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夏凯  梁新乐  李余动 《遗传》2015,37(12):1242-1250
CRISPR (Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)是近几年发现的一种广泛存在于细菌和古菌中,能够应对外源DNA干扰(噬菌体、病毒、质粒等),并提供免疫机制的重复序列结构。CRISPR系统通常由同向重复序列、前导序列、间隔序列和CRISPR相关蛋白组成。本研究以醋酸发酵中常见3个属醋杆菌属(Acetobacter)、葡糖醋杆菌属(Gluconacetobacter)和葡糖杆菌属(Gluconobacter)的48个菌株为研究对象,通过其基因组上CRISPR相关基因序列的生物信息学分析,探索CRISPR位点在醋酸菌中的多态性及其进化模式。结果表明48株醋酸菌中有32株存在CRISPR结构,大部分CRISPR-Cas结构属于type I-E和type I-C类型。除了葡糖杆菌属外,葡糖醋杆菌属和醋杆菌属中的部分菌株含有II类的CRISPR-Cas系统结构(CRISPR-Cas9)。来自不同属菌株的CRISPR结构中重复序列具有较强的保守性,而且部分菌株CRISPR结构中的前导序列具有保守的motif (与基因的转录调控有关)及启动子序列。进化树分析表明cas1适合用于醋酸菌株的分类,而不同菌株间cas1基因的进化与重复序列的保守性相关,预示它们可能受相似的功能选择压力。此外,间隔序列的数量与噬菌体数量及插入序列(Insertion sequence, IS)数量有正相关的趋势,说明醋酸菌在进化过程中可能正不断受新的外源DNA入侵。醋酸菌中CRISPR结构位点的分析,为进一步研究不同醋酸菌株对醋酸胁迫耐受性差异及其基因组稳定性的分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

对寡氧单胞菌基因组中的CRISPR位点进行生物信息学分析。CRISPRdb数据库中公布的和NCBI上下载的共26株寡氧单胞菌的基因组序列,分析其CRISPR位点的分布情况、重复序列、间隔序列以及间隔序列和噬菌体序列数量之间的关系。共发现15个确定的CRISPR结构和132个可疑的CRISPR,不同菌株CRISPR结构中的重复序列具有较强的保守性。间隔序列的靶向基因主要来自细菌的基因组,说明寡氧单胞菌CRISPR的的进化与其他细菌基因有关。此外,间隔序列与前噬菌体数量之间的负相关关系,说明CRISPR能阻止噬菌体的入侵。寡氧单胞菌CRISPR位点的分析为进一步研究耐药性及基因组稳定性奠定了基础。  相似文献   

乳酸菌基因组的CRISPR序列是乳酸菌识别并抵御噬菌体侵染的重要元件,其与cas蛋白共同构成了乳酸菌的获得性免疫系统。而目前对乳酸菌CRISPR序列信息研究较少。因此本文对8株不同来源的保加利亚乳杆菌的CRISPR序列进行了克隆测序,对其重复序列进行了遗传进化分析并预测了二级结构,同时进行了间隔序列的同源性分析。结果显示:8株保加利亚乳杆菌均含有长度不一的CRISPR区,最长的CRISPR序列片段长度为1 820 bp,含有30条间隔序列,最小的CRISPR片段仅有408 bp,含5个间隔序列。经分析发现CRISPR重复序列的二级结构预测有两类不同的结构,一类以"环"为主的典型RNA二级结构,一类以"茎"为主,前者剪切后具有典型crRNA结构,而后者的功能还有待进一步研究。通过分析保加利亚乳杆菌的CRISPR序列结构,可为保加利亚乳杆菌抗噬菌体的分子机制奠定基础,也对乳品工业筛选抗噬菌体的发酵剂菌株具有指导意义。  相似文献   

王丽丽  何进  王阶平 《微生物学报》2011,51(8):1007-1013
最近发现,在细菌和古菌中广泛存在的成簇的规律间隔的短回文重复序列(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,CRISPR)及其相关蛋白是针对噬菌体、质粒等外源DNA的获得性和可遗传的免疫系统。本文综述了CRISPR系统的基本结构、多样性、作用机理及其区分自我与非我的机制,并对CRISPR研究和应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

成簇的规律间隔的短回文重复序列及其相关蛋白〔clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat(CRISPR)/ CRISPR-associated protein, CRISPR/Cas〕是原核生物在进化过程中形成的获得性免疫系统,能抵抗噬菌体、质粒及可移动遗传因子等外源性DNA或RNA的入侵。目前,在多种葡萄球菌基因组中均发现CRISPR序列存在,其间隔序列通常与葡萄球菌的噬菌体或接合性质粒具有同源性,可能对葡萄球菌的毒力、耐药性传递和生物膜形成等生理学特性有影响。本文在简单介绍细菌CRISPR/Cas系统的基础上,对葡萄球菌CRISPR/Cas系统的构成、防御机制等进行综述。  相似文献   

目的加深对双歧杆菌中CRISPRCas系统结构特征与作用机制的认识,为基于内源性CRISPRCas系统构建基因编辑工具提供基础。方法以实验室保存的39株双歧杆菌为研究对象,找出基因组中的CRISPR簇与cas基因,并对各分型系统中CRISPR的repeat序列保守性、spacer分布特征和某些Cas蛋白序列进行生物信息学分析。结果39株双歧杆菌中含CRISPR菌株的比例为61.5%(24/39),相同分型系统的repeat序列有保守的回文重复序列,II型系统的tracrRNA可结合crRNA形成保守的结构,菌株内spacer重复分布发生较常见且类型多样,菌株间Cas1的序列同源性与系统分型相关而与种属无关,IIA型与IIC型系统的Cas9结构域构成差异明显。结论双歧杆菌中含CRISPRCas系统的菌株的比例较高,CRISPR序列重组比较活跃,在构建可移动基因编辑工具方面双歧杆菌内源性IIC型系统具有优势。  相似文献   

规律成簇的间隔短回文重复:结构,功能与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
规律成簇的间隔短回文重复(Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,CRISPRs)是一类广泛分布于细菌和古菌基因组中的重复结构.最近研究表明,CRISPR与一系列相关蛋白、前导序列一起,为原核生物提供对噬菌体等外源基因的获得性免疫能力,其作用机制可能与真核生物的RNA干扰过程类似.作为基因组中高度可变的区域,CRISPR非常适合成为研究细菌种内分型和微进化的分子靶标.本文综述了CRISPR系统的结构、功能及其应用概况,并对CRISPR研究的前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

将编码噬菌体T7RNA聚合酶的基因克隆至噬菌体M13mpl8RFDNA中,置于lac启动子的控制之下,得到了可表达T7 RNA聚合酶的重组噬菌体M13HEP。利用该噬菌体感染含T7启动子表达质粒的宿主菌以提供T7RNA聚合酶,可以诱导T7启动子控制下的外源基因的表达。该噬茵体诱导表达系统已成功地表达了多种外源基因,特别是一些表达产物对宿主菌有毒性的基因。同时,通过细菌接合将F',因子从大脑杆菌XL1-blue转至大肠杆菌HMS174,构建了新的大脑杆菌菌株HMSl74F,,使得T7表达质粒构建、表达及单链制备可以在同一菌株中完成,得到了一个完整的T7表达系统。  相似文献   

成簇规律间隔的短回文重复序列(Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,CRISPR),是存在于多数细菌和古菌中的遗传结构,能够有效防御外源DNA的入侵(质粒、噬菌体等),进而防御外源基因的水平转移。【目的】本研究以沙门氏菌属中常见的鸡伤寒沙门氏菌(Salmonella gallinarum)、鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(Salmonella typhimurium)、猪霍乱沙门氏菌(Salmonella choleraesuis)以及肠炎沙门氏菌(salmonella enteritidis)等30个菌株为研究对象。探索CRISPR位点在不同沙门氏菌种中的结构差异。【方法】通过生物信息学的方法比较间隔序列与插入序列的同源性以及CRISPR位点与质粒数量关系。【结果】30株沙门氏菌中均存在CRISPR结构,包括CRISPR位点61个以及可疑位点12个。重复序列和cas1基因均不能作为这4类细菌的分类依据。【结论】虽然我们发现CRISPR位点数量与间隔区数量和质粒数量之间均不存在统计学关系,但间隔序列整合子、耐药基因等移动遗传原件具有一定的同源性,说明沙门氏菌在进化过程中不断受外源基因的侵袭。  相似文献   

【目的】通过对酸性矿山环境中嗜酸硫杆菌属(Acidithiobacillus)、脱硫弧菌属(Desulfovibrio)、钩端螺旋菌属(Leptospirillum)、硫化杆菌属(Sulfobacillus)、酸原体属(Acidiplasma)和铁质菌属(Ferroplasma)的100株冶金微生物基因组中CRISPR-Cas系统的结构特征和同源关系进行生物信息学分析,在基因组水平上解析冶金微生物基于CRISPR系统对极端环境的适应性免疫机制。【方法】从NCBI网站下载基因组序列,采用CRISPR Finder定位基因组中潜在的CRISPR簇。分析CRISPR系统的组成结构与功能:利用Clustal Omega对重复序列(repeat)分类;将间隔序列(spacer)分别与nr数据库、质粒数据库和病毒数据库比对,获得注释信息;根据Cas蛋白的种类和同源性对酸性矿山环境微生物的CRISPR-Cas系统分型。【结果】在100株冶金微生物基因组中共鉴定出415个CRISPR簇,在176个c CRISPR簇中共有80种不同的重复序列和4147条间隔序列。对重复序列分类,发现12类重复序列均能形成典型的RNA二级结构,Cluster10中的重复序列在冶金微生物中最具有代表性。间隔序列注释结果表明,这些微生物曾遭受来自细菌质粒与病毒的攻击,并通过不同的防御机制抵抗外源核酸序列的入侵。冶金微生物细菌的大部分CRISPR-Cas系统属于I-C和I-E亚类型,而古菌的CRISPR-Cas系统多为I-D亚类型,两者基于CRISPR-Cas系统的进化过程中存在显著差异。【结论】酸性矿山环境微生物的CRISPR结构可能采用不同免疫机制介导外源核酸序列与Cas蛋白的相互作用,为进一步揭示极端环境微生物的适应性进化机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) are a genetic locus of prokaryotes and contain highly conserved direct repeats, spacers, and CRISPR-associated genes. Spacers in CRISPRs are known as adaptive immune markers and reveal what types of phage or foreign DNA have been introduced in the past. The primary objective of this study was to analyze spacer sequences in CRISPR arrays of 15 Salmonella enterica subspecies and to determine if Salmonella CRISPRs are indeed involved in resistance to foreign DNAs. Using a bioinformatics algorithm, the CRISPR arrays of 15 subspecies of S. enterica were predicted. The transformation efficiencies of the wild-type and mutant strains lacking a space were determined using the plasmid harboring the same sequences with the space. Analysis of the CRISPR arrays indicated that S. Typhimurium encoded three possible CRISPR regions in the genome. Notably, 48 or 55 spacers were predicted in the genomes of S. Typhimurium 14028 and LT2 strains, respectively, and 39 were precisely identical. To confirm this prediction, the predicted CRISPR regions of S. Typhimurium 14028 were sequenced using the specific primers. Interestingly, a homology search of individual spacers found that the 2nd spacer of CRISPR 2 was nearly identical to a partial genome region of phage FSL SP-016. The mutant strain showed two to threefold increased transformation efficiency compared to that of the wild-type strain. These results demonstrate that the spacer sequence is dependent on genetic relations, especially for adaptive immunity against phage or foreign DNAs.  相似文献   

The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas system confers acquired heritable immunity against mobile nucleic acid elements in prokaryotes, limiting phage infection and horizontal gene transfer of plasmids. In CRISPR arrays, characteristic repeats are interspersed with similarly sized nonrepetitive spacers derived from transmissible genetic elements and acquired when the cell is challenged with foreign DNA. New spacers are added sequentially and the number and type of CRISPR units can differ among strains, providing a record of phage/plasmid exposure within a species and giving a valuable typing tool. The aim of this work was to investigate CRISPR diversity in the highly homogeneous species Erwinia amylovora, the causal agent of fire blight. A total of 18 CRISPR genotypes were defined within a collection of 37 cosmopolitan strains. Strains from Spiraeoideae plants clustered in three major groups: groups II and III were composed exclusively of bacteria originating from the United States, whereas group I generally contained strains of more recent dissemination obtained in Europe, New Zealand, and the Middle East. Strains from Rosoideae and Indian hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica) clustered separately and displayed a higher intrinsic diversity than that of isolates from Spiraeoideae plants. Reciprocal exclusion was generally observed between plasmid content and cognate spacer sequences, supporting the role of the CRISPR/Cas system in protecting against foreign DNA elements. However, in several group III strains, retention of plasmid pEU30 is inconsistent with a functional CRISPR/Cas system.  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) are hypervariable loci widely distributed in prokaryotes that provide acquired immunity against foreign genetic elements. Here, we characterize a novel Streptococcus thermophilus locus, CRISPR3, and experimentally demonstrate its ability to integrate novel spacers in response to bacteriophage. Also, we analyze CRISPR diversity and activity across three distinct CRISPR loci in several S. thermophilus strains. We show that both CRISPR repeats and cas genes are locus specific and functionally coupled. A total of 124 strains were studied, and 109 unique spacer arrangements were observed across the three CRISPR loci. Overall, 3,626 spacers were analyzed, including 2,829 for CRISPR1 (782 unique), 173 for CRISPR2 (16 unique), and 624 for CRISPR3 (154 unique). Sequence analysis of the spacers revealed homology and identity to phage sequences (77%), plasmid sequences (16%), and S. thermophilus chromosomal sequences (7%). Polymorphisms were observed for the CRISPR repeats, CRISPR spacers, cas genes, CRISPR motif, locus architecture, and specific sequence content. Interestingly, CRISPR loci evolved both via polarized addition of novel spacers after exposure to foreign genetic elements and via internal deletion of spacers. We hypothesize that the level of diversity is correlated with relative CRISPR activity and propose that the activity is highest for CRISPR1, followed by CRISPR3, while CRISPR2 may be degenerate. Globally, the dynamic nature of CRISPR loci might prove valuable for typing and comparative analyses of strains and microbial populations. Also, CRISPRs provide critical insights into the relationships between prokaryotes and their environments, notably the coevolution of host and viral genomes.  相似文献   

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) confer immunity against mobile genetic elements (MGEs) in prokaryotes. Streptococcus agalactiae, a leading cause of neonatal infections contains in its genome two CRISPR/Cas systems. We show that type 1‐C CRISPR2 is present in few strains but type 2‐A CRISPR1 is ubiquitous. Comparative sequence analysis of the CRISPR1 spacer content of 351 S. agalactiae strains revealed that it is extremely diverse due to the acquisition of new spacers, spacer duplications and spacer deletions that witness the dynamics of this system. The spacer content profile mirrors the S. agalactiae population structure. Transfer of a conjugative transposon targeted by CRISPR1 selected for spacer rearrangements, suggesting that deletions and duplications pre‐exist in the population. The comparison of protospacers located within MGE or the core genome and protospacer‐associated motif‐shuffling demonstrated that the GG motif is sufficient to discriminate self and non‐self and for spacer selection and integration. Strikingly more than 40% of the 949 different CRISPR1 spacers identified target MGEs found in S. agalactiae genomes. We thus propose that the S. agalactiae type II‐A CRISPR1/Cas system modulates the cohabitation of the species with its mobilome, as such contributing to the diversity of MGEs in the population.  相似文献   

Seventy four SNP genotypes and 54 E. coli genomes from kangaroo, Tasmanian devil, reptile, cattle, dog, horse, duck, bird, fish, rodent, human and environmental water sources were screened for the presence of the CRISPR 2.1 loci flanked by cas2 and iap genes. CRISPR 2.1 regions were found in 49% of the strains analysed. The majority of human E. coli isolates lacked the CRISPR 2.1 locus. We described 76 CRISPR 2.1 positive isolates originating from Australian animals and humans, which contained a total of 764 spacer sequences. CRISPR arrays demonstrated a long history of phage attacks especially in isolates from birds (up to 40 spacers). The most prevalent spacer (1.6%) was an ancient spacer found mainly in human, horse, duck, rodent, reptile and environmental water sources. The sequence of this spacer matched the intestinal P7 phage and the pO111 plasmid of E. coli.  相似文献   

Bacillus anthracis, a gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium, is the etiological agent of anthrax. It belongs to the Bacillus cereus group, which also contains Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis. Most B. anthracis strains are sensitive to phage gamma, but most B. cereus and B. thuringiensis strains are resistant to the lytic action of phage gamma. Here, we report the identification of a protein involved in the bacterial receptor for the gamma phage, which we term GamR (Gamma phage receptor). It is an LPXTG protein (BA3367, BAS3121) and is anchored by the sortase A. A B. anthracis sortase A mutant is not as sensitive as the parental strain nor as the sortase B and sortase C mutants, whereas the GamR mutant is resistant to the lytic action of the phage. Electron microscopy reveals the binding of the phage to the surface of the parental strain and its absence from the GamR mutant. Spontaneous B. anthracis mutants resistant to the phage harbor mutations in the gene encoding the GamR protein. A B. cereus strain that is sensitive to the phage possesses a protein similar (89% identity) to GamR. B. thuringiensis 97-27, a strain which, by sequence analysis, is predicted to harbor a GamR-like protein, is resistant to the phage but nevertheless displays phage binding.  相似文献   

Genome features of the Bacillus cereus group genomes (representative strains of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus thuringiensis sub spp. israelensis) were analyzed and compared with the Bacillus subtilis genome. A core set of 1381 protein families among the four Bacillus genomes, with an additional set of 933 families common to the B. cereus group, was identified. Differences in signal transduction pathways, membrane transporters, cell surface structures, cell wall, and S-layer proteins suggesting differences in their phenotype were identified. The B. cereus group has signal transduction systems including a tyrosine kinase related to two-component system histidine kinases from B. subtilis. A model for regulation of the stress responsive sigma factor sigmaB in the B. cereus group different from the well studied regulation in B. subtilis has been proposed. Despite a high degree of chromosomal synteny among these genomes, significant differences in cell wall and spore coat proteins that contribute to the survival and adaptation in specific hosts has been identified.  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis is a biotechnological workhorse for food fermentations and potentially therapeutic products and is therefore widely consumed by humans. It is predominantly used as a starter microbe for fermented dairy products, and specialized strains have adapted from a plant environment through reductive evolution and horizontal gene transfer as evidenced by the association of adventitious traits with mobile elements. Specifically, L. lactis has armed itself with a myriad of plasmid-encoded bacteriophage defensive systems to protect against viral predation. This known arsenal had not included CRISPR/Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated proteins), which forms a remarkable microbial immunity system against invading DNA. Although CRISPR/Cas systems are common in the genomes of closely related lactic acid bacteria (LAB), none was identified within the eight published lactococcal genomes. Furthermore, a PCR-based search of the common LAB CRISPR/Cas systems (Types I and II) in 383 industrial L. lactis strains proved unsuccessful. Here we describe a novel, Type III, self-transmissible, plasmid-encoded, phage-interfering CRISPR/Cas discovered in L. lactis. The native CRISPR spacers confer resistance based on sequence identity to corresponding lactococcal phage. The interference is directed at phages problematic to the dairy industry, indicative of a responsive system. Moreover, targeting could be modified by engineering the spacer content. The 62.8-kb plasmid was shown to be conjugally transferrable to various strains. Its mobility should facilitate dissemination within microbial communities and provide a readily applicable system to naturally introduce CRISPR/Cas to industrially relevant strains for enhanced phage resistance and prevention against acquisition of undesirable genes.  相似文献   

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