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猪睾丸细胞(Swine testicular,ST)广泛用于猪瘟病毒(Classical swine fever virus,CSFV)的传代,为了进一步提高ST细胞增殖的CSFV滴度,我们利用有限稀释法克隆出一种稳定携带高滴度CSFVC株的单克隆细胞株(STC).间接免疫荧光实验结果显示,几乎100%STC细胞携带CSFV抗原;且STC细胞中CSFV滴度为106 TCID50/mL,与CSFV单次感染亲本ST细胞的病毒滴度104 TCID50/mL相比,具有更高的病毒产量.为了探究STC细胞持续带毒后细胞内蛋白表达水平的变化,我们通过非标记定量蛋白质组学分析发现541种蛋白表达水平发生明显变化,并选取其中差异显著且与病毒复制或细胞存活相关的两种上调蛋白(GRP94,GRP78)、两种下调蛋白(β-catenin,ISG15)进行免疫印迹验证.本试验成功获得了可以稳定携带高滴度CSFV C株的STC细胞株,并初步筛选了与细胞持续带毒有关的目标蛋白,不仅为简化猪瘟传代细胞苗生产工艺提供条件,也为研究STC细胞持续携带CSFV稳定传代的机制奠定基础.  相似文献   

【目的】利用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术构建白三烯A4水解酶(leukotriene A4 hydrolase, LTA4H)基因缺失的猪肾细胞系(porcine kidney-15, PK-15),探究LTA4H对口蹄疫病毒(foot-and-mouth disease virus, FMDV)复制的影响,为开展LTA4H功能研究及调控病毒复制机制研究提供理论依据。【方法】设计2条针对猪LTA4H基因的引导RNA (small guide RNA, sgRNA),分别构建至载体pX459-puro-MCS中;将CRISPR重组质粒转染PK-15细胞,用嘌呤霉素(puromycin)抗生素筛选,并通过有限稀释法筛选单克隆细胞,之后通过Western blotting和测序检测LTA4H基因的敲除,获得LTA4H基因功能缺失细胞系。使用Western blotting、RT-qPCR及病毒滴度测定等方法检测敲除LTA4H基因后对FMDV复制及相关蛋白的表达情况。【结果】获得的单克隆敲除细胞系与野生型细胞相比,能够显著抑制FMDV复制。【结论】本研究成功构建了LTA4H基因敲除的PK-15细胞系,证明LTA4H对FMDV的复制具有促进作用,研究结果为后续LTA4H功能研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

【目的】口蹄疫病毒(Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus,FMDV)通过结构蛋白VP1 G-H环上高度保守的精氨酸-甘氨酸-天门冬氨酸(Arg-Gly-Asp,RGD)基序与整联蛋白结合起始病毒的感染,但FMDV是RNA病毒,在环境条件变化时,FMDV能够以非RGD的途径起始病毒的感染。为了研究FMDV Asia1/JS/China/05田间舌皮毒经两种不同的途径短期传代后细胞受体结合基序RGD的变异。【方法】采用RT-PCR方法扩增FMDV Asia1/JS/China/05田间毒、田间毒的乳鼠适应毒第四代(MF4)和接种田间毒的牛同居感染的猪水泡病料适应细胞的第八代毒(PBF8)结构蛋白VP1基因,并对不同病毒VP1基因的PCR产物测序和cDNA文库测序。【结果】以含RGD受体结合基序为优势的田间毒在乳鼠上短期传代后出现了含精氨酸-丝氨酸-天门冬氨酸(Arg-Ser-Asp,RSD)和RGD受体结合基序的混合种群,而同居感染后的细胞传代病毒种群则以含精氨酸-天门冬氨酸-天门冬氨酸(Arg-Asp-Asp,RDD)受体结合基序为优势种群。【结论】发现了含RGD受体结合位点为优势的FMDV种群,经不同的宿主短期传代后产了含RSD或RDD受体结合基序的优势种群,该发现不仅增加了保守基序RGD发生替换的FMDV变异株的数量,而且为FMDV的细胞识别和宿主嗜性的改变等进一步研究奠定了物质基础。  相似文献   

【目的】构建含有EGFP报告基因的口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)亚基因组复制子系统。【方法】利用融合PCR方法,将EGFP报告基因替换O型FMDV全长c DNA克隆中的前导蛋白Lb和结构蛋白P1基因,构建含有EGFP报告基因的FMDV亚基因组复制子FMDV-EGFP。复制子质粒连续转化、测序检验复制子载体的稳定性。Not I线性化的复制子FMDV-EGFP用脂质体介导法转染表达T7 RNA聚合酶的BSR/T7细胞后,不同时间段观察EGFP荧光表达情况。转染的细胞用流式、间接免疫荧光、RT-PCR和Western blot检测该复制子载体的自主复制能力和口蹄疫病毒蛋白的表达情况。【结果】复制子质粒的连续转化及测序表明报告基因可以稳定存在。FMDV-EGFP复制子转染BSR/T7细胞3 h后在荧光显微镜下能够看到绿色荧光,EGFP荧光信号随着转染时间的延长逐渐增加,并且荧光信号可持续6 d以上。转染24 h后的细胞流式分析显示转染的细胞中有6.0%发出荧光,说明构建的复制子载体能够有效表达EGFP蛋白。另外,间接免疫荧光、RT-PCR和Western blot方法也检测到该复制子RNA在BSR/T7细胞中能够进行自主复制,并且能够表达病毒的非结构蛋白。【结论】含有EGFP报告基因的FMDV亚基因组复制子的成功构建为进一步研究病毒复制、翻译机制及筛选抗病毒药物等奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

猪瘟(Classical swine fever,CSF)是严重危害养猪业的一种烈性传染病,常造成巨大的经济损失,是世界动物卫生组织要求必须申报的动物疫病之一。猪瘟的病原是猪瘟病毒(Classical swine fever virus,CSFV),CSFV的结构蛋白由衣壳蛋白(C)和囊膜糖蛋白(E~(rns)、E1、E2)构成。E2蛋白是CSFV主要的保护性抗原,可以诱导机体产生中和抗体,从而抵抗CSFV的感染。此前,本团队制备了一株针对CSFV E2蛋白的鼠源单克隆抗体HQ06。文中将HQ06抗体重链和轻链可变区基因与猪源恒定区基因嵌合后克隆至真核表达载体,利用中国仓鼠卵巢(CHO)细胞制备一株针对CSFV E2蛋白的嵌合猪源化单克隆抗体c HQ06。应用ELISA、Western blotting试验证实了c HQ06与CSFV E2蛋白具有良好的反应性;中和试验结果表明c HQ06可以中和CSFV。综上所述,本研究应用CHO细胞稳定表达了具有良好反应性和中和活性的针对CSFV E2蛋白的嵌合猪源化单克隆抗体c HQ06,为研究CSFV E2蛋白结构、功能以及开发新型的CSFV诊断和治疗制剂奠定基础。  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒(Classical swine fever virus,CSFV)是猪的最重要传染病之一,给养猪业造成巨大经济损失.传统疫苗C株在猪瘟防制中曾发挥了巨大作用,但由于猪瘟病毒逐渐产生变异,同时使用传统疫苗无法区分自然感染动物和免疫动物,从而使传统疫苗的应用受阻.因此十分必要研制新型猪瘟疫苗.用适宜的宿主细胞培养猪瘟传统弱毒疫苗C株,通过灵敏可靠的方法检测病毒在宿主细胞中的感染,是研究猪瘟病毒C株的一个重要基础环节.  相似文献   

【目的】研究口蹄疫病毒(Foot-and-mouth disease virus,FMDV)前导蛋白对于病毒感染性的影响。【方法】利用反向遗传操作技术,以O/CHN/93现用疫苗株的感染性克隆为骨架,分别构建了含口蹄疫病毒中国分离株O/CHN/Mya98/33-P和O/CHN/Mya98/HN1前导蛋白的两株嵌合全长cDNA感染性克隆,采用实时荧光定量PCR检测两株不同的嵌合病毒感染猪肾原代细胞后细胞内IFNβ和OAS mRNA的转录情况。【结果】嵌合病毒rOHN1Lab增殖能力较弱,其对应诱导产生的IFNβ和OAS mRNA含量较高,而嵌合毒rO33Lab相对于rOHN1Lab增殖能力较强,他们诱导产生的IFNβ和OAS mRNA含量较低。【结论】研究表明口蹄疫病毒中国分离株O/CHN/Mya98/33-P前导蛋白具有更强的抗IFNβmRNA转录的能力,该研究能够为进一步鉴定FMDV前导蛋白抗宿主先天性免疫的关键性位点奠定基础。  相似文献   

口蹄疫病毒单克隆抗体的制备及检测应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用纯化的口蹄疫病毒(Footandmouthdiseasevirus,FMDV)免疫BALB/C小鼠,将免疫鼠的脾细胞与SP2/0骨髓瘤细胞融合,采用有限稀释法进行克隆,经筛选获得多株能稳定分泌抗FMDV单抗的杂交瘤细胞株。选择其中一株(2G12)用于下列实验,其细胞培养上清液的效价是1:256,腹水效价是1:1280;以自行制备的兔抗FMDV高免血清IgG为捕获抗体包被酶联免疫吸附试验微量反应板,以单抗2G12为第二抗体,建立了快速检测FMDV抗原的双抗体夹心ELISA,该方法能检出90ng病毒,而且只与FMDV发生特异性反应,与猪瘟病毒(HCV)、猪蓝耳病病毒(PRRSV)、伪狂犬病毒(PRV)、猪细小病毒(PPV)和乙脑病毒(JEV)均不发生反应。本研究为检测口蹄疫病毒抗原提供了灵敏和特异的方法。  相似文献   

【目的】研究嵌合口蹄疫病毒(Foot-and-mouth disease virus,FMDV) O/GSLX/CHN/2010株S片段的基因工程病毒的生物学特性。【方法】运用反向遗传操作技术,将FMDV O/GSLX/CHN/2010的S片段嵌合进2株同谱系FMDV的感染性克隆骨架,拯救得到两株基因工程嵌合病毒rGDexc、rGZexc;进而从病毒复制和病毒对乳鼠的致病力方面,对嵌合病毒、亲本基因工程病毒以及FMDV O/GSLX/CHN/2010株进行了评价。【结果】FMDV O/GSLX/CHN/2010株复制较慢,对乳鼠致病力较差。嵌合病毒和亲本基因工程病毒的复制能力、对乳鼠的致病力明显高于FMDV O/GSLX/CHN/2010株。【结论】研究表明FMDV O/GSLX/CHN/2010的S片段不能独自决定该病毒较差的复制能力和较弱的乳鼠致病力。这一发现为进一步研究O/GSLX/CHN/2010的致弱机制以及S片段对病毒生物学特性的影响奠定了基础。  相似文献   

六种检测猪瘟病毒方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】本研究旨在比较6种检测猪瘟病毒方法的优缺点。【方法】应用病毒分离、胶体金免疫层析试纸条、抗原捕捉ELISA、反转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)、TaqMan荧光定量RT-PCR(RT-qPCR)和反转录-环介导等温扩增方法(RT-LAMP)等6种方法,分别对50份疑似猪瘟病料中的猪瘟病毒(Classical swine fevervirus,CSFV)进行检测。【结果】结果表明:RT-qPCR和RT-LAMP方法检出阳性样品数为13份,RT-PCR为11份,病毒分离为10份,抗原捕捉ELISA为9份,胶体金试纸条为8份;6种方法均检测为阳性8份,均为阴性37份。【结论】结果提示,在对猪瘟病毒进行检测时,RT-qPCR、RT-LAMP和RT-PCR由于其灵敏性高,可作为首选检测方法,但操作时需要避免假阳性的出现;病毒分离方法虽然操作繁琐,但结果准确,是确诊猪瘟必不可少的检测方法;抗原捕捉ELISA和胶体金试纸条检测时间较短,由于其敏感性较低所限,主要用于对畜群进行检测,不适合个体检测。  相似文献   

Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is the causative agent of classical swine fever (CSF), a highly contagious disease of pigs. There are numerous CSFV strains that differ in virulence, resulting in clinical disease with different degrees of severity. Low-virulent and moderately virulent isolates cause a mild and often chronic disease, while highly virulent isolates cause an acute and mostly lethal hemorrhagic fever. The live attenuated vaccine strain GPE(-) was produced by multiple passages of the virulent ALD strain in cells of swine, bovine, and guinea pig origin. With the aim of identifying the determinants responsible for the attenuation, the GPE(-) vaccine virus was readapted to pigs by serial passages of infected tonsil homogenates until prolonged viremia and typical signs of CSF were observed. The GPE(-)/P-11 virus isolated from the tonsils after the 11th passage in vivo had acquired 3 amino acid substitutions in E2 (T830A) and NS4B (V2475A and A2563V) compared with the virus before passages. Experimental infection of pigs with the mutants reconstructed by reverse genetics confirmed that these amino acid substitutions were responsible for the acquisition of pathogenicity. Studies in vitro indicated that the substitution in E2 influenced virus spreading and that the changes in NS4B enhanced the viral RNA replication. In conclusion, the present study identified residues in E2 and NS4B of CSFV that can act synergistically to influence virus replication efficiency in vitro and pathogenicity in pigs.  相似文献   

Chen W  Liu M  Jiao Y  Yan W  Wei X  Chen J  Fei L  Liu Y  Zuo X  Yang F  Lu Y  Zheng Z 《Journal of virology》2006,80(7):3559-3566
Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) infection is responsible for the heavy economic losses in stockbreeding each year. Because of the limited effectiveness of existing vaccines and antiviral drugs, the development of new strategies is needed. RNA interference (RNAi) is an effective means of suppressing virus replication in vitro. Here we demonstrate that treatment with recombinant, replication-defective human adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) expressing short-hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) directed against either structural protein 1D (Ad5-NT21) or polymerase 3D (Ad5-POL) of FMDV totally protects swine IBRS-2 cells from homologous FMDV infection, whereas only Ad5-POL inhibits heterologous FMDV replication. Moreover, delivery of these shRNAs significantly reduces the susceptibility of guinea pigs and swine to FMDV infection. Three of five guinea pigs inoculated with 10(6) PFU of Ad5-POL and challenged 24 h later with 50 50% infectious doses (ID50) of homologous virus were protected from the major clinical manifestation of disease: the appearance of vesicles on the feet. Two of three swine inoculated with an Ad5-NT21-Ad5-POL mixture containing 2 x 10(9) PFU each and challenged 24 h later with 100 ID50 of homologous virus were protected from the major clinical disease, but treatment with a higher dose of adenovirus mixture cannot promote protection of animals. The inhibition was rapid and specific because treatment with a control adenovirus construct (Ad5-LacZ) expressing Escherichia coli galactosidase-specific shRNA showed no marked antiviral activity. Our data highlight the in vivo potential of RNAi technology in the case of FMD.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the decontamination of pig slurry containing exotic viruses of pigs, foot AND mouth disease virus (FMDV), Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV) AND classical swine fever virus (CSFV). Laboratory-scale decontamination experiments showed that FMDV, ADV and CSFV were heat inactivated in slurry within 3 min at 67 degrees C, 3 min at 62 degrees C and 3 min at 60 degrees C and in Glasgow Eagles medium within 5 min at 67 degrees C, 4 min at 65 degrees C and 2 min at 65 degrees C, respectively. At pilot scale, FMDV was heat inactivated at 66 degrees C in water and 61 degrees C in slurry, ADV at 61 degrees C in water or slurry and CSFV at 62 degrees C in water and 50 degrees C in slurry. Treatment of pig slurry for the inactivation of exotic viruses may be achieved through the use of a thermal pilot plant operating in continuous mode. The work demonstrates the suitability of thermal treatment in ensuring the safety of pig slurry following a disease outbreak.  相似文献   

Porcine T-cell recognition of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) nonstructural proteins (NSP) was tested using in vitro lymphoproliferative responses. Lymphocytes were obtained from outbred pigs experimentally infected with FMDV. Of the different NSP, polypeptides 3A, 3B, and 3C gave the highest stimulations in the in vitro assays. The use of overlapping synthetic peptides allowed the identification of amino acid regions within these proteins that were efficiently recognized by the lymphocytes. The sequences of some of these antigenic peptides were highly conserved among different FMDV serotypes. They elicited major histocompatibility complex-restricted responses with lymphocytes from pigs infected with either a type C virus or reinfected with a heterologous FMDV. A tandem peptide containing the T-cell peptide 3A[21-35] and the B-cell antigenic site VP1[137-156] also efficiently stimulated lymphocytes from infected animals in vitro. Furthermore, this tandem peptide elicited significant levels of serotype-specific antiviral activity, a result consistent with the induction of anti-FMDV antibodies. Thus, inclusion in the peptide formulation of a T-cell epitope derived from the NSP 3A possessing the capacity to induce T helper activity can allow cooperative induction of anti-FMDV antibodies by B cells.  相似文献   

黄病毒科病毒核衣壳蛋白的核仁定位在病毒颗粒包装与病毒复制中发挥重要作用。为鉴定黄病毒科的猪瘟病毒Core蛋白核仁定位序列,本研究构建了将Core蛋白、截短突变体和氨基酸位点突变体分别与增强型绿色荧光蛋白(enhanced green fluorescent protein, EGFP )融合的真核表达质粒,转染至PK15细胞后进行表达和定位分析,结果显示 Core蛋白核仁定位序列为PESRKKL,其关键氨基酸为R76K77,对理解猪瘟病毒Core蛋白结构与功能和为后续研究Core蛋白在病毒复制及颗粒包装中的作用有重要意义。  相似文献   

RNAi(RNA interference)已成为特异抗病毒治疗研究的热点,但siRNA(small interfering RNA)的定量检测仍是评价RNAi抗病毒效果的瓶颈。为了检测抗CSFV特异siRNA分子(siN1和siN2)在细胞中的表达水平,设计并以交叉组合方法筛选了具有较高特异性和灵敏度的siRNA特异茎环引物(SLP-N1-6和SLP-N2-8),成功地建立了最优的siN1和siN2的茎环法RT-qPCR检测方法。该方法表现出良好的特异性和较高的灵敏度,能检测出102至108个拷贝的siRNA,至少可达7个数量级的检测范围,平行性好(Rsq=0.999),扩增效率高(Eff.=98.2%)。茎环法RT-qPCR能准确地定量检测抗CSFV的PK-15细胞克隆的siN1/siN2表达水平,可结合常规的检测病毒水平的间接免疫荧光和TCID50等技术定量评价RNAi抗CSFV的有效性,为未来抗猪瘟转基因猪的抗病毒效果评价提供了先进的检测技术。  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒在PK细胞和MPK细胞中繁殖过程的研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
以猪瘟病毒疫苗Thiverval株(T株)为实验材料,研究该病毒株在PK15细胞中增殖的基本特性与规律。在PK15细胞中,猪瘟病毒T株在感染后12h即可检测到子代病毒粒子。接毒后48h,几乎所有的细胞都被病毒感染;到60h,释放到培养液中有活性的病毒粒子达到最高峰,为107TCID50/mL。培养液中的病毒粒子在37℃半寿期只有3个小时。同时,建立了MPK细胞CSFVT株的感染模式,其CSFV的滴度可达108TCID50/mL。在此基础上,用抗CSFV包膜蛋白E2和非结构蛋白p120的单克隆抗体显示了病毒在细胞中增殖的部位,进而应用电镜技术观察到成熟的病毒粒子及可能处在不同发育阶段的子代病毒粒子  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), like other RNA viruses, exhibits high mutation rates during replication that have been suggested to be of adaptive value. However, even though genetic variation in RNA viruses and, more specifically, FMDV has been extensively examined during virus replication in a wide variety of in vitro cell cultures, very little is known regarding the generation and effects of genetic variability of virus replication in the natural host under experimental conditions and no genetic data are available regarding the effects of serial passage in natural hosts. Here, we present the results of 20 serial contact transmissions of the highly pathogenic, pig-adapted O Taiwan 97 (O Tw97) isolate of FMDV in swine. We examined the virus genomic consensus sequences for a total of 37 full-length viral genomes recovered from 20 in vivo passages. The characteristics and distributions of changes in the sequences during the series of pig infections were analyzed in comparison to the O Tw97 genomes recovered from serially infected BHK-21 cell cultures. Unexpectedly, a significant reduction of virulence upon pig passages was observed, and finally, interruption of the viral transmission chain occurred after the14th pig passage (T14). Virus was, however, isolated from the tonsils and nasal swabs of the asymptomatic T15 pigs at 26 days postcontact, consistent with a natural establishment of the carrier state previously described only for ruminants. Surprisingly, the region encoding the capsid protein VP1 (1D) did not show amino acid changes during in vivo passages. These data demonstrate that contact transmission of FMDV O Tw97 in pigs mimics the fitness loss induced by the bottleneck effect, which was previously observed by others during plaque-to-plaque FMDV passage in vitro, suggesting that unknown mechanisms of virulence recovery might be necessary during the evolution and perpetuation of FMDV in nature.  相似文献   

猪瘟(CSF)是由猪瘟病毒(CSFV)引起的一种毁灭性传染病,给养猪业造成重大经济损失。猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗(C株)是一株非常安全、有效的优秀弱毒疫苗,对各年龄和品种的猪都极其安全,同时对不同基因亚型的CSFV均能提供有效的免疫保护。在现地,CSFV和猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)混合感染的现象时常发生,有必要研制针对这两种病毒混合感染的二价疫苗。本研究首次构建了表达PCV2 Cap蛋白的重组C株,并评价了其在体内外的特性。结果表明,该重组病毒与C株具有相近的体外增殖特征,能够稳定表达Cap蛋白,在家兔体内具有与C株相似的生物学表型,在免疫家兔后10 d,抗CSFV E2抗体全部转阳,然而抗Cap抗体未能转阳。本研究为进一步优化表达PCV2Cap蛋白的重组C株奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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