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性别与年龄对圈养大熊猫行为的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对 2 4只圈养大熊猫行为进行了定量观察 ,发现雄性活动、蹭阴标记和探究行为频次显著高于雌性 ,其它行为差异不够显著。随年龄的增长 ,个体探究和游戏行为频次显著减少 ;雄性个体用于蹭阴标记和嗅闻的时间显著多于雌性 ,而用于休息行为的时间则正相反。随年龄的增长 ,个体用于游戏的时间显著减少 ,休息的时间显著增加 ;圈养雄性个体白天处于活跃状态的时间百分比 (86 5 9± 5 4 0 ,n =11)显著多于雌性 (6 6 77±5 75 % ,n =13,P =0 0 5 0 )。结果表明 :1)大熊猫个体行为的性别差异不仅存在于野生个体 ,而且存在于圈养个体 ;2 )幼年个体表现较多的游戏和探究行为可能与行为学习和模仿有关 ,并可能对个体行为发育有重要影响。非发情期雄性个体表现较多的蹭阴标记和嗅闻行为可能与护卫领地和维持社群关系有关。  相似文献   

2011年2月26日~5月2日,在高海拔地区昆明云南野生动物园,采用连续记录法(Continuous recording) 和焦点动物取样法(Focal animal sampling)记录与分析了3只亚成年雌性大熊猫昼间刻板行为发生频次和持续时间,并就温度、游客流量与刻板行为发生的相关性进行了初步探讨.结果表明,大熊猫刻板行为发生频次(次·h-1)高峰和持续时间( min·h-1)较长的高峰均出现在10:00~11:00和16:00~17:00,各时段行为表达水平存在极显著差异(x2=61.183,P<0.01;x2 =56.470,P<0.01).个体间刻板行为持续时间昼间分布无显著差异(x2=3.185,P>0.05);个体间发生频次在14:00~15:00时段存在显著差异(x2=7.796,P<0.05),而在其他时段则存在极显著差异(x2=11.536 ~20.212,P<0.01).温度与刻板行为发生频次、持续时间均无显著相关性(rx=-0.067,P>0.05;rs=-0.012,P>0.05);游客流量与持续时间、发生频次有一定的正相关,但不显著(rs =0.187,P>0.05;rs=0.159,P>0.05).此外,在刻板行为型时间分配格局中,以刻板踱步最高,占56.78%,其次为爬笼、吮掌,而旋转、摇摆及坐着旋转等其他刻板行为表现较少,其总和仅占1.20%.  相似文献   

在圈养环境下,迁地保育野生动物易发育刻板行为,刻板行为的发育可直接影响圈养野生动物的繁殖和存活,从而影响迁地保育。2016年5月1日至7月31日间,采用焦点取样及所有事件记录法对四川马尔康林麝繁育场的75头圈养林麝(Moschus berezovskii)进行了刻板行为取样,分析了性别、年龄、圈区环境、圈群结构等因素对其刻板行为的效应。结果表明,四川马尔康麝场的圈养林麝在单位取样时间(10 min)内展现的刻板行为持续时间占比为20.53%±2.43%(n=75);雌麝刻板行为持续时间占比(18.14%±3.26%,n=46)略低于雄麝(20.89%±3.98%,n=25);随圈养年限(本研究中的圈养林麝"年龄"即是"被圈养年数")增加,林麝展现刻板行为的持续时间显著增加(P0.05);圈区环境设施对刻板行为存在显著效应(P0.05),裸地基底圈舍中林麝的刻板行为持续时间占比最高(33.11%±6.16%,n=24);圈群结构对林麝刻板行为持续时间的影响不显著(P0.05),混合圈群的刻板行为持续时间(19.31%±3.18%,n=53)最小;圈群密度对刻板行为持续时间的效应不显著(P0.05)。增加圈养环境的植被覆盖,进行混合圈养,可有效降低圈养林麝的刻板行为强度,并可提升林麝迁地保育的有效性。  相似文献   

大熊猫的刻板行为及其矫正对策——丰富圈养环境举措   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨春花  王小明 《四川动物》2006,25(3):529-532
由于生活环境单一、活动空间狭小等阻碍了正常行为的表达,圈养大熊猫经常发生一种谓之“刻板行为”的机械、呆板行为。所谓刻板行为,是指圈养大熊猫无明显目的的、不变的、以固定频率反复重复的无任何功能效果的简单行为。丰富圈养环境举措(环境富集)是矫正刻板行为的一种重要的行之有效的对策。介绍了圈养大熊猫刻板行为的表现、特点、发生机制及富集化矫正对策。  相似文献   

于2001年3月—2002年1月,采用焦点取样法对甘肃兴隆山自然保护区麝场圈养马麝的刻板行为进行了研究。结果表明:该麝场的圈养马麝有刻板行为的发育,雌麝的刻板行为持续时间少于雄麝,但二者间的差异不显著。野捕马麝幼年期的人工哺乳经历使其刻板行为表达强度相对小于麝场圈养下繁殖马麝。年龄对雌雄麝的刻板行为表达强度的效应相似,亚成体马麝的刻板行为表达较多,成体马麝体的刻板行为表达相对较少,老年马麝刻板行为持续时间最长,2.5和4.5岁是圈养马麝刻板行为发育的关键时期。此外,能顺利繁殖的个体,其刻板行为表达的持续时间少于繁殖失败的个体。  相似文献   

圈养大熊猫食物丰容对其行为影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2006年3、4、7、8月选用成都动物园圈养的两只雄性大熊猫进行了3 种以食物不同投喂方式的丰容试验,即在其生活环境中分别加入装有食物的PVC管和轮胎以及冰冻食物,采用瞬时取样法对其行为变化进行观察,并对所有刻板行为采取行为取样法进行观察记录.结果 表明,冰冻食物丰容显著增加了大熊猫与运动相关的行为,而轮胎和PVC食物丰容对大熊猫的日常行为影响不显著,但是3种丰容方式对减少刻板行为发生频次有不同程度的积极作用.  相似文献   

2002年2~6月对卧龙保护大熊猫研究中心的圈养大熊猫“雷雷”在半散放条件下的营巢行为和日摄食量的变化首次进行研究。该雌体在自然交配人工授精后一个月开始表现营巢行为。在4个月的观察过程中,大熊猫“雷雷”大约有371%的时间用于营巢或卧在巢中。营巢和卧巢的时间基本发生在上午900~1130时。营巢行为出现前后,个体的日均摄食量不存在显著差异(P=0519)。相关分析表明,日均摄食量与日营巢频次不存在显著相关关系(R=-063,P>005,n=116)。大熊猫“雷雷”总共在圈舍内3个地点营巢,最终在安全性较高、采光好而郁闭度较低的地点营巢成功。圈养大熊猫对营巢材料没有表现选择性。结果表明复杂多样、接近自然状态的圈舍可能有助于大熊猫物种特有行为的发生。研究结果对大熊猫和其它珍稀濒危动物的保护和管理工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

胡杰 《四川动物》2008,27(1):123-126
采用焦点动物取样和连续记录的方法,在浙江省嵊州市河麂种源繁育基地对交配季节及非交配季节,成年雌獐和1岁龄雌獐的行为格局进行了比较研究,结果表明:在非交配季节,成年雌獐刻板行为显著多于1岁龄雌獐(P<0.05);在交配季节,成年雌獐较1岁龄雌獐有显著较长时间的环境探究行为(P<0.05);与非交配季节比较,成年雌獐的移动时间在非交配季节明显增加(P<0.05).最后,还对圈养雌獐的管理提出了建议.  相似文献   

2011年1月、7月、10~12月,采用事件记录法记录并分析了成都动物园圈养的2只(1♀1 ♂)亚洲象的刻板行为发生频次(次·h-1)和持续时间.结果表明,在刻板行为类型及其时间分配格局中,雌象以摇头最多,占73.93%,而雄象则以刻板踱步最多,占69.58%.雌象和雄象的刻板行为的发生频次和持续时间均是下午(12:00~17:00)多于上午(9:00~11:00);刻板行为持续时间最长的时间段均是16:00~17:00,雌象和雄象的刻板行为发生频次和持续时间还存在个体差异性.  相似文献   

化学通讯对哺乳动物的生存和繁殖起着重要作用。研究了雄性大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)对同伴个体尿液气味行为反应的发育模式。结果显示,在成年雌性个体的尿液气味刺激下,雄性个体表现显著多的嗅闻行为和嗅闻/舔舐环境行为,但是嘶咬气味刺激物的行为明显减少。在雌性个体的尿液气味刺激下,不同年龄段的雄性个体行为表现不同,成年雄性个体表现较亚成年和幼年个体显著多的舔舐行为。此外,成年个体和亚成年个体均表现较多的嗅闻/舔舐环境行为,而幼年个体则无该行为表现。幼年个体较成年和亚成年个体表现显著多的气味涂抹行为,而且嘶咬气味刺激物的时间较亚成年个体显著多。幼年个体和亚成年个体对雌性和雄性个体尿液气味刺激的行为反应不存在显著差异。研究结果表明,雄性大熊猫对同种个体尿液中化学信息的行为反应呈现出年龄差异。  相似文献   

The behavior of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) was studied under captive conditions. Both male and female pandas spent similar amounts of time engaged in eating and locomotion. Males performed anogenital‐marking more but rested less than females, which suggests a sexually dimorphic pattern of behavior. Furthermore, females housed in the seminatural environment spent significantly less time engaged in stereotyped behavior than did females housed in the traditional enclosure, indicating that an enclosure environment affects the behavior of giant pandas. These data illustrate the importance of careful management and facility design for captive giant pandas. Zoo Biol 22:77–82, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

<正>大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)为我国特有珍稀濒危物种之一,被誉为"国宝"。经过科研人员多年努力,圈养大熊猫"配种难、受孕难、幼仔存活难"等问题已基本被成功解决,圈养大熊猫种群数量正在快速增加(张和民等,2013)。目前我国已经建立了四川卧龙、成都和陕西楼观台3个较大的圈养大熊猫种群繁育基地。截至2013年底,圈养大熊猫种群数量已经达到375只(谢钟,2013)。快速增加的圈养种群,导致现存可供使用  相似文献   

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is classified as a carnivore, yet subsists on a diet comprised almost exclusively of bamboo. Wild and captive giant pandas use highly selective foraging behaviors for processing and consuming bamboo. These behaviors are for the first time quantified in captive giant pandas over a 5‐year period of time showing highly specific seasonal trends. Giant panda feeding behavior was recorded using live video observations of two giant pandas housed at the Memphis Zoo from November 2003 to June 2008. Leaf was the primary plant part consumed from June to December, whereas culm was consumed primarily from February to May, with both bears displaying similar seasonal shifts in plant part consumption. From May to June, leaf consumption increased significantly (P‐values<0.001); from June to August, leaf consumption remained high and stable. From December to March, leaf consumption decreased significantly (P‐values<0.001). Specific behaviors for bamboo leaf and culm consumption were also observed. Both bears formed wads of leaves before ingestion while feeding on leaf, but the male employed this feeding behavior more often than the female (54 and 33%, respectively). Both bears used similar culm‐stripping behavior (26 and 25%), used to remove the outer layer and isolate the pith for consumption. This study indicates that unique seasonal foraging behaviors observed in wild pandas are also apparent in captive animals in relation to plant part selectivity and feeding behaviors. Zoo Biol 29:470–483, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Three male and three female captive red pandas (Ailurus fulgens) were observed during and outside of the breeding season to examine changes in scent-marking behavior. Variation in scent-marking was analyzed with respect to site preferences, sex differences, onset of breeding, behavioral correlates, and environmental factors. Both males and females exhibited significant preferences for particular marking sites, those being prominent points in the enclosures. Males showed significantly higher scent-marking frequencies than females, except in one enclosure where increased marking behavior was associated with the presence of young. Sexual dimorphism in the pattern of marking was also observed, with males showing a bidirectional mark and females a unidirectional mark. Female marking was greater during the breeding season. Sniffing and number of waddles per mark were associated with scent-marking. Temperature change was not related to frequency of scent-marking. These results are compared with scent-marking behaviors in other species of carnivores and functional explanations are suggested.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different captive housing conditions on reproductive cyclicity and adrenocortical activity in adult females of two small‐sized felid species, the tigrina (Leopardus tigrinus; n = 3) and margay (Leopardus wiedii; n = 2). Females were housed as singletons and subjected to three enclosure conditions over successive time periods: Phase I—large, enriched enclosures for 3 months; Phase II—small, empty enclosures for 5.5 months; Phase III—the same small enclosures enriched with branches and nest boxes for 6.5 months. Fecal samples were collected five times weekly throughout the study for analysis of progestagen, estrogen, and corticoid metabolites. On the basis of observed behaviors, stereotypic pacing was more frequent before feeding for all cats, regardless of enclosure conditions. Both species displayed a bimodal activity pattern, with peaks occurring at nightfall and dawn. All animals exhibited agitated behavior, characterized by a high frequency and duration of stereotypic pacing, primarily during the first 3 days after moving to the small empty enclosures. On the basis of hormonal analyses, ovarian follicular activity decreased and corticoid concentrations increased in tigrinas after transfer to the small barren cages compared to the patterns observed in the initial large, enriched enclosures. Corticoid concentrations in tigrinas then declined after small cage enrichment. Margay females exhibited increased corticoid excretion during Phases II and III, but in contrast to tigrinas, concentrations remained high even after cage enrichment. It was further showed that enriching the small enclosures was insufficient to reestablish normal ovarian activity within the time frame of the study for both species. In summary, margay and tigrina females exhibited distinct elevations in corticoid concentrations after transfer from large enriched enclosures to smaller barren cages that corresponded with agitated behavior, especially immediately after transfer. Fecal corticoid concentrations were reduced after cage enrichment in tigrinas, but not in margays. Although only a few individuals were evaluated, data suggest there may be species differences in response to captive environmental conditions. Overall results emphasize the importance of enclosure dimensions and enrichment when designing species appropriate environments for improving the health and reproductive fitness of threatened species. Zool Biol 26:441–460, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

为研究育幼期不同的育幼方式对圈养成年雌性大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca福利状况的影响情况,了解圈养育幼模式可能引发成年雌性大熊猫的应激问题,完善育幼期大熊猫的饲养管理和兽舍参数设计,提高育幼过程中圈养大熊猫福利状况,选择成都大熊猫繁育研究基地育幼期采取不同育幼方式管理的成年雌性大熊猫为研究对象,利用...  相似文献   

To eliminate abnormal behaviors in leopards (Panthera pardus), such as stereotypic pacing, by utilizing environmental enrichment techniques, a proper understanding of their behavior in captive environments is required. Hence there is a need for animal welfare studies in Indian zoos. The activity budgets of 16 leopards were recorded across four southern Indian zoos: Thiruvananthapuram Zoo, Arignar Anna Zoological Park, Shri Chamarajendra Zoological Gardens, and the Guindy Children's Park. Of the 16 study animals, 14 were studied on‐exhibit on zoo holidays as well as on days with visitors present, and all 16 individuals were studied off‐exhibit on other days with visitors present. The 11 behaviors recorded were categorized into active, resting, and stereotypic behaviors. Leopards exhibited higher levels of activity in the on‐exhibit enclosures on days with no visitors. Feeding time influenced the behavioral repertoire of all 14 leopards studied on‐exhibit. Lower proportions of resting were exhibited during the hours before feeding. The proportion of active behaviors differed significantly across zoos. Stereotypic pacing levels were not influenced by the presence of visitors or by feeding time, but was significantly influenced by enclosure features. Higher levels of stereotypic pacing were exhibited in off‐exhibit than on‐exhibit enclosures. Our study shows that the behavior of captive leopards is influenced by enclosure type, feeding regime, and the presence of visitors. Zoo Biol 21:585–595, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

行为谱是动物行为学研究的基础。大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)是生物多样性保护中的旗舰物种,其行为生态的研究备受关注,然而由于大熊猫数量稀少且警惕性强,很难在野外进行观察,有关其行为谱等基础行为研究结果主要是基于圈养大熊猫的观察研究。为了促进野生大熊猫行为学的深入研究,2015年1月—2016年6月,2018年8月— 2019年4月我们在卧龙自然保护区基于红外相机图片和视频数据,利用PAE编码系统建立了野生大熊猫行为谱和PAE编码系统。研究共计在14种环境背景中记录到大熊猫12种姿势、52种动作、56种行为。一方面,本研究结果基本涵盖了大熊猫的主要行为,并发现了一些未在圈养大熊猫行为谱中记录到的行为,如野生大熊猫利用植物的茎进行自我除雪行为;另一方面丰富了观察大熊猫行为的环境因素。以上结果为深入研究野生大熊猫行为生态学提供了基础信息。    相似文献   

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