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可可西里自然保护区藏羚羊的微卫星多态性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周慧  李迪强  张于光  杨涛  刘毅 《遗传学报》2007,34(7):600-607
藏羚羊是我国特有的珍稀濒危动物,对其开展遗传多样性的研究具有非常重要的科学价值。为了获取足够的遗传信息并进一步研究藏羚羊在核基因水平上的遗传多样性,对来自可可西里地区的75个藏羚羊干皮张样本进行了微卫星遗传多样性研究。研究从来自牛和绵羊的25个微卫星基因座中筛选到9个具有高度多态性的微卫星基因座(MCM38,MNS64,IOBT395,MCMAI,TGLA68,BM1329,BMS1341,BM3501和MB066)。用非变性聚丙烯凝胶电泳检测微卫星的PCR扩增产物,计算了这9个微卫星基因座的等位基因频率、多态信息含量、基因杂合度等指标并估算了种群数量。结果在75只藏羚羊中共检测到85个等位基因,9个微卫星基因座的等位基因数为7~12个,平均每个基因座检测到9.4个等位基因,有效等位基因数为处于4.676~9.169之间,平均为6.519;基因频率分布在0.007~0.313之间,多态信息含量在0.753~0.881之间,平均为0.818;观察杂合度为0.791~0.897,平均为0.844,期望杂合度为0.786~0.891之间,平均为0.838±0.0132,各基因座观察杂合度与期望杂合度比较接近。固定指数为-0.269~-0.097,平均为-0.163。Shannon’s指数为1.660~2.315,平均为1.990。种群数量的估算结果显示这75个体均来自同一种群。结果表明该种群在核基因水平仍具有丰富的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

奶牛微卫星基因座与产奶性能关系的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
单雪松  张沅  李宁 《遗传学报》2002,29(5):430-433
根据小鼠与牛的遗传比较图谱及相关报道选择了与weaver基因连锁的7个微卫星基因库,并在荷斯坦牛群体中对这些基因座进行群体遗传学特性分析。选择具有中度以上多态性的4个微卫星基因座(BM6438、BMS2321、BMS711和TGLA116)进行产奶性能的相关分析。最小二乘分析结果表明,4个微卫星基因座对产奶量影响不显著(P>0.05),BM6438生BMS711基因座对乳成分影响不显著(P>0.05),BMS2321基因座对乳蛋白量和乳蛋白率有极显著的影响(P<0.01),TGLA116对乳蛋白量和乳蛋白率的影响达到0.05的显著水平。  相似文献   

中国美利奴(新疆军垦型)绵羊9个微卫星基因座多态性研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
赵宗胜  王根林  郭继刚  李大全 《遗传》2006,28(8):939-944
利用PCR技术和复合电泳银染技术检测中国美利奴(新疆军垦型)绵羊第1号染色体上BM6506,BM1824,BM6438, ILSTS004和OarDB6 等5个基因座和第6号染色体上 BM4621,OarHH55,BM143和OarJMP8 等4个基因座,共9个基因座的基因频率(Pi)、个体鉴别力(DP)、杂合度(H)、多态信息含量(PIC)、和非父排除概率(PE)。结果显示:9个微卫星基因座的基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,绵羊中9个微卫星基因座中BM4621 基因座的DP、H、PIC和PE都为最高。9个微卫星基因座的累积个体鉴别力(CDP)为0.99999,累积非父排除能力(CPE)为0.99915。结果显示9个微卫星基因座适用于中国美利奴(新疆军垦型)绵羊的遗传连锁分析、个体识别和亲权鉴定等研究领域。  相似文献   

分析了4个微卫星基因座BM143、OarHH35、OarAE101、BMS2508在7个绵羊群体(小尾寒羊、湖羊、乌珠穆沁羊、萨福克羊、多赛特羊、夏洛来羊、多赛特公羊×小尾寒羊母羊F1代杂种羊)286只绵羊中的遗传多态性。结果表明,这4个微卫星标记在7个绵羊群体中的等位基因数分别为9、11、14和9,其多态信息含量/有效等位基因数/杂合度分别为0.7073/3.7231/0.7314、0.8267/6.4399/0.8447、0.5743/2.5178/0.6028、0.6172/3.0712/0.6744,其中OarHH35的遗传变异最大,OarAE101最小。7个绵羊群体中小尾寒羊的遗传变异最大,湖羊的最小。基于Nei氏DA距离和DS标准遗传距离,采用UPGMA方法构建了系统发生树。该发生树将中国地方品种(小尾寒羊、乌珠穆沁羊、湖羊)和法国的夏洛来羊归为一类,将F1杂种羊、英国品种(萨福克羊和多赛特羊)归为另一类。绵羊微卫星基因分型技术为检查品种(群体)之间的遗传关系提供了一个有用的工具。 Abstract:The genetic polymorphisms of four microsatellite loci BM143,OarHH35,OarAE101,and BMS2508 were analyzed in 286 sheep of seven sheep populations (Small Tail Han sheep, Hu sheep, Ujumqin sheep, Suffolk sheep, Dorset sheep, Charolais sheep, F1 of Dorset♂ × Small Tail Han sheep♀). The numbers of alleles for BM143,OarHH35,OarAE101,and BMS2508 are 9, 11, 14 and 9 in seven sheep populations, respectively. The polymorphism information content/number of effective alleles/ heterozygosity of BM143,OarHH35,OarAE101 and BMS2508 were 0.7073/3.7231/0.7314, 0.8267/6.4399/0.8447,0.5743/2.5178/0.6028,0.6172/3.0712/0.6744 in 286 sheep, respectively. The results revealed the greatest genetic variation at OarHH35 locus and the lowest at OarAE101, the greatest genetic variation in Small Tail Han sheep and the lowest in Hu sheep among seven sheep populations. In the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrograms based on Nei's DA distance and Nei's DS standard genetic distance, the Chinese native breeds (Small Tail Han sheep, Ujumqin sheep, Hu sheep) were grouped together, then with Charolais sheep. The F1 crossbred sheep, and the two British native sheep (Suffolk sheep, Dorset sheep) also clustered together. Microsatellite genotyping in sheep provided a useful tool for examining the genetic relationships among breeds(populations).  相似文献   

波尔山羊9个微卫星标记与产羔性状的关联研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择与绵羊高繁殖力主效基因FecB和FecX紧密连锁的5个微卫星标记BM1329, BM143, OarHH55, TGLA68和LSCV043, 和其他4个微卫星标记ETH225, INRA063, BM1225和MAF0214, 分析研究其与波尔山羊产羔数的关联。结果表明: 所研究的9个波尔山羊微卫星基因座均为高度多态性基因座(PIC > 0.5)。找到与波尔山羊产羔性状显著相关的等位基因计12个。其中与波尔山羊第一胎产羔数有显著正效应的等位基因3个: BM143的120 bp和108 bp, ETH225的183 bp; 与波尔山羊第一胎产羔数有显著负效应的等位基因8个: BM1329的216 bp、BM143的110 bp、BM1225的255 bp和239 bp、INRA063的175 bp、177 bp和189 bp, ETH225的163 bp。与波尔山羊第二胎产羔数有显著正效应的等位基因1个: TGLA68的115 bp。  相似文献   

奶牛和肉牛6个STR基因座遗传多态性研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
贾名威  杨利国  管峰  陆汉希  金穗华 《遗传》2004,26(3):309-314
利用PCR技术和复合电泳银染技术检测奶牛和肉牛BM2113、BM1862、BMc701、BM2934、TGLA122、BM720等6个STR基因座的多态性分布,并计算该6个基因座的基因频率(P_i)、个体鉴别力(DP)、杂合度(H)、多态信息含量(PIC)、和非父排除概率(PE)。结果显示:6个STR基因座的基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,奶牛中6个STR基因座中BM2113基因座的DP、H和PIC最高,TGLA122基因座的PE最高。6个STR基因座的累积个体鉴别力(CDP)为0.99997,累积非父排除能力(CPE)为0.98827。肉牛中6个STR基因座中BM1862基因座的DP、H、PIC、PE都是最高,6个STR基因座的累积个体鉴别力(CDP)为0.99999,累积非父排除能力(CPE)为0.99578。结果表明,6个STR基因座可用于牛的遗传连锁分析、个体识别和亲子鉴定等研究领域。  相似文献   

利用24个微卫星标记,分析了山东省内原有地方绵羊品种的遗传多样性.结果表明,在来自4个品种共71个种群的164只绵羊中,共检测到等位基因467个,有效等位基因占49.59%,不同微卫星基因座之间的等位基因数差异大于品种之间的差异;发现特有等位基因123个,优势等位基因43个.在所有微卫星基因座中,89%处于Hardy-Weinberg不平衡状态,有50%属于中性基因座.不同品种的微卫星基因座多态信息含量呈高度多态(PIC>0.5),Shannon指数较高(I>1.5),平均观察杂合度(范围0.454~0.560)明显低于期望杂合度(范围0.831~0.849),证明4个地方绵羊种群具有丰富的遗传多样性和广泛的遗传基础,但品种内存在着一定程度的近交.聚类分析表明,山东地方绵羊品种遗传进化关系明确,可划分为鲁西地区的小尾寒羊和大尾寒羊、鲁东地区的山地绵羊和洼地绵羊两大类群,其遗传距离与地理分布距离相一致.  相似文献   

利用PCR技术和复合电泳银染技术检测奶牛和肉牛BM2113、BM1862、BMc701、BM2934、TGLA122、BM720等6个STR基因座的多态性分布,并计算该6个基因座的基因频率(Pi)、个体鉴别力(DP)、杂合度(H)、多态信息含量(PIC)、和非父排除概率(PE)。结果显示:6个STR基因座的基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,奶牛中6个STR基因座中BM2113 基因座的DP、H和PIC最高,TGLA122基因座的PE最高。 6个STR基因座的累积个体鉴别力 (CDP)为 0.99997 ,累积非父排除能力(CPE)为 0.98827 。肉牛中6个STR基因座中BM1862 基因座的DP、H、PIC、PE都是最高,6个STR基因座的累积个体鉴别力(CDP)为 0.99999,累积非父排除能力(CPE)为 0.99578 。结果表明,6个STR基因座可用于牛的遗传连锁分析、个体识别和亲子鉴定等研究领域。Abstract:The polymorphism distributions of six STR loci,BM2113,BM1862,BMc701,BM2934,TGLA122,and BM720 were detected in cattle by Polymerase Chain Reaction and multiplex gel electrophoresis followed by silver staining. Gene frequency (Pi),power of discrimination (DP), heterozygosity (H), polymorphism information content (PIC) and probability of paternity exclusion (PE) were calculated.All loci obey Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. DP, H and PIC of BM2113 locus, and PE of TGLA122 locus are the biggest among six STR loci in Holstein Friesian. Cumulate DP of six STR loci is 0.99997, Cumulate PE of six STR loci is 0.98827. DP, H, PIC and PE of BM1862 loci are the biggest among six STR loci in beef. Cumulate DP of six STR loci is 0.99999, Cumulate PE of six STR loci is 0.99578. These results showed that the six STR loci could be used as linkage analysis, individual identification and paternity test in cattle.  相似文献   

用4个微卫星标记分析7个绵羊群体之间的遗传关系   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
分析了4个微卫星基因座BM143、OarHH35、OarAE101、BMS2508在7个绵羊群体(小尾寒羊、湖羊、乌珠穆沁羊、萨福克羊、多赛特羊、夏洛来羊、多赛特公羊×小尾寒羊母羊F1代杂种羊)286只绵羊中的遗传多态性。结果表明,这4个微卫星标记在7个绵羊群体中的等位基因数分别为9、11、14和9,其多态信息含量/有效等位基因数/杂合度分别为0 7073/3 7231/0 7314、0 8267/6 4399/0 8447、0 5743/2 5178/0 6028、0 6172/3 0712/0 6744,其中OarHH35的遗传变异最大,OarAE101最小。7个绵羊群体中小尾寒羊的遗传变异最大,湖羊的最小。基于Nei氏DA距离和DS标准遗传距离,采用UPGMA方法构建了系统发生树。该发生树将中国地方品种(小尾寒羊、乌珠穆沁羊、湖羊)和法国的夏洛来羊归为一类,将F1杂种羊、英国品种(萨福克羊和多赛特羊)归为另一类。绵羊微卫星基因分型技术为检查品种(群体)之间的遗传关系提供了一个有用的工具。  相似文献   

小尾寒羊五个微卫星基因座遗传多态性研究   总被引:60,自引:5,他引:55  
小尾寒羊是我国优良的地方绵羊品种,具有极高的繁殖力,平均每胎产羔2.6只。利用与绵羊高繁殖力主效基因Fec^B和FecX^1连锁的5个微卫星标记(OarAE101,BM1329,BMS2508,TGLA54t TGLA68)对244小尾寒羊母羊进行了遗传检测。用非变性(中性)聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测同卫星的PCR扩增产物,计算了5个同卫星基因座的等位基因频率,多态信息含量,基因纯合度和杂合度。在小尾寒羊中检测到BM1329有6个等位基因,片段大小为160-180bp,164bp等位基因频率最高(0.6320);检测到OarAE101有9个等位基因,片段大小为97-135bp,97bp等位基因频率最高(0.7930);检测到TGLA54有5个等位基因,片段大小为116-136bp,134bp等位基因频率最高(0.8500);检测到TGLA68有2个等位基因,片段大小为98-100bp,2个等位基因频率相近,检测到BMS2508有6个等位基因,片段大小为93-115bp,99bp等位基因频率最高(0.4795)。BM1329,OarAE101,TGLA54,TGLA68,BMS2508的多态信息含量/基因纯合度/杂合度分别为0.4481/0.4840.0.5160,0.3516/0.6375/0.3625,0.2528/0.7326/0.2674,0.3733/0.5034/0.4966,0.5809/0.3581/0.6419。可见BMS2508的遗传变异最大,TGLA54的遗传变异最小。这些结果可为小尾寒羊种质特性研究提供分子基础数据。  相似文献   

通过对新疆肉羊18号染色体与后臀肌发育相关基因的多态性分析,试图找到与新疆肉羊后臀肌性状发达相关基因,为肉羊分子标记辅助选择提供理论线索。运用PCR-SSCP、PCR-RFLP方法,对陶赛特和萨福克两个肉羊品种群体及其与本地细毛羊杂交1代和2代群体Callipyge(CLPG)基因的多态性进行分析,结果表明:位于18号染色体内的DLK1和GTL2间的103849 bp处没有发现PCR-RFLP多态性,表明新疆肉羊后臀肌过度发育与CLPG基因无关。随后,实验进一步对18号染色体Meg3.9位点158520处进行PCR-SSCP分析,发现扩增片段存在着多态性;Meg3.9扩增片段多态性位点在肉羊群体中的基因型有AA、AB和AC,以AA型为主。其中AA、AB基因型与新疆肉羊后臀肌肉发达的表型无关(P>0.05),AC基因型与新疆肉羊后臀肌肉发达的表型相关(P<0.05)。在陶赛特与本地细毛羊杂交1代群体中,AC基因型的屠体重和屠宰率与AA、AB基因型差异显著(P<0.05),但三种基因型的各月龄体重没有差异(P>0.05)。通过以上分析可以推断,引起新疆肉用绵羊后臀肌过度发育的性状不是CLPG基因内9571-268.3位点突变导致,可能还存在其他基因或与其连锁的多个QTL的共同作用。  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 18 microsatellite loci was analysed in six indigenous Spanish sheep: Churra; Latxa; Manchega; Rasa-Aragonesa; Castellana and Merino. Merinos had frequently the highest number of alleles per locus, whereas Latxas showed the lowest one at many loci. Markers ordered decreasingly according to the number of variants differentiated in the whole population were: MAF70; TGLA13; CSSM66; BM143, BM6444; MAF36; MAF64; CSSM6; TGLA53; OarFCB11; MAF33; BM4621; MAF48; MAF65; BM1258; ILSTS002; ADCYC and OarCP34. Parameters of variability such as effective number of alleles and gene diversities corroborated the high level of variation frequently displayed by microsatellite markers. Comparison of allele distributions among populations and loci did not reveal consistent shapes. Distributions were centralised in some cases, whereas in others some kind of skewness was evident. Breed-specific alleles were detected at most loci, being frequent in Merinos and rare in Churras.  相似文献   

In this study, a proposal is presented for the allele nomenclature of 16 polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) loci ( BM1824 , BM2113 , ETH10 , ETH225 , INRA023 , SPS115 , TGLA122 , TGLA126 , TGLA227 , ETH3 , TGLA53 , BM1818 , CSRM60 , CSSM66 , HAUT27 and ILSTS006 ) for bovine genotyping ( Bos taurus ). The nomenclature is based on sequence data of the polymorphic region(s) of the STR loci as recommended by the DNA commission of the International Society of Forensic Genetics for human DNA typing. To cover commonly and rarely occurring alleles, a selection of animals homozygous for the alleles at these STR loci were analysed and subjected to sequence studies. The alleles of the STR loci consisted either of simple or compound dinucleotide repeat patterns. Only a limited number of alleles with the same fragment size showed different repeat structures. The allele designation described here was based on the number of repeats including all variable regions within the amplified fragment. The set of 16 STR markers should be propagated for the use in all bovine applications including forensic analysis.  相似文献   

With the premium bull plays a growing important role in cattle industry, semen detection technology based on individual identification and phylogenetic relationship is paid more and more attention. In order to lay the foundation for the establishment of the China Holstein bull identification method, this research takes 20 Chinese Holstein dairy bull’s blood and their corresponding semen, and then extracts the DNA both from the blood and semen, analysis the genetic polymorphisms of 10 microsatellite loci (TGLA227, INRA23, TGLA122, BM2113, SPS115, ETH3, ETH225, MCM158, MAF45 and UMN0108) by microsatellite marker, discuss the feasibility of this method used to individual identification. The results showed that Chinese Holstein dairy bull genetic diversity in the ten microsatellite loci were both high, and the average polymorphic information content of TGLA227, which highest, is 0.8162, ETH225 has the lowest, which is 0.6224. Use STR loci to identify the bull’s semen, the cumulative individual identification capacity is 99.99 %, which indication that 10 STR loci can be used to the frozen semen quality test and cows individual identification.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of 11 microsatellite DNA loci was analysed in Polish Red (PR), Hereford and Holstein-Friesian (HF) cattle raised in Poland and genetic distance among these breeds was determined. At the 11 loci (TGLA227, BM2113, TGLA53, ETH10, SPS115, TGLA126, TGLA122, INRA23, ETH3, ETH225 and BM1824) analysed with automated DNA sizing technology, a total of 213 alleles were identified: 76 in PR, 76 in HF, and 61 in Hereford. All the microsatellite DNA markers showed high polymorphism. Polymorphism information content (PIC) calculated for each marker exceeded 0.5, except for the ETH3 locus in Hereford cattle (PIC=0.475), and heterozygosity (H) ranged from 54.1% to as much as 85.2%. The coefficient of genetic distance was 0.354 between PR and Hereford, 0.414 between HF and Hereford, and 0.416 between PR and HF cattle.  相似文献   

A medium density microsatellite map of BTA10: reassignment of INRA69   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have developed a genetic map of BTA10 based on 8952 informative meioses for 13 microsatellite markers and the erythrocyte antigen Z. With the exception of OarAE64 , the support for the order of all loci in the map exceeded a LOD > 3·0. The length of the BTA10 genetic map was 87·0 centimorgans (cM). The 14-marker, sex-average map in Kosambi cM was: CSSM38 –8·9- BM1237 –5·2- HH8A –2·6- INRA69 –10·6- TGLA378 –0·8- BM6305 –17·2- TGLA102 –17·9- INRA96 –0·3- CSRM60 –9·2- DIK20 –3·0- EAZ –6·7- CSSM46 –3·7- SRCRSP3 –1·0- OarAE64 with an average interval of 6·70 cM. The microsatellite INRA69 was recently assigned to the pseudoautosomal region of the bovine X chromosome by linkage analysis. However, we found that twopoint support for linkage between INRA69 and 15 X-linked bovine microsatellites was LOD < 0·50 in 529 reciprocal backcross and F2 fullsib progeny. We performed twopoint analyses of INRA69 against 275 markers distributed throughout the bovine genome and found significant associations with a LOD > 3·0 only between INRA69 and eight BTA10 microsatellite loci. Consequently, we excluded INRA69 from the genetic map of the X chromosome and reassign this microsatellite to BTA10.  相似文献   

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