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水蛇亚科属于游蛇科,包含10个属。其中7个属为单型属。选取水蛇亚科14个形态学特征进行支序分析,并利用计算机软件Hennig 86对水蛇亚科中8个属之间的系统发育关系进行初步探讨,结果显示水蛇亚科分为两支:GerardaFordonia两个属构成姊妹群,CerberusErpetonHomalopsis三个属也构成单系群,与Voris et al(2002)的分子系统树相同,但Cantoria属的地位则与Voris et al(2002)的明显不同。  相似文献   

中国狼蛛科的系统发育   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
运用分支分析法,采用支序分析软件Phylip程序,以盗蛛科和褛网蛛科为外群,从形态、生态等方面选取了18个特征对中国狼蛛11个属(脉狼蛛属未在其列)进行支序分析。分析结果表明,马蛛亚科(包括马蛛属和水狼蛛属)最为原始,潮浪蛛亚科次之;熊蛛属和獾蛛属构成的分支更次,狼蛛亚科和豹蛛亚科构成姊妹群最为进化。所以潮浪蛛属、熊蛛属和獾蛛属应分别从狼蛛亚科中独立出来,皆自成亚科,分别名潮浪蛛亚科和獾蛛亚科。  相似文献   

基于16S rRNA和ND1基因序列的中国蚌科丽蚌属的系统发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周春花  欧阳珊  吴小平  黎敏 《动物学报》2007,53(6):1024-1030

中国灵猫科的支序系统学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取分布于中国境内的8属9种灵猫科动物的88个骨骼性状、31个外部形态性状和1个行为性状,运用替代外群法分别以赤狐(犬科狐属)和青鼬(鼬科貂属)共同或单独作为外群进行支序分析,得出10个支序图,其步长(TL)为:106~136,一致性指数(CI)为0.581—0.660,保留指数(RI)为0.610—0.714。经合意分析得到4个相似的支序图,其TL为41—136,CI为0.581—0.732,RI为0.610—0.818,结果支持:①斑灵狸、大灵猫、小灵猫构成一个单系群,与传统分类一致(均属灵猫亚科);②椰子狸、花面狸、熊狸构成一个单系群,与传统分类一致(均属长尾狸亚科);③红颊獴、食蟹獴与灵猫科其他种为姐妹群关系(Bootstrap检验支持率100%),建议獴类为一亚科;④长颌带狸拥有较多自近裔性状如三个门齿孔,是一个高度特化的种类,其系统地位有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

通过对凤蝶亚科Papilioninae11属27种的线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶Ⅰ基因(COⅠ)序列测定,以阿波罗绢蝶Parnassius apollo为外群,分别采用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)和最大似然法(ML)构建凤蝶亚科的系统发育树,初步探讨了其系统发育关系。结果显示,凤蝶亚科11属27个物种分为4个主要的分支,分别是裳凤蝶族Troidini、凤蝶族Papilionini、燕凤蝶族Lampropterini和喙凤蝶族Teinopalpini,与传统分类学观点一致。其中,燕凤蝶族构成凤蝶亚科系统发育树基部的一个独立分支,且为单系发生。凤蝶属Papilio中美凤蝶亚属Menelaides和翠凤蝶亚属Princeps首先相聚,华凤蝶亚属Sinoprinceps和凤蝶亚属Papilio亲缘关系较近,随后两分支再聚为一支,构成凤蝶属。本研究结果从分子水平验证了凤蝶亚科传统的形态分类地位,并为澄清凤蝶亚科物种间系统发育关系提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

用支序分类的方法分析了我国北方网蝽亚科内16个属间的系统演化关系,在比较形态研究的基础上选取该亚科的33个特征、88个特征状态,通过内群和外群比较的方法对特征状态进行极化,形成特征状态矩阵,,分别使用计算机编码程序PAUP(version3.1.1)和Hennin86(version1.5)进行运算分析,得到完全一致的最简约树及Nelson合意树(树长L=118步,一致性指数CI=0.454,保留指数RI=0.529)。用以分析亚科内属级分类单元之间分类单元可归为6个群,分别为A-gramman群、Leptoyha群、Dictyla群、Catophatus群、Physatoheila群和Derephysia群,Agramma群在所分析的类群中是为原始的一群,最早由基部分出,与由Leptoypha群、Dictyla群、Catoplatus群、P hysatocheila群和Derephysia群构成的单系形成姐妹群。Leptoypha群也是较早分出的一群,与由Dictyla群、Catoplatus群、Physatochila群和为一单系,是最为进化的一群,与另一较进化的Physatocheila群单系构成1对姐妹群。此两群所构成的单系群又与Catoplatus群构成姐妹群,形成一个单系群,继而与Dictyla群单系构成姐妹群。用AutoDecay(version3.0)对各分支点进行了分支支持分析。这些群在更多的属级单元参加分析之前暂不划为高一级的分类单元。  相似文献   

基于细胞色素b的鸫亚科部分鸟类的系统进化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用分子系统学方法对鸫亚科(Turdinae)16属35种鸟类的线粒体细胞色素b基因进行系统发生分析。所测序列经对位排列后共983bp,包含变异位点399个,简约信息位点349个。以太平鸟(Bombycillagarrulus)和雪松太平鸟(Bombycillacedrorum)为外群,采用邻接法、最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法分别构建鸫亚科的系统发生树。研究结果表明:构建的系统树将所研究鸫亚科鸟类分为2个支系。第1个支系包括鸫属(Turdus)、地鸫属(Zoothera)和宽嘴鸫属(Cochoa);第2个支系包括歌鸲属(Luscinia)、鸲属(Tarsiger)、鹊鸲属(Copsychus)、薮鸲属(Cercotrichas)、红尾鸲属(Phoenicurus)、水鸲属(Rhyacornis)、燕尾属(Enivurus)、啸鸫属(Myiophoneus)、石属(Saxicola)、属(Oenanthe)、溪鸲属(Chaimarrornis)、矶鸫属(Monticola)和欧亚鸲属(Erithacus)。其中地鸫属并非单系类群;红尾鸲属为并系发生,水鸲属和溪鸲属归并到这一支系;石属与矶鸫属互为姐妹群,再与属聚合构成另一支系;然后上述两个支系构成姐妹群;歌鸲属和鸲属聚成姐妹群。对于鹊鸲属、薮鸲属、啸鸫属、欧亚鸲属、宽嘴鸫属和燕尾属,本研究结果并没有完全解决它们在大分支内与其它属间的亲缘关系  相似文献   

蛛缘蝽科系统发育初探(半翅目:缘蝽总科)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文通对蛛缘蝽科各亚群16个代表属的比较形态学研究,以支序分析方法探讨了属间系统发育关系,其结果证实蛛缘蝽科为一单源群,支持Schaefe(1965)将该科分为蛛缘蝽亚科和微缘蝽亚科的意见,并认为扁缘蝽属和锥缘蝽属应分别单独成立族。Ahmad(1965)等将原有蛛缘蝽族、稻缘蝽族和微翅缘蝽族分别提升为亚科从而将该科分为三亚科的观点得不到文中支序图的支持。  相似文献   

以雅罗鱼亚科为外群,采用分支系统学的原理和方法对鲌亚科17个属(须鳊属除外)进行了系统发育和动物地理学的分析.结果表明,(1)鲌亚科这17个属为一个单系群,并由4个较小的单系群组成;(2)鲌亚科现在的地理分布格局除源自离散事件外,主要源于扩散事件.鲌亚科的特征演化还表明,东亚地区地质历史的反转演化和平行演化可能在鲌亚科系统发育过程中起了重要的作用.  相似文献   

鳃虱科(甲壳动物亚门,等足目)属间系统发育关系支序分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择鳃虱科Bopyridae的47个形态学性状,利用PAUP软件,以支序分析方法对中国海域鳃虱科24属进行属间系统发育关系研究.支序分析结果较好地反映了鳃虱科内姐妹群的关系.根据分析结果,假鳃虱亚科中的巨鳃虱属Gigantione是鳃虱科中较早分出的一支,而背腹虱亚科中的仿腹虱属Parathelges和腹虱属Athelges则为较晚分化出来的;褐虾鳃虱亚科的褐虾鳃虱属Argeia盖腹虾鳃虱属Stegoalpheon和真虾鳃虱亚科的深海鳃虱属Bathygyge聚为一支,成为一对姐妹群;蟹鳃虱亚科的单系性得到分析结果的支持,假鳃虱亚科的单系性则不被支持.  相似文献   

Abstract Phylogenetic relationships among the genera of the large braconid wasp subfamily Microgastrinae were explored using DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit (16S), nuclear large ribosomal subunit (28S) and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (COI) genes, along with morphological characters, both new and from previous studies. The taxonomic history of this group of wasps is reviewed, along with a critique of previous phylogenetic studies on the group. Molecular data were sampled from forty-six species representing twenty-six genera of microgastrines, plus three species representing the close outgroup taxa Cardiochilinae and Miracinae. Some 2300 base pairs of aligned sequence were obtained per taxon from the three genes. In addition, fifty-three morphological characters were coded for all known genera, including two undescribed genera, except Semionis Nixon (known from only a single male type specimen). Relationships among several groups of genera are clarified and challenge some major assumptions made in earlier classifications. In particular, it is clear that dependence on one or a few major morphological character systems oversimplifies relationships, and can lead to misleading results. Despite the large amount of data analysed, basal divergences within the subfamily remain poorly resolved and essentially unsupported in any rigorous statistical sense.  相似文献   

 In the intermediate zone of the inflorescence of genera of Aroideae one can find flowers with male and female characteristics. Until now, two types of developmental sequences of atypical bisexual flowers (ABFs) have been recognized: the Philodendron type and the Cercestis type. In the Philodendron type, bisexual flowers generally consist of functional carpels and staminodes inserted on the same whorl. In the Cercestis type, the gynoecium and stamens are inserted on two different whorls. These different ontogenetic patterns represent two different pathways in the evolution of unisexual flowers in this subfamily. A molecular phylogenetic analysis of 33 genera of Araceae, based on the chloroplast trnL intron and trnL–F intergenic spacer sequences was carried out. We use this phylogenetic analysis and those published by French et al. (1995) and Mayo et al. (1997) to examine the distribution of the two types of ABFs in selected genera. Our results suggest that the two developmental patterns of ABFs in Aroideae sensu Mayo et al. (1997) do not correspond to two separate evolutionary lineages but rather are more or less consistent within clades. Although this new molecular phylogeny does not include all aroid genera, it corroborates in general, at the subfamily level, the molecular analysis of French et al. (1995) based on chloroplast DNA restriction site data and the analysis of Mayo et al. (1997) based on morphological and anatomical data. Received March 15, 2001 Accepted October 11, 2001  相似文献   

用RAPD技术对特化等级裂腹鱼类亲缘关系的探讨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
为确定特化等级裂腹鱼类的遗传分化关系 ,对 7种 2 2个裂腹鱼个体进行随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)研究。从所使用的 40个随机引物中 ,选择了 37个扩增带谱清晰的引物进行分析。根据构建的分子系统树显示 ,特化等级裂腹鱼类划分为 3个属级分类单元较为合适 ,这与采用形态学特征进行系统分析所得出的结论一致。在 2 2个个体之间遗传距离矩阵中 ,最大的遗传距离指数达到了 90 38% ,此外 ,还有较多的遗传距离指数也在 6 0 %~ 90 %之间。通过分析 ,认为用RAPD标记技术来分析属级或属级以上分类单元的亲缘关系 ,具有一定的适用性。对于一些遗传差异较大的类群 (如裂腹鱼类 ) ,应用属级或属级以上分类单元的亲缘关系 ,很可能会出现个体之间遗传距离接近或达到 10 0 %的情况 ,从而无法探讨其相互之间的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

Abstract. A survey of characters within the Limnephilidae was made to test the cladistic hypothesis underlying traditional classification placing Neophylacinae as a subfamily of the Limnephilidae. Characters emerged which support an alternative hypothesis of phylogeny and classification, linking the Neophylacinae with the Thremmatidae and with the Uenoidae. The Uenoidae as defined here contain two monophyletic groups: subfamily Uenoinae containing the four genera Uenoa, Sericostriata, Neothremma and Farula previously constituting Uenoidae ( sensu Wiggins et al. , 1985), and subfamily Thremmatinae consisting of Thremma, Neophylax and Oligophlebodes. The new classification is shown to have predictive value for behaviour and ecology of the taxa.  相似文献   

贵州遵义松林中南村黑沙坡下寒武统牛蹄塘生物群下部层位产有大型三叶虫,计有2属3种,1未定种:Zhenbaspis subconica S. G Zhang in Lu et al. , 1974, Z. longa Zhou in Lee et al. , 1975 ; Zhenbaspis sp. , Runnania similis Lee in Yin et Lee, , 1978, 确认 Zhenbaspis (Zhenxiongaspis) Lin et Yin in Yin et Lee, 1978,为 Zhenbastn‘sChang et Chu in Lu et al. ,1974的同义名。探讨Zhenbaspis的古地理分布及演化趋势。论文还描述与Zhenbaspis,Runnania共生的Tsunyidiscus及Mianxiandiscus,其中Mianxiandiscus产于下生物群即牛蹄塘组近底部,再次证实牛蹄塘下生物群的时代早于澄江生物群。  相似文献   

蚊科三十八个已知属的系统发育数值分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
瞿逢伊  钱国正 《昆虫学报》1993,36(1):103-109

Sciomyzidae is a family of acalyptrate flies with 546 species in 61 genera that is among the most extensively studied groups of higher Diptera. Most of the known larvae are obligate enemies of Gastropoda. Hundreds of studies published over the past 50 years have resulted in detailed information concerning morphology of adults and immature stages, biology, development, behaviour, phenology and distribution. However, studies of phylogenetic relationships are based almost exclusively on morphological characters of adults, and no comprehensive molecular analysis across the family has been published. Here we fill this void by generating and analysing molecular data for 54 species of Sciomyzidae (22 genera), including Phaeomyiidae (one genus), and seven representative species of five other families of Sciomyzoidea (Coelopidae, Dryomyzidae, Helcomyzidae, Heteromyzidae and Huttoninidae) as outgroups. The reconstruction is based on morphological characters as well as nucleotide sequences for genes from the mitochondrial (12S, 16S, COI, COII, Cytb) and nuclear genome (28S, EF1α). The results are compared with recent morphological analyses. Our analyses support the monophyly of Sciomyzidae + Phaeomyiidae, and place Phaeomyiinae as a unique lineage within Sciomyzidae. A modified classification comprising three subfamilies is proposed. The major subfamily, Sciomyzinae, consists of two monophyletic and well separated groups, the tribes Sciomyzini and Tetanocerini.  相似文献   

Sequences of the ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 region of nuclear ribosomal DNA were generated for 12 species from 9 genera of Lejeuneaceae and a single species of Jubulaceae (outgroup). The taxon sampling of Lejeuneaceae included representatives of the two widely recognized subfamilies, Lejeuneoideae and Ptychanthoideae. The molecular dataset was analysed independently and in combination with a morphological dataset. The nrITS dataset and the combined dataset resulted in identical topologies. The genus Bryopteris, sometimes treated as a separate family Bryopteridaceae, is nested within the Lejeuneaceae subfamily Ptychanthoideae. Lejeuneaceae subfamily Lejeuneoideae proved to be paraphyletic with the tribe Lejeuneeae sister to Ptychanthoideae, albeit without significant bootstrap support. The tribes Brachiolejeuneeae and Cheilolejeuneeae of Lejeuneoideae, established recently based on morphological evidence, are well supported in bootstrap analyses both of the ITS and the combined molecular–morphological datasets. The results support classifications of Lejeuneaceae based on morphological data and demonstrate the usefulness of the ITS region for phylogenetic studies within or among closely related genera of Lejeuneaceae.  相似文献   

时敏  陈学新  马云  何俊华 《昆虫学报》2007,50(2):153-164
本研究选取矛茧蜂亚科Doryctinae(昆虫纲Insecta:膜翅目Hymenoptera:茧蜂科Braconidae)的6族15属18种做内群,茧蜂科其它7亚科11属11种做外群,首次结合同源核糖体28S rDNA D2基因序列片段和100个形态学和解剖学特征对该亚科进行了系统发育学研究。利用“非圆口类"的小腹茧蜂亚科Microgastrinae为根,以PAUP*4.0和MrBayes 3.0B4软件分别应用最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯法对矛茧蜂亚科的分子数据和分子数据与非分子数据的结合体进行了运算分析;并以PAUP*4.0对矛茧蜂亚科的28S rDNA D2基因序列片段的碱基组成与碱基替代情况进行了分析。结果表明:矛茧蜂亚科的28S rDNA D2基因序列片段的GC含量在39.33%~48.28%之间变动,而对于碱基替代情况来讲,矛茧蜂亚科各成员间序列变异位点上颠换(transversion)大于转换(transition)。不同的分析算法所产生的系统发育树都表明矛茧蜂亚科是一个界限分明的单系群;在矛茧蜂亚科内,除了吉丁茧蜂族Siragrini为单系群外,其他族(矛茧蜂族Doryctini和方头茧蜂族Hecabolini)都是并系群。对于矛茧蜂亚科内各属之间的相互亲缘关系,不同算法所得的系统发育树的拓扑结构不完全一致,表明矛茧蜂亚科内(属及族)的系统发育关系还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

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