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洪湖鱼类多样性研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
根据1992~1993年洪湖鱼类资源调查,结合1959年和1982年的历史资料,分析了洪湖鱼类物种多样性和群落结构多样性的变化.结果表明,洪湖鱼类从江湖阻隔初期的湖泊定居性鱼类为主、江湖洄游性鱼类和少数河海洄游性鱼类亦有一定的产量、大型和中型鱼类占较大比例,逐渐演变成以鲫占绝大多数的“众小”局面;鱼类群落的营养结构从草食性种类的比例高达23%~35%、肉食性种类比例波动于10%~20%之间,逐渐演变成以鲫为主的杂食性鱼类占绝大多数,草食性种类基本上从湖内消失;种类组成从阻隔前的推测应不下100种演变成50余种,且实际能在洪湖生息的只有30余种;多样性指数、均匀度指数均有不同程度的降低.  相似文献   

上海大莲湖鱼类群落组成及生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yue F  Luo ZK  Wu D  Pei EL  Wang TH 《动物学研究》2010,31(6):657-662
于2009年4月11—19日、4月27—5月8日和5月20—29日3个时间段对大莲湖的鱼类群落特征及其多样性组成进行了调查,共收集鱼类样本24061尾,隶属11科17属22种。群落优势种为鲫(Carassius auratus),占样本个体总数的76.38%;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)为1.0027,Simpson优势度指数(λ)为0.5959,Pielous均匀度指数(J′)为0.3244,Margalef种类丰富度指标(D)为2.0816,相对稀有种数(R)为90.91%;鱼类群落可分为3个生态类型:江海洄游性鱼类有3种、河湖洄游性鱼类1种和定居性鱼类18种。鱼类食性可分为5种类型:食鱼性鱼类9种、食无脊椎动物性鱼类2种、杂食性鱼类7种、食浮游生物性鱼类有3种和草食性鱼类1种。研究结果表明:大莲湖鱼类群落的多样性指标处于较低水平,稳定性较低;相对于黄埔江下游地区,大莲湖的食鱼性鱼类比例较高,说明位于黄浦江上游的大莲湖之水质好于下游流域。为保护和持续利用大莲湖鱼类资源,应加强监管和对生态环境的保护。  相似文献   

为了解黄、渤海生态系统交错带长山列岛邻近水域鱼类群落种类组成和多样性,根据2016年10月,2017年1月、5月及8月进行的鱼类资源底拖网调查数据,应用相对重要性指数、物种多样性指数、k优势度曲线等方法,研究了长山列岛邻近海域鱼类群落种类组成、物种多样性时空变化及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明: 该海域共计捕获鱼类77种,以温水性、底层、洄游性鱼类为主,优势种组成季节变化明显,春季、冬季主要优势种为黄鮟鱇,夏季以日本鲭、鳀等中上层鱼类为主。全年共计出现洄游性鱼类46种,季节间物种迁移指数均在100以上,其中秋季物种迁移指数最大。鱼类群落物种丰富度指数在春季最高、Shannon多样性指数和均匀度指数在秋季最高。夏季物种丰富度指数与表层水温呈显著负相关;冬季物种丰富度指数与水深、底层水温呈极显著正相关,Shannon多样性指数与底层水温呈极显著正相关。长山列岛邻近海域作为黄、渤海两大生态系统的交错带,鱼类群落表现出高物种多样性、洄游种多以及明显的时空异质性。  相似文献   

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研究于2010年秋季和2011年夏季对南水北调东线工程最大调蓄湖泊洪泽湖的鱼类资源进行了调查,结合历史资料分析该湖鱼类资源变动情况,以期为渔业管理和生物多样性保护提供依据。自20世纪60年代以来,洪泽湖累计记录鱼类88种,本研究发现63种,其中新记录6种,分别为:点纹银 、彩副 、方氏鳑鲏、鲻、大眼鳜和波氏吻虾虎鱼;与历史记录比较,湖泊定居性鱼类所占比例由59%上升78%,而喜流水性鱼类和河海洄游性鱼类分别由22%和7%下降到3%和3%;未采集到的25种鱼类中,流水性鱼类计17种,占68%。网簖和丝网的渔获物分析表明,鲫、黄颡鱼、刀鲚和红鳍原鲌等小型鱼类具有较高的IRI值(相对重要性指数,Index of Relative Importance),是鱼类群落的优势种,大型鱼类除鲤外,IRI值均不高,在群落中不占优势。20102011年洪泽湖渔业年产量为2200104 kg,以刀鲚和鲫为主的小型鱼类产量达1967104 kg,占89.4%;四大家鱼产量96104 kg,占4.4%;鳜、翘嘴鲌、乌鳢和鲇等大型食鱼性鱼类合计仅占0.89%。文章分析江湖阻隔、过度捕捞和生境破坏对洪泽湖鱼类资源的影响,提出相应的渔业管理策略,并初步预测南水北调东线工程对该湖鱼类和渔业的潜在影响。    相似文献   

东江源头区域鱼类物种多样性及群落组成的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性和鱼类群落结构的变化是反映人类作用及环境变化对鱼类群落影响的重要指标。2010年我们的调查结果显示,覆盖整个东江源头区的12个采样点收集和鉴定的鱼类标本共计7目18科56属74种。除陈氏新银鱼(Neosalanx tangkahkeii)、齐氏罗非鱼(Tilapia zillii)和食蚊鱼(Gambusiaaffinis)3种为外来物种外,其余71种均为土著鱼类。主要以鲤形目(77.5%)、鲇形目(9.9%)和鲈形目(8.4%)为主。优势种为宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus),占14.87%,其次为马口鱼(Opsariichthys bidens)(9.93%)和侧条光唇鱼(Acrossocheilus parallens)(9.36%)。本研究还以G-F指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou’s均匀性指数、Margalef丰富度指数和Simpson指数评估了东江源头区域的鱼类多样性;东江源头区域鱼类群落以杂食性、定居性、中下层和底栖种类为主,源头这种鱼类群落组成结构与东江下游鱼类具有相同趋势,但相似性指数仅为0.39。拦河建坝是导致洄游性、半洄游性鱼类减少的主要原因,其次,水体污染、河道取沙、过度捕捞及有害渔具渔法的使用仍是源头区域生物多样性的主要胁迫因素。  相似文献   

长江常熟江段渔业群落结构及物种多样性初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对2000~2006年长江常熟江段渔业群落及物种多样性进行了研究。该江段共有鱼、虾蟹类66种,分别隶属于13目29科。鲤形目鱼类最多,其次是鲈形目。按迁徙习性可分为江湖半洄游性鱼类、洄游性鱼类、河口鱼类和定居性鱼类4大类型。经济鱼类占优势,群落优势种为鳊、鲫、刀鲚、铜鱼、翘嘴红鲌和条。多样性特征值年间平均指标为:Margalef指数(R)1.68,Wilhm改进指数(H")2.50,McNaughton指数(Dw)0.37,Pielou指数(J')0.76。鱼类群落优势度较低,丰富度、均匀度、多样性处于较高水平。探讨了水利工程、水域污染及水利调度对该江段渔业资源的不利影响,提出了开发和保护该江段渔业资源的建议。  相似文献   

长江安庆新洲水域鱼类群落结构及多样性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沙洲水域环境良好,饵料资源丰富,栖息生境多样,为鱼类的生长繁殖提供了优良的生存环境。为了解长江安庆新洲水域鱼类群落结构特征,于2017年4月、7月、10月和12月对安庆江段新洲水域鱼类群落进行季节性调查。共采集鱼类64种,分属5目11科48属,其中62.5%为鲤科鱼类。以物种数和多样性指数分析群落多样性特征,结果表明新洲水域鱼类种类多样性水平较高。单因素方差分析表明,该群落多样性季节差异显著(P0.05),空间差异不明显。新洲水域鱼类群落优势种为鳊(Parabramis pekinensis Basilewsky, 1855)、鲤(Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758)、贝氏■(Hemiculter bleekeri Warpachowsky, 1887)、银鮈(Squalidus argentatus Sauvage et Dabry, 1874)和似鳊(Pseudobrama simoni Bleeker, 1864)。4种摄食功能群中,杂食性(42.19%)和肉食性(35.94%)鱼类物种数比例较高;3种生态类群中,淡水定居性鱼类占绝对优势(84.37%);3种栖息水层类型中,底层鱼类物种数比例较高,占37.50%。大型经济鱼类占总渔获物比例低(0.01%),但个体较大,因而相对重要性指数(IRI)高。总体上,新洲鱼类群落多样性和丰富度指数较高,均匀度指数偏低,个体小型化趋势明显。捕捞强度过大、水利工程建设导致的江湖阻隔及外来物种入侵是新洲水域渔业资源衰退的主要因素。由此,建议持续开展长江渔业资源监测,加强长江干流沙洲水域渔业资源保护。  相似文献   

洱海鱼类群落结构特征及其与环境因子关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2014年7月—2015年9月对洱海鱼类群落及环境因子进行调查,研究了洱海环境因子对鱼类群落结构的影响。结果表明:采集到鱼类24种,其中,外来种居多,有19种,土著种仅5种;种类隶属6目11科21属,鲤科13种,占种类数54.2%,鰕虎鱼科2种,占种类数8.3%,其他9科各1种;鱼类水体空间类型分为敞水区和沿岸带两种类型,鱼类密度、生物量在敞水区均高于沿岸带,时间分布表现为5和7月高,1和9月低,鱼类群落结构呈现小型化和单一化现象;相对重要性指数(IRI)显示优势种为太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis)、(Hemiculter leucisculus)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、鲫(Carassius auratus);全年3个多样性指数均偏低,均匀度指数和Shannon指数与鱼类密度和生物量的时空分布一致;鱼类密度、生物量和多样性指数的空间分布有显著性差异(P0.05),时间分布差异均不显著(P0.05);水深、溶解氧和营养状况是影响鱼类群落分布的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

清远水利枢纽是北江干流与珠江河口之间第一座枢纽, 为探究清远水利枢纽建坝筑库后库区鱼类群落结构特征及变化, 于2017-2018年在清远水利枢纽至飞来峡水利枢纽库区进行渔业资源调查, 共采集鱼类49种, 隶属于6目16科44属, 以鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、鲮(Cirrhina molitorella)、赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus)等为优势种类, 鱼类生态类型以杂食性、定居性鱼类为主。与水坝截流前2006-2007年调查结果比较, 库区鱼类种类数大大减少, 洄游性鱼类种数明显下降, 鱼类群落丰富度指数、香农多样性指数下降, 定居性、杂食性鱼类种类所占比例增加, 相似性百分比分析(SIMPER)显示造成水坝建设前后库区鱼类群落结构时间变化的指示物种为: 尼罗罗非鱼(Tilapia niloticus)、花鰶(Clupanodon thrissa)、大眼鳜(Siniperca kneri)、纹唇鱼(Osteoichilus salsburyi)等, 丰度生物量比较曲线(ABC曲线)显示库区鱼类群落结构受到严重干扰。研究结果可为库区渔业资源增殖放流、水坝生态调度以及渔业资源管理提供本底资料。  相似文献   

中街山列岛海洋保护区鱼类物种多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁君  徐汉祥  王伟定 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5905-5916
基于2010-2012年在中街山列岛海洋保护区进行的8个航次底拖网调查数据资料,从鱼类分类学和生态类群等方面,结合多样性、资源密度和相对重要性指数,对该保护区鱼类物种多样性特征进行了分析。调查海域共采集鱼类55种,隶属2纲12目32科44属。其中,鲈形目鱼类26种,占47.3%;趋礁性鱼类41种,占74.5%;暖温性、暖水性和冷温性鱼类分别为30、24和1种,其中暖水种约占所有偶见种的70%;定居种、近海洄游种和季节性种分别为27、24和24种;底层、近底层和中上层鱼类分别占40.0%、36.4%和23.6%,其中矛尾鰕虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)、龙头鱼(Harpodon nehereus)和鳀科鱼类分别成为各水层的绝对优势种。所有调查站点鱼类平均生物量指数夏季最高(1043.7 kg/km2),春季最低;尾数密度指数春季最高(122×103 尾/km2),冬季最低;生物量与尾数密度指数最高与最低季节之间均存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。对多样性的分析显示,Margalef丰富度(D)冬季最高,秋季最低,Shannon-Wiener多样性(H')与Pielou均匀度(J')均为夏季最高,秋季最低。聚类和NMDS方法分析显示不同季节鱼类群落组成格局差异极显著(P<0.01)。研究结果表明,中街山列岛海洋保护区鱼类资源结构受近海季节性洄游种类影响较大,鱼类分布季节动态多呈现洄游性更替节律,保护区内虽已出现鱼类多样性下降趋势和生态系统功能退化现象,传统经济种类的优越性在逐渐下降或边缘化,但独特的岛礁生境仍能很好地发挥着维持固有种类和提供良好栖息场所的优势,随着海洋牧场建设与一系列资源保护与修复措施,石首鱼科幼体已形成优势群体,而且保护区内出现大量小型饵料鱼类。  相似文献   

湖北省五大湖泊水生植物多样性的比较研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
对湖北省五大湖泊斧头湖、洪湖、梁子湖、长湖和西凉湖水生植物多样性进行了监测、为保护与可持续利用提供依据,本文将断面法与GIS及GPS技术相结合,通过野外调查和分析前人的工作,揭示了五大湖泊水生植物多样性的现状和50余年来的变化,探讨了人为干扰强度与多样性丰富程度及丧失程度的关系,主要结论是:(1)2001年斧头湖、洪湖、梁子湖、长湖和西凉湖各分布有水生植物61种、94种、8种、92种和种,种数/面积比值以重度干扰的斧头湖和洪湖最小(分别为0.53与0.2种/km2),以轻度干扰的西凉湖最大(1.0种/km2).(2)斧头湖、洪湖、梁子湖、长湖与西凉湖现各有水生植物群丛类型5、5、12、12和13个,植被覆盖率分别是16.30%、16.43%、32.56%、45.16%和62.04%,全湖平均单位面积生物量(鲜重)分别为299.0g/m2、64.2g/m2、808.6g/m2、1039.1g/m2和119.8g/m2.(3)近50余年来斧头湖、洪湖、梁子湖、长湖和西凉湖水生植被分布区严重缩小、覆盖率显著下降、生物量极大降低,分别有9、8、5、3和1种水生植物消失,消失的水生植物群丛类型数各为、8、4、2和1个.(4)多样性的丰富程度随人为干扰强度的增强而下降,多样性的丧失程度随干扰强度的增强而上升;围网养殖比围垦对五大湖泊水生植物多样性的破坏更为严重.    相似文献   

Lake Dongting is the second largest floodplain lake along the Yangtze River basin. However, the study on fish communities in the Dongting Lake is limited, lacking systematic research on the spatio-temporal variations of fish assemblages in this area. Fish were sampled seasonally from December 2012 to October 2014 in the Dongting Lake. 80 fish species belonging to 54 genera, 17 families, and 7 orders with dominant Cyprinidae accounting for 58.8% of the total species were collected. The species richness reduced by 36 in contrast with the historic records. The number and percentage of riverine and river-sea migratory species decreased by 13 (2.2%) and 4 (3.0%) respectively in comparison with historic records. We detected significant seasonal and regional differences in species composition and biodiversity. The diversity and evenness of fishes were significantly higher in summer and autumn than those in other seasons. Meanwhile, significantly lower diversity was observed in the east Dongting Lake than other regions. Our results indicated that seasonal flood pulses and, assisting by river-lake connectivity may play a fundamental role for the fish resources supplement in floodplain lakes. This study demonstrated significant spatio-temporal variations of fish assemblages in the Dongting Lake, which provided scientific foundations for fish conservation in this area. © 2019, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The tapertail anchovy Coilia brachygnathus, a commercially important species mainly distributed along the mid-lower Chang-Jiang basin, is by far the most dominant species in Lake Honghu. To figure out its success in this semiclosed lake, some basic biological parameters of this anchovy were analysed based on samples seasonally collected from October 2020 to December 2021. The results demonstrated that the age classes of fished individuals varied from 0.5 to 3.5, with the majority (97.36%) being between 0.5 and 3 years old. The size at 50% maturity of 17.2 cm total length (TL) for females and 19.0 cm TL for males corresponded to 1 and 1.6 years, respectively. Coilia brachygnathus has a short life span, early sexual maturity and a relatively fast growth rate. The flourishing of the fish in the lake is mainly attributed to its short life span, early maturity, fast growth rate, closed fishing, pelagic spawners, the availability of plenty of food and low predation effect on it. Age 3.5 year occurs in an extremely small percentage of the total (<3%), indicating that a large number of larger-sized or older fish died after spawning, which is probably one of the major sources of water pollution if the closed fishing measure is adopted in Lake Honghu. Thus, individuals older than 2 years or more than 20.0 cm TL should be harvested. These findings have important management implications for the fish resources in Lake Honghu and beyond.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, fish resources have declined severely owing to the river–lake disconnection within the Yangtze River floodplain. Studies on fish migrations between rivers and floodplain waters are imperative for fish resources restoration and lake management. However, few studies have as yet documented the migration rhythms of river–lake migratory fishes. Monthly investigations of the fish assemblage structure were conducted in three regions of the Dongting Lake, which is connected to the Yangtze River. Main results were: (i) Fish catches varied greatly, depending on the water level and area of the lake; (ii) Ten river–lake migratoty species were caught during the study, 80% of these during July–October when the water level was high. Species richness and relative abundance both decreased with increasing distance from the river, and the timing of peak abundance occurred later in the year; (iii) Abundance of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) peaked in July and August and were mainly composed of 0 + fishes. The results revealed that the key time for migration into the lake is July–August. Combining the results from previous studies, a comprehensive view is given of migration patterns of four domestic Chinese carps; (iv) Brass gudgeon (Coreius heterodon), appeared to migrate into the Dongting Lake as two separate shoals, differentiated by body size. They also appeared to remain close to the lake mouth area. Based on the above results, two recommendations can be made for river–lake migratory fish conservation in the Yangtze floodplain: prolonging the current fishing ban period of April–June to April–September; and opening sluice gates for as long as possible during April–September in order to maximize the opportunities for fish migration.  相似文献   

Synopsis The Lake Victoria fish fauna included an endemic cichlid flock of more than 300 species. To boost fisheries, Nile perch (Lates sp.) was introduced into the lake in the 1950s. In the early 1980s an explosive increase of this predator was observed. Simultaneously, catches of haplochromines decreased. This paper describes the species composition of haplochromines in a research area in the Mwanza Gulf of Lake Victoria prior to the Nile perch upsurge. The decline of the haplochromines as a group and the decline of the number of species in various habitats in the Mwanza Gulf was monitored between 1979 and 1990. Of the 123+ species originally caught at a series of sampling stations ca. 80 had disappeared from the catches after 1986. In deepwater regions and in sub-littoral regions haplochromine catches decreased to virtually zero after the Nile perch boom. Haplochromines were still caught in the littoral regions where Nile perch densities were lower. However, a considerable decrease of species occurred in these regions too. It is expected that a remnant of the original haplochromine fauna will survive in the littoral region of the lake. Extrapolation of the data of the Mwanza Gulf to the entire lake would imply that approximately 200 of the 300+ endemic haplochromine species have already disappeared, or are threatened with extinction. Although fishing had an impact on the haplochromine stocks, the main cause of their decline was predation by Nile perch. The speed of decline differed between species and appeared to depend on their abundance and size, and on the degree of habitat overlap with Nile perch. Since the Nile perch upsurge, the food web of Lake Victoria has changed considerably and the total yield of the fishery has increased three to four times. Dramatic declines of native species have also been observed in other lakes as a result of the introduction of alien predators. However, such data concern less speciose communities and, in most cases, the actual process of extinction has not been monitored.  相似文献   

Lake Sainte-Croix is a hydro-electric reservoir on the river Verdon that came into operation about 16 years ago. The area of the lake is about 22 km2 and the volume about 767 Mm3. The water level drops by as much as 16 m in winter. Sainte-Croix is a warm monomictic oligotrophic lake. The indigenous fish fauna of the Verdon originally included 8 species. Successive stocking has raised this number to 17. In catches made in 1976–1977 with 27 mm mesh nets, 80 to 90% of the fish with a body size of between 15 and 25 cm were of the four main species indigenous to the river before the dam was built: Leuciscus cephalus, Barbus fluviatilis, Chondrostoma toxostoma, Salmo trutta. Catches made at same period with 14 mm mesh nets gave only Chondrostoma toxostoma and Leuciscus cephalus.Changes in the fish fauna were apparent from catches made in 1984 and 1987 with nets of the same mesh size. There was a marked demographic increase of roach, and more recently of bleak and gudgeon, all three species introduced after the construction of the dam. At the same time, there was a decrease in catch frequency of Ch. toxostoma, L. cephalus and B. fluviatilis in the downstream area of the lake. Stomach content analysis carried out in different seasons on the six most abundant species of the lake (roach, toxostome, chub, bleak, perch and gudgeon) provided evidence on the trophic organisation of the fish fauna. We have measured niche breadth for each species by the Simpson diversity index and niche overlap by the Pianka index. Bleak is the only species to feed on zooplankton in open water. Roach is a particularly opportunistic feeder, sometimes taking plankton, but at Sainte-Croix it is exclusively herbivorous and benthophagous. Niche overlap between these two species is slight or null, depending on the season. On the other hand, there is a high degree of overlap between roach and chub and between roach and toxostome. The decrease in toxostome and chub frequency in the downstream area of the lake, where roach is most abundant, would appear to be a competitive exclusion phenomenon. There is high niche overlap between bleak and young perch, which partly explains the low abundance of the latter species; other contributory factors are the scarcity of zooplankton inshore, and the scarcity of zoobenthos resulting from the drop in the water level in winter.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the only known intact species flock of large cyprinids, the 16 Labeobarbus species of Lake Tana (Ethiopia), has been extensively studied for the past two decades. Seven species of Labeobarbus are known to migrate >50 km upstream into tributary rivers for spawning during the rainy season (July to October), whereas eight other species are absent from these rivers and probably developed a new strategy of lacustrine spawning (macro-spatial segregation). One species (L. intermedius) probably spawns in the lake as well as in the rivers. Between the early 1990s and 2000s, the riverine spawners showed a decline of 75% in both biomass and number in both fishery independent surveys and in commercial catches. Reproductive migration makes fishes vulnerable to fisheries and other threats like habitat modifications. Lacustrine spawners are probably more resilient as they are not known to form spawning aggregations that can easily be exploited by fishermen. In addition, upstream rivers and catchments around Lake Tana are highly degraded by erosion and recently subjected to intensive habitat modification for irrigation and hydroelectric power generation. This article reviews results of field studies on the Labeobarbus spawning migration from Lake Tana to spawning rivers, giving emphasis on segregation and homing. It also summarizes existing and emerging threats which form potential causes for the decline of the migratory Labeobarbus species. Knowledge gaps on the reproductive biology are identified for further investigation.  相似文献   

The macrophytes of Lake Bled were studied from 1987 to 1990. Three main factors influenced the decline of the aquatic vegetation in the lake during that period: (1) reduced light in the littoral zone due to an increase in phytoplankton (2) grazing by herbivorous fish and waterfowl, and (3) direct human impact.  相似文献   

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