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恢复生态学焦点问题   总被引:62,自引:9,他引:53  
彭少麟  陆宏芳 《生态学报》2003,23(7):1249-1257
就恢复生态学的概念、近期的发展趋势与前沿命题、传统生态学理论在生态恢复过程中的应用及恢复生态学的社会性等核心问题展开论述。恢复生态学是一门年轻的学科,迄今尚无统一的定义。代表性的有3方面的学术观点。第1种强调受损的生态系统要恢复到理想的状态;第2种强调其应用生态学过程;第3种强调生态整合性恢复。笔者认为,恢复生态学是研究生态系统退化的原因、退化生态系统恢复与重建的技术与方法、过程与机理的科学。从近年的国际恢复生态学大会来看,恢复生态学研究近期主要有3个方面的发展趋势。一是强调自然恢复与社会、人文的耦合。认为恢复生态是全球性的,不只是自然的过程,应有全社会的支持,包括政治、经济和人文的介入。二是强调无论是在地域上还是在理论上都要跨越边界。有效的生态恢复实践在地域上要求多地区甚至是多国家的合作,在理论上要求多学科的交叉与耦合。三是强调以生态系统为基点,在景观尺度表达。随着环境和经济问题的全球化,生态系统和景观尺度的恢复生态学研究引起了越来越多的关注。2004年第15届国际恢复生态学大会的会议主题已定为:恢复、景观与设计。在当前研究趋势的基础上,提出了恢复生态学当前研究的6个前沿命题:恢复生态学的学科理论框架研究、恢复生态系统的功益研究、生物多样性在生态恢复中的作用研究、生态恢复对全球变化的响应研究、生态恢复立法研究和生态恢复与社会、经济的整合性研究。退化生态系统的恢复与重建是一项十分复杂的系统工程,尤其需要生态学理论的指导。多数生态学理论已被应用于恢复生态学的研究与实践。结合实例,着重阐述了生态系统演替理论在生态恢复中的应用。恢复生态与全球变化间的相互作用研究越来越多的引起了人们的关注,但多数研究仍停滞在定性研究阶段。在广东的恢复生态学研究表明,广东省从1986年至1998年,植被覆盖从26%到51%,新造林绿化的植被每年可吸收、固定广东省年排放CO2量的一半。人类社会与自然环境的协调可持续发展,不仅要求实现生态环境的可持续,同时亦要求实现人类社会与经济的可持续发展。这就要求生态系统的恢复与重建必须同时实现生态、经济与社会效率的三重优化。中国科学院华南植物研究所生态中心在中国热带、南亚热带进行的退化生态系统的恢复与重建研究历时30余年,所产生的显著的经济和社会效益,在各个实验站点均已有所反映。  相似文献   

介绍了恢复生态学常用的理论,并指出恢复生态学研究大多涉及植被生态系统恢复。植被恢复的目标就是要恢复植被的合理结构、功能和动态过程,从而为人类提供生态系统服务。植被恢复可以把区域的地带性植被生态系统作为参考生态系统,但目前的植被恢复工作绝大部分只是恢复了植被生态系统的部分组成、结构和功能。植被生态系统恢复研究主要从退化的原因与过程、恢复的过程与机理,以及从生境恢复、种群恢复、群落恢复、生态系统和景观恢复等不同尺度上的恢复开展。在介绍华南地区的植被生态系统现存问题的基础上,对华南地区开展的植被生态系统恢复,尤其是华南植物研究所(园)开展的植被生态系统恢复研究进行了介绍。最后,提出了华南地区植被生态系统恢复的方向及发展趋势。  相似文献   

区域生态安全格局:概念与理论基础   总被引:126,自引:13,他引:113  
提出区域生态安全格局概念的提出 ,适应了生态系统恢复和生物多样性保护的发展需求。针对区域生态环境问题 ,通过干扰排除以及空间格局规划和管理 ,能够保护和恢复生物多样性 ,维持生态系统结构、功能和过程的完整性 ,实现对区域生态环境问题的有效控制和持续改善。区域生态安全格局的研究对象具有针对性、研究尺度具有区域性、研究问题具有系统性、研究手段具有主动性。它强调区域尺度的生物多样性保护、退化生态系统恢复及其空间合理配置、生态系统健康的维持、景观生态格局的优化、以及对社会经济发展需求的满足。它更加强调格局与过程安全及其整体集成 ,将生态系统管理对策落实到具体的空间地域上 ,实现管理效果的直观可视。相关理论 ,景观生态学、干扰生态学、保护生物学、恢复生态学、生态经济学、生态伦理学、和复合生态系统理论等为其提供了坚实的理论基础。区域生态安全格局不存在一个固定标准 ,人类对生态系统服务功能需求的不断变化是生态系统管理的根本原因。实现区域生态安全不但要以社会、经济、文化、道德、法律、和法规为手段 ,更要以其不断发展对生态系统服务功能的新需求为目标逐步进行。区域生态安全格局研究对于解决区域生态环境问题具有不可替代的作用 ,具有广阔应用前景。  相似文献   

景观生态学的核心:生态学系统的时空异质性   总被引:49,自引:8,他引:41  
1 景观生态学与景观异质性景观生态学是研究在一个相当大的区域内 ,由许多不同生态系统所组成的整体 (即景观 )的空间结构、相互作用、协调功能以及动态变化的生态学新分支[1 ] 。它的出现促进了空间关系模型和理论、空间格局与动态的数据类型的获取以及经典生态学很少涉及的空间尺度检测等方面的发展[2 ] 。Risser等认为景观生态学研究就是异质性的研究[3] 。其实 ,“景观”本身就具有“变化的异质性整体”的含义[4] 。景观生态学集中关注于对生态系统空间关系的研究 ,它把景观视为空间上镶嵌出现和紧密联系的生态系统组合 ,景观可…  相似文献   

无人机遥感技术在景观生态学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张志明  徐倩  王彬  孙虎  耿宇鹏  田冀 《生态学报》2017,37(12):4029-4036
野外数据的获取是生态学研究的挑战之一,而通过遥感技术能够实现对地球表面的多面立体观测,获取丰富多样的空间信息数据,开展从微观到宏观不同尺度上的景观单元(包括物种、种群、群落、生态系统等)的空间关系研究。传统卫星遥感影像受空间和时间分辨率的限制,难以满足局域尺度或者时间序列上的景观空间生态学研究需求。无人机遥感技术为生态学研究的野外数据获取提供了一种新方法,以其灵活、高效、简便等特点弥补了传统卫星遥感的空间分辨率低、重访周期长、云雾影响等方面的不足,在景观空间生态学研究中受到越来越多的关注。简要介绍无人机类型及其搭载常见的传感器类型,分别从不同尺度的景观单元,即物种、种群、群落以及生态系统水平上探讨其应用进展,并指出当前无人机技术在景观生态学研究中存在的挑战与困难,同时展望了未来可能的研究热点,以期对今后无人机遥感技术在景观生态学领域的应用研究有所启发。  相似文献   

景观生态学:海洋生态系统研究的一个新视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球海洋生态系统作为异质性的复杂巨系统是一类景观生态系统 ,具有明显的等级结构 ,因此 ,景观生态学的原理和方法完全可以应用到海洋生态学的研究中来。生态系统的尺度限制了海洋生态学向更加宏观的方向进一步发展 ,在景观的水平上 ,运用景观生态学的理论和方法可以更好地在多个尺度上开展深入广泛的研究。本文不仅讨论了海洋景观的空间异质性 ,而且就海洋景观生态学的若干研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我国区域尺度生态系统管理中的几个重要生态学命题   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:25  
生态系统管理学是研究生态系统管理的理论与实践技术,相关政策和管理策略的综合性应用生态学。当前,综合研究全球或区域尺度生态系统管理模式及其相关的重大科学问题不公是人类社会可持续发展的迫切需要,也是生态系统管理学的重要发展方向和科学任务,为此,本文系统地论述了生态服务功能、可持续性、复杂性和不确定性的综合评价与生态学机制,自然资源保护、生态系统健康以及退化生态系统恢复的生态学基础,生态系统管理的基础生态学过程,生态系统适应性管理的理论与实践,生态系统网络研究,监测和成果集成,区域尺度生态系统管理的综合性专题研究等一系列重要生态学命题,讨论了这些生态学命题的国内外研究进展及其发展方向。  相似文献   

景观生态学的实验研究方法综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
沈泽昊 《生态学报》2004,24(4):769-774
实验是生态学研究的基本途径之一 ,对其理论的检验和发展至关重要。 2 0世纪 80年代后期 ,实验研究途径开始应用于景观生态学 ,至今方兴未艾。近年来 ,“景观”的生态学内涵更加强调“不同尺度上的空间异质性”。而研究对象的尺度和空间异质性往往正是景观生态学实验设计和操作所面临的困难。自然界景观格局与过程中客观存在的自相似结构为景观生态实验设计提供了可行性。现有的景观生态学实验方法可分为 3类 :野外比较观测性实验仍是目前应用较多的方法 ;操作性实验设计更严密 ,结果更可靠 ,但受现实条件的限制更大 ;计算机模拟实验是克服实验条件的困难的一个替代途径 ,并对理论的检验与发展特别有用。这 3类实验方法各自存在不同的优势和局限 ,彼此难以替代。景观生态实验方法主要从种群、群落和生态系统实验中借鉴并发展而来 ,但其实验设计在科学问题和操作尺度上具有显著的特点。从空间范畴来讲 ,景观生态实验包含斑块、边界、景观、斑块景观 4种 ,其所对应的生物群体组织水平、实验设计所涉及的问题和解决的方法都有所不同。多尺度的对比实验有助于了解生态现象与机制的尺度推移规律 ,是目前实验研究的难点和焦点之一。实验模型系统 (EMS)途径来源于生态系统实验。由于它有对自然因素更多的保留和  相似文献   

基于景观生态学的湖区沟渠保护研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
沟渠作为一种典型的廊道景观,是湖区生态系统的重要组成部分.近年来,武汉市汉阳湖区沟渠廊道功能退化,导致其生态系统质量不断恶化.根据景观生态学的廊道理论、尺度效应、景观异质性、边缘效应和生态修复等原理,在汉阳湖区沟渠现状调研的基础上,对沟渠景观格局进行优化设计来实现对沟渠的保护:从大尺度上对整个汉阳湖区水质进行调控,以提高沟渠水体质量;对湖区沟渠进行拓宽、重建以改善沟渠的廊道功能;对沟渠岸线进行景观保护设计,以提高沟渠的抗干扰能力,从而恢复沟渠的景观生态功能,改善湖区生态系统健康状况.研究表明,在湖区沟渠的保护过程中,可以将景观生态学的原理比较合理地运用于实践.  相似文献   

退化森林生态系统评价指标体系研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
徐欢  李美丽  梁海斌  李宗善  伍星 《生态学报》2018,38(24):9034-9042
森林是陆地生态系统的主要组成部分,而森林退化是全球面临的主要环境问题之一,准确评价退化森林生态系统是进行森林生态系统恢复与重建的重要前提,建立合理的评价指标体系目前已成为生态学研究的热点问题。在研究国内外提出的关于退化森林生态系统评价理论的基础上,综述了森林退化的定义、特征和一般过程,梳理了退化森林生态系统评价指标筛选的一般原则和指标体系构建的主要方法,分析比较了不同学者所提出的主要评价指标。并在此基础上,重新筛选、构建了一套退化森林生态系统评价指标体系,即从生态系统的组成结构、功能和生境这3个方面选取了32个能够较全面反映退化生态系统主要特征的评价指标,以期为构建我国区域尺度上的退化森林生态系统评价指标体系提供参考,为退化森林生态系统的恢复和重建提供科学依据。总结分析了退化森林生态系统评价指标体系在构建过程中产生的一些问题和不足,提出了今后开展研究和探索应该深入的方向,以提高评价指标体系的科学性、准确性和合理性。  相似文献   

Linking Restoration and Landscape Ecology   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Landscape ecology focuses on questions typically addressed over broad spatial scales. A landscape approach embraces spatial heterogeneity, consisting of a number of ecosystems and/or landscape structures of different types, as a central theme. Such studies may aid restoration efforts in a variety of ways, including (1) provision of better guidance for selecting reference sites and establishing project goals and (2) suggestions for appropriate spatial configurations of restored elements to facilitate recruitment of flora/fauna. Likewise, restoration efforts may assist landscape–level studies, given that restored habitats, possessing various patch arrangements or being established among landscapes of varying diversity and conditions of human alteration, can provide extraordinary opportunities for experimentation over a large spatial scale. Restoration studies can facilitate the rate of information gathering for expected changes in natural landscapes for which introduction of landscape elements may be relatively slow. Moreover, data collected from restoration studies can assist in validation of dynamic models of current interest in landscape ecology. We suggest that restoration and landscape ecology have an unexplored mutualistic relationship that could enhance research and application of both disciplines.  相似文献   

景观生态恢复与重建是区域生态安全格局构建的关键途径   总被引:82,自引:8,他引:74  
生态恢复与重建是跨尺度、多等级的问题,其主要表现层次应是生态系统(生物群落)、景观,甚至区域,而不能仅仅局限于生态系统。景观的恢复与重建是针对景观退化而言,景观退化从表现形式上可分为景观结构退化与景观功能退化。景观结构退化即景观破碎化,是指景观中各生态系统之间的各种功能联系断裂或连接度(connectivity)减少的现象;而鲜受重视的景观聚集(aggregation)在很多情况下同样具有造成景观退化的负面效应。景观功能退化是指与前一状态相比,由于景观异质性的改变导致景观的稳定性与服务功能等的衰退现象。景观恢复是指恢复原生生态系统间被人类活动终止或破坏的相互联系;景观生态建设应以景观单元空间结构的调整和重新构建为基本手段,包括调整原有的景观格局,引进新的景观组分等,以改善受胁或受损生态系统的功能,提高其基本生产力和稳定性,将人类活动对于景观演化的影响导入良性循环。二者的综合,统称为景观生态恢复与重建,是构建安全的区域生态格局的关键途径。其目标是建立一种由结构合理、功能高效、关系协调的模式生态系统(model ecosystem)组成的模式景观(model landscape),以实现生态系统健康、生态格局安全和景观服务功能持续,以3S(RS,GPS,GIS)技术为支撑的GAP(ageographic approach to protect biological diversity)分析将为大尺度景观恢复的诊断、评价、规划提供重要的手段。景观中某些关键性点、位置或关系的破坏对整个生态安全具有毁灭性的后果,研究景观层次上的生态恢复模式及恢复技术、选择恢复的关键位置、构筑生态安全格局已成为景观生态学家关注的焦点。  相似文献   

Towards a Conceptual Framework for Restoration Ecology   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Heightening human impacts on the Earth result in widespread losses of production and conservation values and make large-scale ecosystem restoration increasingly urgent. Tackling this problem requires the development of general guiding principles for restoration so that we can move away from the ad hoc, site- and situation-specific approach that now prevails. A continuum of restoration efforts can be recognized, ranging from restoration of localized highly degraded sites to restoration of entire landscapes for production and/or conservation reasons. We emphasize the importance of developing restoration methodologies that are applicable at the landscape scale. Key processes in restoration include identifying and dealing with the processes leading to degradation in the first place, determining realistic goals and measures of success, developing methods for implementing the goals and incorporating them into land-management and planning strategies, and monitoring the restoration and assessing its success. Few of these procedures are currently incorporated in many restoration projects. The concept that many ecosystems are likely to exist in alternative stable states, depending on their history, is relevant to the setting of restoration goals. A range of measures, such as those being developed to measure ecosystem health, could be used to develop “scorecards” for restoration efforts. Generalizable guidelines for restoration on individual sites could be based on the concepts of designed disturbance, controlled colonization, and controlled species performance. Fewer explicit guidelines are available at the landscape scale, beyond nonquantitative generalities about size and connectivity. Development of these guidelines is an important priority so that urgent large-scale restoration can be planned and implemented effectively.  相似文献   

We currently face both an extinction and a biome crisis embedded in a changing climate. Many biodiverse ecosystems are being lost at far higher rates than they are being protected or ecologically restored. At the same time, natural climate solutions offer opportunities to restore biodiversity while mitigating climate change. The Bonn Challenge is a U.N. programme to restore biodiversity and mitigate climate change through restoration of the world's degraded landscapes. It provides an unprecedented chance for ecological restoration to become a linchpin tool for addressing many environmental issues. Unfortunately, the Forest and Landscape Restoration programme that underpins the Bonn Challenge, as its name suggests, remains focused on trees and forests, despite rising evidence that many non‐forest ecosystems also offer strong restoration potential for biodiversity and climate mitigation. We see a need for restoration to step back to be more inclusive of different ecosystem types and to step up to provide integrated scientific knowledge to inform large‐scale restoration. Stepping back and up will require assessments of where to restore what species, with recognition that in many landscapes multiple habitat types should be restored. In the process, trade‐offs in the delivery of different ecosystem services (e.g. carbon, biodiversity, water, albedo, livestock forage) should be clearly addressed. We recommend that biodiversity safeguards be included in policy and implemented in practice, to avoid undermining the biophysical relationships that provide ecosystem resilience to climate change. For ecological restoration to contribute to international policy goals will require integrated large‐scale science that works across biome boundaries.  相似文献   

Defining the Limits of Restoration: The Need for Realistic Goals   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The search for a universal statement of goals for ecological restoration continues to generate discussion and controversy. I discuss the diverse roots of restoration ecology, and show how the complex lineages within the field have led to diverse, and divergent, sets of goals. I then review the three major themes that currently are used to develop statements of goals: restoration of species, restoration of whole ecosystems or landscapes, and the restoration of ecosystem services, and point out both the advantages and the limitations and problems associated with each category. Finally, I suggest that restoration ecology would be better served by recognizing that the diversity of conditions requiring restoration demands much flexibility in goal setting, and that restorationists should seek to develop guidelines for defining the sets of conditions under which different kinds of goals are appropriate. I further suggest that goals would be more easily and more appropriately set if restorationists would set forth at the outset the true scope and limitations of what is possible in a given project. Key words: goal‐setting, wetlands, conservation biology, ecosystem management, ecosystem services, landscape management.  相似文献   

Tropical forests continue to vanish rapidly,but few long-term studies have ever examined if and how the lost forests can be restored.Based on a 45-year restoration study in south China,we found that a tropical rain forest,once completely destroyed,could not recover naturally without deliberate restoration efforts.We identified two kinds of thresholds that must be overcome with human ameliorative measures before the ecosystem was able to recover.The first threshold was imposed primarily by extreme physical conditions such as exceedingly high surface temperature and impoverished soil,while the second was characterized by a critical level of biodiversity and a landscape context that accommodates dispersal and colonization processes.Our three treatment catchments(un-restored barren land,single-species plantation,and mixed-forest stand)exhibited dramatically different changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning over 4 decades.The mixed forest,having the highest level of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning,possesses several major properties of tropical rain forest.These findings may have important implications for the restoration of many severely degraded or lost tropical forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

景观农业研究的兴起及其实际意义   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
1 引 言近些年来 ,景观生态学与农学的结合出现了景观生态学在实际应用上的一个新分支景观农业 (ландшафтноеземледелие,landscapeagri culture)。景观农业的出现不是偶然的 ,它是农业经历了数千年的探索 ,寻找其高产、高效、持续稳定所找到的解决方法之一 ,是人类一直谋求农业生产与环境协调发展所走的一条必由之路 ,也是景观生态学迅速发展 ,在实际应用中解决农业生产问题一次成功的尝试。按现在通常的的农业生产模式 ,提高农业生产的途径总是离不开改良品种、增施肥料、改善耕作措施、使用农…  相似文献   

Restoration ecology has made significant advances in the past few decades and stands to make significant contributions both to the practical repair of damaged ecosystems and the development of broader ecological ideas. I highlighted four main areas where progress in research can assist with this. First, we need to enhance the translation of recent advances in our understanding of ecosystem and landscape dynamics into the conceptual and practical frameworks for restoration. Second, we need to promote the development of an ability to correctly diagnose ecosystem damage, identify restoration thresholds, and develop corrective methodologies that aim to overcome such thresholds. This involves understanding which system characteristics are important in determining ecosystem recovery in a range of ecosystem types, and to what extent restoration measures need to overcome threshold and hysteresis effects. A third key requirement is to determine what realistic goals for restoration are based on the ecological realities of today and how these will change in the future, given ongoing changes in climate and land use. Finally, there is a need for a synthetic approach which draws together the ecological and social aspects of the issues surrounding restoration and the setting of restoration goals.  相似文献   

Tropical forests continue to vanish rapidly, but few long-term studies have ever examined if and how the lost forests can be restored. Based on a 45-year restoration study in south China, we found that a tropical rain forest, once completely destroyed, could not recover naturally without deliberate restoration efforts. We identified two kinds of thresholds that must be overcome with human ameliorative measures before the ecosystem was able to recover. The first threshold was imposed primarily by extreme physical conditions such as exceedingly high surface temperature and impoverished soil, while the second was characterized by a critical level of biodiversity and a landscape context that accommodates dispersal and colonization processes. Our three treatment catchments (un-restored barren land, single-species plantation, and mixed-forest stand) exhibited dramatically different changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning over 4 decades. The mixed forest, having the highest level of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, possesses several major properties of tropical rain forest.These findings may have important implications for the restoration of many severely degraded or lost tropical forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

卢训令  刘俊玲  丁圣彦 《生态学报》2019,39(13):4602-4614
农业景观是人类生活所需资料的最主要来源地,农业景观及其提供的生物多样性和生态系统服务是影响人类福祉的最主要因素之一。系统梳理了景观异质性变化对生物多样性和生态系统服务影响的相关研究,总结指出:(1)农业景观格局变化会强烈的影响着区域生物多样性和生态系统服务,但总体上更关注了空间异质性,对于时间和功能异质性的研究仍需加强;(2)尺度效应、大尺度上景观背景的差异、种间差异、营养级联效应等会对景观异质性和生物多样性、生态系统服务间的关系产生显著的、综合的、交互的影响效应。未来区域农业景观中如何通过景观构建和管理措施的施行来确保生物多样性与生态系统服务供给的持续稳定仍需进一步加强以下内容的研究:景观异质性变化在时间上和功能上的影响效应及其阈值的探讨;跨尺度、多因素、多物种类群与多生态系统服务的综合及其交互作用;不同生物类群和不同生态系统服务间的权衡;景观异质性提高与有效生境面积下降及其引起的生物随机丧失间的权衡等问题。  相似文献   

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