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从温室粉虱谈植物检疫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 根据北京植物保护站1976年反映:“粉虱在1973、1974年近郊个别温室有少量发生,为害不重。到1975年冬季在温室为害较为普遍。……至1976年6—7月份在各种蔬菜上突然暴发性地大发生。特点是:发生面积广,近郊菜区只有个别地块没有发生为害;为害作物种类多,多达十几个科的蔬菜,连靠近菜区城市的花卉、树木上都有发生为害”。我们在该站的帮助下查看了寄来的粉虱标本,结果发现它是温室粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)。这种粉虱在国外是温室栽培的重要害虫,过去在我国还没有发现。它发源于美洲,先传到  相似文献   

由于烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci、温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum等粉虱害虫在我国猖獗为害,我国已从种群动态监测到害虫综合治理开展了一系列研究。为了有一套统一、规范的标准,我们制定了保护地蔬菜与露地蔬菜生产上粉虱害虫的系统调查与监测技术规程,包括调查与监测的目的、样本大棚或田块的选择,粉虱各虫态发生数量的调查、监测与统计方法等,并根据保护地蔬菜与露地蔬菜的生长特点,提出了相应的粉虱害虫预测预报、防治阈值、防治对策及防控时间等技术措施。  相似文献   

近年来温室白粉虱大发生原因的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)是近年来在我国京、津、冀等地区蔬菜上造成严重危害的一种昆虫,尤其是保护地生产受到威胁更大,此虫严重发生时可使作物减产40—60%。为控制粉虱为害,我们进行了调查研究,并做了一些防治试验。本文仅就近年来粉虱大发生的原因进行分析,谈一些粗浅看法如下。 如何解释近年来粉虱大发生的原因,目前主要有二种观点。一种观点认为近年来由国外传入;一种观点认为与保护地生产的发展有关。通过调查研究,我们认为后一种观点的理由更为充足。主要依据是:其一,据有关研究人员观察记载,在北京五十年代、天津六十年代均见到此虫,这说明粉虱不是近年来由国外传入的。其二,调查中发现此虫在天津地区室外不能越冬,而露地作物上粉虱发生的轻重程度与距离有粉虱发生温室的远近及温室中越冬粉虱的虫量多少有关。基于上述二点,结合调查研究,现提出如下见解。 七十年代以前,粉虱在北方地区仅以少数个体找  相似文献   

温室中常见粉虱的识别   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
近年来有些在田间为害经济作物的杂食性粉虱由于栽培方式的变化,逐渐侵袭温室蔬菜作物和花房观赏植物。所以在加强温室和花房的粉虱防治工作的时候,正确识别粉虱的种类是有一定意义的。现在简单介绍以下四种粉虱的识别。其中,一种不仅在蔬菜作物上,而且在观赏植物上发生都很猖獗;而另外三种则常在花房内为害观赏植物。  相似文献   

温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)和烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)是严重危害葫芦科、茄科和豆科等多种蔬菜的主要害虫,具有分布范围广、种群数量大、繁殖力强等特性。作者通过田间试验研究了蔬菜保护地内间作温室粉虱非嗜食植物芹菜(Apium graveliens L.)对其的防治效果。结果表明:与空白处理和常规化学防治相比,在番茄和黄瓜保护地内间作芹菜对温室粉虱均具有显著的防治效果,驱避效果分别达到98.0%和84.5%。这些结果是初步的,但其为进一步研究温室粉虱的寄主选择机制和非化学防治方法提供了依据。  相似文献   

京郊温室白粉虱发生的初步观察和防治   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
<正> 自1976年以来,温室白粉虱Trialeurodesvaporariorum Westwood在京郊菜区连续发生为害,并由温室、大棚发展到露地,成为蔬菜生产中急需解决的问题。现将我们1977—1978年的观察和防治试验结果,简介如下。 一、寄主植物及为害性 温室白粉虱的寄主范围很广,能为害多种植物。在京郊蔬菜作物上,粉虱主要为害黄瓜、西红柿、茄子、菜豆、青椒、倭瓜等,其次还为害冬瓜、豌豆、莴笋等。在调查中发现,粉虱往往在叶背有毛刺的植物上,寄生数量大,为害严  相似文献   

通过在赣州开展为期2年的系统调查,明确了为害赣南脐橙的粉虱种类和发生动态。经鉴定,为害赣南脐橙的粉虱为柑橘粉虱Dialeurodes citri Ashmead和黑刺粉虱Aleurocanthus spiniferus Quaintance。2013年柑橘粉虱,黑刺粉虱卵、若虫、伪蛹、成虫数量平均密度分别为(7.61,6.67,5.45,47.43)头/叶(板),(3.84,2.84,1.82,31.80)头/叶(板);2014年柑橘粉虱,黑刺粉虱分别为(8.29,6.92,5.18,27.16)头/叶(板),(7.89,6.18,4.35,24.06)头/叶(板)。2013-2014年,两种粉虱发生数量较大,全年有多个发生高峰。柑橘粉虱和黑刺粉虱是赣南脐橙上的重要害虫,需加强防治工作,控制为害。  相似文献   

【目的】温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)是为害北方地区花卉蔬菜的主要粉虱种类,烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)则在近些年逐渐频繁的花卉贸易活动中扩散至黑龙江省部分地区并取代了白粉虱成为当地温室害虫的优势物种,番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus,TYLCV)是烟粉虱传播的一种重要双生病毒,对作物的危害十分严重,然而该病毒对本地白粉虱的影响及对烟粉虱与白粉虱种间竞争关系的影响尚待研究。【方法】本研究观察记录感染番茄黄化曲叶病毒的番茄植株上温室白粉虱和烟粉虱的种群动态及番茄形态和部分生理指标的变化。【结果】结果表明:1)有烟粉虱滋生的番茄植株矮小,根系发达;2)有白粉虱滋生的番茄略微矮粗,影响较小;3)感染病毒的番茄矮粗或矮小,根部无明显变化;4)染毒带虫相对于带虫处理而言,在白粉虱试验中,番茄植株矮小,根系生物量也骤减;与此相反,在烟粉虱试验中,番茄的反应相对缓和;5)此外,不同酶类对植株染毒的响应不同:Ach E酶活高不利于植株,而GST酶活高则有利于植株。【结论】总体而言:烟粉虱单独作用很不利于苗期番茄,白粉虱对苗期番茄没有明显的直接影响;而感染病毒会缓解烟粉虱对番茄的强烈刺激,而加重白粉虱对番茄的作用,即染毒使带白粉虱的苗期番茄生长发育受到明显抑制。与番茄变化情况相对应的是,染毒番茄上烟粉虱产卵较少,但在发育前期(从卵到伪蛹)存活率较高;染毒番茄上白粉虱产卵较多,但在前期存活率较低。本研究可为高纬度地区粉虱综合防控提供参考。  相似文献   

崔洪莹  戈峰 《昆虫知识》2011,48(1):38-42
掌握烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)温室内种群动态过程和早春扩散规律,是从源头治理大田烟粉虱的关键。通过对京冀地区烟粉虱冬季温室(番茄)种群动态调查发现,烟粉虱在温室的发生呈现先逐渐下降后又上升的趋势。进一步对早春扩散的调查表明,其大棚内的寄主植物为番茄、甜瓜、黄瓜、豆角、冬瓜,5月中上旬为华北烟粉虱从大棚向外扩散高峰期,以在大棚周围(0m)处的数量最多,且随着距温室虫源距离的增加,虫口密度逐渐减小,烟粉虱从虫源大棚逐渐向外扩散。根据其种群动态和扩散规律,建议在5月中上旬重点在大棚周围控制烟粉虱,以防止其对外扩散。  相似文献   

可用于黑刺粉虱快速鉴定的SCAR分子标记技术   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
刘循  万方浩  张桂芬 《昆虫学报》2009,52(8):895-900
针对粉虱类害虫难以准确快速地进行形态鉴别的问题, 以局部发生的黑刺粉虱Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance)为对象, 采用特征序列扩增区域 (SCAR) 标记法, 研究其快速分子检测技术。利用SCAR标记技术获得了长度为987 bp的黑刺粉虱特异性片段 (GenBank登录号为FJ613323), 根据此片段的碱基序列设计黑刺粉虱特异性引物1对(AS-F518/AS-R938), 其扩增片段为421 bp。种特异性检验结果显示, 该对引物只对黑刺粉虱的基因组具有扩增能力, 对同域发生的桔绿粉虱 Dialeurodes citri (Ashmead)以及其他种类的粉虱如烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) B型、Q型、ZHJ-1型和ZHJ-2型, 温室粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)以及螺旋粉虱Aleurodicus disperses (Russell)等的基因组不具有扩增效果。该引物不仅对成虫具有良好的扩增效能, 对卵、2龄若虫和拟蛹等亦具有同样的扩增能力, 其最低检出限为1/1 920头成虫。该技术体系的建立在茶树和柑桔苗木调运的害虫检疫和监测/检测中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Isolate T39 of Trichoderma harzianum (TRICHODEX) is a commercial biocontrol agent. It controls Botrytis cinerea (grey mould) in greenhouse crops and in vineyards, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (white mould) in various greenhouse and field crops, Cladosporium fulvum (leaf mould) in tomato, and the powdery mildews Sphaerotheca fusca in cucurbits and Leveillula taurica in pepper. T. harzianum T39 was applied in vineyards and greenhouses as part of grey mould management programmes in alternation with chemical fungicides. In the present study, the effect of T39 on diseases of greenhouse crops was demonstrated. The biocontrol agent was applied in formulations containing two concentrations of the active ingredient, or in the presence of oil in cucumber and tomato greenhouses. Suppression of B. cinerea , C. fulvum and S. sclerotiorum was similar when T39 was applied at final active ingredient rates of 0.2 or 0.4 g l -1 , except for one sampling date in one experiment. The addition of JMS Stylet-Oil did not contribute to the control of the above mentioned diseases achieved by T39.  相似文献   

Collaborative research was conducted in the south of France to assess constraints related to both climate heterogeneity and ventilation systems on the control potential of a Lecanicillium muscarium-based formulation against whiteflies in Mediterranean greenhouses. Four series of small-scale greenhouse trials were performed in 2001 and 2002. Two applications at 4–5 day intervals of Mycotal were conducted on young larvae of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, at the rate recommended by the manufacturer (ca. 1010 viable spores per liter of water suspension). The climatic heterogeneity was taken into account by comparing the fungus-induced mortality of nymphs located on lateral row plants to that of nymphs on center row plants. In spite of significant differences in air flows (0.7–1.2 and 0.3 ms−1, respectively) there was no effect on fungus efficacy (53–76% mortality). When comparing the influence of greenhouse equipment (sophisticated glasshouse vs. polyethylene-covered greenhouse), the fungus was not affected (89–96% mortality) in spite of significant differences in ventilation rates. The results confirmed that entomopathogenic Hyphomycetes have a strong potential for microbial control of whitefly larvae infesting tomato crops at moderate ambient humidity in Mediterranean greenhouses in spite of windy periods. These investigations confirmed that microclimatic conditions prevailing in the targeted insect habitat (under-leaf surface boundary layer) are greatly disconnected from that of both outside and inside the greenhouse. In northern Mediterranean greenhouses, non-stressed tomato crops provide unexpected favorable conditions for mycoinsecticide use against a phyllophagous insect.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of mating disruption to control the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), in greenhouse tomato crops was evaluated in four trials carried out in winter–spring and summer–winter growing seasons in Southwestern Sardinia (Italy). Pheromone dispensers loaded with 60 mg of the natural blend of the major and minor sex pheromone component (rate 90 : 10) were applied in disrupted greenhouses at a rate of 1000/ha (60 g of active ingredient/ha). Male captures in monitoring pheromone traps, percentage of tomato plants infested by T. absoluta and damage on leaves and fruits were monitored weekly and compared in disrupted and untreated (control) greenhouses. In greenhouses disrupted with 1000 dispensers/ha, a reduction of 93–97% in male trap captures was observed, compared with control. Leaf damage was significantly lower in greenhouses disrupted with 1000 dispensers/ha than in control ones, with a reduction of infestation throughout the growing season ranging from 57% to 85%. Pheromone dispensers applied at the density of 1000/ha significantly reduced the percentage of damaged fruits by 62–89%. In control greenhouses, the highest damage on leaves and fruits was generally observed in edge plants, while leaf and fruit infestation was uniformly distributed in pheromone‐treated greenhouses, indicating an even distribution of the pheromone cloud inside the greenhouse. Mating disruption showed to be an efficient strategy to control in greenhouse the tomato leafminer and can be included in the overall tomato integrated pest management programs.  相似文献   

Wenbin Dai  Lina Wang  Binrui Wang  Xiaohong Cui  Xue Li 《Phyton》2022,91(10):2283-2296
Temperature in agricultural production has a direct impact on the growth of crops. The emergence of greenhouses has improved the impact of the original unpredictable changes in temperature, but the temperature modeling of greenhouses is still the main direction at present. Neural network modeling relies on sufficient actual data to model greenhouses, but there is a widening gap in the application of different neural networks. This paper proposes a greenhouse temperature prediction model based on wavelet neural network with genetic algorithm (GA-WNN). With the simple network structure and the nonlinear adaptability of the wavelet basis function, wavelet neural network (WNN) improved model training speed and accuracy of prediction results compared with back propagation neural networks (BPNN), which was conducive to the prediction and control of short-term greenhouse temperature fluctuations. At the same time, the genetic algorithm (GA) was introduced to globally optimize the initial weights of the original model, which improved the insensitivity of the model to the initial weights and thresholds, and improved the training speed and stability of the model. Finally, simulation results for the greenhouse showed that the model training speed, prediction results accuracy and model stability of the GA-WNN in the greenhouse were improved in comparison to results obtained by the WNN and BPNN in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

Epidemics of whitefly‐transmitted Tomato chlorosis virus, Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus have been present in the south east of Spain since the 1990s. A survey was performed in 40 greenhouses and nethouses during 2003 to establish the relationship between the disease incidence and the quality of greenhouse or nethouse coverings, providing a physical protection of crops against whiteflies. For tomato chlorosis virus disease (ToCD), the incidence correlated with the type of greenhouse cover and was most reduced under higher quality covers. Control of tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) was achieved only for crops grown in the highest quality greenhouses. TYLCD incidence in tolerant tomatoes remained below 100% within the 5 months of sampling, despite the disease progress rate at the initial stage of the cultivation being higher than that of ToCD, which did reach 100% incidence in many greenhouses. Linear regression analysis showed that the development of ToCD and TYLCD in most of the greenhouses was best described by the monomolecular model and the Gompertz model, respectively. Tomato infectious chlorosis virus was not detected in parallel surveys carried out during this study, although it has been described previously in the area studied.  相似文献   

When microorganisms are used for pest control in vegetable production, the active organisms become part of the microbiota growers are exposed to. The aim of this study was to quantify vegetable growers' exposure to the bacterial strain Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki strain HD1 (termed HD1) from the biocontrol agent Dipel®, and other airborne mesophilic bacteria. Personal (n=102) and stationary (n=43) measurements of exposure were performed in greenhouses and open fields. Air samples were analysed by plate counts, and total counts with a microscope. Isolates resembling HD1 were identified by PCR analysis. HD1-like bacteria were only detected in environments where Dipel® was used. In a greenhouse with Dipel® treated tomato plants, the growers' exposure to airborne HD1-like bacteria reached 5300 cfu/m3 and 1400 cfu/m3 during harvest and clearing of old plants, respectively. In untreated greenhouses, the highest concentration of total mesophilic bacteria, 1,100,000 cfu/m3, was detected in a cucumber greenhouse. The median concentrations of mesophilic bacteria in tomato greenhouses were significantly lower than the median concentrations in cucumber greenhouses. There was no significant difference in exposure to mesophilic bacteria in tomato greenhouses and in vegetable fields. We found that greenhouse workers, especially in cucumber production, were exposed to high concentrations of total bacteria. Thus, the already present airborne bacteria in greenhouses might have a greater influence on growers' health than applied biocontrol strains. However, further studies are needed to establish an occupational threshold limit for airborne bacteria and to secure a healthy working environment for vegetable growers.  相似文献   

Generalist herbivores can face many challenges when choosing their host plant. This can be particularly difficult if their choice and performance are affected by host experience. Greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), is an invasive generalist herbivore, which has established in year‐round greenhouses at northern latitudes where it cannot overwinter outdoors. It mainly uses crops such as cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), and ornamentals as host plants. However, every summer the insect escapes greenhouses and is exposed to natural vegetation. We evaluated the performance of T. vaporariorum on diverse vegetation outside greenhouses after prolonged experience of greenhouse crops. First, we surveyed the vegetation near infested greenhouses. Development success of the insect differed among wild hosts. We identified five new hosts among 12 plant species that bore pupae and were thus considered suitable as the insect's host plants. Members of the Urticaceae and Onagraceae were the most preferred and frequently inhabited by all insect life stages. The highest abundance of insects occurred in plots with low plant species richness, independent of plant family in these habitats. We then studied experimentally the impact of 1 year of preconditioning to one of three common greenhouse crops, cucumber, tomato, or poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch), on the performance of the preconditioned adults and their progeny on four wild plants. Adults from tomato and poinsettia preferred the novel host species over the species to which they were preconditioned. The whitefly population preconditioned to cucumber was the most fecund on all offered hosts. We conclude that generalist herbivores can have large variation in performance, despite polyphagy, on novel hosts as shown by the variable abundance of T. vaporariorum pupae among outdoor hosts. Furthermore, performance of whiteflies on natural vegetation was affected by experience on greenhouse crops. Based on our observations, we provide insights and recommendations for pest management.  相似文献   

A nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) has been identified as the etiological agent causing epizootics in natural populations of Spodoptera exigua in the south of Spain. The incidence of this NPV has been determined from samples of larvae collected from sunflower fields and vegetable greenhouses at two sites located 500 km apart. The NPV was the only disease agent identified at both sites. Through the period surveyed the percentage of NPV‐infected larvae increased from 4.3% to 23% and from 22.5% to 100% in S. exigua larvae collected from sunflower fields and vegetable greenhouses respectively. No mortality attributed to the NPV was found in Spodoptera littoralis, Heliothis armigera, Peridroma saucia and Plusia gamma larvae collected in the same survey from the same sites. This is the first report of epizootics caused by NPV in S. exigua populations in field and greenhouse crops in Europe.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted to compare insect population levels in greenhouse crops covered with plastics that block the transmission of UV light in two wavelength ranges. Crops grown in greenhouses under a plastic that blocked UV light at wavelengths of 380 nm and below had lower numbers of aphids and thrips compared with a plastic that blocked UV light at wavelengths of 360 nm and below. This is consistent with the results found for thrips in previous studies using small, completely enclosed tunnels with no plant material. The effects were not as dramatic in the commercial greenhouses, perhaps due to unfiltered light entering through the open sides of those greenhouses. There was no reduction in greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, populations under the <380 UV-absorbing plastic compared to <360 nm UV-absorbing plastic in these field trials. This is inconsistent with results found in small, completely enclosed tunnels, where sticky traps caught a significantly higher proportion (95 +/- 2%) of released greenhouse whiteflies inside tunnels covered with <360 nm absorbing plastic compared with the <380 nm absorbing plastic. The results of these studies suggest that the type of greenhouse plastic used in a structure can affect population levels of some insect species, and may be useful tools in developing integrated pest management programs for insect management. The design of the greenhouse and amount of unfiltered light that enters the system appear to be important factors in determining the level of effect.  相似文献   

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