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本文记述中国麦叶蜂属7新种:齿瓣麦叶蜂Dolerus dentipenis sp.nov.,李氏麦叶蜂D.lii sp.nov.,长尾麦叶蜂D.longicercus sp.nov.,长海麦叶蜂D.mirandus sp.niv.,奇鞘麦叶蜂D.mirandus sp.nov.,上海麦叶蜂D.shanghaiensissp.nov.,毛翅麦叶蜂D.thaunmatus sp.mov,西藏麦叶蜂D.  相似文献   

朱弘復 《昆虫学报》1953,(3):120-120
食麦叶的锯蜂非止一种,Dolerusunicolor(Beauvois).D.Collaris Day,D.hordei Rohwer和Pachynematus extensi-cornis(Norton)在世界上都曾有过记载。作者在1949年曾发表过北京附近的两种:Dolerus tritici Chu和Pachynematus sp.(见Contrib.Inst.Zool.,Nat.Acad.PeipingVol.v,No.3,pp.79—92.)今年五月华东  相似文献   

记述中国新记录属大膜叶蜂属1新种:紫蓝大膜叶蜂Bornea purpurata,sp.nov.。该属分布于亚洲东南部,仅知模式种1种。新种与模式种的主要区别是:头胸部蓝紫色,腹部2-5节黄色,触角全部黑色,足大部黑色,爪齿很长大。编制了分种检索表,绘制了新种形态特征图。文中还简要讨论了大膜叶蜂属与近缘属的鉴别特征。模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

Malaise1937年根据两个新种建立了科叶蜂属Corpilus,即:C.nigerimus和C.davidi。前者是该属的模式种,由Malaise采自印度阿萨姆(即现在的梅加拉亚邦),后者采自中国。文中讨论了属的分类特征,修订了属的鉴别特征,编制了该属东洋区种类分种检索表。本文记述采自北方邦高地的1个新种,模式标本保存在印度新德里印度农业研究所普萨标本馆昆虫部。1.萨尼科叶蜂CorpilussainiVasu,新种(图1)萨尼科叶蜂唇基上区具钝脊;中窝特征典型;眼后区宽大于长;侧沟深且分歧;外生殖器典型。它与近似种C.nigerrimus的区别主要在于:眼后区宽大于长,宽∶长=4∶3(C.nigerrimus为3∶1),爪具1枚亚端突,亚端突短于爪端长度(C.nigerimus亚端突比爪端长),头部具细微刻点(C.nigerimus不具刻点),唇基下缘略凹入(C.nigerimus横截)。正模:♀,北方邦(Mukteshwer),2700m,1989-Ⅸ-10,S.Saini采;副模2♀♀,5♂♂,地点同正模,1991-Ⅸ-20,V.Vasu采。词源:新种以导师旁遮普大学动物学系M.S.Saini博士的  相似文献   

记述采自中国秦岭的秋叶蜂属2新种:平唇秋叶蜂Apethymus flatoclypea sp.nov.和扁角秋叶蜂Apethymus compressicornis sp.nov.。新种模式标本保存在中南林业科技大学昆虫模式标本室。  相似文献   

中国叶蜂两新种(膜翅目,叶蜂科)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
记述了中国叶蜂两新种:黑腹近脉叶蜂Phymatoceropsis melanogaster sp.nov.和宽环钝颊叶蜂Aglaostigma laticinctum sp.nov.,前者与Phymatoceropsis stigmaticalis Wei et Nie近似,但头部、胸部侧板、胸部腹板黄褐色,翅痣黑色,后翅臀室柄微短于cu-a脉,锯腹片19刃,阳茎瓣头叶近横方形,下腹角显著突出等,差别显著,易于鉴别;后者与Aglaostigma bicolor Wei和Aglaostigma tertium Zinovjev近似,但触角黑色,腹部背板第1和第3节、第7~10节、内眶中下部条斑、后眶中上部宽斑白色,后足股节褐色,前翅2Rs室短于1Rs,后胸后侧片后角宽圆,触角短,约等长于头胸部之和,容易与后二种鉴别.新种模式标本保存于中南林学院昆虫模式标本室.  相似文献   

潜叶蜂族研究(膜翅目:叶蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述中国潜叶蜂Fenusini6属8种,其中包括2新属6新种及4新组合种:大眼闻潜叶蜂Zhengina megomma gen.et sp.nov。,吕氏华潜叶蜂Sinofenusa lui gen.et sp.nov.,沟缝脊潜叶蜂Parna distincta sp.nov.,黄首原潜叶蜂Profenusa xanthocephala sp.nov.,Qi树雅潜叶蜂Anafenusa ac  相似文献   

本文记述中国宽腹叶蜂属5新种:长腹宽腹叶腹M.dolichogaster Weiet Ma,sp.nov.,缨鞘宽腹叶蜂M.pilotheca,sp.nov.,童氏宽腹叶蜂M.tongi Wei et Ma,sp.nov.,赵氏宽腹叶蜂M.zhaocae Wei,sp.nov.,郑氏宽腹叶蜂M.zhengi Wei,sp.mov.。模式标本均保存于中南林学院昆虫标本室。文中还将尖唇宽腹叶蜂黄柄亚种  相似文献   

中国俏叶蜂属分类研究(膜翅目,叶蜂科,平背叶蜂亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要回顾了中国平背叶蜂族的分类研究状况.记述了中国俏叶蜂属Hemathlophorus种类,编制了俏叶蜂属分种检索表,描述了1新种:短颊俏叶蜂Hemathlophorus brevigenatus sp.nov.,新种颚眼距等于单眼半径,中胸腹板大部和后足股节基部3/4亮黄色,雌虫腹部第2、5节背板具中位小黑斑,唇基缺口较浅,POL:OOL:OCL=2:4:5,爪内齿短于外齿,前翅cu-a脉基部与1M脉基部间距仅为1r-m脉长的1/2,R M脉段短于cu-a脉,2r脉交于2Rs上缘中部,后翅R1室的附室仅等宽于单眼直径,锯鞘腹缘弧形突出,锯腹片15锯刃,中部锯刃间距等宽于锯刃,锯刃端部尖出等,可以与同属已知的3种鉴别.  相似文献   

半世纪以来,物种概念的定义备受关注,不同研究方向的生物学家提出24种不同或至少有分歧的物种概念,根据其不同的物种概念,物种的界定和物种的数量会出现很大的差异。人们普遍认同:物种是进化分离的微居群谱系,但把谱系分离过程中获得的特征如生殖隔离、可鉴定性、单系统发生等视为鉴定物种次级特征却有不同的声音。该文提出统一的物种概念,把谱系进化分离作为物种界定的唯一而又必要的特征,把谱系分离过程中获得的次级特征作为界定谱系分离的证据。鉴于此,物种概念间的分歧就会化解。其一,物种概念化与物种界定明显分开,不再混淆;其二,谱系的次级特征只与物种界定有关,在某种程度上为谱系分离提供证据;第三,若能把合理解释的任何一个特征作为某物种客观存在的证据,这样更多的特征更能确定谱系分离;最后最重要的是,统一物种概念使我们解放思想,扬弃传统的物种界定标准,探求物种界定的新思路。  相似文献   

半世纪以来,物种概念的定义备受关注,不同研究方向的生物学家提出24种不同或至少有分歧的物种概念,根据其不同的物种概念,物种的界定和物种的数量会出现很大的差异.人们普遍认同:物种是进化分离的微居群谱系,但把谱系分离过程中获得的特征如生殖隔离、可鉴定性、单系统发生等视为鉴定物种次级特征却有不同的声音.该文提出统一的物种概念,把谱系进化分离作为物种界定的唯一而又必要的特征,把谱系分离过程中获得的次级特征作为界定谱系分离的证据.鉴于此,物种概念间的分歧就会化解.其一,物种概念化与物种界定明显分开,不再混淆;其二,谱系的次级特征只与物种界定有关,在某种程度上为谱系分离提供证据;第三,若能把合理解释的任何一个特征作为某物种客观存在的证据,这样更多的特征更能确定谱系分离;最后最重要的是,统一物种概念使我们解放思想,扬弃传统的物种界定标准,探求物种界定的新思路.  相似文献   

Syringa species: molecular marking of species and cultivars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RAPD analysis was carried out with 22 accessions of the genus Syringa, including six species, one interspecific hybrid, and 15 cultivars. In total, 500 polymorphic fragments were detected; species-specific and cultivar-specific markers were identified. For the first time, genetic polymorphism and genome similarity coefficients were estimated and phylogenetic relationships were established for the genus Syringa.  相似文献   

The operational species concept, i.e., the one used to recognize species, is contrasted to the theoretical species concept. A phylogenetic approach to recognize fungal species based on concordance of multiple gene genealogies is compared to those based on morphology and reproductive behavior. Examples where Phylogenetic Species Recognition has been applied to fungi are reviewed and concerns regarding Phylogenetic Species Recognition are discussed.  相似文献   

Species introductions into nearby communities may seem innocuous, however, these introductions, like long-distance introductions (e.g. trans- and intercontinental), can cause extinctions and alter the evolutionary trajectories of remaining community members. These 'local introductions' can also more cryptically homogenize formerly distinct populations within a species. We focus on several characteristics and the potential consequences of local introductions. First, local introductions are commonly successful because the species being introduced is compatible with existing abiotic and biotic conditions; many nearby communities differ because of historical factors and the absence of certain species is simply the result of barriers to dispersal. Moreover, the species with which they interact most strongly (e.g. prey) may have, for example, lost defences making the establishment even more likely. The loss or absence of defences is especially likely when the absent species is a strongly interacting species, which we argue often includes mammals in terrestrial communities. Second, the effects of the introduction may be difficult to detect because the community is likely to converge onto nearby communities that naturally have the introduced species (hence the perceived innocuousness). This homogenization of formerly distinct populations eliminates the geographic diversity of species interactions and the geographic potential for speciation, and reduces regional species diversity. We illustrate these ideas by focusing on the introduction of tree squirrels into formerly squirrel-less forest patches. Such introductions have eliminated incipient species of crossbills (Loxia spp.) co-evolving in arms races with conifers and will likely have considerable impacts on community structure and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Both exotic and native species have been shown to evolve in response to invasions, yet the impacts of rapidly evolving interactions between novel species pairs have been largely ignored in studies of invasive species spread. Here, I use a mathematical model of an interacting invasive predator and its native prey to determine when and how evolutionary lability in one or both species might impact the dynamics of the invader's spatial advance. The model shows that evolutionarily labile invaders continually evolve better adapted phenotypes along the moving invasion front, offering an explanation for accelerating spread and spatial phenotype clines following invasion. I then analytically derive a formula to estimate the relative change in spread rate due to evolution. Using parameter estimates from the literature, this formula shows that moderate heritabilities and selection strengths are sufficient to account for changes in spread rates observed in historical and ongoing invasions. Evolutionarily labile native species can slow invader spread when genes flow from native populations with exposure to the invader into native populations ahead of the invasion front. This outcome is more likely in systems with highly diffuse native dispersal, net directional movement of natives toward the invasion front, or human inoculation of uninvaded native populations.  相似文献   

The Drosophila parasitoid Asobara japonica Belokobylskij (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) has highly toxic venom that kills host larvae if its injection is not followed by an injection of lateral oviduct components along with egg‐laying. In the present study, the venoms of seven other Drosophila parasitoids (Asobara rossica, Asobara rufescens, Asobara pleuralis, Leptopilina heterotoma, Leptopilina japonica, Leptopilina ryukyuensis, and Leptopilina victoriae) are tested against three kinds of Drosophila species (i.e. Drosophila species that are suitable as host for focal parasitoids, those that are resistant to the parasitoids, and a cosmopolitan species, Drosophila simulans). Venoms of the three Asobara species are not toxic to any of Drosophila species, whereas those of the four Leptopilina species are toxic to some Drosophila species. The toxicity of venom varies among Leptopilina species, and the susceptibility to venom also varies among host Drosophila species. Furthermore, toxicity and paralytic effects of venom are not correlated. Because the toxicity of venom is not adaptive for parasitoids, it may be an inevitable side effect of some components that play an essential role in parasitism.  相似文献   

Aim Exotic species pose one of the most significant threats to biodiversity, especially on islands. The impacts of exotic species vary in severity among islands, yet little is known about what makes some islands more susceptible than others. Here we determine which characteristics of an island influence how severely exotic species affect its native biota. Location We studied 65 islands and archipelagos from around the world, ranging from latitude 65° N to 54° S. Methods We compiled a global database of 10 island characteristics for 65 islands and determined the relative importance of each characteristic in predicting the impact of exotic species using multivariate modelling and hierarchical partitioning. We defined the impact of exotic species as the number of bird, amphibian and mammal (BAM) species listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as threatened by exotics, relative to the total number of BAM species on that island. Results We found that the impact of exotic species is more severe on islands with more exotic species and a greater proportion of native species that are endemic. Unexpectedly, the level of anthropogenic disturbance did not influence an island's susceptibility to the impacts of exotic species. Main conclusions By coupling our results with studies on the introduction and establishment of exotic species, we conclude that colonization pressure, or invasion opportunities, influences all stages of the invasion process. However, species endemism, the other important factor determining the impact of exotic species, is not known to contribute to introduction and establishment success on islands. This demonstrates that different factors correlate with the initial stages of the invasion process and the subsequent impacts of those invaders, highlighting the importance of studying the impacts of exotic species directly. Our study helps identify islands that are at risk of impact by exotics and where investment should focus on preventing further invasions.  相似文献   

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