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理解入侵生物的繁殖策略是阐明生物入侵机制的一个重要方面。入侵植物常表现出一些共同的繁殖特征, 如以两性花为主的性系统、自动自交为主的繁育系统或不依赖传粉媒介的无融合生殖和无性繁殖以及高生殖投资的资源配置策略等。成功入侵的外来植物通过影响本土的传粉者, 在种群和群落水平上影响本土植物的有性繁殖, 甚至促使某些本土植物在繁殖对策和表型性状上发生快速转变。目前, 入侵植物繁殖策略及其生态效应的研究多侧重于入侵种的快速演化, 而有关外来植物与本土植物间的相互影响及其可能存在的协同适应研究还较为缺乏。探讨本土植物在外来种入侵压力下的繁殖对策和响应机制, 将丰富人们对物种间竞争、共存及群落构建等机制的深入了解。从繁殖和适应的角度探求入侵植物与本土植物之间的复杂关系, 将有助于解析生物入侵的机制及人类干扰下的物种演化规律, 也为预测和防控入侵植物提供科学依据。  相似文献   

【目的】摸清平潭无居民海岛外来入侵植物的现状,为海岛外来入侵植物防治及海岛植被修复等提供参考。【方法】采用样线法和样方法,开展平潭无居民海岛外来入侵植物的调查,对其科属组成、区系地理成分、植物功能性状特征、原产地和入侵等级等进行统计分析,并与其他海岛区域进行对比研究。【结果】平潭无居民海岛共有外来入侵植物15科26属30种,以菊科、苋科较为突出,科、属级地理成分都以热带成分为主。在植物功能性状方面,生活型、生长型均以一年生草本为主;叶以小型叶、纸质叶、叶被毛比重最大;果实及种子特征以微型的蒴果、瘦果、胞果为主。海岛外来入侵植物原产地主要为美洲;入侵方式多为人为或其他活动无意引入,且危害方式多样,破坏性强;繁殖方式以种子繁殖为主;8种外来入侵植物的出现频率≥27.78%;研究区外来入侵植物特征与其他海岛区域外来入侵植物特征具有一定相似性。【结论】平潭无居民海岛外来入侵植物种类较多、部分植物入侵性较强及出现频率较高等,建议继续开展平潭其他海岛外来入侵植物的本底调查,并有针对性地开展防治工作。  相似文献   

植物入侵是最严重的全球问题之一,严重破坏生态系统的结构和功能。随着植物入侵现象日益严峻,要控制和解决外来植物入侵问题,了解和掌握植物入侵机制尤为重要。本文概述了植物入侵的多种机制及不同机制间的协同作用,阐述了植物入侵过程中的化感作用、植物-土壤反馈机制、互惠共生关系,以及植物功能性状和表型可塑性对入侵过程的影响,并对多种机制协同与植物入侵轨迹的关系进行综合分析。根据分析结果将外来植物在侵入地的入侵时间轨迹分为引入、定植、建立和侵入4个阶段,把遇到的各种阻碍和促进因素融入其中,提出外来植物入侵曲线图,有助于未来对入侵植物及其影响的研究和管理。对现有的植物入侵研究方法进行分析,提出现阶段研究的不足以及未来的研究方向和目标。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)对外来植物入侵反馈机制的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)在植物群落竞争演替、物种多样性的形成及群落空间分布格局、植物群落对全球变化的响应中均起着重要的调节作用;同样也能影响外来植物与本地植物的互作,影响外来植物入侵过程中植物群落演替进程,甚至决定入侵的成败。因此,AMF与外来植物共生及其对外来植物入侵的反馈已成为国际上外来植物入侵机制研究的一个热点。本文基于外来植物的入侵过程,从AMF对外来植物生长、外来植物与本地植物竞争关系的影响,以及外来植物入侵对AMF的影响及AMF对入侵的反馈3个方面综述了AMF对外来植物入侵的反馈机制。外来植物可以通过多种途径改变土著AMF的群落结构和功能,而土著AMF也能直接或间接地改变甚至逆转外来植物与入侵地植物的互作关系。未来的研究不仅需要考虑AMF与外来植物共生的菌根特性和对竞争关系的影响,还需要通过大尺度条件下的野外试验及室内补充试验深入探究影响AMF在外来植物与本地植物竞争演替中的作用的生物和非生物因子,以全面解释AMF影响外来植物入侵的反馈机制。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)在植物群落竞争演替、物种多样性的形成及群落空间分布格局、植物群落对全球变化的响应中均起着重要的调节作用;同样也能影响外来植物与本地植物的互作,影响外来植物入侵过程中植物群落演替进程,甚至决定入侵的成败。因此,AMF与外来植物共生及其对外来植物入侵的反馈已成为国际上外来植物入侵机制研究的一个热点。本文基于外来植物的入侵过程,从AMF对外来植物生长、外来植物与本地植物竞争关系的影响,以及外来植物入侵对AMF的影响及AMF对入侵的反馈3个方面综述了AMF对外来植物入侵的反馈机制。外来植物可以通过多种途径改变土著AMF的群落结构和功能,而土著AMF也能直接或间接地改变甚至逆转外来植物与入侵地植物的互作关系。未来的研究不仅需要考虑AMF与外来植物共生的菌根特性和对竞争关系的影响,还需要通过大尺度条件下的野外试验及室内补充试验深入探究影响AMF在外来植物与本地植物竞争演替中的作用的生物和非生物因子,以全面解释AMF影响外来植物入侵的反馈机制。  相似文献   

【目的】外来植物的入侵能力与其性状之间的关系是入侵生态学中的基本问题之一。外来植物成功入侵具备哪些植物功能性状,一直是研究的热点问题,研究和把握这些性状对外来植物的入侵机理研究具有重要的现实意义。【方法】利用同质园实验,以入侵植物黄顶菊为研究对象,设置不同的植物(或组合)与黄顶菊竞争处理,研究不同植物(组合)对黄顶菊植物功能性状的影响,从而探究不同植物对黄顶菊的抵御能力。【结果】地肤、苘麻、苏丹草和苏丹草与地肤、黄花草木樨组合对黄顶菊有一定抑制作用,混种处理中黄顶菊的生物量、分枝数、株高显著低于黄顶菊单种处理,且对叶片功能性状、根功能性状、植株的全C和全N量等都有一定程度的影响。而反枝苋、反枝苋和紫花苜蓿组合对黄顶菊的生长有一定的促进作用,混种处理中黄顶菊的生物量与全C、全N含量较单种黄顶菊显著增加。【结论】不同植物与黄顶菊竞争生长对黄顶菊的影响不同,地肤和苘麻可以显著地抑制黄顶菊的主要功能性状生长发育,而反枝苋和紫花苜蓿促进黄顶菊生长发育。  相似文献   

媒介昆虫-病毒-植物互作关系复杂多样。虽然相关的研究较多, 然而有关三者互作对于生物入侵的影响还知之甚少。已有证据表明, 寄主植物对病毒的敏感性和对媒介昆虫的适合性、媒介昆虫对寄主的适应能力等因素影响三者互作关系。当寄主植物易感病并且对媒介昆虫的适合性低, 而媒介昆虫对寄主植物的适应能力强时, 媒介昆虫与植物病毒之间很可能建立间接互惠关系, 这种互惠可促进媒介昆虫入侵和病毒病流行。此外, 媒介昆虫与植物病毒之间中性或偏害的互作关系对于外来生物入侵的促进作用也不容忽视。鉴于三者互作对于生物入侵的重要性, 今后需要对不同物种所组成的多种组合进行比较研究, 并采用多种方法揭示互作的生理和分子机制。  相似文献   

该研究基于文献、数据库和标本记录等资料的查询,统计得出云南省入侵植物共247种,隶属51科149属。菊科、禾本科和豆科是优势科,超过一半的入侵植物起源于美洲,入侵植物的生物学性状主要体现为一年生或短期多年生草本的生活型、种子繁殖、分蘖型的克隆方式、花果期集中于夏秋两季、短花期、黄白的花色及具有表面结构和附属物的特殊性状等。按照云南省入侵植物分布的县(市、区)的数量、生物学性状、对环境的危害程度以及是否列入"世界100种危害最严重的入侵种名单"和是否列入"国家环保总局和中国科学院联合发布的四批中国外来入侵物种名单"5个指标进行赋值。把入侵植物分为四个风险等级,其中恶性入侵植物有18种。严重入侵植物有23种,一般入侵植物有188种,有待观察类有18种,恶性和严重入侵植物与云南全部入侵植物的主要生物学性状表征具有一致性。结合入侵植物的生物学性状特征和风险等级,及时开展对云南入侵植物的有效防控管理极为重要。  相似文献   

广州的外来植物   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
该文分析了127种广州外来植物的种类及其生长型、原产地、现状、生境和季节变化。结果表明:具有较强繁殖能力的草本、灌木和藤本植物以及一些世界广布或热带性科属的植物和原产美洲、非洲的一些植物具有较强的入侵能力;受人为干扰较强的路边、荒地、池塘、果园、菜园和人工林容易为外来植物入侵,而人为干扰较少的自然生境则不易为外来植物入侵。此外,文章对物种的入侵性和生境的入侵性问题进行了讨论,认为这实际上是一个问题的两个方面,物种的入侵性总是与被入侵的生境联系在一起并相互影响的。  相似文献   

刘燕  廖允成 《生态学报》2013,33(2):475-482
近年来,越来越多的学者关注外来植物入侵对土壤生态功能的影响效应及其相应反馈机制的探索与研究,然而本地原生土壤生物群落对不同入侵程度下的外来植物种以及本地原生植物种之间是否存在消耗差异却尚不明了.通过等足目潮虫的选择性喂养试验来测试10个本地种、5个非入侵性外来种和5个强入侵性外来种之间的适口性差异,试图求证外来植物的入侵性是否与植物落叶被消耗率呈现必然联系.数据分析结果显示潮虫对本地种、非入侵性外来种和入侵性外来种的消耗并无显著差异;而潮虫对不同生活型下木本植物的取食却存在显著差异,即灌木消耗率显著高于乔木.其次,通过植物初始性状指标(包括木质素、纤维素、半纤维素、碳、氮含量)与相应消耗率的相关比较,消耗量总体上与植物凋落物的氮含量呈正相关关系(R2 =0.358).由此,研究结论强调植物落叶的降解速率并不一定与植物入侵性或入侵阶段呈绝对相互关连,但是氮含量,抑或各种形式的植物氮元素成分都可能在一定程度上参与并影响着外来植物的入侵进程.  相似文献   

The survival and success of alien plant species is determined by species traits (i.e., invasiveness) and the characteristics of the habitats in the region of introduction (i.e., invasibility). However, little is known about species traits as related to habitat characteristics. We assessed the characteristics of successful invaders and the interaction of environmental factors and life-history traits for alien plant species. The vascular plants were recorded from 52 agricultural landscapes in Finland. We compared the traits of native and alien plant species with Fisher’s exact test and used a three table ordination analysis, RLQ analysis, to relate species traits to environmental conditions. Species were clustered according to their position on the RLQ axes, and the clusters were tested for phylogenetic independence. The successful alien plant species were associated with life form and preferences for moisture and nitrogen, but the trait composition varied according to the habitat type. Two RLQ axes explained 80.5% of the variation, and the species traits were significantly associated with environmental variables. The clustering showed that the occurrence of alien plant species in agricultural habitats was driven by invasion history, traits related to dispersal (dispersal type, seed mass) and habitat preferences, as well as environmental features, such as geographical location, temperature and the quality and disturbance regime of the habitats. All clusters were phylogenetically non-independent. Thus, the clusters of alien species comprised species of diverse taxonomic affinities, although, they shared the traits explaining their occurrence in particular habitats. This information is useful for understanding the link between species traits and the environmental conditions of the habitats, and complexity of the invasion process.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the interrelated mechanisms driving plant invasions, such as the interplay between enemy release and resource‐acquisition traits, is biased by an aboveground perspective. To address this bias, I hypothesize that plant release from belowground enemies (especially fungal pathogens) will give invasive plant species a fitness advantage in the alien range, via shifts in root traits (e.g., increased specific root length and branching intensity) that increase resource uptake and competitive ability compared to native species in the alien range, and compared to plants of the invader in its native range. Such root‐trait changes could be ecological or evolutionary in nature. I explain how shifts in root traits could occur as a consequence of enemy release and contribute to invasion success of alien plants, and how they could be interrelated with other potential belowground drivers of invasion success (allelopathy, mutualist enhancement). Finally, I outline the approaches that could be taken to test whether belowground enemy release results in increased competitive ability and nutrient uptake by invasive alien plants, via changes in root traits in the alien range.  相似文献   

入侵植物的生理生态特性对碳积累的影响   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
郑丽  冯玉龙 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1430-1438
随着国际贸易的发展和人们交往的增加以及全球环境的变化,生物种类在全球扩散的机会也大大增加,从而为生物入侵创造了机会。生物入侵不仅给农林牧生产造成损失,而且具有长期的生态学效应。外来种的成功入侵不是其自身某一个特性决定的,而是其特性与新的生境综合作用的结果。外来入侵种生理生态特性的研究对其预测和防治具有重要的意义。目前对入侵种生理生态特性的研究较少。已有的研究表明,与本地种相比入侵种可能通过提高光合能力、资源利用率、表型可塑性、化感作用,以及降低繁殖成本等增加植株碳积累,促进其入侵。但并不是所有的入侵种都同时具有这些特性。生境不同限制性资源不同,入侵机制就不同。成功的入侵种应该能够高效地利用生境中的限制性资源,并且能够较快地调节自身的生理特性以适应波动的资源环境。  相似文献   

The establishment, reproduction, dispersal, and distribution of alien plants are affected by various factors during the transition from being newly introduced in a habitat to being invasive. In the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China, comprising farmlands and natural grasslands, the biological characteristics of alien plant species were the key intrinsic factors (propagation characteristics and competitive ability), followed by such extrinsic factors as human interference and environmental heterogeneity. Among biological characteristics, the life form may be an important and useful indicator of the invasive ability of a species, and the risk of invasion is greater from alien species that are poisonous, inedible, and have traits that facilitate wide dispersal. Farmlands may serve as initial shelters for alien species, from which they spread into neighbouring habitats, whereas natural grassland may act as a barrier to plant invasions. Management practices detrimental to grasslands, including overgrazing, reclamation, and road construction, often facilitate the invasions; therefore, counter measures such as reseeding and a ban on grazing need special attention. Environmental factors including precipitation, nutrients, prevailing winds, fires, and topography may be other factors that promote or block the process of invasion. In studying ways of preventing or controlling such invasions, alien plants with short life cycle, prolific seed production, and strong competitiveness, deserve particular attention and so do human activities that may damage the environment and fragile habitats.  相似文献   

横断山区为全球生物多样性热点地区之一, 也是全国生态屏障的重要组成部分。新建川藏铁路雅安至昌都段横跨横断山核心地区, 铁路建设形成的交通网络将沿线生物多样性热点区域与外界相连, 导致生物入侵风险陡增。为获得区域内外来入侵植物的种类及分布特征信息, 为即将开始的铁路工程建设、生态保护及生态修复等工作提供参考, 我们在雅安-昌都段内选择43个位点各进行长度1 km、宽度20 m的样线调查。研究结果显示: 雅安-昌都段共发现外来入侵植物58种, 隶属于18科42属, 其中出现频度最高的种类依次是牛膝菊(Galinsoga parviflora)、秋英(Cosmos bipinnatus)和鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)。从危害等级来看, 其中10种为恶性入侵种, 16种为严重入侵种, 8种为局部入侵种, 15种为一般入侵种, 9种为有待观察种, 超过半数种类具有明显入侵性。原产地分析结果显示美洲是该区域外来入侵植物的主要原产地。基于海拔及主要河流区段的比较研究发现: 入侵植物的种类数量呈现出明显的由东向西、由低海拔向高海拔逐渐递减的趋势, 该分布格局是环境因子和人类活动共同作用的结果。结合铁路沿线入侵现状和生境特征, 本文分析了铁路建设可能造成的外来植物入侵风险, 并针对入侵的防范提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

Failure to quantify differences in the shape of inter‐specific trait distributions (e.g., skew, kurtosis) when comparing co‐occurring alien and native plants hinders the integration of biological invasions and plant community ecology. Within a plant community, understanding the circumstances that lead to the shape of the inter‐specific distribution of one or more functional plant traits being unimodal, bimodal, multimodal or skewed has the potential to shed new light on community vulnerability to invasion, subsequent ecosystem impacts and the selection pressures (e.g., stabilizing, directional or disruptive) acting upon native and alien species. Ignoring differences in the shape of inter‐specific trait distributions of alien and native species could miss important insights into plant invasions, including: the existence of unsaturated native plant communities, empty niches, shifting trait optima of species as a result of environmental change and incomplete colonization–extinction processes following invasion. Future comparisons of functional trait differences between native and alien species should include assessment of the shapes of inter‐specific trait distributions since these may differ even when the mean values of traits are similar for native and alien species. The infrequent application of such approaches may explain the limited generalizations regarding the drivers and consequences of plant invasions in plant communities.  相似文献   

Trait‐based approaches are widely used in community ecology and invasion biology to unravel underlying mechanisms of vegetation dynamics. Although fundamental trade‐offs between specific traits and invasibility are well described among terrestrial plants, little is known about their role and function in aquatic plant species. In this study, we examine the functional differences of aquatic alien and native plants stating that alien and native species differ in selected leaf traits. Our investigation is based on 60 taxa (21 alien and 39 native) collected from 22 freshwater units of Hungarian and Italian lowlands and highlands. Linear mixed models were used to investigate the effects of nativeness on four fundamental traits (leaf area, leaf dry matter content, specific leaf area, and leaf nitrogen content), while the influence of growth‐form, altitude, and site were employed simultaneously. We found significantly higher values of leaf areas and significantly lower values of specific leaf areas for alien species if growth‐form was included in the model as an additional predictor.We showed that the trait‐based approach of autochthony can apply to aquatic environments similar to terrestrial ones, and leaf traits have relevance in explaining aquatic plant ecology whether traits are combined with growth‐forms as a fixed factor. Our results confirm the importance of traits related to competitive ability in the process of aquatic plant invasions. Alien aquatic plants can be characterized as species producing soft leaves faster. We argue that the functional traits of alien aquatic plants are strongly growth‐form dependent. Using the trait‐based approach, we found reliable characteristics of aquatic plants related to species invasions, which might be used, for example, in conservation management.  相似文献   

Much of our current understanding of the impact of invasive species on plant communities is based on patterns occurring in the above-ground vegetation, while only few studies have examined changes in soil seed banks associated with plant invasions, despite their important role as determinants of vegetation dynamics. Here, we reviewed the literature on the impact of plant invasions on the seed bank and we provide a quantitative synthesis using a meta-analysis approach. Specifically, (1) we quantified the impact of 18 invasive alien plants on (i) species richness and (ii) density of the seed banks of invaded communities, based on 58 pair-wise invaded-uninvaded comparisons (cases); we identified (2) the invasive taxa that are responsible for the largest changes in the seed bank; and (3) the habitats where substantial changes occur. Our study showed three major findings: (1) species richness (68% of cases) and density (58% of cases) were significantly lower in native seed banks invaded by alien plants; (2) species richness and density of native and alien species were remarkably lower in seed banks invaded by large, perennial herbs compared to uninvaded sites; and (3) invaded seed banks were often associated with a larger richness and/or abundance of alien species. This study indicates a need for additional seed bank data in invasion ecology to characterize species-specific and habitat-specific impacts of plant invasions, and to determine whether changes in the seed banks of native and alien species are a symptom of environmental degradation prior to a plant invasion or whether they are its direct result. The findings of this study help improve our capacity to predict the long-term implications of plant invasions, including limitations in the recruitment of native species from the seed bank and the potential for secondary invasions by seeds of other alien species.  相似文献   

Abstract. The alien plant species and the ecological factors that facilitate their invasion to a coastal strip in the Baix Camp region (Tarragona, NE Spain) were studied. A detailed inventory of the area showed that 20% of the plant species, most of them from the American Continent, were aliens, many of which were strongly invasive. At the habitat level, the relationships between the invasive behaviour and a number of autecological, ecological and habitat variables were analysed by means of logistic analyses. In the best model five variables were related to alien plant invasions: climatic affinity, disturbance of the invaded habitat, route of introduction, soil moisture during summer, and life form. To elucidate the environmental factors that could be responsible for alien plant invasions at a regional scale, the number of alien taxa and the environmental features at 13 localities of the western Mediterranean area were analysed. The warm lowlands, subjected to low annual rainfall and high population density, exhibited the greatest reception capacity for alien plants. It is concluded that various specific environmental features – high mean temperatures, the abundance of riparian systems, the existence of biotopes with favourable water balance which harbour a great richness of alien species and the high human pressure to which the enclave is subjected, combined with the ecological requirements of the alien species and certain species attributes (biotype) can interact at different scales and have caused the over‐representation of alien plants.  相似文献   

Propagule pressure plays an important role in the invasion of alien plants into riparian areas. In this study, we focused on propagule pressure from both neighboring riparian areas and anthropogenic land-use areas because propagules are likely to originate from both sources. We tested the effects of whether neighboring units contained the alien plant species, focusing on the direction of invasion by alien plant species into the focal unit, and how much anthropogenic land was contained within the unit, focusing on both farmland and urbanized areas, on alien plant occurrences in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. We modeled the occurrence of 10 alien plants using generalized linear models to evaluate species invasions by both propagules from both neighboring units and anthropogenic land within a unit. We also investigated the biological and ecological plant attributes that are likely related to invasion success, such as seed dispersal methods, seed size, and clonality, and tested the relationships between the model results and each species’ attributes. Results showed that the occurrence of an affected neighboring unit was positively associated with the occurrence of all 10 alien plants. Note that two alien invasive species were influenced by upstream flow direction, six species by downstream flow direction, and in two species, propagule supply was not distinguished by direction. In short, the dominant direction of dispersal was against the stream current, while dispersal in the downstream direction was less common. Species attributes were associated with these directions of dispersal. In addition, anthropogenic land was positively associated with the occurrence of most alien plants, although this effect was weaker than the neighbor unit effects. These results indicate that alien plants spreading into riparian areas do not always follow the natural flow regime; rather, they spread against the flow regime in some cases. We discuss an ecological explanation for these results and provide perspectives for future river management of alien plants that invade the riparian zone.  相似文献   

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