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对日本桃孢壳(Persiciospora japonica)菌进行了描述。该菌的子囊具8个子囊孢子,呈近双列排列;子囊孢子暗橄榄色至黑褐色,椭圆形至梭形,两端具芽孔,孢子表面具小的点状凹陷,光学显微镜下呈网状。该属真菌为我国新记录。  相似文献   

报道了采自吉林长白山的中国子囊菌一新记录属---类肉座菌属(Hypocreopsis)。该属隶属于子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、子囊菌纲(Ascomycetes)、粪壳菌亚纲(Sordariomycetidae)、肉座菌目(Hypocreales)、肉座菌科(Hypocreaceae)。同时地衣状类肉座菌(Hypocreopsis lichenoides)也是中国的新记录种,对该种进行了详细描述和显微结构绘图。  相似文献   

桫椤Alsophila spinulosa是白垩纪时期遗留的古老孑遗蕨类植物,具有较高的药用价值和观赏价值。本研究采用形态特征和ITS序列分析方法,从250个组织块中共分离获得84个菌株,隶属于2门3纲10目18科25属。子囊菌门Ascomycota为优势菌门,其相对丰度高达92.86%,而担子菌门Basidiomycota仅为2.38%;粪壳菌纲Sordariomycetes和座囊菌纲Dothideomycetes为优势纲,其相对丰度分别为78.57%和13.10%;小丛壳目Glomerellales和炭角菌目Xylariales为优势目,其相对丰度分别为33.33%和25.00%;小丛壳科Glomerellaceae和炭角菌科Xylariaceae为优势科,其相对丰度分别为32.14%和19.05%;刺盘孢属 Colletotrichum和炭角菌属Xylaria为优势属,其相对丰度分别为32.14%和14.29%。这些菌株存在一定的组织差异,属水平上,叶轴中共获得15属,特有属9属;羽状复叶中共获得16属,特有属10属,两组织间共有属为6属,其中刺盘孢属Colletotrichum和炭角菌属Xylaria均为两组织的优势属,但其相对丰度存在一定差异。从不同组织多样性来看,桫椤叶轴的Shannon、Simpson多样性指数和Pielou均匀度均高于桫椤叶。  相似文献   

<正>小花口壳属Anthostomella Sacc.于1875年建立(Saccardo 1875),隶属子囊菌门Ascomycota、炭角菌科Xylariaceae(Kirk et al.2008)。该属特征是:子囊壳球形或近球形,革质,埋生或半埋生于基质中;子囊圆柱形或棍棒形,具短柄,单囊壁,  相似文献   

晶圆盘菌属Hyalorbilia Baral & G.Marson是圆盘菌科中的一个小属,包括O.inflatula(P.Karst.)P.Karst.等5个种(Baral & Marson,2001)。该属子实层组织胶化,子囊产自产囊丝钩,顶部半球形,壁不 加厚,子囊孢子内通常具有两极对称排列的孢子体或孢子内含物,外囊盘被为角胞组织,侧丝顶端一般不膨大。作者在对中国圆盘菌科的资源调查中,  相似文献   

炭角菌目中小修氏菌属的子座与肉座菌类相似,肉质、垫状至半球形、柠檬黄色;子囊最初含4个具单隔膜的子囊孢子,成熟过程中在分隔处断裂,最终形成8个表面光滑、褐色、角状至方形的子囊孢子。文中提供了该种的宏观和微观特征描述及图示,我国吉林的报道使其分布范围扩展至北亚。  相似文献   

该文报道了中国文字衣科地衣一新记录属——裂孔衣属(Schizotrema Mangold & Lumbsch)及其1个新记录种,即瓜岛裂孔衣 [Schizotrema guadeloupense(Hale)Mangold & Lumbsch],标本来自云南。该属主要特征为地衣体壳状,树皮生,具子囊盘类或色盘衣类的子囊果,子囊果具再生层状边缘,固有盘被融合或不明显,具侧生侧丝,子囊孢子横隔透镜或砖壁型。瓜岛裂孔衣也是亚洲新记录种。此外,该文还对裂孔衣属其他5种的生态分布特征进行了描述,并提供了该属世界范围检索表。以上结果为文字衣科地衣的分类学研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

蜗孢属隶属于子囊菌门Ascomycota毛筒壳科Tubeufiaceae,它们形态特征独特,能够产生多种活性次级代谢产物,具有一定的应用前景。本研究从中国海南省采集的腐木标本上分离到3种卷旋型丝孢真菌,通过ITS、LSU、RPB2和TEF1α多基因系统发育分析证据结合形态学特征,确定了它们的分类地位。结果表明,其中2个物种为蜗孢属新种,1个物种为中国新记录。为纪念李玉院士在中国菌物学界做出的贡献,本文特将其中一个新物种命名为李玉蜗孢菌。  相似文献   

报道了文字衣科地衣1新记录属,即多孔衣属Myriotrema及该属的新记录种——绿白多孔衣M.viridialbum。多孔衣属主要特征是地衣体壳状,子囊盘小型埋生至半埋生,子囊孢子小型、淀粉质、横隔透镜型至砖壁型。绿白多孔衣的主要特征是具厚地衣体,小型透明亚砖壁型子囊孢子,含有hypoprotocetraric acid。标本采自海南和福建。文中对新记录种提供了详细描述和显微结构图片。  相似文献   

孙剑秋  张楷  宋福行  王龙 《微生物学通报》2022,49(10):4080-4089
【背景】调查我国滩涂土壤可培养真菌物种多样性,丰富我国真菌物种资源。【目的】报道我国篮状菌属2个产子囊孢子的新记录种。【方法】采用形态学和基于β-微管蛋白基因部分序列和rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2序列系统学的多相分类学方法。【结果】分离鉴定出3种有性型篮状菌,即阿根廷篮状菌Talaromyces argentinensis (ZZ2-7-1h=CGMCC 3.16171)、巴塞篮状菌Talaromyces barcinensis (ZZ2-1-1=CGMCC 3.16172)和乌克兰篮状菌Talaromyces ucrainicus(JS11-5=CGMCC 3.16173),其中前2种为我国新记录种。阿根廷篮状菌在25℃生长适度,在37℃生长局限,形成絮状兼绳状菌落,其菌丝体白色夹杂浅粉色,产生稀少的橙黄色裸囊壳和壁具细密小刺的椭球形子囊孢子。巴塞篮状菌在25℃生长适度,在37℃不生长,形成绒状菌落,其菌丝体为白色兼黄色,裸囊壳稀少,较小,呈皮黄色,子囊孢子椭球形,壁具稀疏小刺。【结论】参考我国迄今已报道的篮状菌物种,确定阿根廷篮状菌和巴塞篮状菌为我国篮状菌属的新记录种。  相似文献   

Chaetomium macrostiolatum sp. nov., Chaetomium olivicolor sp. nov. and Chaetomium tarraconensis sp. nov. isolated from Nigerian, Indian, and Spanish soils respectively, are described and illustrated. The first species is characterized by ascomata with a very broad ostiole and yellow hairs, and limoniform ascospores; the second by its thermotolerant growth, inconspicuous and short straight ascomatal hairs and fusiform ascospores; and the last by its unusual, irregularly-shaped ascospores and subglobose ascomata with flexuous to undulate, unbranched ascomatal hairs.  相似文献   

Asgari B  Zare R 《Mycologia》2011,103(4):863-882
Twenty-one species of Chaetomium known from Iran were compared on the basis of morphological and molecular characters. Six new species are recognized, five isolated from cereals and one from nematode cysts. A combined sequence dataset of the ITS region, partial LSU rDNA, and β-tubulin gene sufficiently resolved five species groups of Chaetomium that are largely concordant with combined features of peridium structure, ascospore shape and germ pore position. Among the new species C. undulatulum is a close relative of C. globosum, C. rectangulare is close to C. elatum, C. interruptum and C. grande are close to C. megalocarpum, altogether forming the C. globosum species group. Chaetomium iranianum and C. truncatulum are members of the C. carinthiacum species group, characterized by spirally coiled ascomatal hairs and fusiform ascospores. A chrysosporium-like anamorph is newly described for C. acropullum.  相似文献   

Skinner SJ  Tsuneda A  Currah RS 《Mycologia》2006,98(3):447-454
Light and electron microscopy showed that the reticuloperidium of thick-walled hyphae, characteristic of the mature ascoma of Auxarthron conjugaturn, originated from branches that grew from the broad, gyre-like hyphal loops making up the ascomatal initials. Within the developing peridium, short, acropetally proliferating chains of prototunicate asci each arose from a single crozier and matured from base to tip. The walls of young asci were two-layered but evanesced as they matured with the outer layer dissolving before the inner one. Distal asci in some chains retained the inner wall, detached from adjacent asci by septum schizolysis and when transferred to fresh media produced germ tubes and mycelium. Ultraviolet epifluorescent staining with a DNA intercalator (Hoechst) indicated that these spore-like asci probably contained diploid nuclei. In normal asci, ascospores had an inner, electron lucent primary wall and a three-layered secondary wall. The deposition pattern of the middle layer of the secondary wall created the distinctive array of pits and ridges characteristic of the ascospores in this taxon. The production of ascospores, spore-like asci and arthroconidia, along with the tendency of ascospores to adhere in a mass, is interpreted as contributing to the reproductive flexibility and inoculum potential of A. conjugatum. In all respects the ascomata of A. conjugatum differed substantially from the morphologically similar taxon, Myxotrichum arcticum. These findings underscore the benefit of using DNA-based phylogenies in concert with cytological and ultrastructural observations for exploring selective pressures behind homoplasious characters and revealing novel structural features.  相似文献   

Stchigel AM  Umaña L  Guarro J  Mata M 《Mycologia》2006,98(5):815-820
Two new ascomycetes, Boerlagiomyces costaricensis (Pleosporales) and Scopinella musciformis (Sordariales sensu lato), from litter samples collected in rainforests of Costa Rica, are described and illustrated. Boerlagiomyces costaricensis has globose, ostiolate ascomata covered by numerous setae-like hairs; cylindrical, fissitunicate asci without apical structures; and large, fusiform, muriform, hyaline to pale brown ascospores. Scopinella musciformis is characterized by ostiolate ascomata with a few compact clusters of hypha-like hairs distributed on the peridial surface and a long neck; ovate to ellipsoidal unitunicate asci; and small quadrangular ascospores with diagonal germ slits.  相似文献   

A new species ofChaetomium, C. umbratile, is described from Japan. The species is based on three specimens isolated from house dust samples in asthmatic patients' dwellings. It is characterized by long, wavy and irregularly branched terminal hairs, which are intermingled with short straight hairs, and nearly globose to broadly ellipsoidal ascospores with a slightly subapical or sometimes lateral germ pore.  相似文献   

Two new species of Pyrenomycetes from forest soil in New Caledonia,Anthostomella pacifica andChaetomium novaecaledonicum, are described and illustrated.Anthostomella pacifica is characterized by non-ostiolate ascomata, cylindrical asci with an amyloid apical apparatus, and two-celled ascospores (dark apical cylindrical and hyaline basal dwarfed cells) with longitudinal germ slits.Chaetomium novae-caledonicum is characterized by ostiolate ascomata, straight terminal hairs, arcuate lateral hairs with a recurved tip, and very small, ovoid-flattened ascospores.This research was supported in part by Monbusho International Scientific Research Program: Field Research, No. 05041093.  相似文献   

Two new species of ascomycetes, Apiosordaria antarctica, isolated from soil, and Thielavia antarctica, isolated from a sample of the lichen Usnea cf. aurantio-atra, both collected on King George Island (Antarctica), are described and illustrated. Apiosordaria antarctica is characterized by ostiolate ascomata with agglutinated hairs, eight-spored, uniseriate and cylindrical asci, and two-celled, irregularly navicular ascospores, with an upper cell ornamented with very small warts and with an apical germ pore. Thielavia antarctica is characterized by nonostiolate ascomata, with a thick peridium, eight-spored, cylindrical asci, uniseriate, oblate, ovoid ascospores, a slightly protruding apical germ pore, and a phialidic anamorph.  相似文献   

Two new species ofConiochaeta, isolated from Japanese soils, are described and illustrated:C. cephalothecoides, which is characterized by dark brown ascomata clothed with short setae, cylindrical asci and ovoid to almond-shaped or pyriform ascospores with a longitudinal germ slit; andC. dumosa, which is characterized by dark brown ascomata clothed with short setae and dense hyphal hairs, cylindrical asci and ellipsoid-fusoid ascospores with a longitudinal germ slit. These species are distinguished from most species of the genus by the unique cephalothecoid peridium of their ascomata. The associated anamorphs of both species are assignable to the form-genusLecythophora.  相似文献   

Seiichi Ueda 《Mycoscience》1994,35(3):287-290
A new species ofCercophora, isolated from river sediment collected from Sakai River in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, is described and illustrated. It is distinguished from the other knwon species by the morphology of its ascomatal peridium and ascospores, and by itsChrysosporium-like anamorph.  相似文献   

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