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板栗是我国著名的干果之一。近年,我国各地特别是山区普遍把发展板栗生产作为脱贫致富的一种重要产业。因此,种植面积发展迅速。但我国当前板栗生产仍存在单产相对低下,现有主栽板栗品种普遍存在抗灾害能力差,成熟期比较集中,贮藏保鲜难度大等缺陷和矛盾。二次结实板栗是最近在浙江省开化县发现的一个优良板栗品系。该品系在结果习性和经济性状方面较现有的南方主栽板栗品种如毛板红、魁栗等具有多方面的优势。首先表现在5月中旬和7月下旬的二次开花及9月中旬和11月上旬的二次果实成熟的特早又具特迟的结实特性,且板栗坚果粒粒大(一…  相似文献   

以北京东灵山胭脂花自然分布地野生群体中2年生以上植株为研究对象,于2008~2010年连续3年观测了野生胭脂花的年生长发育进程,并采用石蜡切片法制片,通过普通光学显微镜和体视显微镜观察了胭脂花花芽分化和花序发育的过程,以探明野生胭脂花生长发育和花芽分化的规律,为人工栽培胭脂花提供依据。结果显示:(1)胭脂花的年生长发育进程可分为萌芽期、营养生长期、开花期、果实发育期、果熟期、花芽分化期和休眠期等7个阶段;5~9月为胭脂花的生长季,生长环境凉爽,日平均气温为5℃~20℃。(2)胭脂花花芽分化期为7月中下旬~9月上旬,历时约2个月,整个过程包括未分化期、花芽原基分化期、小花原基分化期和小花分化期;花序上的小花由外向内逐渐形成并发育,雌雄蕊的发育从8月中下旬开始到9月上中旬结束;花序发育完全的胭脂花植株进入休眠期,经过当年10月份至来年4月份的低温阶段翌年开花。胭脂花花芽分化进程和外部形态密切相关,可根据植株的外部形态特征快速判定花序发育状况。  相似文献   

针对生产上板栗雄花量过大、雌性成花、过少制约着单产提高的实际,我们对板栗混合花原基形成期间的结果母枝和雄花枝的碳水化合物、游离氨基酸含量及过氧化物酶活性进行了检测,以探索其生理生化特性差异。于3月15日从本省淳安县西苑栗园取七年生板栗(Castaneamollissima)品种“魁栗”着生混合花芽和雄花芽的枝条,经105℃杀青后于烘箱内烘干至恒重,粉碎过60目筛后,用于各项指标的测定。过氧化物酶活性测定用新鲜样品。总糖、淀粉含量和过氧化酶活性分别以3,5-二硝基水杨酸比色法、意酮比色法和愈创木酚氧化法测定。游离氨基酸含量—…  相似文献   

为探明元宝枫花性别、交配系统及花芽分化过程,通过石蜡切片和连续解剖观察,对元宝枫花开放及花芽分化过程进行了研究。结果表明:(1)元宝枫花性别可分为雌能花和雄能花两种,雌能花花药不开裂,只表现雌性功能,而雄能花分Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型两种,花药均可产生成熟花粉并开裂散粉,只表现雄性功能。(2)元宝枫是较为少见的二重雌雄异型异熟树种,且交配系统有雄先型和雌先型两种;雄先型小花开放顺序为:雄能花→雌能花→雄能花,雌先型小花开放顺序为雌能花→雄能花→雄能花。(3)元宝枫花芽的形态分化期开始于7月上旬,花序和小花分化期为8月上旬,雄蕊和雌蕊分化开始于8月下旬,雌配子体发育晚于雄配子体。(4)元宝枫花性别分化的关键期为第二年的3月下旬至4月上旬。  相似文献   

庙台械的花序为有限花序,由一顶花和6—9枝侧花枝组成,属圆锥状聚伞花序。一个花序共有14—29朵花,包括两性花、雄花和无性花三类花。根据花在花序上着生的位置,可分为三级。7月初,花序原基形成,在花序轴伸长的同时,侧面形成侧花枝轴原基。花序的顶花最早进行个体发育,随后是侧花枝顶花;侧花枝上同一级花的发育顺序则是从花序的下面向上进行。花器官发生时,花萼原基最先形成,然后是花瓣、雄蕊、心皮和胚珠。  相似文献   

小桐子(Jatropha curcas)种子含油率高,油脂组成适合于生产生物燃油,是制备航空生物燃油和生物柴油的理想原料。小桐子是一种雌雄同株植物,雌雄花着生于同一花序,其花序中雌花比例很低,可能是其种子产量低的主要原因之一。本文研究用不同浓度的赤霉素外源喷施处理小桐子花序芽对其花和种子发育的影响。结果表明:外源赤霉素处理能够诱导小桐子产生两性花,且处理浓度越高,两性花数量越多;随着两性花数量的增加,雌花数量相应越少,但雌花与两性花数量之和在各处理和对照之间差异不显著,这表明赤霉素诱导出的两性花可能来源于雌花。另外,高浓度(500~1500mg·L-1)的赤霉素处理会导致小桐子的种子不能正常发育, 表现为每个果实中的种子数量、大小、单粒种子重量、每个果序的种子重量以及种子的含油量都显著减少。这些结果有助于深入理解赤霉素在小桐子花器官形成及种子发育过程中所发挥的生理作用,为从分子水平上对小桐子进行遗传改良、提高其种子产量奠定基础。  相似文献   

药用植物款冬花芽分化过程观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
实验以不同生长发育阶段的款冬花序芽突起为材料,通过制作石蜡切片,在显微镜下观察款冬花序芽分化各阶段的形态特征。结果表明:款冬花序芽从7月上旬开始花序(盘)分化至十月初小花胚珠分化完成,分化时期可分为分化前期、花盘形成期、花原基分化期、中央花(筒状)花瓣原基分化期、中央花雄蕊原基分化期、中央花雌蕊原基分化期、边缘花(舌状)花瓣原基分化期、边缘花雌蕊原基分化期、中央花花粉分化形成期、子房胚珠分化期共10个时期,阐明了款冬花序芽分化各时期与生长时间的关系。  相似文献   

毛舞花姜花器官的发生与发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过扫描电镜观察了毛舞花姜(Globba barthei Gagne p.)的花序及花器官的发生与发育。3枚萼片原基首先于花顶连续发生,随后花顶的中心凹陷形成环状原基,环状原基进一步分化形成三枚花瓣—雄蕊共同原基,并在花顶的中心形成花杯。共同原基分化形成花瓣和三枚内轮雄蕊,紧接着外轮雄蕊在花杯的顶点发生。远轴的两枚内轮雄蕊延伸生长并相互融合形成了唇瓣,近轴的一枚形成了可育雄蕊;近轴的两枚外轮雄蕊发育形成了成熟花结构中的侧生退化雄蕊,而远轴的一枚缺失。近轴的两枚外轮雄蕊原基起始的同时,3枚心皮原基也在中心花杯的内侧发生而后与外轮雄蕊相间排列。对毛舞花姜花序的发生和发育的观察发现,在花序轴的头几片初级苞片中产生的是珠芽原基而非蝎尾状小花序原基,其形态特征类似于早期的蝎尾状小花序原基,由此推测珠芽很可能是蝎尾状小花序的变异。  相似文献   

不同节水灌溉方式对干旱山地板栗生长结实的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在山东省泰安市半干旱、半湿润气候区的山地果园,以板栗为试材,研究了陶罐贮水、蓄水穴和畦灌覆盖3种节水灌溉方式下栗园土壤水分特征及对板栗根系、树体生长和结实的影响.结果表明:与畦灌(对照)相比,3种节水灌溉方式均能延长果园土壤保湿时间,其中陶罐贮水处理效果最明显,保湿时间长达32 d,较对照延长13 d.节水处理下,板栗结果枝长度和数量、叶片面积和质量、果前梢混合芽数量等均较对照明显增加.陶罐贮水和蓄水穴处理能对深层土壤根系进行灌溉并诱导深层根系生长,降低了浅层干旱对根系的胁迫.3种节水灌溉均能大幅度提高板栗果实产量,陶罐贮水、蓄水穴和畦灌覆盖处理的产量分别较对照提高18.8%、16.5%和14.2%.  相似文献   

花叶芋(天南星科)的花器官发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜首次观察了天南星科花叶芋(Colocasia bicolor) 的花器官发生过程。花叶芋的肉穗花序由无花被的单性花构成, 雌花发生于花序基部, 雄花发生于花序上部, 中性花位于花序中间部位。雄花: 3 或4 个初生雄蕊原基轮状发生, 随后每个初生原基一分为二, 形成6或8个次生原基; 一部分次生原基在其后的发育过程中融合, 形成5 或7 枚雄蕊; 雄花发育过程中未见雌性结构的分化; 花药的分化先于花丝; 雄蕊合生成雄蕊柱。雌花: 合生心皮, 3或4个心皮原基轮状发生, 未见雄性结构的分化。中性花来源于雌雄花序过渡带上, 属于雄蕊原基的滞后发育以及发育成熟过程中的退化; 与彩叶芋属(Caladium)不同, 此过渡区未见畸形两性花。初生雄蕊原基二裂产生次生原基的次生现象在目前天南星科花器官发生中显得比较特殊, 同时初步探讨了次生原基的融合方式。  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of gibberellic acid on flowering in Citrus   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The application of gibberellic acid (GA3) at any time from early November until bud sprouting, resulted in a significant inhibition of flowering in the sweet orange [ C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck] and the Satsuma ( C. unshiu Marc.) and Clementine ( C. reticulata Blanco) mandarins. Two response peaks were evident: the first occurred when the application was timed to the translocation of an unknown flowering signal from the leaves to the buds. The second occurred during bud sprouting, at the time the flower primordia were differentiating. From the pattern of flowering, it appears that the mechanism of inhibition was similar irrespective of the timing of GA3 application. There was an initial reduction in bud sprouting affecting selectively those buds originating leafless inflorescences. An additional inhibition resulted in a reduction in the number of leafy inflorescences with an increase in the number of vegetative shoots, suggesting the reversion of a floral to a vegetative apex. The inhibited buds sprouted readily in vitro but invariably vegetative shoots were formed. A continuous influence of the sustaining branch is necessary to keep the flowering commitment of the buds; irreversible commitment occurs when the petal primordia are well differentiated.  相似文献   

The Development of the Annual Population in Phragmites communis Trin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HASLAM  SYLVIA M. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(3):571-591
Each year, a young population of shoots of Phragmites communisTrin. shows a positively skew height/number curve. In a dominantstand the mode moves to the right during development, and thefinal growth curve is negatively skew. All fully developed shootsflower, but some buds are always formed too small to permitflowering; many shoots remain under-developed in unfavourablehabitats; in bad weather potential flowering shoots may failto develop through to flowering, and short inflorescences mayfail to emerge and flower. The width of the emergent bud determinesits potential number of nodes, and its potential for flowering. The first cause of serious harm to young shoots is frost. Frosttypically kills the early, potentially large, shoots, and givesa shorter and denser final population. Caterpillar damage comesrather later, and is more localized. With fewer replacementshoots, and less time in which these can mature, the final cropcan be seriously reduced. Internal competition is serious onlyafter the end of the emergence period, and as small and late-emergingshoots are affected most, there is little effect on performanceor flowering.  相似文献   

The structural, flowering, and fruit-setting patterns of inflorescences of mature Hamlin and Valencia orange and Marsh grapefruit trees were studied for three years. Several development patterns were found, some of which were relatively consistent for the different varieties or years of study. The sequence of anthesis on an inflorescence was: apical flower first, then basal flower, then the subapical flower. Terminals on which the earlier flowers appeared tended to have more inflorescences than those on which flowers appeared later. Inflorescences on which earlier flowers appeared also produced more flowers than those which began flowering later. Inflorescences that began flowering later were more likely to have leaves or have a greater number of leaves than earlier inflorescences. More than half of the inflorescences carried no leaves, and most of these had one flower. No evidence of a relationship between number of flowers and length of the inflorescence was found. Fruit set occurred primarily during the latter part of the flowering period. Many fruit were set on inflorescences without leaves, but on the basis of percent of flowers setting fruit, inflorescences with leaves were more productive. The greatest fruit set occurred in the subapical position on the inflorescence. With growth changes these fruit often appeared to be developing in the apical position. These patterns generally differed little from year to year. Variations may have been due to the differences in the number of flowers produced by the trees. Results were also similar between Hamlin and Valencia oranges. Patterns on Marsh grapefruit resembled those for the oranges but were frequently less consistent.  相似文献   

The restricted flowering of colored cultivars ofZantedeschia is a consequence of developmental constraints imposed by apical dominance of the primary bud on secondary buds in the tuber, and by the sympodial growth of individual shoots. GA3 enhances flowering inZantedeschia by increasing the number of flowering shoots per tuber and inflorescences per shoot. The effects of gibberellin on the pattern of flowering and on the developmental fate of differentiated inflorescences along the tuber axis and individual shoot axes were studied in GA3 and Uniconazole-treated tubers. Inflorescence primordia and fully developed (emerged) floral stems produced during tuber storage and the plant growth period were recorded. Days to flowering, percent of flowering shoots and floral stem length decreased basipetally along the shoot and tuber axes. GA3 prolonged the flowering period and increased both the number of flowering shoots per tuber and the differentiated inflorescences per shoot. Activated buds were GA3 responsive regardless of meristem size or age. Uniconazole did not inhibit inflorescence differentiation but inhibited floral stem elongation. The results suggest that GA3 has a dual action in the flowering process: induction of inflorescence differentiation and promotion of floral stem elongation. The flowering pattern could be a result of a gradient in the distribution of endogenous factors involved in inflorescence differentialtion (possibly GAs) and in floral stem growth. This gradient along the tuber and shoot axes is probably controlled by apical dominance of the primary bud. Online publication: 7 April 2005  相似文献   

Size-related variation in the cost and probability of flowering among shoots within a crown of Vaccinium hirtum was investigated to clarify patterns and regulation of flowering at the shoot-module level, below the level of the individual. The apices of previous-year shoots differentiated into current-year shoots vegetatively (vegetative branches) or became reproductive by developing inflorescences (reproductive branches). Length growth and fate of current-year shoots were determined, and the future potential for reproduction was estimated using a matrix model of shoot dynamics. Reproductive branches had fewer current-year shoots and shorter total shoot lengths and thus had a reduced potential for reproduction compared with vegetative branches, indicating the cost of flowering at the shoot level. This cost of flowering was higher in longer shoots. The probability of the initiation of flowering in a shoot increased with increasing shoot length in shorter shoots, reached a maximum in medium-sized shoots, and decreased in longer shoots. The size-related changes in the probability of flowering at the shoot level can be largely explained by the size-dependent changes in shoot-level resource availability and cost of flowering.  相似文献   

Despite intensive research on genetic regulation of flower development there are still only a few studies on the early phases of this process in perennial plants like trees. The aim of this study has been to identify genes that regulate early stages of inflorescence development in silver birch ( Betula pendula Roth) and to follow the expression of these genes during development of the unisexual birch inflorescences. Here we describe the cloning and characterization of 3 cDNAs representing MADS-box genes designated BpMADS3, BpMADS4 and BpMADS5, all belonging to the AP1/SQUA group of plant MADS-box genes. According to RNA blot analysis, all 3 genes are active during the development of both male and female inflorescences. However, differences in patterns of expression suggest that they play different roles. BpMADS3 is most similar in sequence to AP1 and SQUA, but it seems to have the highest expression at late developmental stages. BpMADS4 is most similar in sequence to the Arabidopsis gene FRUITFULL , but is expressed, in addition to developing inflorescences, in shoots and roots. BpMADS5 is also similar to FRUITFULL; its expression seems to be inflorescence-specific and continues during fruit development. Ectopic expression of either BpMADS3, BpMADS4 or BpMADS5 with the CaMV 35S promoter in tobacco results in extremely early flowering. All of these birch genes seem to act early during the transition to reproductive phase and might be involved in the determination of the identity of the inflorescence or flower meristem. They could apparently be used to accelerate flowering in various plant species.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the foraging behaviour of honeyeaters and the production of fruit were examined in relation to the flowering intensity of Banksia spinulosa over two flowering seasons. The abundance of inflorescences was greater in the mid than in the early and late periods of the flowering season. In the mid period, many plants were blooming and each plant had many flowering inflorescences. Inflorescences received most visits by honeyeaters in the early flowering period; the visitation rate declining as flowering progressed. Eastern spinebills were the most common floral visitors at all times during the season. The number of foraging probes made at inflorescences by eastern spinebills did not differ throughout the season. Foraging movements between inflorescences on the same plant were more frequent in the mid period than in the early and late periods. Long distance movements between plants (more than 10 m apart) were promoted by aggressive interactions between honeyeaters. Inflorescences flowering in the late period were less likely to develop follicles because there were fewer visits by birds and/or because resources had been allocated to inflorescences pollinated earlier in the season. The number of follicles produced per infructescence did not differ between flowering periods. Overall, the number of inflorescences produced per plant, the number of visits received per inflorescence and the proportion of inflorescences that developed follicles were greater in 1987 than in 1988.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Despite the widespread use of dwarfing rootstocks in the fruit-tree industry, their impact on tree architectural development and possible role in the within-tree balance between growth and flowering are still poorly understood, in particular during the early years of growth. The present study addressed this question in apple trees, through a detailed analysis of shoot populations, i.e. both vegetative and flowering shoots, during tree development. METHODS: Architectural databases were constructed for trees of two cultivars that were either own-rooted or grafted on dwarfing rootstock. Within-tree shoot demographics and annual shoot characteristics, i.e. their dimensions, number of laterals and flowering, were observed from the first to the fifth year of growth and compared among scion/root system combinations. KEY RESULTS: Differences in axis demographics appeared among scion/root system combinations after the second year of growth. Differences were found (a) in the number of long axes and (b) the number of medium axes. Dwarfing rootstock reduced the total number of axes developed in a tree, and this reduction resulted from proportionally more medium axes and spurs than long axes. The life span of spurs was also shortened. These phenomena appeared after an increase in flowering that started in the second year of growth and involved both axillary and terminal positions. Flowering regularity was also increased in grafted trees. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm that the number of long shoots and flowering potential depend on the cultivar. They indicate that tree architectural plasticity in response to its root system mainly derives from the number of medium shoots developed and follows priorities within the whole tree axis population. There was also evidence for dwarfing rootstock involvement in adjusting the flowering abundance and that differences in flowering occurrence take precedence over those regarding vegetative growth during tree development.  相似文献   

To determine whether population differentiation in flowering time is consistent with differences in current selection, we quantified phenotypic selection acting through female reproductive success on flowering phenology and floral display in two Scandinavian populations of the outcrossing, perennial herb Arabidopsis lyrata in two years. One population was located in an alpine environment strongly affected by grazing, whereas the other was close to sea level and only moderately affected by herbivory. Multiple regression models indicated directional selection for early end of flowering in one year in the lowland population, and directional selection for early start of flowering in one year in the alpine population. As expected, there was selection for more inflorescences in the lowland population. However, in the alpine population, plants with many inflorescences were selectively grazed and the number of inflorescences produced was negatively related to female fitness in one year and not significantly related to female fitness in the second year. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that genetic differentiation in flowering phenology between the study populations is adaptive, and indicate that interactions with selective grazers may strongly influence selection on floral display in A. lyrata.  相似文献   

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