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本文研究模拟高原低氧下新生和胚胎大鼠发育时,下丘脑内肿肾上腺皮质激素及垂体环磷酸腺苷水平的变化,结果表明:5km海拔高度抑制下丘脑CRF的发育,当以育至25天和30天时,CRF含量分别为对照组的64.8%和57.9%。此时,体重分别为47.8%和52.9%,30天时,cAMP为20.8%,本研究还显示,在7km海拔高度已怀孕大鼠难以完成正常的妊娠和胎儿发育过程,5km海拔高拔高度暴露17天时,胚胎  相似文献   

第二信使介导模拟低氧下丘脑CRF分泌   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用模拟高原低氧的方法研究急性低氧条件下促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子(corticotropin-releasingfactor,CRF)分泌的变化及第二信使参与CRF分泌的作用。低氧(海拔7km)1h后,正中隆起(medianeminence,ME)处CRF含量明显下降(P<0.05),下丘脑(hypothalamus,Hy)CRF(不含ME)含量无明显变化,而Hy内cAMP含量明显增加(P<0.01)。脑室注射Forsklin、TPA后低氧暴露(海拔5km)1h,MECRF含量下降(P<0.05;P<0.05),HyCRF无明显变化。脑室注射Forsklin后HycAMP含量升高(P<0.05)。脑室注射H7和PKA抑制剂,MECRF升高(P<0.05;P<0.01),HyCRF和HycAMP均无显著变化。上述结果表明急性低氧应激中CRF分泌显著增加,第二信使通路PKA和PKC通路均参与CRF分泌  相似文献   

低氧对CRF,AVP和NE刺激体外培养腺垂体细胞生成cAMP的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了CRF,AVP及NE对体外培养大鼠腺垂体细胞生成cAMP的作用。CRF刺激体外培养大鼠腺垂体细胞内cAMP的生成,且浓度与效应正相关。AVP未引起细胞内cAMP差异性变化(P>0.5)。NE使培养腺垂体细胞内cAMP水平降低。低氧使CRF刺激cAMP生成的作用降低。而AVP及NE可能是通过其它胞内信息通路。  相似文献   

EDRF对PE引起的大鼠主动脉缩血管效应的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究EDRF(endothelium-derivedrelaxingfactor,EDRF)对PE(phenylephrine)引起的大鼠主动脉收缩反应的影响。内皮完整和去内皮的大鼠主动脉环悬挂于器官浴槽中,测定血管的张力和收缩速度的变化。所有的实验在消炎痛(indomethacin,10μmol/L)存在下进行。用美兰(methyleneblue,MB,10μmol/L)或左旋硝基精氨酸(NG-nitro-L-arginine,L-NNA,30μmol/L)处理内皮完整的大鼠主动脉环,PE的剂量-收缩张力曲线明显左移,EC30值均降低5倍,最大反应比率分别为1.6±0.4和1.6±0.5。在去内皮的大鼠主动脉环中,经MB和L-NNA处理后,仍可见EC30下降3倍,最大反应比率均为1.0±0.2。后者可能与血管平滑肌产生少量EDRF有关。我们的结果提示PE对血管的收缩反应也受血管内皮和平滑肌产生的EDRF的调控  相似文献   

运用行为测痛结合蓝斑(LC)灌流液去甲肾上腺素(NE)的高压液相(HPLC)测定;观察 大鼠痛阈(PT)与LC灌流液中去甲肾上腺素含量变化间的相互关系,结果表明:(l)视上核 (SON)内注射 10μmL-谷氨酸(L-glutamicacid, L-Glu)后 30分钟,大鼠PT较注射前增加133. 2± 21.4%,此时LC 灌流液中NE含量从注射前的437.3±20.4ng/ml降到229.2±11.9ng/ml,注射 后60分钟PT仍比注射前高83.9±14.7%,而灌流液中NE的含量为328.6±28.0ng/ml,与人工 脑脊液(ACSF)对照组相比有非常明显的差别(P<0.05~0.001)。(2) SON注射L-Glu后,电 针足三里30分钟(L-GIU+EA组)增加到注射前的188.2±23.9%,同ACSF电针组(ACSF+ EA)的 94.9±7.1%相比有明显差异(P<0.01)。此时LC灌流液中NE的含量虽较注射前都明显 降低、分别为137.6±7.5ng/ml和 151,1±11.5ng/ml,但两者相比无明显差异。停针后30分钟L- Glu+EA组的PT仍比注射前高133.8±27.9%,明显高于  相似文献   

以存活率(SR)、复苏运动度(RM)、SPA为精子活力检测指标,对四种冷冻程序PSF、H3P、LP、MDP和卵黄的、无卵黄的冷冻稀释保存液进行了藏酋猴(Macaca thibetana)精液冻存比较研究。 PSF的SR为90.1±1.9%,RM为63.8±2.8%,显著高于其他三种冷冻程序(P<0.01)。卵黄冷冻稀释保存液(MDM)的SR(95. 4±1.3%)和RM(88.0±10.2%)显著高于无卵黄防冻液(FCS-G/TH)的SR(90.1±1.9%)和RM(63.6±2.8%),但前者在复苏一小时后,RM(12.5±1.6%)明显低于后者的RM(54. 7±2. 2%)。用 FCS~G/TH冻存的精液经 SPA检测,其穿透率为新鲜精子的 51. 9%。结果提示:1)慢速降温冷冻程序适于藏酋猴精液冻存;2)卵黄冷冻稀释保存液能较好地保存藏酋猴精液的活动度;而无卵黄防冻液则有利于延长其冷冻精子的运动寿命。这可能与两者的稀释液及所含的脂蛋白不同有关。  相似文献   

应用RT-PCR方法,从新生大鼠脑组织总RNA扩增大鼠FMR1同源基因的cDNA片段,克降至pUC18质粒中进行序列分析.获得从终止密码子起共1681bp的编码序列,尚缺少约200bp的5′序列.所克隆的这部分大鼠FMR1cDNA,不含有对应于人FMR1基因的外显子12及外显子17第一和第三剪接受点之间的序列,提示大鼠FMR1基因也有选择剪接表达.同源性分析显示,大鼠FMR1与小鼠FMR1基因的同源性为97.7%,与人FMR1基因的同源性为94.9%;与小鼠FMRP(FMR1蛋白)的氨基酸序列同源性为98.4%,与人FMRP的氨基酸序列同源性为97.9%.以大鼠FMR1cDNA片段为探针检测到大鼠不同组织中FMR1基因的选择剪接表达.上述结果为以大鼠为动物模型深入研究FMR1基因功能奠定了基础.  相似文献   

本文研究了模拟高原低氧条件下内源性阿片肽β-内啡肽(βendorphin,βEP)对大鼠和高原土著动物高原鼠兔(Ochotonacurzoniae)促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子(corticotropinreleasingfactor,CRF)分泌的影响。7000m低氧2h,正中隆起(medianeminence,ME)和下丘脑(Hypothalamus,Hy)CRF含量水平降低。脑室注射βEP后,海拔7000m低氧暴露2h,大鼠和高原鼠兔ME处的CRF含量升高,大鼠Hy的CRF含量也升高,而高原鼠兔下丘脑CRF含量下降。βEP的作用被纳洛酮反转。上述结果提示,βEP有抑制由低氧引起的大鼠CRF分泌的作用。  相似文献   

杜继曾  吴雁 《兽类学报》1997,17(3):204-207
用脑室注射神经递质去甲肾上腺素(NE)和RIA法测定下丘脑正中隆起处促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRF)水平,研究NE对高原鼠兔下丘脑CRF分泌的作用。脑室给予不同剂量NE3.75,7.5,15,30μg/100gBW.正中隆起(ME)处CRF含量分别增加到对照组的106.05%,135.28%(P<0.05),138.94%(P<0.01),103.65%,同时,血浆皮质酮浓度也分别增加到对照组的323.35%(P<0.01),323.35%(P<0.001),346.71%,366.47%。肾上腺切除后2天和6天时,下丘脑NE下降到对照的76.32%(P<0.05),76.27%(P<0.01),血浆皮质酮也下降到16.57%(P<0.01),2.05%(P<0.001)。上述结果表明,NE刺激高原鼠兔下丘脑CRF的分泌并激活下丘脑垂体肾上腺皮质轴。肾上腺皮质激素对维持下丘脑NE水平和CRF神经元活动有一定的紧张作用  相似文献   

低氧对新生大鼠脾单个核细胞DNA合成及转化的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究以荧光法测定脾单个核细胞DNA合成及MTT比色法测定的脾单个核细胞对ConA的增殖反应,观察模拟高原低氧对出生后14天大鼠上述两指标的影响,同时也观察了交感神经和副交感神经的活动状态,以初步探讨低氧对上述两指标的作用是如何介导的。结果表明:5km海拔高度低氧作用24h不抑制脾单个细胞DNA合成及脾单个核细胞转化,而作用5天时则抑制DNA合成及脾单个核细胞转化,分别为对照组的56.6%(P<0.01)和86.8%(P<0.05);7km海拔高度低氧作用24h,DNA合成及脾单个核细胞转化均受抑制,分别为对照组的61.0%(P<0.01)和81.2%(P<0.01);7km海拔24h低氧导致脾脏中乙酰胆碱下降,儿茶酚胺升高;用DSP-4中枢药理性损毁NE神经元,可使脾单个核细胞DNA合成的抑制程度减弱,脾脏中儿茶酚胺含量下降。这些结果表明低氧可抑制新生大鼠脾单个核细胞的DNA合成及转化,并可能与交感神经兴奋及副交感神经抑制有关  相似文献   

Egg development of Eustrongylides tubifex (Nitzsch in Rudolphi, 1819) J?gerski?ld, 1909, was studied at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 C. Eggs developed at 20, 25, and 30 C. Development ceased at 0, 5, 10, and 15 C but resumed when temperatures were raised. Eggs contained first-stage larvae in 23-26 days at 25 C. Seven species of aquatic oligochaetes were exposed experimentally to eggs of E. tubifex containing first-stage larvae. Third-stage larvae of E. tubifex developed in the aquatic oligochaetes, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparède, 1862, and Tubifex tubifex (Müller, 1774). Larvae developed in the ventral blood vessel of oligochaetes. Second-stage larvae were seen first in oligochaetes 30 days postinfection and third-stage larvae were seen 70-109 days postinfection at 25 C. Third-stage larvae in oligochaetes retained the cuticle of the first and second molt.  相似文献   

N. Fukuda    M. Kuroki    A. Shinoda    Y. Yamada    A. Okamura    J. Aoyama    K. Tsukamoto 《Journal of fish biology》2009,74(9):1915-1933
The influences of water temperature and feeding regime on otolith growth in Anguilla japonica glass eels and elvers were investigated using individuals reared at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30° C and in fed or unfed conditions at salinity 32 after their otoliths were marked with alizarin complexone (ALC). To eliminate the difficulty of observing the edges of otoliths with optical (OM) or scanning electron (SEM) microscopes, three to 10 individuals were sampled from each tank at 10, 20 and 30 days during the experiment and reared for an additional 10 days at 25° C after their otoliths were marked a second time. Otolith growth and the number of increments were measured using both OM and SEM. Most A. japonica commenced feeding after 10 days at 20–30° C or after 20 days at 15° C, but no feeding occurred at 5 and 10° C. No otolith growth occurred at 5 and 10° C except in two individuals with minimal increment deposition at 10° C. Otolith growth was proportional to water temperature within 15–25° C and not different between 25 and 30° C. At 15, 25 and 30° C, the mean otolith growth rate in fed conditions was higher than in unfed conditions. The number of increments per day was significantly different among water temperatures (0·00–0·01 day−1 at 5 and 10° C, 0·43–0·48 day−1 at 15° C and 0·94–1·07 day−1 at 20–30° C). These results indicated that otolith growth in A. japonica glass eels and elvers was affected by temperature and ceased at ≤10° C under experimental conditions. Hence, future studies analysing the otoliths of wild-caught A. japonica glass eels and elvers need to carefully consider the water temperatures potentially experienced by the juveniles in the wild.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of temperature on the immune responses and hematological parameters in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus immunized via intraperitoneal injection with live theronts of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Fish were distributed in 18 aquaria and received 9 treatments: 4 groups of fish were vaccinated with live theronts and maintained at constant temperature 15 °C, 20 °C, 25 °C and 30 °C; 3 groups of fish vaccinated and subjected to cycling temperature regime from 15-25 °C, 20-25 °C and 20-30 °C, changed 5 °C each day; 2 groups of fish were not vaccinated and served as controls at 25 °C, one with Ich challenge and the other without challenge. Non vaccinated fish and those vaccinated at 15 °C or 15-25 °C did not show anti-Ich antibodies in the serum 14 and 21 days post-immunization. The antibody levels were significantly higher from fish vaccinated at 25 °C, 30 °C, 20-25 °C and 20-30 °C compared to fish at 15 °C, 20 °C and 15-25 °C both 14 and 21 days post-immunization. At constant water temperature, fish vaccinated at 15 °C showed significantly higher mortality rate (67.8%, P < 0.05) than those vaccinated at 20 °C, 25 °C, and 30 °C (0-10.7% mortalities). At cycling water temperature, fish vaccinated at 15-25 °C showed significantly higher mortality rate (67.8%) than those vaccinated at 20-25 °C and 20-30 °C (P < 0.05). Twenty days after immunization fish vaccinated at 30 °C and 20-30 °C showed significant increase in the red blood cells, white blood cells, thrombocytes and monocytes. Six days after challenge with I. multifiliis theronts the fish showed decreased white blood cells, thrombocytes and monocytes. This study suggests that vaccinated catfish were severely impacted by low temperature, either at 15 °C constant temperature or at 15-25 °C cycling temperature. The fish showed no anti-Ich antibodies and suffered high mortality similar to non vaccinated control fish.  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同孵育温度对茄病镰刀菌生长状态的影响,为获得大量饱子寻找较好方案.方法 茄病镰刀菌按孵育温度不同分为6组,A组、B组、C组、D组、E组分别于20℃,25℃,30℃,35℃,37℃温箱黑暗孵育7d,F组于35℃温箱黑暗孵育3d再于25℃温箱黑暗孵育至7d,各组在培养24h,3d,5d,7d时分别用游标卡尺测量...  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Laboratory and field data indicate that Cloeon triangulifer McDunnough has at least three generations per year in White Clay Creek (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.).
2. The duration of the egg stage ranged from 5 days at 30°C to about 90 days at 10°C.
3. Larvae completed development (i.e. first instar to adult) in 27 days at 25°C, 45 days at 20°C, and 179 days at 10°C on an algal diet dominated by diatoms.
4. Larvae reared on hickory leaves completed development in 30 days at 25°C but died prior to metamorphosis at 10, 15 and 20°C.
5. Adult size (i.e. body length, wing length and dry mass) and fecundity were inversely related to rearing temperature for all laboratory and field experiments.
6. The significant interaction of food quality and temperature suggest that these factors may be important in understanding geographic variation in the life history of C. triangulifer.  相似文献   

Spring-born crossbred ewe lambs were raised in a natural photoperiod and saline (N = 6) or naloxone (1 mg/kg) in saline (N = 6) was injected (i.m.) every 2 h for 6 h at 5, 10 and 15 weeks of age and for 8 h at 20, 25 and 30 weeks of age. Blood samples were taken every 12 min during treatment periods. Naloxone had no effect on time to first oestrus (controls 235 +/- 6 days, naloxone 242 +/- 7 days). Mean serum LH concentrations and LH pulse frequency were elevated by naloxone in ewe lambs at 20, 25, and 30 weeks of age (P less than 0.05). The only FSH response to naloxone was a depression of mean serum concentrations at 30 weeks of age (P less than 0.05). LH pulse amplitude was elevated at 5 weeks of age in all ewe lambs and declined thereafter to a nadir at 30 weeks of age in control, but not in naloxone-treated animals (P less than 0.05). LH pulse frequency was elevated at 10 weeks of age in control ewe lambs and in all animals at 30 weeks of age (P less than 0.05). FSH pulse frequency declined from 5 weeks of age in control ewe lambs (P less than 0.05), with very few pulses noted in 25- and 30-week-old animals. We conclude that (1) opioidergic suppression of LH, but not FSH, secretion developed at 20 weeks of age in the growing ewe lambs used in the present study, with no obvious change in suppression before the onset of first oestrus: (2) pulsatile FSH secretion occurred in the young ewe lamb but was lost as the lamb matured: (3) attainment of sexual maturity was preceded by an elevation in LH pulse frequency.  相似文献   

Fresh eggs obtained from female Nematospiroides dubius were cultured at temperatures ranging from 5 degrees C to 33 degrees C. Hatching occurred between 5 degrees C and 30 degrees C; third stage larvae were obtained between five degrees C and 25 degrees C. The minimum time required from hatching to development to the third stage was 3-6 days (at 20 degrees C) and the maximum was seven days (at 5 degrees C). Larvae cultured at higher temperatures were smaller than those cultured at lower ones.  相似文献   

The occurrence of polyovular follicles (PF) was examined at 10-34 days of age in the ovaries of BALB/cCrgl female mice given five daily injections of 0.1 microgram diethylstilbestrol (DES), 2 micrograms DES, 100 micrograms progesterone (P), 137 micrograms 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate (HPC), 20 micrograms testosterone (T), 20 micrograms 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-DHT), or oil vehicle alone starting on the day of birth, and of C57BL/Tw females given five neonatal injections of 1 microgram DES, 20 micrograms 17 beta-estradiol (E2), 50 micrograms 5 alpha-DHT, 50 micrograms 5 beta-DHT, or the vehicle alone. Ovaries of 30-day-old C57BL mice given five daily injections of 1 microgram DES starting at 3-25 days of age were also examined. PF incidence (% of PF per ovary) and PF frequency (% of mice with PF) were significantly greater in BALB/c mice receiving injections of DES, P, HPC, and T than in the controls. In DES-treated mice at 34 days, PF incidence (2-13 oocytes/follicle) was 120-340 times higher than in the controls. BALB/c mice treated with T, P, and HPC showed PF incidence (two to four oocytes/follicle) three- to six-fold higher than in the controls. In 30-day-old C57BL mice treated with T, E2, and DES, PF incidence also increased by two- to 50-fold. 5 alpha-DHT and 5 beta-DHT failed to increase PF incidence. PF incidence was significantly increased only when neonatal DES treatment was begun on days 0 to 3, but was reduced when started at days 10-25.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was todetermine the biology and reproductivepotential of Euseius scutalis(Athias-Henriot) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) atvarious temperatures. These data are of valuein relation to mass rearing and the developmentof population dynamics models. The developmenttime, survival and fecundity of E.scutalis were determined at 20, 25 and30 ± 1 °C, 65 ± 10% RH and 16:8photoperiod. Total development times of E.scutalis were 6.7, 4.9 and 4.2 days at 20, 25and 30 ± 1 °C, respectively, using adiet of all life stages of the spider mite Panonychus citri (McGregor) (Acari:Tetranychidae). In general, preoviposition andpostoviposition periods of E. scutaliswere shortened as temperature increased, butthe oviposition period was longer at 25 °C than at 20 and 30 °C. Theshortest survival time of E. scutalis, at30 °C, was 10.1 days, followed by 23.7days and 28.6 days at 20 and 25 °C,respectively. Mated females laid on average1.1, 1.4 and 1.7 eggs per female per day and21.5, 39.7 and 17.1 eggs over their entire lifetime at 20, 25 and 30 °C, respectively.The sex ratios of E. scutalis were2.11/1, 2.24/1 and 2.11/1 female/male at 20, 25and 30 °C, respectively. The intrinsicrate of natural increase (r m) increasedwith rising temperatures from 0.166 at 20 °C to 0.295 females/female/day at 30 °C. The net reproductive rate (R 0)was highest at 25 °C (26.03females/female) and lowest at 30 °C(12.95 females/female). Mean generation time(T 0) was longest at 25 °C (17.50days) and shortest (9.53 days) at 30 °C.  相似文献   

Changes in androgen production by isolated Leydig cells were evaluated from 20 through 60 days of age in the mouse. Leydig cells were obtained by mechanical dissociation of testes, purified by centrifugation in metrizamide gradients, and incubated with increasing concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Testosterone and 5 alpha-androstane-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol (androstanediol) were measured by radioimmunoassay in samples of cells plus medium. Sensitivity of mouse Leydig cells, evaluated as the concentration of hCG that elicited half-maximum androgen responses, was essentially the same at all ages. Maximum testosterone production increased by about 20-fold from 20 to 45 days of age but was no greater at 60 days than at 45 days. Maximum androstanediol production increased by about 3- to 4-fold from 20 to 25 days and declined after 30 days of age. Androstanediol predominated over testosterone by about 2-fold at 20 days; this relationship was reversed by 30 days, and at later ages testosterone greatly predominated over androstanediol (by at least 4- and 6-fold at 45 and 60 days of age, respectively). Maximum total androgen production, estimated from the sum of the values for testosterone and androstanediol, increased by about 7-fold from 20 to 30 days of age and remained essentially constant thereafter. These results are compared with those from previous studies of the rat.  相似文献   

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