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以耐冷性强弱不同的栽培稻为参比,通过自然冷胁迫与(或)人工冷处理,比较了茶陵野生稻与不同类型栽培稻经冷胁迫后的秧苗成活率、净光合速率和光系统Ⅱ光化学量子效率的变化,对茶陵野生稻苗期耐冷性作出评估.结果表明:经冷胁迫后,茶陵野生稻上述指标值的变化小于典型籼稻和爪哇稻,大于典型粳稻.说明茶陵野生稻苗期耐冷性强于籼稻和爪哇稻,但弱于粳稻.  相似文献   

不同生态稻区覆膜旱作稻氮营养生理及抗逆生理特性探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
不同生态稻区生态环境和栽培管理方式不同,覆膜旱作稻氮营养生理和抗逆生理与常规水作稻有些异同,尤其是体内NO3--N和NH4+-N含量及分布差异很大.杭嘉湖平原区覆膜旱作稻生长前期受干热天气影响,其分蘖期、拔节期、孕穗期体内NO3--N含量较水作稻有不同程度的降低,而NH4+-N含量则极显著提高;金衢盆地覆膜旱作稻孕穗期体内NO3--N含量比常规水作稻高,根部NH4+-N含量则显著降低,茎基部和叶片NH4+-N含量有一定增加.正常气候条件下两生态稻区覆膜旱作稻孕穗期叶片硝酸还原酶(NR)活性和谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性较水作稻均有不同程度的提高;丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性糖及脯氨酸(Pro)含量与水作稻相差不大,表明不同生态稻区的覆膜旱作稻可以通过不同的栽培管理模式,促进生长发育,达到高产目的.  相似文献   

本文记述了1961年在湖南滨湖区水稻生长季节中每五日调查稻虫的结果。 查明该地区共有水稻害虫46种。田间虫口密度大小因稻田类型和季节的不同而异, 早稻田和中稻田有7种害虫数量较大, 一季晚稻田有9种, 双季晚稻田有4种。 全年内各种主要稻虫种群数量高峰出现的时间、次数、以及峰态的高低均有不同。种群数量较大的害虫, 依其高峰期出现的迟早顺序, 有稻象虫、稻蝗、二化螟、褐稻虱、黑尾叶蝉、稻苞虫、三化螟和粉白飞虱等。 在不同历史条件的稻田里, 稻虫群体组成及数量互有差异。老稻田稻虫种类较复杂, 主要稻虫虫口密度较高。新开稻田稻虫种类较少(如颤蚓、三化螟等), 而叶蝉和飞虱等较多。 分析了稻田历史条件、稻由生物学特性、还及气候和食料条件, 对于稻虫群体组成及种群数量变动的影响。  相似文献   

许璐  王芳  吴进才  王亓翔 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4547-4554
在排除天敌情况下,用生命表方法比较了稻纵卷叶螟在5个常用栽培水稻品种扬粳9538、淮稻9号、扬辐粳8号、扬稻6号和汕优63上的半自然种群生命表。结果表明,取食淮稻9号的稻纵卷叶螟种群趋势指数最低,表现为较强的抗耐性;扬辐粳8号的稻纵卷叶螟种群趋势指数最高;各品种间稻纵卷叶螟不同虫期的存活率、♀/♂、蛹重、产卵量、卷叶率有一定差异;稻纵卷叶螟为害后,植株内可溶性糖含量品种间无明显差异,但不同品种与对照(未接虫)相比含量有增有减;还原糖含量品种间差异显著。  相似文献   

在排除天敌情况下,用生命表方法比较了稻纵卷叶螟在5个常用栽培水稻品种扬粳9538、淮稻9号、扬辐粳8号、扬稻6号和汕优63上的半自然种群生命表。结果表明,取食淮稻9号的稻纵卷叶螟种群趋势指数最低,表现为较强的抗耐性;扬辐粳8号的稻纵卷叶螟种群趋势指数最高;各品种间稻纵卷叶螟不同虫期的存活率、♀/♂、蛹重、产卵量、卷叶率有一定差异;稻纵卷叶螟为害后,植株内可溶性糖含量品种间无明显差异,但不同品种与对照(未接虫)相比含量有增有减;还原糖含量品种间差异显著。  相似文献   

王立林  江向明 《遗传》1989,11(4):12-13
本文通过稻属51份材料的茎尖培养,探讨了不同来源的材料对茎尖培养的反应。发现野生稻成苗 率较高;栽培稻成苗率较低;杂种成苗率介于野生稻与栽培稻之间;栽培稻中釉稻成苗率高于粳稻。杂 种成苗率受父母本成苗率的影响,父母本成苗率越高,则杂种成苗率越高。  相似文献   

水稻所在的稻属(Oryza)共有24个左右的物种。由于野生稻含有大量的优良农艺性状基因, 在水稻遗传学研究中日益受到重视。随着国际稻属基因组计划的开展, 越来越多的稻属基因组序列被测定, 稻属成为进行比较、功能和进化基因组学研究的模式系统。近期开展的一系列研究对稻属不同基因组区段以及全基因组序列的比较分析, 揭示了稻属在基因组大小、基因移动、多倍体进化、常染色质到异染色质的转化以及着丝粒区域的进化等方面的分子机制。转座子的活性以及转座子因非均等重组或非法重组而造成的删除, 对稻属基因组的扩增和收缩具有重要作用。DNA双链断裂修复介导的基因移动, 特别是非同源末端连接, 是稻属基因组非共线性基因形成的主要来源。稻属基因组从常染色质到异染色质的转换过程, 伴随着转座子的大量扩增、基因片段的区段性和串联重复以及从基因组其他位置不断捕获异染色质基因。对稻属不同物种间基因拷贝数、特异基因和重要农艺性状基因的进化等研究, 可揭示稻属不同物种间表型和适应性差异的分子基础, 将加速水稻的育种和改良。  相似文献   

稻螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma japonicum Ashmead是二化螟Chilo suppressalis(Walker)和稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(Guenée)的优势卵寄生蜂。为优化稻螟赤眼蜂田间释放技术,作者分别在安徽、福建和贵州进行了稻螟赤眼蜂不同释放高度和密度对防控两种水稻螟虫效果影响的田间试验。结果表明,对于防控稻纵卷叶螟,释放量一定时,赤眼蜂在稻株顶部以上5 cm高度、8点/0.07 hm 2释放密度的防治效果优于其他释放密度和高度的处理。而对于防控二化螟,不同释放高度对赤眼蜂防治效果差异不显著。  相似文献   

为明确贵州省白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera (Horváth)全年世代尤其主害代发生危害规律,采用灯光诱测的方法系统地研究了近4年来贵州省4个不同稻区的白背飞虱灯下种群发生动态并进行了区域性对比,结果如下:三都稻区和惠水稻区的白背飞虱灯下始见日多在4月中下旬,锦屏稻区和道真稻区的灯下始见日稍晚,在4月下旬至5月中旬,各稻区灯下主峰日与始见日和始盛日均呈显著正相关;4稻区年度诱虫量差异较大,三都稻区的灯下虫量最多,而锦屏稻区最少,各稻区灯下种群中,白背飞虱的雌雄性比均大于1;在第3代灯下虫量上,三都与道真存在显著差异,在第6代虫量上三都与惠水、锦屏也存在显著差异,其他各代虫量间不同稻区并无显著差异。  相似文献   

不同播栽方式对水稻生长发育特性的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以粳稻品种武运粳24为材料,设置直播稻Ⅰ(6月1日播种)、直播稻Ⅱ(6月17日播种)、手栽秧和机插秧4个处理,研究了不同播栽方式对水稻生长发育特性的影响。结果表明:不同播栽方式对水稻生育期影响显著,手栽秧生育期最长,机插秧其次,直播稻最短;机插秧水稻产量最高,直播稻产量最低;生物量上,水稻生育前期手栽秧较大,机插秧相对较小,到水稻成熟期直播稻Ⅱ的生物量最小,机插秧和手栽秧大致相当;叶面积指数上,水稻生育前期,手栽秧最大,抽穗时,不同播栽方式水稻叶面积指数无显著差异,水稻生育后期,直播稻叶面积指数下降较快,手栽秧和机插秧水稻叶面积指数较直播稻显著提高;不同生育阶段,不同播栽方式水稻光合势均是直播稻较小,手栽秧和机插秧较大;群体生长率上,水稻生育前期直播稻Ⅰ和手栽秧较大,水稻生育后期直播稻Ⅱ显著提高;水稻抽穗期单位干重根系的α-萘胺氧化量,机插秧要显著大于手栽秧和直播稻;水稻分蘖中期和拔节期手栽秧和直播稻Ⅰ的叶片叶绿素含量较高,抽穗期到成熟期均是机插秧叶片叶绿素含量最高。综上所述,机插秧水稻生育期天数相对较长,生育前期生长良好,中后期叶面积指数高、光合势强、叶片叶绿素含量较高、根系活力强,有利于水稻种植的高产稳产。  相似文献   

经常规及圆形统计分析我国 2 0世纪 5 0年代灯光诱蛾资料 ,发现三化螟和二化螟的蛾峰日受到月相的显著影响。三化螟蛾峰数的平均角 (集中趋势 )对应于农历 2 6日 0时 5 3分 (P<0 0 0 1) ,二化螟对应于 2 4日 2 3时 5 3分 (P <0 0 0 1) ,二者差异不显著 (P >0 2 5 ) ,合并对应于 2 5日 11时 36分。  相似文献   

(+)-Cyanofenphos was at least more than 25-fold as toxic to rice stem borer larvae as the (?)-isomer. In addition, (+)-cyanofenphos-oxon was 36-fold more potent inhibitor than the (?)-oxon toward rice stem borer larva acetylcholinesterase. The (+)-, (?)- and racemic forms of cyanofenphos were metabolized in rice stem borer larvae at almost equal rates. However, (+)-cyanofenphos produced 4- to 9-fold larger amounts of cyanofenphos-oxon in the insect body than the (?)-isomer. On the other hand, (?)-cyanofenphos-oxon was metabolized to 4-cyanophenol and its conjugate at a faster rate compared to the (+)-oxon. The difference in toxicity to rice stem borer larvae exhibited by the optical isomers of cyanofenphos is attributable to the difference in the amount and persistence of cyanofenphos-oxon isomers formed in the insect body as well as in anti-acetylcholinesterase activity of the oxon isomers.  相似文献   

The striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is an important pest afflicting rice in most rice-growing countries in the world. Deliniating the categories of resistance in rice genotypes under field conditions could be helpful in managment of this pest. Two categories of resistance, antixenosis and antibiosis, were examined in ten popular and diverse rice genotypes of different origin that had been selected for their resistance to the striped stem borer in a previous study. Significant differences were found between genotypes for the number of egg masses, number of eggs, preference index, larval and pupal weight, larval development time, larval survival rate, larval mine length, and leaf trichome density. It was found that the rice genotypes Novator, A7801, and Nemat had the more pronounced antixenosis-type resistance, whereas AB1 and Shirodi had better antiobiosis-type resistance. Interestingly, the rice genotype AN-74 for which Nemat is the parental line showed both types of resistance and could be effectively used in an integrated pest management of the rice striped stem borer.  相似文献   

二化螟与作物的相互关系及其影响因素   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
薛进  戈峰  黎家文  苏建伟 《昆虫知识》2005,42(3):259-263
二化螟Chilosuppressalis(Walker)与作物在漫长的进化史中相互作用和影响,了解二化螟与其寄主的相互作用机制及其影响因素是防治二化螟的重要前提。二化螟在对寄主的选择中有明显的选择行为,而主要寄主之一的水稻由于品种、耕作制度的变更也给二化螟带来了很大的影响;微观技术的介入使得二化螟与作物相互关系的研究进入了新的发展时期。文章从宏观和微观2个角度对二化螟与作物的相互作用及其影响因素进行了探讨,并且对它们的相互作用及其影响因素需深入研究的方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

Yellow stem borer (YSB), Scirpophaga incertulas (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), a monophagous pest of paddy is considered as most important pest of rain fed low land and flood prone rice eco-systems. Breeding of yellow stem borer resistance in rice is difficult owing to the complex genetics of the trait, inherent difficulties in screening and poor understanding of the genetics of resistance. On the other hand, a good level of resistance against the widespread yellow stem borer has been rare in the rice germplasm. Resistance to insects has been demonstrated in transgenic plants expressing genes for δ-endotoxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), protease inhibitors, enzymes and plant lectins. The performance of insect resistant GM rice in trials in China has been quite impressive. The present review is an attempt to assess the current state of development in biotechnological intervention for yellow stem borer resistance in rice.  相似文献   

Rice stem borer (Chilo agamemnon Bles.) is a primary insect pest of rice and is a major limiting factor to rice production. Breeding for insect-resistant crop varieties has been an economic way of integrated pest management (IPM) as it offers a viable and ecologically acceptable approach. This study was aimed to evaluate rice genotypes for their resistance against rice stem borer. Seven parental genotypes with twenty one F1 crosses were evaluated for genotypic variation in field experiments. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences for the studied traits in almost all crosses and parents. In addition, the mean squares of parents versus their crosses were signifi- cant for stem borer resistance and other associated traits. Moreover, both general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) variances were highly significant for all characters studied in the F1 generation. Based on GCA, 4 genotypes (Sakha101, Gz6903-3-4-2-1, Gz9577-4-1-1 and Hassawi) exhibited highly significant negative values for stem borer resistance (–0.53, –1.06, –0.18 and –0.49, respectively) indicating they are the best combiners for stem borer resistance. Based on SCA analysis, nine cross combinations showed highly significant negative effects for stem borer resistance. Similarly, the cross Giza178 Hassawi was the best combination with significantly highest value for early maturity. In addition, seven crosses showed highly significant negative SCA for plant height trait. On the other hand, for panicle length, number of primary branches/panicle, panicle weight and 1000-grain weight, seven, four, eight and six crosses showed highly significant positive SCA, respectively. The result further revealed that the non-additive dominance genetic variance was higher than the additive variance for all evaluated traits indicating that non-additive genetic variances have a role in their inheritance. The broad-sense heritability estimates were high for all the studied traits. The stem borer resistance was significantly correlated with panicle weight and 1000-grain weight, which also showed a highly significant correlation with grain yield/plant. Thus these traits can be effectively employed in a breeding program to confer resistance against stem borer infestation in rice. It was further supported by biplot analysis, which clustered these potentially important traits into two quadrants showing their importance in any future breeding program to control stem borer infestation. This study has contributed valuable information for evaluation of genetic diversity in the local rice germplasm and its utilization in futuristic rice genetic improvement programs.  相似文献   

月相对两种稻螟灯下诱蛾量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经圆形统计分析安徽省庐江县 1 962~ 2 0 0 1年灯光诱蛾资料 ,发现三化螟和二化螟的诱蛾量受到月相的显著影响。诱蛾量的平均角或集中趋势 ,三化螟对应于农历月 2 7日 1 0时 1 3分 (P <0 0 0 1 ) ,二化螟对应于 2 4日 1 6时 2 2分 (P <0 0 0 1 )。两种稻螟诱蛾量的集中时间差异不显著 (P >0 0 5 )。二者合并 ,得到平均集中时间为 2 5日 1 4时 40分。  相似文献   

二化螟人工饲料研究初报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在温度为(29±1)℃,相对湿度为80%~90%的条件下,分别以3种人工饲料和天然饲料(新鲜水稻茎杆)对二化螟Chilo suppressalisWalker进行连续继代饲养。结果表明,3种人工饲料饲养的二化螟幼虫的生长历期、化蛹率、蛹重、蛹期及羽化率等均与天然饲料的基本接近,而且这3种人工饲料配制简便、成本较低,也不易霉变,是3种较为理想的人工饲料。通过第2代和第3代的继代繁殖表明,3种人工饲料和天然饲料饲养的二化螟的发育情况都稍有下降,但3种人工饲料与天然饲料间不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Ten transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis Bt rice, Oryza sativa L., lines with different Bt genes (two Cry1Ac lines, three Cry2A lines, and five Cry9C lines) derived from the same variety Minghui 63 were evaluated in both the laboratory and the field. Bioassays were conducted by using the first instars of two main rice lepidopteran insect species: yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) and Asiatic rice borer, Chilo suppressalis (Walker). All transgenic lines exhibited high toxicity to these two rice borers. Field evaluation results also showed that all transgenic lines were highly insect resistant with both natural infestation and manual infestation of the neonate larvae of S. incertulas compared with the nontransformed Minghui63. Bt protein concentrations in leaves of 10 transgenic rice lines were estimated by the sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The cry9C gene had the highest expression level, next was cry2A gene, and the cry1Ac gene expressed at the lowest level. The feeding behavior of 7-d-old Asiatic rice borer to three classes of Bt transgenic rice lines also was detected by using rice culm cuttings. The results showed that 7-d-old larvae of Asiatic rice borer have the capacity to distinguish Bt and non-Bt culm cuttings and preferentially fed on non-Bt cuttings. When only Bt culm cuttings with three classes of different Bt proteins (CrylAc, Cry2A, and Cry9C) were fed, significant distribution difference of 7-d-old Asiatic rice borer in culm cuttings of different Bt proteins also was found. In the current study, we evaluate different Bt genes in the same rice variety in both the laboratory and the field, and also tested feeding behavior of rice insect to these Bt rice. These data are valuable for the further development of two-toxin Bt rice and establishment of appropriate insect resistance management in the future.  相似文献   

在大田条件下,以转基因抗虫水稻Bt63、R1和R2及非转基因水稻汕优63(对照)为材料,设置高、低两种虫压环境条件,研究虫压胁迫对转Bt抗虫基因水稻生长发育及产量相关性状的影响.结果表明: 抗虫水稻在虫压胁迫条件下可充分体现出外源基因的抗性特点.在高虫压条件下,3种转Bt基因水稻受螟虫危害程度远低于对照植株,株高、分蘖数、地上部鲜质量、穗长、穗质量、单株穗数、单株实粒数、实粒质量、结实率、千粒重等生长发育和产量指标均高于对照,但仅株高、分蘖数和穗长3个指标与对照有显著差异.因此,抗虫外源Bt基因的引入对水稻结实性不会产生负面效应,高虫压胁迫条件对抗虫转基因水稻产量的影响较小.  相似文献   

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