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本文分析了济南、青岛1962—2000年7—18岁儿童少年生长发育的长期变化趋势。38年间,济南市7—18岁男女生身高平均增长15 48cm(男)、12 09cm(女),体重平均增长15 76kg(男)、10 01kg(女),胸围平均增长7 88cm(男)、4 10cm(女);青岛市7—18岁男女生身高平均增长17 12cm(男)、13 19cm(女),体重平均增长16 98kg(男)、10 46kg(女),胸围平均增长6 72cm(男)、3 05cm(女)。青岛市男女生身高的增长幅度显著大于济南。  相似文献   

目的比较江西和上海儿童青少年生长发育差异及其影响因素。方法利用2000年全国学生体质调研数据,对江西和上海城乡6—22岁青少儿的身高、体重、BMI指数、肺活量体重指数等均值进行比较并作统计检验。结果上海学生体格发育水平明显好于江西学生,城、乡男生身高最大差距分别达7.6cm和10.7cm,城、乡女生身高最大差距分别为5.7cm和8.0cm;BMI指数显示上海学生身体充实度更好,但江西女生成年时体型相对粗壮;肺活量体重发育水平则上海学生显著低于江西学生。结论上海学生的青春期生长突增的开始时间早于江西学生,突增幅度大,增长时间也比后者长;而上海学生应加强户外活动以促进其肺功能。  相似文献   

张迎修 《人类学学报》2008,27(2):167-173
利用山东省1995年和2005年学生体质调研资料,分析了7-12岁城乡儿童皮褶厚度和体成分的变化趋势.10年间,7-12岁城男、城女、乡男,乡女皮褶厚度分别平均增长7.97mm、4.54mm、11.42mm、9.48mm,体脂比平均增长3.42%、2.07%、4.92%、4.35%,体脂肪平均增长2.34kg、1.27kg、2.82kg、2.30kg,瘦体重平均增长1.96kg、1.42kg、1.78kg、0.96kg.体脂比和体脂肪的增长表现为乡村大于城市,男生大于女生.儿童超重和肥胖检出率也迅速增长,城男、城女、乡男、乡女超重检出率分别由1995年的11.78%、6.22%、2.78%和1.89%上升到2005年的17.86%、10.02%、12.03%和6.46%,肥胖检出率分别由5.00%、3.67%、0.56%和0.33%上升到16.57%、8.16%、9.62%和6.56%,控制儿童肥胖率的形势变得更加严峻.  相似文献   

大连学生体质发育的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了解大连地区城乡学生生长发育状况及其规律,采用人体测量学方法,调查测量了大连地区7—18岁3834(城市男630,城市女645,乡村男1285,乡村女1274)名汉族学生23项形态指标,并利用以往资料,研讨了大连学生主要形态指标的生长发育规律、生长发育趋势、性差和地区差别。结果表明:1生长发育特点:大连学生测量项目的均值随年龄的增长而增加,生长曲线呈上升趋势并且男女有交叉现象。2性差:大连学生各测量项目均有明显的性差,除女生青春期(10—12岁)外,在其他年龄组均为男生大于女生。3生长的长期变化:大连7—17岁男女学生26年来身高、体重、胸围有较大幅度的增长,其每10年平均增长值分别为2.52cm和1.92cm、4.05kg和2.39kg、1.77cm和1.38cm。4城乡差:大连男女学生身高、体重、胸围仍存在城乡差别。  相似文献   

儿童身高生长追踪研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以北京市106名儿童为样本 ,为研究各年龄生长速度的集中趋势、变异状况以及与生长速度有关的参数 ,追踪观察这些儿童自6、7岁至 18岁时共12年的身高变化 ,并做有关参数分析。报告了各年龄组身高生长速度的均值及标准差 ,该组儿童身高生长突增开始年龄 (男10.73±1 .12岁 ,女 9.00± 1.18岁 )及速度 (男4.51± 0.65cm/年 ,女 4.95± 0.79cm/年 ) ;身高生长高峰发生年龄 (男 1 3.0 7±1.08岁 ,女11.32± 1.32岁 )及速度高峰值 (男10 .01± 1.59cm/年 ,女8.13± 1.03cm/年 ) ;以及生长突增结束年龄 (男16.18± 1.02岁 ,女 13.96± 1.09岁 )。分析了最终身高与生长突增有关指标的相关关系。  相似文献   

目的分析长安区农村学生身体形态发育的10年动态变化和规律,为学校卫生管理部门制定相应政策提供科学的依据。方法采取分层、整群随机抽样方法,选取长安区农村学生1990年与1999年身高、体重两项指标进行统计分析。结果10年间长安区农村学生身体形态发育有明显改善,7—18岁男、女学生身高10年平均增长2.23cm、1.93cm,体重平均增长1.74kg、1.21kg,其增长幅度均低于全国农村学生水平。1999年最大年增长值和最大年增长率均低于1990年,身高、体重发育高峰年龄女生分别提前0.77岁、0.32岁,男生推后0.52岁、0.60岁。结论本地区农村学生身体形态发育仍处于生长长期趋势中,但增长速度已经减慢,学生生长发育的潜力有待充分发挥。  相似文献   

为进一步探讨自然环境因素对生长发育的影响,本文收集了14个省会城市1996年以来7-18岁107986(男56300,女51686)儿童青少年的身高、体重、胸围资料及体质测量当年的海拔、年降水量、年均气温和年日照时数资料,做海拔等自然环境因素与发育指标的Z-分数和发育分相关与回归分析。结果表明,从低海拔组到中海拔组、高海拔组,儿童青少年的生长发育指标逐步下降,其中体重与BMI有统计学意义(P<0.05),但身高和胸围无统计学意义(P>0.05),低海拔组发育指标明显好于高海拔组;生长发育水平与海拔的相关系数大于年均气温和日照时数,与年降水量不相关;回归分析表明海拔每增加1000m,身高、体重、胸围和BMI分别减少0.112,0.101,0.043和0.118个Z-分数。在四项自然环境因素中,海拔对生长发育的影响最大,对身高、体重、胸围和BMI的贡献率分别是28.0%,26.8%,12.0%,16.8%。  相似文献   

中国汉族儿童生长的长期趋势   总被引:27,自引:10,他引:17  
本文报告了中国北京、天津、济南、哈尔滨、沈阳、长春、上海、南京、杭州、武汉、广州及成都等12个城市汉族7—18岁儿童生长的长期趋势。 50年代至今,汉族儿童生长的长期趋势是明显的,30年来同年龄儿童身高每10年增长2.66(男)、2.40(女)厘米,体重每10年增长1.64(男)、1.14(女)公斤,近10年来的增长最为显著。生长突增高峰年龄大都提前1—2年。北京、上海、南京、广州、杭州等五所城市自30年代至今,生长长期趋势也是明显的,半个世纪来,每10年增长值,男童身高为1.12—2.66厘米,体重为0.56—1.29公斤,女童身高为1.42—2.67厘米,体重为0.65—1.18公斤。  相似文献   

为进一步探讨自然环境因素对生长发育的影响,本文收集了14个省会城市1996年以来7-18岁107986(男56300,女51686)儿童青少年的身高、体重、胸围资料及体质测量当年的海拔、年降水量、年均气温和年日照时数资料,做海拔等自然环境因素与发育指标的Z-分数和发育分相关与回归分析。结果表明,从低海拔组到中海拔组、高海拔组,儿童青少年的生长发育指标逐步下降,其中体重与BMI有统计学意义(P0.05),低海拔组发育指标明显好于高海拔组;生长发育水平与海拔的相关系数大于年均气温和日照时数,与年降水量不相关;回归分析表明海拔每增加1000m,身高、体重、胸围和BMI分别减少0.112,0.101,0.043和0.118个Z-分数。在四项自然环境因素中,海拔对生长发育的影响最大,对身高、体重、胸围和BMI的贡献率分别是28.0%,26.8%,12.0%,16.8%。  相似文献   

中国汉族儿童少年身高发育城乡差别的变化趋势   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张迎修 《人类学学报》1999,18(4):307-310
本文分析了1985—1995年中国26个省市7—18岁城乡儿童少年身高的发育趋势。总体上看 ,城乡差别明显缩小 ,男女生 7—18岁平均缩小0.55cm和0.64cm,其中以青春发育突增期缩小幅度最大。各省市的变化趋势不一致 ,南方省市缩小较北方明显。  相似文献   

王燕  李玉玲  刘燕  弓剑 《人类学学报》2017,36(3):395-404
为探讨遗传和环境因素对学龄双生子儿童身体围度及宽度等体格指标的影响,对351对6~12岁双生子儿童身高、胸围、腰围、臀围、肩宽、骨盆宽指标进行测量,计算各指标的相关指数。应用Mx软件拟合最佳结构方程模型计算各指标遗传度,分析年龄与性别的作用。结果发现,各指标拟合的最佳模型均为ACES,各测量指标的年龄方差较大(0.21~0.76),衍生指数中除腰臀比(女0.15,男0.05)外几乎均不存在年龄方差;各指标的共同环境方差变异较大(0.00~0.53);衍生指数的特殊环境因素方差(0.09~0.25)总体上高于测量指标(0.01~0.09)。校正年龄后,各指标遗传度为身高(女63%,男59%)、胸围(女84%,男88%)、身高胸围指数(女87%,男55%)、腰围(女46%,男64%)、臀围(女61%,男61%)、腰臀比(女44%,男44%)、肩宽(女78%,男78%)、骨盆宽(女62%,男62%)、身高肩宽指数(女40%,男40%)、身高骨盆宽指数(女35%,男48%)、肩宽骨盆宽指数(女24%,男24%)。结果表明学龄双生子儿童身高、胸围、身高胸围指数、臀围、肩宽、骨盆宽主要受遗传因素影响;腰臀比、身高肩宽指数、身高骨盆宽指数及肩宽骨盆宽指数受环境因素影响更大;遗传与环境因素对身高胸围指数、腰围指标的影响可能存在一定性别差异;年龄对学龄双生子儿童身体围度及宽度相关指数的影响较小。  相似文献   

Objective: To examine temporal trends in stature, body mass, body mass index (BMI), and the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Canada. Research Methods and Procedures: Data for adults 20 to 64 years of age were compared across eight Canadian surveys conducted between 1953 and 1998. Temporal trends in stature and body mass were examined using regression, and changes in weight‐for‐height were expressed as changes from 1953. BMI data were available from 1970 to 1972 to examine changes in overweight and obesity. Qualitative changes in the BMI distribution were examined using Tukey mean‐difference plots. Results: Significant temporal trends in stature and body mass have occurred since 1953 in Canada. Median stature increased 1.4 cm/decade in men and 1.1 cm/decade in women, whereas median body mass increased 1.9 kg/decade in men and 0.8 kg/decade in women. Increases in the 75th percentile of body mass were larger than the median. The average weight‐for‐height increased 5.1% in men and 4.9% in women from 1953. Furthermore, the prevalences of overweight and obesity have increased from 40.0% and 9.7% in 1970–1972 to 50.7% and 14.9% in 1998, respectively. The entire BMI distribution has shifted to the right since 1970–1972 and has become more skewed to the right for men than for women. Discussion: There have been significant increases in stature and body mass in Canada over the last 45 years. Body mass has increased more than stature, particularly in the upper percentiles, which has resulted in the currently observed high prevalences of overweight and obesity.  相似文献   

M. Hermanussen  C. Meigen   《HOMO》2003,54(2):142-156
Growth charts represent body stature, body weight, and body mass index (BMI) from birth to maturity. Due to secular changes in these parameters, growth charts tend to become outdated, and must be revised from time to time. Recently, we developed alternative strategies that facilitate developing and renewing growth charts, and suggested synthetic standards for body stature. The increasing prevalence of obesity has made it necessary to develop similar techniques also for monitoring body weight and BMI. Two-hundred-and-forty historic and modern growth studies (108 studies of male growth, 132 studies of female growth) were selected from 22 European, 6 American, 3 African, and 6 Asian nations, published between 1831 and 2001. The studies contained annual information on weight and stature, either between birth and 6 years, or between 6 years and maturity, or information on the whole age range between birth and maturity. Since historic studies up to the mid-20th century usually ignore the fact that body weight (in contrast to body stature) is not normally distributed, a group of 92 more recent studies (45 male, 47 female), published between 1943 and 2001, presenting centiles for weight, was chosen for additional analysis. Furthermore, the skewness of body weight distributions, was investigated in original raw data of body weight obtained from five well reputed longitudinal growth studies, performed at Jena, Germany, Lublin, Poland, Paris, France, Prague, Czech Republic, and Zürich, Switzerland. Average body stature and average weight differ markedly between different populations. But within the same population, both parameters are closely interrelated. In males, birth length and weight correlated with r = 0.503, stature and weight correlated with r = 0.873 at the age of 2 years; with r = 0.882 at the age of 6 years; with r = 0.935 at the age of 14 years, and with r = 0.891 at the age of 18 years. Similar results were obtained in females. At birth, length and weight correlated with r = 0.619. Stature and weight correlated with r = 0.863 at the age of 2; with r = 0.912 at the age of 6; with r = 0.935 at the age of 12; and with r = 0.918 at the age of 15 years. Tables of linear regression coefficients for relative stature and weight at all ages enable the reversal of the process of the meta-analysis and allow the generation of synthetic growth references for stature and weight. Synthetic reference charts help in the revision of current growth charts without much additional effort, and may be used for populations for which autochthonous growth standards are not available.  相似文献   

人工驯养下扬子鳄的生长规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究结果表明扬子鳄在饲养条件下的生长具有一定的规律性。饲养群体中,5龄以前的鳄生长速率较快,其中在2龄前生长速率最快,在5龄至7龄间生长速率明显减慢;鳄体长与体重之间呈正相关,两者在体长小于50cm时呈直线相关,体长大于50cm时呈曲线相关。不同性别的扬子鳄年生长状况不同,从5龄开始雌雄鳄体重出现显著差异,雄鳄重于雌鳄;从6龄开始雌雄鳄在体长方面的生长速率出现差异,雄鳄生长明显快于雌鳄;达到10龄后,雌雄鳄在体长和体重方面的增长均明显减慢,达到15龄时两者的体形已相差悬殊,雄性大于雌性。由von Berta-lanffy生长模型分析,雌鳄达到25龄而雄鳄达到35龄后,各自的体长几乎停止生长,雌鳄平均最大体长为173cm,雄鳄平均最大体长为219cm。在人工越冬下,除第一次越冬外,扬子鳄在越冬室内的冬眠中体况无明显变化,体能明显消耗出现在户外冬眠过程中。本研究为扬子鳄的科学化饲养提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that obesity is associated with atherosclerosis. The reason may be that there is often a gathering together of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in obesity. Recently plasma fibrinogen level has been identified as an important cardiovascular risk factor. The aim of the study was to investigate fibrinogen levels in obesity before and after weight reduction. Obese but otherwise healthy patients with overweight problems were studied. 448 female patients (39.1 ± 13.2 years, body mass index 38.7 kg/m2) and 136 male patients (39.4 ± 12.8 years, body mass index 40.7 kg/m2) were examined after overnight fasting. Sixty patients (44 female, 16 male) were studied after 9.5 ± 6.2 month of dieting (1200 kcal/day: 20% protein, 30% fat and 50% carbohydrates). The weight loss was 16.7 ± 11.0 kg in the female and 16.2 ± 6.7 kg in the male patients, and blood pressure, triglycerides, blood glucose and uric acid had declined. The fibrinogen level correlated with the body mass index, the waist circumference, the hip circumference and the waist to hip ratio. The fibrinogen level also correlated with insulin. A partial correlation of fibrinogen and insulin continued to exist after removing the linear effects of the other variables measured. After weight reduction, the level of fibrinogen was lower. In patients with extreme overweight and high fibrinogen levels, who reduced their BMI by 7.4 ± 1.24 kg/m2, the weight loss correlated with the decrease in fibrinogen. The results suggest that fibrinogen is associated with the degree of obesity and with the fasting insulin level. Fibrinogen concentration is lowered by weight reduction. However decrease of fibrinogen was observed only in patients with considerable weight loss.  相似文献   

Obesity during adolescence is considered a strong predictor of adult obesity, and obesity and overweight have been increasing among Brazilian adults. To gauge the relative frequency of overweight among adolescents in Brazil, we compared the distributions of body mass index (kg/m2) and stature in national population based samples of the U.S. and Brazil. U.S. adolescents were on average about 10 cm taller than Brazilians, although growth spurts occurred at the same age for both populations. Brazilian adolescents were leaner than their U.S. counterparts. This difference was reduced among girls in the postpubertal period. At age 17 years, U.S. boys were about 10 kg heavier than Brazilian boys, but the difference among girls was only 2 kg. In families above the poverty level in the more developed South region, body mass index distribution for boys was closer to that of the U.S., and older girls tended to have higher body mass index than U.S. girls. Within Brazil, body mass index varied by ethnicity with Mulattos, but not Blacks, of both sexes having lower body mass index than Whites of the same age. Urban adolescents had higher body mass index than those living in rural areas. In general, the patterns seen among Brazilian adults were found among children. Among girls, in particular, overweight has become an identifiable problem during adolescence.  相似文献   

The associations patterns between reproductive success, measured by the total number of offspring, number of living offspring and number of dead offspring, and parental body size, estimated by stature, body weight and Body mass index, were tested in 65 female and 103 male members of a !Kung San population ageing between 25 and 40 years (x = 30.2 yr.) from northern Namibia. In both sexes a significant interaction between fertility patterns and body dimensions was found. Nevertheless, the association patterns differed markedly between the two sexes. While in males tallness and an improved weight status was associated significantly with a higher number of surviving offspring, smaller and lighter females had significantly more surviving children. In males a directional selection towards increased stature and better weight status is in accordance with the well known secular trend of acceleration. In females first of all the postpartum changes in body composition and body weight, resulting from exhausting infant feeding practices seem to support the maternal depletion hypothesis.  相似文献   

达斡尔族成人的体格,体型及半个多世纪来的变化   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
朱钦  张威 《人类学学报》1996,15(2):119-126
对内蒙古自治区莫力达瓦族353名(男187,女166)20-60岁达斡尔族进行了活体观察与测量,总结了达斡尔族的体格特征和类型。并在城乡之间和与半个世纪以前同一地区达斡尔族的体质资料之间进行了比较。  相似文献   

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