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普通野生稻和亚洲栽培稻线粒体DNA的RFLP分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过7个探针、17种内切酶探针组合对118份普通野生稻和76份亚洲栽培稻的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)RFLP分析表明,籼粳分化是亚洲栽培稻线粒体基因组分化的主流,76个栽培稻中,36个品种mtDNA为籼型,40个品种mtDNA为粳型。普通野生稻mtDNA以籼型为主(86份),粳型较少(7份),1份类型难以确定,还有24份没有籼粳分化。  相似文献   

普通野生稻和亚洲栽培稻线粒体DNA的RFPL分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过7个探针、17种内切酶探针组合对118份普通野生稻和76份亚洲栽培稻的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)RFLP分析表明,籼粳分化是亚洲栽培稻线粒体基因组分的主流,76个栽培稻中,36个品种mtDNA为籼型,40个品种mtDNA为粳型。普通野生稻mtDNA以籼型为主(86份),粳型较少(7份),1份类型难以确定,还有24份没有籼粳分化。  相似文献   

水稻同工酶基因多样性及非随机组合现象的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
孙新立  才宏伟 《遗传学报》1996,23(4):276-285
通过对680份栽培稻、88份中国纯合普通野生稻的同工酶基因多样性和非随机组合现象的研究发现:(1)籼稻的多样性大于粳稻,对中国而言,普通野生稻大于籼稻,籼稻大于粳稻。(2)东南亚品种的非随机组合值很低,分化较低。基因多样性(H)、基因型频率(F)很高,是一个多样性中心。(3)南亚品种多样性和东南亚差不多,非随机组合值偏低,分化较差。但Aus稻多样性很小,非随机组合值较高,分化较彻底。(4)除中国云南以外的中国其它品种籼粳分化最彻底,多样性很小。中国云南粳稻多样最小,籼稻多样性近中,非随机组合值和中国的其它品种接近,从同工酶上看,中国云南不像是一个多样性中心。但发现和Est-2座位相关的非随机组合值很低。(5)籼粳交后代材料非随机组合值低,多样性偏高,推测籼粳交在水稻籼粳分化过程中起着很大的作用,有降低分化程度,增加多样性的作用。(6)中国普通野生稻非随机组合值很小,多数座位间不显著。可见,野生稻的分化是很小的。(7)广亲和品种与Est-2相关的非随机组合值很低,全部不显著,但其余的组合都较高。与中国云南品种的非随机组合值结果十分类似。  相似文献   

从籼稻(OryzasativaL.spp.indica)“窄叶青”中克隆到了1个重复序列(pOs139)。经分子杂交证明,pOs139为一稻属内AA基因组特异的串联重复序列。序列分析表明,pOs139以355bp为一重复单位。以pOs139为探针对29份中国普通野生稻和43份中国栽培稻的基因组DNA进行的分子杂交表明,籼、粳亚种之间具有明显的差异,籼稻杂交带数明显多于粳稻,普通野生稻与籼稻相似,具有较多的杂交带数。拷贝数测定结果表明,pOs139在普通野生稻和籼稻中丰度均较高,在粳稻中丰度较低。结合pOs139的Southern杂交结果和以前的RAPD结果,认为籼稻和粳稻共同起源于普通野生稻。  相似文献   

从籼稻“窄叶青”中克隆到了1个重复序列(pOs139)。经分子杂交证明,pOs139为一稻属内AA基因组特异的串联重复序列。序列分析表明,pOs139以355bp为一重复单位。以pOs139为探针对29份中国普通野生稻和43份中国栽培稻的基因组DNA进行的分子杂交表现,籼、粳亚种之间具有明显的差异,籼稻杂交带数明显多于粳稻,普通野生稻与籼稻相似,具有较多的杂交带数。拷贝数测定结果表明,pOs139  相似文献   

对海南普通野生稻的18个居群分别进行ITS序列克隆和测序,研究海南普通野生稻居群的籼粳分化。结果表明,海南普通野生稻的ITS序列居群间差异性显著,ITS1长度为163~239 bp,G+C含量变化范围为53.5%~77-2%。ITS2长度为165~243 bp,G+C含量变化范围为54.5%~74.2%。ITS1和ITS2区简约信息位点分别为108个和145个,单一信息位点分别为7个和2个。InDel(插入/缺失)位点分别为133个和145个,发现了9个ITS籼粳特异性位点。ClustalX软件排序及Mega构树结果表明,海南普通野生稻存在籼粳分化,偏籼型有10个居群,偏粳型有8个居群。本研究有助于揭示海南普通野生稻在起源演化上的地位,并为有效利用海南优良野生稻种质资源提供理论依据。  相似文献   

亚洲栽培稻的祖先是普通野生稻,已成为世界公认的观点,然而亚洲栽培稻的2个亚种:粳稻和籼稻是一次起源还是二次起源仍存在很大争议,其起源地是国内还是国外依然是国际学者间争论的焦点。本文通过对184份亚洲栽培稻和203份普通野生稻3段基因序列cox3、cox1、orf 224和2段基因间序列ssv-39/178、rps2-trnfM的多样性研究,验证了以下观点:1)粳稻起源于中国,籼稻起源于中国和国外;2)亚洲栽培稻的起源为二次起源,即普通野生稻存在偏籼和偏粳2种类型,亚洲栽培稻的2个亚种籼稻和粳稻在进化过程中分别由偏籼型的普通野生稻和偏粳型的普通野生稻进化而来。  相似文献   

普遍野生稻和亚洲栽培稻遗传多样性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用 44个 RFLP标记对来自中国、印度、泰国等亚洲 10个国家的普通野生稻(简称普野,下同)和来自多个国家的75个栽培稻品种,从多态位点的比率、等位基因数、基因型数、平均杂合度及平均基因多样性等多个方面,比较了不同国家和不同地区的普通野生稻、栽培稻籼粳亚种及栽培稻与普野之间遗传多样性的差异。结果表明:中国普野的遗传多样性最大;其次是印度普野;南亚普野的平均基因多样性大于东南亚普野,而多态位点的比率、等位基因数及基因型数等却低于东南亚普野;栽培稻的遗传多样性明显小于普通野生稻。在所检测的44个位点中,栽培稻的多态位点数仅为野生稻的3/4,等位基因数约为野生稻的60%,基因型种类约为野生稻的1/2。栽培稻中籼稻的遗传多样性高于粳稻。在平均每个位点的实际杂合度上,以中国普野杂合度最高,普通野生稻是栽培稻的2倍。说明从野生稻演化成栽培稻的过程中,经过自然选择和人工选择,杂合度降低,等位基因减少,基因多样性下降。  相似文献   

从可交配性和F1杂种育性两方面对亚洲栽培稻与AA染色体组(以下简称AA组)其他7个稻种的系统关系进行了分析。结果表明:栽培稻籼、粳亚种与AA组不同稻种杂交均具有一定的结实率,可交配性不是影响亚洲栽培稻与其他AA组稻种间基因交流的主要生殖障碍。亚洲栽培稻与普通野生稻及尼瓦拉野生稻种间F1花粉育性和小穗育性有不同程度分化,与其他稻种的F1花粉育性和小穗育性均很低,F1杂种不育是AA组内基因交流的主要障碍。综合可交配性和F1小穗育性两方面的因素,初步得出:亚洲栽培稻与AA组稻种的亲缘关系由近及远依次是:普通野生稻、尼瓦拉野生稻、南方野生稻、展颖野生稻、非洲栽培稻、长雄蕊野生稻和短舌野生稻。其中普通野生稻和尼瓦拉野生稻是AA组中可直接利用于水稻育种的野生稻资源。  相似文献   

针对目前亚洲栽培稻起源地和进化途径学说众多、分歧巨大的现状,本研究选择原产中国的98份亚洲栽培稻和125份普通野生稻为材料,对叶绿体中atpA序列、rps16内含子序列、trnP-rpl33间隔区、trnG-trnfM序列、trnT-trnL间隔区序列的五段高突变序列进行测序,利用生物信息学方法进行比对分析,绘制Network网络图,构建系统发育树。结果表明,普通野生稻的Indel和SNP数目均比亚洲栽培稻多,序列多样性丰富;基于单倍型的Network网络图和系统发育树可将所有参试材料归为3个类群,类群I主要为粳稻与普通野生稻,类群II主要为籼稻,类群III主要为普通野生稻,而类群II和类群III亲缘关系较近,提示粳、籼两个亚种可能由偏粳、偏籼的普通野生稻分别进化而来,支持二次起源学说;所有与亚洲栽培稻亲缘关系较近的普通野生稻均来源于华南地区,支持华南地区为我国亚洲栽培稻起源中心的论点。  相似文献   

Ninety accessions which included Chinese common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) from 8 provinces and traditional cultivars from lower and middle basins of Yangtze River, southeast of China and Yunnan Province as well as some commercial varieties were analyzed by RAPD with 24 primers. A scattered figure suggesting the indica-japonica and wild-domestication differentiations among 90 rice accessions was generated based on RAPD data. The results indicated that Chinese common wild rice, indica and japonica accessions were divided into 3 groups respectively. Chinese common wild rice were somewhat closer to the japonica type than the indica type.  相似文献   

Repetitive DNA sequences are useful molecular markers for studying plant genome evolution and species diversity. The authors report the isolation and characterization of repetitive DNA sequences (pOs139) from Oryza sativa cuhivars "Zhaiyeqing". By Southern blot analysis, the authors discovered that pOs139 sequences were organized not only tandemly, but also highly specifc for the AA genome of Oryza genus. Sequence analysis revealed that the clone pOs139 contains a 355 bp repetitive unit. The genomic DNA of 29 Chinese common wild accessions, and 43 cultivated rice accessions, were analyzed by Southern blot with pOs139 as a probe. The results illustrated that there was significant difference in hybridization patterns between japonica and indica subspecies. Hybridization bands of indica subspecies were much more than those of japonica, and the Chinese common wild rice was similar to indica in hybridization patterns. The copy number estimated by dot blot hybridization analysis indicated that a considerable degree of variation existed among different accessions of O. sativa and the Chinese common wild rice. It is interesting to note that japonica subspecies contains relatively low copy numbers of pOs139-related repetitive DNA sequences, while the indica and Chinese common wild rice contain relatively high copy numbers.  相似文献   

1996~1999年,在不同纬度、不同海拔和不同稻作生态类型的重病区设立5个持久抗性稻瘟病鉴定圃.试验材料为云南的74份地方稻种资源,其中粳稻56份,籼稻18份(含野生稻3份).通过多个抗性组分进行了系统研究,初步表明大白谷(粳、墨江县)、毫弄早(籼、勐海县)、毫玉浪(籼、勐海县)、疣粒野生稻(野、西双版纳自治州)等具有持久抗瘟性能;其中疣粒野生稻高抗细菌性条斑病,对白叶枯病抗性为0级,接近免疫,中抗稻瘟病.通过对品种多抗性组分分析和品种抗性系统聚类分析,提出在不同生态类型时、空动态的病叶片上的产孢量和病斑表型可作为简易、快速鉴定持久抗瘟性指标.  相似文献   

Results from studies on the domestication process of Asian rice Oryza sativa have been controversial because of its complicated evolutionary history. Previous studies have yielded two alternative hypotheses about the origin(s) of the two major groups of O. sativa: japonica and indica. One study proposes a single common wild ancestor, whereas the other suggests that there were multiple domestication events of different types of wild rice. Here, we provide clear evidence of the independent domestication of japonica and indica obtained via high-throughput sequencing and a large-scale comparative analysis of two wild rice accessions (W1943 and W0106) and two cultivars (a japonica cultivar called "Nipponbare" and an indica cultivar called "Guangluai-4"). The different domestication processes of the two cultivar groups appear to have led to distinct patterns of molecular evolution in protein-coding regions. The intensity of purifying selection was relaxed only in the japonica group, possibly because of a bottleneck effect. Moreover, a genome-wide comparison between Nipponbare, Guangluai-4, and another indica cultivar (93-11) suggests multiple hybridization events between japonica and indica, both before and after the divergence of the indica cultivars. We found that a large amount of genomic DNA, including domestication-related genes, was transferred from japonica to indica, which might have been important in the development of modern rice. Our study provides an overview of the dynamic process of Asian rice domestication, including independent domestication events and subsequent gene flow.  相似文献   

Phy 是在长日照条件下抑制水稻开花的关键基因,但目前对水稻PhyB基因的遗传基础还不清楚,研究其分子遗传机制,对于培育光周期适应性广的品种以及扩大水稻种植区域具有重要意义。本研究选择78份亚洲栽培稻(34份籼稻和44份粳稻)及47份野生稻进行测序,对Phy B基因的核苷酸多态性、单倍型进行分析,计算籼稻、粳稻和野生稻的遗传多样性。结果表明,Phy B基因共有28个单倍型,其中有2个高频率的单倍型分别存在于2个栽培稻亚种中。从Network图可以看出栽培稻分为2组(A组和B组),A组栽培稻包括全部的籼稻和4个粳稻个体,B组栽培稻全是粳稻品种。亲缘地理学分析发现,A、B两组栽培稻具有明显不同的地理分布格局,且A组和B组开花时间差异显著,说明Phy B基因的2个高频率单倍型在2个栽培稻亚种中具有区域适应性,Phy B基因在栽培稻中具有明显的驯化信号,随着水稻种植区域的扩大,进化出适应不同地域特有的等位基因,导致开花时间对不同地区的区域适应性及多样性。  相似文献   

Genetic differentiation of wild relatives of rice as assessed by RFLP analysis   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
To study genetic diversity and relationships of wild relatives of rice, 58 accessions of Oryza rufipogon, Oryza nivara, Oryza sativa f. spontanea and the cultivated Oryza sativa, representing a wide range of their distribution, were analyzed using the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) technique. All 30-used RFLP probes detected polymorphisms among the Oryza accessions, with an average of 3.8 polymorphic fragments per probe. Considerable genetic diversity was scored among the Oryza accessions with a similarity coefficient ranging from 0.28 to 0.93; but the cluster analysis of the accessions did not show an apparent grouping based on the species classification, instead they were scattered randomly in different groups. Noticeably, the Oryza accessions from the same geographic region, or near-by geographic regions, tended to be clustered in the same groups. The indica rice varieties showed relatively high genetic diversity and were scattered in different groups of their wild relatives, but the japonica varieties showed a relatively low variation and formed an independent group. It is concluded from the molecular analytical result that: (1) the four Oryza taxa have a remarkably close relationship and their independent species status need to be carefully reviewed; (2) geographic isolation has played a significant role in the differentiation of the Oryza accessions; therefore, a wide geographic range needs to be covered in collecting wild rice germplasm for ex situ conservation; and (3) the conventional conclusion of indica rice being directly domesticated from its ancestral wild species, and japonica rice being derived from indica, gains support from our data.  相似文献   

To assess the indica-japonica differentiation of improved rice varieties, a total of 512 modem varieties including 301 indica and 211 japonica accessions were analyzed using 36 microsatellites. The Fst coefficients ranged from 0.002 to 0.730 among the loci with an average of 0.315. Significant differentiation was detected at 94.4% of the loci studied (P 〈 0.05, pairwise Fst tests), indicating that there was a high level of indica-japonica differentiation within the improved varieties. At 18 loci, about 74%-98% of the alleles of indica and japonica accessions were distributed in two ranges of amplicon length. Linkage disequilibrium analysis showed that the distribution trends were significantly nonrandomly associated. Using the differentiation trends at the 18 loci, microsatellite index (MI) was proposed for discrimination of the two subspecies. When rice accessions with MI value greater than zero were classified as indica, and those with MI value smaller than zero were classified as japonica, about 96.1% of the accessions could be classified. This result agrees with the classification based on morphological-physiological characters, indicating that this method is feasible and effective.  相似文献   

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