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群落中克隆植物的重要性   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:21  
宋明华  董鸣 《生态学报》2002,22(11):1960-1967
综述了群落水平上克隆植物的重要性,克隆植物的生态习性,克隆植物的竞争关系等方面的研究进展,并试图在克隆植物竞争关系的背景下,结合其生境状况,探讨植物克隆性与植物物种多样性的关系。克隆植物的等级系统(基株—分株系统—分株)使其具有克隆性所赋予的多样的生活史、资源利用以及空间占据方式。列举了克隆植物的特性及其在群落中的作用。这些例子表明,克隆性强烈地影响和制约着植物群落的空间格局与竞争关系。然而克隆性也能通过权衡活动性与局部持久性来缓解对物种共存的抑制。克隆植物具有在时空尺度上分株间相互调节的机制,直接体现在群落中小尺度(个体与个体间)与大尺度(种群与种群间)间的相互作用上。丰富了传统的竞争和生态位划分理论,为群落中物种共存提供了合理解释。因此克隆植物在群落中的出现拓宽了群落系统潜在机制的范围。  相似文献   

群落的多样性取决于物种相互共存的能力,以及克服环境胁迫的能力,从而可能扮演一个环境过滤器的角色。生态位分化导致了比种间竞争更强的种内竞争,促进了物种共存。由于胁迫影响相互作用,生态位分化的强度可能沿胁迫作用的梯度发生变化。在有胁迫的栖息地,如沙漠和高山地区,植物的生长形式更加多样化,这表明在环境胁迫下植物具有更强的生态位分化。我们验证了生态位差异和环境过滤作用随着环境胁迫的增加而增强的假设。在墨西哥南部的半干旱草原上,我们沿着水分胁迫梯度在田间种植了6种一年生植物。植物进行三种种植处理:单独种植(没有相互作用),与同种植物为邻(种内相互作用)或与异种植物为邻(种间相互作用)。我们分析了种内与种间竞争的比值是如何沿水分胁迫梯度变化的,以评估水分如何决定生态位分化的强度。我们还测定了水分胁迫是否代表了一种环境过滤作用。我们发现了种内竞争比种间竞争更强,尤其是在水分胁迫更大的情况下。因此,我们的结果表明,除了一个物种外,所有物种至少在部分水分胁迫梯度下存在生态位分化。一些物种受到胁迫的阻碍,而另一些物种可能因为胁迫消除了土壤病原体而受到它的青睐。虽然高强度的生态位分化在环境胁迫下出现的频率略高,但由于我们的物种样本很小,而且这种通用的模式也存在例外,因此需要进一步的研究来确定这是否是自然界普遍存在的现象。  相似文献   

王丽丽  毕润成  闫明  祁建春 《生态学报》2012,32(17):5494-5501
种间分离的研究对于揭示种间相互作用、群落组成与动态具有重要意义。为了探讨五鹿山自然保护区白皮松林内物种间的关系及其共存机制,运用ArcGIS软件、N×N最近邻体列联表及其2×2列联表截表的方法、Pielou的分离指数,Hegyi单木竞争指数对山西五鹿山白皮松群落55个样方内的15种乔木和灌木的种间分离规律及9种乔木的种内种间竞争关系进行研究,并根据种间分离情况以及物种对环境的适应方式,将样地中15个物种划分为3个生态种组。结果表明:(1)该群落中随机毗邻种对占绝大多数(80%),正分离种对较少(16.19%),负分离种对极少(3.81%),群落趋于稳定。(2)种间分离在不同种之间存在着一定的差异,正分离常发生在群落中的建群种或优势种之间;而负分离常发生在群落中的优势种和一些伴生种之间。(3)物种的种间分离状况与其种内种间竞争及物种的空间分布格局具有密切的关系,正分离常常发生在种内竞争大于种间竞争呈聚集分布的优势种或建群种之间;而负分离常常发生在种间竞争大于种内竞争的优势种和伴生种之间,且同一生态种组内的物种种间竞争较不同生态种组间激烈。(4)种间分离与群落的生境异质性和物种的生态需求也具有密切的关系,即两个具有不同生境要求的物种之间常常发生正分离;而具有相同或相似生境要求的物种之间常常发生负分离。(5)白皮松群落内物种的总体分离规律为全面不分离。(6)由生境异质性和物种间不同的生态适应性引起的种内种间关系是维持五鹿山自然保护区白皮松群落稳定共存的机制。  相似文献   

植物群落物种共存机制的研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
物种共存是由进化、历史及生态尺度上的过程决定的.现存的理论从不同的尺度探讨了植物群落物种共存的可能机制,本文阐述了其中几种重要的理论.种库理论在进化和历史尺度上解释了植物物种共存的形成原因.在生态尺度上,虽然传统的生态位理论受到质疑,但是更新生态位理论和资源比率/异质性假说越来越受到重视;竞争共存理论认为具有相似竞争能力或能够避免竞争排斥的植物物种可以共存.在非平衡条件下,生物和非生物因素对植物物种共存也有显著影响,它们一方面作用于竞争优势种,使竞争优势向稀有种转移,另一方面可以创造生境时空异质性,为生态位分化提供机会.生态漂变学说认为群落中物种的组成不断变化,物种的共存和分布由随机因素决定.这些植物群落物种共存理论各有所长,互相补充.应用现代科学技术进行研究,结果必将促进人们对植物物种共存问题的深刻理解.  相似文献   

在金川泥炭地设置1m×1m和25 cm ×25 cm两个尺度的大、小样方进行植被调查,并利用方差比率法、x2检验、Pearson相关分析和Spearman秩相关分析方法,定量分析了9种苔藓植物和30种主要维管植物间的种间关系.偏叶泥炭藓、大泥炭藓和尖叶泥炭藓3种优势苔藓植物彼此呈显著负关联,占领着各自不同的生境;该3种优势苔藓植物同伴生苔藓及维管植物主要呈正相关,形成独特的群落,据此划分出4个生态种组.Spearman秩相关分析表明,大样方741个种对中,正联结种对数占49.53%,明显大于小样方666个种对中的41.14%.样方大小对分析植物个体大小差异悬殊的泥炭地植物群落的种间联结的影响巨大.苔藓与维管植物间以及苔藓植物间的种间联结甚至种间关系应在大、小样方中分别探讨更合适.  相似文献   

于新疆塔里木盆地荒漠绿洲过渡带设置3条样带(长900 m×宽50 m)进行植物群落调查,运用生态位测度指标和点格局法对种群空间格局、空间关联性及生态位特征进行研究。结果显示,胡杨(Populus euphratica Oliv.)、多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb.)和甘草(Glycyrrhiza inflate Bat.)具有较大的重要值和生态位宽度,对其它生态位较窄的物种具有资源竞争和扩张优势,生态适应能力强,对群落结构和环境变化起决定性作用;生态过渡带植物的种间生态位重叠普遍较高,尤其是草本植物间更明显,此分配格局反映出荒漠植物长期适应旱化生境而发生趋同适应,生态位分化程度低,种间资源竞争激烈;优势种群空间格局呈明显的空间变异性,0~25 m尺度内多枝柽柳和甘草分别呈随机分布和聚集分布,胡杨种群在≤5 m尺度内呈聚集分布,并随尺度增大转为随机分布;胡杨与多枝柽柳、胡杨与甘草、多枝柽柳与甘草分别在4 m、≤16 m和≤25 m尺度内呈显著空间负关联,种间相互排斥。表明在匮乏环境资源条件下植物趋同适应与资源竞争是驱动荒漠植物群落演替和限制物种共存的主要原因。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区不同立地条件下猪毛蒿种内、种间竞争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)通常是黄土丘陵区撂荒演替前期群落优势种,在无人为干扰的情况下,猪毛蒿群落通常会向冰草(Agropyron cristatum)群落或阿尔泰狗娃花(Heteropappus altaicus)群落,或长芒草(Stipa bungeana)群落等演替。该文通过河阶地和梁峁阴坡中猪毛蒿生长特征的调查和种内、种间竞争田间试验,从植物竞争角度对猪毛蒿群落的演替机制给予了解释。结果表明:1)两类样地中猪毛蒿的生长都趋于小型化,有少数大个体和多数小个体,都存在异速生长现象,说明两类样地存在竞争,且对猪毛蒿的生长形态具有塑造作用; 2)由于单位地上生物量竞争效应排除了立地条件和个体大小的影响,因而比总竞争效应更能说明种对间的相对竞争能力。梁峁阴坡地和一、二级河阶地三种立地条件下,7种测试植物中对猪毛蒿的相对竞争能力以演替后期多年生植物较高,而演替前期一年生植物较低,说明演替后期种对前期种的竞争抑制是演替驱动力之一; 3)以各测试植物对猪毛蒿单位重量竞争抑制程度平均值来看,以梁峁阴坡地最大,二级河阶地次之,一级河阶地最小,说明立地条件越差,土壤资源可利用水平越低,竞争越激烈; 4)一级河阶地和梁峁阴坡地各测试植物对猪毛蒿的竞争等级发生了显著变化,说明环境条件差别较大时,植物的竞争等级会发生变化。  相似文献   

生态群落物种共存的进化机制   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文概述了目前对生态群落的物种共存研究中存在的若干问题及动、植物群落物种共存机制的研究进展。植物群落的物种共存主要介绍与环境、种子再迁移、生态位分化、竞争平衡理论、种库假设、再生生态位等有关的几种假设、生态学上相似种的共存及“原”群落概念等。动物群落的物种共存机制主要从以下几方面叙述:(1)异质环境中的资源分割,主要指动物斑状滋养的不同利用;(2)避免竞争排斥的行为机制,如边缘效应、聚群效应、扩散行为、相互作用和干扰;(3)特化者和泛化者的共存,包括:竞争是物种向多功能进化的作用力、最佳觅食理论与生态学特化及特化概念的发展。最后指出进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

该研究通过对重庆缙云山国家级自然保护区的缙云秋海棠(Begonia jinyunensis)及其伴生物种所在群落进行实地调查,并以样地作为一维资源轴,物种重要值作为生态位计测状态指标,采用Levins、Hurlbert、Pianka公式对缙云秋海棠种群的生态位特征进行分析,以阐明该群落物种间对资源的利用和竞争关系,为缙云秋海棠的保护提供依据。结果表明:(1)在群落中缙云秋海棠的Levins和Hurlbert生态位宽度均最大,分别为6.742 40和0.717 80,表明缙云秋海棠对环境资源的利用能力强,生态适应幅度也较大。(2)研究区内缙云秋海棠的伴生物种中生态位宽度(Ba)大于0.3的3种植物为石生楼梯草(Elatostema rupestre)、斜方复叶耳蕨(Arachniodes rhomboidea)、对马耳蕨(Polystichum tsus-simense),其Ba值分别为0.460 00、0.417 04、0.301 60,表明缙云秋海棠的3个主要伴生种在群落中具有较强的竞争力。(3)20个伴生物种中与缙云秋海棠生态位重叠值最高的是石生楼梯草(0.671 4),说明缙云秋海棠与石生楼梯具有相似的环境要求,资源不足时,两者可能存在比较激烈的竞争,其中有12个伴生物种(60%)与缙云秋海棠的生态位重叠值小于0.5,群落中大多数物种与缙云秋海棠的生态位重叠值均较低,说明物种之间对资源的需求不同,环境适应能力相似度低,群落中的种间竞争不激烈。研究认为,缙云秋海棠生态位宽度大,生境适宜生存,种间竞争不激烈,即目前生态位因素不是造成其处于濒危状态的主要原因;导致缙云秋海棠数量少,呈现岛屿状分布的主要原因可能是其生境遭到人为破坏。  相似文献   

苔藓植物对植物天然更新的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
蔺菲  郝占庆  叶吉 《生态学杂志》2006,25(4):456-460
种子是天然更新的基础,幼苗和幼树的生长是天然更新过程中最敏感的阶段。苔藓植物作为许多生态系统的主要地被物,在维管植物天然更新过程中发挥着不容忽视的作用。在许多植被类型中,都有发育良好的苔藓群落,大量的研究证明它们的存在影响到维管植物的萌发、建成和生长,并且可能进一步影响到物种的共生,有一些种类甚至可能指示树种的更新。本文就苔藓植物对物种更新早期阶段的作用和影响进行了综述。包括苔藓植物的生理特性造成的微气候变化;苔藓群落对种子传播、萌发及幼苗建成的影响。并讨论了苔藓植物与更新物种的种间关系及其对幼苗生长的化感作用。  相似文献   

In grassland communities vascular plants and bryophytes form two distinct layers. In order to understand the factors responsible for plant community structure, more information about interactions between these plant groups is needed. Often negative correlations between vascular plant and bryophyte covers have been reported, suggesting competition. Here we tested experimentally whether different grassland vascular plant species (Trifolium pratense, Festuca pratensis, Prunella vulgaris) had different influences on the cover of two bryophyte species (Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus, Brachythecium rutabulum). In a two-year garden pot experiment one bryophyte species and one vascular plant species were planted per pot. Bryophytes were planted at a constant density, vascular plants in four densities. The cover of both bryophyte species increased with increasing vascular plant cover, showing the facilitative effect of vascular plants through creating better microclimate, e.g., optimising temperature. Bryophyte responses to vascular plant species were species-specific. Festuca had significantly positive effects on both bryophyte species in the second year, and Trifolium on Brachythecium in both years, whereas Prunella had no significant effect on bryophytes. The facilitative effect of vascular plants was stronger at the second experimental year. In summary, the biotic effects between bryophytes and grassland vascular plants are species-specific and positive interactions are prevailing at low vascular plant densities.  相似文献   

Herbivory can affect plant community composition and diversity by removing biomass and reducing light competition. Herbivory may particularly benefit low growing species such as bryophytes, which are frequently limited by light competition. Gastropods are important herbivores of seed plants and cryptogams, furthermore, they can disperse propagules such as seeds and spores via endozoochory. However, whether gastropod herbivory can reduce the dominance of vascular plants and thereby promote the germination and establishment of endozoochorously dispersed bryophyte spores has never been tested experimentally. Moreover, it is unclear whether these possible interacting effects can influence bryophyte species richness. Here, we tested for endozoochorous spore dispersal by slugs, in combination with sowing of vascular plants, in a fully factorial common garden experiment. Enclosures contained either slugs previously fed with bryophyte sporophytes, control slugs, or no slugs. After 21 days the bryophyte cover was on average 2.8 times higher (3.9% versus 1.4%) and after eight months the bryophyte species richness 2.6 times higher (5.8 versus 2.2) in enclosures containing slugs previously fed with bryophyte sporophytes than in the other treatments. Furthermore, after eight months high vascular plant cover reduced bryophyte diversity. On average enclosures without seed sowing harboured 1.6 times more bryophyte species than the ones with seed sowing (4.2 versus 2.6), indicating competitive effects of vascular plants on bryophytes. Our findings suggest that slugs are important dispersal vectors for bryophytes and that they can increase bryophyte populations and maintain bryophyte diversity by reducing the dominance of vascular plants.  相似文献   

干旱与半干旱地区苔藓植物生态学研究综述   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:24  
张元明  曹同  潘伯荣 《生态学报》2002,22(7):1129-1134
苔藓植物一般生活在阴湿的地方,但也有不少种类具有极强的耐旱性,在干旱和半干旱地区也有分布,在干旱和半干旱地区,影响苔藓植物分布的环境因子包括降水,pH值,CaCO3含量,植被盖度,有机质含量以及土壤质地等,其中起沙,固沙和生态小环境的改善中发挥着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

Classical niche theory, particularly in terms of competitive exclusion, does not appear to apply as well to bryophytes as to other organisms. Bryophyte communities, as well as those of other plants and of animals, can be thought of in terms of individual species each utilizing particular portions of various resource or habitat continua. Quantitative studies carried out since 1981, particularly those involving niche breadth and overlap, are reviewed. Special attention is given to niche diversification in Sphagnum , Splachnaceae, bryophyte communities in streams, and to ephemeral bryophyte communities. Some bryophyte communities appear to have equilibrium characteristics and to contain species with relatively narrow niche breadths and with no or only partial niche overlap. In many habitats, however, bryophyte communites have non-equilibrium characteristics and diversification of species in microhabitats is opportunistic. Do any bryophyte communities persist long enough for complete saturation by species which have realized niches determined by competitive interactions? Recent studies indicate that this is the case for at least some Sphagnum communities, but that it is the exception not the rule for bryophytes.  相似文献   

何芸雨  郭水良  王喆 《植物生态学报》2019,43(12):1021-1035
植物功能性状权衡关系反映了植物在资源获取与分配中采取的不同策略, 是近年来生态学研究的一个热点问题。该综述从研究范围、叶性状、器官和植物类群4个方面入手, 简要介绍植物功能性状关系研究在近10余年是如何在叶经济谱(LES)的基础上逐渐扩展和深入的。1)相关研究拓展到全球更多极端环境与特殊气候地区, 发现在不同的气候环境条件下, 植物叶片功能性状关系相对稳定, 植物种内的功能性状关系已被证实与LES相似; 2)功能性状网络从最初的6个经济性状扩展到叶片的分解、燃烧和水力等性状, 发现叶片的分解速率和可燃性均与叶片形态性状、养分含量等显著相关, 但叶片水力性状与经济性状的关系则取决于所研究的物种及生存环境的水分条件; 3)研究对象从植物叶片拓展到了根、茎、花、种子及植株整体, 叶片的比叶质量与茎的木质密度、种子大小相耦合, 但叶片形态性状与根和花的相关性状却无显著相关关系, 证明这些器官可能是独立进化的; 4) LES可以很好地解释特殊维管植物的生存适应策略: 入侵植物具有较高的资源利用效率和更快的相对生长速率, 在LES中处于“低投入-快速回报”的一端; 食虫植物的叶片特化为捕食器官, 光合作用及生长速率相对较低, 居于LES “高投入-缓慢回报”的另一端, 此外, 无论是最古老的种子植物苏铁属(Cycas)植物, 或是蕨类和变水植物(苔藓和地衣), 其功能性状关系都与LES大致相同。该文梳理了功能性状关系研究的进展脉络, 提出了一些建议, 期望为未来植物功能性状关系研究的选题和发展提供一些参考。  相似文献   

 对壤塘县二林场4个不同时间皆伐和造林后形成的幼林地, 开展了苔藓植物和维管植物多样性调查, 采用方差分析法对苔藓植物特征进 行差异性检验, 对苔藓植物结构特征和环境因子作偏相关性分析。结果表明: 1)幼林地4个阶段的发展进程中苔藓物种组成变化显著。优势种相 似, 为喜光耐旱的侧蒴藓物种; 一些耐阴喜湿的种类种群扩大成为林下局部生境优势物种; 同时由于干扰造成地表裸露后产生耐旱土生或石生 性广泛分布的藓类。2)随着幼林地植被恢复进程, 苔藓物种丰富度(22~37)和多样性指数(0.37~1.08)呈增长趋势。结构特征在4个幼林地表现 出较强的差异性。3)乔木与灌木层盖度与苔藓植物的发育呈正相关, 灌木层盖度的发育明显促进了苔藓植物丰富度的增加, 而基于喜光先锋的 禾草为主的草本发育程度很高, 与凋落物生物量一起抑制了苔藓的发育。随幼林地发展, 乔、灌、凋落物发育性质及其相互作用发生动态变化 。因此加速幼林地乔、灌层片的发育对于促进地表苔藓植物多样性的恢复与层片发育具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Interactions between vascular plants and bryophytes determine plant community composition in many ecosystems. Yet, little is known about the importance of interspecific differences between bryophytes with respect to their effects on vascular plants. We compared the extent to which species-specific bryophyte effects on vascular plant generative recruitment depend on the following underlying mechanisms: allelopathy, mechanical obstruction, soil moisture and temperature control. We sowed 10 vascular plant species into monospecific mats of six chemically and structurally diverse bryophytes, and examined 1-yr seedling recruitment. Allelopathic effects were also assessed in a laboratory phyto-assay. Although all bryophytes suppressed vascular plant regeneration, there were significant differences between the bryophyte species. The lack of interactions indicated the absence of species-specific adaptations of vascular plants for recruitment in bryophyte mats. Differences between bryophyte species were best explained by alterations in temperature regime under bryophyte mats, mostly by reduced temperature amplitudes during germination. The temperature regime under bryophyte mats was well predicted by species-specific bryophyte cushion thickness. The fitness of established seedlings was not affected by the presence of bryophytes. Our results suggest that climatically or anthropogenically driven changes in the species' composition of bryophyte communities have knock-on effects on vascular plant populations via generative reproduction.  相似文献   

We studied the relative importance of local habitat conditions and landscape structure for species richness of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens in dry grasslands on the Baltic island of Öland (Sweden). In addition, we tested whether relationships between species richness and vegetation cover indicate that competition within and between the studied taxonomic groups is important. We recorded species numbers of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens in 4 m2 plots (n=452), distributed over dry grassland patches differing in size and degree of isolation. Structural and environmental data were collected for each plot. We tested effects of local environmental conditions, landscape structure and vegetation cover on species richness using generalized linear mixed models. Different environmental variables explained species richness of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens. Environmental effects, particularly soil pH, were more important than landscape structure. Interaction effects of soil pH with other environmental variables were significant in vascular plants. Plot heterogeneity enhanced species richness. Size and degree of isolation of dry grassland patches significantly affected bryophyte and lichen species richness, but not that of vascular plants. We observed negative relationships between bryophyte and lichen species richness and the cover of vascular plants. To conclude, effects of single environmental variables on species richness depend both on the taxonomic group and on the combination of environmental factors on a whole. Dispersal limitation in bryophytes and lichens confined to dry grasslands may be more common than is often assumed. Our study further suggests that competition between vascular plants and cryptogams is rather asymmetric.  相似文献   

This study aimed to (i) investigate the congruence among the species composition and diversity of bryophytes and vascular plants in forests; (ii) test if site prioritization for conservation aims by the maximization of the pooled number of vascular plant species is effective to maximize the pooled number of bryophyte species. The study was performed in six forests in Tuscany, Italy. Four-hundred and twenty vascular plant species (61 of which were woody) and 128 bryophyte species were recorded in 109 plots. Despite the good predictive value of the compositional patterns of both woody plants and total vascular with respect to the compositional pattern of bryophytes, the species richness of the latter was only marginally related to the species richness of the former two. Bryophyte rare species were not spatially related to rare plant species and neither coincided with the sites of highest plant species richness. The species accumulation curves of bryophytes behaved differently with respect to those of woody plants or total vascular plants. Reserve selection analysis based on the maximization of the pooled species richness of either woody plants or total vascular plants were not effective in maximizing the pooled species richness of bryophytes. This study indicates that species diversity of vascular plants is not likely to be a good indicator of the bryophyte species diversity in Mediterranean forests.  相似文献   

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