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剑叶金鸡菊本地蜂平均每朵花序每30 min访花昆虫数约10个左右,平均飞行距离为12.71 cm,最长飞行距离为60 cm,每朵花停留时间较长约10 s,每个传粉昆虫平均访问剑叶金鸡菊基株数为2.59株。充足的花粉资源、访花昆虫数量多及每个飞行回合较高访问基株数,以及剑叶金鸡菊生育期后期出现的游击型克隆生长特性使得有利于居群相同基因型克隆分株的驱散,这样的一些特性降低了同株授粉的几率,保障了花粉资源,从而避免了克隆性对异交交配系统的不利影响,保证了高异交率。这样克隆生长没有影响到有性生殖,相反剑叶金鸡菊可以发挥两种繁殖策略的优势,从而促进入侵。  相似文献   

入侵植物剑叶金鸡菊克隆繁殖特性及群落特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江西庐山剑叶金鸡菊(Coreopsis lanceolata)入侵群落为研究对象,调查了不同生境剑叶金鸡菊的克隆繁殖特性和群落特征。结果表明,生境资源水平高低对剑叶金鸡菊的克隆构型影响不显著,无论是资源贫乏的岩石还是资源丰富的弃耕地生境,剑叶金鸡菊依靠植株基部节处萌生的小芽体生长成密集丛生状,其游击型克隆构型变化与环境资源可利用水平高低无关。剑叶金鸡菊种群的伴生植物多为一些适应范围广的杂草,由于剑叶金鸡菊的密集型克隆生长的集团化生长策略,使其种群耐贫瘠和干旱能力非常强,因而适应不同生境的能力也非常强,这种生长策略使剑叶金鸡菊个体能快速扩增并排挤本土植物,〖JP〗形成大面积的单一优势种群影响当地的生物多样性。  相似文献   

菊科入侵植物三叶鬼针草的繁殖特征及其与入侵性的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
郝建华  刘倩倩  强胜 《植物学报》2009,44(6):656-665
三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)是一种危害严重的菊科入侵植物。通过实验观察和人工控制套袋等方法, 对其花序开花动态、花粉胚珠比 (P/O)、自交亲和性、花粉活力、访花昆虫和种子 (瘦果)的萌发率等与繁殖相关的特征进行了研究, 探讨了这些繁殖特征与入侵性的关系。三叶鬼针草在10-11月开花, 单个花序的花期约为5-6天。每小花的花柱基部有圆筒状的蜜腺环绕。单个花序内可自交亲和, 自交结实率和花粉活力均较高, 其P/O值为1 7 54.1 2±29 .8 7。主要访花者为灰蝶科(Lycaenidae)、粉蝶科(Pieridae)和茧蜂科(Braconidae)昆虫。三叶鬼针草所具有的灵活交配机制是其入侵成功的重要因素。此外, 三叶鬼针草结实量大、种子产生迅速且适于传播, 以及种子萌发范围广和短期快速萌发等特性也增强了其入侵性。  相似文献   

菊科入侵植物三叶鬼针草的繁殖特征及其与入侵性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)是一种危害严重的菊科入侵植物.通过实验观察和人工控制套袋等方法,对其花序开花动态、花粉胚珠比(P/O)、自交亲和性、花粉活力、访花昆虫和种子(瘦果)的萌发率等与繁殖相关的特征进行了研究,探讨了这些繁殖特征与入侵性的关系.三叶鬼针草在10-11月开花,单个花序的花期约为5-6天.每小花的花柱基部有圆筒状的蜜腺环绕.单个花序内可自交亲和,自交结实率和花粉活力均较高,其P/O值为1754.12士29.87.主要访花者为灰蝶科(Lycaenidae)、粉蝶科(Pjerjdae)和茧蜂科(Braconidae)昆虫.三叶鬼针草所具有的灵活交配机制是其入侵成功的重要因素.此外,三叶鬼针草结实量大、种子产生迅速且适于传播,以及种子萌发范围广和短期快速萌发等特性也增强了其入侵性.  相似文献   

研究了克隆整合特性对天胡荽在异质性土壤养分环境中繁殖策略的影响。结果表明: 克隆整合可显著提高相连分株中处于低资源条件下近端分株的结果数和坐果率、总种子数量, 及其单个克隆分株的平均结籽数, 但对各处理单果重量的无显著影响。克隆整合有利于促进资源缺乏端的有性繁殖; 促进生理顶端分株的克隆繁殖。在低资源条件下, 克隆整合促进近端分株的有性繁殖以及远端分株的克隆繁殖; 相反则促进远端分株的有性繁殖和克隆繁殖。因此, 克隆整合特性是天胡荽对异质性环境的重要适应对策, 它使天胡荽能够扩展到不适合植物生长的低养分斑块中, 从而增加了天胡荽对恶劣环境的繁殖适合度及适应能力。  相似文献   

白花鬼针草是一种菊科入侵植物。本研究从单个花序花期的观察、繁育系统、花粉胚珠比、自交亲和性、花粉活力、访花昆虫、种子萌发特性等方面对白花鬼针草的繁殖特性进行了分析,探讨了其与入侵性之间的关系。研究表明:白花鬼针草单个花序全部开放约5~7 d,约第9天全部凋落;花粉活力在1~8 d内维持在较高的水平(87.07%~93.41%);花粉胚珠比为2508,单个花序可自交亲和,亦可兼性异交,为混合交配系统,结实率高;边花(舌状花)的存在有利于结实率的提高;访花昆虫主要有粉蝶科、蛱蝶科、茧蜂科和蚁科的昆虫;对萌发率、萌发速率、萌发开始时间和萌发持续时间做因子及聚类分析,白花鬼针草种子的萌发特性可以表现为爆发型、过渡型、缓萌型、低萌型4种萌发类型,根据不同的环境条件选择不同的萌发类型。总之,白花鬼针草具有自交亲和,结实率高,结实量大,种子萌发率高、萌发速率快且具有不同的萌发策略和边花等繁殖特点,是其成功入侵的主要原因。  相似文献   

剑叶金鸡菊(Coreopsis lanceolata)原产北美, 作为观赏植物传入我国, 被列为有害外来入侵物种。采用开顶式生长室(OTC)模拟增温的方法, 研究了剑叶金鸡菊在增温条件下其形态特征、克隆分株数、生物量及生物量分配的响应。结果表明: 受短期增温的影响, 剑叶金鸡菊的叶片数显著增加85.38%, 株高、叶片长、叶片宽及克隆分株数均没有显著差异。地上生物量的积累在增温后显著增加21.86%, 但增温后地下生物量及根冠比与对照相比没有显著差异。增温对剑叶金鸡菊的地上生物量分配及地下生物量分配有显著影响, 地上生物量分配显著增加, 地下生物量显著减少。综合上述结果可知短期增温促进了剑叶金鸡菊的生长及生物量的积累, 但增温导致土壤水分的降低限制了根系的生长, 使生物量更多分配给地上部分, 利于植物生长, 增强其入侵能力。  相似文献   

豚草(Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.)是原产于北美的一年生恶性入侵植物,目前已广泛分布在我国东北、华北、华中和华东等地,威胁农业、生态和民众健康。该种雌、雄头状花序同株,以种子繁殖,因而其有性繁殖特性对其扩散和爆发具有重要影响。运用套袋授粉和联苯胺-过氧化氢法等实验方法,对入侵江苏常熟的豚草种群的繁育系统特性进行了研究。结果表明,豚草花粉活力在开花后第4天开始出现,第8天到第10天花粉活力比较高;柱头可授性在开花第2天开始出现,第5天到第8天柱头可授性较高;同植株上同一时期开花的雌花的柱头可授性和雄花的花粉活力有5d左右的重叠期。不套袋处理(自然条件)和异株授粉处理下,豚草的结实率都比较高,分别达48.4%和44.4%,两者间无显著差异(P0.05);而同株授粉处理的结实率较低,仅3.4%,极显著低于不套袋处理和异株授粉的结实率(P0.01)但显著大于0(P0.05)。分析表明,豚草属于自交不亲和种,但又可部分自交亲和,不具有无融合生殖特性。因此,对在新分布区的零星豚草植株进行及时防除,将取得事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

克隆植物的无性与有性繁殖对策   总被引:39,自引:1,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
许多植物同时具有克隆生长与有性繁殖,两种繁殖方式间的平衡在不同物种间以及同一物种内不同种群间变化很大。旺盛的克隆生长可能会从多方面影响生活史进化。首先,许多克隆植物的有性繁殖与更新程度都很低,甚至有一些植物由于克隆生长而几乎完全放弃了有性过程,从而影响到克隆植物对局域环境的适应和地理范围进化。其次,克隆生长增大花展示进而增加了对传粉者的吸引,同时也增加了同株异花授粉的风险,而同株异花授粉往往会导致植物雄性和雌性适合度的下降。因此,克隆植物的空间结构与交配方式间可能存在着协同进化关系。最后,克隆生长与有性繁殖间可能存在着权衡关系:对克隆生长的资源投入将会减少对有性繁殖的资源投入。这种权衡关系可能是由环境条件、竞争力度、植物寿命和遗传等因素决定的。如果不同的繁殖方式是植物在不同环境下采取的适应性对策,那么我们可以预期:在波动和竞争力度大的生境中,植物应将大部分的繁殖资源分配给有性繁殖;而在相对稳定的环境中,克隆繁殖应该占据优势地位。但是自然选择对两种繁殖方式的选择结果是什么,以及控制这两种方式间平衡的生态和遗传因子究竟有哪些,到底是克隆生长单向地影响了植物的有性繁殖,还是与有性过程相伴随的选择压力同时塑造了植物的克隆习性?目前尚不清楚。同时从无性与有性繁殖两个方面综合考察克隆植物的繁殖对策是今后亟待加强的工作。  相似文献   

研究了剑叶金鸡菊及其伴生植物鬼针草、羊蹄幼苗的生物量分配、生长和生理特性在不同强度的光生境中(全光照和31%光照)的响应特征,探讨了这些特征与其入侵性的关系.结果表明:(1)光强是影响剑叶金鸡菊入侵的重要环境因子,高光环境下其幼苗较高的相对生长速率( RGR)和植物单位重量的光合效率(Am)与其入侵性密切相关.遮荫下,...  相似文献   

It is important to determine the characteristics associated with the success of alien species. However, there is no universal syndrome of invasion reproductive characteristics to explain the success of invasiveness has not been identified. Comparative studies on congeneric successful or non-successful alien species are beneficial for revealing the drivers of invasion success and predicting future distributions. Reproductive biological characteristics, including the mating system, phenology of flowering, floral syndrome, pollination biology and seed germination have been investigated in the invasive Coreopsis lanceolata and non-successful congener alien species Coreopsis tinctoria. The results revealed that C. lanceolata significantly attracted insect visitors by 11.67 times more than its congener, and the corolla density of C. lanceolata was positively correlated with the number of visiting insects. The high attraction of local insect bees Apis cerana guarantees the reproductive success and high seed production of C. lanceolata. Nevertheless, there was no versatile mating system, because its congener non-successful alien species C. lanceolata still successfully invaded due to the combination strategies of self-compatibility and presence of rhizomes. Furthermore, the ability of seed germination of C. lanceolata was lower than that of C. tinctoria, especially under drought and Al3+ stress, suggesting that germination performance can serve as a reference indicator. However, this was not an absolute trait for invasiveness. Hence, these germination traits might slow down the invasiveness of C. lanceolata in south China. These present findings highlight that the combination of self-incompatibility and rhizomes should be given attention in the risk assessment protocols for plant invasiveness.  相似文献   

Bidens frondosa L. (Asteraceae) is a widespread invasive weed in China. By experimental observation and bagging treatment, the reproductive biological characteristics of this species, such as phenology of flowering, floral syndrome, breeding system and seed germination characteristics, were studied to assess the association of these reproductive characteristics with invasiveness. Flowers of B. frondosa bloom from September to October every year in Ji'an city, Jiangxi province. The lifespan of a single capitulum is approximately 4 to 5 days, with 30 to 60 florets per capitulum. The capitulum diameter, anthocaulus length, floret length and width, stamen length and pistil length were 6.1, 30.9, 2.2, 0.6, 3.0 and 2.7 mm, respectively. The seed set percentage of 48.5% in the treatment of bagging flowers without emasculation suggests B. frondosa is self‐compatible; meanwhile, the percentage of 63.1% in the treatment of bagging with emasculation and manual xenogamy suggests it also is cross‐compatible. P/O ratio per capitulum of this species was 450.5, which suggests that the breeding system of B. frondosa is facultative xenogamous, and it needs pollinators to some degree. The main floral visitors were insects of Hymenoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera. The 1000‐achenes weight was 1.97 g. The achenes emerged as a small germination peak from the fourth to fifth day, and had a high accumulated germination rate of up to 84.0% on day 20 after sowing. Our experimental findings suggested that the reproductive biological characteristics, such as the versatile mating system of self‐ and cross‐pollination, high seed production, a special method of achene dispersal and germination peak, accompanied by a high accumulated germination rate, might contribute to the invasive ability of B. frondosa.  相似文献   

Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker, a member of Asteraceae, is a highly invasive species. However, its reproduction biology remains poorly known. To understand the role of reproductive traits in successful invasion of the species, we studied several traits of its reproductive system: the miniature capitulum and gynomonoecious sexual system, the biology and phenology of capitula and florets, pollen/ovule ratio, the mating system (selfcompatibility), flower visitors, physical traits and dispersal potential of achenes, germination potential of achenes from manually pollinated capitula, and the association of these traits with invasiveness. Our study showed that the reproductive traits of autonomous seed production, versatile mating system of self- and cross-pollination, and generalized pollination system might contribute to the species' successful invasive capability. The invasiveness was further enhanced by the high and rapid production of achenes, as well as the high percentage, rapid germination rate and high dispersal capability of achenes. It was concluded that in annual or winter-annual weeds, autonomous seed production contributed significantly to the invasiveness of the species.  相似文献   

Dwarf bamboos in the genus Sasa are believed to be long-lived, synchronously flowering, and monocarpic plants. However, the monocarpy of dwarf bamboo has not been confirmed, because whether all ramets within one genet flower at the same time cannot be determined without differentiating the genetic structure among ramets. This study aims to evaluate the reproductive traits of Sasa pubiculmis by verifying the monocarpy and physiological integration between flowering ramets and non-flowering ramets during a 4-year flowering period. One genotypically identified genet, which covered an area of approximately 3 ha, had both flowering and non-flowering patches of ramets during the 4-year flowering period (2004–2007). A fraction of the flowering genet remained non-flowering during the 4 years of observation, and did not die after mass flowering. Flowering ramets were physically connected to non-flowering ramets via rhizomes, and assimilated 13C was allocated from non-flowering ramets to flowering ramets. Consequently, we clarified that this dwarf bamboo potentially has polycarpic reproductive traits rather than monocarpic, and a genet can keep rhizomes and non-flowering patches alive to sustain the organism after mass flowering.  相似文献   

入侵植物小花山桃草种群构件生物量结构及种子萌发特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过野外设置样方调查和室内萌发试验,研究小花山桃草种群各构件生物量的结构特征和它们之间的关系模型、繁殖分配以及种子萌发特点。结果表明:(1)小花山桃草根、茎、叶、花(果)序生物量与植株高度之间以及各构件生物量之间均呈正相关关系,可用幂函数模型或线性函数模型较好地表达;(2)各构件生物量在个体生物量中所占的比率表现为茎>花序>叶>根;(3)小花山桃草的繁殖投入和繁殖分配都随植株个体的增大而增加;(4)小花山桃草个体大小和繁殖投入之间为线性关系,而个体大小和繁殖分配之间为幂函数关系;(5)小花山桃草存在一个较小的繁殖阈值(0.6043g);(6)小花山桃草种子在有光照(12h)和黑暗条件下发芽率均可达到85%以上;未经贮藏的种子不萌发,低温沙藏(1~2℃)和室温干藏(14~32℃)一个半月种子萌发率分别可达92.5%和79%;低温沙藏时种子即可发芽,且发芽率可达61%。在研究地区,小花山桃草几乎整个生长季都可萌发,甚至初冬还有幼苗产生。小花山桃草构件生物量结构和繁殖分配特征、种子萌发特点等都有助于其入侵能力的提高,是其成功入侵我国的重要原因。  相似文献   

二型花柱植株金荞麦繁殖特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
开花物候及繁殖分配是植物适应环境的重要因素。对金荞麦开花物候、繁殖分配及策略进行了研究。结果如下:金荞麦的花果期为每年的8—11月,9月集中开花,其集中开花模式有助于吸引昆虫传粉,提高繁殖成功率;金荞麦单花开花持续时间为1—2 d,种群花期均为85d。L型花序花期为15—26d,S型花序花期为14—27d,两者没有显著差异;L型单花序开花数为26—131朵,S型单花序开花数为36—147朵,两者没有显著差异。L型和S型花序开花动态呈现单峰曲线,在花序开花后第11天L型和S型都达到最大值,分别为7.30%和7.20%,且两种花型具有较高的开花同步性,这有助于其繁殖适应性的提高。同一个花型中,雌蕊长、雄蕊长之间存在极显著负相关,但雌雄总长不存在显著差异,表明雌蕊长、雄蕊长可能存在权衡关系;金荞麦的繁殖器官和营养器官生物量在L型和S型间不存在显著差异,但其花生物量与植株生物量表现出极显著正相关关系。金荞麦L型花生物量分配极显著大于S型,而总生物量不存在显著差异,说明金荞麦植株的营养生长与有性繁殖间存在权衡关系。  相似文献   

火把花(Colquhounia coccinea?)表现出典型的鸟媒综合征,因此具有作为引鸟景观植物的开发潜力。以自然、人工生境的火把花居群为研究对象,通过观察和试验对其开花物候、花部综合特征、访花动物及其行为、繁育系统、种子萌发特性进行研究,以明确火把花的繁殖特性及对不同访花动物的吸引潜力。结果显示,火把花的整体花期持续约3个月,单花花期为9.6±0.6 d;花蜜较丰富且稀薄,具有较短的花冠管和己糖为主的花蜜糖组成;访花动物主要是中华蜜蜂和多种食蜜鸟类,尤其是短喙的泛化鸟类,且在非自然生境中仍然能吸引鸟类访花;完全自交亲和但需要传粉者才能完成授粉,不存在花粉限制;不同授粉处理种子的发芽能力无显著差异;中华蜜蜂能有效传粉,鸟类的传粉作用需进一步验证。综上所述,火把花可供观赏的时间很长,具有明显的吸引鸟类访花的能力,容易通过有性繁殖途径快速获得大量幼苗。  相似文献   

To determine the evolutionary importance of parental environmental effects in natural populations, we must begin to measure the magnitude of these effects in the field. For this reason, we conducted a combined growth chamber-field experiment to measure parental temperature effects in Plantago lanceolata. We grew in the field offspring of controlled crosses of chamber-grown parents subjected to six temperature treatments. Each treatment was characterized by a unique combination of maternal prezygotic (prior to fertilization), paternal prezygotic, and postzygotic (during fertilization and seed set) temperatures. Offspring were followed for three years to measure the effects of treatment on several life-history traits and population growth rate, our estimate of fitness. Parental treatment influenced germination, growth, and reproduction of newborns, but not survival or reproduction of offspring at least one year old. High postzygotic temperature significantly increased germination and leaf area at 17 weeks by approximately 35% and 2%, respectively. Probability of flowering and spike production in the newborn age class showed significant parental genotype x parental treatment interactions. High postzygotic temperature increased offspring fitness by approximately 50%. The strongest contributors to fitness were germination and probability of flowering and spike production of newborns. A comparison of our data with previously collected data for chambergrown offspring shows that the influence of parental environment on offspring phenotype is weaker but still biologically meaningful in the field. The results provide evidence that parental environment influences offspring fitness in natural populations of P. lanceolata and does so by affecting the life-history traits most strongly contributing to fitness. The data suggest that from the perspective of offspring fitness, natural selection favors parents that flower later in the flowering season in the North Carolina Piedmont when it is warmer. Genotypic-specific differences in response of offspring reproductive traits to parental environment suggest that parental environmental effects can influence the rate of evolutionary change in P. lanceolata.  相似文献   

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