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水稻苗期施用抗倒胺,可以防止秧苗徒长,促进根系发育,提高分蘖能力,促进干物质积累,从而使秧苗素质提高。大田期施用抗倒胺后,株高降低,基部节间长度缩短,成穗数增加。用量超过15g·a-1,每穗粒数即下降。  相似文献   

秧宝灵浸渍早稻种子,可有效地防止其烂秧发生和提高秧苗素质。这主要是由于秧宝灵处理后能加快幼叶的转绿速度,增加芽和幼叶的束缚水含量,提高芽的可溶性蛋白质含量,增强幼苗根系的活力,从而使秧苗具有较强的抗低温胁迫的能力。  相似文献   

多效唑对螟虫的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
龚智华  汪保香 《昆虫知识》1991,28(3):134-135
<正> 多效唑(MET)是近几年来大力推广的一种植物生长延缓剂,自1987年在我县引进,至1989年在晚稻秧田施用面积已达35%以上。它具有提高秧苗素质,促使秧苗矮化、粗壮,提早和增加分蘖,增强秧龄弹性,缓和季节矛盾,易拔秧,移栽后不落黄,节约用种量,增产显著等效果。 由于施用多效唑改变了禾苗形态和生理机能,使原不利螟虫发生的秧苗期,变为有利,致使晚稻秧苗期虫口密度大幅度上升,已成为下一代的主要虫源田之一。笔者于1988~1989  相似文献   

烟草内生细菌种群动态研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
经过对 7个田间种植的烟草品种不同栽培时期、不同组织内生细菌种群动态研究表明 ,不同品种内生细菌种群有一定程度差异。同一品种中有的内生细菌为常住菌群 ,有的为暂居菌群 ,带菌量根中最高 ,茎次之 ,叶中最低。在整个生育期中 ,7个品种内生细菌数量表现出从种子到出苗期大幅增加 ,从出苗期到十字期又大幅度下降 ,随后从缓苗期到伸根期再一次急剧增加并维持在一个较高水平。通过对烟草这一重要经济作物内生细菌种群动态变化研究 ,可为烟草病虫害生物防治和促生增产研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

一.棉花壮苗的生理基础问题要提高棉花产量,必须抓住棉花生产过程中的每一环节。棉花苗期的壮苗齐苗无疑是获致棉花高产的重要基础。壮苗齐苗是栽培管理、遗传育种和病虫害防治等综合措施的结果。从生理角度考虑壮苗齐苗问题,主要是提高棉花种子的发芽率、发芽势、加速苗期的生长势以及增强棉苗对不良环境的抵抗能力如抗病、耐低温、耐盐碱等。  相似文献   

通过比较松嫩草地主要豆科牧草种子萌发期耐盐碱性的差异, 苗期出苗情况和病虫害及种植牧草后对土壤化学性质的影响, 对该6种豆科牧草进行综合评价, 并选出适宜在松嫩盐碱化草地种植的豆科牧草。结果表明, 在萌发期, 紫花苜蓿 (Medicago sativa L.)、扁蓿豆 (Medicago ruthenica)、兴安胡枝子 (Lespedeza davurica)、细叶胡枝子 (Lespedeza hedusaroides)和黄花草木樨 (Melilotus officinalis) 5种小粒种子耐盐碱性好于大粒种子广布野豌豆 (Vicia cracca), 尤其是紫花苜蓿 (M. sativa L.), 其发芽率和活力指数在低盐浓度 (≤ 0.4% NaCl)环境中高于对照条件; 苗期小粒种子出苗较快 (3—4 d), 大粒种子广布野豌豆 (V. cracca) 出苗时间较长 (9 d); 细叶胡枝子 (L.edusaroides)、兴安胡枝子 (L. davurica)和黄花草木樨 (M. officinalis)不易遭病虫害, 其余3种易受蚜虫和七星瓢虫危害。种植6种豆科牧草后土壤氮含量都有一定程度的提高, 尤其是兴安胡枝子 (L. davurica); 土壤pH也有了一定程度的降低, 尤其是紫花苜蓿 (M. sativa L.)。综合比较发现松嫩草地6种豆科牧草以种植小粒种子紫花苜蓿 (M. sativa L.)和兴安胡枝子 (L. davurica)牧草为更好。  相似文献   

S3307对玉米种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
玉米 (Zeamays)品种苏玉 1号种子 ,分别用不同浓度S330 7(浙江省农科院生化实验厂生产的 5 %乳剂 )溶液浸种 (以清水作对照 ) 5h ,经清水冲洗后在室温条件下催芽。盆栽试验 :从各处理中挑选发芽均一的种子于 5月 2 1日播种 ;田间试验 :于 5月 30日将各处理生长均匀的秧苗移入大田。种子萌发3d测定发芽势 ,6d测定发芽率 ,移栽当日各处理随机取样 2 0株进行秧苗素质考测。栽入大田 1 3d时 ,各处理取样 1 0株测定株高、茎粗、叶挺长、干鲜重及根冠比等植株形态指标。获得如下结果 :1 .2 0~ 5 0mg·L-1S330 7浸种后 ,玉米的发…  相似文献   

光合微生态菌剂对种子萌芽及幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
种子萌芽及幼苗生长试验结果表明,光合微生态菌剂可提高种子萌芽率,促进幼苗根系发育和生长,对苗期病害具有较好的防治效果,稀释50倍的菌剂可有效控制蔬菜苗期立枯病和恶苗病的发病率,防治效果达到70%以上。  相似文献   

<正> 近年来,稻蓟马Stenchaetothrips bifornis(Ba-gnall)已是太湖稻区单季晚稻苗期的主要害虫,它不仅造成秧苗叶片卷缩、叶尖枯黄,严重为害时秧苗成片焦枯,造成缺秧。目前已成为该区培育水稻壮秧的主要障碍之一。根据作者的研究,认为稻蓟马的生长和发育与温度有密切的关系,现将1982年的研究结果整理如下: 一、研究方法 供试品种是单季晚稻的苏粳二号。在秧苗  相似文献   

水稻RIL群体苗期耐冷性QTL分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
水稻苗期冷害是影响早春季节和高纬度地区水稻成苗和秧苗生长的重要限制因素之一。为了鉴定控制水稻苗期耐冷性的QTL,研究采用了1个水稻“粳籼交”重组自交系(RIL)群体,结合1张高密度分子遗传图谱,对3叶期幼苗经过10℃冷处理3d、恢复培养2d和4d时的秧苗存活率进行复合区间作图。亲本Lemont和特青的苗期耐冷性具有极显著差异,Lemont的苗期耐冷性很强,而特青对低温敏感。在重组自交系群体中,苗期耐冷性表现为连续变异,在两个方向上均出现大量超亲分离。共检测到5个水稻苗期耐冷性QTL,分别位于水稻1、3、8和11号染色体上,单个QTL对性状的贡献率为7%~21%。其中,4个QTL的增效基因来源于亲本Lemont,另1个QTL的增效基因来源于亲本特青。2个主效QTL(qSCT-3和qSCT-8)分别位于3号染色体标记区间RM282-RM156和8号染色体标记区间RM230—RM264,对性状的贡献率达到或接近20%,被检测到的LOD值显著较高,其增效基因均来自于耐冷性亲本Lemont。研究结果进一步揭示了水稻苗期耐冷性QTL具有丰富的位点多样性,表明耐冷性普遍较强的粳稻是发掘苗期耐冷性优异基因的主要稻种资源。  相似文献   

高吸水性种衣剂对水稻旱育秧苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高吸水性树脂具有较强吸水保湿功能,使用高吸水性水稻种衣剂培育旱育秧苗,可以有效控制苗床水分和湿度,同时能缓释农药和肥料,增强秧苗抗逆性。试验表明,高吸水性种衣剂处理对水稻发芽率和发芽势无不良影响,且壮根、壮苗效果显著;能减少病害发生,保持旱育秧苗发根优势和分蘖优势,达到省工省时的目的。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the influence of boron (B) application through seed coating on leaf elongation, tillering, water relations, panicle sterility, kernel yield, and grain biofortification of fine grain aromatic rice. Boron was applied as seed coating at 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 g B kg?1 seed in two rice cultivars Super Basmati and Shaheen Basmati. Boron seed coating significantly affected the leaf elongation, water relations, panicle fertility, kernel yield and grain biofortification in both rice cultivars. However, seed coating with 1.0–2.0 g B kg?1 seed was effective in improving the leaf emergence and elongation, and tillering. Whereas water relations (water and osmotic potential) were improved by all B seed coating treatments, but pressure potential was only improved from seed coating with 2.0–3.0 g B kg?1 seed. Kernel yield was improved by all B seed coating treatments; however seed coating with 2 g B kg?1 seed was the most effective treatment in this regard. Increase in kernel yield, by B seed coating, was attributed to decrease in panicle sterility. Leaf and kernel B contents were increased with increase in B concentration in seed coating.  相似文献   

Bacterial attack is a serious agricultural problem for growth of rice seedlings in the nursery and field. The thionins purified from seed and etiolated seedlings of barley are known to have antimicrobial activity against necrotrophic pathogens; however, we found that no endogenous rice thionin genes alone are enough for resistance to two major seed-transmitted phytopathogenic bacteria, Burkholderia plantarii and B. glumae, although rice thionin genes constitutively expressed in coleoptile, the target organ of the bacteria. Thus, we isolated thionin genes from oat, one of which was overexpressed in rice. When wild-type rice seed were germinated with these bacteria, all seedlings were wilted with severe blight. In the seedling infected with B. plantarii, bacterial staining was intensively marked around stomata and intercellular spaces. However, transgenic rice seedlings accumulating a high level of oat thionin in cell walls grew almost normally with bacterial staining only on the surface of stomata. These results indicate that the oat thionin effectively works in rice plants against bacterial attack.  相似文献   

In the standard blotter seed health testing of jute, maize and rice some ungerminated seeds, and seedlings with or without symptoms were eventually found to be infected by pathogenic fungi on prolonged incubation any by trans-planting seedlings from blotters to autoclaved soil in pots.  相似文献   

In various pathogenicity, serological, physiological and biochemical tests, performed in Belgium and Japan, the Pseudomonas fuscovaginae strains associated above 1,350 m elevation in Burundi with sheath brown rot of rice, rusty seed and black, stripes on seedlings, were found to be similar to reference strains of this pathogen from Japan. The same bacteria was detected on rice seeds imported from Asia to Burundi. Beside the serological characteristics, P. fuscovaginae can be differentiated from other oxidase and arginine dihydrolase positive non-pathogenic fluorescent pseudomonads, also isolated from lesions on rice seedlings, by the simultaneous occurrence of no production of 2-ketogluconate, acid production from trehalose, but not from inositol. Occasionally, other symptoms inducing, oxidase positive, fluorescent pseudomonads, different from any described species, were isolated from rice seedlings and sheath rot in Burundi.  相似文献   

AIMS: The present study describes the detection and quantification of the Sarocladium oryzae metabolites, helvolic acid and cerulenin in extracts of rice grains collected from plants infected with sheath rot. It also describes the phytotoxicity of these metabolites on rice seedlings. METHODS AND RESULTS: Helvolic acid and cerulenin in sheath rot-infected rice grains were detected using thin layer chromatography (TLC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses. On the TLC plates helvolic acid and cerulenin moved as brownish yellow spots and showed R(F) values of 0.61 and 0.49, respectively. A standard assay curve was developed on the basis of selective toxicity of helvolic acid towards Calvibacter michiganensis ATCC 2140 and cerulenin towards Candida albicans 1150. The amounts of helvolic acid and cerulenin on the basis of standard assay curve were 2.2 and 1.75 microg g(-1) of infected seeds. Treatment of IR 36 rice seedlings with metabolites induced chlorosis and reduced shoot length by 20%, root length by 30% and root number by 7% relative to control. CONCLUSIONS: Helvolic acid and cerulenin were detected in infected rice grains and these metabolites induced chlorosis and reduced the seed viability and seedling health of rice. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Antimicrobial and phytotoxic metabolites, helvolic acid and cerulenin are present in infected grains and reduce the seed viability and seedling health. These metabolites may increase the pathogenic potential and survival of S. oryzae in rice seed by competing with other seed-borne fungi.  相似文献   

Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) is a major oxidative enzyme that converts betaine aldehyde to glycine betaine (GB), an osmoprotectant compound in plants. Japonica rice (salt-sensitive) was genetically engineered to enhance salt tolerance by introducing the OsBADH1 gene from Indica rice (salt-tolerant), which is a GB accumulator. We produced transgenic rice plants overexpressing the modified OsBADH1 gene under the control of the maize ubiquitin promoter. The transgenic rice showed increased OsBADH1 gene expression and OsBADH1 enzyme production, resulting in the accumulation of GB. It also exhibited enhanced salt tolerance in immature and mature transgenic rice seedlings. The adverse effect of salt stress on seed germination, the growth of immature and mature seedlings, water status, and photosynthetic pigments was alleviated in transgenic seedlings.  相似文献   

We prepared 19 amino acid conjugates of the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) and investigated their biological activity, enzymatic hydrolysis by a recombinant Arabidopsis amidohydrolases GST-ILR1 and GST-IAR3, and metabolic fate in rice seedlings. Different sets of ABA-amino acids induced ABA-like responses in different plants. Some ABA-amino acids, including some that were active in bioassays, were hydrolyzed by recombinant Arabidopsis GST-IAR3, although GST-ILR1 did not show hydrolysis activity for any of the ABA-amino acids. ABA-L-Ala, which was active in all the bioassays, an Arabidopsis seed germination, spinach seed germination, and rice seedling elongation assays, except in a lettuce seed germination assay and was hydrolyzed by GST-IAR3, was hydrolyzed to free ABA in rice seedlings. These findings suggest that some plant amidohydrolases hydrolyze some ABA-amino acid conjugates. Because our study indicates the possibility that different plants have hydrolyzing activity toward different ABA-amino acids, an ABA-amino acid may function as a species-selective pro-hormone of ABA.  相似文献   

水稻根表铁膜吸附镉及植株吸收镉的动态   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用营养液培养法研究了Cd处理时间对有铁膜和无铁膜水稻根表吸附Cd及植株吸收Cd动态变化的影响.水稻根表铁膜由50 mg·L-1 Fe2+(Fe50)诱导形成.供试植株在含10 μmol·L-1Cd的营养液中生长不同时间后收获.结果表明, 随Cd处理时间的延长,无铁膜和有铁膜处理水稻根表DCB-Cd含量均为先增加后减少,Cd处理2 h达到最高,之后逐渐下降并趋于稳定. 根系和地上部Cd含量均持续上升,Cd处理8 h前增加缓慢,8 h后增加幅度加大.有铁膜水稻根系和地上部Cd含量增加幅度均低于无铁膜水稻.有铁膜处理DCB-Cd含量、根系和地上部Cd含量均低于无铁膜处理.表明铁膜不影响水稻各部分Cd含量随时间的变化趋势;不同Fe处理之间根系和地上部Cd含量的差异可能与根系含Fe量有关.  相似文献   

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