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【目的】大豆蚜Aphis glycines(Matsumura)是危害我国大豆产量的重要刺吸式害虫,茄无网蚜Acyrthosiphon solani(Kaltenbach)是近年来在大豆田发生逐渐呈上升趋势的刺吸式害虫,蚜虫的发生动态严重影响大豆的产量和品质,本试验调查了马铃薯-大豆、玉米-大豆邻作种植模式对大豆田刺吸式害虫及其他主要害虫的种群动态的影响,为精准使用农药防控蚜虫提供依据。【方法】采用系统调查的方法,研究大豆田刺吸式害虫以及天敌的种群动态,在哈尔滨香坊农场进行马铃薯-大豆、大豆-玉米邻作的种植模式,对其大豆田中大豆蚜、茄无网蚜等刺吸式口器的害虫及天敌动态发生数量进行调查。【结果】2014年与2015年玉米-大豆、马铃薯-大豆种植模式的大豆田中的大豆蚜数量明显低于对照田,2014年玉米-大豆差异更显著,2015年马铃薯-大豆差异性显著。2014年与2015年玉米-大豆、马铃薯-大豆邻作种植模式的大豆田中的茄无网蚜数量显著低于对照田。而2014年8月温度低于2015年虫量相对高于2015年,虫量高时天敌总群动态也相对较高,达到调控作用。【结论】玉米-大豆、马铃薯-大豆邻作种植模式能够起到减少大豆蚜和茄无网蚜的为害的作用,并能够减少农药的使用量。  相似文献   

【目的】研究大豆蚜发生为害及大豆与多种作物间邻作种植对大豆蚜的控制作用,为大豆蚜的可持续综合治理提供理论依据。【方法】采用系统调查的方法,研究大豆蚜和天敌田间种群动态;通过田间罩笼、人工接蚜和释放天敌的方法,研究捕食性天敌对大豆蚜种群的控制作用;在佳木斯地区进行大豆与早熟马铃薯间作,牡丹江地区进行黄瓜-大豆-玉米、甜葫芦-大豆-玉米、烟草-大豆-香瓜、甜菜-大豆-玉米等多作物带状穿插种植模式,以单作大豆田为对照,对不同种植模式的大豆田大豆蚜与天敌进行调查,研究作物多样性对大豆蚜的控制作用。【结果】2009年6月中下旬大豆蚜开始侵入大豆田,3~5周后田间有蚜株率达到100%,大豆蚜种群发生高峰期在7月下旬至8月上旬,9月上旬在田间逐渐消失。草蛉、瓢虫和寄生蜂等为蚜虫天敌优势种;按大豆蚜与天敌数量之比700︰1,释放异色瓢虫和叶色草蛉成虫7 d后,蚜虫种群减退率分别为54.78%和78.79%;大豆与早熟马铃薯间作,在大豆蚜种群迅速增长期早熟马铃薯收获(7月20日)后第5天,豆田蚜虫天敌总数是收获前的2.6倍,与同期单作大豆田相比,间作田大豆蚜种群数量降低了51.3%。大豆与甜葫芦、香瓜、烟草和玉米等作物进行多样性间作种植,在大豆蚜田间发生高峰期,单作豆田益害比为1︰65.2,多样性种植区的大豆田益害比为1︰26~1︰42,与单作大豆田相比,间作田大豆蚜种群数量降低40.7%~83.5%。【结论】2009年大豆蚜的种群高峰期为8月3日,田间的天敌优势种类为草蛉、瓢虫和寄生蜂。早熟马铃薯与大豆间作,在大豆蚜种群迅速增长期间收获早熟马铃薯,大量蚜虫天敌转移至间作的大豆田,从而形成对大豆蚜的控制。大豆与其它经济作物间邻作,大豆田天敌昆虫与蚜虫的益害比明显提高,表明利用农田作物多样性能充分发挥自然天敌的生物控害作用。  相似文献   

【目的】研究大豆播期对大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura及其天敌的影响。【方法】试验在2012年、2013年进行,设置了3个大豆播期处理。每周调查播期处理田大豆蚜种群及天敌种类和数量,分析大豆蚜种群数量、种群增长率的时序动态、大豆蚜和天敌的关联度。【结果】不同播期条件下大豆蚜有翅蚜及无翅蚜的种群动态趋势基本一致,有翅蚜蚜量高峰期要早于无翅蚜1周。处理间的大豆蚜田间始见期与终见期随着播期推后而延迟,大豆蚜在田间扩散和消退的时期也随着大豆播期延后。晚播的两个处理高峰期蚜量多于或等于正常播期处理的蚜量。大豆蚜与天敌关联度随着播期的推后而变高。在调查的7种天敌中大豆蚜与异色瓢虫的关联度最高,草蛉、小花蝽和蚜茧蜂也表现较高的关联度。【结论】播期会显著影响大豆蚜的田间始见期和终见期,随着播期的推迟大豆蚜种群高峰期蚜量以及大豆蚜与天敌的关联度都会提高。  相似文献   

大豆田节肢动物群落优势种群时间生态位及营养关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】阐明大豆田节肢动物群落时间生态位及营养关系,为大豆害虫生态调控手段的实施提供坚实的理论依据。【方法】以大豆田节肢动物群落为研究对象,通过两年的田间系统调查分析。【结果】统计得到种类220余种,物种可分为天敌、害虫和中性昆虫3个类群,以天敌物种丰富度最高;害虫中以烟蓟马Thrips tabaci(0.36902)和大豆蚜Aphis glycines(0.13122)优势度最高,且有着较高的生态位重叠指数(0.8163),蚜小蜂Aphytis sp.和大草蛉Chrysopa septempunctata对害虫的时间生态位重叠指数很高,其他天敌如异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis、龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica、黑带食蚜蝇Zyistrophe balteata和黑食蚜盲蝽Deraeocoris punctulatus等对害虫的重叠指数居中;大豆田中各类群构成错综复杂的食物网结构。【结论】综合考虑天敌的种群数量,确定捕食性天敌是控制害虫种群数量的有效天敌。研究可知不能单纯从时间生态位的重叠指数的高低来判断天敌的控制能力。  相似文献   

黑龙江省哈尔滨地区吸虫塔有翅蚜种群动态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】明确吸虫塔对作物蚜虫防控的指导意义,明确中国黑龙江省哈尔滨地区有翅蚜(和大豆蚜)的种群动态,为大豆蚜虫防控提供预警信息。【方法】2009至2012年通过吸虫塔监测哈尔滨地区有翅蚜及有翅大豆蚜动态结合当年田间大豆蚜动态调查。【结果】哈尔滨吸虫塔全年收集有翅蚜量为0.6~1.7万头不等。具1~3个高峰(不同年份有翅蚜发生高峰数量不同),高峰期时间1个月左右,位于7月中旬至10月中旬之间。周有翅蚜量达200头时预示着有翅蚜高峰期的到来,高峰期有翅蚜量可占年有翅蚜量的90%以上。同一地区不同年份有翅蚜高峰期时间不同。吸虫塔有翅大豆蚜亦具1~3个高峰期,时间位于当年有翅蚜的高峰期时间内,为短短的1周或几周,高峰期蚜量占全年采集有翅大豆蚜量的80%~95%。田间大豆蚜只存在一个高峰,2009、2010、2012年田间大豆蚜高峰期均与吸虫塔收集的大豆蚜高峰期相重叠,且峰值日期一致。【结论】吸虫塔可以很好地反应当年田间大豆蚜的种群动态,表现在高峰期及高峰点的预测,可为大豆蚜的预测预报提供预警信息。  相似文献   

【目的】研究温度上升对中国寒地大豆作物上植食性害虫种群发生及种间关系的影响,有利于做好田间多种害虫发生的长期预测预报。【方法】本研究在人工气候箱内模拟气候变暖,调查了低温和高温对大豆蚜Aphis glycines(Matsumura)及朱砂叶螨Tetranychus cinnabarinus(Boisduval)种群在大豆植株上的发生及二者种间关系的影响;并用"叶子圆片法"测试了两种害虫在不同大豆品种上共同发生时的相互作用影响。【结果】低温有利于大豆蚜种群发展,高温有利于朱砂叶螨的种群发生;在高温下,两种害虫的种间竞争系数下降,即环境容纳量会增大。另外,在现有的气温条件下,两种害虫在大豆上的发生关系是"偏利共存",易于共同发生的,特别是大豆蚜更易于成灾,尤其是一些感虫性比较高的当地主栽大豆品种,即不同大豆品种的抗虫性有显著差异。【结论】这些情况表明:当前寒地大豆作物上不甚严重的几种害虫在未来有较高的成灾风险,需要准备一些防控预案,譬如,选育一些抗虫性较高而又适宜本地栽种的大豆品种。  相似文献   

转cry1Ab基因玉米对瓢虫科天敌种群动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】瓢虫科天敌昆虫是玉米田中重要的天敌类群,可捕食多种农业害虫,对害虫有很好的控制作用。为了明确转基因玉米对瓢虫科天敌的潜在效应。【方法】在田间条件下,采用系统调查结合吸虫器方法,研究了cry1Ab基因玉米对玉米田主要瓢虫科天敌种类丰富度和种群动态的影响。【结果】转cry1Ab基因玉米田与其对照田瓢虫类群和优势种群组成相同。春播时Bt玉米田与对照田以龟纹瓢虫为优势种,仅在玉米生长后期Bt玉米田中的龟纹瓢虫数量显著高于对照田,其他时期2种田间龟纹瓢虫的种群动态没有显著差异。夏播玉米田以龟纹瓢虫和异色瓢虫为主,在8月17日Bt玉米田中异色瓢虫数量显著高于对照田,在9月27日其异色瓢虫数量显著低于对照田,而其他时期Bt玉米田和对照田中异色瓢虫优势度以及田间种群动态没有显著差异。【结论与意义】转cry1Ab基因玉米对玉米田重要的瓢虫科天敌丰富度、优势度和种群数量没有不良影响。因此,该转基因玉米可用于农田生态系统的有害生物管理。  相似文献   

大豆蚜自然天敌种群动态及其控蚜作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008-2010年间,分别在辽东山区和辽西半干旱丘陵地区设置试验田,采用系统调查的方法,对大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura自然天敌种群动态及控蚜作用进行研究。共鉴定辽宁地区大豆蚜天敌7目、16科、44种,其中优势天敌异色瓢虫Leis axyridis(Pallas)居首位。田间试验结果表明,大豆蚜天敌田间消长表现连续6个阶段,即初见期、波动期、上升期、盛期、下降期和消退期;田间3年平均大豆蚜数量与天敌(天敌单位)总体呈极显著的相关关系,各年度百株蚜量与天敌单位也均呈极显著相关关系。辽东地区天敌跟随紧密并随蚜虫数量变化波动,具有明显的自然控蚜作用。其中,7月11-21日天敌发生盛期与蚜虫高峰期吻合,蚜虫急剧下降;7月下旬后,受高温、多雨、蚜霉菌作用、植株老化等影响,蚜虫种群逐步下降、消退,天敌也陆续迁出豆田。辽西地区天敌迁入豆田比蚜虫晚10~15d,对前期蚜虫控制弱,且天敌峰期滞后蚜虫5d左右,一般年份蚜虫发生较重。  相似文献   

【目的】通过研究不同高压静电场对苦瓜生理指标、田间害虫和天敌种群数量的影响,为国家电网对输变电工程电磁辐射的预防及管理提供实践指导。【方法】在田间试验中,苦瓜持续曝露在强度为0、2和10kV/m的极低频电磁场下,测定其农艺性状和酶的活性变化,并调查苦瓜田间害虫和天敌的种群数量。【结果】在10 kV/m电磁场处理下,苦瓜总功能叶片数在6月份(6月10日、6月20日)显著低于2 kV/m处理的(P<0.05)。酶活力测定结果表明,电磁场曝露对苦瓜苗期保护酶活力无影响。2 kV/m处理下苦瓜花期叶片POD活力显著高于0 kV/m和10 kV/m处理(P<0.05)。10 kV/m电磁场处理下苦瓜结实期叶片POD和SOD活力显著高于2 kV/m处理(P<0.05)。害虫和天敌种群调查结果表明,10 kV/m处理下,苦瓜害虫的数量(黄守瓜Aulacophora indica (Gmelin)、中黑盲蝽Adelphocoris suturalis Jakovlev、瓜绢螟Diaphaniaindica和红蜘蛛Tetranychuscinnbarinus)显著高于2kV/m处理和0kV/m处理下的(P<0.05)。10 kV/m电磁场处理下,苦瓜田间天敌种群数量(中华草蛉Chrysoperla sinica Tjeder和大腹园蛛Araneus ventricosus (L. Koch))显著高于0 kV/m和2 kV/m处理组的(P<0.05)。【结论】高强度10 kV/m电磁场可对苦瓜的总功能叶数和光合作用有一定的抑制作用。短期电磁场曝露对苦瓜苗期保护酶活力无显著影响,但随着苦瓜在电磁场曝露时间的延长,苦瓜植株可通过增加保护酶(POD和SOD)活力提高对电磁场辐射的防御反应,10 kV/m电磁场强度对苦瓜田间主要害虫和天敌种群数量有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

鲜食大豆蚜虫种群增长规律与防治指标   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郑永利  姚士桐 《昆虫知识》2006,43(3):395-397
大豆蚜Aphis glycinesMatsmura种群增长随时间而变化,符合Logistic增长模型,得出回归方程N=58.5330/(1+e4.8704-0.2274t),当t≈21时,可作为防治大豆蚜的关键时期,此时正值田间大豆苗期的营养生长盛期。大豆苗期随着蚜量上升,危害损失增加。根据田间蚜虫密度与危害损失率之间的相互关系,大豆蚜的防治指标可确定为平均每穴蚜量24头或800头/百株。  相似文献   

In the United States, the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), are often tended by the aphid-tending ant, Lasius neoniger Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). In this study, we examined the effects of tending by ants on the density and biomass of soybean aphids on soybeans in Kentucky. We performed cage studies that limited access by ants and/or natural enemies. We used a split-plot design with natural enemy access as the main plot and ant attendance as the sub plot. We found that natural enemy access negatively affected aphid population density in the presence of tending ants, seen as a three- to four-fold increase in aphid density when natural enemies were excluded. In addition, we found that ant tending positively affected aphid biomass, both when natural enemies were given access to aphids or when natural enemies were excluded, seen by a two-fold increase in aphid biomass when ants tended aphids, both in the presence or absence of natural enemies. Biomass accumulation is seen as an important measurement for assessing aphid performance, and we argue that aphid-tending by ants can have an influence on natural field populations of soybean aphids. Agronomic practices that affect ant abundance in soybeans may influence the performance and hence pest outbreaks for this economically important pest.  相似文献   

Crop rotations alter the soil environment and physiology of the subsequent crop in ways that may affect the abundance of herbivores and their natural enemies. Soybean aphids are a consistent pest of soybean throughout North America, but little work has focused on how preceding crops may affect pest–predator dynamics. In a replicated experiment over three years, we examined how two preceding crops (spring wheat or an oat/pea mixture) affected seasonal soybean aphid pressure and the ratio of aphids to their predator community. Peak aphid populations were reduced by 40% and 75% in years 1 and 2 by planting spring wheat before soybeans (relative to the oat–pea mixture). Aphid densities were unaffected by preceding crop in the third year of study (aphids were at threshold in this year). Predators responded positively to aphid population increases and were unaffected by preceding crops. Additional research on how crop rotations can be used as a tool to manage soybean aphids warrants further attention.  相似文献   

1993-1996年作者研究了豆田16种可控因素对夏大豆病虫害、天敌和产量的综合效应。根据既控病虫增产又保护生态的原则,综合评价了可控因素,提出了夏大豆病早了优控制策略:同穴(4:1式)或间作(9:2式),鲁豆4,6月10日前后播种、1800g/hm^2微肥拦种,N45kg/hm^2,P2O560kg/hm^2,K20150kg/hm^2,有机肥22500kg/hm^2,甲拦磷0.36%拌种,多菌  相似文献   

The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a pest of soybeans in Asia, and in recent years has caused extensive damage to soybeans in North America. Within these agroecosystems, generalist predators form an important component of the assemblage of natural enemies, and can exert significant pressure on prey populations. These food webs are complex and molecular gut-content analyses offer nondisruptive approaches for examining trophic linkages in the field. We describe the development of a molecular detection system to examine the feeding behaviour of Orius insidiosus (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) upon soybean aphids, an alternative prey item, Neohydatothrips variabilis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), and an intraguild prey species, Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Specific primer pairs were designed to target prey and were used to examine key trophic connections within this soybean food web. In total, 32% of O. insidiosus were found to have preyed upon A. glycines, but disproportionately high consumption occurred early in the season, when aphid densities were low. The intensity of early season predation indicates that O. insidiosus are important biological control agents of A. glycines, although data suggest that N. variabilis constitute a significant proportion of the diet of these generalist predators. No Orius were found to contain DNA of H. axyridis, suggesting intraguild predation upon these important late-season predators during 2005 was low. In their entirety, these results implicate O. insidiosus as a valuable natural enemy of A. glycines in this soybean agroecosystem.  相似文献   

Methyl salicylate, an herbivore-induced plant volatile, has been shown to attract natural enemies and affect herbivore behavior. In this study, methyl salicylate was examined for its attractiveness to natural enemies of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and for its direct effects on soybean aphid population growth rates. Methyl salicylate lures were deployed in plots within organic soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] fields. Sticky card traps adjacent to and 1.5 m from the lure measured the relative abundance of natural enemies, and soybean aphid populations were monitored within treated and untreated plots. In addition, exclusion cage studies were conducted to determine methyl salicylate's effect on soybean aphid population growth rates in the absence of natural enemies. Significantly greater numbers of syrphid flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) and green lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) were caught on traps adjacent to the methyl salicylate lure, but no differences in abundance were found at traps 1.5 m from the lure. Furthermore, abundance of soybean aphids was significantly lower in methyl salicylate-treated plots. In exclusion cage studies, soybean aphid numbers were significantly reduced on treated soybean plants when all plants were open to natural enemies. When plants were caged, however, soybean aphid numbers and population growth rates did not differ between treated and untreated plants suggesting no effect of methyl salicylate on soybean aphid reproduction and implicating the role of natural enemies in depressing aphid populations. Although aphid populations were reduced locally around methyl salicylate lures, larger scale studies are needed to assess the technology at the whole-field scale.  相似文献   

Soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a serious pest of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., in the North Central United States. Current management recommendations rely on the application of insecticides based on an economic threshold (ET) of 250 aphids per plant. Natural enemies are important in slowing the increase of aphid populations and can prevent them from reaching levels that can cause economic losses. However, biological control of A. glycines is inconsistent and can be affected negatively by the intensity of agricultural activity. We measured the impact of a natural-enemy-free environment on the capacity of the current ET to limit yield loss. In 2008 and 2009, caged microplots were assigned to one of three treatments: plants kept aphid-free (referred to as the control), plants that experienced a population of 250 aphids per plant (integrated pest management [IPM]), and plants that experienced unlimited aphid population growth (unlimited). The population growth rate of aphids in the unlimited treatment for the 10 d after the application of insecticides to the IPM treatment was calculated using linear regression. The linear equation was solved to determine the mean number of days between the ET and the EIL for an aphid population in absence of predators. The number of days was determined to be 6.97 +/- 1.11 d. The 2-yr average yield for the IPM treatment was 99.93% of the control treatment. Our study suggests the current soybean aphid ET of 250 aphids per plant can effectively protect yield even if the impact of natural enemies is reduced.  相似文献   

在公益性行业(农业)科研专项的支持下,项目组在我国大豆和小麦主产区进行了蚜虫监测预警及绿色防控技术的研究。构建了基于吸虫塔的蚜虫监测预警网络系统,在蚜虫基础生物学研究、天敌资源普查及其控蚜作用研究的基础上,研发了多项以生物防治为主体的蚜虫绿色防控技术,包括天敌人工助迁、人工饲养天敌释放、作物邻间作措施、物理防控、隐蔽性施药等。相关技术措施在我国的东北、华北等大豆蚜、麦蚜为害严重的大豆产区和小麦主产区共建立了4个规模较大的试验示范区,取得了较好的综合效益。  相似文献   

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