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为探究不同生境下金花茶组植物的叶片钙形态特征,该研究以10种石灰土生境和4种酸性土生境的金花茶为对象,测定了其生境土壤的钙含量和pH值,以及该生境下金花茶组植物叶中的硝酸钙和氯化钙、水溶性有机酸钙、果胶酸钙、磷酸钙和碳酸钙、草酸钙、硅酸钙和总钙的含量。结果表明:(1)石灰土生境的土壤钙含量和土壤pH均极显著(P<0.01)高于酸性土。(2)在石灰土生境中,金花茶组植物的叶钙形态以草酸钙(41.17%)为主,而在酸性土生境中则以果胶酸钙(43.10%)为主,除硝酸钙和氯化钙、果胶酸钙外,石灰土金花茶的各叶钙形态和总钙含量均极显著(P<0.01)高于酸性土金花茶。(3)相关性分析结果显示,大部分叶钙形态含量与土壤pH和土壤钙含量呈极显著(P<0.01)正相关,表明土壤环境对金花茶组植物叶钙形态特征具有重要影响。(4)单因素方差分析结果显示,各叶钙形态含量在物种间存在极显著(P<0.01)差异,表明金花茶组植物在物种分化过程中叶钙形态特征具有多样性。(5)基于叶钙形态特征的聚类分析显示,14种金花茶可归为3大类。总体而言,不同生境背景下金花茶组植物的叶钙形态差异可能是...  相似文献   

喀斯特地区植物钙含量特征与高钙适应方式分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
喀斯特地区土壤的高钙含量是影响该地区植物生理特征的最重要环境因素之一。高钙影响植物的光合作用、生长速率及磷代谢, 从而限制了许多物种在该地区的分布。选取贵州4个石漠化程度不同的地区, 测定采集地内45种优势种或常见种的地上部分和地下部分的全钙含量以及土壤的交换性钙含量。通过分析喀斯特地区植物与土壤钙含量的特征发现: 喀斯特地区植物具有较高的钙含量平均值; 土壤交换性钙含量对植物地上部分钙含量的影响总体上不显著, 对植物地下部分钙含量的影响显著; 不同类别植物的钙含量存在显著差异, 蕨类植物地上部分钙含量平均值明显低于被子植物; 不同类别植物钙的分布部位也存在显著差异, 在蕨类植物和单子叶植物中地上部分和地下部分的钙含量相近, 而双子叶植物的地上部分钙含量明显高于地下部分。分析了喀斯特地区14种优势灌木和草本植物地上部分与地下部分钙含量的差异性以及与土壤交换性钙含量的相关关系, 以此为根据将14种优势植物对土壤高钙的适应方式分为3种类型: 随遇型、高钙型和低钙型。随遇型植物的钙含量主要受土壤交换性钙含量影响, 其地上部分和地下部分的钙含量均与土壤交换性钙含量成显著正相关关系; 高钙型植物具有较强的钙富集能力, 其地上部分即使在低钙含量的土壤中也可维持较高的钙含量; 低钙型植物的地上部分即使在高钙含量的土壤中亦可维持较低的钙含量。对植物适应钙的不同方式的研究可用于筛选退化生态系统恢复所需的植物资源。  相似文献   

湖南烟区土壤交换性钙、镁含量及对烤烟品质的影响   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
分析了湖南烟区主要土壤类型交换性钙、镁元素含量状况及其对烟叶品质的影响,结果表明:(1)土壤交换性钙、镁含量在不同土壤类型间存在显著性差异,交换性钙含量平均为8.87cmol/kg,以红壤含量最高;交换性镁含量平均为1.16cmol/kg,以黄棕壤含量最高;交换性钙镁比值大小依次为:红壤(11.74)>水稻土(10.25)>黄壤(6.84)>黄棕壤(6.14),在烟叶实际生产中,应重视镁肥在红壤和水稻土中的施用;(2)烟叶钙含量偏高(21.93g/kg±4.37g/kg),烟叶镁含量偏低(2.52g/kg±1.26g/kg),两者均存在广泛的变异性;(3)整体来看,烟叶钙含量随土壤中交换性钙含量的升高和镁含量的降低而显著升高;烟叶镁含量随土壤交换性镁含量的升高而升高,与土壤交换性钙含量的相关性不显著;(4)典型相关分析表明,土壤中交换性镁含量的降低可能引起烟叶钾含量的提高,从而使得烟叶钾素和镁素含量达到较好的平衡;(5)土壤交换性钙、镁含量与烟叶其它化学成分指标的相关分析表明,土壤交换性钙有利于烟株对硼和氯素的吸收,对氮、锌和锰素的吸收则有显著的抑制作用;而土壤交换性镁有利于烟叶总糖、硼素和锰素的积累,对氮、磷、铁和锌素的吸收具有显著的抑制作用。  相似文献   

张树珍  樊卫国 《西北植物学报》2022,42(10):1728-1738
为了探究喀斯特地区野生毛葡萄(Vitis quinquangularis Rehd.)器官的钙含量、组分及其分布特征,揭示野生毛葡萄的需钙特性及其对高钙土壤的适应机制。该研究以贵州喀斯特地区野生毛葡萄为材料,取样测定了40个样地的野生毛葡萄立地土壤的pH值、交换性钙含量及其根、茎、叶中钙和镁及其钙组分含量,分析土壤交换性钙含量与不同钙组分间的关系,并观察野生毛葡萄叶片表面及根、茎、叶中的钙晶体。结果表明:(1)喀斯特地区野生毛葡萄总钙含量在器官中的分布表现为叶>根>茎,其分布特征与喜钙植物类似。(2)野生毛葡萄根、茎、叶中主要钙组分含量由高到低依次基本为草酸钙、果胶酸钙、水溶性钙、磷酸钙+碳酸钙、硝酸钙+氯化钙、硅酸钙(茎中稍有不同),根、茎、叶中草酸钙占所有钙组分总量和总钙含量的比例均最高,其次是果胶酸钙。(3)各样地野生毛葡萄叶片中Ca+Mg的含量范围在1.30%~4.07%之间,绝大多数在3.0%~4.0%范围内,表现出喜钙植物叶中高Ca+Mg含量的特性。(4)在喀斯特地区的野生毛葡萄体内,多种钙组分含量与土壤中的钙含量呈显著或极显著的正相关关系。(5)扫描电镜观察发现,野生毛葡萄叶片和根中储存有大量的草酸钙晶体,叶片中的草酸钙可通过气孔排出体外。研究发现,喀斯特地区野生毛葡萄属于喜钙植物,对喀斯特高钙环境的适应性强,叶片中钙的富集量大,有大量的草酸钙和果胶酸钙储存于体内,这种储钙特性和气孔的排钙行为对野生毛葡萄适应高钙环境具有重要作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨人工林内优势乔木和林下灌草根际土壤氮矿化特征, 明确乔灌草根际土壤氮转化差异, 该研究以江西泰和千烟洲站区典型人工杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)和湿地松(Pinus elliottii)林为对象, 在植被生长季初期(4月)和旺盛期(7月)分析3种人工林内乔木、优势灌木(檵木(Loropetalum chinense)、杨桐(Adinandra millettii)、格药柃(Eurya muricata))和草本(狗脊蕨(Woodwardia japonica)、暗鳞鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris atrata))根际土壤的净氮矿化速率、土壤化学性质及土壤微生物特征。结果发现: 1)物种、林型和取样季节显著影响了根际土壤净氮矿化速率(Nmin)、净铵化速率(Namm)和净硝化速率(Nnit)。马尾松和湿地松林内林下灌草根际土壤净氮矿化的季节敏感性高于乔木: 4月乔木根际土壤NminNamm显著高于大多数林下灌草, 而7月林下灌草根际土壤NminNamm显著提高, 与乔木不再具有显著差异, 与主成分综合得分方差分析的结果一致。一般情况下, 杉木林NminNnit显著高于马尾松林和湿地松林。7月净氮矿化显著高于4月。2)土壤铵态氮、硝态氮、全氮及土壤微生物量氮含量是影响根际土壤净氮矿化的主要因素。土壤化学性质对人工林根际土壤净氮矿化变异的贡献率为29.2%, 显著高于土壤微生物的解释率。充分考虑不同季节林下植被根际土壤的净氮矿化及其关键影响因素可为准确评估人工林生态系统养分循环状况提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

为了探讨人工林内优势乔木和林下灌草根际土壤氮矿化特征, 明确乔灌草根际土壤氮转化差异, 该研究以江西泰和千烟洲站区典型人工杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)和湿地松(Pinus elliottii)林为对象, 在植被生长季初期(4月)和旺盛期(7月)分析3种人工林内乔木、优势灌木(檵木(Loropetalum chinense)、杨桐(Adinandra millettii)、格药柃(Eurya muricata))和草本(狗脊蕨(Woodwardia japonica)、暗鳞鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris atrata))根际土壤的净氮矿化速率、土壤化学性质及土壤微生物特征。结果发现: 1)物种、林型和取样季节显著影响了根际土壤净氮矿化速率(Nmin)、净铵化速率(Namm)和净硝化速率(Nnit)。马尾松和湿地松林内林下灌草根际土壤净氮矿化的季节敏感性高于乔木: 4月乔木根际土壤NminNamm显著高于大多数林下灌草, 而7月林下灌草根际土壤NminNamm显著提高, 与乔木不再具有显著差异, 与主成分综合得分方差分析的结果一致。一般情况下, 杉木林NminNnit显著高于马尾松林和湿地松林。7月净氮矿化显著高于4月。2)土壤铵态氮、硝态氮、全氮及土壤微生物量氮含量是影响根际土壤净氮矿化的主要因素。土壤化学性质对人工林根际土壤净氮矿化变异的贡献率为29.2%, 显著高于土壤微生物的解释率。充分考虑不同季节林下植被根际土壤的净氮矿化及其关键影响因素可为准确评估人工林生态系统养分循环状况提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

残落物和林下植被在维持森林关键过程和人工林经营管理中具有重要地位,但目前针对亚热带人工林残落物如何影响林下植被的研究较少,相关机制尚不清楚。基于杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)中龄林布设的残落物去除和对照两种处理4次重复的野外试验平台,在连续4年处理后选取2种优势草本(鳞毛蕨Dryopteris chinensis、淡竹叶Lophatherum gracile)和2种优势灌木(毛冬青Ilex pubescens、紫珠Callicarpa bodinieri)为对象,于生长季测定其根际和非根际土壤中NH_4~+-N、NO_3~--N、矿质氮、有效磷含量和植物体叶和根N、P含量,分析不同林下植物根叶响应的异同。结果表明:残落物去除显著提高了4种林下植物根际和非根际土壤有效磷含量(P0.05),而矿质N因物种不同而响应各异;残落物去除除降低紫珠叶P含量外,对林下植物叶养分含量影响不显著,却显著提高了除淡竹叶根P之外植物根N和P含量;残落物去除提高了鳞毛蕨和淡竹叶根N/P以及紫珠叶N/P。可见,残落物去除短期内可提高表层土壤养分供应能力,并且林下植物根系对土壤养分及环境变化的响应显著强于和先于叶,叶养分平衡内稳性强于根。  相似文献   

采用营养液栽培,以根际低氧耐性不同的2个黄瓜品种为试验材料,研究了Ca2 对根际低氧胁迫下黄瓜幼苗生长和叶片荧光特性的影响。结果表明:(1)根际低氧胁迫下,黄瓜植株根长、根表面积和根尖数减少,但根径有所增大;叶片干重、鲜重和叶面积显著减小,提高营养液钙浓度可使植株叶片干、鲜重和叶面积得到部分恢复。(2)根际低氧胁迫下,叶片光合色素含量降低,提高营养液钙浓度对色素含量无明显影响。(3)根际低氧胁迫下,常钙和高钙处理黄瓜叶片Fv/Fm与通气常钙(CK)无显著差异,但低氧缺钙处理的Fv/Fm显著降低;与通气常钙相比,根际低氧胁迫处理的光化学猝灭(qP)减小、非光化学猝灭(qN)增大、光合功能相对限制值(L(PFD))升高,提高营养液钙浓度可使qP和qN恢复至近对照水平,而使L(PFD)低于对照,且‘绿霸春四号’黄瓜品种表现得更为突出;根际低氧胁迫下,光化学速率(Prate)减小,天线热耗散速率(Drate)都随钙浓度升高而降低。总之,根际低氧胁迫下黄瓜幼苗生长被显著抑制,PSⅡ反应中心受到一定程度的破坏,提高钙浓度可使PSII反应中心恢复至接近甚至高于通气对照的水平,从而有效缓解根际低氧胁迫对黄瓜幼苗造成的伤害。  相似文献   

施肥方式和园龄对洛川苹果园土壤钙素退化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确黄土高原苹果产区施肥方式和园龄对土壤钙素含量和钙素贮量的影响,本研究以位于世界苹果优生区的陕西省洛川县苹果园为研究对象,分别研究不同施肥方式和不同园龄苹果园0~100 cm土层土壤碳酸钙、水溶性钙和交换性钙含量及其贮量的变化特征.结果表明: 洛川县苹果园土壤钙素递减式退化现象严重,长期大量单施化肥苹果园土壤钙素退化现象明显大于化肥与农家有机肥配施苹果园,单施化肥苹果园比化肥与农家有机肥配施苹果园0~100 cm土层土壤碳酸钙、水溶性钙和交换性钙平均含量分别减少38.8%、25.4%和5.6%,3种形态土壤钙素贮量依次减少36.4%、26.0%和4.3%;苹果园土壤钙素退化程度随园龄增加不断加剧,园龄>25年苹果园比园龄≤10年苹果园0~100 cm土层土壤碳酸钙、水溶性钙和交换性钙平均含量分别减少48.8%、69.4%和39.5%,3种形态土壤钙素贮量分别减少40.8%、64.1%和33.0%.长期大量单施化肥和长期种植苹果树均对土壤碳酸钙、水溶性钙、交换性钙有明显的耗竭作用,钙素递减式退化特征明显,化肥与农家有机肥配施能够有效减缓土壤钙素退化,对于园龄>25年的高龄苹果园应加强土壤钙素管理.施肥方式是苹果园土壤钙素递减的驱动因素,钙素递减呈现出明显的时(园龄)空(土层深度)效应.  相似文献   

盐碱土区植物可利用营养匮乏是植物生物量限制的主要因素之一,藜科(Chenopodiaceae)植物是盐碱环境中的最大类群,其整体营养策略对盐碱地育种和农业开发具有重要意义。本研究以呼伦贝尔4种典型盐碱地藜科植物碱蓬(Suaeda glauca)、尖头叶藜(Chenopodium acuminatum)、刺沙蓬(Salsola tragus)、雾冰藜(Bassia dasyphylla)为研究对象,通过分析不同器官C、N、P生态化学计量特征,试图揭示藜科植物C、N、P计量特征共性及其与土壤因子之间的耦合关系。结果显示:①藜科植物茎、叶N/P>16,根N/P<14;各器官C、N含量显著相关,且根C含量>茎C含量>叶C含量,N含量表现为叶N含量>茎N含量>根N含量,表明N元素从根、茎到叶之间具有良好的转移效率。②相对于C元素和N元素,各器官内P元素含量具有最大变异系数,叶P、茎P含量与叶N、根N含量显著正相关,根P含量与叶N、根N含量显著负相关,表明N、P元素在叶和根中具有较强的协调关系。③RDA排序表明土壤P是影响植物叶片化学计量的主要因素,土壤K是茎化学计量变异的主要因素,土壤N是根化学计量变异的主要因素。本研究发现藜科植物通过叶N、叶P积累和N、P协调降低土壤N、P限制的影响,对于盐碱土营养管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

介质中不同Ca~(2+)浓度对五种榕树幼苗钙含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
相辉  张玲  陈进 《广西植物》2003,23(2):165-168,159
选择高榕(Ficusaltissima)、木瓜榕(F.auriculata)、聚果榕(F.racemosa)、鸡嗉子榕(F.semicorda ta)以及对叶榕(F.hispida)5种榕树,对其幼苗进行不同Ca2+(CaCl2)浓度下的水培实验,结果表明,5种幼苗钙含量随介质Ca2+浓度的增加而增加,增加趋势大致相同。高Ca2+浓度下(10mmol/L)幼苗地上部的钙含量为低Ca2+浓度下(0.05mmol/L)的1.51~1.63倍。5种榕树幼苗钙含量随培养液Ca2+浓度变化的Yadj值的多重比较结果显示,对叶榕钙含量显著高于其他四种(P<0 01),高榕则显著低于其他四种(P<0 01),木瓜榕、聚果榕、鸡嗉子榕之间的差异不显著。不同榕树幼苗地上部分钙含量受介质钙浓度影响,但可能主要决定于基因型的差异,表明榕属植物富钙基因的存在,这为高钙榕树植物资源开发提供初步的理论依据。  相似文献   

Abstract. White lupin ( Lupinus albus L.) was grown for 13 weeks in a phosphorus (P) deficient calcareous soil (20% CaCO3, pH(H2O)7.5) which had been sterilized prior to planting and fertilized with nitrate as source of nitrogen. In response to P deficiency, proteoid roots developed which accounted for about 50% of the root dry weight. In the rhizosphere soil of the proteoid root zones, the pH dropped to 4.8 and abundant white precipitates became visible. X-ray spectroscopy and chemical analysis showed that these precipitates consisted of calcium citrate. The amount of citrate released as root exudate by 13-week-old plants was about 1 g plant−1, representing about 23% of the total plant dry weight at harvest. In the rhizosphere soil of the proteoid root zones the concentrations of available P decreased and of available Fe, Mn and Zn increased. The strong acidification of the rhizosphere and the cation/anion uptake ratio of the plants strongly suggests that proteoid roots of white lupin excrete citric acid, rather than citrate, into the rhizosphere leading to intensive chemical extraction of a limited soil volume. In a calcareous soil, citric acid excretion leads to dissolution of CaCO3 and precipitation of calcium citrate in the zone of proteoid roots.  相似文献   

Deficiency of P and sometimes of micronutrients, especially Fe, is of importance to the calcicole–calcifuge behaviour of plants. Calcifuge species are unable to solubilize these elements or keep them metabolically active in sufficient amounts on calcareous soils. To demonstrate if calcicole, calcifuge and ‘soil indifferent’ species differ in Fe nutrition dynamics, samples of such species were transplanted on a slightly acid silicate soil (pH BaCl2 ca 4.0) and on a calcareous soil (pH BaCl2 ca 7.2). Plants were grown in a computer‐controlled greenhouse at a soil moisture content of 50–60% water holding capacity and with additional light (ca 160 μE s?1 m?2, 12 h d?1) if ambient light was <120 μE s?1 m?2.
The calcifuge species developed chlorosis when grown on the calcareous soil, whereas the other species did not. Calcareous‐soil grown plants had less 1,10‐phenanthroline extractable Fe in their leaf tissues than the silicate‐grown plants whereas total leaf Fe showed more species specific properties. The ratio of 1,10‐phenanthroline extractable to total Fe in the leaves was significantly lower in the calcifuges than in the calcicoles when grown on the calcareous soil. ‘Soil indifferent’ species did not differ much from the calcicoles. Root Fe, fractioned as DCB extractable ‘plaque’ on the root surface and Fe remaining in the root after DCB extraction, showed no distinct pattern of DCB‐Fe related to the different categories, but remaining root Fe tended to be lower in the calcifuges compared to the two other categories. Leaf colour estimated by a colour scale correlated well with chlorophyll a+b content measured in the leaves of two calcifuges. Leaf P concentrations did not differ between the different categories but were more species dependent.
We conclude that chlorosis in calcifuge species is related to an immobilization of Fe in physiologically less active forms in the tissue, if plants are forced to grow on a calcareous soil, whereas calcicole and ‘soil indifferent’ species are able to retain a much higher share of their leaf Fe in metabolically active form. This probably decreases the vitality and may exclude calcifuge plants from calcareous soil. We consider this property, previously almost unconsidered in an ecological context, as important to the calcifuge–calcicole behaviour of plants.  相似文献   

Chaignon  V.  Bedin  F.  Hinsinger  P. 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(2):219-228
Vineyard soils have been contaminated by long-term applications of copper salts as fungicides against mildew, raising the question of the bioavailability (and toxicity) of such accumulated Cu to cultivated plants which can replace vines. The aim of this study was to assess, in an acidic and a calcareous Cu-contaminated soil, how the extractability and bioavailability of soil Cu was affected by pH changes in the rhizosphere of two plant species (oilseed rape and tomato), in response to various forms of nitrogen supply (nitrate only or both nitrate and ammonium). Besides shoot analysis, the experimental approach used in the present work provided an easy access to both roots and rhizosphere soil. Roots of tomato and rape induced a systematic acidification in the calcareous soil while root-induced alkalinization occurred in the acidic soil. Whilst few differences were found between treatments in the calcareous soil, oilseed rape took up more Cu and also alkalinized its rhizosphere more strongly than tomato in the acidic soil. The growth of tomato roots was restricted in the acidic soil, while that of oilseed rape was not, suggesting that tomato was either more sensitive to soil acidity and/or Cu toxicity. A major finding was that, in the acidic soil, Cu bioavailability increased with increasing rhizosphere pH. This was largely due to the enhanced accumulation of Cu in the root compartment of both species with increasing rhizosphere pH. The hypothetical explanation proposed here is that Cu binding to root cell walls played a major role in the accumulation of Cu into the plant. Apoplasmic Cu (Cu bound to cell walls) would indeed be expected to increase with increasing pH as a consequence of the pH-dependency of the charges of cell wall constituents.  相似文献   

Changes of metal concentration that occur in the rhizosphere may arise from several processes including variation in the concentration of complexing ligands, pH or redox potential that can be influenced by the Fe status of the plant. The aim of this study was to assess for both acidic and calcareous, Cu-contaminated soils how Cu concentration in plants and in the rhizosphere was affected by the Fe status of a strategy I plant species. The change of soil solution pH, total solution Cu concentration and soil redox potential was monitored for 8 days in the rhizosphere of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) in response to contrasting Fe supply. The concentration of Cu in roots was enhanced under Fe deficiency in the acidic soils. Shoot Cu however did not vary with the Fe status of the plant. The plant Fe status had little effect on rhizosphere pH, redox potential or Cu concentration in solution in either acidic or calcareous soils. Marked differences in pH and solution Cu concentration were observed between rhizosphere and uncropped soils. Roots induced an increase in pH of acidic soils and a decrease in solution Cu concentration in all soils. The decrease in solution Cu concentration in acidic soils may be explained by the increase in rhizosphere pH. The proposed device provided new data on the fate of Cu in the rhizosphere and showed a positive correlation for the four soils considered together between the total Cu concentration in soil solution and root Cu concentration.  相似文献   

不同土壤环境对黄花蒿生长和青蒿素含量的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过田间小区试验,比较研究了施肥与不施肥条件下,4种土壤环境(沙土、旱地土、水稻土和棕色石灰土)对黄花蒿的生长、生物量分配和青蒿素含量的影响。结果表明:黄花蒿对土壤养分的适应性较强,在沙土、旱地土、水稻土和石灰土上均能生长发育,养分水平低时,分配更多的生物量到根,根生物量分数和根/冠比增大;养分水平高时,分配更多的生物量到叶,叶生物量分数增加。黄花蒿的生长和青蒿素含量显著受土壤养分的影响,不施肥时,石灰土和水稻土栽培黄花蒿的株高、地径、总生物量、叶生物量和青蒿素含量显著大于旱地土,而旱地土又显著大于沙土。但在施肥条件下,以上参数不同土壤间无显著差异,且显著高于不施肥。因此,只要根据土壤养分状况合理施肥,黄花蒿在不同养分土壤栽培均能获得较高的青蒿素产量。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the evidence of arsenic hyperaccumulation in plant rhizosphere solutions. Six common fern plants were selected and grown in three types of substrate: arsenic (As) -tailings, As-spiked soil, and soil-As-tailing composites. A rhizobox was designed with an in-situ collection of soil solutions to analyze changes in the As concentration and valence as well as the pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total nitrogen (TN). Arsenite composed less than 20% of the total As, and As depletion was consistent with N depletion in the rhizosphere solutions of the various treatments. The As concentrations in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere solutions in the presence of plants were lower than in the respective controls without plants, except for in the As-spiked soils. The DOC concentrations were invariably higher in the rhizosphere versus non-rhizosphere solutions from the various plants; however, no significant increase in the DOC content was observed in Pteris vittata, in which only a slight decrease in pH appeared in the rhizosphere compared to non-rhizosphere solutions. The results showed that As reduction by plant roots was limited, acidification-induced solubilization was not the mechanism for As hyperaccumulation.  相似文献   

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