霉菌中的同源重组   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究链霉菌中的同源整合频率和机制 ,采用不能在链霉菌中复制的大肠杆菌质粒转化链霉菌StreptomyceslincolnensisB48。质粒pYYE0 4a1上携带的被硫链丝菌素抗性基因灭活的林可霉素生物合成基因与染色体DNA上的同源基因发生重组 ,经过低抗筛选 ,得到两个突变子S .lincolnensisYY1和S .lincolnensisYY2。进一步以硫链丝菌素抗性基因为探针杂交染色体DNASmaⅠ片段 ,S .lincolnensisYY1和S .lincolnensisYY2都得到 1 5kb的阳性条带 ;而以缺失的lacZ基因为探针杂交染色体DNAHindⅢ和SmaⅠ联合酶切片段 ,只有S .lincolnensisYY2得到 4 4kb的阳性条带。Southern杂交结果表明S .lincolnensisYY1是由同源交换或二次重组产生的 ,而S .lincolnensisYY2为同源整合的结果。为验证同源整合子上大肠杆菌复制子和氨苄抗性基因的存在 ,用SphⅠ酶切染色体DNA后连接 ,连接液转化E .coliJM83感受态细胞 ,在氨苄抗性板上得到 2个转化子 ,命名为pSLE1。对…  相似文献   

将苏云金芽胞杆菌转座子Tn4430的解离酶识别位点res分别插入克隆载体pRSET B和pUC19得到质粒pBMB1201和pBMB1202。这两个质粒分别经BamHI/HindⅢ和EcoRI/HindⅢ双酶切回收含res位点的小DNA片段,与穿梭载体pHT3101经EcoRI/HindⅢ双酶切后回收的含大肠杆菌复制起始区、氨苄青霉素抗性基因和红霉素抗性基因的3.3kb片段连接,获得重组质粒pBMB1203。封闭pBMB1203两res位点外的BamHI和EcoRI位点后,得到解离载体pBMB1204。将来源于苏云金芽胞杆菌库斯塔克亚种YBT-1520的质粒复制起始区ori44片段插入pBMB1204的两res位点之间,得到解离穿梭载体pBMB1205。该解离载体插入壮观霉素抗性基因后电转化无晶体突变株,在辅助质粒所提供的解离酶作用下可发生解离消除抗性基因,解离频率为100%,解离后的质粒稳定性为93%。利用解离穿梭载体pBMB1205可在用抗性筛选到转化子后特定消除抗性标记基因和其它非苏云金芽胞杆菌DNA片段。  相似文献   

啤酒酵母VTT-A-88085(A-85)是含有α-乙酰乳酸脱羧酶(α-ALDC)基因的试验菌株。它是由深层发酵啤酒酵母VTT-A-63015(A-15)菌株构建的转化子。A-85是一株整合菌昧,即α-ald基因插入到酵母染色体DNA上,因此比用质粒转化得到的转化子更稳定。转化子产生的α-ALDC酶可直接把α-乙酰乳酸转化成乙偶姻而不形成双乙酰,因此可以免除或缩短常规啤酒发酵所需的冗长的后期发酵。  相似文献   

运用同源重组技术破坏了黑曲霉基因组中的pepD基因,该基因编码一种类subtilisin的胞外蛋白酶PEPD。实验以黑曲霉GICC2773基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增pepD基因,并在此基因中间插入潮霉素抗性基因(hph)表达单元,由此产生了3.7kb的pepD阻断基因片段。将此阻断基因片段与载体pBS连接,构建成pepD基因阻断质粒pBSDH。采用原生质体-CaCl2/PEG法将酶切阻断质粒得到的含pepD基因和hph表达单元的3.7kb线性片段转化AspergillusnigerGICC2773菌株,在含潮霉素的平板上筛选潮霉素抗性转化子,从这些抗性转化子中经PCR检测分离到到1个pepD基因阻断突变菌株?pepD66。外源漆酶分泌活性分析显示,黑曲霉pepD基因的破坏使其外源漆酶的分泌表达有所提高。  相似文献   

根据重组工程原理,建立了一种用于构建重组质粒的 “neo/E”(抗生素/单酶切位点)选择与反选择新方法。首先采用 PCR方法扩增出线性打靶分子:然后进行两步体内同源重组,(1)neo/E基因敲入,重组子呈现neo抗性表型;(2)目的基因替换neo/E基因。用限制酶E消化时,发生第二步重组的DNA分子不能被消化,能够转化大肠杆菌受体菌DH5α。应用该方法构建了重组质粒pGL3-Basic PC1900T。PCR及测序鉴定证明:外源片段重组率为20%,所建立的重组工程选择与反选择新技术为质粒构建提供了新的解决方案。  相似文献   

利用大肠杆菌-酵母穿梭质粒pGBT9构建了一个真菌启动子捕获载体pGBT14,用这个捕获载体构建了含顶头孢霉的0.5-2.0kb片段的染色体DNA文库,并从中筛选到顶头孢霉的24个DNA片段,这些片段能够在啤酒酵母中启动Trp1基因的表达。  相似文献   

利用淀粉产生碱性蛋白酶工程菌的构建   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨文博  冯耀宇   《微生物学通报》1994,21(5):273-278
以不能利用淀粉为碳源、抗pp系列噬菌体和pL1噬菌体、产碱性蛋白酶(9400-9800u/ml)的BacilluspumilusC172-60为受体株,采用原生质体转化技术将携带糖化型小淀粉酶基因(Amv)、Cm基因、Km基因的pBX96质粒导入到受体株内,经两次利福平抗性筛选,获得一株能直接利用淀粉为发酵碳源、保留噬菌体抗性、产碱性蛋白酶的工程菌C172-306(pBX96)。菌体增殖96.5代质粒丢失率为0.77%,摇瓶发酵蛋白酶活力140  相似文献   

蒋凯  李崎  顾国贤 《生物工程学报》2007,23(6):1071-1076
根据同源重组的原理,将来源于啤酒酵母工业菌株G03的γ-谷氨酰半胱氨酸合成酶基因(GSH1)和筛选标记Kan取代质粒pRJ-5中18S rDNA内部约340bp的DNA片段,构建重组质粒pRKG。以pRKG为模版,PCR得到以18S rDNA为整合位点包含GSH1和Kan的基因片段18S rDNA::(Kan-GSH1)。用此片段转化啤酒酵母工业菌株G03,通过G418抗性筛选得到啤酒酵母工程菌。实验室小试表明,工程菌的谷胱甘肽含量比受体菌株提高16.6%,啤酒的抗老化能力得到了显著提高,而常规指标没有发生显著变化。连续传代5次后胞内GSH含量基本不变遗传稳定性良好。由于表达γ-谷氨酰半胱氨酸合成酶的基因来源于受体菌株自身,是通过自克隆技术改造工业啤酒酵母的一次有益的尝试。  相似文献   

二氧化硫在啤酒中具有抗氧化的重要功能,而在其形成过程中APS激酶(MET14编码)起着非常重要的作用。以二氧化硫产量较高的青岛啤酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)YSF-5的总DNA为模板,用PCR方法克隆得到MET14基因。为使目的基因在酿酒酵母中表达,以大肠杆菌-酿酒酵母穿梭质粒YEp352为载体,以PGK1强启动子为调控元件,构建了重组表达质粒pPM,并转化酿酒酵母YS58。转化子在YNB添加亮氨酸、组氨酸和色氨酸的选择性培养基上筛选鉴定,盐酸副玫瑰苯胺法测得转化子的SO2产量是受体菌的2倍左右。在重组表达质粒pPM的基础上添加铜抗性标记基因构建了重组表达质粒pCPM,并转化青岛啤酒工业酵母菌株YSF-38,转化子在YEPD 4mmol/L CuSO4的选择性培养基上筛选鉴定,实验室条件下培养后,测得转化子YSF-38(pCPM)的SO2产量是受体菌的3.2倍。用该转化子在青岛啤酒厂进行小型发酵实验,结果表明在发酵结束时,YSF-38(pCPM)转化子的SO2产量是受体菌的1.4倍。因此,MET14基因的有效表达可以提高啤酒工业酵母的SO2产量。  相似文献   

Glutathione in beer works as the main antioxidant compounds which correlates with beer flavor stability. High residual sugars in beer contribute to major non-volatile components which correlate to high caloric content. In this work, Saccharomyces cerevisiae GSH1 gene encoding glutamylcysteine synthetase and Scharomycopsis fibuligera ALP1 gene encoding alpha-amylase were co-expressed in industrial brewing yeast strain Y31 targeting at alpha-acetolactate synthase (AHAS) gene (ILV2) and alcohol dehydrogenase gene (ADH2), and new recombinant strain TY3 was constructed. The glutathione content from the fermentation broth of TY3 increased to 43.83 mg/l compared to 33.34 mg/l from Y31. The recombinant strain showed high alpha-amylase activity and utilized more than 46% of starch after 5 days growing on starch as sole carbon source. European Brewery Convention tube fermentation tests comparing the fermentation broth of TY3 and Y31 showed that the flavor stability index increased to 1.3 fold and residual sugar concentration were reduced by 76.8%, respectively. Due to the interruption of ILV2 gene and ADH2 gene, the amounts of off-flavor compounds diacetyl and acetaldehyde were reduced by 56.93% and 31.25%, comparing with the amounts of these from Y31 fermentation broth. In addition, as no drug-resistance genes were introduced to new recombinant strain, consequently, it should be more suitable for use in beer industry because of its better flavor stability and other beneficial characteristics.  相似文献   

Wang D  Wang Z  Liu N  He X  Zhang B 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(11):2013-2018
The expression cassette I10 containing the new-found flocculation gene, FLONS, was transformed into an industrial strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae YSF5. Upstream activating sequences of the S. cerevisiae alcohol dehydrogenase II (ADH2) gene promoter (PU-ADH2) were used to regulate the expression of FLONS; α-acetolactate synthase gene ILV2 was chosen for homologous recombination of I10 to the YSF5 chromosome; copper binding metallothionein (encoded by CUP1) was used for selection of transformants. Ten randomly selected transformants exhibited increased flocculation ability of 1.5 to 2.3 fold more than the original strain. Based on their sensitivity to glucose, maltose and sucrose, flocculation property of the transformants was supported to be NewFlo-type. After successive subculture, the introduced CUP1 remained in the transformants. At the end of simulated fermentation test, diacetyl content of the culture media of 5I-1 was 0.45 g l−1, lower than YSF5 (0.48 g l−1).  相似文献   

观察含我国登革 2型病毒株 (D2 4 3)的PrM E基因的复制型SFV(semlikiforestvirus)重组质粒DNA的免疫原性 ,为登革新型疫苗的研制提供依据 .将PrM E基因自T载体上切下 ,插入复制型SFV病毒载体质粒DNA中 .将此重组质粒DNA以电穿孔法导入BHK2 1细胞 ,用间接免疫荧光法在感染细胞内可检测到登革 2型病毒特异蛋白的表达 .采用去除内毒素的质粒提取试剂盒制备重组质粒DNA ,然后以不同剂量通过肌肉多点注射途径免疫Balb c鼠 ,获得的鼠血清可与登革D2 4 3感染的C6 36抗原片起特异的抗原抗体反应 .结果表明 ,含登革 2型病毒PrM E基因的复制型SFV病毒载体质粒DNA在Balb c鼠中可诱导登革 2型病毒特异抗体的产生 ,但抗体水平较低 .  相似文献   

Aims:  To construct novel brewer's yeast strains with the ability to degrade β-glucan and increase sulfite levels in beer brewing by genetic manipulation.
Methods and Results:  The recombinant plasmid pA15ME containing Pmet10-egl1-Tmet10 expression cassette was constructed. Bam HI-linearized target plasmid pA15ME was transformed into the industrial brewer's yeast strain Z0103 to replace the MET10 locus through one-step gene replacement. The recombinants Z8, Z7 and Z3 with the ability to secrete active endo-β-1,4-glucanase I into the culture medium were isolated by Congo red dyeing. The enzymatic activities of EG I of Z8, Z7 and Z3 were 3·3, 1·5, 1·3 U l−1, and the hydrolysing degrees of β-glucans in wort were increased 11·9%, 8·6% and 6·9%, respectively, than that of original strain Z0103. The MET10 gene deletions were confirmed by real-time PCR, and the sulfite levels of the culture mediums inoculated with Z8, Z7 and Z3 were increased 26%, 16% and 17%, respectively, compared to that of Z0103.
Conclusions:  The novel endoglucanase-producing brewer's yeast strains with inserted endoglucanase gene and deficient MET10 gene led to reduced content of barley β-glucans, enhanced filterability and increased sulfur dioxide in fermenting wort. Thus, the cost for addition of microbial β-glucanase enzyme and sulfite preparations in normal beer brewing processes could be reduced.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  These results suggested that genetic engineering approach is a powerful tool to construct the novel recombinant brewer's yeast strains with different properties to reduce the cost of beer brewing and improve the flavour of a beer, and the strains obtained have potential application value in beer brewing.  相似文献   

【目的】了解絮凝基因FLO1中重复DNA序列B和D对絮凝蛋白Flo1p功能的影响,为构建遗传稳定的最小絮凝功能基因奠定理论基础。【方法】通过PCR和融合PCR方法分别克隆到完整的絮凝基因FLO1、重复DNA序列B和D分别缺失的衍生基因FLO1b和FLO1d,分析这些基因在非絮凝酵母中表达对细胞絮凝特性的影响。【结果】与完整絮凝基因相比,重复DNA序列B和D分别缺失后对酵母细胞絮凝强度没有明显影响,但不同基因在酵母菌中表达产生的絮凝特性受环境因素,如甘露糖浓度和pH等的影响有明显差异。FLO1中重复DNA序列B和D缺失后,细胞絮凝特性受甘露糖抑制的敏感性降低;同时对环境pH的改变具有更广泛的适应性。【结论】重复DNA序列B和D对絮凝蛋白Flo1p结构和功能具有调控作用,二者缺失后,特别是D缺失后会使絮凝蛋白在极端酸碱环境下更稳定。  相似文献   

Molecular cloning from a plasmid encoding colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) and heat-stable enterotoxin isolated two regions, 1 and 2, that are required for the production of CFA/I fimbriae. The level of CFA/I synthesis measured by ELISA was similar in an Escherichia coli K12 strain carrying regions 1 and 2 cloned separately on compatible plasmid vectors to that in the same strain containing the parental plasmid. The structural gene for the CFA/I fimbrial subunit was within region 1. This region directed production in E. coli minicells of at least six independent polypeptides, of which the fimbrial subunit and at least three others appeared to be synthesized as precursor molecules that underwent processing. Cloned DNA containing CFA/I region 2 specified three polypeptides in minicells. Attempts to reduce the size of the cloned region 1 resulted in a derivative plasmid that carried the CFA/I structural gene but did not complement a region-2 recombinant plasmid to restore production of CFA/I fimbriae.  相似文献   

Fan X  He X  Guo X  Qu N  Wang C  Zhang B 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(5):415-417
A recombinant plasmid, pGMF, containing a gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase gene (GSH-I) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was constructed with a copper-resistance gene as the selection marker and was introduced into S. cerevisiae YSF-31. The glutathione content of the recombinant strain was 1.5-fold (13.1 mg g dry cells(-1)) of that in the host strain.  相似文献   

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