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With the development of high-throughput methods for identifying protein–protein interactions, large scale interaction networks are available. Computational methods to analyze the networks to detect functional modules as protein complexes are becoming more important. However, most of the existing methods only make use of the protein–protein interaction networks without considering the structural limitations of proteins to bind together. In this paper, we design a new protein complex prediction method by extending the idea of using domain–domain interaction information. Here we formulate the problem into a maximum matching problem (which can be solved in polynomial time) instead of the binary integer linear programming approach (which can be NP-hard in the worst case). We also add a step to predict domain–domain interactions which first searches the database Pfam using the hidden Markov model and then predicts the domain–domain interactions based on the database DOMINE and InterDom which contain confirmed DDIs. By adding the domain–domain interaction prediction step, we have more edges in the DDI graph and the recall value is increased significantly (at least doubled) comparing with the method of Ozawa et al. (2010) [1] while the average precision value is slightly better. We also combine our method with three other existing methods, such as COACH, MCL and MCODE. Experiments show that the precision of the combined method is improved. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Computational Methods for Protein Interaction and Structural Prediction.  相似文献   

Predicting active site residue annotations in the Pfam database   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


The recent increase in the use of high-throughput two-hybrid analysis has generated large quantities of data on protein interactions. Specifically, the availability of information about experimental protein-protein interactions and other protein features on the Internet enables human protein-protein interactions to be computationally predicted from co-evolution events (interolog). This study also considers other protein interaction features, including sub-cellular localization, tissue-specificity, the cell-cycle stage and domain-domain combination. Computational methods need to be developed to integrate these heterogeneous biological data to facilitate the maximum accuracy of the human protein interaction prediction.


This study proposes a relative conservation score by finding maximal quasi-cliques in protein interaction networks, and considering other interaction features to formulate a scoring method. The scoring method can be adopted to discover which protein pairs are the most likely to interact among multiple protein pairs. The predicted human protein-protein interactions associated with confidence scores are derived from six eukaryotic organisms – rat, mouse, fly, worm, thale cress and baker's yeast.


Evaluation results of the proposed method using functional keyword and Gene Ontology (GO) annotations indicate that some confidence is justified in the accuracy of the predicted interactions. Comparisons among existing methods also reveal that the proposed method predicts human protein-protein interactions more accurately than other interolog-based methods.  相似文献   

Recent advances in functional genomics have helped generate large-scale high-throughput protein interaction data. Such networks, though extremely valuable towards molecular level understanding of cells, do not provide any direct information about the regions (domains) in the proteins that mediate the interaction. Here, we performed co-evolutionary analysis of domains in interacting proteins in order to understand the degree of co-evolution of interacting and non-interacting domains. Using a combination of sequence and structural analysis, we analyzed protein-protein interactions in F1-ATPase, Sec23p/Sec24p, DNA-directed RNA polymerase and nuclear pore complexes, and found that interacting domain pair(s) for a given interaction exhibits higher level of co-evolution than the non-interacting domain pairs. Motivated by this finding, we developed a computational method to test the generality of the observed trend, and to predict large-scale domain-domain interactions. Given a protein-protein interaction, the proposed method predicts the domain pair(s) that is most likely to mediate the protein interaction. We applied this method on the yeast interactome to predict domain-domain interactions, and used known domain-domain interactions found in PDB crystal structures to validate our predictions. Our results show that the prediction accuracy of the proposed method is statistically significant. Comparison of our prediction results with those from two other methods reveals that only a fraction of predictions are shared by all the three methods, indicating that the proposed method can detect known interactions missed by other methods. We believe that the proposed method can be used with other methods to help identify previously unrecognized domain-domain interactions on a genome scale, and could potentially help reduce the search space for identifying interaction sites.  相似文献   

Protein interactions play an important role in the discovery of protein functions and pathways in biological processes. This is especially true in case of the diseases caused by the loss of specific protein-protein interactions in the organism. The accuracy of experimental results in finding protein-protein interactions, however, is rather dubious and high throughput experimental results have shown both high false positive beside false negative information for protein interaction. Computational methods have attracted tremendous attention among biologists because of the ability to predict protein-protein interactions and validate the obtained experimental results. In this study, we have reviewed several computational methods for protein-protein interaction prediction as well as describing major databases, which store both predicted and detected protein-protein interactions, and the tools used for analyzing protein interaction networks and improving protein-protein interaction reliability.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The current need for high-throughput protein interaction detection has resulted in interaction data being generated en masse through such experimental methods as yeast-two-hybrids and protein chips. Such data can be erroneous and they often do not provide adequate functional information for the detected interactions. Therefore, it is useful to develop an in silico approach to further validate and annotate the detected protein interactions. RESULTS: Given that protein-protein interactions involve physical interactions between protein domains, domain-domain interaction information can be useful for validating, annotating, and even predicting protein interactions. However, large-scale, experimentally determined domain-domain interaction data do not exist. Here, we describe an integrative approach to computationally derive putative domain interactions from multiple data sources, including protein interactions, protein complexes, and Rosetta Stone sequences. We further prove the usefulness of such an integrative approach by applying the derived domain interactions to predict and validate protein-protein interactions. AVAILABILITY: A database of putative protein domain interactions derived using the method described in this paper is available at http://interdom.lit.org.sg.  相似文献   

Predicting new protein-protein interactions is important for discovering novel functions of various biological pathways. Predicting these interactions is a crucial and challenging task. Moreover, discovering new protein-protein interactions through biological experiments is still difficult. Therefore, it is increasingly important to discover new protein interactions. Many studies have predicted protein-protein interactions, using biological features such as Gene Ontology (GO) functional annotations and structural domains of two proteins. In this paper, we propose an augmented transitive relationships predictor (ATRP), a new method of predicting potential protein interactions using transitive relationships and annotations of protein interactions. In addition, a distillation of virtual direct protein-protein interactions is proposed to deal with unbalanced distribution of different types of interactions in the existing protein-protein interaction databases. Our results demonstrate that ATRP can effectively predict protein-protein interactions. ATRP achieves an 81% precision, a 74% recall and a 77% F-measure in average rate in the prediction of direct protein-protein interactions. Using the generated benchmark datasets from KUPS to evaluate of all types of the protein-protein interaction, ATRP achieved a 93% precision, a 49% recall and a 64% F-measure in average rate. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Computational Methods for Protein Interaction and Structural Prediction.  相似文献   



Knowing which proteins exist in a certain organism or cell type and how these proteins interact with each other are necessary for the understanding of biological processes at the whole cell level. The determination of the protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks has been the subject of extensive research. Despite the development of reasonably successful methods, serious technical difficulties still exist. In this paper we present DomainGA, a quantitative computational approach that uses the information about the domain-domain interactions to predict the interactions between proteins.


DomainGA is a multi-parameter optimization method in which the available PPI information is used to derive a quantitative scoring scheme for the domain-domain pairs. Obtained domain interaction scores are then used to predict whether a pair of proteins interacts. Using the yeast PPI data and a series of tests, we show the robustness and insensitivity of the DomainGA method to the selection of the parameter sets, score ranges, and detection rules. Our DomainGA method achieves very high explanation ratios for the positive and negative PPIs in yeast. Based on our cross-verification tests on human PPIs, comparison of the optimized scores with the structurally observed domain interactions obtained from the iPFAM database, and sensitivity and specificity analysis; we conclude that our DomainGA method shows great promise to be applicable across multiple organisms.


We envision the DomainGA as a first step of a multiple tier approach to constructing organism specific PPIs. As it is based on fundamental structural information, the DomainGA approach can be used to create potential PPIs and the accuracy of the constructed interaction template can be further improved using complementary methods. Explanation ratios obtained in the reported test case studies clearly show that the false prediction rates of the template networks constructed using the DomainGA scores are reasonably low, and the erroneous predictions can be filtered further using supplementary approaches such as those based on literature search or other prediction methods.  相似文献   

Using indirect protein-protein interactions for protein complex prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein complexes are fundamental for understanding principles of cellular organizations. As the sizes of protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks are increasing, accurate and fast protein complex prediction from these PPI networks can serve as a guide for biological experiments to discover novel protein complexes. However, it is not easy to predict protein complexes from PPI networks, especially in situations where the PPI network is noisy and still incomplete. Here, we study the use of indirect interactions between level-2 neighbors (level-2 interactions) for protein complex prediction. We know from previous work that proteins which do not interact but share interaction partners (level-2 neighbors) often share biological functions. We have proposed a method in which all direct and indirect interactions are first weighted using topological weight (FS-Weight), which estimates the strength of functional association. Interactions with low weight are removed from the network, while level-2 interactions with high weight are introduced into the interaction network. Existing clustering algorithms can then be applied to this modified network. We have also proposed a novel algorithm that searches for cliques in the modified network, and merge cliques to form clusters using a "partial clique merging" method. Experiments show that (1) the use of indirect interactions and topological weight to augment protein-protein interactions can be used to improve the precision of clusters predicted by various existing clustering algorithms; and (2) our complex-finding algorithm performs very well on interaction networks modified in this way. Since no other information except the original PPI network is used, our approach would be very useful for protein complex prediction, especially for prediction of novel protein complexes.  相似文献   



Protein-protein interaction (PPI) plays essential roles in cellular functions. The cost, time and other limitations associated with the current experimental methods have motivated the development of computational methods for predicting PPIs. As protein interactions generally occur via domains instead of the whole molecules, predicting domain-domain interaction (DDI) is an important step toward PPI prediction. Computational methods developed so far have utilized information from various sources at different levels, from primary sequences, to molecular structures, to evolutionary profiles.  相似文献   

The analysis and prediction of protein-protein interaction sites from structural data are restricted by the limited availability of structural complexes that represent the complete protein-protein interaction space. The domain classification schemes CATH and SCOP are normally used independently in the analysis and prediction of protein domain-domain interactions. In this article, the effect of different domain classification schemes on the number and type of domain-domain interactions observed in structural data is systematically evaluated for the SCOP and CATH hierarchies. Although there is a large overlap in domain assignments between SCOP and CATH, 23.6% of CATH interfaces had no SCOP equivalent and 37.3% of SCOP interfaces had no CATH equivalent in a nonredundant set. Therefore, combining both classifications gives an increase of between 23.6 and 37.3% in domain-domain interfaces. It is suggested that if possible, both domain classification schemes should be used together, but if only one is selected, SCOP provides better coverage than CATH. Employing both SCOP and CATH reduces the false negative rate of predictive methods, which employ homology matching to structural data to predict protein-protein interaction by an estimated 6.5%.  相似文献   

Structural data as collated in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) have been widely applied in the study and prediction of protein-protein interactions. However, since the basic PDB Entries contain only the contents of the asymmetric unit rather than the biological unit, some key interactions may be missed by analysing only the PDB Entry. A total of 69,054 SCOP (Structural Classification of Proteins) domains were examined systematically to identify the number of additional novel interacting domain pairs and interfaces found by considering the biological unit as stored in the PQS (Protein Quaternary Structure) database. The PQS data adds 25,965 interacting domain pairs to those seen in the PDB Entries to give a total of 61,783 redundant interacting domain pairs. Redundancy filtering at the level of the SCOP family shows PQS to increase the number of novel interacting domain-family pairs by 302 (13.3%) from 2277, but only 16/302 (1.4%) of the interacting domain pairs have the two domains in different SCOP families. This suggests the biological units add little to the elucidation of novel biological interaction networks. However, when the orientation of the domain pairs is considered, the PQS data increases the number of novel domain-domain interfaces observed by 1455 (34.5%) to give 5677 non-redundant domain-domain interfaces. In all, 162/1455 novel domain-domain interfaces are between domains from different families, an increase of 8.9% over the PDB Entries. Overall, the PQS biological units provide a rich source of novel domain-domain interfaces that are not seen in the studied PDB Entries, and so PQS domain-domain interaction data should be exploited wherever possible in the analysis and prediction of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Identifying protein-protein interactions is critical for understanding cellular processes. Because protein domains represent binding modules and are responsible for the interactions between proteins, computational approaches have been proposed to predict protein interactions at the domain level. The fact that protein domains are likely evolutionarily conserved allows us to pool information from data across multiple organisms for the inference of domain-domain and protein-protein interaction probabilities. RESULTS: We use a likelihood approach to estimating domain-domain interaction probabilities by integrating large-scale protein interaction data from three organisms, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. The estimated domain-domain interaction probabilities are then used to predict protein-protein interactions in S.cerevisiae. Based on a thorough comparison of sensitivity and specificity, Gene Ontology term enrichment and gene expression profiles, we have demonstrated that it may be far more informative to predict protein-protein interactions from diverse organisms than from a single organism. AVAILABILITY: The program for computing the protein-protein interaction probabilities and supplementary material are available at http://bioinformatics.med.yale.edu/interaction.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Protein interactions are of biological interest because they orchestrate a number of cellular processes such as metabolic pathways and immunological recognition. Domains are the building blocks of proteins; therefore, proteins are assumed to interact as a result of their interacting domains. Many domain-based models for protein interaction prediction have been developed, and preliminary results have demonstrated their feasibility. Most of the existing domain-based methods, however, consider only single-domain pairs (one domain from one protein) and assume independence between domain-domain interactions. RESULTS: In this paper, we introduce a domain-based random forest of decision trees to infer protein interactions. Our proposed method is capable of exploring all possible domain interactions and making predictions based on all the protein domains. Experimental results on Saccharomyces cerevisiae dataset demonstrate that our approach can predict protein-protein interactions with higher sensitivity (79.78%) and specificity (64.38%) compared with that of the maximum likelihood approach. Furthermore, our model can be used to infer interactions not only for single-domain pairs but also for multiple domain pairs.  相似文献   

Inference of protein functions is one of the most important aims of modern biology. To fully exploit the large volumes of genomic data typically produced in modern-day genomic experiments, automated computational methods for protein function prediction are urgently needed. Established methods use sequence or structure similarity to infer functions but those types of data do not suffice to determine the biological context in which proteins act. Current high-throughput biological experiments produce large amounts of data on the interactions between proteins. Such data can be used to infer interaction networks and to predict the biological process that the protein is involved in. Here, we develop a probabilistic approach for protein function prediction using network data, such as protein-protein interaction measurements. We take a Bayesian approach to an existing Markov Random Field method by performing simultaneous estimation of the model parameters and prediction of protein functions. We use an adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm that leads to more accurate parameter estimates and consequently to improved prediction performance compared to the standard Markov Random Fields method. We tested our method using a high quality S.cereviciae validation network with 1622 proteins against 90 Gene Ontology terms of different levels of abstraction. Compared to three other protein function prediction methods, our approach shows very good prediction performance. Our method can be directly applied to protein-protein interaction or coexpression networks, but also can be extended to use multiple data sources. We apply our method to physical protein interaction data from S. cerevisiae and provide novel predictions, using 340 Gene Ontology terms, for 1170 unannotated proteins and we evaluate the predictions using the available literature.  相似文献   

Computational protein design strategies have been developed to reengineer protein-protein interfaces in an automated, generalizable fashion. In the past two years, these methods have been successfully applied to generate chimeric proteins and protein pairs with specificities different from naturally occurring protein-protein interactions. Although there are shortcomings in current approaches, both in the way conformational space is sampled and in the energy functions used to evaluate designed conformations, the successes suggest we are now entering an era in which computational methods can be used to modulate, reengineer and design protein-protein interaction networks in living cells.  相似文献   

计算方法在蛋白质相互作用研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
计算方法在蛋白质相互作用研究的各个阶段扮演了一个重要的角色。对此,作者将从以下几个方面对计算方法在蛋白质相互作用及相互作用网络研究中的应用做一个概述:蛋白质相互作用数据库及其发展;数据挖掘方法在蛋白质相互作用数据收集和整合中的应用;高通量方法实验结果的验证;根据蛋白质相互作用网络预测和推断未知蛋白质的功能;蛋白质相互作用的预测。  相似文献   

Ou-Yang  Le  Yan  Hong  Zhang  Xiao-Fei 《BMC bioinformatics》2017,18(13):463-34


The accurate identification of protein complexes is important for the understanding of cellular organization. Up to now, computational methods for protein complex detection are mostly focus on mining clusters from protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. However, PPI data collected by high-throughput experimental techniques are known to be quite noisy. It is hard to achieve reliable prediction results by simply applying computational methods on PPI data. Behind protein interactions, there are protein domains that interact with each other. Therefore, based on domain-protein associations, the joint analysis of PPIs and domain-domain interactions (DDI) has the potential to obtain better performance in protein complex detection. As traditional computational methods are designed to detect protein complexes from a single PPI network, it is necessary to design a new algorithm that could effectively utilize the information inherent in multiple heterogeneous networks.


In this paper, we introduce a novel multi-network clustering algorithm to detect protein complexes from multiple heterogeneous networks. Unlike existing protein complex identification algorithms that focus on the analysis of a single PPI network, our model can jointly exploit the information inherent in PPI and DDI data to achieve more reliable prediction results. Extensive experiment results on real-world data sets demonstrate that our method can predict protein complexes more accurately than other state-of-the-art protein complex identification algorithms.


In this work, we demonstrate that the joint analysis of PPI network and DDI network can help to improve the accuracy of protein complex detection.



Protein-protein interactions play a critical role in protein function. Completion of many genomes is being followed rapidly by major efforts to identify interacting protein pairs experimentally in order to decipher the networks of interacting, coordinated-in-action proteins. Identification of protein-protein interaction sites and detection of specific amino acids that contribute to the specificity and the strength of protein interactions is an important problem with broad applications ranging from rational drug design to the analysis of metabolic and signal transduction networks.


In order to increase the power of predictive methods for protein-protein interaction sites, we have developed a consensus methodology for combining four different methods. These approaches include: data mining using Support Vector Machines, threading through protein structures, prediction of conserved residues on the protein surface by analysis of phylogenetic trees, and the Conservatism of Conservatism method of Mirny and Shakhnovich. Results obtained on a dataset of hydrolase-inhibitor complexes demonstrate that the combination of all four methods yield improved predictions over the individual methods.


We developed a consensus method for predicting protein-protein interface residues by combining sequence and structure-based methods. The success of our consensus approach suggests that similar methodologies can be developed to improve prediction accuracies for other bioinformatic problems.  相似文献   

One possible path towards understanding the biological function of a target protein is through the discovery of how it interfaces within protein-protein interaction networks. The goal of this study was to create a virtual protein-protein interaction model using the concepts of orthologous conservation (or interologs) to elucidate the interacting networks of a particular target protein. POINT (the prediction of interactome database) is a functional database for the prediction of the human protein-protein interactome based on available orthologous interactome datasets. POINT integrates several publicly accessible databases, with emphasis placed on the extraction of a large quantity of mouse, fruit fly, worm and yeast protein-protein interactions datasets from the Database of Interacting Proteins (DIP), followed by conversion of them into a predicted human interactome. In addition, protein-protein interactions require both temporal synchronicity and precise spatial proximity. POINT therefore also incorporates correlated mRNA expression clusters obtained from cell cycle microarray databases and subcellular localization from Gene Ontology to further pinpoint the likelihood of biological relevance of each predicted interacting sets of protein partners.  相似文献   

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