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以日本高杆青花菜(スティックセニョール)茎段及带叶腋芽为外殖体,接种于MS BA 3.0mg/L NAA 0.5mg/L 培养基上培养20d,腋芽萌发生长成2~3cm 高的芽苗,而茎段则膨大后从切口生长出淡绿色愈伤组织,并分化出大量丛生芽。将幼苗转接到MS BA2.0mg/L NAA0.2mg/L 培养基上进行增殖培养,繁殖系数为4~6,待芽长2~3cm 时再分切成单株于1/2MS NAA0.2mg/L IBA0.1mg/L 培养基上进行生根培养,25d 后,生根率可达86%。在温度20~25℃条件下,移栽成活率82%。  相似文献   

油瓜的组织培养与快速繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1植物名称油瓜[Hodgsonia macrocarpa(Blume)Cogn.]。2材料类别云南西双版纳油瓜种子,经实验室温室栽培萌发出的茎尖和带腋芽茎段。3培养条件丛生芽诱导和增殖培养基:(1)1/2MS 6-BA1.5mg·L-1(  相似文献   

皂质芦荟的组织培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将皂质芦荟的茎段及幼苗作为外植体进行组织培养,试验结果表明:皂质芦荟的茎段经40d左右可诱导形成愈伤组织,再经20d萌生再生芽:幼苗培养需要30d左右基部直接分化再生芽。同时经试验筛选出愈伤组织形成、再生芽分化和生根的最适培养基为:MS+6-BA 2.0mg/L NAA 0.1mg/L、MS 6-BA 3.0mg/L NAA 0.1mg/L和MS NAA 0.3mg/L。  相似文献   

大叶种胡椒实生苗茎尖培养和合子胚培养研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘进平  郑成木 《广西植物》2005,25(5):459-i0003
利用各种表面消毒方法对采自海南岛三个地区的胡椒大田植株的外植体进行消毒试验,由于内源性污染,除胡椒成熟种子外,其它各种大田外植体的表面消毒均未能成功。以胡椒成熟种子无菌萌发的实生苗茎尖作外植体,在1/2MS(MS或B5)+1.5mg/LBA+0~0.2mg/LIAA(或NAA)上可实现丛生芽增殖。茎尖水平或竖直接种方法显著影响茎尖的增殖;水平接种茎尖的生长和增殖效果优于竖直茎尖接种方式。茎尖增殖率随BA浓度的增加而提高,但BA浓度大于2.0mg/L时会使苗芽的质量降低,愈伤组织产生严重,苗芽细小,抽出不明显,颜色发黄甚至变白。附加或不附加100mg/LAdSO4对丛生芽增殖没有明显影响。生根培养基以1/2MS+1.0mg/LIBA+0.5~1.0mg/LIAA为最优,生根率可达100%;在细沙∶土∶椰糠(1∶1∶1)的基质中常规炼苗,成活率可达98%以上。液体纸桥法对胡椒种胚进行培养,在不附加任何生长调节物质的培养基(MS、B5或SH)上只产生单苗,而在附加不同种类和不同浓度的生长调节物质的培养基上则诱导形成愈伤组织,但未能实现分化;以胡椒无菌萌发的实生苗胚轴和叶片切段作外植体进行培养,较易诱导产生愈伤组织,但难以实现分化。  相似文献   

马兰的组织培养与植株再生(简报)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马兰茎尖及带腋芽茎段在MS 6-BA 2.0mg/L NAA 0.2mg/L培养基上可萌发丛生苗,在MS NAA 0.5mg/L生根培养基上可长根,生根率达95%。  相似文献   

选取亳芍茎尖为试验材料,探究不同培养条件对亳芍组织培养的影响,结果表明:亳芍茎尖在1/2MS+6-BA 1.0 mg/L培养基上培养39 d后,茎尖分化出芽的同时也形成较多的丛生芽;丛生芽在1/2MS+6-BA1.0mg/L培养基上增殖速度最快;来自不同启动培养基上的丛生芽在相同培养基上,接种15 d后观察,不同来源的丛生芽长势不同,30 d后仍存在一定的差异;幼苗在1/2MS+IBA 0.1生根效果最好。  相似文献   

叶子花的组织培养与微繁技术研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
叶子花茎尖、茎段接种在MS附加不同浓度组合的6-BA、IAA、IBA、NAA培养基上可诱导茎尖及腋芽的生长而获得无性系芽,无性系芽茎尖和茎段在MS附加6-BA0.5mg/L,NAA0.05mg/L进行继代培养,一般不形成丛生芽,以茎尖生长和腋芽萌生增殖,增殖系数为2.73;高度大于3cm的增殖芽在1/2 MS附加IAA lmg/L、IBA lmg/L、NAA0.2mg/L培养基上生根率为80.5%,生根苗用“二步法”移栽成活率在97%以上。无性系芽的幼叶、茎段在MS附加6-BA和NAA、2,4-D培养基上能高频产生愈伤组织,但愈伤组织在所试验的所有培养基上均无不定芽或胚状体的分化。  相似文献   

以栀子带芽茎段为试材,对其愈伤组织诱导分化及丛生芽增殖与生根进行初步研究。结果表明,栀子带芽茎段愈伤组织快速诱导和分化最佳培养基是MS+KT 1 mg/L+NAA 0.05 mg/L;栀子带芽茎段丛生芽增殖和生根最佳培养基是MS+KT 2.0 mg/L+NAA 0.05 mg/L。  相似文献   

大果良种沙棘愈伤组织诱导及植株再生的研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
李师翁  卢东平等 《西北植物学报》2001,21(2):262-266,T002
大果良种沙棘的幼嫩茎尖,茎段外植体接种在MS,1/2MS附加不同浓度配比的IAA,IBA,BA,NAA培养基上可诱导茎尖及腋芽生长,将诱导产生的无性系芽接种在MS或1/2MS附加BA0.3-0.5mg/L,NAA0.05mg/L的培养基上可形成丛生芽,同时在小叶片和嫩茎上诱导产生愈伤组织,继续培养愈伤组织表面形成大量的绿色突起,进一步分化成不定芽,在相同培养基上,不定芽上可直接产生不定芽,从而形成多达数百个的不定芽族,不定芽长至3cm时切下转至1/2MS附加IAA或IBA 0.2mg/L的培养基上可生根而形成完整 的再生植株。  相似文献   

生姜茎尖组织培养和快速繁殖研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以生姜茎尖为外植体进行培养,筛选诱导愈伤组织和生根的最佳培养基。结果表明,在茎尖培养中,合理的消毒处理对茎尖成活率影响很大;以MS+6-BA 1.5mg/L+NAA 0.1mg/L为最适茎尖诱导培养基,可一次诱导形成愈伤组织,并直接形成带根幼苗,月增殖倍数为6.9倍,成活率76.9%。生姜腋芽继代培养基MS+6-BA 2.0mg/L+NAA 0.1mg/L+KT 1.0mg/L,以腐殖质土:菜园土=1:1基质可促进小苗后期生长,加速成苗。  相似文献   

The occurrence of strong polarity towards shoot bud induction and the effect of cytokinin(s) on each segment of stem axis, encapsulation and storability of de novo Shoot buds of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. (Hypoxidaceae) have been documented in the present communication. Maximum number of shoot buds arising de novo from the stem discs (cross section) explanted from proximal end on MS medium fortified with BAP and KIN 1 mg/L each. Stem discs from distal end were less efficient in shoot bud induction. A combination of two cytokinins (BAP and KIN) as a synergistic effect on shoot buds induction from each segment of stem axis. Stem discs in inverted position produced shoot buds from the lower surface, showing strong polarity within the explant. Further, storability and shoot development of sodium alginate encapsulated shoot buds of Curculigo orchioides were tested on half-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal medium fortified with coconut water (10% v/v). The frequency of regeneration from encapsulated shoot buds was affected significantly by concentration of sodium alginate and the duration of exposure to calcium chloride. Shoot buds encapsulated with 2.5% sodium alginate dissolved in MS basal salts solution recorded significantly higher shoot development than other treatments. A relatively short (5 min) incubation with calcium chloride solution provided uniform encapsulation of shoot buds that gave the highest percentage (68%) of shoot development. Encapsulated shoot buds could be stored at 4°C for 50 days without reduction in viability as oppose to non-encapsulated shoot buds, which showed 9.5% viability after 20 days at 4°C. Encapsulated shoot bud developed into normal shoots. Based on the present observations an improved protocol may be developed for the rapid multiplication and conservation of the endangered species—C. orchioides.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the effect of phytohormones on plant regeneration from epicotyl and hypocotyl explants of two groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) cultivars. Explants cultured on media with auxins and in combination with cytokinin produced high frequency of callus. After four weeks, callus from these cultures was transferred to medium with cytokinin and reduced auxin, shoot buds regenerated from the cultures. A high rate of shoot bud regeneration was observed on medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L BAP and 0.5 mg/L NAA. Among the different auxins tested, NAA was found to be most effective, producing the highest frequency of shoot buds per responding cultures. Of the two explants tested, epicotyl was found to be best for high frequency shoot bud regeneration. Multiple shoots arose on MS medium supplemented with BAP or kinetin (1.0–5.0 mg/L) plus IBA (1.0 mg/L), with maximum production occurring at 5.0 mg/L. The elongated shoots developed rootsin vitro upon transfer to MS medium supplemented with NAA or IBA (0.5–2.0 mg/L) and kinetin (0.5 mg/L) for 15 days.In vitro produced plantlets, were transferred to soil and placed in a glasshouse developed successfully, matured, and set seeds.  相似文献   

由枸杞髓部组织诱导出胚性愈伤组织,并由此愈伤组织建立起稳定的细胞悬浮系。从悬浮细胞游离的原生质体在改良KM培养基(1.5 mg/L 6_BA,0.5 mg/L NAA和0.5 mg/L 2,4_D)中进行液体浅层培养,3~4 d后出现第一次分裂,第7 d统计分裂频率为50.3%,15 d左右可形成细胞团,3~4周后形成肉眼可见的愈伤组织,愈伤组织植板率为1.25%。将细胞团转移到液体分化培养基(MS+6_BA 1.5 mg/L+2,4_D 0.2 mg/L) 8~10 d可形成大量胚状体,及时将胚性愈伤组织块转移到固体分化培养基上(MS+6_BA 0.2 mg/L),可形成大量绿芽,分化率54.17%。绿芽在生根培养基(MS+NAA 0.2 mg/L)可形成完整植株,移栽后成活良好。  相似文献   

濒危植物盐桦离体组织培养特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨新疆濒危植物盐桦离体组织培养的特性。方法:从盐桦原生地阿尔泰阿拉哈克盐湖边采摘盐桦休眠实生苗上的落叶枝条,待其萌发后分别取带芽嫩茎、嫩茎茎段及嫩叶芽尖三种不同材料接种于启动培养基,比较三种盐桦离体组织的诱导分化,继而设计不同激素、不同水平的单因子试验和正交试验,筛选适宜盐桦外植体芽增殖和生根的分化培养基。结果:诱导盐桦芽增殖的最佳外植体是带芽嫩茎,盐桦外植体增殖、壮苗最适培养基为:MS 6-BA 1.0mg/L IBA 0.5mg/L;盐桦外植体生根最适培养基为:1/2MS IBA 0.5mg/L 蔗糖30g/L 琼脂7% 暗光处理3d。结论:本研究筛选获得适宜盐桦芽增殖和生根的最佳培养条件,为高效扩繁和保存盐桦种质资源奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文报告通过茎尖培养及试管苗嫁接快速繁殖甜樱桃新品系13—38苗木。取新品系母树休眠芽制备成无菌外植体,分别在MS附加6-BA 0.1-0.5mg/L,IAA 0.1mg/L培养基及MS附加ZTl-1.5 mg/L,IAA 0.1-0.25 mg/L培养基中进行微型扦插及茎尖分化培养,建立茎尖无性系。试管苗年扩繁量为48和108。以新品系试管苗为接穗,采用切接,皮接两种方法嫁接于四种砧木,成活率为20一70%不等。实验表明13—88试管苗与砧木新品系1090试管幼苗的亲和力较好。接合部位预先施用200ppm的NAA可提高嫁接成活率。  相似文献   

An efficient protocol for in vitro shoot multiplication of Randia dumetorum (Emetic nut) has been developed. The seeds of R. dumetorum were germinated in vitro in MS medium in 5 weeks. Subsequent propagation using shoot tip as an explant was carried out in MS medium along with different concentrations and combinations of BAP (0.5-2.0) and NAA (0.0-2.0). Maximum shoot multiplication was obtained (12.7 shoots per shoot tip) in MS medium containing 1 mg/L BAP and 1 mg/L NAA. Micropropagated shoots were rooted in 1/2 MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l IBA. This is the first report of in vitro plant propagation of R. dumetorum. In vitro grown plantlets showed a survival rate of 70% after 2 months of transplantation to natural environment.  相似文献   

以厚皮甜瓜(Cucumis melo var. reliculatus)西薄洛托带腋芽茎段为外植体进行离体快速繁殖研究。结果表明:在MS+BA 0.5~1.0 mg/L+IAA 0.1 mg/L 的培养基上利于诱导形成丛生芽, 芽的月增殖系数达到11以上; 在1/2 MS+IAA 0.5 mg/L培养基上并经暗处理3 d最易生根,生根率90%;在蛭石:草炭土=1:1(体积比)基质中移栽驯化效果好。试管植株定植大田后种性不变,生长和结果习性优于种子苗。  相似文献   

以三倍体枇杷为材料, 研究了不同消毒方式、MS培养基浓度、植物生长调节剂及浓度配比对茎尖培养及诱导生根的影响。结果表明, 初代培养时, 选择生长饱满、健壮的顶芽及适宜的消毒方式, 外植体剥离长度0.5-0.8 cm, 能显著提高茎尖培养的成活率; MS培养基浓度的变化对外植体的褐化没有明显的影响; 最适茎尖的启动培养基为MS+1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA+0.5 mg·L-1 NAA, 成活率高达84.8%; 最适组培苗生根培养基为1/2MS+0.1 mg·L-1 NAA+0.01 mg·L-1 IAA+0.3%活性炭, 生根率达66.7%, 每株平均生根2.83条。该研究结果将为三倍体枇杷再生体系的建立及利用转基因技术对三倍体无籽枇杷进行遗传改良奠定基础。  相似文献   

An efficient protocol has been developed for the in vitro propagation of Pterocarpus santalinus L. using shoot tip explants which is a valuable woody medicinal plant. Various parts of this plant are pharmaceutically used for the treatment of different diseases. Multiple shoots were induced from shoot tip explants derived from 20 days old in vivo germinated seedlings on 1:1 ratio of sand and soil after treating with gibberellic acid (GA3). The highest frequency for shoot regeneration (83.3%) with maximum number of shoot buds (11) per explant was obtained on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/l of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) along with 0.1 mg/l of thidiazuron (TDZ) after 45 days of culture. A proliferating shoot culture was established by repeatedly subculturing the original shoot tip explants on fresh medium after each harvest of the newly formed shoots. Sixty percent of the shoots produced roots were transferred to rooting medium containing MS salts and 0.1 mg/l indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) after 30 days. About 73.33% of the in vitro raised plantlets were established successfully in earthen pots. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-based DNA fingerprinting profiles were generated for the first time using shoot tip explants of this species and confirmed that there was no genetic variability. This protocol might be helpful for the mass multiplication of P. santalinus in the future.  相似文献   

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