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齐佳  刘晨曦  吴孔明 《昆虫知识》2012,49(5):1397-1405
苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,Bt)产生的内毒素具有杀虫活性,Cry2Ab毒素作为Bt棉花的杀虫活性蛋白,其在靶标昆虫体内的结合受体及作用位点尚不清楚,本研究采用噬菌体展示(phage display)的方法,经4轮的"吸附—洗脱—扩繁"筛选,并对阳性克隆所携带的外源DNA片段进行序列测定后,得到2段能够与活化Cry2Ab毒素相互作用的多肽序列,通过酶联免疫结合试验(ELISA)进一步证明,这2段多肽序列与活化Cry2Ab毒素具有较高的亲和力和特异性,结果表明,利用该方法能够由噬菌体随机肽库中高效捕获亲和序列,筛选到与活化Cry2Ab毒素具有高亲和力的多肽,该序列可以模拟Cry2Ab毒素的受体表位,为进一步研究Cry2Ab毒素作用机制奠定了基础,并为今后田间抗性基因频率检测,以及毒素—受体作用机制研究工作提供更有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

贺明霞  何康来  王振营  王新颖  李庆 《昆虫学报》2013,56(10):1135-1142
亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) 是危害玉米的重要害虫之一, 转Bt基因抗虫玉米为其防治提供了新的途径。然而, 靶标害虫产生抗性将严重阻碍Bt制剂及转Bt基因抗虫玉米的持续应用。明确害虫对转Bt基因玉米表达的毒素蛋白的抗性演化, 对于制定科学有效的抗性治理策略具有重要的理论和实际意义。本实验通过人工饲料汰选法研究了Bt Cry1Ie毒素胁迫下亚洲玉米螟的抗性发展及汰选14代的种群对其他Bt毒素(Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa)的交互抗性, 并观察了Cry1Ie蛋白胁迫对亚洲玉米螟生物学的影响。结果表明: 随着汰选压不断提高, 亚洲玉米螟种群对Cry1Ie毒素的敏感性逐渐下降。汰选14代后, 种群对Cry1Ie毒素的抗性水平提高了23倍。然而, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa对所获Cry1Ie汰选种群的毒力与对敏感种群的毒力相比没有显著差异, 说明Cry1Ie汰选没有引起亚洲玉米螟对Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa毒素产生交互抗性。同时, 与敏感种群相比, Cry1Ie汰选14代的种群幼虫平均发育历期延长5.7 d, 蛹重减轻13.7%, 单雌产卵量下降40.0%。本研究结果说明, 大面积单一种植转cry1Ie基因抗虫玉米, 可能引起亚洲玉米螟产生抗性; 亚洲玉米螟Cry1Ie抗性种群对Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa没有交互抗性, 含有cry1Ie和cry1Ab, cry1Ac或cry1F双/多基因抗虫玉米, 可作为靶标害虫抗性治理的重要策略。  相似文献   

抗独特型抗体Ab2β的制备及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗独特型抗体Ab2β由于含有抗原内影像结构而表现出抗原的部分生物活性。由于Ab2β具有模拟抗原的功能,使其在蛋白质、受体及疫苗等研究领域中的应用越来越广泛。文中简述了抗独特型抗体Ab2β的制备和应用及其应用所存在的问题,并讨论了Ab2β抗原内影像功能的结构基础,旨在展望其应用前景。  相似文献   

目的:应用噬菌体展示及抗体库技术,制备并鉴定β淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)人源性抗体。方法:应用固相筛选方法,以人工合成的Aβ1-15肽为靶标分子,在大容量全合成人源性噬菌体抗体库中筛选抗Aβ人源性抗体,并进行特异性鉴定。结果:经过3轮筛选,单克隆鉴定获得噬菌体抗体F11,竞争性ELISA表明抗体对Aβ1-42的结合位点位于1~15氨基酸残基内,ELISA结果证实抗体特异性良好。结论:以Aβ1-15肽为靶标分子获得了特异性良好的人源性抗体。  相似文献   

噬菌体抗体库技术制备高亲和力人抗体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
噬菌体抗体库技术的基本原理是将全套抗体可变区基因组装到丝状噬菌体表达载体内 ,与噬菌体外壳蛋白Ⅲ或Ⅷ基因融合并表达到噬菌体表面 ,以固相化的抗原作配基 ,通过吸附 洗脱 扩增的富集过程 ,筛选到与抗原特异结合的抗体克隆 ,并得到相应的抗体可变区基因。因此噬菌体抗体库技术可以被认为是体内抗体生成过程的模拟 ,首先建立足够多样性的抗体库 ,然后通过免疫亲和筛选即可能得到针对任何抗原的人抗体。该技术省时省力 ,无...  相似文献   

【背景】在我国Bt棉主要以Cry1Ab或Cry1Ac为主,其他新型Bt基因未被转入棉花中用来控制害虫,然而大面积种植单价Bt基因的棉花,将可能会大大增加靶标害虫对该类型Bt棉花抗性频率,因此研究其他新型Bt蛋白对靶标害虫的控制作用显得十分必要。【方法】采用蛋白混入人工饲料的生物测定方法,在室内测定了6种Bt蛋白对棉铃虫初孵幼虫的毒力,比较了浓度为1.0μg·g-1时不同Bt蛋白对棉铃虫幼虫生长发育的影响。【结果】毒力测定结果表明,不同Bt蛋白对棉铃虫初孵幼虫的毒力不同,LC50值由低到高依次为Cry1Ab 0.065μg·g-1、Cry1Ac 0.074μg·g-1、Cry2Ab 0.133μg·g-1、Cry2Aa 11.670μg·g-1、Cry1Ah 13.010μg·g-1和Cry1Ca20μg·g-1。生长发育测定结果表明,Cry1Ab和Cry1Ac对棉铃虫幼虫的生长发育影响最大,Cry2Ab次之;Cry1Ah和Cry2Aa对1龄幼虫的校正死亡率和体重抑制率差别不大,但对2龄幼虫的差异较大,Cry1Ah处理2龄幼虫后体重和生长发育参数与Cry2Ab接近,而Cry1Ca对棉铃虫幼虫生长发育几乎没影响。【结论与意义】Cry1Ah、Cry2Aa和Cry2Ab的毒力不如Cry1Ac和Cry1Ab,但仍可以作为控制棉铃虫幼虫的替代策略。  相似文献   

在我国Bt棉主要以Cry1Ab或Cry1Ac为主,其他新型Bt基因未被转入棉花中用来控制害虫,然而大面积种植单价Bt基因的棉花,将可能会大大增加靶标害虫对该类型Bt棉花抗性频率,因此研究其他新型Bt蛋白对靶标害虫的控制作用显得十分必要。采用蛋白混入人工饲料的生物测定方法,在室内测定了6种Bt蛋白对棉铃虫初孵幼虫的毒力,比较了浓度为1.0μg· g-1时不同Bt蛋白对棉铃虫幼虫生长发育的影响。毒力测定结果表明,不同Bt蛋白对棉铃虫初孵幼虫的毒力不同,LC50值由低到高依次为Cry1Ab 0.065μg· g-1、Cry1Ac 0.074μg· g-1、Cry2Ab 0.133μg· g-1、Cry2Aa 11.670μg· g-1、Cry1Ah 13.010μg· g-1和Cry1Ca>20μg· g-1。生长发育测定结果表明,Cry1Ab和Cry1Ac对棉铃虫幼虫的生长发育影响最大,Cry2Ab次之;Cry1Ah和Cry2Aa对1龄幼虫的校正死亡率和体重抑制率差别不大,但对2龄幼虫的差异较大,Cry1Ah处理2龄幼虫后体重和生长发育参数与Cry2Ab接近,而Cry1Ca对棉铃虫幼虫生长发育几乎没影响。Cry1Ah、Cry2Aa和Cry2Ab的毒力不如Cry1Ac和Cry1Ab,但仍可以作为控制棉铃虫幼虫的替代策略。  相似文献   

目的:应用重组噬菌体抗体库技术制备抗B型肉毒毒素Fab抗体。方法:用重组B型肉毒毒素重链C端片段(BoNTB/Hc)免疫BALB/c小鼠,从其脾淋巴细胞扩增免疫球蛋白Fd段和κ链基因,克隆至表达载体pComb3中,并将抗体Fab段表达于噬菌体表面,建立容量为5.96×106cfu的噬菌体抗体库。以BoNTB/Hc为抗原对所建抗体库进行4轮亲和筛选,获得与B型肉毒毒素特异性结合的克隆,并进行序列测定。结果:构建了抗B型肉毒毒素Fab抗体库,筛选出特异性克隆1个。结论:从鼠源噬菌体免疫抗体库中初步获得了特异性抗B型肉毒毒素的Fab抗体。  相似文献   

目的:构建噬菌体天然纳米抗体展示库,以期用于筛选不同抗原分子的纳米抗体筛选平台,并用艰难梭菌谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)抗原筛选靶向GDH的纳米抗体,对所构建的噬菌体天然纳米抗体展示库进行验证。方法:采用Oligo DT提取双峰骆驼脾脏总RNA进行反转录,通过巢氏PCR获取全套重链可变区基因,将其构建到噬菌粒pCANTAB5E载体,经多次电转化至E. coil TG1构建初级噬菌体抗体库,经辅助噬菌体拯救后构成噬菌体展示库,并对噬菌体展示库的库容及多样性进行分析和鉴定。同时以GDH为靶向抗原对文库进行淘筛,计算淘筛回收率,并对第三轮淘筛后平板的单克隆进行ELISA鉴定。结果:构建的天然噬菌体纳米抗体库的插入率为95%左右,随机挑取的9个克隆氨基酸同源性为66. 17%,经MEGA分析后具有较好的多样性,同时经辅助噬菌体拯救后,得到的噬菌体展示库滴度为4×10~(12)CFU/ml。在三轮淘筛过程中,回收率逐步升高,噬菌体得到了有效的富集,同时对阳性克隆进行测序及分析,最终得到2条抗GDH纳米抗体序列。结论:成功构建了双峰驼源天然噬菌体纳米抗体展示文库且多样性良好,为后续筛选其他的靶向抗原奠定了基础,同时筛选获得两条抗GDH纳米抗体序列,为制备艰难梭菌谷氨酸脱氢酶诊断抗体提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

鳞翅目昆虫氨肽酶N与Bt毒素的结合及其与Bt抗性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着Bt Cry作物在我国的广泛应用和推广,靶标害虫对其抗性风险已成为Bt Cry作物生态安全研究的重要内容.氨肽酶N(Aminopeptidase N,APN)是位于昆虫中肠刷状缘膜囊泡(Brush Border Membrane Vesicles,BBMV)上Bt Cry毒素重要的受体蛋白之一,它与Bt Cry毒素...  相似文献   

Zhang H  Yin W  Zhao J  Jin L  Yang Y  Wu S  Tabashnik BE  Wu Y 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e22874
Transgenic crops producing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins kill some key insect pests, but evolution of resistance by pests can reduce their efficacy. The predominant strategy for delaying pest resistance to Bt crops requires refuges of non-Bt host plants to promote survival of susceptible pests. To delay pest resistance to transgenic cotton producing Bt toxin Cry1Ac, farmers in the United States and Australia planted refuges of non-Bt cotton, while farmers in China have relied on "natural" refuges of non-Bt host plants other than cotton. Here we report data from a 2010 survey showing field-evolved resistance to Cry1Ac of the major target pest, cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera), in northern China. Laboratory bioassay results show that susceptibility to Cry1Ac was significantly lower in 13 field populations from northern China, where Bt cotton has been planted intensively, than in two populations from sites in northwestern China where exposure to Bt cotton has been limited. Susceptibility to Bt toxin Cry2Ab did not differ between northern and northwestern China, demonstrating that resistance to Cry1Ac did not cause cross-resistance to Cry2Ab, and implying that resistance to Cry1Ac in northern China is a specific adaptation caused by exposure to this toxin in Bt cotton. Despite the resistance detected in laboratory bioassays, control failures of Bt cotton have not been reported in China. This early warning may spur proactive countermeasures, including a switch to transgenic cotton producing two or more toxins distinct from Cry1A toxins.  相似文献   

The primary technical constraint plant scientists face in generating insect resistant transgenic crops with insecticidal Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crystal protein (Cry) genes remains failing to generate sufficiently large numbers of effective resistant transgenic plant lines. One possible means to overcome this challenge is through deployment of a Cry toxin gene that contains high levels of insecticidal specific activity for target insect pests. In the present study, we tested this hypothesis using a natural variant of the Cry1Ab toxin under laboratory conditions that possessed increased insecticidal potency against the yellow stem borer (YSB, Scirpophaga incertulus), one of the most damaging rice insect pests. Following adoption of a stringent selection strategy for YSB resistant transgenic rice lines under field conditions, results showed recovery of a significantly higher number of YSB resistant independent transgenic plant lines with the variant cry1Ab gene relative to transgenic plant lines harbouring cry1Ab berliner gene. Structural homology modelling of the variant toxin peptide with the Cry1Aa toxin molecule, circular dichroism spectral analysis, and hydropathy plot analysis indicated that serine substitution by phenylalanine at amino acid position 223 of the Cry1Ab toxin molecule resulted in a changed role for α-helix 7 in domain I of Cry1Ab for enhanced toxicity.  相似文献   

Evolution of resistance in pests threatens the long-term efficacy of insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) used in sprays and transgenic crops. Previous work showed that genetically modified Bt toxins Cry1AbMod and Cry1AcMod effectively countered resistance to native Bt toxins Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac in some pests, including pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella). Here we report that Cry1AbMod and Cry1AcMod were also effective against a laboratory-selected strain of pink bollworm resistant to Cry2Ab as well as to Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac. Resistance ratios based on the concentration of toxin killing 50% of larvae for the resistant strain relative to a susceptible strain were 210 for Cry2Ab, 270 for Cry1Ab, and 310 for Cry1Ac, but only 1.6 for Cry1AbMod and 2.1 for Cry1AcMod. To evaluate the interactions among toxins, we tested combinations of Cry1AbMod, Cry1Ac, and Cry2Ab. For both the resistant and susceptible strains, the net results across all concentrations tested showed slight but significant synergism between Cry1AbMod and Cry2Ab, whereas the other combinations of toxins did not show consistent synergism or antagonism. The results suggest that the modified toxins might be useful for controlling populations of pink bollworm resistant to Cry1Ac, Cry2Ab, or both.  相似文献   

Insect resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crystal protein is a major threat to the long-term use of transgenic Bt crops. Gene stacking is a readily deployable strategy to delay the development of insect resistance while it may also broaden insecticidal spectrum. Here, we report the creation of transgenic rice expressing discrete Cry1Ab and Cry2Ab simultaneously from a single expression cassette using 2A self-cleaving peptides, which are autonomous elements from virus guiding the polycistronic viral gene expression in eukaryotes. The synthetic coding sequences of Cry1Ab and Cry2Ab, linked by the coding sequence of a 2A peptide from either foot and mouth disease virus or porcine teschovirus-1, regardless of order, were all expressed as discrete Cry1Ab and Cry2Ab at high levels in the transgenic rice. Insect bioassays demonstrated that the transgenic plants were highly resistant to lepidopteran pests. This study suggested that 2A peptide can be utilized to express multiple Bt genes at high levels in transgenic crops.  相似文献   

Bt Cry toxin is a kind of bio-toxins that used for genetically modified crops (GMC) transformation widely. In this study, total 15 positive clones could bind the Bt Cry toxins which isolated from a human domain antibody library by 5 rounds affinity selection. According to analyzing of PCR amplification and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the most positive phage domain antibody (named F5) gene was cloned into the pET26b vector and expressed in E. coli BL21. The purified antibody was used to develop an indirect competitive ELISA (IC-ELISA) for Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry1B, Cry1C and Cry1F toxins, respectively. The working range of detection for standard curves in IC-ELISA were 0.258–1.407 μg/mL, the medium inhibition concentration (IC50) were 0.727–0.892 μg/mL and detection limit (IC10) were 0.029–0.074 μg/mL for those Bt Cry toxins. The affinity of F5 domain antibody with Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, Cry1B, Cry1C and Cry1F toxins were 1.21–5.94 × 107 M−1. The average recoveries of the 5 kinds of Bt Cry toxins from spiked wheat samples were ranged from 81.2%–100.8% with a CV at 2.5%–9.4%. The results showed that we successfully obtained the broad-specificity human domain antibody for simultaneous detection of Bt Cry toxins in agricultural product samples.  相似文献   

Cry1Ac protoxin (the active insecticidal toxin in both Bollgard and Bollgard II cotton [Gossypium hirsutum L.]), and Cry2Ab2 toxin (the second insecticidal toxin in Bollgard II cotton) were bioassayed against five of the primary lepidopteran pests of cotton by using diet incorporation. Cry1Ac was the most toxic to Heliothis virescens (F.) and Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), demonstrated good activity against Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), and had negligible toxicity against Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) and Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith). Cry2Ab2 was the most toxic to P. gossypiella and least toxic to S. frugiperda. Cry2Ab2 was more toxic to S. exigua and S. frugiperda than Cry1Ac. Of the three insect species most sensitive to both Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) proteins (including H. zea), P. gossypiella was only three-fold less sensitive to Cry2Ab2 than Cry1Ac, whereas H. virescens was 40-fold less sensitive to Cry2Ab2 compared with CrylAc. Cotton plants expressing Cry1Ac only and both Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab2 proteins were characterized for toxicity against H. zea and S.frugiperda larvae in the laboratory and H. zea larvae in an environmental chamber. In no-choice assays on excised squares from plants of different ages, second instar H. zea larvae were controlled by Cry1Ac/Cry2Ab2 cotton with mortality levels of 90% and greater at 5 d compared with 30-80% mortality for Cry1Ac-only cotton, depending on plant age. Similarly, feeding on leaf discs from Cry1Ac/Cry2Ab2 cotton resulted in mortality of second instars of S.frugiperda ranging from 69 to 93%, whereas exposure to Cry1Ac-only cotton yielded 20-69% mortality, depending on plant age. When cotton blooms were infested in situ in an environmental chamber with neonate H. zea larvae previously fed on synthetic diet for 0, 24, or 48 h, 7-d flower abortion levels for Cry1Ac-only cotton were 15, 41, and 63%, respectively, whereas for Cry1Ac/Cry2Ab2 cotton, flower abortion levels were 0, 0, and 5%, respectively. Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab2 concentrations were measured within various cotton tissues of Cry1Ac-only and Cry1Ac/Cry2Ab2 plants, respectively, by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Terminal leaves significantly expressed the highest, and large leaves, calyx, and bracts expressed significantly the lowest concentrations of Cry1Ac, respectively. Ovules expressed significantly the highest, and terminal leaves, large leaves, bracts, and calyx expressed significantly (P < 0.05) the lowest concentrations of Cry2Ab2. These results help explain the observed differences between Bollgard and Bollgard II mortality against the primary lepidopteran cotton pests, and they may lead to improved scouting and resistance management practices, and to more effective control of these pests with Bt transgenic crops in the future.  相似文献   



Evolution of resistance by target pests is the main threat to the long-term efficacy of crops expressing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) insecticidal proteins. Cry2 proteins play a pivotal role in current Bt spray formulations and transgenic crops and they complement Cry1A proteins because of their different mode of action. Their presence is critical in the control of those lepidopteran species, such as Helicoverpa spp., which are not highly susceptible to Cry1A proteins. In Australia, a transgenic variety of cotton expressing Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab (Bollgard II) comprises at least 80% of the total cotton area. Prior to the widespread adoption of Bollgard II, the frequency of alleles conferring resistance to Cry2Ab in field populations of Helicoverpa armigera and Helicoverpa punctigera was significantly higher than anticipated. Colonies established from survivors of F2 screens against Cry2Ab are highly resistant to this toxin, but susceptible to Cry1Ac.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Bioassays performed with surface-treated artificial diet on neonates of H. armigera and H. punctigera showed that Cry2Ab resistant insects were cross-resistant to Cry2Ae while susceptible to Cry1Ab. Binding analyses with 125I-labeled Cry2Ab were performed with brush border membrane vesicles from midguts of Cry2Ab susceptible and resistant insects. The results of the binding analyses correlated with bioassay data and demonstrated that resistant insects exhibited greatly reduced binding of Cry2Ab toxin to midgut receptors, whereas no change in 125I-labeled-Cry1Ac binding was detected. As previously demonstrated for H. armigera, Cry2Ab binding sites in H. punctigera were shown to be shared by Cry2Ae, which explains why an alteration of the shared binding site would lead to cross-resistance between the two Cry2A toxins.


This is the first time that a mechanism of resistance to the Cry2 class of insecticidal proteins has been reported. Because we found the same mechanism of resistance in multiple strains representing several field populations, we conclude that target site alteration is the most likely means that field populations evolve resistance to Cry2 proteins in Helicoverpa spp. Our work also confirms the presence in the insect midgut of specific binding sites for this class of proteins. Characterizing the Cry2 receptors and their mutations that enable resistance could lead to the development of molecular tools to monitor resistance in the field.  相似文献   

Genetically modified plants expressing insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) offer valuable options for managing insect pests with considerable environmental and economic benefits. Despite the benefits provided by Bt crops, the continuous expression of these insecticidal proteins imposes strong selection for resistance in target pest populations. Bt maize (Zea mays) hybrids have been successful in controlling fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), the main maize pest in Brazil since 2008; however, field-evolved resistance to the protein Cry1F has recently been reported. Therefore it is important to assess the possibility of cross-resistance between Cry1F and other Cry proteins expressed in Bt maize hybrids. In this study, an F2 screen followed by subsequent selection on MON 89034 maize was used to select an S. frugiperda strain (RR) able to survive on the Bt maize event MON 89034, which expresses the Cry1A.105 and Cry2Ab2 proteins. Field-collected insects from maize expressing the Cry1F protein (event TC1507) represented most of the positive (resistance allele-containing) (iso)families found. The RR strain showed high levels of resistance to Cry1F, which apparently also conferred high levels of cross resistance to Cry1A.105 and Cry1Ab, but had only low-level (10-fold) resistance to Cry2Ab2. Life history studies to investigate fitness costs associated with the resistance in RR strain revealed only small reductions in reproductive rate when compared to susceptible and heterozygous strains, but the RR strain produced 32.2% and 28.4% fewer females from each female relative to the SS and RS (pooled) strains, respectively. Consistent with the lack of significant resistance to Cry2Ab2, MON 89034 maize in combination with appropriate management practices continues to provide effective control of S. frugiperda in Brazil. Nevertheless, the occurrence of Cry1F resistance in S. frugiperda across Brazil, and the cross-resistance to Cry1Ab and Cry1A.105, indicates that current Cry1-based maize hybrids face a challenge in managing S. frugiperda in Brazil and highlights the importance of effective insect resistance management for these technologies.  相似文献   

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