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目的探讨恒河猴糖尿模型病细胞因子的水平和变化规律。方法健康恒河猴5只,小剂量(30mg/kg)多次静脉注射链脲佐菌素(STZ),血糖稳定后3、9、12和19个月检测血清中白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-10(IL-10)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)的含量。安乐濒死状态的动物,取胰腺、肝脏、肾脏制成石蜡切片,用免疫组化染色法显示组织中IL-6、IL-10、TNF-α的表达,并对结果进行图像分析和统计学处理。结果造模后9个月动物血清中IL-10浓度显著降低(P<0.01)。IL-6、TNF-α水平在采样的各个时间点均显著高于造模前(P<0.01)。胰腺组织中IL-6中等强度着色,对照组弱阳性表达(P<0.05)。对照组IL-10强阳性表达,模型组弱阳性(P<0.01)。模型组TNF-α中等强度表达,对照组弱阳性(P<0.05)。模型组肝脏组织TNF-α中等阳性表达,对照组弱阳性(P<0.05)。结论小剂量多次注射STZ后恒河猴细胞因子的含量及变化与临床类似,可作为相关研究的动物模型。  相似文献   

实验恒河猴糖尿病动物模型建立及视网膜并发症的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
[目的]糖尿病是由于多种因素和遗传因素导致体内胰岛素相对或绝对分泌不足,而引起的代谢性内分泌疾病,它以血糖、尿糖升高为特点,起病隐蔽,通过并发症使人致残致死,是继心血管、癌症之后的第三大致死性疾病,很可能成为21世纪人类的“第一杀手”(1,2)。本文采用人工诱导的方法,建立恒河猴糖尿病动物模型,研究糖尿病疾病的发展和及其并发症的发生、发展规律和防治措施,同时对于治疗糖尿病新药的安全性评价和药物疗效的观察具有广阔的运用前景。[方法]选用成熟的、健康的、雄性恒河猴9只,随机分成三个组,其中高剂量组(60mg/kg)1只,中剂量组(45m…  相似文献   

[目的]阐明SARS病毒感染后能否再次感染,疫苗产生的抗体中长期保护效果,被动免疫是否真正安全有效等,为防治SARS提供实验依据。[方法]实验分4组,分别为一组(SARS恒河猴恢复组):用感染SARS-CoV发病12月后的4只恒河猴,均有中和抗体产生。二组(SARS食蟹猴恢复组):用感染SARS-CoV发病12月后的3只食蟹猴,均有中和抗体产生。三组(SARS血清输入恒河猴组):3只恒河猴,病毒接种时中和抗体阴性。病毒接种两天后输入抗体阳性血清(恒河猴血清,感染获得,效价为:1:128),用量10ml/只,分别经肌肉和静脉输入,各5ml。四组(恒河猴SARS-CoV感染组):2只恒河猴,病毒接种时中和抗体阴性。SARSCo-V经鼻腔接种,在感染的第1天开始到7天安乐死时,不同时间取咽拭子、血液和脏器,进行病毒分离,RT-PCR检测和中和抗体测定。[结果]一组(SARS恒河猴恢复组):接种SARS-CoV后未见发热等异常临床表现。血清生化无ALT、LDH、CK、总蛋白和血清白蛋白异常。3只猴在接种病毒后的咽拭子中,RT-PCR分别未检出、第1天检出、第1-3天中检出病毒。第2、5、7天咽拭子中、7天安乐死时血、肺、肝、脾和淋巴结等组织中病毒分离均为阴性。2只猴肺组织病理学检查见轻度肺炎。二组(SARS食蟹猴恢复组):接种3只未见任何不良临床表现,血清生化5项正常。3只猴在接种病毒后的咽拭子标本中,RT-PCR分别未检出SARS病毒、在第1-2天检出、在第1-3天中检出病毒。第2、5、7天咽拭子中、7天安乐死时血、肺、肝、脾和淋巴结等组织中病毒分离均为阴性。3只猴肺组织病理学检查见轻度肺炎等。三组(SARS血清输入恒河猴组):3只恒河猴在病毒接种的第2-5天时有一过性的体温升高,3940℃。血清生化5项正常。3只猴在接种病毒后的咽拭子标本中,RT-PCR分别在第1-3、第1-4天和第1-2天检出SARS病毒。2只猴第7天咽拭子中病毒分离阳性。另外1只在第2、5、7天咽拭子中、7天安乐死时血、肺、肝、脾和淋巴结等组织中病毒分离均为阴性。3只猴肺组织病理学检查见轻度肺炎等。四组(SARS恒河猴SARS-CoV感染组):2只猴病毒接种后,第2-4天时有一过性的体温升高,3940℃。2只进行接种病毒后1-7天安乐死时,RT-PCR在恒河猴的咽拭子标本中连续检出SARS病毒。在第2、5天咽拭子中、7天安乐死时肺组织中病毒分离阳性。2只猴肺等组织病理学检查发现肺组织表面局部有轻度发灰实变现象,可见到间质性肺炎病变,内皮细胞受损,出血和水肿。大多数肺泡没有完整的内衬细胞残留,肺泡间隔变宽并被以吞噬细胞为主的单核炎症细胞浸润,同SARS肺炎改变。实验表明,前期感染产生中和抗体的恒河猴、食蟹猴再次感染病毒,和模型对照猴比较,动物肺组织等只出现轻微或无病理变化,RT-PCR检出时间大大缩短,病毒培养未能分离出病毒,所有这些指标,均证实中和抗体有明显的保护作用,是有效的。被动免疫从结果来看,有一定的作用,但保护作用弱。  相似文献   

目的观察三聚氰胺及其同系物给予动物后,导致肾脏损伤、形成结石的过程,及肾脏损伤的恢复过程。方法选择6月龄恒河猴6只,雌雄各半,随机分为3组,2只/组,分别为T1(140 mg/kg三聚氰胺和14 mg/kg三聚氰酸),T2(140 mg/kg三聚氰胺和50mg/kg腺嘌呤)和T3组(140mg/kg三聚氰胺)。连续70 d口服受试物,观察动物的一般状态,分别于不同时间点进行血液学、血生化、尿常规和肾脏B超的检测;并连续观察18个月,观察动物的生长发育情况。结果 1.各剂量组动物在给予受试物8周后所有动物肾脏中均出现多个结石;停止给予受试物后,所有动物结石数量和大小均呈下降趋势,至停止给予受试物16个月后,全部动物肾脏均未检测出结石。2.各剂量组,血清中β2微球蛋白(β2-MG)和尿酸(UA)等指标随着给药时间的延长而有所增高,但在正常范围内。在动物的恢复期,此两项指标的数值明显下降。结论 1.单纯三聚氰胺(相当于人体使用量48 mg/kg.w.d)不能造成恒河猴肾脏功能的明显损害,可形成肾结石。2.在三聚氰酸或腺嘌呤存在的情况下,三聚氰胺可以造成恒河猴肾功能指标β2-MG和UA在正常范围内升高,并可在肾脏形成结石;。3.经过16个月的恢复所有动物结石无法检出,其中三聚氰胺组动物恢复最快。  相似文献   

目的 建立恒河猴和食蟹猴正常的雌激素及骨物理、微量元素指标.方法 选用恒河猴4只(雄性),平均年龄17.5岁.食蟹猴3只(雌性),平均年龄9岁.在测定骨物理指标后,用原子吸收光谱法测定Ca,Fe,Zn,Cu等元素的浓度;同时也检测血清中雌激素(E2)碱性磷酸酶(AKP)和羟脯氨酸的浓度.结果 正常恒河猴血清E2为288.0±143.9(pmol/L)、AKP为2.28±2.71(金氏单位/ml)、羟脯氨酸为10.45±2.60(ug/ml),Ca、Fe、Zn、Cu分别为5.01±1.20(g/g)、18.54±22.30(mg/g)、25.0±17.15(mg/g)、9.38±8.66(mg/g);食蟹猴血清E2为424.33±190.45(pmol/L)、AKP为9.45±2.76(金氏单位/ml)、羟脯氨酸为 16.91±3.00 (ug/ml),Ca、Fe、Zn、Cu分别为8.31±4.13(g/g)、24.32±17.20(mg/g)、50.97±33.63(mg/g)、24.31±17.40(mg/g).结论 恒河猴和食蟹猴的正常雌激素及骨物理、微量元素指标的建立,将为采用猕猴作为动物模型探讨骨质疏松的病因、发病机理提供参考依据.  相似文献   

STZ诱发实验恒河猴糖尿病性视网膜并发症模型的建立   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 建立糖尿病性视网膜并发症 (DiabeticRetinopathy ,DR)动物模型。方法 本研究选用 4只健康成熟的雄性恒河猴分别以剂量为 6 0mg kg、4 5mg kg静脉一次注射及 30mg kg静脉二次注射 (中间间隔 15d)链脲佐菌素 (Streptozotocin ,STZ)。结果 使用不同剂量的STZ注射恒河猴 ,分别造成了胰岛素依赖性糖尿病 (InsulinDepen dentDiabetesMellitus ,IDDM)及慢性持续性高血糖症 (StateofChronicHyperglycemia,SCH)两种类型的模型 ,从而诱导出不同程度的DR。眼底荧光造影结果显示∶用药后 6 3~ 91d4只实验猴均出现不同程度的视网膜病 ,分别显示早期眼底微血管动脉扩张 ,视网膜出血瘤 ,微血管瘤及新生血管、晚期白内障等。结论 本研究所建立的糖尿病性视网膜并发症模型 ,对于进一步研究糖尿病及其并发症的发病机理 ,筛选及开发治疗糖尿病性视网膜病的新药及药物安全性评价将会具有广阔的应用前景  相似文献   

朱华  徐艳峰  刘颖  黄澜  秦川 《中国实验动物学杂志》2012,(12):1-3,I0001,I0002
目的观察链脲佐菌素(STZ)诱导恒河猴糖尿病动物模型胰岛细胞数量变化和激素表达情况。方法健康恒河猴5只,小剂量(30 mg/kg)多次静脉注射STZ,濒死状态时将动物安乐死。取胰腺制成石蜡切片,用免疫组化染色法显示胰岛A、B、D和PP细胞,并对结果进行图像分析和统计学处理。结果与对照组比较,模型组B细胞数量减少,胰岛素表达降低(P〈0.01)。A细胞增生,胰高血糖素表达增加(P〈0.01)。PP细胞增生,胰多肽表达增加(P〈0.05)。D细胞数量与对照组比较无显著性差异。结论恒河猴糖尿病动物模型胰岛各种细胞的数量和激素表达情况与人类糖尿病类似。  相似文献   

目的 筛查中国恒河猴Mamu-A*01基因,比较中国恒河猴和印度恒河猴的Mamu-A*01基因序列和功能是否相同.方法 PCR方法检测128只中国恒河猴,用特异性引物扩增Mamu-A*01基因,将PCR扩增后的产物克隆测序后与印度恒河猴的Mamu-A*01基因进行同源比对;酶联免疫斑点检测 (ELISPOT) 方法分别检测5只Mamu-A*01基因阳性和5只阴性恒河猴针对SIV、SHIV抗原肽p11C的特异性CTL反应.结果 共筛查出5 只Mamu-A*01基因阳性恒河猴 (3.91%),经测序分析后与印度恒河猴的同源性可达99.1 %.这5只均为SIV/SHIV感染恒河猴,其中四只SIV感染的猴的ELISPOT结果显示针对p11C的高频CTL反应,斑点数在500-1400/106 PBMCs之间,而另1只SHIV感染的恒河猴及5只阴性猴没有斑点出现.结论 中国恒河猴含有Mamu-A*01基因,基因频率有区域性差异,中国恒河猴的Mamu-A*01可提呈特异性抗原肽p11C.  相似文献   

B超对恒河猴全妊娠过程的检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用B型超声波,跟踪观察了单笼饲养、定时交配的178只妊娠恒河猴的全妊娠过程。测量了各孕周的妊娠囊长径(GS)、胎猴顶臀径(CRL)、胎猴双顶径(BPD)、股骨长径(FL)。得出了3~25孕周胚胎发育的正常值,为恒河猴的妊娠诊断和胚胎发育监测提供了超声学数据。  相似文献   

目的对比分析恒河猴和树鼩角膜内皮细胞的特点和差异。方法利用非接触式自动角膜内皮细胞仪SP3000P分别对6只恒河猴(12眼)和20只树鼩(40眼)进行角膜内皮细胞测量,并获得角膜的8个相关参数:中央角膜厚度(CCT)、最小细胞面积(Smin)、最大细胞面积(Smax)、平均细胞面积(Savg)、细胞面积标准差(SSD)、细胞面积变异系数(CV)、细胞密度(CD)和六边形细胞百分比(HG),并结合文献与人眼的相关参数进行对比分析。结果 SP3000P角膜内皮细胞仪能在较短时间内完成恒河猴和树鼩角膜内皮的图像采集和参数的检查,耗时差异无显著性。恒河猴和树鼩CCT分别为(449.2±12.8)μm和(262.4±24.6)μm;Smin分别为(120.4±26.3)S/μm2和(153.2±42.9)S/μm2;Smax分别为(705.0±130.8)S/μm2和(468.7±109.3)S/μm2;Savg分别为(351.1±26.1)和(295.4±18.9)S/μm2;SSD分别为(113.1±27.4)和(75.9±27.3)S/μm2;CV分别为(31.9±6.0)和(25.3±8.3);CD分别为(2874.2±203.8)p/cell·mm-2和(3399.3±224.7)p/cell·mm-2;HG%分别为(58.6±9.1)和(94.0±9.7)。二者的上述参数差异均有显著性(P0.05)。树鼩角膜厚度比恒河猴小,内皮细胞面积、变异系数也较恒河猴小,但是角膜内皮细胞密度和六边形细胞比例显著高于恒河猴。恒河猴角膜厚度、角膜内皮细胞变异系数和六边形细胞比例与人眼高度相似,但内皮细胞密度低于人眼;树鼩角膜厚度为恒河猴的60%、人眼的50%,但角膜内皮细胞密度和平均细胞面积更接近于10~20岁人眼。结论恒河猴和树鼩角膜内皮细胞的形态和各项参数均有显著差异,各自与人眼角膜内皮细胞既有相似之处,也有不同点,恒河猴和树鼩均是研究人类角膜内皮疾病可以选择的合适实验动物。  相似文献   

Five pregnant beagle bitches were treated with 2.5 mg mifepristone/kg body weight, twice a day, for 4.5 days starting at Day 32 of gestation. Results of fetal ultrasonography and assay of serum progesterone concentrations every 2-4 days were compared to those in 5 control bitches. Mifepristone resulted in a premature (P less than 0.01) termination of pregnancy (36 +/- 1 vs 65 +/- 1 days), without side effects. The antiprogestagen also caused progesterone to decline to less than 1 ng/ml by Day 40-45 after the preovulatory LH peak (vs 64-67 days in controls) and reduced (P less than 0.05) mean concentrations on Days 34-50 (2.2 +/- 0.5 vs 6.3 +/- 0.3 ng/ml). The results suggest that antiprogestagen therapy is a safe means to terminate unwanted pregnancy in dogs, and that luteal function in pregnant bitches is dependent on luteotrophic support that is blocked by antiprogestagen treatment, directly or indirectly, due to termination of pregnancy.  相似文献   

A potent gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist [Ac-delta 3Pro1, pFDPhe2, DTrp3,6]-GnRH was given to adult male monkeys to determine the acute effect on pulsatile testosterone and gonadotropin secretion. Blood was drawn at 30 min intervals over 54 h without anesthesia using a mobile vest and tether assembly to support an indwelling catheter. After a 6 h control period, 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 mg GnRH antagonist/kg bw in 1 ml corn oil sc, was given to intact adult male monkeys. The highest dose of GnRH antagonist decreased circulating testosterone within 6 h and for approximately 24-36 h duration. These data demonstrate that this GnRH antagonist can reduce serum testosterone both acutely and for intervals greater than 24 h and that the effective dose in intact animals is several-fold (up to 20 times) greater than in castrate animals.  相似文献   

A single intraperitoneal injection of endotoxin (40 microg/kg) significantly delayed gastric emptying of a solid nutrient meal. Blockade of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) with 30 mg/kg ip N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester or 20 mg/kg ip 7-nitroindazole [neuronal NOS (nNOS) inhibitor] significantly delayed gastric emptying in control animals but failed to modify gastric emptying in endotoxin-treated rats. Administration of 2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg ip N(6)-iminoethyl-L-lysine [inducible NOS (iNOS) inhibitor] had no effect in either experimental group. Indomethacin (5 mg/kg sc), NS-398 (cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor; 10 mg/kg ip), and dexamethasone (10 mg/kg sc) but not quinacrine (20 mg/kg ip) significantly prevented delay in gastric emptying induced by endotoxin but failed to modify gastric emptying in vehicle-treated animals. Ca(2+)-dependent NOS activity in the antrum pylorus of the stomach was diminished by endotoxin, whereas Ca(2+)-independent NOS activity was not changed. In addition, decreased nNOS mRNA and protein were observed in the antrum pylorus of endotoxin-treated rats. Our results suggest that downregulation of nNOS in the antrum pylorus of the stomach and synthesis of prostaglandins mediate the delay in gastric emptying of a solid nutrient meal induced by endotoxin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lasofoxifene is a nonsteroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). With high affinity to the alpha and beta human estrogen receptors and greater potency than other SERMs, lasofoxifene is potentially a superior treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis. In light of the known effects of estrogen-modulating compounds on female reproductive indices, two studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of lasofoxifene on female rat cyclicity, reproduction, and parturition. METHODS: One study evaluated effects of lasofoxifene on estrous cyclicity, and the second study assessed effects on implantation and parturition. In the cyclicity study, lasofoxifene was administered to female rats at doses of 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 mg/kg/day for 14 consecutive days. After treatment, there was a 3-week reversibility phase followed by a mating phase. In the implantation study, lasofoxifene was administered to pregnant female rats at doses of 0.01, 0.03, and 0.1 mg/kg/day for 7 consecutive days (gestation day [GD] 0-6). Some animals were euthanized on GD 21, and the remainder of the group was allowed to deliver the F1 generation. Several developmental indices were evaluated in the F1 pups through post-natal day (PND) 21. RESULTS: In the cyclicity study, all lasofoxifene-treated females were anestrous by Study Day 7 (1.0 mg/kg) or 9 (0.3 and 0.1 mg/kg). The reversibility phase resulted in restoration of normal estrous cycles by the end of 1 (0.1 mg/kg) or 2 weeks (0.3 and 1.0 mg/kg). During the mating phase, no adverse effects occurred in pregnancy success or reproductive parameters. In the implantation study, all doses of lasofoxifene increased pre- and post-implantation losses, increased gestation length, and reduced litter size. None of the developmental parameters measured on the F1 generation was adversely affected. CONCLUSION: Lasofoxifene reversibly altered the estrous cycle and inhibited implantation, consistent with what would be expected from a member of the SERM class.  相似文献   

The effects of a progesterone antagonist, lilopristone (ZK 98.734), on induction of menstruation, inhibition of implantation or pregnancy, and termination of early and mid-pregnancy were studied in bonnet monkeys. In the regularly menstruating animals, administration of lilopristone (25 mg/day, s.c.) during the mid-luteal phase (Days 20-22 of the menstrual cycle) induced menstruation within 2-4 days after the initiation of treatment. A premature drop in circulating progesterone levels was also observed. The luteolytic effect of lilopristone was prevented by exogenous treatment with hCG; however, the animals showed premature menstruation, in spite of high progesterone levels (above 4 ng/ml). Treatment around the time of implantation (between Days 8 and 12 after the mid-cycle peak in estradiol levels) in mated animals provided 100% pregnancy protection. Treatment of pregnant animals on Days 30-32 of the menstrual cycle, i.e. about Day 20 after the estradiol peak, induced abortion in 8 of 10 animals. A significant (p less than 0.05) decrease in serum progesterone levels was observed on Day 3 after the initiation of treatment. However, the decrease was slower (slope: -0.36, r: 0.96) compared to that observed in nonpregnant animals (slope: -0.72, r: 0.95). In the other two animals, pregnancy was not affected. However, when the treatment was delayed until about Day 50 after the estradiol peak, all four animals aborted. This study suggests that lilopristone is a progesterone antagonist with a potential to induce menstruation, inhibit nidation, and terminate pregnancy. The antifertility effects are mediated through blocking progesterone action at the endometrium as well as decreasing progesterone bioavailability, which appears to be due to its effects on gonadotropin release.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of the standardized aqueous extract (AE) of Cecropia glaziovii Sneth on the plasma angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE-EC activity, rats were treated with a single dose of AE (1 g/kg, p.o.) or repeatedly (0.5 g/kg/bid, p.o.) for 60 days. Captopril (50 mg/kg, p.o.) was used as positive control on the same animals. The effects on the blood pressure were recorded directly from the femoral artery (single dose), or indirectly by the tail cuff method (repeated doses) in conscious rats. The plasma ACE activity was determined spectrofluorimetrically using Hypuril-Hystidine-Leucine as substrate. The arterial blood pressure, heart rate and plasma ACE activity were not significantly modified within 24 h after a single dose administration of AE. Comparatively, blood pressure in captopril treated rats was reduced by 7-16% and heart rate was increased by 10-20% from 30 min to 24 h after drug administration. ACE activity after captopril presented a dual response: an immediate inhibition peaking at 30 min and a slow reversal to 32% up-regulation after 24 h. To correlate the drug effects upon repeated administration of either compound, normotensive rats were separated in three groups: animals with high ACE (48.8+/-2.6 nmol/min/ml), intermediate ACE (39.4+/-1.4 nmol/min/ml) and low ACE (23.5+/-0.6 nmol/min/ml) activity, significantly different among them. Repeated treatment with AE reduced the mean systolic blood pressure (121.7+/-0.5 mm Hg) by 20 mm Hg after 14 days. The hypotension was reversed upon washout 60 days afterwards. Likely, repeated captopril administration decreased blood pressure by 20 mm Hg throughout treatment in all groups. After 30 days treatment with AE (0.5 g/kg/bid, p.o.) the plasma ACE activity was unchanged in any experimental group. After captopril (50 mg/kg/bid, p.o.) administration the plasma ACE activity was inhibited by 50% within 1 h treatment but it was up-regulated by 120% after 12 h in all groups. It is concluded that the hypotension produced by prolonged treatment with AE of C. glaziovii is unrelated to ACE inhibition.  相似文献   

The concentration of prostaglandin F (PGF) has been measured in the peripheral plasma of normal rhesus monkeys ( ) during the final third of gestation, and in monkeys treated with dexamethasone or PGF2α after day 145 of pregnancy. Daily administration of PGF2α (10–15 mg/day im) reliably induced abortion within 3–6 days. However, dexamethasone (8 mg/day im from day 145) had no effect on the length of gestation.The concentration of PGF in the femoral venous plasma of untreated or dexamethasone-treated monkeys was highly variable, both in serial samples taken from the same animal and in samples taken from different animals at the same time of gestation. There was no indication of an effect of dexamethasone treatment on the plasma PGF levels, nor did the concentration of PGF increase during late pregnancy before spontaneous parturition. These results show that the myometrium of the pregnant rhesus monkey is highly sensitive to exogenous PGF2α during late gestation. However, a significant increase in the peripheral plasma concentration of PGF prior to the onset of labor was not observed.  相似文献   

Bendectin, composed of doxylamine succinate and pyridoxine HCl (1:1), is an antinauseant previously prescribed for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. The present study examined the maternal and developmental effects of Bendectin (0, 200, 500, or 800 mg/kg/day, po) administered to timed-pregnant CD rats (36-41/group) during organogenesis (gestational days [gd] 6-15). At death (gd 20), all live fetuses were examined for external, visceral, and skeletal abnormalities. At 500 and 800 mg/kg/day, maternal toxicity included reduced food consumption during treatment and for the gestation period, increased water consumption in the posttreatment period, reduced weight gain during treatment, and sedation; water consumption was reduced during treatment and for the gestation period, and maternal mortality (17.1%) was observed only at the high dose. Developmental toxicity included reduced prenatal viability (800 mg/kg/day) and reduced fetal body weight/litter (500 and 800 mg/kg/day). In addition, reduced ossification of metacarpals (800 mg/kg/day), phalanges of the forelimbs (500 and 800 mg/kg/day), and of caudal vertebral centra (all doses) was observed. No increase in percent malformed live fetuses/litter was observed. The proportion of litters with one or more malformed fetuses was higher than vehicle controls only at 800 mg/kg/day, with short 13th rib (to which the test species is predisposed) as the predominant observation. By contrast, a positive control agent (nitrofen, 50 mg/kg/day, po, 14 dams) produced 85% malformed fetuses/litter with the predominant malformation being diaphragmatic hernia. In conclusion, the incidence of litters with one or more malformed fetuses was increased only at a dose of Bendectin which produced maternal mortality (17.1%) and other indices of maternal and developmental toxicity (see Discussion).  相似文献   

M Terada  H Nishmura 《Teratology》1975,12(1):79-87
Pregnant A/J female mice, which had drunk tap water or a 0.05% caffeine solution for 8-19 weeks after weaning, were each injected sc with 150 or 250 mg/kg caffeine once on day 13 of gestation. After 150 mg/kg caffeine the frequencies at term of fetal death, external malformation, and subcutaneous hematomas were significantly lower in the caffeine- than water-drinking group. After 250 mg/kg caffeine the frequency of fetal death but not of malformations and hematomas was lower in the group with caffeine pretreatment. These findings were explained by assuming that long-term ingestion of caffeine induced and increased rate of degradation of caffeine administered during pregnancy.  相似文献   

The effects of an antagonist of contractile prostanoids, L-640,035 (3-hydroxymethyl-dibenzo[b,f]thiepin-5-dioxide) upon antigen-induced bronchoconstriction have been studied in inbred rats with non-specific bronchial hyperreactivity and in conscious squirrel monkeys. L-640,035 was a potent inhibitor of antigen-induced dyspnea (ED50 3.1 mg/kg p.o.) in inbred rats pretreated with methysergide (3 micrograms/kg i.v.) but produced no significant inhibition in untreated rats. Administration of L-640,035 (10 mg/kg p.o.) to conscious squirrel monkeys exposed to aerosols of ascaris antigen markedly inhibited changes in pulmonary resistance (RL) and dynamic compliance (CDYN). At a lower dose (1 mg/kg p.o.) the inhibition of changes in CDYN were similar but the effects on RL were reduced. It was concluded first that contractile prostanoids may be important mediators of antigen-induced bronchoconstriction and secondly that L-640,035 may be effective in human allergic asthma.  相似文献   

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