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山东省儿童青少年生长发育20年变化趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解近20年来山东省儿童青少年生长发育的变化趋势, 本文利用山东省1985年、1995年和2005年学生体质调研资料, 分析了7—18岁儿童青少年生长的长期变化。20年间, 7—18岁身高平均增长6.27cm(城男)、5.02cm(城女)、7.62cm(乡男)、5.69cm(乡女); 体重平均增长9.97kg(城男)、6.02kg(城女)、7.96kg(乡男)、4.87kg(乡女)。BMI明显增长, 7—18岁平均增长2.57kg/m2(城男)、1.46kg/m2(城女)、1.71kg/m2(乡男)、0.93kg/m2(乡女)。发育水平上的城乡差别依然存在, 但身高的城乡差别逐步缩小, 体重的城乡差别明显扩大。下肢长指数(身高—坐高)的增长幅度大于坐高的增长幅度。总之,1985—2005年的20年间,山东省7—18岁儿童青少年在身高、体重、BMI和身材比例等方面都发生了较大变化。  相似文献   

大连学生体质发育的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了解大连地区城乡学生生长发育状况及其规律,采用人体测量学方法,调查测量了大连地区7—18岁3834(城市男630,城市女645,乡村男1285,乡村女1274)名汉族学生23项形态指标,并利用以往资料,研讨了大连学生主要形态指标的生长发育规律、生长发育趋势、性差和地区差别。结果表明:1生长发育特点:大连学生测量项目的均值随年龄的增长而增加,生长曲线呈上升趋势并且男女有交叉现象。2性差:大连学生各测量项目均有明显的性差,除女生青春期(10—12岁)外,在其他年龄组均为男生大于女生。3生长的长期变化:大连7—17岁男女学生26年来身高、体重、胸围有较大幅度的增长,其每10年平均增长值分别为2.52cm和1.92cm、4.05kg和2.39kg、1.77cm和1.38cm。4城乡差:大连男女学生身高、体重、胸围仍存在城乡差别。  相似文献   

哈萨克族学生体质发育状况的10年比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道新疆阿勒泰地区1995年2589名城镇7—18岁哈萨克族(哈族)中小学生身高、体重、胸围、坐高、肩宽、骨盆宽6项体质发育指标的调查结果。男女生体质发育指标随年龄增加而增长,各项指标的年均增长值皆为男生大于女生。与1985年比较,哈族学生的身高、体重、胸围皆有不同程度增长。哈族男女生的身高突增年龄仍分别为14岁和10岁,但是其身高增长却不伴有相应比例的坐高增长,女生部分年龄组的肩宽和男女生各年龄组的骨盆宽呈现负增长,提示哈族学生的体型与10年前相比已经开始有所改变。  相似文献   

中国汉族儿童生长的长期趋势   总被引:27,自引:10,他引:17  
本文报告了中国北京、天津、济南、哈尔滨、沈阳、长春、上海、南京、杭州、武汉、广州及成都等12个城市汉族7—18岁儿童生长的长期趋势。 50年代至今,汉族儿童生长的长期趋势是明显的,30年来同年龄儿童身高每10年增长2.66(男)、2.40(女)厘米,体重每10年增长1.64(男)、1.14(女)公斤,近10年来的增长最为显著。生长突增高峰年龄大都提前1—2年。北京、上海、南京、广州、杭州等五所城市自30年代至今,生长长期趋势也是明显的,半个世纪来,每10年增长值,男童身高为1.12—2.66厘米,体重为0.56—1.29公斤,女童身高为1.42—2.67厘米,体重为0.65—1.18公斤。  相似文献   

目的分析长安区农村学生身体形态发育的10年动态变化和规律,为学校卫生管理部门制定相应政策提供科学的依据。方法采取分层、整群随机抽样方法,选取长安区农村学生1990年与1999年身高、体重两项指标进行统计分析。结果10年间长安区农村学生身体形态发育有明显改善,7—18岁男、女学生身高10年平均增长2.23cm、1.93cm,体重平均增长1.74kg、1.21kg,其增长幅度均低于全国农村学生水平。1999年最大年增长值和最大年增长率均低于1990年,身高、体重发育高峰年龄女生分别提前0.77岁、0.32岁,男生推后0.52岁、0.60岁。结论本地区农村学生身体形态发育仍处于生长长期趋势中,但增长速度已经减慢,学生生长发育的潜力有待充分发挥。  相似文献   

由航天工业部二院第四总体设计部和上海医疗器械四厂共同研制成功的SC-500型呼吸机,我院自1985年10月21日起,在体外循环心内直视手术中进行了应用,并经实验测试30例,证明其主要技术指标和性能均能满足临床要求,兹报道如下: 临床应用〔病例资料〕体外循环心内直视手术30例,男16女14,平均年龄18±4.6岁(范围7~39岁),平均体重35±3.8 kg(范围18~60 kg)。其中先天性心脏病18例(房间隔缺损6、室间隔缺损7和法乐氏四联症5)和风湿性心脏病12例(施行二尖瓣置换术10、主动脉瓣置换术1、二尖瓣和主动脉双瓣置换术1)。  相似文献   

张迎修 《人类学学报》2008,27(2):167-173
利用山东省1995年和2005年学生体质调研资料,分析了7-12岁城乡儿童皮褶厚度和体成分的变化趋势.10年间,7-12岁城男、城女、乡男,乡女皮褶厚度分别平均增长7.97mm、4.54mm、11.42mm、9.48mm,体脂比平均增长3.42%、2.07%、4.92%、4.35%,体脂肪平均增长2.34kg、1.27kg、2.82kg、2.30kg,瘦体重平均增长1.96kg、1.42kg、1.78kg、0.96kg.体脂比和体脂肪的增长表现为乡村大于城市,男生大于女生.儿童超重和肥胖检出率也迅速增长,城男、城女、乡男、乡女超重检出率分别由1995年的11.78%、6.22%、2.78%和1.89%上升到2005年的17.86%、10.02%、12.03%和6.46%,肥胖检出率分别由5.00%、3.67%、0.56%和0.33%上升到16.57%、8.16%、9.62%和6.56%,控制儿童肥胖率的形势变得更加严峻.  相似文献   

广东瑶族青少年学生体表面积研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究瑶族青少年身高、体重及体表面积的生长发育状况, 为建立瑶族中小学生健康指标评价体系提供依据。采用Stevenson公式和胡咏梅公式计算每位学生的体表面积, 并求得7—18岁12个年龄组的男女学生的体表面积均数。结果显示: 瑶族青少年学生的身高、体重及体表面积随年龄增长而增长, 且其增长速度男女生均可分为匀速增长期、快速增长期、缓慢增长期3个不同时期; 男女生身高、体重及体表面积发育曲线均出现双交叉现象。两法统计的瑶族青少年的体表面积均随年龄增长而增长。胡咏梅法计算的体表面积大于Stevenson法(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

山东省潍坊地区汉族青少年Heath-Carter法体型研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
金利新  朱钦 《人类学学报》2004,23(3):229-232
应用HeathCarter人体测量法对山东省潍坊地区2511名(男1253名、女1258名)7—19岁的汉族学生进行了体型评定。结果是:城市汉族男生平均体型7—15岁为三胚层中间型,16—18岁为内胚层-中胚层均衡型;乡村男生平均体型7—10岁为中胚层-外胚层均衡型,11—14为偏中胚层的外胚层体型,15—17岁为三胚层中间型,18—19岁为内胚层-中胚层均衡型。城市女生平均体型7—9岁为三胚层中间型,10岁为均衡的内胚层体型,11—12岁为外胚层-中胚层均衡型,13—18岁为均衡的内胚层体型;乡村女生7—12岁为均衡的外胚层体型,13—14岁为内胚层-外胚层均衡型,15—18岁为均衡的内胚层体型。  相似文献   

半个世纪来江苏省丹阳县儿童生长的长期趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对江苏省丹阳县儿童1936、1956及1985年的生长发育资料进行了对比分析。观察到,半个世纪来,该县7—14岁男女儿童身高分别增长了9.3、11.4厘米,体重平均增长了3.9、4.0公斤,坐高平均增长了4.2、5.0厘米,表现出明显的生长长期加速趋势。1956—1985年阶段的身高每10年增长值显著大于1936—1956年阶段(P<0.01),而体重每10年增长值在两个阶段间无明显差异(P>0.05)。以1985年实测体重均数与估计体重均数比较,女童明显地表现出体重增长相对不足,体型向细长型发展。本文还将丹阳县儿童生长长期趋势与南京市、上海市及日本国同时期、同年龄儿童的生长长期趋势进行了比较。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to construct new Croatian growth charts for body height and weight of boys and girls aged 6.5 to 18.5 years and to investigate differences between our and pre-existing studies. Analysis was based on a multistage stratified sample representative for school children aged 6.5 to 18.5, 6046 boys and 5656 girls. Growth reference was constructed using LMS method. Present results demonstrated an increment of body height and weight during the last two decades. Highest increase of body height is in boys aged 13-14 years 6.5 cm, in girls aged 12 years is 5.0 cm. Highest increase of body weight is in 16 year age group of boys 8.7 kg and in 11-12 year age group of girls 5.2 kg. In conclusion, regarding presence of secular trend because previously used growth charts in Croatia are obsolete.  相似文献   

目的比较江西和上海儿童青少年生长发育差异及其影响因素。方法利用2000年全国学生体质调研数据,对江西和上海城乡6—22岁青少儿的身高、体重、BMI指数、肺活量体重指数等均值进行比较并作统计检验。结果上海学生体格发育水平明显好于江西学生,城、乡男生身高最大差距分别达7.6cm和10.7cm,城、乡女生身高最大差距分别为5.7cm和8.0cm;BMI指数显示上海学生身体充实度更好,但江西女生成年时体型相对粗壮;肺活量体重发育水平则上海学生显著低于江西学生。结论上海学生的青春期生长突增的开始时间早于江西学生,突增幅度大,增长时间也比后者长;而上海学生应加强户外活动以促进其肺功能。  相似文献   

This study covers a fifty-year period between 1953 and 2005 and looks at secular trends in stature, weight and sitting height sizes among French boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 11. A special modelling in function to the age and variable for each child was established so that a comparison could be made in the kinetic growth patterns over these same two periods. Statistical analysis shows a significant increase in growth, of 0.8cm per decade in stature, characterised by a certain increase in the lower limbs and the weight (0.8kg per decade) together with a proportional increase on the body mass index. Positive secular trends of this anthropometric nature are generally thanks to improved eating and sanitary habits and this study enables us to build and elaborate new standards in growth patterns essential for monitoring auxological development in 3 to 11-year-old children in the years 2000 and onwards.  相似文献   

The change of living conditions in East Germany after the German reunification in 1990 led to intensive secular changes in growth and development. Anthropometric data of height, weight, BMI and thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer are compared from two cross-sectional samples of German children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years. The first sample was measured around 1989 and the second 10 years later around 1999. Both samples contain children and adolescents from the urban as well as from the rural population. The secular changes reported here are based on the comparison of medians of height, weight, BMI and subcutaneous fat layer thickness calculated for yearly age categories. Subsequently, medians of the 10% border categories are compared. These border categories contain the 10% smallest, lightest, slimmest or leanest subjects and the 10% tallest, heaviest, most corpulent or most obese subjects respectively of a yearly age category. The young generation shifted between 1989 and 1999 to a taller stature in the small as well as in the tall category. The secular pattern of measurements, which mark corpulence, is sex-specific and differs from that of length measurements. In general the light or lean subjects changed only little, however, there are clear age- and sex-specific changes in the upper border categories. Weight and BMI increased markedly in the upper border categories in young preadolescent children, but did not change much in adolescent boys of these category aged 15 and 16 and decreased in adolescent girls. Also the subcutaneous fat layer increased in the upper border category in preadolescent children, but decreased in adolescent boys and girls.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present the growth patterns of school children in Osijek--the city which was exposed to severe attacks during the aggression on Croatia. The mean height and weight of Osijek schoolchildren aged 7 to 18 and the menarcheal age in girls in academic year 1995/96 were compared to the analogous data collected in 1980/81. The secular changes in height were heterogeneous. In older age groups from 12 in girls and 13 in boys, the mean height in 1995/96 increased markedly, whereas from 9 to 11 or 12, changes were undulating. In the youngest groups--at the age of 7 in both genders, and at 8 in boys, negative changes were observed. Markedly smaller height in this cohort was still pronounced in 1999/2000 when these children reached the age of 11. However, one year later (2000/01), at the age of 12, boys and girls caught up with their peers in the previous generations. These children during the war were approximately at the age of 2.5 to 4, a period when growth patterns are highly sensitive to adverse environmental influences. It might be possible that the emotional stress caused by a change of environment and separation from home, contributed to the deceleration of growth rate, i.e. the smaller height in a large part of childhood.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine changes in prevalence of overweight and obesity, using International Obesity Task Force criteria, in three cohorts of children and youth living in Cracow, Poland, in 1971, 1983 and 2000. Rates of overweight and obesity doubled among boys and girls, from 7.5% and 6.5% in 1971, to 15.2% and 11.8% in the year 2000. The greatest increases in prevalence occurred in the youngest age groups (7-12 years for boys and 7-10 years for girls), increases being less extensive among adolescents, and lowest of all in the oldest age groups (16-18 years in boys and 14-18 years in girls). The absence of a positive secular trend in BMI among adolescent females relative to males may be due to sociocultural pressures associated with transition to a free market economy in Poland. The extent to which girls attempt to achieve the ideal body, as portrayed by media and society more generally, increases across adolescence.  相似文献   

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