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菊科入侵植物三叶鬼针草的繁殖特征及其与入侵性的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
郝建华  刘倩倩  强胜 《植物学报》2009,44(6):656-665
三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)是一种危害严重的菊科入侵植物。通过实验观察和人工控制套袋等方法, 对其花序开花动态、花粉胚珠比 (P/O)、自交亲和性、花粉活力、访花昆虫和种子 (瘦果)的萌发率等与繁殖相关的特征进行了研究, 探讨了这些繁殖特征与入侵性的关系。三叶鬼针草在10-11月开花, 单个花序的花期约为5-6天。每小花的花柱基部有圆筒状的蜜腺环绕。单个花序内可自交亲和, 自交结实率和花粉活力均较高, 其P/O值为1 7 54.1 2±29 .8 7。主要访花者为灰蝶科(Lycaenidae)、粉蝶科(Pieridae)和茧蜂科(Braconidae)昆虫。三叶鬼针草所具有的灵活交配机制是其入侵成功的重要因素。此外, 三叶鬼针草结实量大、种子产生迅速且适于传播, 以及种子萌发范围广和短期快速萌发等特性也增强了其入侵性。  相似文献   

白花鬼针草是一种菊科入侵植物。本研究从单个花序花期的观察、繁育系统、花粉胚珠比、自交亲和性、花粉活力、访花昆虫、种子萌发特性等方面对白花鬼针草的繁殖特性进行了分析,探讨了其与入侵性之间的关系。研究表明:白花鬼针草单个花序全部开放约5~7 d,约第9天全部凋落;花粉活力在1~8 d内维持在较高的水平(87.07%~93.41%);花粉胚珠比为2508,单个花序可自交亲和,亦可兼性异交,为混合交配系统,结实率高;边花(舌状花)的存在有利于结实率的提高;访花昆虫主要有粉蝶科、蛱蝶科、茧蜂科和蚁科的昆虫;对萌发率、萌发速率、萌发开始时间和萌发持续时间做因子及聚类分析,白花鬼针草种子的萌发特性可以表现为爆发型、过渡型、缓萌型、低萌型4种萌发类型,根据不同的环境条件选择不同的萌发类型。总之,白花鬼针草具有自交亲和,结实率高,结实量大,种子萌发率高、萌发速率快且具有不同的萌发策略和边花等繁殖特点,是其成功入侵的主要原因。  相似文献   

入侵植物剑叶金鸡菊(Coreopsis lanceolata)既可进行有性繁殖, 又能进行克隆繁殖, 其繁殖特征可能对其入侵性具有重要影响, 然而目前相关研究较少。通过观测剑叶金鸡菊的花序开花动态、交配系统、种子萌发特性等有性繁殖特征及克隆繁殖特征, 研究了上述繁殖特性及其与入侵性之间的关系。结果表明, 剑叶金鸡菊每年4月下旬开始现蕾, 5-11月为花果期。单个花序的花期为5-6天, 至果实成熟开裂约18天。单个花序自交及同株异花授粉不亲和, 为异株异花授粉的异交型, 其花粉-胚珠比(P/O比)为103 549.40 ± 7 162.44。花序高花粉活力及本地蜂传粉行为保障了花粉资源, 因而结实率高达12 000粒∙株-1。自然条件下其种子的萌发率高达50%以上, 且2-3天即可萌发。剑叶金鸡菊克隆繁殖能力非常强, 整个生长季节均可见从根蘖长出的密集型克隆分株, 8月下旬开始出现游击型克隆生长, 通过密集型和游击型克隆生长, 剑叶金鸡菊排斥其他物种形成单优种群。上述研究结果说明, 剑叶金鸡菊的入侵性与其繁殖特征密切相关。  相似文献   

入侵植物繁殖性状的研究可为揭示植物入侵机制提供重要的科学依据。为研究土壤养分对入侵植物和本地植物繁殖性状的影响, 并进一步研究养分添加是否更能促进入侵植物的繁殖能力, 我们设置了低、高两个养分水平, 通过同质园实验比较了不同土壤养分对假臭草(Praxelis clematidea)、胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides)、三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa) 3种菊科一年生入侵种和夜香牛(Vernonia cinerea)、一点红(Emilia sonchifolia)、墨旱莲(Eclipta prostrata) 3种本地种繁殖性状的影响。研究结果显示, 养分添加提高了6种菊科植物的开花株高、株高、地上生物量、单粒种子重量、总花序数、每花序种子数、总种子数量、总种子重量, 并使开花时间提前、花期延长。养分添加对入侵种的开花株高和单粒种子重量的提高幅度要比本地种更显著。相对于部分本地植物(夜香牛、墨旱莲), 养分添加更能促进部分入侵植物(假臭草、胜红蓟)的繁殖能力。三叶鬼针草和一点红的总种子数量和总种子重量在两种土壤养分水平下均较小。本地种墨旱莲的总种子数量和总种子重量在低养分条件下高于3个入侵种。这些结果表明, 高土壤养分仅能促进部分入侵植物相对于部分本地植物的繁殖能力。  相似文献   

入侵植物三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)是与农作物竞争的恶性杂草,而我国鲜有对其入侵能力的系统总结。作者综述了三叶鬼针草及其近缘本地种金盏银盘在不同环境下表型可塑性的研究进展,比较了两者在不同光照和温度、不同埋土深度的种子萌发概况,不同光照、水分、温度及土壤养分环境条件下幼苗生物量分配特点及其繁殖特性,阐明了三叶鬼针草成功入侵的机制包括快速繁殖能力、较广的生态适应性、根系分泌物的化感作用等。最后,对三叶鬼针草未来的研究进行了展望,并总结了三叶鬼针草的防控策略。  相似文献   

从开花物候、花朵数量性状、花粉活力、花粉组织化学、柱头可授性、花粉在柱头上的萌发状况、杂交指数、花粉胚珠比、传粉媒介以及繁育系统等方面,研究了外来入侵植物美洲商陆(Phytolacca americana)的传粉生态学特性,为揭示该物种成功入侵的机理提供依据.结果表明:美洲商陆种群花期可达45~70 d,单花花期为2~3d,可进一步分为杯状花期、花瓣平展期、花瓣下垂期、花瓣反卷期;花冠直径在下垂期最大且不超过1 cm,花药与柱头间距离在1 ~2.5 mm,有利于自交的发生;花瓣平展期与花瓣下垂期花粉活力差异显著(P<0.05),杯状花期与花瓣平展期花粉活力差异不显著(P>0.05),花瓣平展期花粉活力可达85%;雌蕊柱头可授性在花瓣平展期最强;杯状花期合生柱头开裂,花瓣平展期柱头9~ 10裂,接受花粉的表面积增大;花药散粉时间与合生柱头开裂时间相吻合,有助于柱头接受花粉;扫描电镜下观察到花粉在花瓣平展期的柱头上已萌发;每朵花可提供1667~3222粒花粉,胚珠9~10个,花粉胚珠比(P/O)为340.88±34.99,表现为兼性自交;美洲商陆杂交指数(OCI)为3,花粉粒属于含脂型,主要传粉昆虫有蜜蜂、胡蜂、食蚜蝇、细腰蜂.综上所述,美洲商陆自交亲和,花粉活力高、柱头可授性强,且高花粉活力与强柱头可授性出现在相同的时期,增加了花粉落置柱头及在柱头上萌发的几率;虫媒花,访花者行为与花朵相适应,有利于提高坐果率,这样的繁殖机制与传粉特点是美洲商陆成功入侵的主要因素之一.  相似文献   

对迁地保护的珍稀濒危植物猬实的开花动态、花粉活力、柱头可授性、访花昆虫种类、访花频率、花粉与胚珠比(P/O)、异交指数(OCI)进行观测.结果表明:猬实的单花期约为7 d,种群花期约为14 d,花冠展开后2~3 h,花粉活力达到最高,约为90%,3 d后花粉基本不具活力.在整个单花期,柱头一直具可授性,花冠展开后第2天可授性最强.花粉与胚珠比(P/O)为(398.1±63.7),异交指数(OCI)为3,表明猬实是以异交为主,自交亲和的繁育系统,有时需要传粉者完成传粉过程.猬实的访花昆虫有10余种,以膜翅目蜜蜂科和隧蜂科昆虫为主,另外还有少量双翅目食蚜蝇科昆虫,偶见鳞翅目的柑橘凤蝶和长喙天蛾,其中以蜜蜂科蜜蜂属昆虫传粉效率最高.迁地保护的猬实未见结籽,其原因还有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

通过野外实验观察和人工控制套袋等方法,从金养麦的花部基本特征、开花动态、花粉胚珠比(P/O)、花粉活力、柱头可授性、杂交指数、套袋实验及访花昆虫等方面对其繁殖生态学进行了研究.结果显示:(1)金荞麦在同一居群中同时具有长柱型(L-型)和短柱型(S-型)两种花型,短花柱花直径(7.25±0.11 mm)显著大于长花柱花直径(6.79±0.11 mm),长花柱花的柱头和花药高分别为3.39±0.04 mm和1.80±0.02 mm,短花柱花的柱头和花药高则分别为1.89±0.04 mm和3.19±0.06 rnm,表现出互补式雌雄异位的花部特征.(2)金荞麦8~10月开花,单花序的花期为15~23 d,单花的花期为1~3 d,开花进程中,内轮雄蕊先散粉,外轮雄蕊后散粉;S-型花的花粉活力高于L型花的花粉活力,但其单花花粉量低于L-型花,显示了两种花型的自我调控机制.(3)套袋实验表明,金荞麦自花自交不亲和,但具有型内和型间亲和性,L型和S-型花的P/O值分别为810±40.48和526.5±42.24,表明其繁育系统为兼性异交,需要传粉者,但L-型花更倾向异交.(4)金荞麦的主要访花昆虫为膜翅目(Hymenoptera)、双翅目(Diptera)、鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)、半翅目(Hemiptera)和蜻蜒目(Odonata) 19个科37种昆虫,其中,两种花型拥有12种共同的访花昆虫,L-型花访花昆虫14种,S-型花访花昆虫35种,表明S-型花对昆虫具有更强的吸引力.研究表明,金荞麦是典型的二型花柱植物,虽然具有严格的自交不亲和性,但显示一定的型内亲和性.  相似文献   

宁夏枸杞传粉生态学初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田间观察检测了宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum L.)9个品系的开花物候、开花动态、花粉活力、柱头可授性及其繁育系统,并对花粉萌发、花粉管生长以及访花者的种类和访花行为进行了初步研究.结果表明,宁夏枸杞整个居群有长达5个月的花期,单花的花期仅为3~4 d,花粉活力可保持15 d左右,柱头可授性在72 h左右,雌雄生殖单位在持续时间上有较长的相遇期;花粉数量与胚珠比(P/O)为4 000左右,杂交指数(OCI)介于3或4,繁育系统为异交型,需要传粉者;荧光显微观察表明,参试的3个品系的花粉均能在柱头上萌发,2个有自交不亲和现象,其位置发生在花柱的上半部分和子房内.访花昆虫有17种,分属双翅目、膜翅目和鳞翅目,花的结构和开花式样适合以意大利蜜蜂和食蚜蝇为主的多种昆虫传粉.  相似文献   

外来入侵植物三叶鬼针草种子萌发与贮藏特性研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
研究了光照和温度对外来入侵植物三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa L.)种子萌发的影响及种子在不同温度下贮藏后的发芽力变化。结果表明,光照和变温不是三叶鬼针草种子萌发的必要条件,在15~30℃恒温条件下萌发率均达到80%以上,35℃恒温显著抑制其萌发且发芽的种子不能正常发育;零下低温(-10℃)和零上低温(4℃)贮藏6个月的三叶鬼针草种子萌发率(分别为95%和94.7%)与贮藏前的萌发率(97.7%)相比无显著差异,而在室温下贮藏6个月的种子,随着贮藏时间的增加萌发率逐渐下降,6个月后不仅萌发率急剧下降到16%、萌发时间延长至10d,而且发芽的种子亦不能正常发育。  相似文献   

Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker, a member of Asteraceae, is a highly invasive species. However, its reproduction biology remains poorly known. To understand the role of reproductive traits in successful invasion of the species, we studied several traits of its reproductive system: the miniature capitulum and gynomonoecious sexual system, the biology and phenology of capitula and florets, pollen/ovule ratio, the mating system (selfcompatibility), flower visitors, physical traits and dispersal potential of achenes, germination potential of achenes from manually pollinated capitula, and the association of these traits with invasiveness. Our study showed that the reproductive traits of autonomous seed production, versatile mating system of self- and cross-pollination, and generalized pollination system might contribute to the species' successful invasive capability. The invasiveness was further enhanced by the high and rapid production of achenes, as well as the high percentage, rapid germination rate and high dispersal capability of achenes. It was concluded that in annual or winter-annual weeds, autonomous seed production contributed significantly to the invasiveness of the species.  相似文献   

Bidens frondosa L. (Asteraceae) is a widespread invasive weed in China. By experimental observation and bagging treatment, the reproductive biological characteristics of this species, such as phenology of flowering, floral syndrome, breeding system and seed germination characteristics, were studied to assess the association of these reproductive characteristics with invasiveness. Flowers of B. frondosa bloom from September to October every year in Ji'an city, Jiangxi province. The lifespan of a single capitulum is approximately 4 to 5 days, with 30 to 60 florets per capitulum. The capitulum diameter, anthocaulus length, floret length and width, stamen length and pistil length were 6.1, 30.9, 2.2, 0.6, 3.0 and 2.7 mm, respectively. The seed set percentage of 48.5% in the treatment of bagging flowers without emasculation suggests B. frondosa is self‐compatible; meanwhile, the percentage of 63.1% in the treatment of bagging with emasculation and manual xenogamy suggests it also is cross‐compatible. P/O ratio per capitulum of this species was 450.5, which suggests that the breeding system of B. frondosa is facultative xenogamous, and it needs pollinators to some degree. The main floral visitors were insects of Hymenoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera. The 1000‐achenes weight was 1.97 g. The achenes emerged as a small germination peak from the fourth to fifth day, and had a high accumulated germination rate of up to 84.0% on day 20 after sowing. Our experimental findings suggested that the reproductive biological characteristics, such as the versatile mating system of self‐ and cross‐pollination, high seed production, a special method of achene dispersal and germination peak, accompanied by a high accumulated germination rate, might contribute to the invasive ability of B. frondosa.  相似文献   

【背景】鬼针草属白花鬼针草和三叶鬼针草原产于热带美洲,入侵我国后给生态环境、农业经济等造成严重的危害和影响。目前,关于它们的研究主要针对单个物种。为了更好地理解这2种外来鬼针草的入侵能力和入侵机制,本文开展了这2种入侵种与近缘本地种之间的比较研究。【方法】通过盆栽试验,设置低肥和高肥2个养分水平,测量和计算2种外来鬼针草与近缘本地种金盏银盘在不同土壤养分水平下的形态和生长参数、生物量及其分配、繁殖持续期、单株种子产量以及表型可塑性指数等。【结果】在低肥条件下,除了繁殖持续期和种子产量外,2种外来种和本地种的大多数参数均无显著差异。但在高肥条件下,外来种白花鬼针草的总叶面积、比叶面积、叶面积比、繁殖持续期和种子产量明显高于本地种,而三叶鬼针草总叶面积、比叶面积、总生物量、相对生长速率却显著低于本地种。在对土壤养分的可塑性方面,白花鬼针草在株高、总叶面积、比叶面积、总生物量、叶面积比、相对生长速率、平均叶面积比和种子产量方面的可塑性均高于其他2种植物;三叶鬼针草与金盏银盘相比,大多数参数的可塑性指数较接近。【结论与意义】白花鬼针草是一种入侵能力很强的外来种。长的繁殖持续期和高种子产量是白花鬼针草和三叶鬼针草有别于本地种金盏银盘的重要入侵性状。本研究可为揭示三叶鬼针草和白花鬼针草的入侵机制和影响因素提供依据,并为入侵预测和控制提供基本资料。  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of an exotic species will affect its ability to become naturalized and invasive in non-native habitats. Rhododendron ponticum is an ecologically damaging exotic weed in the British Isles, which spreads predominantly by seed. I investigated how inbreeding and outcrossing affect seed production and germination in a wild population of this species in Ireland. Experimental manipulations revealed low fruit and seed set when insects were excluded from flowers, suggesting that this species has limited capability for spontaneous autogamy. Hand-pollination treatments showed that, although flowers are self-compatible (with self and same plant pollen), higher levels of seed set occur following outcrossing (xenogamy). There was no significant difference in rate of germination of seeds from inbred or outcrossed treatments. The addition of xenogamous pollen to open flowers did not increase fruit or seed set, suggesting that flowers in this population are not pollen limited: native generalist pollinators, mainly bumblebees ( Bombus spp.), are providing an adequate pollinator service. This work demonstrates that outcrossing increases seed set and pollinators are required to facilitate this. Hence, generalist native pollinators can promote invasion by exotic plants. Native pollinators can clearly play an important part in alien species invasion.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 373–381.  相似文献   

入侵植物小花山桃草种群构件生物量结构及种子萌发特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过野外设置样方调查和室内萌发试验,研究小花山桃草种群各构件生物量的结构特征和它们之间的关系模型、繁殖分配以及种子萌发特点。结果表明:(1)小花山桃草根、茎、叶、花(果)序生物量与植株高度之间以及各构件生物量之间均呈正相关关系,可用幂函数模型或线性函数模型较好地表达;(2)各构件生物量在个体生物量中所占的比率表现为茎>花序>叶>根;(3)小花山桃草的繁殖投入和繁殖分配都随植株个体的增大而增加;(4)小花山桃草个体大小和繁殖投入之间为线性关系,而个体大小和繁殖分配之间为幂函数关系;(5)小花山桃草存在一个较小的繁殖阈值(0.6043g);(6)小花山桃草种子在有光照(12h)和黑暗条件下发芽率均可达到85%以上;未经贮藏的种子不萌发,低温沙藏(1~2℃)和室温干藏(14~32℃)一个半月种子萌发率分别可达92.5%和79%;低温沙藏时种子即可发芽,且发芽率可达61%。在研究地区,小花山桃草几乎整个生长季都可萌发,甚至初冬还有幼苗产生。小花山桃草构件生物量结构和繁殖分配特征、种子萌发特点等都有助于其入侵能力的提高,是其成功入侵我国的重要原因。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Ambrosia artemisiifolia is a ruderal weed introduced from North America to Europe. It produces large amount of achenes which are highly heterogeneous in size. Due to the preponderant role of propagules in invasive plant processes, the achene mass variability related to germination, dispersal strategy and life history traits of offspring were investigated within this species. METHODS: The variability in achene mass was quantified among six populations sampled in different habitats. The effects of achene mass variation on germination were studied. The percentages of floating and non-floating achenes were evaluated in the studied populations. The consequences of floatability on the growth and traits of the offspring were studied. KEY RESULTS: Mean achene mass ranged from 1.72 to 3.60 mg, depending on the populations, and was highly variable. Variation among achenes within plants accounted for 63.9 % of the variance, whereas variances among plants within each population (22.2 %) and among populations (13.9 %) were lower. Achene masses were also positively correlated to the total germination percentage for four populations out of six. Two kinds of achenes were distinguished: floating and non-floating. The majority of floating achenes (90 %) sank 24 h after water immersion. Whatever the population, floating achenes were lighter, more dormant and germinated faster than non-floating achenes. Plants which issued from floating achenes had better growth than those from non-floating achenes. CONCLUSIONS: The capacity of A. artemisiifolia to be invasive in Europe appears to be high, possibly due to its huge plasticity in seed mass which may help it to cope with a wide range of conditions and to establish in disturbed habitats. Furthermore, the recent invasion of southern France by A. artemisiifolia could be partially explained by water dispersal of achenes through rivers and has pinpointed its colonization potential along French rivers.  相似文献   

We studied the allocation of reproductive resources in 32 Mediterranean legume species. Correlations between main parameters were analysed at interspecific level. For each species we described the type of pollen presentation and examined its systematic significance. The high P/O values observed reflect low pollen transfer efficiency, typical of xenogamous species. Lowest P/Os were found in species with brush or explosive tripping mechanism, while highest ones were associated to primary pollen presentation. No trade-off was observed between P/O and the volume of a single pollen grain, nor between pollen number and pollen grain volume. Perennials showed higher P/Os compared to annuals, in accordance with the assumption that annual species are often self-compatible while most perennials are outcrossers. Fruit and seed set, evaluated in eight species under different experimental conditions, showed a close dependence on insects, and the existence of self-compatibility in three species (Colutea arborescens, Coronilla emerus, Hedysarum coronarium). In Colutea arborescens and Coronilla emerus pollen-pistil interaction and pre-zygotic barriers to selfing were investigated through stigma receptivity tests and in-vivo pollen germination trials. Results demonstrated the importance of the stigmatic cuticle in reducing levels of autogamy. Productivity tests confirmed the utility of P/O ratio as indirect measure of species' breeding system.  相似文献   

Poor seed development in sunflower may result from insufficient assimilate supply (source limitation). To test this hypothesis, the effects of changed source–sink ratio on seed set (measured as percentage of empty achenes) and seed filling (measured as dry mass per filled achene) in individual plants were investigated. Source–sink ratio, defined as leaf area per floret (LAF), was experimentally altered using invasive (floret removal, defoliation) and non‐invasive (pulse of chilling, short days or shading during leaf or floret initiation) treatments. Shading at floret initiation proved the most effective non‐invasive method. Generally, an increase, or decrease, in LAF improved, or impaired, both seed set and filling. Increasing LAF by 2.0 cm2[95% confidence interval (1.5, 2.5)] decreased the percentage of empty achenes by 36.9%‐points (?41.9, ?30.9) and increased dry mass per filled achene by 20.1 mg (13.6, 26.7) in the capitulum centre. The effect of source–sink ratio on seed set was always strongest in the centre, whereas peripheral whorls were not affected. Achene mass was affected in all parts of the capitulum. It is concluded that source limitation is a major cause for empty achenes in sunflower plants grown under non‐stress conditions.  相似文献   

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