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生物多样性的空间分布及其相关机制一直是生态学、生物地理学和保护生物学研究的热点问题。山地生态系统生境异质性和生物多样性高, 适合研究生物多样性空间分布及其相关机制。喜马拉雅山脉位于青藏高原南缘, 是全球生态热点区域。其地形复杂, 海拔落差大(100-8,844 m), 具有明显的垂直气候带。本研究通过整合野外调查和文献资料, 系统地分析了10目23科160属313种喜马拉雅山地区哺乳动物物种多样性的垂直分布格局, 发现该区域哺乳动物总体及其子集的物种多样性垂直分布格局都为左偏倚的中峰格局, 物种多样性在海拔900-1,400 m之间最高, 不同物种子集的物种多样性垂直分布格局的模式有所不同。UPGMA聚类分析表明, 喜马拉雅山地区哺乳动物群落沿海拔梯度可以划分为5个聚类簇(海拔100-1,500 m、1,500-2,000 m、2,000-3,000 m、3,000-4,200 m以及4,200-6,000 m的地区), 大致与该地区植被的垂直带分布相吻合。喜马拉雅山地区哺乳动物物种多样性在中低海拔最为丰富, 可能跟东洋界与古北界生物群扩散后的交汇地带相关。喜马拉雅山区贯通南北的沟谷是生物扩散和迁移的通道, 沟谷内水热资源较好, 气候稳定性高, 为高山生态系统内各种生物创造了栖息条件。综上, 喜马拉雅山沟谷地区是生物多样性热点地区, 也是生物扩散和交流关键的“生态走廊”, 应加强对喜马拉雅山沟谷地区的保护, 以维系该区域较高的生物多样性。  相似文献   

生物多样性的大尺度空间分布格局及其形成机制一直是生态学和生物地理学的核心内容。黄河流域是我国重要的生态屏障, 明确该区域动植物多样性分布格局及其影响因素, 对我国黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展具有重要意义。本研究通过收集黄河流域被子植物和陆栖脊椎动物分布数据, 结合气候、环境异质性和人类活动等信息, 探讨了黄河流域被子植物和陆栖脊椎动物物种丰富度格局及其主要影响因素。结果表明, 黄河流域被子植物和陆栖脊椎动物物种丰富度在区域尺度具有相似的分布格局: 南部山地动植物物种丰富度最高, 而东部高寒区和北部干旱区物种丰富度最低。回归树模型表明, 冠层高度范围和净初级生产力范围分别是黄河流域被子植物和陆栖脊椎动物物种丰富度最重要的预测因子; 当移除空间自相关影响后, 环境异质性和气候因子依然对区域尺度的动植物物种丰富度具有较高且相似的解释度。表明环境异质性和气候共同决定了黄河流域被子植物和陆栖脊椎动物物种丰富度格局, 而人类使用土地面积并不是影响黄河流域动植物物种丰富度格局的主要因子。因此, 在未来的研究中若针对不同区域筛选出更精准的环境驱动因子或选用更多不同类别的环境异质性因子进行分析, 将有助于更深入理解物种多样性格局的成因。  相似文献   

田蕾  周璐  孙佳瑞  宗桦 《生态学报》2023,(24):10320-10333
探索山地乔灌木斑块的空间分布格局及其多样性与海拔的关系,对于揭示区域植物的环境适应性、实施区域生物多样性保护和生态系统修复具有重要意义。基于第三次林业普查数据,借助地理信息系统的分析方法,分析了横断山脉北段一二级阶梯过渡带乔灌木斑块的空间分布格局及其多样性沿海拔梯度的变化规律。结果表明:(1)过渡带的乔灌木总计37科72属103种,乔木(56种)略多于灌木(47种),乡土物种占比99.03%,中国特有物种占比22.33%。过渡带中的优势树种为:冷杉、云杉、高山松、高山栎、矮桦和落叶松;优势灌木为:高山杜鹃、灌状高山栎、杯腺柳、杜鹃、忍冬和野蔷薇。(2)水平格局显示,灌木斑块总面积约为乔木斑块的1.24倍,优势地位明显,但破碎化程度高于乔木。灌木斑块集中连片分布于过渡带的北部、中部和西部。乔木斑块则沿金沙江、雅砻江和大渡河等流域呈现带状分布。海拔梯度显示,在过渡带的低海拔、高海拔和极高海拔区域,灌木斑块所占面积均高于乔木斑块,但在中海拔区域乔木斑块所占面积约为灌木斑块面积的1.80倍。(3)多样性分析显示,过渡带的乔灌木多样性较好,且乔木的多样性优于灌木。其东部区域的乔灌木多样性最好,其...  相似文献   

为研究三峡库区移民安置区和淹没区植物群落物种多样性的空间分布格局, 在从坝区到重庆的长江南北两岸各设置了7条样带, 从海拔70 m到610 m每上升50 m设置一个样方, 共调查了129个样方。采用物种数和基于盖度的Shannon-Wiener指数作为物种多样性指标, 分析了不同海拔、样带、坡向与南北岸位置的植物群落物种多样性的空间分布特点; 采用DCCA 排序阐明物种多样性与环境因子的相互关系, 并进一步分析了造成上述空间分布格局的环境因子。结果表明: 南岸的物种多样性高于北岸; 物种多样性随海拔升高而增加, 但趋势不显著; 从坝区到重庆物种多样性变化没有明显的规律性, 在坝区和万州最高, 重庆和巫山最低。DCCA排序结果表明, 影响物种多样性变化的外在环境因子最主要的是南北岸位置, 其次为海拔; 而增加物种多样性的主导生境因子是群落乔木层的盖度, 灌木层的盖度则对物种多样性具有抑制作用, 说明群落自身的结构特点决定着物种多样性。总之, 研究区域由水热条件组合影响的物种多样性空间分布格局的规律性由于人为活动的异质性干扰发生了改变, 而干扰后群落自身的结构特点, 特别是群落冠层的盖度, 决定着群落自身的物种多样性。  相似文献   

陕西蝗虫地理分布格局的聚类分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以593个经纬网格单元(0.2°×0.2°)统计陕西蝗虫分布数据,根据陕西蝗虫分布范围将其分为全布种(593个网格单元中有分布)、多布种(9个以上网格单元有分布)和独布种(9个以下网格单元有分布)3类.以分布区域为性状作聚类分析,在相关性系数为0.153处,将多布种分布划分为12组,在此基础上运用GIS的空间叠加分析功能确定各组蝗虫的地理分布格局.结果表明:1)秦岭山脉对陕西蝗虫的阻限作用较明显,秦岭以南蝗虫物种以东洋型种为主,秦岭以北以古北型种为主;2)陕西蝗虫的地理分布格局与全国基本一致;3)太白山地区蝗虫物种多样化程度较高,是生物多样性研究的热点区域.  相似文献   

物种多样性沿海拔梯度的垂直分布格局一直是生物多样性研究的热点问题,其中最为普遍的分布模式为中峰格局。为了解太白山北坡小型兽类物种组成和物种多样性垂直分布格局,本研究于2020和2021年两年的6至9月采用样线法、铗日法和陷阱法对太白山北坡小型兽类物种进行调查。在海拔780~3767.2 m之间,以200 m为梯度,设置采集样点15个,累计布置4150铗次,陷阱105个,样线8条。共记录小型兽类4目7科12属21种148只,阔叶林中的小型兽类物种多样性普遍高于针叶林,物种多样性在中海拔地区栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)林、锐齿槲栎(Q.aliena)林最高,高海拔地区秦岭冷杉(Abies fargesii)林最低。小型兽类物种多样性垂直分布格局为左偏倚中峰格局,物种多样性在1500~2300 m海拔段内出现峰值。这种分布格局和林型中小型兽类东洋界与古北界、特有种与非特有种在太白山地区交汇有关,太白山北坡南北纵列的山脉-沟谷地貌为南北物种扩散和迁移提供了有利条件,在沟谷内气候和地理特征相似,形成了规律的林型垂直带谱,这使得小型兽类物种多样性垂直分布也具有相似的特点。  相似文献   

秦岭牛背梁植物物种多样性垂直分布格局   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
基于秦岭山脉中段牛背梁自然保护区南北坡垂直样带51个样方的调查资料,利用植被数量分析方法(TWINSPAN和DCA)对牛背梁植物群落进行了分类和排序,并分析了植物物种多样性沿海拔梯度的分布格局。结果表明,牛背梁的植被群落具有明显的海拔梯度格局,从低海拔到高海拔依次分布有:锐齿槲栎(Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata)林,桦木(Betula spp.)林.巴山冷杉(Abis Jargesii)林和亚高山灌丛。海拔梯度是牛背梁山区制约植物群落分布的主要因子,而坡向和坡度则起到次要作用。对物种多样性的分析表明,物种总数、木本植物物种多样性和草本植物物种多样性在南北坡具有不同的海拔梯度格局。物种总数在南坡呈现单峰分布格局,而在北坡分布趋势不明显;木本植物物种多样性在南北坡具有相似的分布格局:在低海拔沿海拔梯度变化不明显,而在高海拔则随海拔上升而急剧下降;草本植物物种多样性在南北坡沿海拔梯度变化的规律不明显。β多样性沿海拔梯度先减少后增加,形成两端高中间低的格局,说明中海拔地区生境条件较为均一,低海拔地区的人为活动增加了生境的异质性,而高海拔地区的生态过渡特性增加了物种的更替速率以及群落的相异性。  相似文献   

董雪蕊  张红  张明罡 《生物多样性》2019,27(12):1269-780
黄土高原地区植被类型多样, 森林、草原和荒漠在此交汇并逐渐过渡。由于水热条件限制和人类活动加剧, 该地区生态环境脆弱, 生物多样性保护面临的形势日益严峻, 因此获取该区域物种多样性的空间分布格局并阐明其影响因素成为该地区生物多样性保护的首要任务。本研究首先结合标本采集记录与环境因子, 利用物种分布模型获取了293种木本植物的潜在分布区, 分析了物种丰富度和物种加权特有性的空间格局。其次, 引入系统发育信息, 分析系统发育多样性和系统发育特有性的空间格局, 并进一步利用环境因子对上述格局分别进行解释。最后, 对黄土高原地区的特有中心性质和显著性进行分析。结果表明, 生物多样性热点地区均出现在黄土高原南部水热条件较好的地区, 即秦岭和中条山一带。本区域的生物多样性空间格局由年平均降水量和最冷月最低温主导, 符合植物区系交汇带的特点。特有中心集中在南部地区和青海省, 由南向北分别是古特有中心和混合特有中心, 不存在单独的新特有中心。黄土高原地区木本植物起源较为古老, 生物多样性格局的形成以来源于热带或亚热带的物种扩散为主, 物种的分化不占主导地位。上述结果表明了将植物的进化历史纳入生物多样性保护的重要性。  相似文献   

利用地理信息系统技术与空间统计相结合的方法,研究了杨属物种多样性在中国区域尺度上的空间分布格局,并且采用线性回归分析方法研究了杨属物种多样性与经纬度的关系。结果表明:(1)杨属物种在中国呈带状分布,东西分布幅度大于南北分布幅度;(2)纬度梯度上杨属物种集中分布区位于30—40°N,经度梯度上位于110—120°E,说明杨属物种多样性格局在经、纬度梯度上并非单调递增或递减,而是在某一最适区域具有最高的物种多样性;(3)中国杨属物种多样性的分布中心集中于东北—西南方向的黑河-腾冲线两侧,从黑腾线向西北和东南方向延伸过程中,物种多样性逐渐降低;沿黑腾线从东北向西南方向物种多样性呈增加趋势;(4)从分组、分种检索上看,白杨组和青杨组物种在中国分布范围最广,山杨、小叶杨、响叶杨和青杨4种物种分布范围最广,可见同一类群中不同分类等级的植物多样性地理分布格局存在差异。  相似文献   

基于GIS的陕西蝗虫地理分布及区划分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用GIS(地理信息系统)技术研究陕西蝗虫物种地理分布及区划。以593个(0.2°×0.2°)经纬网 格单元统计蝗虫物种数,并采用多元分析的分层聚类方法进行聚类分析。结果表明:陕南山地蝗虫物种丰富度 总体高于秦岭以北地区,陕西最北部的鄂尔多斯高原蝗虫丰富度高于陕北黄土高原。当相关性系数为0.538时, 593个蝗虫地理分布单元聚类为9个单元组,该聚类结果与陕西自然环境区划基本相似,但秦岭山地被聚为两 类,即秦岭南坡与秦岭北坡;商南丘陵从秦岭山地分出;安康地区与巴山山地聚为一类;巴山与米仓山被聚为 并列的两组。该聚类结果表明陕西蝗虫的地理分布与自然环境密切相关,其分布格局表现出明显的地带性,陕 西多样化的地貌特征和气候类型,是形成蝗虫物种多样化的主要原因。  相似文献   

Understanding the species diversity patterns along elevational gradients is critical for biodiversity conservation in mountainous regions. We examined the elevational patterns of species richness and turnover, and evaluated the effects of spatial and environmental factors on nonvolant small mammals (hereafter “small mammal”) predicted a priori by alternative hypotheses (mid‐domain effect [MDE], species–area relationship [SAR], energy, environmental stability, and habitat complexity]) proposed to explain the variation of diversity. We designed a standardized sampling scheme to trap small mammals at ten elevational bands across the entire elevational gradient on Yulong Mountain, southwest China. A total of 1,808 small mammals representing 23 species were trapped. We observed the hump‐shaped distribution pattern of the overall species richness along elevational gradient. Insectivores, rodents, large‐ranged species, and endemic species richness showed the general hump‐shaped pattern but peaked at different elevations, whereas the small‐ranged species and endemic species favored the decreasing richness pattern. The MDE and the energy hypothesis were supported, whereas little support was found for the SAR, the environmental stability hypothesis, and the habitat complexity. However, the primary driver(s) for richness patterns differed among the partitioning groups, with NDVI (the normalized difference vegetation index) and MDE being the most important variables for the total richness pattern. Species turnover for all small mammal groups increased with elevation, and it supported a decrease in community similarity with elevational distance. Our results emphasized for increased conservation efforts in the higher elevation regions of the Yulong Mountain.  相似文献   

Aim Small mammal species richness and relative abundance vary along elevational gradients, but there are different patterns that exist. This study reports the patterns of distribution and abundance of small mammals along the broader elevational gradient of Mt. Qilian range. Location The study was conducted in the Mt. Qilian range, north‐western China, from June to August 2001. Methods Removal trapping was conducted using a standardized technique at 7 sites ranging between 1600 and 3900 m elevation within three transects. Correlation, regression and graphical analyses were used to evaluate the diversity patterns along this elevational gradient. Results In total, 586 individuals representing 18 nonvolant small mammal species were collected during 20 160 trap nights. Species composition was different among the three transects with 6 (33%) of the species found only within one transect. Elevational distribution and relative abundance of small rodents showed substantial spatial variation, with only 2 species showing nonsignificant capture frequencies across elevations. Despite these variations, some general patterns of elevational distribution emerged: humped‐shape relationships between species diversity and elevation were noted in all three transects with diversity peaks at middle elevations. In addition, relative abundance was negatively correlated with elevation. Conclusions Results indicate that maximum richness and diversity of nonvolant small mammals occurred at mid‐elevations where several types of plants reached their maximum diversity and primary productivity, and where rainfall and humidity reached a maximum. It is demonstrated that the mid‐elevation bulge is a general feature of at least a large portion of the biota on the Mt. Qilian range.  相似文献   

The Andean mountain range has played an important role in the evolution of South American biota. However, there is little understanding of the patterns of species diversity across latitudinal and altitudinal gradients. In this paper, we examine the diversity of small mammals along the South Central Dry Andes (SCDA) within the framework of two contrasting hypotheses: (a) species richness decreases with increasing elevation and latitude; and (b) species richness peaks at altitudinal midpoints (mid‐domain). We explore the composition of the species pool, the impact of species–area relationships and the Rapoport effect (i.e. size of geographic ranges) along latitudinal and elevational gradients. First, we constructed a database of SCDA small mammals. Then, species richness patterns were analysed through generalized models, and species–area relationships were assessed by log–log regressions; the curvilinear method (c = S/Az) was use to compute richness corrected by area size. Lastly, the Rapoport effect was evaluated using the midpoint method. Our results show: (1) a richness of 67 small mammals along the SCDA, of which 36 are endemic; (2) a hump‐shaped pattern in species richness along elevation and latitudinal gradients; (3) a species–area relationship for both gradients; (4) endemic species corrected by area present a strong and positive relationship with elevation; (5) a Rapoport effect for the latitudinal ranges, but no effect across the elevational gradient; and (6) a major species turnover between 28° and 30° south latitude. This is the first study quantifying the diversity of small mammals encompassing the central Andean region. Overall, our macrogeographic analysis supports the previously postulated role of the Andes in the diversification of small mammals (i.e. in situ cladogenesis) and highlights some basic attributes (i.e. anatomy of geographic ranges; species–area relationships) when considering the consequences of climate change on biodiversity conservation of mountain ecosystems.  相似文献   

1 Diversity patterns of small mammals were studied along an elevational transect on Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in South‐east Asia, utilizing data from previously existing sources and a new field study. A mark‐and‐release study (conducted during wet and dry seasons between November 1994 and April 1995) resulted in captures of 12 small mammal species, including two species of squirrels, two tree shrews, seven murid rodents and one gymnure. 2 Based on data compiled from this survey, museum specimens, and published and unpublished literature (analysed by locally weighted sums of squares and quadratic polynomial regressions), species richness of small mammals formed a middle elevation bulge, highest at about 1200–1400 m and declining at lower and higher elevations. Trapping during two seasons did not change the assessment of the pattern. 3 A cluster analysis of these data indicated that there are two elevationally associated faunas, one in the highlands and another in the lowlands. The transition between these two assemblages is at 1700–1800 m elevation. The lowland faunal assemblage has the highest number of species, with maximum species richness at about 1300 m for total small mammal species, about 1200 m for arboreal species and about 1400 m for terrestrial species. 4 The areas where much overlapping of species occurs are the elevations where climate and vegetation change rapidly from lowland to montane types. Tree species, gymnosperms, orchids and ferns showed a similar curvilinear pattern along the same elevational gradient, with maximum species richness at about 1400–1500 m. Temperature declined progressively with increasing elevation, but rainfall and humidity reached their highest levels at about 1700 m. 5 Maximum diversity of small mammals thus occurred at the elevation where a highland and a lowland assemblage overlapped, where several types of plants reached their maximum diversity, and where rainfall and humidity reached their maxima. Similar patterns have been documented for small mammals, plants, and climate at sites scattered in Indo‐Australia from Taiwan to New Guinea.  相似文献   

Mountains provide a unique opportunity to study drivers of species richness across relatively short elevation gradients. However, few studies have reported elevational patterns for arid mountains. We studied elevation‐richness pattern along an elevational gradient at the arid mountain Gebel Elba, south‐east of Egypt, expecting a unimodal richness pattern. We sampled 133 vegetation plots (10 × 10 m) in four wadis along an elevational gradient from 130 to 680 m which represents the transition from desert to mountain wadi systems. We used generalised additive models to describe the relationship between elevation and plant species richness. We found a strong increase in species richness and Shannon diversity at low elevations followed by a plateau at mid‐ to high elevations. When we analysed each tributary as a single gradient, no pattern was found. The analysed elevational gradient seems to be a major stress gradient in terms of temperature and water availability, exhibiting a trend of increasing species richness that changes to a plateau pattern; a pattern rarely observed for wadi systems in arid mountains. We discuss the observed pattern with the climatic stress hypothesis and the environmental heterogeneity hypothesis as possible explanations for the pattern.  相似文献   

物种多样性沿海拔梯度的垂直分布格局在生物多样性研究与保护中受到广泛关注,中峰格局是物种多样性垂直分布四类格局中最为普遍的格局。中喜马拉雅沟谷的研究表明,小型兽类的垂直分布格局符合中峰模型。中喜马拉雅和东喜马拉雅具有相似的自然地理和气候条件,由此,推断东喜马拉雅沟谷的小型兽类垂直分布格局可能也符合中峰格局。为此,在东喜马拉雅勒布沟对非飞行小型兽类开展实地调查,选取研究海拔范围为2 300~5 000 m,沿海拔梯度连续设置9个300 m海拔段45个样方采集点,累计布夹16 200次,共采集标本372号,分属 3目5科10种。研究结果显示:该沟谷非飞行小型兽类物种丰富度在2 600~2 900 m海拔段出现峰值,随后随着海拔的升高递减,即从最低海拔到中海拔段上升至峰值后开始递减至趋于平缓,即显示出中峰格局特点。喜马拉雅山脉东西走向导致其南翼各沟谷拥有相似的地理和气候特征,如各沟谷都南北走向,受印度洋暖流气候影响,拥有相似的植被垂直带分布等,这使得非飞行小型兽类物种多样性垂直分布呈现出相似的特点,推论:在大尺度背景下,地理和气候条件可能是影响物种多样性垂直分布格局的关键因素。  相似文献   

The biodiversity of non‐volant small mammals along an extensive subtropical elevational gradient was studied for the first time on Gongga Mountain, the highest mountain in Hengduan Mountain ranges in China, located in one of the 25 global biodiversity hotspots. Non‐volant small mammals were replicate sampled in two seasons at eight sampling sites between 1000 and 4200 m elevation on the eastern slope of Gongga Mountain. In all, 726 individual small mammals representing 25 species were documented in 28 800 trap nights. The species richness pattern for non‐volant small mammals along the elevational gradients was hump‐shaped with highest richness at mid‐elevations. However, different richness patterns emerged between endemic and non‐endemic species, between larger‐ranged and smaller‐ranged species and between rodents and insectivores. Temperature, precipitation, plant species richness and geometric constraints (mid‐ domain effect) were most significant in explaining species richness patterns. Based on the analysis of simple ordinary least squares (OLS) and stepwise multiple regressions, the overall richness pattern, as well as the pattern of insectivores, endemic species and larger‐ranged species showed strong correlation with geometric constraint predictions. However, non‐endemic species richness was more strongly correlated with temperature, while rodent richness was correlated with plant species richness. Our study shows that no single key factor can explain all richness patterns of non‐volant small mammals. We need to be cautious in summarizing a general richness pattern of large species groups (e.g. small mammals or mammals) from species in smaller groups having different ecological distributions and life histories. Elevational richness patterns and their driving factors for small mammals are more likely dependent on what kind of species we study.  相似文献   

Increasing temperatures are predicted to have profound effects on montane ecosystems. In tropical forests, biotic attrition may reduce lowland diversity if losses of species due to upslope range shifts are not matched by influxes of warmer‐adapted species, either because there are none or their dispersal is impeded. Australian rainforests consist of a north–south chain of patches, broken by dry corridors that are barriers to the dispersal of rainforest species. These rainforests have repeatedly contracted and expanded during Quaternary glacial cycles. Many lowland rainforests are expansions since the Last Glacial Maximum and may, therefore, show a signal of historical biotic attrition. We surveyed ants from replicated sites along three rainforest elevational transects in eastern Australia spanning 200 to 1200 m a.s.l. and nearly 14° of latitude. We examined elevational patterns of ant diversity and if there was possible evidence of lowland biotic attrition. Each transect was in a different biogeographic region; the Australian Wet Tropics (16.3°S), the central Queensland coast (21.1°S) and subtropical south‐eastern Queensland (28.1°S). We calculated ant species density (mean species per site) and species richness (estimated number of species by incorporating site‐to‐site species turnover) within elevational bands. Ant species density showed no signal of lowland attrition and was high at low and mid‐elevations and declined only at high elevations at all transects. Similarly, estimated species richness showed no evidence of lowland attrition in the Wet Tropics and subtropical south‐east Queensland; species richness peaked at low elevations and declined monotonically with increasing elevation. Persistence of lowland rainforest refugia in the Wet Tropics during the Last Glacial Maximum and latitudinal range shifts of ants in subtropical rainforests during the Holocene climatic optimum may have counteracted lowland biotic attrition. In central Queensland, however, estimated richness was similar in the lowlands and mid‐elevations, and few ant species were indicative of lower elevations. This may reflect historical biotic attrition due perhaps to a lack of lowland glacial refugia and the isolation of this region by a dry forest barrier to the north.  相似文献   

Exploring elevational patterns in species richness and their underlying mechanisms is a major goal in biogeography and community ecology. Reptiles can be powerful model organisms to examine biogeographical patterns. In this study, we examine the elevational patterns of reptile species richness and test a series of hypotheses that may explain them. We sampled reptile communities along a tropical elevational gradient (100–1,500 m a.s.l.) in the Western Ghats of India using time‐constrained visual encounter surveys at each 100‐m elevation zone for 3 years. First, we investigated species richness patterns across elevation and the support of mid‐domain effect and Rapoport's rule. Second, we tested whether a series of bioclimatic (temperature and tree density) and spatial (mid‐domain effect and area) hypotheses explained species richness. We used linear regression and AICc to compare competing models for all reptiles, and each of the subgroups: snakes, lizards, and Western Ghats’ endemics. Overall reptile richness and lizard richness both displayed linear declines with elevation, which was best explained by temperature. Snake richness and endemic species richness did not systematically vary across elevation, and none of the potential hypotheses explained variation in them. This is the first standardized sampling of reptiles along an elevational gradient in the Western Ghats, and our results agree with the global view that temperature is the primary driver of ectotherm species richness. By establishing strong reptile diversity–temperature associations across elevation, our study also has implications for the impact of future climate change on range‐restricted species in the Western Ghats.  相似文献   

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